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08x26 - The Wedding

Posted: 12/11/21 20:29
by bunniefuu
Hi, mother.

Hi, George.


I'll turn this off
in just a second.

I know the cowboys
are going to win,

but I want to see if they
sit down with the Indians

at the end, determined
to make a better world.

Howard, dear,
if you wouldn't mind

turning it off now,

George and I have
something to tell you

that is...
That is very important.

Oh, well, of course!


Howard, George
proposed to me tonight.

He did?

And I accepted.

Well, hey, this is great!

This is great.


Yes, Howard, I'm sure

your mother and I
can be very happy.

Well, of course you can.

Of course you can.

Hey, you're getting
a great gal here, George.

I know that.

This was all kind of sudden,
wasn't it?

Well, of course, George
and I have known each other

for quite some time,

but I guess the proposal
was kind of sudden at that.

I was waiting
for the right moment.

We were over to morelli's.

The lights were low.

They were playing soft music.

We were finishing
our rice pudding.

We've got lots to talk about.

Let me go in
and fix some coffee.

Well, uh, make yourself
at home, George.

Sit down.

Well, I guess I'm going to have

to start calling you dad
from now on.

Y-You don't have to do that,

Oh, uh, "George"
would be just fine.

Don't you want me
to call you dad?

Maybe just "George."

Well, whatever you say.

Uh... you, uh, you gonna
be living here or, uh...?

That's one of the things

I wanted to tell
you about, Howard.

George and I will be
living in mt. Pilot.

His business is there
and everything.

Oh, that's right.

Of course.

So all this will
be yours, Howard.

Or we could sell it if you think

it's going to be too much
of a problem for you

and-and you could
find an apartment

or-or whatever you prefer.

Oh, no, no, no, mother.

I'd prefer to stay here
in the old homestead.

Don't you worry about me.

I'll be just fine.

Howard has always
been so adaptable.

Great, great.

Makes it so easy.

That's okay, dad.


They've been together
for about six months,

but this came
from out of the blue.

Makes it nice for your mother.

Oh, yeah.

When's the wedding?


They figure at their age

there's no sense in
a long engagement.

Gonna be just a simple ceremony,

but in good taste.

They'll be living
in mt. Pilot?

That's right.

You staying here at the house?

Yeah, yeah.

Find me doing business
at the same old stand.

Of course, with mother gone,

there'll be a few
significant changes

in my modus vivendi,
you might say.

Changes in his what?

You heard him same as I did.

My manner of living.


Hey, uh, Howard,

how do you plan to change
your manner of living?

Oh, I'm going to spread
my wings a little, Andy.

Ah. Plans?

Nothing radical,

but now that
I'll have complete freedom,

I figured I might turn the place

into more of a bachelor pad.


Sounds like you're going
to start burning

the candle at both ends.

Well, after I get
the place fixed up

I'm just going to let
the chips fall where they may.

I got to be running,

check on
the wedding invitations.

You'll all be getting them.

We'll be there.

And after that, well, uh...

After that...
Who knows?

I'll see you, Howard.

Hey, that Howard.

Aah, come on.

That's enough of that.

No more.

Goodbye, mother.

Goodbye, dear.

Goodbye, George.
Goodbye, Howard.

Hey, we'd better
get going. Come on.

My own pad.

Hey, any of you guys
seen Howard lately?

No. I've been
to his office

three days in a row.

He hasn't been there.

Oh, he's been running
all around, Andy,

fixing up the house,
getting things for it.

He wasn't fooling
about that whole new deal.

Well, heck, no.

This morning, big truck
stopped by the gas station

looking for his house.

Fella was going to deliver
a bear-skin rug.

He's not fooling.

Don't sound like it, does it?

Hey, listen, uh...

Uh, uh, you want to, um...?

Yeah, let's go see
what he's doing.

This light's too bright
for your pretty eyes, my dear.

Hi, guys.
Hi, Howard.

Just dropped over

to see how you were doing.

Well, gee, your-your place
looks great, Howard.

Yeah, except these pillows
are going to get all dirty.

No, no, goober.

They're supposed to be there.

They are?

Yes. Lends an air
of informality.

They're for people to sit on.

On the floor?

That's right.

What's wrong with
a chair and a sofa?

That's what my wife
and me sit on.

Sitting on pillows breeds
a certain... intimacy.

We're intimate.

I think it's a kind of
a new fashion, Emmett.

Hey, you got some new paintings.

Yeah, just a couple
of things I picked up

in a little, out-of-the-way
street in mt. Pilot.

Oh. What are they
supposed to be?

Well, the way I understand it,

they're supposed to be

somebody's impression
of, uh, something.

Well, that's the kind of thing
to get, all right.

When you can get them.

This little shop, you know,

is off the main tourist
beat in mt. Pilot.

Are we supposed to sit
on this bear

no, no, Emmett.

That's merely decor.

Well, I'm going to
have to say, Howard

your place
really does look sharp.

I could see it all a lot better

if it wasn't so dark in here.

Must be a drop in
your line voltage.

Where's your fuse box, Howard?

No, Emmett.

That's this thing here, you see.

This is what you call
your indirect lighting.

Hey. I... I guess
it's all right.

I just never seen
nothing like it before.

Emmett, you wouldn't run
into a thing like this

too much in Mayberry.

Well, I feel that all of this
is the real me.

I've always thought
that a bachelor's pad

should reveal the true
personality of its owner.

I'm with you, Howard.

Hey, what do you say
to a little drinkie, boys?

Name your poison, gents.

Grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange?

Or, uh, if you'd prefer
some of the hard stuff,

I've got a little cider
that's started to turn.

What do you say?

A bit of the bubbly, boys?

Oh, gee, not for me.

Me neither.

I still got a
carburetor job to do.

I'll pass.

See, we just stopped by

to see how you were coming
with your place.

When are you going to have
the luncheon?

I was planning a little bash
for this Saturday night.

Is that a party?

You mean with girls and dancing

and sitting on the pillows
and all that?

That's right.

Count me in, Howard.

I'll tell Martha
to get a new dress.

Oh, gee, I'd love
to pencil you in, Emmett,

but this is for singles only.

Maybe next time, huh?

I was counting
on you two fellas...

And Helen, of course.

Goober and I will get girls,

and it'll make
a nice, little six

fine with me.

Me, too.
I'll get a girl.

If it's only going to be Andy
and goober and their girls,

what's wrong with me
bringing little Martha

and making it an eight

no. Just singles, Emmett.

Maybe I'll slip out of the house
and make it a seven-some.

Next time, Emmett.

Oh, okay.

It's definite
for this Saturday, then, huh?

Oh, yeah, I'll bring Helen.

I'll keep in touch
with you on the girls.

All right.

Now we finally got
the show on the road.

First bash
of the Mayberry social season.

We'll tear it up.


There you go.


Hello, Dorothy?

How's my favorite gal?

I'm having a little do at my pad
Saturday night and, uh...

A little do at my pad.

A party at my house.

Oh. Oh, I see.

Well, if you promised your folks
you'd visit them,

of course, I understand.

Uh, better luck next time, dot.


Hey, Jenny, guess who.

No. It's goober pyle.

Yeah. Well, I tell you
why I called.

Howard sprague is having
a party Saturday night,

and I thought...


You're engaged?

Well, yeah.

Yeah, okay.

She'll wait a long time
before I ask her out again.

Hello. Marian?

Howard sprague here.

Howard sprague, the city clerk.

No, no, no, no.

This is a social call.

Listen, how'd you like
to come to my party on...?

Oh, you're busy.

Oh. Okay.

Wait. Wh-wh-what night
are you busy?

My party's on...


you want to go to a party

Saturday night?

Hello, Shirley?

Howard sprague here.

Listen, I'm having
a little bash at my place

on Saturday night, and...

Howard sprague.

Well, we met rather briefly
at the dance

at the lodge last fall.

Howard sprague.

Well, I'm, uh, rather tall,
about six-three,

a little mustache...


Yeah. Yeah.

That's me. Yeah.

Oh, you're leaving for Detroit.

Oh, well, uh...

Some other time, then.


Hey, goob, step right in.

You're the first to arrive.

I always like to be
first at a party.

Yeah, come on in.

Where's, uh, where's your date?

Oh, that's what I wanted
to tell you, Howard.

I haven't been able to get one.

Irene went in the operating room
at : this afternoon,

and Jenny's engaged,
and things like that.

Hey, who'd you get?
Is she here yet?

Well, as a matter of fact,

I ran into a couple
of problems myself.

Shirley's leaving for Detroit...

Shirley who?

I don't know her last name.

Then there were
a couple of others

that didn't work out for
one reason or another.

Well, I guess Saturday night
is a bad night for a party.

I just had a flash, though.

I was thinking of giving
Sally marsh a call.

Well, not her, Howard.

Now, she's the end of the line.

She can't dance
and she ain't pretty

and she don't say a word
all evening.

She's just nothing.

Maybe I'll give her a call

Well, she won't come.

Well, you don't know
till you try.

I tried.


Well, Andy and Helen
will be here soon anyway, huh?

Hey, yeah, yeah.

It won't be just like
it's all fellers.

Heck, no. Besides,
we've got the bar and the sandwiches

and the stereo and the
pillows and all, huh?


♪ Who could ask for
anything more, huh? ♪


Let's sit down here

and make ourselves comfy
till they get here, huh?

Boy, this is the life.

Well, you can't beat it.


It's beautiful!

Oh, I hope it's all right.

I don't know what the other
girls are wearing.

I guarantee you'll look
better'n all of them.

Oh, hey, that's what
I like to hear.

Shall we get going?
Yeah, let's go.

Oh, boy, we're off to
Mayberry's first swinging party.


You see, goober,
abstract paintings

are not representational.

They ain't?

No, no, not by any
manner or means.


I have to admit

I didn't know much
about it myself

until I ran across that little,
out-of-the-way shop in mt. Pilot

and, uh, this, uh...
Person there...

He explained it all to me.

Well, some of these paintings
ran $ , $ , even $ ,

whereas the regular ones
were just $ or $ .

What do you mean,
"the regular ones"?

Well, you know, clowns
and apples and stuff.

You know.

And still they come, huh?


Hi, Howard.
Hi, Howard.

Come on in.

Oh, well...

Well, your place looks
just wonderful, Howard.

I think it says
"Howard sprague,"

don't you?

Well, yes, I, uh...

I suppose it does.

Hi, goob.

Hi, goober.


Where are the other girls?

Primping up?

Uh, well, Andy,

by one of those
humorous twists of fate,

Helen here will be
the only one representing

the opposite sex tonight.


Yeah, just one
of the those things.

You know, a...
Series of circumstances.

Yeah, me and Howard
couldn't get no girls.

Well, that certainly
makes me feel like

the belle of the ball.

Exactly, huh?

Well, let's get the old
show on the road, huh?

How's about a Swiss

Uh... gee, Howard,

they look awfully good

but, uh, we just
ate an hour ago.

Oh. Goob?

No, I'd like to finish my drink.

Oh. Well, why don't we
make ourselves comfortable, huh?

Uh, goob, would you, uh...

Helen, why don't you
just sit down right here

on this nice,
pretty, red pillow.

Yeah. There we are.

Andy, make yourself
comfortable right there.


I'll just plunk down here
on this purple pillow.


Well, what's new with you kids?


Oh, nothing much

since I saw you this morning.


How about you, Helen?

Oh, nothing new.

Just the same old grind.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, that's
what we're all here for:

To get away
from the old humdrum.

Right, goob?

Right. I'll go along with that.

Yes, sir,
get away from the old humdrum.

That's the thing to do,
all right.


Well, what do you say
to a little music, huh?

Yeah, music would be good.

Fine. Good idea.

I got... I...

I've got some records by
a new group I ran across:

The silver herringbones.

They're a real giant.

Maybe you've heard of them?

Oh, yeah, they're making
quite a splash.

I'll, uh, I'll play some
of their stuff for you.

That's something.

Hey, why don't you two kids
give it a whirl, huh?


Come on, Helen, on your feet.

Up you go.

Oh! Oh, that's the way
you do them new dances.

Well, you know,

I think I have a lot to learn.

Well, don't get discouraged.

Just practice.

Yeah, I... I'll do that.

Snack, anyone?

Uh, no, thanks.

No, thank you.


Well, they're right here
when you want them.

I'll let you know.

Hmm. You know, this has
been such a good party,

I lost all track of time.

Do you know
it's nearly : ?

Is it that late?


Time sure flies
when you're having fun.

Well, golly, it's still
the shank of the evening.

Yeah, but, see, Helen's
got school tomorrow.


Tomorrow's sunday.

Sunday school.

Uh... you know,

I got to go to church tomorrow,
too, Howard.

Oh, well... golly,
it's such a shame.

We're a fun group.

Well, listen, Howard,
we'll do it again.

This has been wonderful,
just wonderful.

Sure, we can do it again.

And-and I don't know
when I've had a better time.

It's been a real bash, Howard.

Well, if you all have to go...

Are you sure you won't have
a sandwich before you leave?

No, thanks.

No, thanks.

Well, hey, Emmett.

Oh, Emmett...
Hi, fellas.

What are you doing here?

I was waiting to pick
Martha up from bridge.

Thought I'd drop
over and see how

things were going.

Hey, where's the rest
of the pulchritude?

That's "dames" to you.

Well, to tell you
the truth, Emmett,

we ran into a few snags
in that department.

You're not breaking up so
early, are you?

It is kind of late,
and I think Helen's

tired of dancing with us.

What she needs is somebody

to show her how
it's really done.

Put on some music...

Something with a
little bounce to it.

How about it...
Once over lightly?


I didn't know you
could dance, Emmett.

I didn't get to the finals

of the harvest ball for nothing.

Shall we dance?

Go, man, go!

Go, man, go!

Go get 'em, Emmett!

Hey, hey!

Hey, Andy.

Howard just got back
from mt. Pilot.

Oh, I wondered where he went.

He went up there
to visit his mother.

You know what he told me?

He's having another bash
at his place Saturday night.

He is?

Well, Emmett pulled
the first one out of the fire,

but I don't think he can
count on that again.

Well, Howard's making
some changes.

Yeah, this time he's gonna
start the thing at :

so it don't break up so early.

Who's gonna be there?

New blood, Andy.

Howard met a couple of nurses
in mt. Pilot.

They're coming.
One for him, one for me.

No kiddin'!

Yeah, he wanted me to make sure

that you and Helen
could make it.

Well, I think we can.

I'll ask her.

I think we can, yeah.

How are the nurses
getting over here?

Their mothers
are drivin' them over.

Their mothers?

Yeah, Howard said their mothers
are a lot of fun.

Should be a great party.

Yeah...that's all you need,

is a couple of nurses
and their mothers.

Looks like Howard's on his way.

I'll see you.