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03x04 - The Importance of Service

Posted: 12/24/21 08:20
by bunniefuu
BOB LEE: Previously, on "sh**t"...

You're having a heart att*ck, Senator.

Who's Carlita Cruz,
Department of Agriculture?

Did you know you'd
set off such a shitstorm

k*lling Senator Hayes?

Let's go somewhere
I know they can't track us.

That was Atlas issued.

Access to the phone is encrypted.

I haven't heard the name
Jimmy Poole in a long time.

He had a good job lined up
at the slaughterhouse.

Bama Cattle?

HARRIS: Red Bama?

What business does that backwoods drunk

have with the Undersecretary
of Agriculture?


- I was handling...
- You weren't handling sh*t.

Swagger's not some local loser

you can push around; he's a professional.

Atlas and this Swagger's

been interlinked since the beginning.

I wanted to be the first one
to officially

welcome you to the family.

This family have a name?

BOB LEE: Government said
the Phoenix Program

ended after the w*r.

What if they just changed their name?

To Atlas?

If Phoenix became Atlas,

then my dad was one
of the founding fathers.




"Connect to download target file."

Adam Lee.

Open target for termination.

ISAAC: Two D.C. locations?

NADINE: They're using probabilities.

Location one
has an % chance of contact.

Location two only has %.

So they gather data on a target,

- then use an algorithm to...

What did you just do?

ISAAC: I signed up for
the first location.

But we don't even know what target...

ISAAC: Someone else just
grabbed number two.


All right, I'll cover that.

We're gonna have to split up.

What happens if the target
shows up in your sights

- instead of mine?
- Gee, I don't know, Dad.

If that happens, that means
you're gonna have to

neutralize whatever operative
just signed up

and take the target on your own.

Well, then I'll handle it.

Can't have it both ways, Isaac,

choose a target or the operative.

I want the target.



Awfully noisy for a famous sn*per.

If I was trying to k*ll you,

you wouldn't hear me.

Stand down, Frank.

Never even get it unholstered.

You know, I've always liked
conversing out here

in the fresh morning air
before the day's bullshit

has gone and polluted it.

New target every day, huh?

Today, pheasants. Yesterday, Harris.

Who's it gonna be tomorrow?

Ah, I don't know, it's early yet.

What the hell do you want?

I came to ask what you want

with an irrelevant D.C. staffer.

Or better yet, what Atlas wants from him.

I thought you'd want answers
about your father.

Same thing.

This proves my dad
was in Phoenix during Vietnam.

We both know that Phoenix
became Atlas after that.

I'll be darned.

RED BAMA SR.: You know, you seem to think

that everything is some big conspiracy

when the truth is much more biblical.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that when your daddy

got back from Vietnam,
he was messed up good.

So he found himself some comfort

in the arms of a pretty girl.

His was called Edie Poole.

Jimmy Poole's wife?

- That's bullshit.
- You sure about that?

What I'm sure of
is there was a second sh**t.

And he was a Poole too.

Now you go on with due diligence

and you'll see that I'm right.

Now, what is your interest in this kid?

You turn him over to me,
and I'll leave you be.



Happy huntin'.


HARRIS: Did he say what he wants from me?

BOB LEE: Nope.

He was too busy spouting off
lies about my dad.

But he's not gonna stop coming at you.

And I'm sorry, man, but I can't have

that danger around my family.

Oh, I completely understand.

Uh, Texas and I are actually
in the midst of a...

very mutual breakup.

Thank you for the clothes.

I will mail them to you, uh...

once I've washed the fear out of them.

Keep 'em. I already talked to Nadine.

I'll take you to Dallas.
She's gonna fly in,

make sure you get someplace safe.

I can't decide if the fact
that my ex-girlfriend

is now my babysitter
is kind of hot or kind of sad.

I'm gonna go check in with
my wife and then we'll roll.

Hey, Dallas is five hours
from here, right?

Yeah, that's why we got to get moving.

Okay, I'll... I'll take the bus.

Ah... ah, that's not a good idea.

Swagger, don't argue with me.

I'm a grown man.
I can accept the... the risks.

I will, however, take you up on a ride

to the nearest bus station.

Also, I was thinking, maybe a g*n?


So he sh**t one guy's face off

and all of a sudden, he wants a g*n.

Let's just say my position on g*ns

has changed dramatically
in the last hours.

Try this instead.

- It's very pink.
- It's pepper spray.

Julie used to carry it up in Seattle.

- Suits you.
- Thanks for that.

Okay, seriously...

if you get into any trouble,

just go for the vulnerable areas, okay?

- Your groin, eyes, knee.
- Yeah, yeah.

Groin, eyes, knee. Thank u.



I've got eyes on location one.

Location two in position.

ISAAC: Good, we have some time.

Not really. I'm wheels up to Dallas

to pick up Harris soon.

Just can't get rid of that guy, huh?

NADINE: Bob Lee says he knows something.

Maybe he'll prove useful.

Like a screen door in a submarine?

[SCOFFS] What would you have me do?

Leave him to fend off Atlas alone?

I'm not in the business
of saving lives, Nadine.

I leave that to you and Swagger.

Except right now, we are saving a life.

We take the target alive

so we can find out what he knows,

That's how this whole thing works, right?

- [g*n COCKS]
- Copy that.


- Hey, ladies.
- We're making cookies, Daddy.

I can see that, Mouse.

Auntie Ann's teaching us
how to make 'em from scratch.

- Yeah?
- And I don't share

my top secret recipe with just anyone.

Do you want to help us?

Oh, I wish I could but
Daddy's got to run an errand.

But could you save me a couple for later?

- For a midnight snack?

Yes, Mouse, for a midnight snack.

- Babe, you got a minute?
- Yeah.

Did you even come to bed last night?


Couldn't sleep again.

So, um, this errand,

does it have anything to do

with your friend in the panic room?

Yeah, that's just
Nadine's ex, Harris Downey.

She asked if he could crash
here for a couple of days,

but I'm taking him
to the bus station now,

then I'll be home.

Look, whatever trouble he's in

I'm guessing it has to do with
your father's death, right?

You saw the b*ll*ts, Jules.
There was a second sh**t.

But I also heard Sam,

and he said that it was probably a Poole,

so case closed.

Sam said what?

- Yo, Sam!

SAM: You here to raise hell
about me giving Julie a job?

Or just to take an old man to lunch?

That all depends
on how you answer my questions.

Oh, Lord.

Here we go.


The other day you said
if somebody else sh*t my dad

it would probably been another Poole.

What did that mean?

Those Pooles are like cockroaches, son.

You tell yourself there's
just the one in front of you

and there's always more.

I heard a rumor. I need to know

if that's all it is.

Edie Poole, my father.

That's it.

I already let you sully his corpse.

I won't let you do the same
to his reputation.

That's not a no.

You listen to me, Bob Lee.

Earl loved June.

Through and through.

I just want the truth.

I deserve that much.

It's not my secret to tell.

All right, well, then tell me
where Edie is. I'll ask her.

I haven't the faintest idea
where that woman is.

I'ma find her myself.

Wait just a damn second. Bob Lee!

- It's taking too long.

Lee should be here by now.

Yeah, I know...


sh*t, he's here.

ISAAC: Damn it. All right,

there'll be at least one Atlas operative,

maybe two.

NADINE: Yeah, I know.

ISAAC: Remember, it could be anyone.

Yeah, I know that too.

What do you see? Who do you see?

Isaac, shut up.



Hey! Hey!


What the hell?



It's Atlas. Come on, let's go.




Thought I told you last time,

Swagger, you ain't welcome here.

I ain't here for no trouble, Johnny.

Then what the hell you doing trespassing?

I don't give a sh*t about what you got

going on down there.
I'm still looking for Edie.

Now, is your grandma
or... or you daughter...




Bet you woke up now.

You don't want to do that.

No? Why's that?

'Cause I'm not gonna
be locked up here forever.

True. After you're dead,

we'll untie you
so we can keep that chair.

Who'd you tell
about our operation, Swagger?

Who knows you're here?

Nobody, man. I told you.

I'm here about Edie.

SUZY: What the hell's wrong
with you, Dad?

Help me get him up.

You ain't supposed to be here, Suzy.

Mind your own business.



Get the hell out of here, both of you.

Don't you think it's a little cliché,

dealing dr*gs, b*ating up young girls?

You know, it's guys like you
that make some people

not think too kindly of the South.

[g*n CLICKS]

The objective was
to neutralize the Atlas thr*at

and bring the target here, which I did.

You didn't neutralize a thr*at.

You sh*t it in the shoulder.

Now the SatPhone is burnt and Atlas knows

we're on to them.

Wh... I need to go get Harris.

So go.

Here. Calm your nerves.

Okay, so are you guys

gonna tell me who you are now?

'Cause you're not Atlas
and you're not cops.

So who are you?

We're the people that saved your life.

And we suggest you start paying that debt

by telling us why they want you
dead to begin with.

He tells me what I want to know,

he'll be fine.



Is she coming back?

I need to know who you told about us.

Did it ever occur to you
that I didn't know sh*t

about your backwoods coke operation

till you decided to tie me up
in the middle of it?

Coke? Please.

America wants opioids now.

That sh*t sells itself.

Hey, man, you want that
on your conscience,

ain't no business of mine.

I came here with questions about Edie.

You answer 'em, I was never here.

And if I don't?

Well, I imagine the sheriff
is a lot less forgiving

when it comes to drug dealers.


Oh, you got some big ones, Swagger.

I'll give you that.

Giving me orders when you don't got sh*t.



Make a sound and I'll sh**t you.

You answer my questions,
I was never here.

So ask, assh*le.

Was there another Poole on a long g*n

the night my father was k*lled?

What the hell you talking about?

I'm about to break your arm at the elbow.

That's six months
of no jerking off, we clear?

If we knew Uncle Jimmy
was gonna meet your daddy

that night, there'd have been of us

in that field, not one.

Trust me, no Poole would have
k*lled your daddy

and kept his mouth shut about it.

Anybody ever run their mouth
about Edie and my dad?

Even she wouldn't have stooped so low.

I need to find her!

Good luck, I ain't seen
that bitch in years.

Don't. Back in there.

All right.

I'm gonna get up now

and then you are too, slow.

Come on now.


I'm gonna be keeping this

and you're gonna be keeping
your hands to yourself

from now on, you understand me?

Get off my property, assh*le.

Oh, gladly.

Get in that room. Go on.

BIG POOLE: You shouldn't have
helped him, you stupid bitch.






Come on, I'll take you someplace safe,

- maybe your mom's.
- She's gone.

Well, I can't leave you here.

This is where I live.

It doesn't have to be.

Don't hurt him!

BOB LEE: You take better care
of her, you understand?

And tell your brother
I'll be checking in.

Anybody around here hurts her again,

I'm coming back,
but it's gonna end different.



Why do you always
drive to this feed store

when there are places closer to home?

[SIGHS] There's a girl that works here.

Her husband got himself
in trouble a while back.

I had to put him away.


So I check in on her from time to time.

You're a good man, Earl Swagger.

That's what Ma would say.


morning, Sheriff.

This must be your boy.


Hello, I'm...

Is my order all ready then?

Course, got it inside for you.

I'll be right in.

That's her? She's nice.

This world is sh*t, Bob Lee.

Yes, sir.

Don't just say "Yes, sir."

Think about what I'm saying to you.


Yes, sir.

That's why a real man
commits himself to service.

To remember that there are things

that are more important
than our own selfishness.

Wait here.

HARRIS: Are you here?

Nadine, the guy next to me

was literally eating Chinese food

while trimming his nose hairs.

I need to get back to civilization.

I don't see you. Where are you?

I just got here.
I'll be down in seconds.

- Stay put.
- Oh, great,

because I'm sure no one
can k*ll me in seconds.

NADINE: No one's here
to k*ll you, Harris.

If they knew you were on that bus,

they would have done it then

when you were a sitting duck.

Oh... oh, Jesus. Uh, okay.

NADINE: Just stay calm, act
like you have somewhere to be.

I do have somewhere to be, my old life,

where reading a presidential tweet

was about the most excitement
I'd have in a day.

HARRIS: I-I feel like
everybody's watching me.

All right, hold on a second,
I'm gonna try something.

NADINE: No, Harris, don't try anything.

Just stay where you are.



Okay, right, I lost 'em.
Never mind, false alarm.

NADINE: Take it down a notch, Harris.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, all the excitement,

- I get a little...
- Hey, man, you got a dollar?

- Jesus!

- NADINE: Harris?
- Come with me, sir.

- Hey, somebody call the cops!
- NADINE: Harris! Harris!




Hey, home in time for lunch, huh?


What's wrong?

My father w...

was having an affair
with Jimmy Poole's wife.


Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I even remember once
he took me to the feed store

where she worked...
apparently still does.

So are you gonna go talk to her?

For what? Baby, the more
I learn about him,

the more I realize everything
I knew about him was a lie.

Look, that's not true, okay.

- I just... I think that...

It's Nadine.



Hey, Harris is gone.

Freaked out, got himself grabbed up.

I've combed the place top to bottom.

- I've got nothing.
- Damn it.

I knew I shouldn't have let him go alone.

It's got to be Red.

I know.

Do you have any idea where'd he take him?

BOB LEE: Out of Texas,

Probably on a plane by now.

Isaac's got an arms broker in custody.

He's worked for Atlas.
I'll lean in on him.

NADINE: He might be able to lead us

to active Atlas locations.

Yeah, have him check
anywhere he sent anything

the last few weeks.

My gut tells me that Red
will stay local, rural.

He's not gonna take Harris to D.C.,

not if somebody else
wants what he might have.

Text me if you get a lead.

I'll meet you when I can.

Harris got grabbed.

What does that have to do with you?

- Come on, Jule.
- [SIGHS] I'm serious.

If it's not one conspiracy, it's another.

Yeah, but this isn't a conspiracy.

This is me trying to help
save someone's life.

You don't really want me
to just walk away

from that, do you?

JULIE: Do what you got to do.


I asked you a question.

[SIGHS] I'm just a broker.

A middleman.

What's your expertise?

I sell all kinds of sh*t. Okay?

g*ns, tanks, meds, whatever you need.

What does Atlas need?




ISAAC: I'm still with
our friend, Memphis.

- What's the sit-rep?
- NADINE: Atlas got Harris.

We need to pressure Lee
on likely holding locations.

NADINE: Turn the heat up
but keep him breathing.

Copy that, Memphis.

I need to piss.

- Hey!
- Not until you tell me

where you sent the expl*sives.

- What the hell, man?
- I want exact locations.

- Stop it!
- You like to party, right?

That's what I read in your Atlas file.

This'll just look like
a drunken night gone wrong.

What, you are Atlas?

ISAAC: I am who I need to be
minute by minute.

All right, man... man, I-I've sent stuff

all over the world, all right?
Iran, Kuwait.

Last month it was
some small city in Nigeria

called Yolo.

Where that b*mb k*lled kids in school?

I told you, I'm a middleman.

If I didn't set up the sales,
someone else would.

Come on, man, hate the game,
not the player...


Oh! Okay!

Let me back in! Let me back in!

I want domestic locations, recent.

Virginia? Texas?

Domestic shipments have all been Semtex.

Uh, last shipment was
to a-an airfield in Missouri.

It's called Five Mile!
It's called Five Mile!

Five Mile?

It's called Five... Jesus.





Mr. Downey, come in, come I...

Take those cuffs off.

I told you this would not be necessary.

That's all.

I am sorry about that.

Please, have a seat.


I knew you were a bright one.


First of all, let me apologize

for going through such measures
to get you alone.

Disruptive but necessary.

That's subjective.

Yes, well, we won't have to worry

about any interruptions here.

What do you want from me?

I want to offer you a job, for one.

You worked for Hayes.

You know how our behemoth
of a government operates.

Thought I did, until recently.

Well, all this fighting,
hiding, sneaking around,

that's not you, Harris.
You're a city kid.

You drink lattes.
You read "The New Yorker."

And if you come to work for me,

you can have your old life back.

Your former boss was holding
onto something of mine.

It's time I got it back.

HARRIS: What is it?

RED BAMA SR.: A decryption device,

one of a kind.

Made by a very smart mathematician,

Hoffman, a German,

but we can forgive him for that.

What's it decrypt?

That's classified,

but internally we call it the God Box.

Now I am told that you're the one

who emptied his safe. Is that true?


This was not in there.

Have you ever head the saying
"Man is not what he is,

he is what he hides"?


Telling you the truth.

I-I've never seen anything
like that in my life.

That's fine, Harris.
That's... that's fine.

Hi, I'm... I'm looking for Edie Poole.

Do I know you?

I'm Julie Swagger.

Let's get some fresh air.

I'm sorry for just showing up like this.

I... look, I-I'm here for my husband.

He's, you know, been searching
for answers about Earl

- and I...
- I-It's all true, dear.

I promised myself years ago
that if Earl's boy

ever sought me out,
I would tell him the truth.

[SIGHS] How... how did it all start?

The church assigned all of us young girls

a local soldier to write to
during Vietnam.

I got Earl.

Course, it was friendly then, innocent.

It wasn't until Earl arrested Jimmy

more than a decade later
that it became more.

That's why Jimmy k*lled Earl.
Because he found out?

No. No one knew.

Oh, come on, Edie. It's West Texas.

Gossip spreads faster than wildfire.

If Jimmy knew then all the Pooles knew.

And if that was the case I'd have been

six feet under the very next day.

In a town that small, sometimes
the only privacy you get

is keeping a secret.

You know, Earl wasn't much one
for the limelight.

But he loved the job.

Gave him purpose.

Yeah, I think, uh...

I think Bob Lee misses it too.

You know, the purpose of a mission.

You know, he's back,
it's just not the same.

Can you wait here a minute?

- I got something for you.
- All right.

Something that might
help Bob Lee understand

the man his daddy was.

♪ It's cold outside

♪ I just wanna stay in bed


- You just getting here?
- Yep.

Memphis could have got you a plane.

BOB LEE: Nah, the drive did me good.

I needed time to think.

NADINE: Finally.

ISAAC: Had to wait for light anyway.

NADINE: I know.

I just hope he's okay.

I wouldn't worry too much.

After spending two days with him,

I'm pretty sure Harris can
run his mouth until a rescue.

All right.


There's an old mining camp.

It's been inactive for decades,
land abandoned,

but it was bought at auction
a few years ago.

I traced the sale. Cash came from

a government grant for rural development,

courtesy of the Department of Ag.

That's Red.

And you got all this intel
from the arms broker?

He sent Semtex to the closest airfield

a few weeks ago...
place called Five Mile.

Two clicks over the Missouri border.

I connected the rest
of the dots to lead us here.

So at first light, I'll go in on foot.

You take overwatch.

Memphis, keep the engine running.

I'll grab Harris, you'll be exfil.

- How?
- How we gonna get out?

No, how did you connect
an airfield in Missouri

to a mine in Oklahoma?

How did you know
to tell her to trace the sale?

I've done this once or twice.

You know I'm not about to get played.


I've been there before.

For a meeting, with Meachum.

He had me flown into Five Mile.

And then they black-bagged me
across the Oklahoma border

to the mine.

That's where we decided it would be you.

You're on overwatch.
I'm going in on foot.

Do not fire a single sh*t
until you know Harris is safe.

NADINE: Bob Lee.

See you at dawn.


I count six so far, two vehicles.

Bob Lee?

ISAAC: He's in.

You know, you said that that guy

would be fine if he told you
what you wanted to know.

NADINE: And then you threw him
out the window.

ISAAC: Do I have to remind you

how many kids he k*lled?

NADINE: That's not the point.

I need to know that I can trust you.

ISAAC: Jesus, Nadine, this ain't the FBI.

I'm here to take Atlas down.

If you really want to help me,
hands can't stay clean.

My hands spiked Hayes' scotch, remember?

NADINE: I'm not afraid
to do what it takes,

but only when necessary.

ISAAC: I need to know you have my back,

no matter what.

You guys want to shut the hell up?

Thank you.


All right, let's go through
the safe contents

one more time.

All right, I got a visual.

ISAAC: Head's up, Bob Lee.
Guard's coming your way,

northeast corner.

I don't have eyes.

NADINE: What? What's going on?

I can't see sh*t, I'm moving in.

That's not the plan, Isaac.


- [THUD]

HARRIS: It was all folders, files,

uh, coded account numbers.

His k*ll list, in progress,
which I don't even know

why I was on because
his coffee was always hot

and I told you, I don't know anything.

RED BAMA SR.: You really should
place a higher value

on yourself, Harris.

The more valuable you are,
the more vulnerable you are.


That might be the first smart thing

you've said since you got here.

You're the one who said I was bright.

I was lying.

And so are you.

Or maybe you're not.

In either case,
consider that your last meal.

- Frank!
- Uh, okay, sir, I-I-I...

RED BAMA SR.: You know, it's
funny that you chose pancakes

because that mathematician
that I mentioned, Hoffman,

he had waffles. We're done here.

J-just a second, right?

T-there's got to be a way
that I can help, right?

There's got to be.

RED BAMA SR.: Sorry, son,
I don't think you can.

Come on, move. Please.

They're moving him.

Memphis, I need those guards
out front distracted.

Can you draw their attention?

On it.


[g*n CLICKS]





Come on.

HARRIS: Guys, guys, this is crazy, okay?

I can't die down here, seriously.

W-w-what do you guys want? Is it money?

I can get you money.
That's not a problem.

Whatever Red's paying you guys,
I can get you more.

I... It's Frank, right?



Come on, get up.


Groin! Eyes!

- Knees!

- Go get him!
- Yes, sir.

NADINE: sh*t.

The kid's got cavalry.

Think they followed us into the mine.

No sh*t. [SCOFFS]

God damn, Swagger.

Where's your partner?

Still underground.

All right, get him up and then blow it.

I'm getting out of here.

You'll have to find your own way home.

That's all.


Leave the kid and get up here.

FRANK: We're gonna blow it.

MAN: Roger that.

Setting the charge now.

- Ah! Groin...
- Harris, Harris! It's me!

It's me! Oh, thank Christ.

- They're coming.
- Shut up! Come on!

- We got to go!
- Okay.




We're not gonna make it.

- The exit's that way.
- Follow me!


Come on.

Run, run!



NADINE: I still don't get it.

Why would he tell you
it was a decryption device?

HARRIS: Probably because he was planning

on murdering me.

Where am I gonna sleep?

What I don't get is why you can't be

more specific than a white keycard.

I was.

I said it was thicker than a keycard

and more high-tech-looking.

He must have said something else.

Only that it was called the God Box,

like I told you,
and that it was supposed to be

in Hayes' safe,
but we all know it wasn't.

Or it was.

There were four of us in the room

the day we emptied that safe.

Oh, let me see that.

If we don't have it.

Then Gregson does.


What happened to you?

You smell like a bonfire.

I almost was one.

JULIE: What?

Can we just talk about it in the morning?

I'm b*at. [SIGHS]


I went and saw Edie today.

She gave me these to give to you.

You know, there are a lot of ways

that you're like your Dad.

There's plenty of ways that you're not.