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03x10 - The Confession of the Long Night

Posted: 01/09/22 09:43
by bunniefuu


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

D.A. Rosario. You're here,

- in my kitchen.
- You can call me Jean

outside of the office, Nancy.

French toast?

Is this an early-morning meeting or...



You slept over last night.

Your dad didn't tell you

about it?

Oh, me being here this morning.

Not what we did last night.

Oh, dear God.

Yeah, a heads-up would have been nice.

Or traumatizing. I...

haven't decided yet.

Jean, can I help with breakfast?

You're here too.

If I had known we were having company,

I would have gotten dressed.

I am so sorry that this
caught you off-guard.

Last night, uh, you said

- you might stay at George's.
- Yeah,

emphasis on "might".

My mistake.

I've been missing from
Horseshoe Bay for two weeks?

I had no idea that much time had passed.

It's as I feared.

We're trapped in a parallel reality.

Is that why nobody in the regular world

can see or hear us

even though we can see and hear them?

Yes. This liminal space

warps the physical world

and affects our perception of time.

You were sent here
as soon as you turned the key

in the Copperhead's padlock.

The same thing happened to me as well.

The night Temperance

returned to Horseshoe Bay
and lowered the barrier,

her arrival activated a mystical signal.

As Keeper, I was told that when I saw

the signal of the six roses

I had to unlock the Hallows Snare,

no matter what was inside.


As soon as the padlock and
the cage door were unlocked...

... I was trapped in the liminal space.

But why make things worse for the town

by unleashing the Copperhead?

I have no idea why
they told me to do that.

I've been trying to make contact
with you all ever since,

but you thought I was Charity's ghost.

It was a better guess than
"Hannah turned invisible

and is trying to signal us for
help by throwing things at me".

I nearly got a concussion.

I was trying to tell you,

"Please get me out of here.
I don't want to die".

The myths say that
when the moon is full,

all beings inside are
purged from existence.


When is the next full moon?

The zenith is at : . Tonight.

We have to escape before then.

We got to find Nancy.

She's sharp enough to
understand our signals.

As someone who's been knocking
on her door for two weeks,

I disagree.

I can get through to her.

Trust me.

Night Ball was one of my

favorite town traditions.

We'd gather under the full moon
in December and light candles

to illuminate the dark night.
It was beautiful.

BESS: Love that you brought it back.


Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I mean, the color's great on you,

but I just think the
silhouette is a bit...


That's too bad.

Charity did always have the
perfect figure for ball gowns.

Yeah, it must be really painful

looking just like your dead daughter.

It is difficult.

But in a way, it makes
me feel closer to her.

Thank you for helping me
pick out a dress, by the way.

I asked Nancy, but she was
on community liaison duty.

Yeah, you two have gotten closer

since the Burning Sorrows incident.

Speaking of, why do you think bait

meant for the Copperhead lured
the Burning Sorrows instead?

I'm sure I don't know.

What's with the bloody map?

Oh, it was a ritual, but

the blood trail got blocked by
an unknown obstruction in town.

I think it's working now.

ADDY: Oh, nice!

We cleaned up the flood in the bathroom.

- I think it was a burst pipe.
- Oh. You know what,

someone from Water and Power
came by yesterday.

Maybe they damaged a line
while they were working.

You know what, make the town
pay for the repair.

Even if they did,

this place needs a lot of work.

Might have to sacrifice that
Miami Gardens expansion fund

- that Eve suggested.
- Hey, that's okay.

Glad the rumors weren't true,

about you breaking off your engagement.

- We did break it off.
- Oh, I'm sorry. It's just...

you don't look broken up.

Oh, we're still together, we're just,

you know, not getting married right now.

- Mm.
- Huh.




I'll get that.

The genealogical tracing to determine

future Copperhead victims
is a massive task.

Uh, thousands of people can be
traced back to the criteria

of descendants of Gettysburg soldiers.

Uh, the Boston field office
is helping...

Oh... How many pages is this document?

Ugh. God. You do not
have to help me with this.

Yeah, I'm not sure I've been much help.


Oh. You, uh, got a little...


Oh, I'm sorry. Uh... (CLEARS THROAT)

That was inappropriate and my fault.

I should have maintained
a more formal distance.

Yeah, no, I just lost my balance.

Of course. Yeah, I'm sorry.





NICK: Hey. You at the precinct?


- why?
- Uh,

we just found a body
behind the youth center.

Tyler? Ryan.

Should have known you'd
pick the yacht club.

Best mixologist in town.

Yeah, it's the only restaurant
my parents could tolerate

back when we summered on this island.

(LAUGHS) Well, the
elite only summer here

because it's the last private enclave

for the one percent to
discreetly do business,

- which, I'm guessing, is why we're meeting.
- Not exactly.

Listen, it's no secret
you've been making

some unreturned calls recently.

Well, you know,
prospecting takes time, Tyler,

you know that. And-and, besides,

I'm branching out
into-into new directions.

I heard you hit up the deep
pockets of New York

a few weeks back, fundraising
for a local nonprofit.

You've been working wonders
cleaning up the Hudson brand

by investing in a community
you actually spend time in.

I need that.

- Okay, so this... this is about PR?
- No.

No, my PR team is busy swatting down

a bunch of fabricated ethics complaints.

Look, I'm interested in this
personal brand of charity

that you've gotten into here.

If you can facilitate
a charitable capital infusion

to this youth center of yours,

I'll make you my head
of my corporate giving.

With very competitive compensation.

Yeah, let's, um...
let's talk about that.



What is with you and FBI guy?

Okay, so, earlier,
I thought that Agent Park and I

were having a moment,

so I...

may have leaned in to...

Wait, you did not try
to kiss him, did you?

- Mm, no, I did, yeah.
- And-and?

- And?
- And he recoiled in horror.

- You got swerved?
- Yeah.

He said it was inappropriate,

which I have no idea why.

I technically don't even work for him.

- Just-just chill.
- I just-just feel like

I'm really off my game lately.

Ace texted me last night

to meet up about something,

and I thought that m...

I don't know. I thought that he was...

It doesn't matter. He stood me up.



Wait. (LAUGHS)

Are you saying that you like Ace?

Oh, come on.

I mean, "Oh, wow, how did I miss this?"

Girl, look at you, with two
suitors, Ms. Twosy-Drew.

They're not suitors.

- I sound like a...
- A healthy, single woman

with agency and options? Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

No visible wounds,
bruising, or obvious signs

of as*ault, it's possible our John Doe

died of natural causes.

- Or supernatural causes.
- Agreed.

His chest cavity was still intact,

which rules out the Copperhead's M.O.,

but I still have to investigate
any possible connection

- to that case.
- GEORGE: Uh, Nick,

will you come with me real quick?

Uh, yeah.

I-I hope what happened earlier

won't affect our working dynamic.

- Nothing happened earlier.
- In that case, should we

carpool back to the station together?

No. I'll drive myself.

That way we can keep a formal distance.


RYAN: Hey, Nick. I have someone

I want to bring over
to the youth center.

Uh, no, now-now is not the best time.

No, but listen, this is Tyler
Gillis, the tech billionaire.

He wants to give the center
a million bucks.

We-we just found a dead body

- out back. Wait, did...
- Uh...

- did you say a million dollars?
- Yes!

Yes. A million. A million bucks.

Look, how about-how about
I just send over

the email offer for now, okay? Okay.

He's so excited.

The utilities company called
on the way back here.

They've never seen the victim before.

Howdy. Uh, so far the autopsy
results are the kind of weird

- where it's best to loop in Nancy.
- Well, I'm flattered.

I'm declaring the cause
of death inconclusive.

Zero internal trauma. Like

the life was sucked right out of him.

I would know... I sat through Leo's

first-grade production-slash-
debasement of Our Town.

Anyway, pulled an ID
from our victim's prints.

John Doe was named Michael Isaacs.

Appreciate the help.

Just doing my job. Speaking of,

I'm looking forward to Ace's
interview this afternoon.

Oh, I... I didn't know about that.

Radios. That's how we get her attention.

H... Uh, how did you move things before?

Focus on the object, then fully
commit to your intended action,

but be careful...

moving things takes a lot of energy.


Nancy, can you hear me?



Let's find out what we can
about Michael Isaacs.

- (BEEP)
- Ace, I really think

Temperance is up to no good,

and I can't tell Nancy,
'cause, you know,

she only responds to hard evidence,

and I don't have any actual proof.

Temperance is slipperier
than a well-moisturized newt.

Help me. Please. Don't make me beg.


What's that?

I don't know.

I've never seen this metal before.

So that wasn't what you were
looking for with your blood map?

All will be revealed in time.


We better hope this guy
from Water and Power

died of a heart attack, because
this is one million dollars

from Tyler Gillis. All right?

I mean, this money
could go to-to repairs

and educational programs,

Hey, you wouldn't have to use
your expansion fund, then.

I could open up my center back home.

W-Wait-wait a sec. Tyler Gillis
makes his microchips

from ruthenium mines that have poisoned

several communities' water tables.

- Really?
- No, no, no, hold on, now.

Hold on. Tyler's making amends
to those communities.

Well, an apology
doesn't really mean much

- when you have no drinking water.
- Sure.

But everything from your cell phone

to the overnighted art supplies
in the youth center

come from exploited workers
or environmental abuse.

So if some rich guy wants to-to
ease his conscience

by throwing money at our good
cause, then why not let him?

ADDY: Because that money is never free.

Okay, look, don't take
my word for it, right?

Go ahead, read Tyler's offer

and find the strings attached.

I mean, there are stipulations about

how the money should be spent. This one,

requiring me to build a
swimming pool out back...

- that is oddly specific.
- W... A pool?

Okay, no. Absolutely not.

This property is on unceded
Passamaquoddy land and

our tribe considers the field
out back especially sacred.

We have yearly ceremonies there. I mean,

the land is our mother
and we have to respect it.

Okay, let's lose the pool.
I'll talk to Tyler,

I'll get it taken out of the contract.

Thought you were a dealmaker
that could get this done.

Nick doesn't agree to the swimming pool,

I am rescinding my offer.

I'm not an idiot,

Tyler. I know this isn't about a pool.

You looking for another ruthenium mine?

That NDA you had me sign is
terrifyingly iron-clad, so...

It's not ruthenium.

It's a completely untapped
rare earth ore.

An extremely powerful semiconductor

that will transform microchips.

So you think there's an ore
underneath the youth center.

Is there any chance
that you hired someone

to survey that land?

No. No, my satellites
did a Geo scan of the area

after detecting weird seismic
activity two weeks back.

Look, I'm concerned
my competitor Swift Enterprises

may have figured out
the ore is here as well.

(SCOFFS) So this isn't
about a youth center.

Or me.

Look, the donation offer is real.

You get me that swimming pool...

... keys to the clubhouse are yours.

BESS: You know

that woman you saw me outside with...

- Uh-huh.
- Temperance? She used

this unusual divination tool
that led to exactly where

the man died and where
the ore was buried.

Look, I'll show you.

This ore... this is what
the dead man was digging for,

and Temperance was fascinated by it.

I'm just afraid that she's
up to something nefarious.

I did get a vibe from her.

Yeah, a -year-old wily witch vibe?

No, I was gonna say
entitled, but, yeah, okay, sure.

- That too.
- Yeah.

I just wish I could make her

tell me the truth about her plan.


Yes. Okay, so I recently found a ritual

that compels people to tell the truth.

Uh, this particular potion
is activated by fire,

and Temperance is doing a
candle lighting at her ball.

So I could dose her and
then interrogate her.


Oh, you were being literal
about the witch thing.

Too much?

Hey, look, I already told you:

interesting is hot.


High-end contract firm
Michael Isaacs worked for

refuses to name their
clients without a subpoena.

We might have another lead.

Ryan says that billionaire Tyler Gillis

is offering a big donation
to the youth center.

Ryan's handling the deal,
but he's worried

that a death on the property might

- turn Tyler off.
- Not quite grasping the lead.

Tyler really wants to build a pool

behind the youth center.

So he wants to keep digging

in the same backyard where
Michael Isaacs died digging

- for something mysterious.
- Ah.

A tech billionaire like Tyler
could've secretly hired

Michael's firm,
but if I try to ask Tyler

- about it, he'll lawyer up.
- True.

But everyone loves to chat

with an heiress, so I'll talk
to Tyler tonight at the ball.

I'll make sure Ryan brings him.


♪ There's a hole in your heart ♪

♪ You wanted to die ♪

♪ There's a hole in your heart ♪

♪ You wanted to die ♪

♪ You couldn't have it ♪

♪ You wouldn't have it ♪

♪ So you want what you see ♪

♪ At the front of the line ♪

♪ And you want what you see ♪

♪ At the front of the line ♪

♪ It doesn't matter... ♪

Text Ace.

Why'd you stand me up yesterday,
question mark.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Any sign of billionaire Tyler?

No, not yet.

Guess he's late.

Less than two hours before
the moon reaches zenith.

We will find a way to reach Nancy.



So when Temperance lights that candle,

it'll release a puff of smoke
that makes her tell the truth?

Yes, but the wick needs to be wet,

so I have to give it to her now.

The spell should last an hour or so,

but that's more than enough
time to question her.

Temperance. Hi.

I know you were busy with
last-minute arrangements,

- so I grabbed your candle for you.
- Thank you.

Always the star pupil.

I try.

Welcome to the Long Night Ball.

Let's begin our candle lighting.

♪ ♪

This is a Horseshoe Bay tradition

on the longest night of the year.

Normally we would each light our votives

from this altar candle, but...

in the spirit of togetherness,

let's pass the light along instead.


Thank you.

NANCY: You know, I wonder
if he looks that good

without clothes.

Yeah, well, I thought
Nick was my soulmate,

but ever since we
called off the wedding,

I've been wondering if that's true.

I mean, what if I just never
knew I was capable of being

with anyone else
because he's been my only

healthy relationsh... ship?


- Hey!
- Yeah.

I think something went wrong
with your truth spell.

George just blew up her relationship

and your friend Nancy
is either super horny

or has no filter.
Why can't I stop talking?

So you know that pair of socks
you found in the freezer?

I left them there by accident
and I blamed Leo.

Hmm, I figured. Also, I
didn't accidentally shrink

your Phish shirt in the
wash... I threw it away.

- Oh.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
Temperance must've used

her candle to somehow
douse everyone else's.

We are being compelled to tell
the absolute literal truth,

even if we try not to! (GASPS)

I've been outfoxed.


You figured out the candle ritual.

But guess what?
That dress isn't your color.

And nope, that's a lie.
You look great in it.

Excuse me.

God, I'm a disaster whose
ambition will never match

her skills. Also... do I have B.O.?

I sweat when I'm nervous
and I'm smelling garlic.

Okay, Bess, focus.

You smell a little, but I have
deodorant in my clutch.

And Temperance got hit, too.

Right? You can still interrogate her.

She can't get her hands on
that ore... it's too important!

Wait, you know what the ore is?

The... metal is
culturally and historically

significant to my community.

One ancient medicine man even

believed it could heal wounds.

I didn't say anything before because...

working with that metal is considered

a closed practice... it's private.

So please don't say anything.

No, I-I swear I won't, okay?

And-and I won't let Temperance desecrate

tribal land to get to that ore.

It's been bothering me all day
that you didn't tell Nancy

I was staying over last night.

I was scared to tell her.

My last relationship after her
mom died did not go well.

I made a lot of mistakes.


I just don't want
to disappoint either of you.

But trying to protect Nancy and
me just infantilizes us both.

Is Tyler here yet?

No, he's running late. Double-booked.

Why do you seem so intense?

Because I think he's after
the land behind the youth center

- and had a role in Michael Isaac's death.
- Oh, no.

Tyler wouldn't k*ll anyone.

I mean, sure, he wants the land

because it's full of some special ore,

but I... Oh...

I was not supposed to tell you that.

Look, my-my point is is
that Tyler's a capitalist.

- He's not a m*rder*r.
- Oh, don't be naïve, Ryan.

Excuse me?

You're so desperate to get

your Hudson clout back that
you'd let anybody play you.

I'm desperate?

And getting played?

Well, you think you know everything

all the time, but you don't.

And you know who thought they were
the smartest person in the room?


And look what that got her.

I didn't...

I Di-I Di...

I did not mean to say that
to you, I'm-I'm sorry.

Okay, so I accidentally dosed

everyone in the room with truth serum,

so it's made things a bit

- heightened.

- Nancy, I...
- Forget it.

We use the situation to our advantage.

Nancy, I've been looking for you.

I need to tell you something.

I think it's time that
I start building a life

that is less entwined with yours.

I totally hear you
and I'm happy for you.

Do you think we should
make a family schedule?

Maybe you could hang
a sign on the doorknob?

Whoa! Nancy.

- Hi.
- Yeah, tell your friend Ace

not to bother to reschedule.

Should've known. Hair that
good never works in a morgue.

So Ace didn't come to your meeting?

- No.
- That worries me.

Hold that thought.

Mr. Gillis, hi.

I'm Nancy Hudson. Welcome to the party.

Mind if I just light your candle there?

Why? What's with the candles?

Oh, they're just doused

in truth seru...

Are you okay?

(MUFFLED): No, I'm trying to get you...

Never mind.

NICK: So-so-so what, you want,

you want to date other people or...

GEORGE: Uh, maybe.

Look, I want to grow next to you.

But I still want to grow.

These are options I never got

to explore when I had
an expiration date.

So-so how-how long have you,
have you known this?

I thought about telling you
at the courthouse,

but you were still so sad.

I want us to be together
for the right reasons.

Not because we just settled
for each other.

Oh, you-you settled for me?

What, because I was the first nice guy

- who didn't treat you like...
- Like what?

Like poor slutty George
with her hard life

and her drunk mom and
her parade of death curses?

Okay, no, I never pitied you.


But you really wanted to save me, right?

- Yeah.

'Cause you know what, Nick?
That's your move.

You want to save everyone else
so you don't have to deal

- with your own problems.
- Oh, you know what, I don't-I don't...

I don't feel like
getting yelled at again.

Stop running away from me

like you do everything else!

Nick, if you have something
to say, say it right now.

Did you ever really love me?


But you know that was never enough.

It could never compare
to the fantasy that you built

in your own head
to escape your own trauma.


Damn it.


You okay?

'Cause you're composing yourself

in a coat closet, which would suggest...

No, I'm not okay.

But I'm surprised that you care.

You think

that I don't care

because... I avoided kissing you.


Why did you pull away?

Don't say that it was
because it was inappropriate,

'cause that... seems like an excuse.

If you don't like me...

I can't stop thinking about you.

I want you to expand on that.

Your warmth.

Your sense of humor.

The way your hair smells
like clove and citrus.

The way that your eyes flash

when you're thinking.

Nancy, I knew that if I kissed you...

... I wouldn't be able to stop.

So don't stop.

♪ ♪


Maybe the DJ?

We can use snippets of certain songs

to send messages.

I think we should try Nancy again.

You being in love with her is
not gonna make her hear you.

- Love?
- Yes.

It's obvious.

While I understand the ache
of a missed connection,

we are out of time.

I'll try the DJ myself.

Truth serum ritual.

Better party entertainment
than I could've ever planned.

Well done.

What are your plans for the ore?

Did you k*ll that man?

I have no idea what that ore is.

I didn't hire or k*ll
the man who found it.

How could you accuse me of m*rder?

- Also, why?
- Because...

I found a letter about how you
were using the Burning Sorrows

to manipulate Nancy.

I had to risk my own death as a way

to get Nancy to see me as a human being,

and I would do it again because I need

her help to defeat the Copperhead.

What is your ultimate plan?

My son-in-law Beckett Dow was too much

of a lovesick whelp

to have actually
destroyed Charity's soul.

He must have the first two pieces

hidden away somewhere,
and if I can just...

collect all four pieces, I may be able

to see my daughter again.

Have fun watching
your friends' lives implode

because of your stupidity.

Tyler, hey.

So I was talking to Nick about

the pool that you want to put in,

and I have to be honest with you...

he's afraid that you're a robber baron

who doesn't care about this town.

- Well, that doesn't bode well.
- It does not.

But maybe you could win him over.

You see, Horseshoe Bay is obsessed

with its traditions and rituals.

They rally around anyone

who participates.

That's what they did with me.

Why don't you try this tradition?

It's to illuminate the long night.

So tell me, Tyler,

did you hire Michael Isaacs

to find the ore at the youth center?

Yeah, I hired Michael.

Why the hell did I just say that?

Because you're just
being honest with me.

(LOUDER): Were you involved
in Michael's death?


Well, I didn't even know
Michael was dead.

Last night I asked him to get

a larger sample of the ore,

then his equipment started
getting crazy readings

and the call dropped. (CLEARS THROAT)

Trust me, if I had known he died,

I would've just paid someone
to get the body out of there

- before the police could find it.

Keep your money.

I don't want anything from you.

Well, that's fine.

'Cause I already sent a Maine
state official a warm-up bribe

to seize the land from you
via eminent domain.

At which point, I'll just
lease it from the state

at a fraction of the price.

How did you know about
the ore to begin with?

Not the ore, an indigenous
artifact made from the ore.

See, I've been collecting
ancient relics for years,

and this one...

this one is the pièce De résistance.

You give those artifacts back
to their respective tribes,

you planet-destroying,
colonizing garbage.

At least I'm smart garbage.

(CHUCKLES) I don't even pay taxes.


Get out of my way.

♪ ♪


Is this where we part ways

and pretend nothing happened?

Is that what you want?

♪ You take my hand ♪

♪ Please take my hand ♪

♪ You take my ♪

♪ You take my hand... ♪

Hey, sorry. Uh, look, I talked to Tyler.

And he is definitely the worst,
but he didn't k*ll Michael.

And he's gonna leave
the youth center alone

or I'm gonna leak his truth online.

We still don't know
how Michael Isaacs died?

No, no. And, Nancy, I'm sorry.

You know, I-I only lashed out
because I was feeling insecure.

I'm sorry, too.

I was just worried about you rushing off

to your... old life.

I kind of like having you around.


And I still do need a job,

so if you don't mind
making calls for me?

I'd be happy to.

I need you to know that I'm here, Nancy.

You okay?

Yeah, I just felt this...

It's me, Nancy.

It's Ace.


This is very weird.

It's like something's
tapping at my shoulder.

There's nothing... nothing here.

I think it's a message in Morse code.




Oh, my God.

It's Ace and Hannah.

They need our help.


It worked. I got through.

Ace said they're trapped
in a liminal space,

and he and Hannah will die
unless we get them out.

Do you know how to rescue them?

I'd be glad to help.

This is Cora Dow's shoddy handiwork.

She used a ritual to make
the Copperhead's lock

and key last forever,

but the charm decayed, leaking a...

mystical energy, which opened a gateway

to the liminal space.

Cora always liked
to experiment with time,

but she wasn't very good at it.

That's how we learned of
the liminal space to begin with.


Can you save our friends?

I need a Hudson and a Marvin to help me.

Nancy, Bess...

you must be my Sisters-in-White.

Now we are truly connected by blood...


ALL THREE (CHANTING): From the liminal

to the physical...

the ephemeral to the material...

return to whence you came.



Figured if I was gonna get
obliterated from existence,

it might as well happen
while I was looking at a friend.

You're back, Mr. Ace.

Oh, yeah, I am.

Oh, my God. Hannah.

I am so sorry that we didn't realize

you were stuck in a liminal space.

There's an apology I
thought I'd never say.

BESS: No, it's, it's my fault.

When you said you were
"stepping away" in your text,

I thought you meant for a vacation.

After that ordeal, I need

an indefinite vacation
from Horseshoe Bay.

Bess, will you watch

over the Historical Society
a while longer? I need

- to put a plan in place for my succession.
- You're quitting?

As Keepers, we swear
an oath to protect the town,

without question, but my sense of duty

almost got me k*lled.

And now two innocent people are dead

because I opened the Copperhead's cage.

I'm done.

Please excuse me.

Can I, uh...

take you out to dinner?

You don't... you don't have to...

take me out because of tonight.

I know that we were
influenced by a mystical

truth serum.

The serum's worn off.

And I don't regret anything.

Unless you do?

No. It was amazing.

And yes to dinner.

I can't wait.


Forgot my coat.

I'll, uh... bring the car around.

I feel like I should've figured
out what happened to you sooner.

It was not an intuitive puzzle.

I saw you had a lot going on today.

Were you with me the whole time?


At the precinct, uh, with the radios.

And then... the dance floor,

and, um, Morse code.

Yeah, that was smart.


Good night.

Good night.


Everything turn out okay?


But I'm a total idiot.

How could I have gotten it all so

wrong? It's just...

♪ ♪

♪ Let you down ♪

What was that for?

To remind you...

you're pretty great.

Please don't beat yourself up.

Also... we never did get our dance.


And thank you.

Truly, for being down
for all this weirdness.

I'm sure you have questions.

Mm, one, at the moment.

Why do you think that artifact
was buried there?

I don't know.

♪ Don't let me down ♪


- May I?
- You may.

♪ Let you down ♪

♪ I can let you down. ♪

♪ ♪

I've been expecting you.

What are you doing here?

There's a large artifact buried here.

A supernatural seal a shaman
crafted from a rare earth ore.

That seal masks and contains something

that I've long been searching for.

A tear in the veil between this world

and the darkness below.

Your phone won't work here.

I'm going to reassemble
my daughter's soul and then

I'm gonna destroy the seal
that separates our worlds.

And she will surrender to her destiny.

Is this, uh, is this why
they kicked you out of town

- years ago?
- Yes.

And you will give me access

to this tent while I complete my ritual.

And why would I let you do that?

Because I already put a hex
on the head of every child

at your youth center.

And if you try to stop me

or tell anyone,

they'll all die.

In three days, it will be done.