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02x06 - Everyone and Their Brother

Posted: 01/17/22 07:52
by bunniefuu
Where are you
calling from, sir?

We're at home.
2362 Greenbriar.


Okay, paramedics are
on their way to you now,

and you said
your brother's name is Brad?


Okay, and what's your name?

- Scott.
- Okay, Scott.

My name is Grace.

Can you tell me what
your brother is choking on?

- What's he eating?
- What wasn't he eating?

Okay, your brother's
sitting upright?

Yes, we're both on the sofa.

All right, I need you
to get behind him.

We're gonna do
the Heimlich maneuver.

No, I can't.

It's okay.
I'll talk you through it.

No, I can't get behind him.
We're conjoined twins!

Oh, okay.
I see.

How old are you guys?

We're 34.
It's our birthday actually.

Scott, listen, we need
to keep your brother

breathing until the paramedics
get there,

and we wanna clear
his airway,

so I need you
to reach into his mouth,

and take your finger
and sweep it down

his throat if you can.

Just hold still, Brad!

There's something!
There's something!

It's peanut butter!

I think he's choking
on peanut butter!

Ah, that's gonna make it
a little trickier for us.


How could this get
any trickier?

- Ugh.
- His windpipe is clogged

with something viscous.

It's gonna be more difficult
to dislodge.

- Brad, you pig.
- But that's okay.

Is there a hard‐edged
surface nearby

like a chair or a railing?

- Um, how 'bout a countertop?
- Great, that's perfect.

Get to that, we're gonna do
some self‐abdominal thrusts.

We're gonna get up.
Come on, Brad.

One, two, three.

Come on.

Here we go.
Come on, Brad.

Come on!



Oh, he's not making any sound.

Oh, God, he's deadweight.

Brad, go!


Scott, you still there?

It's no good.
He passed out.

I think he's dead.

Well, we don't know that.
If he just stopped breathing,

then he's probably got
at least three minutes.

I should've told him
happy birthday.

Hey, it's okay.
You're gonna be able to.

No, we haven't spoken
to each other in two years.

You wouldn't know
by looking at us,

but we're not that close.

And now it's too late.

We're not gonna make it,
are we?

Well, this sucks.

Scott, listen.

Do you have a vacuum cleaner
in the house?


A vacuum cleaner,
the kind with the attachments.

Do you have one?



can you get to it?

Um, I don't know.

Scott, listen.
I need you to try.

We have two minutes,
and we're gonna use them, okay?


I got there.

Okay, good.
Is it plugged in?

Uh, hang on.

Scott, what was that?

I had to turn us over to reach.

Plugged in!

Okay, good, I need you to
attach the crevice cleaner.

That's the long skinny one.

I'm trying.

Got it.

Okay, good.
I need you to take the end

and place it into
your brother's mouth.

Gently, not too deep.
Be careful of his teeth.

Oh, God.
His skin is so cold.

It's okay.
Don't worry about that.

Just see if you can get that
attachment into his mouth,

then hold your hand around it
to make a seal.

I got it.

Okay, good.
Run it full blast.

I think it worked!
I think he's breathing!

Brad, are you breathing?

Are we talking again?

Yes, you idiot!

We're talking.

Scott, tell your brother
happy birthday.

Happy damn birthday, Brother.

Happy birthday, yourself.

Paramedics are making their way
up your walkway now, gentlemen.

Grace, thank you.
You saved us both.

Me and my idiot brother.

Admit it.

You can't live without me.

*9-1-1 LONE STAR*
Season 02 Episode 06

Episode Title:
"Everyone and Their Brother"

Aired on:
February 22, 2021

All right, did you do
your walk around?

All compartment doors
are secure,

and all six tires
are at 100 PSI.

All right, you know what to do,

- So ignition switch.
- Mm‐hmm.

And start button.

It's broken.

So ask yourself,
what'd you forget?

- Battery switch.
- Battery switch.

All right, I got this.

Battery switch,
ignition switch,

and start button.

What's next?

Uh, oil pressure's all good,
and here we go.

- Damn it!
- All right, take a minute.

Take a breath and ask yourself,
what'd you forget?

- The point of any of this.
- Well, the point of it is

you begged me to get your
fire specialist certification.

You said you wanted
a challenge, you recall?

I'm sorry, Judd, I just,

I got some news last night.

I'm a little shook.

Was it bad news?


Wait a minute, you're...
you're pregnant?

That's right.

Isn't it great?
You're gonna be a big brother.

Is this even possible?

- It's confirmed.
- By science.

Ooh, damn.

So your pops has got
some powerful stuff.

- Really?
- Mm‐hmm.

That's your takeaway?

No, I'm saying it's impressive.

It also goes to show you should
always use birth control,

'cause whether you
think you can or you can't,

you can.

Yeah, well according to them,
they were.

Ooh, so I'm saying.
That's powerful stuff.

Ugh, all right.

I understand
how you feel though.

You do?

You're life it's just been you.

So you were the firstborn,
and you're the baby.

You're always gonna be
the firstborn,

but you don't get to be
the baby no more.

What are you saying,
that I'm threatened?

'Cause that's ridiculous.

No, it's Biblical.

You got Cain and Abel,

the Prodigal Son's
less famous older brother,

and Joseph's ten hermanos.

They were about your age
when he came along,

and they chucked his ass
down a well.

I'm not chucking anyone
down a well.

I'm saying it's natural
to resent the baby.

Trust me, I got three brothers.

What, you think
it was peace in the valley

every time another Ryder boy
come along?

How'd you deal with it?

I didn't have to.

'Cause I was the baby.

Laundry duty is the worst.

How does one house create
so much of it anyway?

- We make a lot of messes.
- The real question is,

how can I carry 70 pounds
of PPE on my back

all day long no problem,

yet ten minutes
of folding undershirts,

and my shoulders are in knots?

It's cause
your technique sucks.

You're employing a variation
of the traditional chest fold.

with inconsistent creases,

and that's why your stacks
are lumpy bumpy.

My stacks aren't lumpy bumpy.

- They're a little lumpy bumpy.
- You see mine?

Nice and tight.
The secret is the pinch fold.

Trust me.
It'll change your life.

That is dumbest thing
I've ever heard.


What sorcery is this?

What the hell?

What are you doing?
What the...

- Hey, hey!
- Hey, you can't park here!

- Hey!
- Hey!

Hey, stop!


Ma'am, you cannot park here.

Why not?
It's empty, isn't it?

I told you we should've
parked on the street, Mama.


Baby boy!

What are y'all doing here?

We wanted to surprise you!

Well, mission accomplished.

Mateo, Marjan, this is my mom
and my sister.

- Nice to meet you.
- How's it going?

Mama, you look good.
Real good.

Look at you.

Is this my son
or Mr. Vin Diesel?

Come on, Mom.

Naomi, doesn't your brother
look strong?

Feel these biceps.

I'm good.


Hey, P.

Uh, yeah, uh...

Sweet ride by the way.

Thank you.

- Yeah, Mama whose RV is this?
- Mine.

Bought and paid for.
We got a deal.

Honey, your sister
drove a hard bargain.

Yeah, I bet she did.

After a year
of sheltering in place,

I needed to get out of Chicago.

So you take a road trip
down to Texas?

We're just passing through.

- Passing through to where?
- To Mexico.

We're gonna take
the Pan‐American Highway.

You know it goes almost all
the way down to the South Pole?

Wow, that sounds
like quite an adventure.

That's the idea.
It's like your sister says,

"YOLO, you only live once."

Yeah, Mama,
I know what it means.

So was this your idea, huh?

No, it was all Mom,
but I'm all about it.

I mean, after all this time,
you probably don't remember

how cramped
that apartment really is.

I remember.

Uh, I hate
to interrupt,

but uh, we do really need you
to move that RV.

Oh, of course.
We were just stopping by.

Paul, baby, we're
at the RV Park off South Lamar.

Will you come by for dinner?

I'll make pot roast.

This baby has on oven bigger
than the one in our apartment.

sh**t, I'm in there.

- Are you good?
- Yep.


- All right, Mama, take care.
- Okay, baby.

Love you.

That's so rad
that they're driving

to the South Pole.

I've always wanted to see an
emperor penguin in real life.

You cannot actually drive
to the South Pole,

and it's not rad, it's insane.

We're in the middle
of a pandemic,

and my mom has health issues.

She seems spry enough.

Oh, yeah, she's spry,

but she has
cardiopulmonary disease,

which is the ultimate
pre‐existing condition.

And there Naomi is
right beside her to egg her on.

Why didn't you say something?

'Cause me and my sister haven't
exactly been on speaking terms

for a while now.

Yeah, I could tell
with the looks

you guys
were giving each other.

It was like
House of the Flying Daggers.

It was like

How long is a while, exactly?

Ever since I transitioned.

Huh, this one sounds promising.

Dillon Bancroft, UT grad,
Phi Beta Cappa.

Hell to the no.

Did a certification course
with him a couple of years ago.

He reeks of patchouli
and arrogance.


Have you heard anything
about Shayla Myers

from Round Rock?

Shayla "Head Case" Myers?


This is happening.

We cannot continue to do
this job shorthanded.

I know you and Tim
were close...

We were more than just close,

He was like a brother.

I understand.

I do.

But it's time.

So you and I

are going to pick the three
most qualified applicants,

we're going to test them
in the field,

and we're going to fill
this position.


Booker T. & The MG's
"Green Onions"...

Family, that's what
I found here at the 126.

So when we bring in a new EMT,

it's really not just about
filling a position.

We're adding to our family.

I‐I understand.

That's beautiful.

Makes total sense.

So I have a little tradition.

Whenever we bring in
a new team member,

I like to reacquaint ourselves

with the EMT Oath
and Code of Ethics.

Now, I don't expect you
to have it memorized.

Because I don't.

Yeah, I think I remember it.

You're referring to the oath

penned by Charles B. Gillespie,
M. D.

Personally, I think
it was a mistake

to remove all mentions of God.

"I solemnly pledge myself..."

"To conserve life..."

"To alleviate suffering..."


- "Promote health..."
- "To provide services..."

"Based on human need..."

"With compassion and..."

"Respect for human dignity."

That's us, Collin.
You drive.

Copy that.

Whoa. Hey, look out!

- Careful!
- What was that?

My bad.

What do we got?
A s*ab wound?

Reusable straw.

He fell on a latte.

Nancy, nebulizer
with Albuterol.

Sir, we really need you
to give us some space to work.

She needs to know I'm here.

Sir, please.
I'm asking you nicely.


Sir, I said back away.

You good?


Five more feet.

Right there.


- Oh, oh, oh.
- Oh, oh.


All right.

Eagle Scout, Rhodes Scholar,

four tours in the Navy,
and you've been a senior medic

at the Texas Capitol
ever since.

That's an impressive resumé,

Thank you, Captain Vega.

Almost too impressive.

It says here that you've, um,

never lost a patient
under your care.

Well, touch wood.

You know, realistically I know
that that can't last.

In fact,
the Lieutenant Governor gave me

a little bit of a scare
last Fall,

but yes, I have been
very lucky.

Well, lucky doesn't pitch
a perfect game.

You must be exceptionally
skilled under pressure.

My scoutmaster used to say,
"Storms bring out eagles."

And I guess it stuck.

Will you give us a second?

Of course, Captain.

The Eagle Scout has landed.

Something has to be wrong
with that guy.

Nobody is that perfect.

True, true,
but did you see his posture?

And his fingernails
were clean.

He's probably a serial k*ller.

At this point,
that doesn't disqualify him.

I say we pull the trigger.

I don't love the metaphor.

But okay.


You wanted to see me?

How's training going?

Judd said there
were casualties.

All orange cones.

Yeah, they probably
had it coming.

Have a seat.

What's that?

Is that your will?

God, I hope not.

It's my Power Of Attorney.

I'm signing it over to you.

To me?

Don't look so shocked.

I put my life in your hands
every day.

We both do.
All of us do.

Yeah, so this is
a little bit different.

It's just me and you.

I'm going under the Kn*fe
in two weeks.

Is everything okay?

Everything's great.

That last cancer surgery you've
been all over me to schedule,

I'm finally doing it.

So hopefully I'll wake up

a couple weeks from now
cancer free.

This is a precaution.
A formality really.

Dad, that's amazing.
Yeah, of course I'll sign it.

But why not Mom?

I think I've signed enough
over to your mother already.

Just date it here.

You know, I've been on you
about this for months.

What made you change your mind?

I am going to be a father.

- Silly.
- So, Mama,

you feel free to drive
through Texas

anytime with that pot roast.

I sure have missed
your cooking.

And I miss cooking for you.

Nobody puts away a pot roast
like my boy.

I'm gonna open another bottle.

Why not?
We're not driving tonight.

Does wine really mix well
with Mom's meds?

Believe it or not, P, we found
a way to keep Mom alive

since you bolted off to Texas.

I can see why you love it,

It sure is a beautiful country
down here.

Rugged and open.
It suits you.

A little dull for me.

That's 'cause you got
Cloud Forests on the brain.

Your sister found a spot
in Costa Rica

where you can go zip‐lining
in a rain forest

at the top of a mountain.

Top of a mountain, huh?

So I guess there'd be
some hiking involved, huh?

I'd imagine so.

- To cold, thin air.
- Mm‐hmm.

Here we go.
I told you he would do this.

- Do what?
- Take a dump on everything.

Naomi, baby,
don't say "dump" at the table.

All right, Naomi, I get it.

You're there on the daily,
and I'm miles away.

You're pissed because
you stayed, and I left.

Now I appreciate everything
that you do,

but that does not mean
I stop having an opinion.

And yet,
nobody's asked you for it.

Okay, well,
you gonna get it anyway.

I mean, have you thought
any of this through?

Mom's health aside,

I mean what if this thing
breaks down?

Two women alone in the middle
of some strange highway.


You of all people do not
get to play the gender card.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Who's for pie?

- So you really wanna go there?
- Go where, P?

First of all, my name ain't P.
It's Paul.

You can't even say
my damn name.

I don't even know
what you're talking about.

I'm talking about the reason

why we cannot
have a conversation

like two grown folks.

You never dealt with me, Naomi!
You never dealt with who I am.

Are you being serious
right now?

You think I give a crap
about you being trans?

Is that what you think?

All I know is that
everyone else in our family

accepted me with open arms,
and that's fine.

I sure as hell did me,

so I guess you gotta,
sure as hell, keep doing you.

I was nine years old.

I was nine years old, and I had
a sister who I worshiped.

She was my world, and she left,

and nobody explained to me why.

And all the pictures came down.

Not just her memories
up until then but mine too.

All those memories,

and everyone pretended
like she never even existed.

Like I never had that sister
who I loved.

She left, and you came back,

and it felt to me
like you k*lled her.

So no, P,

it's you
who never dealt with me.

You say I'm mad
because you left.


I'm mad because she did.

And she never said goodbye.

I'm going to bed.

Yo, George!
Less pressure.

- Yep.
- It's powerful stuff.

Do you remember
the crash at all?

I must've nodded off.

I was up all night
prepping for a big wedding.

All right,
let me take a look at you.

How's the new guy working out?

Well, he got us here
without running anybody over.

So, you know,
that's in his favor.

Seriously though?
This kid seems good.

I wish I could say that
about mine.

I told him about the thing.

The thing that... oh, oh.

The pregnancy thing.
He didn't take it well?

I thought at first.

Lately he's been
a little chilly.

I'm sure it's all in your head.

Way to hustle, son!

Yeah, that's chilly.

Captain Vega, Captain Vega!
A hand?

- What happened?
- I don't know.

She was alert,
talking two seconds ago.

Start a line.
Phenobarb and D2.

Or not.

Hey, where'd your guy go?

That's cynokit.
I said pheno...

All deference, Captain,
look at her blood.

It's candy apple red,
sudden seizures,

I think she's hyperoxic
from cyanide poisoning.

Heart rate's dropping back
into the 110s.

She's stabilizing.

How did you know?

Flower arrangements.

They left sprigs
of cherry laurel.

They release trace amounts of
cyanide gas when you cut them.

And she was driving around
in a van full of them.

Good work.

Give it.

Hey, give it.
Give it.

You're gonna crash it.

I'm not gonna crash it.

You're just stalling.

No matter how long
we stay out here,

you still gotta go home
and pack.

Stupid Boston.

Why'd my mom have to take
that job anyways?

'Cause it's a job.

Hey, cut her some slack.
It's not gonna be that bad.

Are you kidding?

The snow, the Patriots,

and I have to share
a room with you.

I'm not listening to you
FaceTime Kiera every night.

So good news is,
you won't have to.

You're gonna have
your own room.

What do you mean?

Danny, I've been trying
to break it to you all day.

I'm not going with you and Mom.

I'm gonna stay here,

live Coach Conway
and his family,

finish high school.


Mom would never let you
do that.

She said it's okay.
It's just a year.

My freshman year.

- You'll be fine.
- No, I won't.

I'll get creamed.
I need you to have my back.

I'll always have your back.

Not if I'm there,
and you're here.

- What'd you do?
- I‐I...

You crashed it.

No, I didn't.
I swear.

That drone cost me 500 bucks.

Come on.
Let's go find it.

Stay close.


Is it busted?

Hey! Hey, hey!
You stop right there!

Stop, right where you are!

Don't move!
Don't move!

Don't sh**t!
We just crashed our drone.

It didn't crash.
He sh*t it.

Aw, hell, boy.

I thought you was
the government spying on me.

Okay, well, we're not.
Okay, we're just gonna go.


Don't move!

Do not move.

I'm not gonna sh**t you, kid.

You need to listen to me
real close.

All right?

You boys are in a minefield.

One false move,
it's hasta la bye‐bye.

It's God's own miracle
you made it to where you are

without trodding on one.

It's gonna be fine.

Just stay where you are.

I laid every last one of them

Yeah, well, do you have a map!?

Map's right here, all right?

I got it all up in my...

Oh, God!

Oh, God, Wes.

What are we gonna do?

Danny, uh, I think I...


Wake up, please, Wes.


Neighbor said
the field spans 50 yards

in each direction.

Every antipersonnel mine
under the sun.

Guy was a frequent flyer
at the army surplus store.

Do you have any idea
where he buried these things?

I guess he did.

I guess he didn't.

Captain Strand,
I don't like what I'm seeing.

- It's a lot of blood.
- Hey, Cap.

b*mb squad's still
40 minutes out.

How much time
does the boy have?

Not 40 minutes.

Maybe 30.

Probably less.

He's gonna need
a transfusion just to hang on.

All right,
we'll do this on foot.

Marjan, get me
the 3‐inch line,

some heavy ropes.

Mateo, I need
the biggest duffel we got

- and some spray paint.
- Spray paint?

Brighter the better.
Let's go!

Sheriff's contacted the mother.
She's on her way.

Says both brothers are O‐Neg.

Good news is,
we got plenty of that.

You ready?

Am I ready to go
into a minefield?

Well, Captain Strand's gonna be
ahead of you the whole time.

Um, until he isn't.

Are you having second thoughts?

I never had first thoughts.

Those boys need
your perfect record today.

I have a perfect record

because I don't do things
like walking into minefields.

I'm not the b*mb squad.

That kid needs a transfusion
to survive

to meet the b*mb squad.

You know what?
It's okay.

And I don't want you to think
that you're going to be penalized

for refusing to do something
that you think is unsafe.

Wrong line of work,
don't you think?

I'll go.

- That's crazy.
- That's crazy?

But it wasn't crazy
when you expected me to go?

I'll go.

I was a duel function FD‐medic
in New York.

All my certifications
are up to date.

I can do this.

- You ready?
- I think so.

We'll be fine.
You know why?

Because we put our lives in
each other's hands every day?

Because if we don't
get out of here,

your mother's gonna k*ll me.


All right.


All right!
Your turn!

Jump into the orange ring.

All right.


Wes, stay awake.

- Man, I can't look at this.
- I can't stop looking.

I can't stop the bleeding.

How you boys doing?

My brother's hurt.
He's bleeding real bad.

That's a good sign actually.

All right,
we're coming toward you.


Captain Strand!

I'm okay!
Still in one piece.

Did you boys get hit
with anything?


I'm Owen.
This is TK.

I tried to stop the bleeding,
but I couldn't.

You did great.

You slowed it down
and kept your brother alive.

Captain Vega.

He's breathing,
and you're right,

it looks like
shrapnel nicked his femoral.

Torniquet the leg.
Start your saline line.

Copy that.


I'm gonna put
a torniquet on you.

It is not gonna feel good.

And TK's gonna give you
some blood.


All right, this is
gonna make you feel

a million times better, buddy.

Hold this for your brother.

Just a little sting.
All right.

Hold that blood up.

All right, now the good stuff.


He's dying.

Captain Vega,
he's got no pulse.

Then he's not
getting the blood.

Start compressions now.

Squeeze this while
I do compressions.


Come on.
Come on.

Come on, buddy.

He's awake!
He's awake!

He's alive.

Why are you always
trying to leave me?

I'm not the one leaving, kid.

And you still gotta pack.

Here comes the cavalry.


Good job.

You saved his life.

You got me here.

Captain, do you have a minute?

Of course.
Come in.

So, um...

about what happened
out there today...

Pearce, do not apologize.

I should've asked you

if you were comfortable
going into that minefield

instead of just assuming it,

and I meant what I said.

You will never be punished

or penalized in any way

for refusing to do something
you feel is not safe.

Well, I never assumed
I would be.

Okay, good.

And if I was, I'd go straight

to a union rep
or maybe a lawyer.


Look, I just don't think
that this is gonna work out.

You don't?

The culture that you
and Captain Strand Foster

around here,
it's not for me.

And what culture would that be?

A cowboy culture

where you actually
seem to enjoy

running headlong into danger.

I think you might be
overstating things a bit

and maybe even confusing
the fire and rescue side

with the EMS branch
of this house.

Am I?

Because I'm pretty sure
the guy I replaced

got hit by a lava b*mb.

We don't control
the calls we catch.

But you do control
how you respond to them.

I'm starting to see how
you got that perfect record.

"I will serve unselfishly

"and continuously in order
to help make a better world

for all mankind."

That oath is what drives

every action the 126 takes.

It's not perfect, and yeah,

that may sometimes mean
a little danger,

but that's who we are.

And you are an exceptionally
talented paramedic.

And you're right.

Not a good fit.


I wish you luck, Pearce.

You too, Captain.

Dang it.


And another one bites the dust.

Man, Vega's got them dropping
like flies over there.

She must be tough.

She's tough.
So's the job.

It was, uh, it was
pretty exciting though.

You should get his paycheck
for this week and yours.

Yeah, you were badass
out there.

- Oh, no.
- What happened?

It's my mom.

They never made it out of town.
Y'all, she's in the hospital.

I'm looking for
Cynthia Strickland's room.

She texted me.
She said that she was here.

- Her birthday is...
- Paul, hey.

Oh, my God.


You said you were
in the hospital.

- What's going on?
- And so I am.

Are you okay?

Honey, I'm fine.
It's your sister.

What's wrong with Naomi?

She had a little flare up.

A flare up?
A flare up of what?


Since when have you had MS?

Since my diagnosis
three years ago.

Three years...

Oh, Naomi.

Don't look at me like that, P.

It's not like
I'm dying tomorrow.

What are your symptoms?

Usually starts with pins
and needles in my feet

and my vision goes blurry.

After that my balance.

But she never complains.

So this trip

wasn't a bucket list for Mom,
was it?

It was for you.

I wanted to have an adventure
while I still can.

I don't care what you say.

I'm zip‐lining through
the rainforest, damn it.

Yes you are, baby.

Mama, how could you not
have told me about this?

- I wanted to, son, but...
- It wasn't hers to tell.

Sucks don't it?

Having a b*mb dropped
on your head?

You're right.

It really does.

Look, Naomi, I...

I'm sorry
I never dealt with you.

I was just a kid myself
when I first left home.

I was 17,

and I barely had the language
or the understanding

of what I was going through,
let alone,

you know, how to explain it
to a nine‐year‐old.

You were going through a lot.

It's true.

And I didn't consider

what someone else
was going through,

but I should have,

and that's on me, not you.

I'm sorry you never got
a chance to say goodbye

to your big sister,

but I didn't k*ll her.

She never existed.

Not really.

I do know that,

and I stopped missing her
a long time ago.

But I do miss my big brother.

Hey, hey.
I am right here.


And you have always had me.

I know.

I love you, Paul.

You called me Paul.

That's your name, isn't it?


My babies.

Seriously though,

thank you for coming in
and helping out.

I will hobble anywhere
just to say "I told you so."

I knew that guy was too good
to be true.

All right, well, we need
to go through this pile again,

so you take A through I,

and I'll do M through Z.

- You know what'd be handy?
- Hmm?

If instead of special interests
and hobbies,

there was a section
for annoying traits and habits.

Do you smack your gum?
Are you a backstabber?

Do you faint at the sight of...


Knock, knock.

Captain Vega.
What can I do for you?

Well, you may have heard that

my most recent hire,
Pearce Risher...

The coward.


Well, he quit.

Yeah, I did hear
something about that.

What scared him off?


Yeah, anyway,
it's been, you know,

it's been rough

just trying to find a good fit

- to replace Tim Rosewater and...
- Well, I gotta point out

if you're looking
for recommendations,

I'm not from around here.

Well, actually a new candidate

just came across my desk.

Yeah, seven years
of experience,

um, high grades in his PET,

top marks in agility,

and multiple
commendations of valor

with another one on the way.

The guy sounds like a unicorn.
What's the issue?


He's your son.

Nice work.

Nobody'll ever know.

Thank God.

I backed into one of those
parking lot pole thingies

during Judd's obstacle course.


Parking lot pole thingies,
it's called a bollard.



Well, good news is,

I guess an ambulance would be
a little bit more maneuverable.

You heard?

That you're looking
for a new captain?

Yeah, I heard.

You wanna tell me
what's going on with you?

Look, I didn't say anything

'cause I didn't wanna jinx it,

and I don't even know

if Captain Vega's gonna
offer me the job.

Of course she is. You're
an outstanding candidate.

She said that?

Not directly,
but she'd be a fool not to,

and the woman's no fool.

So you're mad?

I'm not mad.
I'm surprised.

And a little stung.

Look, TK,
is this really what you want?

I think so.

And it's not
some emotional reaction

you're having because
of something I might've said?

Emotional reaction?
What, like a tantrum?

I did not say tantrum.

No, Dad,
I'm not having a tantrum.

Again, I word I never used.


I know that things
seem overwhelming...

Yeah, they kinda really do.

Well, I'm overwhelmed.

But you're overwhelmed
with joy,

which is great,

and I'm just overwhelmed.

But, you know, that's not new.

You know, in the past,

I'd cope with these feelings

in a pretty unhealthy way.

You know, so instead
of calling a paramedic,

I'm thinking of becoming one.

That's gotta count
for progress, right?

Yeah, I can't argue that.

You'd be an amazing addition
to any captain's team.

And if this is what
you really want,

I'll support you.

Thanks, Dad.

You know I support you too,

I am actually happy
for you and Mom.

And I don't even think
it's weird

that you're having another kid
at your age.

What is kind of weird

is me having a baby brother
or baby sister of mine.

Well, any kid would be lucky

to have you as a big brother.

And I can vouch for how lucky
that kid is

to have you guys as parents.

I mean, I'll admit I am,
you know, little jealous

that he or she is gonna
have you guys together,

which is something
I never really did.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry about that.

You two are gonna be together,

Well, we haven't worked out
all the details yet.

I'm sure it'll be a minefield.

You'll find your way through.

You are very good at that.

All right, that should do it.

Okay, Mateo,
try turning it over!

Turning it over, boss.


Like butter, baby.

I told you
it was the carburetor.


Y'all are too kind
doing all this for us.

Don't mention it,
Miss Strickland.

Paul's family is our family.

All right.

Thanks, y'all.

You sure you're okay to drive?

I feel good, thank you.

All right, well, just make sure
you FaceTime me a bunch.

And if I can't be there
in real life,

I at least wanna see
what you see.

You just wanna make sure
we're okay.

Yes, that is
the God's honest truth.

Thanks for looking out,
big brother.



Ah, bye, Mama.

- Take care.
- Yeah, you take care, okay?

- And be safe.
- Okay, okay.

And take care of her.

Oh, we take care
of each other, baby.

- That's how we do.
- Mm‐hmm.

- Love you.
- Love you too, baby.

How's everything look?

and uterus look good.

Strong, steady heartbeat.

Everything's great.

Thank you.

Would you like to know the sex?

No, no, we wanna wait...

God, yes.
Tell me now.

It's a boy.

Oh, snap!

- You called it.
- I did call it.

- She totally called it.
- I did.

- I love you.
- I love you.

Hey, little brother.

I'll see you soon.