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03x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 12/25/21 07:31
by bunniefuu
♪ Now that you're gone ♪

♪ All that's left is a band of gold ♪

♪ All that's left of the dreams
I hold is a band of gold ♪

♪ And the dream of what love could be ♪

♪ If you were still here with me ♪

RADIO: Welcome back!

And how about another round of applause

for our beautiful finalists?

Aren't they gorgeous,
ladies and gentlemen?

This is not a good idea.

Oh, fiddle-dee-dee.
Here, Martha. Put this up.

So sorry, I got caught up
at work. Can I do something?

Yes, you can. You can
put that up over there.

No worries.

- OK. Ready?
- Yep, we're ready.

- Yep. Whoo-hoo!
- TV: I'm from Tamworth.

Tamworth, beautiful northern city.

And what do you do in your
spare time up in Tamworth?

I sing in the choir.

The choir? I went to school with her.

Coupla drinks and she was anybody's.

- Ooh! Said the pot to the kettle.
- Mmm.

- I've got to show you something.
- Can it wait?



- Not now. Take it down.
- Shirley!

- Take it down.
- Who's ?

Leon, these are my friends.

Everyone, this is Leon,
the new owner of the club.

- I'm Annie.
- Who's ?

Me. I'm just short.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.

♪ Here with me ♪
♪ Mmm. ♪

ALL: Shirley! Shirley!
Shirley! Shirley! Shirley! Oh!

I think you deserve a glass of
champagne for that effort.


Oh, it's unfair of you to
do this to a woman my age.

- is a great age.
- Will the new owner really care?

Yes! And if he ever asks, I'm .

Oh, god, and don't let him
find out you're pregnant,

it'll be worse than having an opinion.

Hey. Hey, come with me.

- Where?
- Just trust me.

Where's Deanna?

- I got a babysitter. Come on, come on.
- Ooh.

- Thank you.
- Patty!

- OK. OK.
- ALL: Patty! Patty!


♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ahh ♪

♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪

♪ What I feel for you is real love ♪

♪ Another's eyes I see reflected ♪
♪ Hurt, scorned, rejected ♪

♪ Love child ♪
♪ Different from the rest. ♪

That's the tail of the
scorpion there. See it?

- Chris.
- Mmm?

Did you steal this car?

No, it belongs to a friend.

- He lent it to me.
- Because...

'Cause I told him I wanted
to impress some woman I love.


How am I doing so far?

You've made a very good start.

You wait until we see this movie.

Let me guess. The guy that owns
the car also owns the drive-in.

No. No, he works the projector.

Here we go. You're gonna love this.

What's it called again?

The Robot that Ate Texas.

- Oh, wow. Oh.
- It got really good reviews.

- Shh, shh. Shh.


That's a lovely place
to be from. Do you swim?

- I do. I love the beach.
- Oh, really? And what else do...

TB's coming with me
tomorrow, just so you know.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- OK?

- I shop and I paint.
- You paint?

- Whoa!
- Talented contestant. Thank you very much...

We'll be finding out who the
next girl through to the final is.

Miss Allure, .

Joan. You missed the party.

Oh, James is a bit young for nightclubs.

I'm taking him for a walk.

If he doesn't go down
now, he'll be up all night.

Hey, who's that in Stanton House?

There's no reason for
anyone to be up there.

Hey, Joan, have you seen Simon?

- Martha. Can you watch James for me?
- Oh. Whoa.

Vivian. Get...


Viv? Viv, let security deal with it.


- Who's here?
- Ahh!

- Gotcha!
- Hey. Hey.

You're not allowed to be in here.

Bullshit. I was born here.
Where's all the doctors?

The hospital is over there. Why
don't you come downstairs with...

- Don't touch me.
- Oh!

- Joan...
- No-one touches me.

- Are you OK?
- Tell me your name.

You guess and I'll say if you're right.

- Where do you live?
- XJ- .

Alright. I have to go get bub.

Take her over to casualty
and let them deal with her.

- I'm off-duty!
- So am I. Just do it.

- How's your tummy?
- I'll live.

What were you looking
for in Stanton House?

I found this in the back shed yesterday.

My mum wrote it when she gave me away.

(READS) "If there was any way
that I could keep you, I would,

but I've got nothing.
Sorry, darling Maggie.

You might not ever read this
but I will always love you."

Maggie. Is that you?

Never got told I was adopted.

Annie, um, before...
before you go in, I...

Oh, no, tell me in a minute. I'm cold.

Hello. How was your night?

Yeah, it was good. Yeah, we saw a movie.

Deanna's been very good. Barely a peep.

- I'll take her.
- Yeah.

How's your new place going?

Small, but I can walk to the hospital.

- We should pay you.
- I don't want money.


- Of all people, Chris.
- She was available and she was keen.

- She told me that Deanna was dead.
- I know.

Why didn't you say something?

Because then you wouldn't have come

and we wouldn't have had a great time.

She's my mother. I am...

While we are together, she is gonna
be a part of our lives somehow.

Morning, Maggie. Took me a while
but I finally worked it out.

XJ- is a Lithgow number.
I spoke to your mother.

She's not my real mother.

She said you ran away two days ago.

I had to. When I found the letter.

- I feel sick.
- Whiskey'll do that.

You need fluids. This'll
help. Give me your arm.

Is that a tattoo? What does "ILWA" mean?

None of your business.

Your mother's coming to get
you. She sounded very worried.

How do I find my real
mother? The one who had me.

I'm sorry. I don't know.

There must be a way. Tell me the way.

Thank you.

Hey. Hey. Hey, James.


Come here. Come on.

He seems restless.

- He didn't get much sleep last night.
- Again?

It's hard getting him down
in the residents' quarters.

Yeah, it's rough on him.

What time are you getting out tomorrow?

My bail's been refused.

They can't. It was approved.

What does your lawyer say?

I gave him the arse, he was hopeless.

Jim! You have wasted weeks in here.

You have got to get out
and organise a defence.

If I get an appeal lodged at the
district court by this afternoon,

I might get another hearing next week.

How are you going to do
that without a lawyer?

It can be done.

Alright. Tell me what to do.

- Have you got time?
- I'll make time.

I need you.

I need you.

Dr McNaughton.

I... wanted to talk to you about
moving out of the hospital.

No, residents have to be
on call, you know that.

I know that but I can't care for a baby

in the residents' quarters anymore.

Well, when your husband
gets bail, you won't have to.

He's not getting bail.

- Oh.
- I don't know when he'll be out.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Can't you make an exception to
the residents' rules, please?

It's not up to me,
that's a board decision.

Are there any women on the board?

There's a vacant position
on the board right now

if you want to apply.

No, thanks.

I'll speak to the chairman.

Thank you, I'd appreciate
that. It's unworkable.

Of course.

♪ I once believed ♪
♪ Take my advice ♪

♪ Well, you'd better get
yourselves on the right track ♪

♪ 'Cause findin' a good girl, man... ♪

Her mother's coming back at : .

- Patty.
- Huh?

- Hi.
- Be a sport.

I've got an audition in the city
and Chris is out looking for work.

- I'm kind of full.
- Oh, please.

- Um, Liz, do we have a spare cot?
- Yeah, I think we do.


- Thank you. Can you, um, pick her up by : ?
- Yeah.

- You are made of gold, Patty.
- Yes, I am.

Bye. Be good for Patty. Thanks.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Bye, Mum.
- Aren't you busy?

Yes, I think I've
accidentally become successful.

- I've gotta run.
- Oh, hey, gigglies!

Oh, are you OK?

Yeah, it's nothing six or seven
hours sleep won't fix. Mwah! Bye.

Alright. Bye, Mum.

Bye, Mums.

Busy morning, Sir?

Uh, yes.

In a good way, I hope.

What can I do for you, Matron?

I was hoping you might nominate
me for the vacant staff position

on the hospital board.

- You don't qualify.
- I've worked here for years.

Sir, I want Stanton House reopened.

If I'm on the board, I can lobby for...

Frances, you're only a nurse.

Do you know where all the old
Stanton House records went?

Went to welfare, why?

The girl that we found in
Stanton House last night,

she's looking for her birth mum.

- Hey, Martha. I'm off at : . Let's go out.
- Goodo.

- Where's he gonna live now?
- With his dad.

Wow. There's an admission of failure.

In here, your kind donations
have bought us a Doppler machine.

Wonderful technology.

And this is the nursery. Shh.

Where our newborns stay.

- And our abandoned babies.
- Abandoned?

Yes, I'm afraid we get
quite a few of those,

especially since
Stanton House was closed.

Nowhere for the mothers to go, you see.

These three at the front, they
will be made wards of the state.

- Not adopted?
- There are more babies than people who want them

and our adoption program was
shut, along with Stanton House.

How much would it cost to open it again?

- Are we eating? I'm... I'm starving.
- I think your wife was asking a...


Would you sign an acquisition form
to get some old adoption records?

- What for?
- A girl came in last night

- looking for her birth mother...
- It's against the law

to give out that information.

You told me where my twins are.

And I have deeply regretted that
moment of stupidity ever since.


I spoke to the chairman
about the residency rules

and I'm afraid he's gonna be
hard to shift. He's old-school.

Joan? Are you in pain?

I'm fine.

Let me look at you.

No. No. If I don't get this
bail application in on time...

- OK, let's get you on the bed.
- ... Jim won't get bail.

- OK. Come on.
- Ahh...

- The x-ray is inconclusive.
- Here, let me see it.

- I want to go in and have a look.
- No, no, no.

No, I have to get this
application in on time.

- You know about laparoscopy?
- Uh, yep. Keyhole surgery.

- Good. You'll be assisting.
- Oh, this is my last day.

Keyhole surgery's a new thing,

don't you think someone
else should probably...

Until : this afternoon,
you'll do as you're told.

Acute infection of the fallopian tubes.

Looks bad.

Can you fix it?

Not with surgery.

I don't need to remind you,

the identity of the
patient is confidential.

- Understood?
- Yes, Sir, of course.

- What's it called?
- Laparoscopy.

Half an hour from go to whoa.

- It's amazing.
- Still, sounds horrible.

Yeah, all surgery's horrible.

Guess what, never have
to look at it again.


Give us one of those acquisition
forms for the Stanton House records.

- Who's gonna sign it?
- Matron.

- Really?
- Cross my heart.

You're gonna forge her
signature, aren't you?

Hey, where do you want to
go? You name it, we'll do it.

You're not allowed in here.

Oh, I'm sorry. I... just wanted
to have another quick look.

What do you know about
these abandoned babies?

They come to us with nothing, no names.

This one was left naked in a shoebox.

- So sad.
- Yes.

I asked my husband if he'd
pay to reopen your girls' home.

He said no.

Well... thank you for asking.

But, he'd be happy to
adopt. He said that.

He's always wanted a son.

Would you like a hold?

He can be yours if you want.

Really? Just like that?

Better off with you
than in an orphanage.

If you and your husband
want to keep him,

I'll make sure the paperwork happens.

In return, perhaps you could just
ask your husband to suggest my name

as staff appointee on the board?

No more pm starts, no more
hospital food at all hours.

No more women screaming,
"Get it out of me "

- No more job.
- Eh, no big deal. I'll find something.

You can't change horses mid-stream
if you don't have another horse.

One door closes, another window opens.

The saying goes, "One door
closes, another door opens."

They're both doors.

Great, two doors.

- Guess what I see through the second door.
- What?

Thee and me.

Let's get married.

It's not completely stupid. Is it?

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Allure !

Viv's friend won the beauty pageant.

Think she looks as good
as that in real life?

We'll find out tomorrow night.

New boss booked her for an appearance.

That's smart. Wish I had thought of it.

The lock on that back door
is rooted. I want it fixed.

You know what?

I get the feeling he's waiting
for me to have a good idea,

- otherwise he'll sack me.
- You're paranoid.

Well, it doesn't mean it's not true.

- I have to get to the court.
- Too late for that.

You need to relax.

It's penicillin. You
had acute salpingitis.

- My fallopian tubes?
- Yes.

But both are still intact.

So how... infertile am I?

If you were a betting
man, what are the odds?

Not good. But never say never.

Knock, knock.

What are you doing? Get back into bed.

- I have to get James.
- Bed.

I had a look at your work. Very
impressive. Only two stitches.

Well, I hope you put the dressing back.

Laparoscopy, eh? Could really catch on.

You know, if you're not gonna
continue the IV antibiotics,

you'll need to take tablets.

- Fine.
- Please stay and rest.

You know, there's some
pretty great developments

in reproductive technology.

- It may help you in the future.
- You've got good hands, thank you.

And then you went to dinner

and you didn't say a word about
how he just proposed to you?

I was in shock.

I... I think you are strange.

I mean, why wouldn't a girl
like you wanna marry a doctor?

- A girl like me?
- Yeah.

You've always said that you
want to be happy and comfortable.

- He can give you that.
- He's not a doctor anymore. He quit.

Oh, well, he can be a different
kind of doctor, can't he?

- That's not the problem.
- What is the problem?

He's just had everything
handed to him, all his life.

That's not his fault.

Do you love him?

I dunno why but I
thought you'd understand.


Joan speaking.

Prisoners' service,
connecting Jim Marsh.

Hey, it's me. How'd you go?

I didn't get there in time.


- I'm here.
- I'm really sorry.

It's OK.

I can try to get your
documents in today.

Courts don't open again until Tuesday.

Jim... I'm so sorry.

You shouldn't have to do it anyway.
I'll have to find another lawyer.

Hey, talk to me about somethin' else.

- D'you have any news?
- Yes.


Dr Millar?

How long does the
train take from Lithgow?

Uh, four hours but I
couldn't get one yesterday.

Viv, this is Denise
Prentis, Maggie's mother.

- Oh, hello.
- Thank you for calling me. Where is she?

Maggie, I'm sorry I never
showed you that letter.

I always meant to, I... just
couldn't find the right time.

You had years' worth of chances.

Maggie... I just want us to fi...

I could pretend everything's
great, but it won't be.

You'll never be my mother. Never.

Her birth mother named her
Maggie. Not Margaret, Maggie.

She was very clear about that in
the letter so that's what we did.

I'm sure that means a lot.

We tried to do everything right.

We treated her like she was our own.

We kept the whole thing
secret, just like we were told.

Well, now the secret's
out. Deal with it.

Talk about it.

I need to walk.

You should lay off the grog
when you get outta here.

Alcoholic poisoning isn't
good, take it from me.

The doctor gave me that lecture already.

When are you leaving?

Tonight, I guess.

Chug, chug, chug, back to Lithgow.

If I find out anything about
your birth mum, I'll call you.

Can't believe I've
spent two days in here

and the most exciting street
in Australia's just there.

I felt the same way when I got
here. And I saw Mick Jagger.

- For real?
- Yep.

If I take you out for half an
hour, will you promise to be good?

- It's so pretty!
- Maggie! Maggie, what are you doing?

My dad said if you skip around a
fountain the first time you see it,

you'll get anything you wish for.

What did you wish for?

Same as always, more wishes.


We can't stay long and
we can't drink anything.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please make very welcome
Miss Allure Cosmetics .

She's beautiful.

Nah, she's a scrag. Her
name's Bonnie Crouch.

- Hi, Bonnie.
- You can't bring a kid in here.

Only for a tic.

- Out.
- Five minutes.

- Now, or I'll have a bouncer throw you out.
- No way. Shirl!

Out you go.

That was the coolest. Let's go back in.

Uh-uh. You have to eat
and I have to get you back.

The smell of food makes me wanna vomit.

All food?

- How long's this been going on?
- Dunno, a few weeks.

- You're not pregnant, are you?
- No.

- Have you missed a period?
- What's that got to do with it?

Maggie, look at me.

Have you had sex in the
last couple of months?

Look, my mum told me I couldn't
get pregnant till I was married.

I'm not married, so...

How long have you been sexually active?

Maggie, if you can help me
figure out how pregnant you are,

I can tell you a lot more about
what's happening to your body.

I dunno.

How many sexual partners have you had?


He might want to know.

Would you like to be with me
when I speak with your mother?

Don't tell her, please. I
don't think I want a baby.

I have to. Maggie, she's your mother.

- She's not!
- Legally, she is.

Listen, if you and your mother decide

you don't want to keep
the baby, that's possible.

You could finish school, set
your sights on whatever you want.

Is there anything you'd like to ask me?

I don't wanna get fat.

Is it still early
enough to get rid of it?

I... don't know how pregnant she is.

But there is a blood test I can
do that will be more accurate.

Yes, please.

Terminations aren't performed
here. But there are other hospitals.

It can be done safely.

Can you keep her here another night?

Yes, if you like.

Who's the father?

She wouldn't say.

I told her over and over,
boys will take advantage.

What am I gonna do?

Support her. Tell her you love her.

What if I don't?

Maybe she'll always just
be someone else's kid.

- Hi.
- Jim.


- Jim. My god.
- No, don't worry about that.

If they meant to do serious
damage, they would've.

Here, sit down.


Hey, you said you had some
news. What's your news?

- James has two new teeth.
- Does he?

At the back, both sides.

Viv! Viv! I lost the letter from my mum!

When did you last have it?

Yesterday. I've looked
everywhere. Someone's taken it.

- I'll see if it's been handed in.
- It's the only important thing I own.

Relax. We will find it.

And, I might have some
information on your real mum, too.

- How?
- No promises but I'll let you know.

Hey. I came to see you
yesterday, you weren't here.

I was out a lot yesterday.

I don't mind if you take more time.

I don't need more time.

Simon... I'm sorry.

I don't want to marry someone
born with a million opportunities

who just gives up.

- Martha, has the mail come in?
- Yeah, um...


"Dear Matron Bolton, thank you for
your enquiry but we are unable to

make adoption information regarding
Maggie Prentis available to you."

A medical career requires
application, Bowditch.

Yeah, I have that, Sir. I do.

and if you let me come back
to obstetrics, I'll prove it.

I'll repeat...

- When did you change your bloody mind?
- Ah, just... not long ago, actually.

I know that makes me look indecisive...

- For laparoscopy.
- Sorry?

You saw the laparoscopy and decided
you want to be part of the future.

That's right, Sir. You're
an inspiration, Sir.

Leave it with me.

There's a board meeting
here in a few minutes.

I know. Haven't you heard?

I'm the new staff rep on the board.

Who would've thought? Just a nurse.

These chairs are
comfortable, aren't they?

Shirley! Shirl, I need
you to do something.

I have to get to work...

Just listen. You know the girl I
came to the club with last night?

- She lost a letter from her birth mother...
- Viv.

No, it's important. It's about
half a page, written in pencil.

It says that she wants her
daughter to be called Maggie

and that she loves her.

- How old is she?
- Um, .

Can you please look?


Maggie dear.

Give me your hand.

I have some difficult news.

I'm afraid your mother won't
be taking you home today.

These policemen are here to take
you to the Turramurra girls' home.

- No! I'm not going back there!
- I'm sorry...

- No! No, I'm not going back there! No! Please! No!
- Viv! Viv! Please!

- What's happening?
- She's been declared a girl in moral danger.

Her mother's made her
a ward of the state.

But, her mother adopted her,
she can't just give her up again.

- Let me go! Please, no! Let me go!
- Maggie! Maggie!

They're taking me to
Turramurra. Don't let them!

Please let her go. Stop! Let her go!

Officer, please.

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Now that I've found
you, I can't let you go ♪

♪ I built my world around you ♪

♪ I need you so ♪
♪ Baby, even though ♪

♪ You don't need me ♪
♪ You don't need me ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Now that I've found
you, I can't let you go ♪

♪ I built my world around you ♪
♪ I need you so ♪

♪ Baby, even though ♪
♪ You don't need me ♪

♪ You don't need me ♪

♪ Baby, baby, since first we met ♪

♪ I knew in this heart of mine ♪

♪ I wanna tell you 'bout it ♪

♪ The love we had cannot be bad ♪

♪ I'll play it right and bide my time ♪

♪ All my life I waited for somebody ♪

♪ To give me love like you ♪

♪ Now you tell me
that you wanna leave me ♪

♪ Darlin', I just can't let you go ♪
♪ Baby... ♪

How long you been managing this joint?

Uh, couple of months. Why?

Just wondering.

- Don't go having any babies.
- ♪ Baby ♪

♪ Now that I've found
you, I can't let you go ♪

♪ I built my world around you ♪
♪ I need you so ♪

♪ Baby, even though ♪
♪ You don't need me ♪

♪ You don't need me. ♪

♪ And when we meet again, my baby ♪

♪ I'll whisper just to you,
"My love is always true" ♪

♪ And I say that I loved
you forever more, my baby ♪

♪ My love ♪

♪ And we'll dance all together ♪

♪ My love, you and I ♪

♪ Singing songs of adventure ♪

♪ What a wonderful night ♪

♪ And we'll sit and I'll hold you ♪

♪ Forever more, my baby ♪

♪ My love. ♪