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06x19 - An American Girl in Paris: Part Une

Posted: 01/13/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
Some outfits wait a lifetime to be taken somewhere special.

The same can be true of people.

Hi, it's Aleks.

Stop packing.

They have clothes here in Paris.

-See you tomorrow.

Safe flight.

Hi, it's Miranda.

No, this is not my 40th "please don't go to Paris" call.

It's been three weeks, is that funny yet?

Anyway, I got us a dinner reservation.

You're leaving at nine so we have to eat at six, which makes us senior citizens. Thank you.

Or should I say merci beau... Please don't go.


It's me.

I'm in town.

Look, I'd really like to see you, so call me.

Same number, and in case you've forgotten, it's...


After many more hours of packing, I was off for our version of the last supper.

Well, if Mohammed won't come to the mountain...

Hiya, kid.


I was in the neighborhood, saw your light on.

Can I talk to you?

Well, uh, I'm late for dinner with the girls.

It's 5:45.

Come on, get in, it's cold.

Raoul, give us a minute, will ya?

No, no, it's okay, he doesn't...

It's... It's cold.

Oh, he's a tough guy, right, Raoul?

-I'll tip like a Rockefeller.

I'm sorry for not returning your calls.

Yeah, I was starting to feel like a needy chick.

Did I do something to piss you off?

No, it's...

I've just been busy with other things.

Look, I know I freaked out about us the last time I was here, and...

No, it's fine.

You were amazing to me and I...

You... You were fine.

Would you let me finish?

And since then, I've been thinking a lot about us...

You don't have to do this, okay?

There's... There's really no point...

It's all fine.

Raoul's freezing and I have to go meet the girls.

Got it.

How about dinner tomorrow?


I'm starting to feel like that chick again.

I won't be here tomorrow. I'm leaving for Paris tonight.

Paris? Yeah.


You're finally taking that vacation, huh?

It's not a vacation.

I'm going there with the man that I'm in a relationship with.

He's wonderful and I'm happy, so please, don't feel bad about anything.


Wait, wait, wait...

What do you mean goodbye?

I have to go.


Carrie, stop!

What are you doing, saying goodbye and jumping out of the car like that?

Are you moving to Paris?

When were you gonna tell me?

What, you're not even gonna tell me who he is?

His name is Aleksandr Petrovsky.

You're moving to France with a Ruskie?

Ah, come on, it's a joke, Carrie.

You do this every time.

Every time!

What, do you have some kind of radar?

"Carrie might be happy, it's time to sweep in and sh*t all over it."

What? No, no, look...

I came here to tell you something.

I made a mistake, you and I...

You and I nothing!

You cannot do this to me again.

You cannot jerk me around.

Carrie, listen, it is different...

Oh, it's never different!

It's six years of never being different.

But this is it, I am done.

Don't call me ever again, forget you know my number, in fact...

Forget you know my name.

And you can drive down this street all you want because I don't live here anymore!

Sure, now that I'm with someone else, now that I'm leaving, it's different.

You know who he is?

Who? Who?

"The Boy Who Cried Love," that's who.

And just like in the fable...

It's too little, too late.

Love? He...

He said he loved you?

No, it's... No, it's an allegory...

No, look, my point is he's been doing this for years.


And I'm done with it.

Then just put it all behind you.

Oh, it is behind me.

I'm mostly upset about him ruining my last night in New York.

Well, f*ck him!

And you know I never say that.

Would you like another cocktail?

No, no, no, I can't be drunk on the plane.

I want to arrive stunning and impossibly fresh-looking.



Stop, really, you're gonna make me cry.

She didn't even say anything yet.

But I know it's coming.

I want to thank you all for wishing me well tonight... in spite of some of your personal opinions about my leaving.


I've never had an opinion in my life.

You guys, stop...


-Easy there, waterworks.

Today, I had a thought...

What if I...

What if I had never met you?

Let's pull it up, shall we? I...

I'd like to show my face here again.

Yes, the tears have to go.

Alright, someone say something not sentimental.

Chemo might have kicked me into early menopause.

Task accomplished.

You cannot believe the hot flashes.

I can barely keep my clothes on.

Really, what was your excuse before the chemo?

Oh, I'm going to miss you, you c**t.


Wow, even c**t didn't stop her.

Hey, it's me, leave a message.

Manhattan Town Car for Bradshaw...

Car number 221, downstairs in two minutes.

Ladies, I know it's getting late and we all need to get up for our Pilates...

More hot decaf?

Are you insane?

But hang in and I know we can make this breast cancer benefit our best ever.

Mona, the goody bags, tell us...

Thanks, Sheila.


First, we have the pink ribbon breast cancer cookie.

Oh, Jesus.

Well, what's wrong with the cookie?

For the past five years, every f*cking breast cancer benefit I've been to has had that f*cking breast cancer cookie.

Now I don't care about a breast cancer cookie and I had breast cancer!

Point taken.


Well, some of the women coming to this event are battling cancer.

They need something more inspirational or outrageous than a f*cking cookie. Is it hot in here?

Well, the cookies are donated, so we're having them, but you're right.

We do need something inspirational and outrageous to give to these women.

So, I'm giving them... you.

Excuse me?

I'd like you to make a little speech before you bring me up.

But what would I say?

Something inspirational, something you think they'd like to hear.

But... my husband's parents, the Liebermans, are coming.

So please, try not to say f*ck so much.

Could I get some water... please?

Fill it up.

Bonjour. Bonjour.

Merci beaucoup.


- Please. Merci, merci beaucoup.


- Bonjour, madame. Bonjour!

- Bonjour. Bonjour.

Ah, a little slower. S'il vous plaît.

Ah, but of course. American?

New Yorker. Oh.

Um... Je m'appelle Carrie Bradshaw.

I'm staying here with Aleksandr Petrovsky.

Very good, Miss Bradshaw.

I believe Mr. Petrovsky is in the salon right now.

Ah! Oui?

Yes. Oh, okay...

So, um, the luggage?


Thank you.

Oh, Carrie, you're here!


Oh, so nice to see you.


I want you to meet my daughter, Chloe.

Oh! Oh...

Hi, how's it going?

Very well, thanks, and you?

I'm sorry, all I got was "it's ten thirty."

Oh, you don't speak French?

Well, I'm learning, but...

Chloe was saying that she's having a bad day and she wants to k*ll herself.

Oh. She's a bit dramatic.

Boyfriend troubles. Oh...

Well, that's my department.

So, tell me all about the bum.

Papa tells me this is your first visit to Paris?

Well, not if you include movies.

But I can't believe I'm finally here.

I almost screamed when we drove by the Eiffel Tower.

Oh, terrible.

It was tolerable before, but... now with that light show at night...

-Hideous. Just hideous.


I wanted Chloe to meet us for drinks tonight, but the only time she could give her old papa is from now 'til this afternoon.


Oh. Well...

You two should have your day alone.

All the interpreting for me is gonna cut your time in half.

I can unpack and take a nap, and try to get on Paris time.


Oh, also, I have to meet some people from the museum for an early dinner.

But I'll eat light, so we can go out then, okay?

I'm in Paris!

Don't you worry about me.

Okay. Okay.

See you. Okay.

Uh, nice to meet you.

It was nice to meet you too.

Thank you. Bye.


Uh... Where am I going?

Oh, 625.


Au revoir.

Thank you.


My God.


Window curtains.

Ten hours later...

All dressed up, and no Petrovsky to go.

Oh, where is the recommendation from your friend the judge?



And Carrie left hers at home, so I can pick it up when I get her mail later in the week.

It's amazing with all the unwanted children we have to do all this.

Well, this private adoption is a very competitive market.

More competitive than China?

We've got like a year's wait on that list.

Honey, God is gonna send us a baby...

From somewhere.

And it's just our job to file all the papers and to just be as aggressive as we can, up to the point of obnoxious.


Hey. I'm sorry I'm late.

This museum dinner turned into this big, long thing with the exhibit sponsors and other patron's riffraff...

Blah, blah, blah.

Sorry. Why didn't you call?

I did...

You had the do not disturb on your phone.

Oh, right.

I forgot.

Did you sleep?


Did you get enough sleep?


Well... It's dinner time in New York.

Bon appetit.

You look like dessert.

What's under your mille fille?

Mille fille. 1,000 layers.

One, two, three... four, five, six... seven, eight, nine, ten...

Oh, my God... Stop. Oh, my God!

If you want to see the face of breast cancer... look around you.

It's the woman next to you at the dry cleaners, the nurse in pediatrics, the single mother picking her child up from school...

Are you sure the heat is off?

f*cking chemo...

Where was I?

She's the woman with the knowing smile.

I b*at cancer, I can take on the world!


It's good, huh?

What is that?

It's kinda stiff.

I just thought it would sound more like you.

It's an inspirational speech.

At AA, the most inspirational speakers are the ones who keep it real.

Keep it real?

I'm speaking at a black tie benefit, not chillin' at P. Diddy's crib.

I'm just saying, the truth is powerful.

Look, you may know AA, but I know PR.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I simply must stick my head in the freezer.

After a week in Paris, I decided my French was now strong enough to brave the ultimate test...

A day of shopping.

Bonjour, madame!

Bonjour! Whoa!

Can I help you? Fine. Yeah, I'm fine.

Oh, my purse. Oh...

-It's fine.

Someone has been shopping, huh?

I fell.

I fell in Dior.

So, I decided that the more I purchased, the less they'd think of me as the American who fell in Dior.

They don't think like that.

Well, not anymore they don't.

This is the shopping equivalent of a lobotomy.

Oh, poor baby.

My purse went flying.

I had to scoop everything up.

I came all the way from New York to squat and scoop in Dior.

I didn't even bother to check and see if I had all my credit cards.

Well, apparently you had one. One that I won't be using again for many, many years.

Oh, no.

No, no, oh, my God.


My Carrie necklace was in here.

I put it in here... I don't see it...

It's not in here. Oh, damn it.

Oh, my God, no. I can't have lost my Carrie necklace. No!

Was it insured?

No, no, it's not like that.

It cost like nothing, but it's...

It's priceless... I'm...

I've just had it forever, so...




Is it too early?

Carrie, hi, how's it going?

Oh, I'm really upset.

What's wrong?

It's nothing serious, I just...

I lost my Carrie necklace.

And it's gone and I'll never be able to replace it and I got it at that street fair when we were all together and...

It just makes me so sad.

Sure, I understand.

Well, no one in Paris seems to understand.

Or at least they don't understand me.

Come home.

I can't come home. I just, I've only been here a week.

So, aside from the necklace, how's it going?

Well, you know, it's hard.

It's harder than I thought.

I don't speak the language and it's too cold and rainy to walk around all day, I've been to every museum like twice.

I... I don't know, I'm...

I'm... I'm just sort of lost.

Where's Aleks? Well, the exhibit is taking much more time than he thought, so... I'm alone a lot.

Come home.

That's ridiculous, I just got here.

I'm serious, you sound really upset.

No, I'm just being a baby.

You know, I lost my necklace and I saw these girls having lunch and...

I just...

I just thought how much I miss you guys.

We miss you too.

Oh, this is absurd, I'm in Paris!

I've wanted to come here my whole life. This is...

I just have, you know, too much time to think.

What does that mean?

Can I tell you something and you won't use against me when I feel better and everything's great?


I... I keep thinking about Big.


What it would be like if I'd... If I'd come here with Big.


I'm still here.

But that's just something I do when things aren't going perfectly with any guy, you know...

I compare 'em to Big.

Oh... Oh, God, this French phone is saying something that I don't...

Carrie, listen...

If you want to see the face of breast cancer... look around you.

It's the woman next to you at the dry cleaners...

The nurse... in pediatrics...

The single mother picking her child up from school...

I said inspirational, not perspirational.

She's brave, she's capable... she's you.

Oh, f*ck it, she's me.

And if any of you are having hot flashes like I am, you deserve a f*cking medal.

Bad enough I lose my hair, now I have my face running down my couture.

Oh, to hell with it...

Whoo! That's better.





Hey, it's me, leave a message.

It's me.

I know you said you never wanted me to call you again.

But I'm still in town and I don't know if you're even calling this number, but I had to call...

I figure at this point I've got nothing to lose.

Except you.

I can't lose you again, Carrie.

I love you.

Hi, it's Charlotte.

And her computer was just sitting there on the bed.

Well, I know I haven't been your favorite over the years.

I wouldn't say that.

I would.

Well, God knows, I've made a lot of mistakes with Carrie.

I f*cked it up...

Many times...

I know that.

Look, I need your advice.

You three know her better than anyone.

You're the loves of her life...

And a guy's just lucky to come in fourth.

But I do love her...

And if you think I have the slightest chance, I'll be on the next plane to Paris, I'll roam the streets until I find her, I'll do anything.

But if you think that she really is happy...

Well, I wouldn't want to wreck that for her.

And I'll be history.

Go get our girl.

And what is that?

Oh, my God.

I know this is not "the Carrie necklace," but it's a necklace for Carrie.

Oh, my...

These aren't diamonds?

Well, let's just say I wouldn't throw it around in your old purse.

I hope this cheer you up.

Thank you.

Wanna try? Yes.



It's alright? It's lovely.

Listen, I know I've been busy.

But as soon as the exhibit opens, it'll be just you and me, I promise, okay?


Hey! Andre!

- Bon soir. This is Andre, my best friend.

Remember, I told you about him. Oh, yeah!


-Bon soir.

Enchantée. Enchantée.

Ah, ah, ah, ah.