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07x12 - The Runaway Bunny

Posted: 12/10/21 07:38
by bunniefuu
Mrs. Welter, sorry
to keep you waiting.

Mr. Denton,

i'd like the results
of your investigation.

What is that you have on,
mrs. Welter? It's intoxicating.

Any major dude with half
a heart moonlit mist.

Surely will tell you,
my friend

you're stalling, Mr. Denton.

I don't like it when
men keep me waiting.

Then let's get down to business.

The good news, Mrs. Welter,
is that your husband carl

is rich.

The bad news is,

he's banging the secretary,

myrtle bartlett.

Hot little number.

Wednesdays and thursdays.

Room at the capricorn motel.
Lunch at the regent.

Then took her shopping.

Bought her several
undergarments at macy's

and a bottle of perfume--
Moonlit mist.

Oh. Here, let me see.

Upside down.

Reminds me of a chinese circus
I saw once.

I'm glad you find
this funny, Mr. Denton.

People on the street have
all seen better times...

Flexible son of a bitch though,
ain't he?

Any major dude
with half a heart

surely will tell you,
my friend

any minor world that breaks
apart falls together again

when the demon
is at your door...

Oh, lana, sweetheart, come here
and let me see your shoes.

You've seen them already.


Hey, hey, that's my medicine.

Wilson katz is here. I
told him you need a minute.

For what? We can't have you looking
like you've been in a bar fight.


Don't suppose Mrs. Welter
paid her bill?


I'm sick of taking
these penny-ante cases.

Maybe katz has got a big job.

Probably just scraps, but...

All right, go ahead.

Let the bald bastard in.

I can tell you all I know

the where to go,
the what to do...

What do you got?

Workers uncovered
the bones this morning.

Male. Csu estimates late s.

Site engineer thinks

the body was there when the
foundation was poured. Contacted lni

to get a date on the original
build permit.

Unlucky worker or union scab.

Well, carrying a g*n,

not a hammer.

Techs recovered it with
the body. It's a. .

m*rder w*apon?

Not likely.
Found in a holster on the body.

They got a hit
on the serial numbers.

It's registered
to a harold denton.

Harry denton.

Ring a bell?
Ex-vice cop.

Took a swing at his captain.

One of us? No, they washed him out,

and harry went over
to the dark side

and became
a private investigator.

Ah, it's bunch of scumbags.

Creeping around the bushes,

snapping sh*ts of
cheating husbands and wives.

They're not all bad. I had one
do me a solid on a r*pe case

a couple years back.

These guys are all the same.

They're thinking they're
solving mysteries like sam spade.

That harry's game?

I got a buddy in vice
who will rember him.

Probably just taking
cases to get by.

Looks like harry
took the wrong case.

harry denton, years old.


M.e. Says the dental records
are a match.

Well, missing persons
report filed may , ,

by harry's secretary
lana parker.

Reported the safe

in harry's office had been
cleaned out. A list of harry's

last appointments,
so that's about it.

Assigned really punched
the clock on this one.

Harry b*rned some bridges
around here.

You talk to iab?

Odd. There's no mention

of harry hitting his captain.

Got drummed out
for taking the note.

Harry was dirty?

Yeah, booted off the force
in ' .

Started up denton investigations
right after.

Different times back then.

The way I heard it, a lot
of cops on the take.

Didn't stop with dacron
and disco.

Recovered a. caliber b*llet

embedded in
the breast bone,

suggesting a posterior
point of entry.

sh*t in the back.

Probably running
from something.

What do you got, nick?

Well... Spent a riveting hour

down at the licensing
and inspection office.

Hbt construction

did the cement work may .

How about a list
of company employees?

Besides the name,
I got a bunch of nothing.

The outfit went belly up
in the ' s.

Got a minute? I'm kind of in the
middle of something here, pops.

You should have called
before you came down.

You find something out?

What... Did ma say something?

Didn't have to. I know
when something is up.

Hey, look, pops,

it's not a good time
right now.

We'll talk later.

I'll come back.

We'll grab lunch tomorrow.

I promise.

Harry finally turned up.

Yeah, under a three-story
office building

and seven tons of concrete.

sh*t in the back.

Kept his desk.

Even left his medicine.

Harry was one of
the good ones.

You filed
the missing person's report?

A lot of good that did.

Harry was persona non grata
with the philly p.d.

On account of him
getting kicked off the force?

Kept telling me without a body
or evidence of foul play,

they were going
under the assumption

he'd skipped town.
Not like harry?

Harry wasn't the type
to turn tail.

Trust me, there were times
I wish he had.

You took over harry's business
after he disappeared?

That's right.

I knocked off harry
so I could get rich

taking photos
of cheating spouses.

I've seen people k*ll for less.

Harry could be a real pain
in the ass,

but his heart was
in the right place.

What sort of casework did harry
specialize in?

If it had a pulse
and a wallet

and walked through that door,
we took the job.

This is a list
of the cases

harry was working on.

Anything we should
know about?

Krebs was a tail job--
Went nowhere.

O'keefe-- a cheating husband.

Same as barb welter.

What about the one
that says "counselor"?

Wilson katz.

Big-sh*t lawyer.

He and harry served
in the navy together.

Harry ever work
for him before?

A little bit of this,
a little bit of that,

but always on the qt.


I see business is going well,

It's nothing.

Oh, silk.

Oh, you must be keeping

some swanky company
these days, wilson.

I remember when you was
wearing plastic shoes

and eating at the automat.

Knock it off,

I'm here about a client.

You know my rates.

This client requires discretion.

To ensure
that discretion,

the client is willing
to double your rates.

All right, enough
with the cryptic jive, katz.

Just tell me the job.

Lana, be a sweetheart--

Go out and grab us a couple
coffees, would you?

When I came back,
they were gone.

Ever find out what the case was?

I asked,
but harry wouldn't tell me.

Is katz sill around?

He's still practicing.

Making problems disappear.

For a fee, of course.

Not a fan?
Know the difference

between a mosquito
and a lawyer?

One's a blood-sucking parasite,

the other's an insect.

The season opener's
a ways off, Mr. Katz.

That it is, detective.

How can I help you?
We're here about

your old friend, harry denton.

They found his body buried
under an office building

in center city.

I'm not surprised.

Harry kept bad company.

Lawyers included?

Hmm. I'm afraid so.

You hired harry

right before he was k*lled.


What was the job?

I have my client's privacy
to protect.

I bet those fancy
clients of yours

would love opening
their morning paper,

seeing your name linked

to a m*rder investigation.

E I retained harry's services
at the behest of a client.


Caroline hargreave.


Some lunk of
goldfish, huh?

Koi-- flown in
direct from kyoto.

Don't touch them.

You say you'll stay
with him...

Be a darling, wilson,
and fetch my robe.

I see you go again

looking for a home.

Hell of a view.

Harry denton,
denton investigations.

Wilson says you're good
at finding things.

Depends on what
i'm looking for.

Harry's the right
man for the job.

I need you to find my daughter,
mr. Denton.

Her name's michelle,

but we call her bunny.
Pretty girl.

Beauty can be a burden.


Last week.
It happen before?


Helps if I know why
she decided to scram.

Bunny's father stan
recently passed away.

Heart att*ck.

Quite a shock.

And bunny
took it hard?

Adored her father.

She started
acting out.

I'd rather not involve
the police again.


Last month they picked her up
for reckless driving.

Wilson says you're
the discrete type.

You betcha.
Anything else I should know?

To make a long
story short,

I plan on sending her
to oakdale--

Camp for troubled teens.

And bunny resisted.

We had a terrible fight.

She took a car and ran away.

I'm worried she's in trouble.

What sort of trouble?

I'm afraid she fell in
with some undesirables.

Bohemians and radicals.

Oh, well, you got to
watch out for those types.

Did a number on patty hearst.

That's where you come in,
mr. Denton.

I want my daughter back safe
and with a minimum of fuss.

I'll start today.

Wilson, see to it that
mr. Denton gets his money.

Looking for a home...

But harry was too late.

He didn't find her?

Bunny d*ed in

a car accident
several days later.

When was this?

As e may , .

Caroline was heartbroken.

Blamed herself
for not acting sooner.

This is rush from homicide.

Got a possible - .

A dui suspect driving
a dark gray chevy cobalt,

license number ...

Tracked down the owner of
hbt construction, carl welter.

Hbt was one of a series
of shell companies

set up to take

on non-union contracts.

And what's the connect to harry?
Welter's wife

barb hired harry

to check up him.

Harry captured
a few kodak moments

between carl
and his secretary.

Booked for agg as*ault in ' .

Settled a dispute

with one
of his subcontractors

with a piece of rebar.

And harry gets
a concrete coffin.

Hbt construction.

One of your company's
poured the foundation, carl.

I'd have to have a date
and an address,

and even then,
I can't promise you nothing.

May , ,

north terrace.

Could have been one of ours.

I'm guessing disposing of bodies
is a big code violation.

Oh-ho, I don't know
nothing about that.

Could have been some illegal
that fell asleep

on a job;
it wouldn't be the first time.

Man's name was harry denton,
private eye.

Did a little work
for your wife, barb.

Okay, so I wanted
to wring his neck.

Wouldn't you?

Taking my time,
choosing my line

tryin' to decide what to do

looks like my stop
don't wanna get off...

You seen her?

How about you?
Seen her?

Seems to me you don't want
to talk about it

seems to me you just turn
your pretty head

and walk away...

Get off!
Get your hands off me!

Just doing my job, kid.

That woman is
not my mother!

Get in the...

Get your hands
off me!

Get in!

You can't do this!

You son of a bitch!

What is with
you people?!

Say the word, harry!

Easy, easy, frenchie.

Branching out to kidnapping
underage girls, denton?

Stray glee-clubber.
What's on your mind, carl?

The photos you took
are gonna cost me a bundle.

Well, maybe we can work
sosmething out,

seeing as how your wife
neglected to pay her bill.

What'd you have in mind?

I see the number ,

and those negatives
of you and the steno

doing the motel mambo

How do I know I can trust you?

Oh, you don't.
My advice? Patch things up

with the missus.
It's cheaper in the long run.

Yeah, I'm starting
to see that.

$ .

$ !
All right, all right, $ .

Frenchie, release Mr. Welter.

Bunny's keys ought to be
in that bag.

Take her to mexico.

A couple of margaritas,
a little nude snorkeling,

a tennis bracelet,
she'll forgive you.

You just turn your pretty
head and walk away.

The son of a bitch was right
about mexico.

'course, she ran off
with a shoe salesman

a couple of years later.

Describe the girl
you saw harry with.

Blonde, she was real pretty.

She wasn't too happy

about being put
in that trunk.

Yeah, that looks like her.

Could have done something
about it.

And have harry's pet gorilla
twist my head off?

Remember when this was?

Let's see. The wife and I left

for puerto vallarta

the very next day
for cinco de mayo,

so it was may .

Looks like someone
had a little irish breakfast.

Oh, my.

I hear moe kitchener got
picked up for dui last night.

Imagine that.

Spoke to my buddy in vice.

He said harry's whole
unit was on the take.

Captain hung 'em
out to dry

when they opened up
a corruption probe.

The captain was probably
taking more money

than all of them.

Probably why
harry clocked him.

I pulled the accident
report on bunny.

"lost control of the car
around a curve.

Hit a tree
and burst into flames."

Problem is, welter
says he saw harry

with bunny two days
before the accident.

With this french character.
Some pet gorilla.

Katz says they never
contacted him, though.

So, lana thinks harry helped
french dodge a manslaughter charge.

Ran the name alias.
Came up vapors.

Well, figure harry and french were
scheming to shake down caroline hargreave.

It's a pity
they don't last longer.

Spoke to your lawyer.

He told me.

This whole thing

brings up terrible memories.

About your stepdaughter bunny?

We got along just fine
until stan d*ed.

That when she took off?

She was very
emotional girl.

Had a history
of it on her

mother's side of the family.

Tried everything I could
to help her.

Including hiring
a private investigator.

Oh, Mr. Denton-- he was
my lawyer's idea.

I never trusted that man.

Like try and shake you down?

The night before the accident,
he came over here

and gave me some cock-and-bull
story about needing more money.

Looks painful.

Makes them easier
to handle. See?

That's a dragon's eye.

This one here's
an american beauty.

How about that?

Wilson said you had news
to report.

Have you located bunny?

Not exactly.

The investigation's hit
a couple of snags.

You need more money,
mr. Denton?

Well, there is a direct correlation
between results and money

especially with these
recovecbrys jobs.

Very well. I'll have wilson
advance you more funds.

What do you call this?


Ah, primrose.

I can't have bunny running wild,

to god knows what sort
of dangers.

I expect results,
mr. Denton.

Oh, I'm onto something
all right.

I knew right then he was
up to something.

Was he after money

or gardening tips?

I knew he had bunny.

You should have gone
to the police.

Yeah, a lot

of things I should have done.

Instead, I hired his assistant,
had her check up on him.

Yes. She agreed

to help me for a price,
of course.

But the next night I got
the call about the accident.

I blame myself.

I should have just let her go.

Left a few things out, lana.

Caroline hargreave
hired you

to check on harry.

She wanted her daughter back.

So you double-crossed harry.

She called me and asked me
to check on him.

She no longer trusted harry.

What about you?

I figured harry and french
were cooking up some scheme.

Well, I don't know why
I came here tonight

I got the feeling
that something ain't right

i'm so scared in case
I fall off my chair

and I'm wondering...

I figured she'd send

somebody, but I didn't think
it'd be you.

Well, what do you think, harry?

She wants her daughter back.

I bet she does.

Tell her I'm off the case.

What's going on?

How much she paying you?

Enough to open my own agency.

It's always the pretty ones
you don't see coming.

French! Stop her!

Come on. She's gonna get away!

Clowns to the left of me,
jokers to the right

hurry, get in!

Stuck in the middle with you

well, you started out
with nothing

and you're proud
that you're a self-made man

oh, my god, stop the car,


Harry told me to get the hell
out of there

and keep my mouth shut.

He was still looking out for you

even though you betrayed him.

I still think about him
all the time.

That the last time
you saw harry?

Came back to the office
to apologize,

and french was there.

Cleaning out the safe?

Put a g*n in my face and told me
to keep my mouth shut.

What the hell?

Can't you see
i'm taking a table nap?

Been a lot of those lately.

What do you got?

Some other case.

Don't worry about it.

Um, french's real name
is chuck jaworski.

Did a stint in graterford
for extortion,

resisting arrest, as*ault.

Old school bad-ass.

Harry helped him dodge
a manslaughter charge.

Did some pro bono snooping

for french's defense lawyer.

Good guy to have in your debt.

You check on that address
tinicum lana gave us?

Yeah, a lot of mice and
daddy longlegs, but no french.

Put word out to the
local watering holes

a neighbor said he frequents.

Got his info out to patrol.

He turns up, I'm on it.

Now, if you don't mind.

Detective rush.

See you found some good company.

Dui checkpoint

popped up right outside
my favorite watering hole.


Imagine that.

A good thing, getting folks
like you off the street.

I'll make bail.

Thought you already
got out on bail.

Sure a philly judge
will think twice.

This is harassment.

Place you're
gonna end up

once your lawyers
run out of motions to file

is a whole lot worse than this.

The least I can do is get you
out of the t*nk and into a cell.

Comes with
a cell mate, though.

Not a bad guy.

As long as
he's on his meds.

See that Mr. Kitchener
and tiko

get acquainted.


What have been up to?

Not hungry.

Ld case

she told you, huh?

You could've
told me earlier, you know.

Well, she asked
me not to.

That's it, then.


It's over.

We want this all behind us.

So drop it.

Drop it?

Pop, ma was robbed.

Knocked to
the ground...

This is what your mother wants.

Yeah, but, well,
I want to make sure

this guy doesn't
do it again.


We canceled the cards
and the money doesn't matter.

I know. Pop, you asked me
to look into this.

I'm gonna find him.

You do what you have to do.

As far as your mother's
concerned, it's over.

Podemos comer ahora?


Don't you
come in pairs?

Not today.

What are you,
buying next round?

Maybe after you come down
to the station

and answer a few questions
about harry denton.

Like hell I am.

Sure you want
to ph@ush this, gramps?

Not the first cop I
mopped the floor with.

Go ahead.

Take your best sh*t.

I'll live.

But you'll be
picking your dentures

off the floor when I'm finished.


That some kind
of asian move?

Now, we can do this
all over downtown,

or we can just
call it a mulligan.

Ah, hell. Mulligan.

So, what were
you and denton doing

with bunny hargreave?

I promised harry I'd
keep my trap shut.

Harry's dead.

Somebody sh*t him.

Well, at least
he's got an excuse

how come he don't
call me up no more.

Lana said she caught you
trying to break into his safe.

Yeah, okay, I might have
done something like that,

but I didn't k*ll harry.

I owe that guy my life.

So what were you guys
trying to do?

Shake down caroline hargreave?

The rich broad?

He had her daughter stashed

in your safe house.


Harry was trying
to protect that girl.

From what?
Beats me.

I mean, I don't understand the
ins and outs or what have you.

I just did
what harry told me to do.

You followed?


Went through precautions,
all right?

Did like you said.

You have any

Just lana.

She suspect

Nope. If she did,

I scared her good.

Look, here.

I need you to make sure

that your buddy at the morgue

keeps his trap shut
about that loaner.

Something wrong?

What kind of job is this?

The kind that could
get us both locked up.

I'm trying real hard to do
the right thing here, french.

You're getting soft, harry.

Shut up.

All right.

I need you to go
see frank bandini,

tell him we need a full kit--

I.d., passport, birth
certificate, the whole deal.

We're gonna need a name.

We need a name.

For what?

Your new life.


Clara dunaway.

only me, you and dead harry
know she's alive.

Whose body was in the wreck?

Some jane doe I borrowed
from the morgue.

Why'd harry flip the script?

Asked him the same.

Said he was trying
to make things right.

So where's bunny now?

Where else
nobody gonna look for you?

Pine barrens, new jersey.

Bunny hargreave?

Haven't heard that name
in years.

How did you find me?

Spoke to french.

Now, did you know

harry was dead?
I knew

something bad had happened
when he didn't come back.

Hoping you can
fill us in on that.

Why didn't harry
take you back home?

Take it you met my stepmother.

She thought you d*ed
in that wreck.

Sure she put on
quite a show for you.

She hired harry to find you.

Yeah, so she could
ship me off to oakdale.

Place wasn't a summer camp.

Unless you count drug therapy
or electric shock as activities.

Why would caroline

send you to a place like that?

She wanted to keep me quiet.

About what?

How she k*lled my father.

What if she finds me?

She can't.

You're dead,

Your new i.d.

I never want to see her again.

Well, next time you do see her,
it'll be in a court.

I have proof

that your stepmother
poisoned your father.

Found this in her greenhouse.

Is this what you
saw her give him?


He had a cough, so she made him
some of her special soup.

What is it?


Deadly poisonous
and can cause a heart att*ck.

Your stepmom told him
it was primrose.

So I wasn't imaging things.


Of course we can't
prove any of this,

'cause she went and
had the body cremated.

Will she get away
with this?

Don't worry.

Old harry's still got
a few tricks up his sleeve.

Why are you helping me?

You could've just
taken me back to her,

and no one would've ever known
what she did.

I don't know.

Guess I got sick of people
expecting the worst of me.

She'll try to ruin you.

Little late for that.

Might find this
hard to believe,

but I used
to be a cop.

You must have been
a good cop.

I had my moments.

Got caught up in some stuff
I shouldn't have been.

One thing leads
to another and...

Next thing I know
i'm "anything for a buck" harry.

Took the money, did the
job, didn't ask questions.

Didn't matter
what side I was on.

Hell, I figured everybody
was guilty of something,

so why not make a buck off it?

But you're helping me.

Got to admit,
it feels pretty good.

Harry was the only one
who believed me.

About caroline
k*lling your father.

He said it wasn't the first time
that she poisoned somebody.

Said she'd k*lled
her first husband

and that he
had proof.

Now, harry go to
confront her?

I figured she got to him

like she did to anybody
who got in her way.

When harry didn't come back,
french took me to jersey.

Stanley hargreave d*ed

of a heart att*ck
in april .

A fit with poisoning?

The m.e. Said that

foxglove combined with
an already weak heart

will result in a heart att*ck.

They didn't catch it
back in the day.

Stanley was years old, had
a history of heart trouble.

I mean, there's no way
of saying for sure

unless we
have a body.

Oh, she's come

a long way.

Well, you cleaned up

pretty good, mandy.

Excuse me?

A solicitation charge
in tulsa.

Everyone has something in their
past that they're ashamed of.

Well, little more than
a few misdemeanors

and a change of name.

I'm no longer
that person.

Moved on.

You k*lled your way out
of white trash.

What are you
talking about?

Ever been married before?

I think you know of my
marriage previous to stan.

Well, stan wasn't the first
husband to die on you.

Uh, insurance claim
for melvin grover.

Autopsy report said

he d*ed of food poisoning
in ' .

One was a heart att*ck,

the other an
unfortunate accident.

Unfortunate only that

harry figured
out that

you'd poisoned before.
Is that what

this is all about,
me outliving my husbands?

It happens all the time.

Men are the weaker
of the species.

Genetics had nothing to do
with why you outlived them.

I wouldn't know
anything about that.

Harry did.

Just like he knew

why you wanted
bunny back so bad.

I wanted to help her.

Bunny was a mixed-up girl.
She seemed

pretty clearheaded
when I spoke to her.

What are you talking about?

Harry @@faked
bunny's death.

That was a jane doe in that car.

Is this some kind of game?

Bunny knew you poisoned her dad.

You have no proof
of that, detective.

Harry did.

And you sh*t him to silence him.

Why would I do that?

Hiring Mr. Denton
was my lawyer's idea.

Wilson katz?


And harry never contacted you
after the "accident," right?

I was busy

arranging bunny's funeral.

I let wilson deal
with everything.

He had power of attorney
over my affairs.

Of course he did.

Wilson said
he would take care of it,

and I took him at his word.

Sit down.

You're not going anywhere.

I'd like to speak to my lawyer.

Well, he's
in the next room

getting ready to flip on you.

Oh, I doubt that very much.

That's one cold bitch.

Tracked down the brother
of caroline's first husband.

Says a lawyer contacted
him june of ' .

His name's on the
exhumation report.

Wilson katz.

Maybe that's the proof
harry was talking about.


I'd like to speak
with my client,

caroline hargreave.

She has a right
to legal counsel.

Well, you might want to
consider some for yourself.

What would you like
to know, detective?

Remember melvin?


The first husband
of mandy mae smith.

That's your signature

on the exhumation request.

I was acting on behalf
of caroline hargreave.

Oh, just loyal
that way?

Digging up her
dead ex-husband,

or... Something else?

I know how this game
is played, detective.

Been at it since
before you were born.

You had caroline's
first husband cremated

a week after harry was k*lled.

I had power of attorney
over her affairs.

And power to get rid
of that body, too.

You met with harry
after the accident.

I figure he pointed out

caroline's habit of
offing her husbands.

I already told you
I met with harry-- to pay him.

That was before we
figured out harry had bunny.

If that's all you have,

i'll take my chances in court.

It's not.

We spoke to the owner of the
building you buried harry in.

You put in a bid to buy it.

You were outbid by...

Ten grand...

You cheap bastard.

I know this looks bad.

Eh, save it for the jury.

Tell them how she
put you up to it...

I was her attorney--
It was my job

to protect her.

Yeah, but you
were harry's buddy.

At least

hethought so.

If only harry
had just done his job.

Yeah? What job was that?


Bring bunny back

so caroline
could silence her?

Harry tried to tell me, and I...

Wouldn't listen.

To tell you what?

What caroline was up to?

Look, she's in that room

throwing you
under the bus.

You don't think I know that?

She set the whole
thing up that way.

Then don't let her walk
for what she did to harry.

Give me something.

She was smarter than me.

Smarter than stan.

Even you, detective.

What does she have over you?

'cause she's... Playing you
for a sucker.

Even now.

She was so beautiful.

You just wanted
to make things right for her.

What's this about, harry?

I figured I'd
give you a chance

to get in front of this.

What are you talking about?
It's over.

Bunny's dead.

Your services are
no longer need.

I figured out why
she wanted bunny back so bad.

Whatever bunny
said to you,

it's not true.

Caroline k*lled
her husband, wilson.

Now, I'm
guessing she had

a couple of million reasons

to do it, but it's still m*rder.

Have you been drinking, harry?

She fed him poison,

made it look
like a heart att*ck.

You have no proof of that.

Oh, I have proof.

And bunny saw
her do it.

Bunny's dead.

It's a real tragedy.

But it's over.

It's not over.


Dragon's eye.

It's just roses.

Guy like you ain't
buying fresh roses, wilson.

What'd she do,
wink at you or something?


It's more than that.


Oh, you stupid son of a bitch,
you love her, don't you?

Why, she's got you

all turned around, hasn't she?

Now, I strongly advise you
to walk out that door, harry,

and forget all about this.

She's done it before, wilson.

Next time you're
giving her a foot rub,

ask her about her first husband.


Didn't know about that one, huh?

Name's melvin grover.

Married him back when
she was mandy mae smith.

W- well, you've concocted
a hell of a story.

It's not a story.

And I'm not letting this
get swept under the rug.

That never stopped you before.

Listen, you dumb bastard,
get away from this.

Get as far away
as you can!

I'm going to the police.

Wait, wait, wait.

What's it gonna cost

for you to forget
this nonsense, huh?

Ten thousand?


I'm not that guy anymore.

Just take the money, harry.

Now, that's the harry I know.

I'm going to the police.

With what?

A couple of names?

The rantings
of a dead girl?

Take the money, harry.

Not this time.

Stop right there.

You ain't gonna sh**t me.

You don't know that.

Must be one hell of a retainer
she's got you on, wilson.

May god bless

and keep you always