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01x05 - The Transfer Student

Posted: 12/15/21 19:45
by bunniefuu
So, that's the Great Spirit of Water Lignon
in its true form, huh?

My lord...

You don't need to trouble yourself
with such a bottom-feeder.

Then, I'm leaving it up to you.

If you can dispatch it with a single blow,
I'll give you anything you want as a reward.

I'm grateful, my lord.

Your sword skills are as sharp as ever,

What would you like as your reward?

Permission to be resurrected.


I've dedicated this
sword of mine to my lord.

Even if it's for the sake of
bringing peace to the world...

I cannot resign myself to the disgrace
of living on in a world without my lord.

But Source Magic isn't your strong suit,
is it?

Meaning that you won't be able to transfer
your memories and skills to your new vessel.

I don't think I'd mind starting from
scratch with a sword in a new era.

Fine by me. Do what you will.

Hero Kanon is here, huh?

No matter how many times you k*ll him,
he just won't die, will he?

In terms of Source Magic,
even I'm no match for him.

He's the only one in this world who possesses
seven sources. He'll come back to life every time.

Since Kanon's showed up, that means the
Great Spirit Reno must be here. Find her.

As you wish.

Come on...

Hero Kanon.

Show me how good a swordsman you are!


Can't wait, huh?

Can't wait for what?

The Dungeon exam results.

After all, we did bring back the scepter!
That makes us a lock for a perfect score!

Good morning!

First, I have an announcement to make.

A transfer student
will be joining us tomorrow.

He's a member
of the Generation of Chaos,

and a prodigy known as
the "Master of Magic Sword."

Needless to say, he's Royalty.

Those of you in white uniforms,

please don't forget your own standing
when you interact with him.

What a weird time to be transferring in.

Also, about the scepter Team Anos brought
back during the Dungeon exam the other day...

Unfortunately, it seems to have been stolen by
an unknown party before we could appraise it.

As a temporary measure until the culprit is
found, Team Anos will be awarded a score of .

That's unacceptable!

Isn't it the academy's fault
that it got stolen?

If it's a temporary score,
shouldn't it be ?

I understand where you're coming from,
but as there are numerous possibilities...

You never know, maybe they stole it
themselves so no one would find out it's fake!

I mean, he is a misfit, right?

I don't think it's fair, either!

If we were talking about Royalty,
would you have taken the same measures?

Aren't you discriminating against them
because they're hybrids?

Misa Iriologue...

Unitarian campaigns
are prohibited on campus.

If you don't take your seat immediately,
you will be punished.

What's with all the discord?

All we have to do
is smoke out the culprit, right?

Wh-What's your problem?

It's in plain sight, you know.

If you're going to make him pilfer
something on purpose, do a better job of it.


You'll be undergoing Great Magic
Sword training by Sir Gaios and Sir Ydol...

of the Seven Elder Demon Emperors tomorrow!

Class is now in session!

Sir Anos!

Um, thank you
for standing up for me just now!

Misa, was it?
Don't give it a second thought.

Thank you very much!

Come to think of it, didn't Emilia
mention something about Unitarians?

You have an interest
in the activities of the Unitarians?

H-Hey, personal space!

P-Please excuse me!

As you already know, Sir Anos,
Dilhade is ruled by pureblood Royalty

while hybrids are left out in the cold.

That's why we Unitarians are campaigning
to unify the demon race as it ought to be

regardless of whether
you're Royalty or hybrid.

Sir Anos, would you like
to come see us after this?

We Unitarians believe
that you're the Demon King of Tyranny.


We have a long way to go to reach our
ideals, but we have many comrades-in-arms.

Sir Melheis Boran of the Seven Elder
Demon Emperors is one of us.

Having a backer like that is what enables
you to put out a decent campaign, huh?


Um, you two both believe that Sir Anos
is the Demon King of Tyranny, don't you?

It's not a matter of believing.
It's just a fact.

In that case, I'd like you both to join us!

What is this place?

The Union Tower.

It's where students gather after class
to take part in all kinds of activities.

Is it okay for you Unitarians
to be assembling on campus?

Please rest assured!

This is the headquarters
for our Anos Fan Union!


"Anos Fan Union"?

It's Sir Anos!

What am I going to do? Am I breathing
the same air as Sir Anos right now?

Could this actually be
an i-i-i-i-indirect kiss?

I'm so sorry for all the commotion.

I guess you could call these items evidence
for when the Fan Union falls under suspicion.

The fact that you can't carry on openly
is evidence of your lack of power.

I agree. You're absolutely right, Sir Anos.

Um, I'd like to show you something!

What's this?

It was a gift from my father.

You may have already
caught on to this, Sir Anos,

but I'm not a pure demon.

My father is a demon,
but my mother is a spirit.

A half-spirit half-demon?

My mother passed away
soon after I was born...

and I've never even met my father.

Why is that?

I think my father's Royalty.

A royal's duty is to leave behind
pureblood descendants.

If any other strain is introduced, even
close relatives are excluded from Royalty.

So, he can't let it be known
that he has a hybrid daughter.

But this magic sword is the one thing
he sent me, on my tenth birthday.

I'm sure that my father has
the other half in his possession.

I believe that the day will surely come
when Royalty and hybrids can all join hands.

All of us here come
from similar backgrounds.

All we want is to be able to share a laugh
with our families every day!

So, please!

Please allow us to join your team,
Sir Anos!

Allow us to fight by your side!

Then, let's see you prove
the depth of your resolve.

Did you say "resolve"?

Very well! Sir Anos, we promise
to live up to your expectations!

No good! The second I touch this sword,
it robs me of my Magic Power!

I can't pull it out.

Come to think of it, wasn't the Master
of Magic Sword supposed to show up today?

Running late?

I'm sure you're all aware...

but the Magic Sword Tournament to determine
Dilhade's top swordsman is coming up!

If you wish to compete,
let's see you pull out those swords!

If you manage to do so,
I, Gaios Anzem, or...

...Ydol Anzeo will train you in person!

What's this, Sasha?

Can't pull it out?

This magic sword
must really not like you.

And who are you to talk?

You're not going to tell me
you can't pull yours out, either, are you?

What a lame joke.

There's only one sword in this world
that I can't pull out.

How unusual.

I thought you were going to say,
"There isn't a single sword."

During the Mythical Age, there was
a Holy Sword wielded by a Hero.

A demonic instrument forged by a renowned
human swordsmith to annihilate me...

inhabited by a sword spirit
and blessed by all of the gods.

Even I couldn't pull that one out.

Excellent, Anos Voldigoad!

All right, I'll be the one to take you on.

Anyone else with a sword in hand?

Or are all the rest of you wusses?

Who's that?
I've never seen that guy before!

Maybe I shouldn't have pulled this out.

You're the transfer student?

Then, show us how skilled you are
instead of introducing yourself!

Oh, man. Now I really wish
I'd left it in there.

Are you afraid?

I'll beat that cowardice out of you!

I mean...

I have no business winning, do I?

I wouldn't say that.

It's not all that uncommon for one
of the Seven Elder Demon Emperors to lose.

Those are fine sword skills.

But you were really holding back,
weren't you?

Not as much as you probably.

Are you out of your mind?

Refusing to become a team leader,
with your abilities?

I'm not into that kind of thing.

I'm Ray Gransdori.

I'm Anos Voldigoad.

Do you think I can join your team?

It suits me better to have
a competent leader ordering me around.


let's not forget Anos' symbol!


Huh... If a demon of your stature
can end up as a misfit,

then what are those
aptitude tests for anyway?


What you just said
amounted to criticism of the Royalty!

Oh, sorry!

Then, would you mind
pretending you never heard me say it?

Quite an interesting fellow.

I'm glad you've taken a liking to me.

I look forward to working with you.


If you want to have an easy time of it,
then just join any other team.

If you insist on becoming my subordinate,

then show that you have
the proper amount of resolve.

Should I kneel down and kiss your shoes?

You're really gung ho if you're
so ready to take a kick to the face.

You sure are pushy, aren't you, Mr. Anos?

When's the next team competition exam?

- Tomorrow.
- Is that right?

Misa, you guys go ahead
and join Ray's team.

If you say so, Sir Anos.

Work together to challenge me.

If you can acquit yourself accordingly,
I'll allow you to become my subordinate.

Oh, why not? To be honest,
I did want to go up against you, too.

What a coincidence.

Me, too.

The team competition exam...

between Team Anos...

and Team Ray...

will now begin!

All right, let's stick to our plan.

I may be a flaky leader,
but I'd like you all to help me out.

Is something wrong?

No. You're not like most people, Ray.

Addressing us like that
when we're White Uniforms...

Oh well, I'm not a fan of all that.

Royalty or whatever, it's just so
complicated, I can't wrap my ahead around it.

And besides, I do wonder from time to time.

About what?

Like, did the founding ancestor
really say that Royalty was so great?

It's always made me feel uncomfortable.


I can't help feeling that this Demon King of Tyranny
everyone talks about is someone else entirely.

What's the plan?

I'll take on Ray.

Then, I'll take care of the rest of them.

Should I build a castle?


Ice castle.

Since when have you been able to build
a complete castle this fast, Misha?

Is it the power of the Lily-pad ice ring?

That's probably part of it.

What else could there be?

Ask your own source.

Well, I'll be off, then.

But if you call yourselves my subordinates,

don't come running back here
even if we're outnumbered.

Yeah, we know!

And the same goes for you!
If you lose, I'll never forgive you!

Be careful.



Sorry to keep you waiting.

What's the matter?

That's a blunt sword, isn't it?

I lent Misa my magic sword.

If we're linked by Gyze,
I can make her its owner, you know.

Not normally, you can't.

Guess not.


Wh-What the heck is that?


Magic for manipulating objects.

Oh, so you're also lending them
your Magic Power?

I'm not very good with spells.

Since I rarely have any use for them,
I've got all this extra Magic Power.

But that still doesn't
put us on equal footing.

I'll take you on with this.

Go easy on me, please!

But it looks so sluggish!

Sasha! Need some help?

Don't underestimate me!
I serve the Demon King!

Then, work with Misha and use Jio Graze.

We can't possibly do that!

We can't produce enough Magic Power
just between the two of us!

Trust me.

Are you ever going to stop chatting?

If you want to shut me up,
then drill that sword into me!

Hey, Anos?



We're just going to have to do it.

Discharge a three-dimensional magic circle.

Activate Siege spell.

Link Magical Lines.

Commence delivery of Magic Power.

Annihilation Mortar...

Hellfire Mortar...

Release all Magic Power Gates.

Excitation of magic circle, complete.

Hellfire Destruction Barrage...

Requesting transfer of activation spell.

I accept!

Let's go!


Jio Graze!

Not bad!

Was our magic this potent?

Dino Jixes.

What do you mean by that?

Just now, Anos told us to ask our sources.

We went back in time
and fused with our past selves' sources.

So, that's what amplified our Magic Power.

Really, Anos!
Talk about beating around the bush!

I've got you now, Sasha!

What's wrong?

Is that all you've got?


No one's ever gotten me
with a tree branch!

So, you neutralized the shock this time?

Commendable of you to show growth
even in the midst of battle.

All right,
now I'm going to dial it up a little!

Maybe you should come at me for real.

It feels like I'm this
close to remembering.

How to wield a sword, that is!

You actually put up a good fight.

Now I'm going to sever you, robe and all!


I'll help.

We won't go down in defeat!

We're going to get ourselves
acknowledged by Sir Anos!

What's the matter?

I never thought I'd see this day.

We'll show her
the secret technique of the Necrons!


It's all over now!

Fire Magic Gresde!

Ice Magic Shade!

Fusion Magic Jie Glade!

For our first time ever,
we were pretty much in sync, huh?


What the...

What's this? An earthquake?

A natural disaster?

Come on, Anos!
What the heck are you doing?

The whole mountain got blown away!

The river dried up, too.

It shouldn't matter too much.

This forest is so flooded with Magic Power,
everything will go back to normal overnight.

That doesn't make it all right!

Sorry. Can you hold
on just a little longer?

Will I be able to slash
that branch this time?

To make adjustments this fast...
You're something else!

I'll give you a reward!

You look like you're enjoying yourself,
Mr. Anos!

It's been a long time since anyone's
pummeled me with this much power!

And you seem to be having
a good time yourself.

Because it's the first time...

I ever got to cross swords
with someone for this long!

I know exactly how you feel.

And I feel like I somehow get
how you feel, too, Mr. Anos.

But I think we're done here!

This one's mine!

Who knew you'd really slash
my w*apon in two?


I lost.

Mind if I say something strange?

I'll allow it.

The whole time we were crossing swords,
I had this feeling...

that this wasn't the
first time I'd met you.

Then, we might've met
two thousand years ago.

I know a man who looked a lot like you.

Ray, would you believe me if I told you
I was the Demon King of Tyranny?

I'm not really sure,
but I guess it wouldn't surprise me.

Now that I think of it, since I lost, does
that mean I can't join your team, Mr. Anos?

It's Anos.

No need for honorifics.

All right, Anos.

I'll beat you next time.

Next time, you're not even
going to snap my sword.