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06x15 - Witness Protection

Posted: 12/06/21 17:39
by bunniefuu

Come on, Mom.

You know I'll get more out of college

if I take a year off first.

A lot can change
in a year, Jeff.

People lose perspective.

Lose perspective?

You're talking
to the class president,

captain of the track team,

P -meter dash
state record holder.

Save it, Carl Lewis.

So what do you plan to do
during this so-called

self-enlightening sabbatical?


I'm going to backpack around

and get jobs when
I run out of money.

What kind of jobs?

A clue for the
less enlightened.

Uh, teaching English
in Beijing...

picking artichokes
in Spain...

That sounds very romantic.

But what's wrong with a semester
abroad once you're at Cornell?

Well, you don't go abroad
until you're a junior.

That's four years away.

And I'm burnt out now.

You don't want me turning into
some mental case, do you, Mom?

You care to weigh
in here, Ben?

Are you even listening?



The first time
you're home for dinner,

you're not really home.

He's . He doesn't have

to figure out his future
before dessert.

We got to go.


This is Tom Parker.

He's, uh...

he's a US Marshal.

A US Marshal?

- What's going on?
- Dad?

You can use these to pack.

Pack what?

Whatever you want
to take with you.

Where are we going?

I don't understand.
What's going on, Mom?

Ben, talk to me.

Tom's gonna help us.

going to be fine.

But we need
to go.


It's a specialized system.

Not some push-and-play you get at the mall.
: AM

You're not going
to let this go, are you?

Lil, explain to Nick when you're
a guest in someone's home,

you treat it like a castle.

Trouble in paradise?

I accidentally
put a beer down

on one of King Arthur's
speakers here,

for which I've apologized.

Multiple times.

First of all, it's
a tube amp, not a speaker.

And you not only used it
as a coaster, you moved it.

Maybe two inches.

Yeah, sent the acoustics
straight to hell

and warped
my Benny Carter vinyl.

Two words for you guys:
couples counseling.

I'm Detective Rush.

Can I help you?

My son Jeff--

I don't know where he is.

He left for school yesterday.
He never came back.

He's not answering
his cell phone.

I'm sorry, ma'am.
This is Homicide.

I brought his computer 'cause...

We're not Missing Persons.

I can walk you over there
if you'd like.

They told me downstairs

that you deal with old murders,
and, um...

I found this in my son's room.

And I don't know how long
he's had it.

"Body of six-foot
Caucasian male, brown hair,

"believed to be
in his early s,

"found in the Schuylkill
September , .

Victim wearing jeans
and a gray T-shirt..."

It was an R.E.M.
concert T-shirt.

This is... this
has to be Ben.

This is about my husband,
Ben Feldman.

You're saying your son's missing
and your husband was m*rder*d?

I sound like a lunatic.

I'm not.

Where did you think your husband
was all this time?

We didn't know.
We just... we just kept hoping

that he would come
walking through the door.

Who would've wanted
to k*ll him?

My husband was
an accountant.

He was about to testify against
someone in organized crime.

Organized crime?

Someone in Philly?

No, Providence.

Freddy Ghiacconi.

You saying you're in WITSEC?
Witness Protection?

That's why we moved to Philly.

You contact WITSEC when
your husband went missing?

No, I don't trust them anymore.


Detective, I already lost
my husband.

I don't want to lose
my son, too.

The body was found in the Schuylkill
: AM

on September , .

MEs estimate it'd been
in the water two to three days.

Tracks with
what Leigh said.

Ben disappeared
September .

Concert T-shirt.

a*t*matic for the People.

Vintage R.E.M.

It was a .
to the back of the head.

Ain't how you expect
an accountant to go down.

Well, Ben took on a client
who ended up being connected.

Next thing you know,
he's doing the books

for Freddy
"The Ice Man" Ghiacconi.

Once you're in...

There's only one way out.

Gotta talk to this Ghiacconi.

Know where to find him.
His trial's been going on

for the last four months
up in Providence.

Probably got an army
of lawyers.

Hey, what'd Leigh tell you
about Ben's last moves?

Well, they were in
Cape May on the st.

Ben went to Philly that night
to get money out of a locker

at th Street Station.

Guy afraid of banks?

Gonna want to check
security tapes.

Well, he would've had to drive.

Probably take the Garden State

to the Ben Franklin or Walt Whitman.

Those cameras at the bridges
should be able to get

a timed photo of Ben
coming through.

Wanna check impounds,
see if his car turned up?

Just got back from the morgue.

Keep John Does
on ice for a year,

and get this:
Ben's body was ID'd yesterday.

By who?

His son, Jeff.

He's in Philly.

And he's alive.

Least he was
at : yesterday.

Morgue attendant said
the first thing he asked

about a body found in the river
was what kind of g*n was used.

Already knew it was
a g*nsh*t wound.

We got to find that kid,
see what else he knows.

Hey, you Curtis Bell?

Yup. Who are you?

I'm Detective Rush.
You've been ducking me.

He look church-ready to you?

Squeaky clean.

sh*t his grandma for her
Social Security check last year.

Now he's my eyewitness

in a drive-by.

So, uh, what'd
you call about?

Second or third time?

Yeah, I don't really
do voice mail.

I need your approval
for a warrant

for a missing kid's cell phone--
GPS or any data.

they have

that kind of thing
on cell phones now?

Yeah, they do.

Scotty, Agent Tom Parker.


Have a seat.

So what's this about?

A witness of yours, Ben Feldman.

Accountant who was supposed
to testify

against Freddy Ghiacconi.

Yeah, washed up
in the Schuylkill

in September-- g*nsh*t.

Oh, wow.

Guy goes missing--
you bother to investigate?

Well, the trail went cold.

I have more witnesses
than I can handle.

And then we'd already
videotaped his testimony.

You think Ghiacconi
had him k*lled?

Well, it'd certainly
lighten his load.

Ghiacconi's been in the ACI
since June.

Trial started November ,

and it's still going on.

Ben was your witness,

and k*lled on your watch.
How's that happen?

Witnesses are unpredictable.

You should know that.

Don't always play
by the rules.

Something going on
with the family?

The usual chaos.
People enter WITSEC,

they have to leave old friends,
old lives behind forever.


I can only set people up,

I can't make them stay...

Where were you born, Jeff?

Ames, Iowa.

What brought you to
Philadelphia, Leigh?

My husband had an opportunity
in online accounting.

Can I at least call my mother?

Do you know what

she must be going through?
We disappeared into thin air.

It's safer for her,

for all of us,

if no one knows
where we are, Leigh.

You'll do anything to avoid
my mother, won't you?

And what about
Jeff's education?

How is he going
to get into Cornell

with two last names?

Two transcripts?

Starting tomorrow,
he'll be attending

St. Xavier High School.

Um... we're Jewish.

Not in Philadelphia
you're not.

You're not a sprinter
anymore, either.

You're too fast,
it'll raise questions.



Is that really necessary?

Jeff's not the witness. I am.

The whole family's vulnerable.

I'm trying to keep
you alive here.



ain't so bad.

The great
outdoors, right?

And now that we're Catholic,

I can have that Christmas tree
I always wanted.

Don't worry, Leigh.

Jeff will get used to it.

What if he doesn't?

They were good people.

They're different from the
criminals I usually protect.

Sounds like you
got close to them.

You said the "whole
family's vulnerable."

Jeff got something
on Ghiacconi?

Leigh said Jeff used
to help his father

in the office on weekends--
might have seen something.

What does Jeff have
to do with this?

He went missing yesterday.

Where's Leigh?



I'm sorry about Ben.


They told me Jeff's missing.

You know, you
could've called.

It's not your fault.

If there's anything

I can do, you know
how to reach me.

Did you hear anything
about Jeff yet?

A technician's looking
at his computer.

We're tracking the GPS
on his cell phone.

Still nothing.

He stay in touch with
any of his old friends?

Anyone you can think of
he might have gone to see?

I've been wracking my brain.

There's no one
for him to go to.

No family, friends?

After we joined WITSEC, we cut
off everyone we'd ever known.

Jeff never got close
to anyone after that.

It was just the two of us.

We bh knew
Ghiacconi got to him.

Neither of us wanted

to say it out loud,
afraid it'd make it true, so...

He mentioned
Jeff might have

met Ghiacconi at Ben's office,
the weekends he was there.

Any other interactions
between them

you know about?

He ever come over
to the house,

socialize with the family?



I made Ben
keep business separate.

He spent so much time

at the office
as it was.

Relocation must have
been hard on Jeff.

Sounds crazy, but...

going into WITSEC actually
brought us closer.

Hadn't felt like a family
in so long.

Go, Jeff! Jeff!


So much for
not attracting attention.

Carl Lewis. Can't remember
the last time I saw him run.

Wonder who
he's trying to impress.

Now I get it.
The reason he spent

an hour this morning
primping for

an K through the woods.

Know your son better
than you think.

He looks like himself again.

Tom says kids
bounce back faster.

Yeah, yeah.

Shorter memories.

Am I crazy, or do you maybe
hate me a little less?

You have your moments.

But don't push it, Foster.

Everything I put
our family through...

If ever there were a reason
for you oalk k aw... means the world to me
that you didn't.

Let's go congratulate Jeff.

Go find Jeff.

We need to go now.

just when we had a chance
to be a family again,

we were back on the run.

Who was the guy?

Vinnie, um, Buonaforte.

Ghiacconi's driver.

He took Ghiacconi
to all his meetings

at Ben's office.

Any idea how he found you?


As soon as Ben saw him,
we drove to Cape May.

Why Cape May?
Place where we had
our honeymoon.

Ben loved the Jersey Shore.

We'd walk for hours
on the beach.

That the same night Ben came
back to Philly for the money?

I figured if he went late
at night, he'd be safe.

That was the last time
I saw him.

Oh, detectives.

US Attorney in Rhode Island
got me up to speed

on Vinnie Brown.
You mean Buonaforte.

Brown, Buonaforte.

Tomato, tom-ah-to.

This says Brown.

Oh, oh.

Sorry, I must have grabbed
the wrong file.

Address matches and so
do the fingerprints.

Uh, Vinnie Brown.

Arrested for burglary
in Camden a month ago.

Jacked a bunch
of flat screens.

Do any time?

Charges were dropped at the
insistence of the US Attorney.

That normal--
US Attorney getting involved

in a small-time burglary?

Happens every...
uh, never.

Oh, federal interference,
a name change.

Sounds like Ben wasn't the only
one in Witness Protection.

But here's the ass-kicker.

Feds snapped this guy's picture
in Providence,

August ' .

That's five months after

he was relocated to Philly.
Check it out.

We had the Ice Man.

Now we got the Dice Man.

So this
Vinnie Buonaforte's

in WITSEC with the feds,

but working for Ghiacconi
in Providence?

Playing both sides.

Maybe he tries to earn
a few stripes with Ghiacconi.

Ah, takes out the feds'
star witness against him.

Sure you don't want me
to brew up some chamomile?

Got a cupboard
full of the stuff.

My daughter's trying to
knock my cholesterol down.

When are you scheduled
to testify against

Freddy Ghiacconi, Vinnie?

Just waiting for the call.

Thought you two were here
to prep me.

Still keep ties with
your old pals in Providence?

You kidding?

They want my head
on their living room wall.

So how'd the feds get

this pretty picture
of your mug in August?

Missed my old bakery.

People down here,
they don't know

a cannoli from a cruller.

We're supposed to believe you'd
risk your life for a pastry?

It's true.

WITSEC gave me a second chance.
I took it.

I'm a suburban dad now.

I-I punch a clock
at a paper company.

I-I play video games
with my daughter.

I drive a friggin' minivan.

Tell us about the last time

you saw Ben Feldman,
the Ice Man's accountant.

Ben Feldman.

This is about that?

Answer the question,
Mr. Cannoli.

I saw Ben...

had to be... over a year ago,

back when I was
driving Freddy.

Ben was good people.

He always offered me coffee
every time I brought Freddy by.

Uh, and in a mug, too.

Wasn't some Styrofoam situation.

We know you tracked Ben down

at a cross-country meet
in September.

Why you lying
to us, Vinnie?

Right, right.

I-I forgot about that.

Selective memory
will get you hauled downtown.

I was there
watching my daughter run.

Her school was racing
against Ben's kid's.

Ah, that's some coincidence.

Right, right.

I admit, uh, it threw me
when I ran into him.

Been forever since
I seen a familiar face.

Hey, Ben, nice
to see you again.

You run 'cause
of little old me?

If you could see

the look on
your face.

When I saw you at the race,

I thought, "Crap,
he's gonna call Freddy,

tell him where I am."

Then I realized,
you're his friggin' accountant.

Probably in WITSEC, too.

Since February.

March for me.

I'm Vinnie Brown now.

My nonna must be rolling
in her grave.

What's this?

Zeppole from Scialo's.

I sneak back
every few weeks,

get a fix.

You live in Philly?


Wife hit the bricks
when I flipped.

It's just me
and my daughter Tammy.

She was racing this morning.

That's why you were at the meet?

You scared the hell out of me.

What, you follow us home?

Eh, figured you wouldn't notice
me in my beautiful minivan.

Where's the wife and kid?

Waiting in the car.

Six months ago,
I'm a big spacone.

Freddy and I had box seats
to all the games,

ate at Capreech's every night.

Now I'm waiting
in line at Costco.

It's weird, huh?

Pretending your whole life
don't exist before a year ago.

It isn't all bad.

I see my family more.

Yeah, yeah.

I could never have got through
this without my daughter Tammy.

She's a hell
of a kid.

Makes a chicken piccata
to die for.

Biggest gripe's with my marshal;
guy practically babysits us.

Yeah? I never see my guy.

He even built shelves
for my wife's cookbooks.

That ain't right.

There's only room for one set
of power tools in the house.

I'm just saying I wouldn't want

some other guy
in my wife's kitchen.

Where were you that night?

Had to be home, watching
High School Musical with Tammy.

Did after every race.

A ritual type thing.

There she is.

Hi, Daddy.

My daughter Tammy.

Straight A's
at Villanova.

Talk about the apple
falling far from the tree.

Cool it on the zeppole runs,

Bad for your health.

Found articles on the Ghiacconi
trial on Jeff Foster's computer.

id was checking
every day for updates.

Oh, anything
on his e-mail accounts?

Uh, just got around his password
a few minutes ago.

Any luck
with the GPS?

Nah, nothing yet.

Looking for
the only teenager in America

not addicted to his cell phone.

Hey, uh, I got tickets
to the Sixers game tonight.

Uh, I-I can't.


Hot date or...?

Look, Scotty,

Billy and I...


We're gonna give it
another sh*t.

Another sh*t.

Just like that?

Family's been all over us.

They even brought in
the priests.

I been married six years.

I never put in any effort,
you know?

Walk away now, you never
know what could've been.

Yeah, no.

Hey... do what you got to do.


So we're cool?


We're cool.

Feds make a habit of putting
witnesses who know each other

in the same plac Tom?

Vinnie was in Camden.
Ben was in Philly.

We needed them close
for the trial.

Close enough
where their kids

run in the same
cross-country league?

Do witnesses sometimes
run into each other?


It's happened before.
It'll happen again.


I noticed Leigh called you that.

All of your witnesses
call you by your first name?

Much of a


Uh, no, not really.

Heard you build
a mean cookbook shelf.

Kept an eyonon
Ben's family,

always checking
in, uh...

They were good
people, right?

That's what I said.

You and Leigh close?

She was having
a hard time adjusting.

I was a shoulder to cry on.

Give her more
than your shoulder?

I'm not going to answer that.

Not very good at your
job, are you, Tom?

Some issues with boundaries?

Where were you the night
Ben disappeared, Tom?

I was on a plane

transporting a
witness to Ohio.

What I don't understand...

If Ben was a key witness
in Ghiacconi's trial,

why did you let
him leave WITSEC?

I didn't have much choice.

Got here as fast
as I could.

What's going on?

I just saw Vinnie Buonaforte

at Jeff's cross-country meet.

I practically
had a heart att*ck.

Vinnie's a witness, too.

You said you would
protect my family.

And I will.

Who are we going to run
into next? Huh?

Ghiacconi's inrnist?t?
His tailor?

I am done. I'm out.

I'm going to take care
of my family myself.

Ben, come on. You're in no
position to go out on your own.

You need me to sign some
paperwork, I'll do it.

But then I'm gone.

Walk away and we'll prosecute.

Try to stop me
and I'll tell your bosses

you slept with my wife.

Yeah, I thought you'd say that.

You stay the hell away
from my family.

That was the worst mistake
of my life.

Bosses ever find out
about you and Leigh?
Uh, no.

I'd like to keep it that way.

Then you better
start playing ball.

What else haven't you told us?

Before they left WITSEC,

Leigh asked me how
to go about buying a g*n.

Where'd you send her?

I sent her to a g*n shop
in Quakertown.

she and Jeff fell off the grid
after Ben disappeared.

And after I found out

that she opened a bank account
in Maryland,

I stopped looking.

You think she might
have k*lled Ben?
I don't know.

But he took her life
away from her once.

She wasn't gonna let him
take it again.

Crank call?

I'm trying to schedule a sitdown
with Freddy Ghiacconi,

and his lawyers

keep passing me around
like a hot potato.

What is it with you people?

Well, law school teaches
you three things:

delay, deflect,
derail and deny.

That's four.

Your boy Jeff sent a text at
: this morning from Philly.

"On my way," it said.

Who'd it go to?

Recipient's got a
different carrier.

Waiting to hear back.

That's good info.

Where did you get it?

I know a guy knows a guy.

Tech's gonna call
you personally

the minute that
cell goes live.

help yourself.

Got a thing for
the Ultra Fine Flairs.

Talked to the g*n registry.

Leigh bought a .
a month before Ben disappeared.

Same caliber that k*lled him.

Feds didn't make Ben pay
for leaving WITSEC...


Own a g*n, Leigh?

What would I need a g*n for?

We're wondering the same thing.


Receipt from Yankee
Arms in Quakertown,

dated August , .

Want to read the
signature for me?

I was scared.
We needed protection.

You came to us
for help, Leigh.

We're trying to find your son.

Don't need you holding back.

Jeff ran away.
That 'cause of you?

Of course not.

Maybe he found out
about you and Parker?

Or should I call him Tom?

That was a mistake.

Ben and I were gonna put that
behind us, try again.

You lied about the g*n

and forgot to tell us
about Parker.

What other surprises you got
for us, Leigh?

I know it looks bad,

but after all
we'd been through...

I still loved my husband.

I found this in your bag.

Did Parker give
this to you?

No. I bought it myself.

Without telling me?

I panicked, thought
we might need it.

I'm going to take care
of our family, Leigh.

Not with g*ns.

And after today, I believe you.

I know about you and Tom.

Is it over?


We can get through this.

Clean slate.

If you still want to.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

I'm going to go to Philly
tonight and get the money.

If you don't hear from me
by tomorrow night,

you and Jeff go to
Snow Hill, Maryland

for six months, then...

Come on, Leigh.
Then what?

Then Durham, North Carolina.

Stay there five months.

Then Austin, Texas.

The accounts
are all set up.

You'll have
everything you need.

I didn't hear from him,
so I followed the plan.

Where's the g*n now?

In our apartment

in Snow Hill.

It's been there... five months.

When's the last time you saw it?



ID'd Ben's body, Leigh.

He's been tracking
Ghiacconi's trial.

Oh, no.

No, that's not possible.


He's not a violent kid.

He ever mention going
to Providence?

Snow Hill PD searched
Leigh's apartment.

Couldn't find the g*n.

You think Jeff might be taking
it to Providence?

I put out a broadcast
to all the departments

between here and Rhode Island.

Well, call Providence PD.
Tell them they're gonna

need extra uniforms
at the courthouse.

All right.

I hia dead end

on the photos
of the bridges, Lieutenant.

No sign of Ben's car
coming into Philly.

What route did you check?

Garden State to the Walt Whitman
and the Ben Franklin.

Ben was lying low,

might've taken the to ,
come in the back roads.

Try the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge.

I, uh... just got word
from the phone company.

The number Jeff texted
belongs to Tammy Brown.

Vinnie Brown's daughter?

One and only.

Must have been seeing
each other all this time.

Hiding it from
their families.

Get Tammy in here
and grab a car.

You and Will are going
to Providence.

When'd you last see
Jeff Foster, Tammy?

Guess it was
around September.

At a cross-country meet.

You guys hang out much?

No. I barely know him.

That's too bad.

'Cause you guys got
a lot in common.

You both listen to Arcade Fire,

both want to save
the rain forest.

Both got daddies in WITSEC.

We know he texted you today,
Tammy. Where is he?

Think you're protecting him
by keeping quiet?

I have a constitutional right
to remain silent.

Constitution also says that
if you know someone's going

to commit a crime,
makes you a co-conspirator.

Looking at life in prison,

even if you're not the one
pulls the trigger.

Where is he, Tammy?

I don't know.

He pulls a g*n,
the cops at the courthouse

will sh**t him dead,
ask questions later.

Los like you're never gonna
see that rain forest,

much less save it.

Break your daddy's heart.


I saw him last night.

We met at a friend's
dorm room.

I can't believe
you're really here.

I'm really here.

I missed you so much.

I sit in class and dreamf all
the places we talked about.

Walking on the beach
in Ko Samui...

Hiking in Nicaragua...

Breakfast in Bali...

Deciding where to go next
by spinning the globe.

We're never going
anywhere, are we?

Yes, we are.

I promise.

What, you're gonna put us
inin semgiant time machine,

rewrite history?


I'm gonna fix things.

I don't want anything bad
to happen to him.

"Fix things."

He talking about Ghiacconi?


Where is Jeff staying
in Providence?

The Pilgrim's Landing Motel.

The shower's still wet.

We just missed him.

Let's go.

GPS has him
in a two-block radius.

It's got to be Ghiacconi.

Always send the real one
and a dummy.

Ice, ice, baby.

He's on the move, Scotty.

Heading north
toward the courthouse.

Send him a text.

Scotty, gray hoodie and jeans.
That's him.

No! What are you doing?!

Keep your head down, mouth shut
and legs moving. Come on.

Give it up, Jeff.

You ain't going nowhere.

Who are you?!

Philly PD.

Trying to save your life, stop
you from doing something stupid.

My father was the star witness
against that goombah.

He kills my dad,

and now he's gonna walk?
Your dad

videotaped his deposition.

Ghiacconi's not going anywhere.

He needs to pay
for what he did!

And what, you spend
the rest of your life in jail?

It'd be worth it.

Son, you may think
you want revenge,

but trust me,
just tears you up.

What do you know about it?

I been there.

I just wanted
to make things right.

Until Ghiacconi's behind bars,
we have to keep moving.

So it could be like this
for years?

I hope not,
but I don't know.

Isn't this where
you're supposed to
tell me not to worry?

You've got it
all worked out?

You're too old
for fairy tales.

I wish
Ghiacconi was dead.

It wouldn't change
what I did.

If I could take
it all back.

It's always your decision,

always your plan:

where I go to school,
what classes I take,

what sports I do.

When do I get to choose?

You and your mother
are everything to me.

I want us to stay together,
get through this as a family.

But if you still want
to go travel the world,

I'm not gonna stand in your way.

What about Mom?

I'll get her on board.

Give me a day or two
to get you some money
and a passport.

That's it?
You're letting me go?

You've paid enough
for your old man's mistakes.

But I decided to stay
with my parents instead.

I never got the chance
to tell my dad my decision.

Spin the globe?

You saying Tammy was there
with you?

She came down to the shore.

Telling her I couldn't go away
with her...

it was the hardest thing
I'd ever done.

You two were gonna leave
that night?

She was already packed.

Even wrote a letter

to her dad to say

Why didn't you tell us

you were down the shore

the night of the cross-country
meet, Tammy?

I was afraid my father would
find out I was gonna run away.

He'd k*ll me.

Where'd he think you were
that night?

At the library studying.

After Jeff said he couldn't go
away with me,

I checked my phone.

He'd already called, like,
nine times looking for me.

What'd you tell him?

That I'd be home soon.

Then I drove like a maniac
back to Camden.

He there when you got home?

No, thank God. I just tore up

the letter I wrote him,
flushed it down the toilet.

He never knew I was gonna leave.

Please don't tell him, okay?

Ben'car turned up
at a salvage yard in Whitman.

CSU found blood in the trunk.

Parker wanted in
on the interview.

Said Ben was his witness.

Little late for the
professionalism there, Tom.

I'm not giving this one up
to the feds.

Told him thanks, but I thought
he'd done quite enough already.

The feds said if you testified
against Ghiacconi,

they'd keep you safe,
out of prison.

Didn't tell you what
it would cost you,
though, did they?

Lost your wife,
your friends.

Not the big spacone
anymore, huh?

Just another schmuck
in a minivan.

You're all alone
except for Tammy.

You'd do anything
to keep her under your roof,

wouldn't you, Vinnie?

Where I'm from, girls live
at home until they're married.


But Tammy's a modern girl.

You know,
curious about the world.

Not the kind

to stick around

Says you.

Well, you found the letter
she wrote you.

Said she was leaving,

going off to sail the world

with Jeff Feldman.
Don't know
what you're talking about.

No more chicken piccata and
High School Musical for you.

Just you and a frozen pizza,

staring at the wall
like a caged rat.

Detective, you got
some imagination.

And no way you were gonna
let her abandon you like that.

So you went down the shore
looking for her.

But you found Ben first,
didn't you?

Last time I saw Ben
was at the meet,

just like I told you.

You thought you'd
take one of the major
bridges into Philly.

But if I had a body in my trunk,

I'd take
the Tacony-Palmyra, too.

I got you driving

a dead man's car.

Phone records proving you called
Tammy from Cape May that night.

Got your minivan ticketed
for overtime parking

on Main Street
in Cape May.

See, it's over, Vinnie.

Talk second chances till you're blue in the face.

Tigers don't change
their stripes.

I need protective custody.

And I wanna see myaughter.

Need it in writing.

Where you gonna put me?

Find a nice pen close to Tammy.

Be difficult, and you're going
to Rhode Island...

see just how vindictive

crew can be.

I am a family man.

Tammy was all that I had left.

Everything I did
was for my daughter.

Where's Tammy?

What are you doing here, Vinnie?

I'm looking for my daughter.

Why would she be here?

She left
a letter saying

she's going away with Jeff.

Ah, she's the girl he was trying
to impress at the meet.

I found directions
to the Cape May Motel

on her computer.
Now where is she?

I haven't seen her.
I left Jeff a couple hours ago.

I gotta find her.

Where, where's Jeff?!

Vinnie, calm down.
You're gonna give yourself

a heart att*ck.

I'm asking you
a question.

Where's your son?

I'm not gonna tell you that,


I'm letting him go.

T is is no life for a kid.

If he wants to travel the world,
I'm gonna let him.

You might wanna do the same.

So that's it?

"See ya later. Bye?"

Our kids have suffered enough
for our mistakes.

You're some kind of father.

Well, I'm doing the best I can.

Where's Jeff?

Son of a bit!h!


Hey, Daddy,
I just saw you called.

Where are you? I've been looking
everywhere for you.

I was just studying
with some friends.

I'll be home soon, okay?

* The battle's been lost,
the w*r is not won *

* An addled republic,
a bitter refund *

* The business-first
flat-earthers *

* Licking their wounds *

* The verdict is dire,
the country's in ruins *

* Providence blinked
facing the sun *

* Where are we left
to carry on? *

* Until the day is done *

* Until the day is done *

* So we've written our stories
to entertain *

* These notions of glory
and bull-market gain *

* The Teleprompt flutters,
the power surge brings *

* An easy speed message
fas into routine *

* Providence blinked
facing the sun *

* Where are we left
to carry on? *

* Until the day is done *

* Until the day is done. *