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04x07 - Chapter Seventy-One

Posted: 12/19/21 15:45
by bunniefuu
Friends, let's talk Jane.

She's been through so much.

She got married, but then...

I woke up feeling a little off.

Thought it was pre-test jitters.

- Well, how do you feel now?
- Totally fine.

And the worst thing happened,

and Michael died.

And so Jane wrote a book

about their love story,

and when it got
published, well, Jane was

pretty freaking excited.

Plus, things were going great

with her boyfriend, Adam.

My publisher set up

a mini book tour.

I was wondering if you wanted to come.

He even drew the cover art for her book.


- I'm moving to L.A.
- I can't believe this.

Yeah, so that officially sucked.

Also having relationship
woes, Jane's parents.

On the bright side, Alba and
Jorge were still going strong.

Not doing as well...

our Rafael.

See, his sister, Luisa, finally decided

to give him back his hotel
shares... only problem,

Luisa was hallucinating
some man named Carl.

- You see Carl here, right?
- No.

And so she checked
herself into a psychiatric hospital.

But, OMG, Carl was real.

See, Petra's twin sister, Anezka,

and their mother, Magda, set Luisa up

to make her think she
was losing her mind,

so they could assume
control of the hotel.

In the event of her incapacitation,

all her hotel shares go to Anezka.

And so Petra tried to drive a wedge

between Magda and Anezka,

which left Anezka sad and confused,

and, well...

And I won't leave you
hanging any longer,

so let's begin.

There were three times on her journey

to becoming a published author

when Jane Gloriana Villanueva
really needed a push.

And each time, Rafael was there.

This, of course,

was the first time.

Well, it depends.

Am I being practical or brave?

Be brave.

I'm a writer?

I have never said that out loud before.

And, friends, suddenly

a window of possibilities
opened for Jane.

And I'm not gonna let stupid Adam

ruin my book tour!

Even though he already ruined

my book-launch party
by suddenly deciding

to move across the country,

even though I asked him three times...

Three times, Ma... If
he was sure he was in,

and every single time he said...

“Yeah, I'm all in.”

- I mean, who does that?
- Men.

Present company excluded, of course.

I'd rather go with you
on my book tour, anyway.

“Tour” is a little ambitious.

It's two stops.

Well, it's perfect timing,
because I need time away

from your father.

- What's this?
- Our itinerary.

Okay. Well, this is exciting.

Exactly. So exciting, yeah.

And Adam the jackass won't be

a part of any of it, which is his loss,

because this is gonna be
so much freakin' fun!


What are you doing here?

I wanted to loan my daughter

my classic convertible

for her first book tour.

Jane, don't you take those keys.


I'm staying out of your fight,

but we're taking the convertible!

Come on, Xo.

I said I was sorry.

That you made me feel guilty
for the last five years

for not telling you about Jane?

When you already had a
sneaking suspicion...

A small sneaking suspicion.

that I'd had the baby.

Look... I just need some space from you.

Mateo! Stop honking the horn!

I got him, I got him.

- Okay, so you have my itinerary.
- Received.

And I assume there's a backup
copy waiting in my in-box.

You are going on a book tour.

This is huge.

And, friends, that's when he said...

Okay, now my mom's
honking... I should go.

You have to admit,

this is a cool car.

I'm having Rogelio sell
it after this trip.

But, yeah, we're like Thelma and Louise.


What should we listen to?


Aren't you supposed to be at work?

First of all, I'm going the speed limit,

and second of all, no, I can't,

because I have to be in
Palm Beach by : p.m.

to check in and get
ready for the reading.


I'm trying to.

It's your editor.


Speakerphone! Everyone shush!

Jeremy, hey.

So, listen, huge news.

You are part of a
double-billing tonight.

She's just confirmed.

- Uh, who confirmed?
- Iyanla Vanzant.

OMG. Yes, Iyanla, fix my life.

Who's that?

My grandmother. Sorry.

Hey, Grandma! Iyanla's the host

of Iyanla: Fix My Life on OWN,

and a total Oprah insider.

Which means Jane's crowd tonight

will be big.

So k*ll it, okay, Jane?

And don't ever put me on speaker again.

Well, that's exciting.


I have to go to the bathroom.


My tummy still hurts.

He does feel a little warm.

Go on, bud.

And Daddy's gonna get you some Tylenol.

And if you get worse, Papa's
gonna call me at work, okay?


Should we tell Jane?


She's on her book tour.

We don't need to call her.

Call me if you need
anything, anything at all.

I know it's your first time alone
with Mateo since you got home,

so I just wanted you to be prepared.

I also e-mailed you a backup...
It should be in your in-box.

Emergency contacts, nap times,

what to do if he's
cranky or he won't eat

or if you can't find Mr. Monkey.

And this is where I'm
staying in Fort Myers.

You nervous?

So nervous.

I haven't seen Michael's
mom since the funeral.

You don't have to ask
her permission, you know.

To write about him.

Yes, I do.

Okay, Mr. Sweetface, Mommy's got to go.

No, Mommy!

- No!
- It's okay,

- you'll be fine.
- Mommy! I want Mommy!

I want Mommy.

Oh, I know you do, buddy.


But Mommy's gonna be back
in two sleeps, okay?

And you'll feel better soon.

Oh, geez. That's foreboding.

Is that...


I'll remind you that Petra's sister

had recently been found hanging
in one of the guest rooms.

No. Anezka's body was
cremated, so we don't need

a casket, which I keep telling them.

I spoke to the boss. He said the mistake

must have been with the
funeral home, so...

you got to deal with them.

Yeah, we can't take it back now.

No, of course you can't.

Krishna, handle this. Wh-Where do you...

- want them to put it?
- I don't care!

Just out of sight of the guests.

Why are you even having a funeral?

You're obviously not mourning Anezka.

Of course I am. She committed su1c1de

after I tried to drive a wedge
between her and my mother,

so I feel guilty, all right?


Her death was so public,

if I don't seem sad,
it'll look bad for the hotel.

- Mm.
- So...

I'm going to set out
the urn with her ashes,

people can say good-bye to her,

and then this whole chapter
of my life will be over.

Ah, yes. A chapter closed.

Just like Jane's relationship with Adam.

I-I booked this room as
a joke for me and Adam.

It's cool. I'm fine.

Screw Adam!

He's not here.

More champagne for Mama.

Oh, he must have forgotten
to cancel these.

“To Xiomara. XOXO, Ro.”

I'm sorry, hon, they're not from Adam.


What would they even say?

“Sorry for being a d*ck and leaving you,

“the same way I left you nine years ago,

“but that's just who I am...

A stupid, lying, tattooed jerk-face”?!

Yeah, that would be a weird
thing to write on a card.

- Uh, hon?
- Mm-hmm?

Y-You're not gonna bring

that much, uh, rage to the reading?

I am not gonna yell, Abuela!

I just find it crazy that I gave
him three chances to back out

before we got serious. Three!

One, I get... you're
still figuring it out.

Go ahead. Even two.

Two is like...

“I don't know, you know?

Let's just see where this goes”

But three!


- Sweetie?
- No, this is good.

This is good. I'm-I'm
getting it out now!

I feel good. I feel better.

Okay, now let's just go to the reading,

so I can talk about how
freaking great true love is!

Oh, dear, this could get dark.

“There was a light on inside,

“and his heart stopped for a beat

“as he imagined Josephine there,

just beyond the wood of the
door and glass of the windows.”

Oh, phew. She didn't yell at anyone.

All right, thank you both so much.

And now we have time for some questions.



I get what you were saying

about developing a
relationship with yourself

before developing one with someone else.

But is it still okay

to want to be swept off my feet?

Like in a big romantic way?

Is it okay to want it?

Oh, well, absolutely it is.

Who in their right mind
wouldn't want this?

I mean...

I'm gonna need you to talk to me

about this lusty cover.

Well, it was designed
by a very talented artist...

who, um...


who dumped me and broke my heart.

Well, at least she didn't yell.

What a disaster.

No one even wanted to buy my book.


Mm, probably to see if it
contains signs that I'm insane.

Are you really reading
Iyanla's book right now, Ma?

I thought maybe she'd have advice.

She was very insightful
talking you down at the store.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Oh.

I always say that lives fall apart

when they need to be put back together.


Oh, great. It's my editor.

I'm just gonna, I'm gonna have
to tell him what happened.

Jeremy, hey.

You cried?

I guess he knows.

A little, yeah.

A little?

Jane, there were audience tweets

with the hashtag #SnotFalling.

This is not good.

- What do we do now?
- I don't know.

Hopefully you'll get a good review soon

to give you some momentum

going into the Romance
Writers Convention,

which will be live-streamed, Jane.

So, no crying. You cannot cry.

Okay. I won't cry.

I promise.

I really don't feel good, Papa.

Don't worry.

You'll feel better soon.

That's a Papa promise.

You were right.

I feel better after a shower.

Mateo has a fever.

Should we tell her?

Oh, my God!

My Romance Weekly book review is out.

Ah! Oh.

I am so nervous.

Okay, here it is.

“The author's actual back-story,

“which has been highlighted
in promotional materials,

- is captivating, certainly.”
- Mm.

“But... rendered into fiction

“so many steps removed,

“it falls much flatter.

“Whether it's the build-up

“or the distance, there is a sense here

of promise unfulfilled”

Oh, hon.

I can't believe it.

I love that book so much.

But to be fair,

her best is yet to come.

Thanks for calling, Xo.

Don't worry, I'm heading
home now to check on him

and I'll text you an update.


Mateo got worse and you texted Xo

instead of me?

I was about to, but...

Okay, look, I know we don't
always see eye-to-eye

and it's obvious that you
don't like me very much.

- What?
- But here's the thing.

You don't have to like me,
but you do have to respect me

because I am Mateo's father.

So, get him ready
because I am coming home

and I am taking him to the doctor.

Okay, thank you, Doctor.

I'll call if anything changes.

I'm sorry.

I feel bad.

I know this was an
important weekend for you,

but we didn't prepare
for if he was sick.

I'm glad you brought him here.

I-I was worried, too.

Why is your manuscript in the trash?

Uh, well, I saw Patricia

and she didn't exactly
give me her blessing.

What? What'd she say?


she blames me for Michael's death.

She thinks if I had just

taken him to the hospital

when he first started feeling sick,

then he'd still be alive.

- Jane.
- Hmm?

You know that it's not your fault.

It's fine.

I'll write something else.

You need to stop looking at that.

I guess the good news is,
is that after the review,

nobody's gonna read my awful book.

You know what? That's it.

We are getting out of this room

and we are going out on the town.


You can wear something of mine.

We're doing this. Like Iyanla says,

“What you don't do can
create the same regrets

as the mistakes you make”

Oh, please, Ma.

You've only read one chapter.

It was a good one.

Come on.

Let's go have a good time.

I promise you'll feel better.

Come on!

Hurry, Mommy.

Look, Anna died.

Oh, my God. Anna, get out of there.

Very funny.


What is this doing here?

- Someone delivered it.
- Great.

Well, call Krishna and tell her
when I asked her to move it,

I did not mean here. Okay.

Girls, stop that. Girls, stop that.

- Oh!
- Oops.

Sorry, Mommy.

It's okay. I'm fine.

I'm fine. Let's just go
down to the funeral.


Look sad.

All right, wait here.

I have to go rinse my eyes. Behave.

Ugh. Don't let my mother get near them.

Who's there?

Hello, beautiful sister.

I did tell you

that she didn't k*ll herself.

You're alive?

No, but it can't be. I...

I saw your body hanging.

Th-There were EMTs.

Not real EMTs. Actors.

Mother and I always be hiring actors

to play prank on people.

A good example is Carl.

He is part of Orlando-based
acting troupe,

and he plays evil Disney villain

in big parade. He plays...

Now I'm trying to remember

who he plays. Not Gaston.

Anezka! I don't care
what villain he plays.

You faked your own death?

Yes, exactly.

Well, because I was being so confused

about whether I should
trust you or Mother,

a-and I just not knowing how to decide.

And then it felt like fate.

I want my funeral to be epic.

I want people to weep.

I want them to feel sorry
for taking me for granted

because they won't
realize until I'm gone

how much they really love me.

And then I realize

I need to see who really loved me.

And now I see it was beautiful sister.

Still beautiful

even when you is crying
your eyes out over me.

And in that moment,

Petra realized what she had to do.

I just...

can't believe you're here.

I was heartbroken.


I'm just so happy.

See, I told you you could trust me.

Wow, she's good.

She should join Carl's
Orlando-based acting troupe.

And I hate to tell you this.

Mother wasn't sad at all.

But you were always hating Mother.

Maybe you are lying right now

to convince me not to trust her.


Oh, yes, that's who Carl played.

Captain Hook.

Anezka, focus.

Look, she's yawning at your funeral.

Maybe she's just tired

from sleepless nights of grieving.

Well, she still thinks you're dead.

So I'll prove it.

♪ Let me know if you want... ♪

Ooh, looks like someone else

went incognito.

♪ To a higher place ♪

So it's good we didn't tell Jane.

♪ Let me show you how to rock my way ♪

A toast to...

Oh, this beer is lukewarm.

Just like my review.

Honey, you have to
stop thinking about it.

Focus on something else.


Damn it.


Remind me again why he's the worst.


Exactly. He sucks.

Men suck. They think they can just

spring things on you, and
you're not supposed to react.

What are you talking about, Ma?

He did? When?

You just left?

H-He proposed to you.

And now to a very different

mother-daughter relationship.

If you're not done packing in five
minutes, I'm calling security.

I have one hand. It takes time.

I thought you might like this.

It was Anezka's.

Ugh. Why would I want that?

Because your dead daughter
clung to it every night

while she slept at the orphanage.

Might be a nice memento.

You really have no feelings for her?

If Anezka was stupid
enough to k*ll herself

when she finally had
control of the hotel,

then she deserve to die.

Well, now I am knowing

how you really feel, Mother.

You're alive!

God has given me a miracle!

Save it, Mother. You would
never make it in Carl's troupe.

And speaking of wonderful actors...

Mateo's asleep.

His fever broke at the doctor's.

Just a virus, and he'll
be better in a few days.

And I'm sorry for yelling at you.

No, you were right. I
should have respected you

as Matelio's father.

You don't look so good.

Is that necessary?

I apologized.

I mean... you don't look well.

Oh. I'm fine.

Except for the fact that
it's degrees in here.


You must have thought about
marrying Jorge, though.

- Aw.
- But you don't have

to feel the same thing, right?

I mean, things with Jorge
are pretty nice. You guys

get along so well. At this point

in your life, that's pretty good, right?


Meaning that...

Oh, come on, Abuela,

- you know she didn't mean that.
- That's not what I meant.


that's why I don't drink tequila.

Abuela, stop.

That is not what Mom meant.

She just meant that,

at different stages, you need
and want different things.


Abuela, stop. You're being
drunk and dramatic.

You are! Mom is not trying
to put you in a diaper.

Anyone can see that you're still young!

Oh! And you know what young people do?

Mm. They dance. So come on.

There is a floor and we're
about to dance on it,

so it's about to be a dance floor!

No. No, no, no, no, no. I am going

to be drunk and dramatic, too.

And you said this trip was
about me, and I want to dance.

Come on!

What is that? You can do better!


Break it down! Oh!

Whoo, whoo! That's what
I'm talking about!

That's my grandma, y'all!
That's my grandma!

Go, Grandma!

That's my grandma! Uh-huh.

Your grandma ain't as
hot as this. Come on.

What are you guys doing?

So you're not mad anymore?

- I'm sorry! I...
- Okay!

You're bringing down the vibe!

Why don't you dance your apology?



Come on! Yeah!

Dang, Alba,

those hips don't lie!


What the hell is this doing here?

The delivery company
can't pick it up until tomorrow.

I was trying to keep it out of sight.

And you thought smack-dab
in front of my office

was the ideal spot.

- Yes?
- Put it outside the hotel

where the guests don't see
it and I won't see it.



Kind of confusing when
they're both dressed as Petra.

I'll give them name tags.

So, how did it go?

Beautiful sister was right about Mother.

She didn't really love me.

So I tell her to leave.

Mother is banished from hotel forever!


that's exactly what she deserves
after what she did to you.

Yes. So now I will be
wanting to learn from you.

- Huh?
- I know nothing

about ruling a hotel.

- “Running,” not “ruling.”
- Yes.

I-I found this little
show on the Internet.

All about rulers. And
they all be wanting to sit

on this funny-looking iron throne...

You mentioned wanting to learn from me?


Will you teach me?

So I can use my shares wisely.

Let's do it!

Don't touch me.

You don't want to catch
this sickness, trust me.

I don't know how Matelio survived it.


It's my reminder to apologize to Xo.

I've been texting her an apology
every hour, on the hour.

Can you hand me my phone?

Actually, I think I'm too weak to type.

Can you do it for me?

I think you can skip an hour, Rogelio.

And for what it's worth,

I think Xo should be the
one apologizing to you.

Come again?

When things got tough, she ran away,

and that's not okay.

You guys are husband and wife.

You got to stick it out
and work together.

That's actually smart.

I-I'm feverish.

I didn't mean it that way.

Can you tuck me in a little tighter?

I've been thinking a lot about why

we aren't as close as we could be.

They look pretty close to me.

You were a ladies' man when we met.

And you broke my daughter's heart.

That was a long time ago.

And Jane and I are not together.

I know.

But seeing how close you are...

You are going on a book tour.

This is huge.


it just seems like a matter of time.

Which is silly, I know.


I-I wasn't expecting you.

I know. Uh...

But I read this.

My book?

How did you...

I understand why you are writing it.

It's your way of grieving
Michael and honoring his memory.


you have my blessing to continue.


I think you're gonna
make Michael very proud.

But you and I need
space from each other.

So I do not need to hear from you

or hear about the book.

You stole my pages out of the trash

and showed them to Patricia?

Thank you.

Yes, friends, this was

the second time Jane needed a push.

I want you to finish the book, okay?

Because I really like
that Rake character,

and I want to find out
what happens to him.

How did I get so lucky

to have you as my accidental
artificial inseminator?

No, I'm the lucky one.

Looks like someone has Jane
on the brain.


Wait, wait, let me have your phone.

I want to take a picture.
We have to document this,

because, clearly, we are so drunk,

we're not gonna remember
this in the morning.

All right! Come on! Let
me see what you real...

♪ Bright light fever. ♪

Mateo was sick and you
guys hid it from me?

He was okay, and it was your book tour.

Mateo is much more important, Ma.

Of course he is, and Rafael
was taking him to the doctor.

Which I need to know,
because I am his mother.

I don't understand why you
would ever hide that from me.

What's going on?

And, of course, we understand why,

given what happened with Michael.

That's absurd.

I don't overreact.

I react the way any mother
would if her child is sick.

Does Rafael feel the same way, too?

You should talk to Rafael
about all of this.

Oh, believe me, I will talk to him.

- Slow down, Jane.
- No, I will not slow down.

Mateo's my child. I need to
know what's going on with him,

especially in regards to health.

And, yes, I may be overly sensitive

to illness because of Michael,

but you do not need to protect me.

I wasn't protecting you.

I was protecting Mateo.


Do you remember the first
time you went away?

And Mateo got sick and
then we drove to see you.

Whoa, come here. Whoa.

- Hey!
- Come here.


Well, it looks like
you're feeling better.

Can we ask Mom to be sure?

Well, Mommy's in the shower.

How do you feel?

I think okay. We should ask Mommy.

Wh-Why do you want to ask Mommy?

Because I could catch a
germ and die like Michael.

Does that scare you?

Okay. Look at me, all right?

You're not gonna die.

Okay? And you know something else?

You're strong,

like a lion.

I just didn't want him to be
afraid every time he got sick.

I can't believe I did that to him.

I'm sorry.

No, stop.

It's not your fault you're scared.

And it's not your fault

that Michael didn't go to the doctor.

Thank you for saying that.

You okay?


I'll talk to you later.

- What's this?
- Special delivery.

Do you want me to make up the swans?


He's got to stop already.

I'm texting him.

He says they're not from him.

He's mad at me for running away.

All these years, he...

You should talk.

You ran away from Jorge.

- Oh...
- Hmm?



Ah, love.

- Don't you cry.
- I'm not.

- I'm not gonna cry.
- Because we're minutes

from the Romance Writers Convention,

which is going to be live-streamed

- to hundreds of fans.
- I know.

Abuela, remind me again, why
Adam was so terrible for me.

- What?
- Ma!

And so,

yeah, with all the lusty faces
I make while I'm writing,

I can't, uh, write in a
coffee shop anymore.


I saw your meltdown
on stage with Iyanla.

It was trending on Twitter
for a few minutes.

Oh, good.

Can you talk more about that?

- Hmm?
- Like,

wh-what's it like to write
romance through heartbreak?

Are you gonna write
about the cover artist

in your next book?

Well, that is a two-part question.

First, romance through heartbreak.

I mean, heartbreak is
a great place to start

for a character, right? Uh...

not looking for love,
suddenly it happens.

Suddenly feelings you thought were gone

are now awakened.

As for whether he'll be in
the next book, specifically?

Every story needs a villain, right?

- Go, Mommy!
- Oh, she's nailing it.

That's my girl. Now bring it home, Jane.

So, what now?

Are you opening the door to love again?


I wouldn't go that far.


maybe a window.

True, there were only eight people

in the audience,

but damned if she didn't charm

the entire octet.

Thank you so much for coming.

Ooh. Who should I make this out to?


Sorry. Hi, I, uh...

I didn't know that you were coming.

Well, um, I kept track of you.

A little.

And when

the book came out, I-I got it,

and... and I read it.

And I felt Michael again.

And I didn't think

I would ever feel him again.

He would have loved this.

I love it.

And, friends,

this was the only review
that really mattered.

Thank you so much.

That means


I'm sorry that I said
those things to you.

What happened, I know,
was not your fault.

He was a grown man.

He should have gone to the doctor.

It's just...

You can't get mad at the
person who died, you know?

Yeah, I know.

Will you sign my book?

Oh... Yeah!


- You... you what?!
- What? Mom!


Can we finally take this
top down and celebrate?


Yup. Back to real life.

I'm sorry.

You were right.

I-I shouldn't have run away.

I obviously have a lot of work to do

on being a married woman.

I'm still figuring it out.

And I'm sorry for who I was.

For my failings.

But I've changed.

Yeah. I know.

But there's still a lot
to talk about, you know.

So I've been thinking,

I want to go to counseling.

That's a great idea.

You should go.

Not me, us.

We should go to couples
therapy together.

No way. I don't believe in that garbage.

But if you need me to go with you,

while they figure out

your issues,

I'm happy to do that.


Let's do that, then.

Thank you.

And in that moment,

Alba knew the only answer
she could give was...


- What?
- What?

Well, I guess that window
is officially closed.

Hello, beautiful sister.

Okay, first lesson.

Future lessons will take place
in my office from now on.

No. They won't.

What's going on?

Well, for one,

I finally finished
watching Game of Thrones,

and spoiler alert,

turns out Sansa becomes very powerful.

What are you talking about?

Beautiful sister thinks
I am stupid donkey.

But I figure out truth.

You have been whispering lies to me

this whole time.

You don't care about me.

Hi, Mommy.

Hi, girls.

Do you miss your Auntie Anezka?

To clarify...

Not really. We hate her, right?

But Mommy was crying at her funeral.

After we sprayed perfume in your eyes?

You know what I learn
from my own funeral?

That I am all alone in this world.

And now that I know,

I will rule things my way.

Look, Anezka.

You're right.

I don't trust you.

But guess what.

It doesn't matter.

Because once I tell Luisa
that you and Mother gaslit her,

she's going to get out and sign
all her shares over to Rafael.

- I told her.
- What?

I told her. Only, not that version.

The version I tell her

is that you and Rafael were the
ones who had been sending Carl

and lighting her gas.

That's a lie.


Well, Luisa be not knowing that.

And she seemed very,

very angry with her brother.

- What the hell, man?
- Apparently,

she really didn't order the casket.


And I promise you, friends,

this time she really is dead.

Ned Stark dead.

To be continued.

Please, just read for five more minutes.

Mm, nope.

It's time for bed.

Good night, Mr. Sweetface.

I'm a lion.

Right, Daddy?

Yes, but that's our secret, remember?

What was all that lion stuff about?

Eh, it was a father-son thing.

See? I knew you'd get there.

We make a really good team.

It's getting late.

Mateo seems fine.

Thank you, a-again, for not calling me.

- What's wrong?
- The review.

Maybe I'm not cut out to be a writer.

That is just your doubts
and your fears talking.

You have to keep writing.

You are a writer.

Yes, friends.

This was the third time.

You need me to say it?

Be brave.

Be brave.

Be brave.

And, friends, he knew then and there,

that he had to be brave, too.