03x02 - Thin Ice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1: Lone Star". Aired: January 19, 2020 to present.*
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A NYC firefighter relocates to Austin, Texas with his son, where he tries to start a new life while he works to save people's lives.
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03x02 - Thin Ice

Post by bunniefuu »

BOY: Did you leave yet?

Nicky Baskin started
a snowball fight

with like
the whole neighborhood!

MOM (over phone): No, baby.
They're saying the roads

aren't safe with the ice.

I don't think
I'll be home for a while.

Then is it okay
if I go out and play?

I promise I'll be careful.

MOM: Abe, you know the
cold is bad for your asthma.

I'll bring my inhaler.
It's no different than hockey.

MOM: The difference is
I'm at the rink during hockey.

But, Mom, they're having fun.

MOM: I know, and I'm so sorry.

Listen, how about today
you can eat junk food

and play all the video games
you want?

(unenthusiastically): Okay.

MOM: I love you, honey.

I love you too, Mom.
Get home safe.

("One" by Harry Nilsson playing)

♪ One is the loneliest number
that you'll ever do ♪


♪ Two can be as bad as one

♪ It's the loneliest number
since the number one ♪

(indistinct announcer
on video game)


♪ No is the saddest experience
you'll ever know ♪

♪ Yes, it's
the saddest experience ♪

♪ You'll ever know

♪ One is the loneliest number

♪ One is the loneliest number ♪

(TV powers off)

♪ One


(wind whistling)

Hey, Nicky,
where are you all going?

Home. We've been out here
all day, man. I'm freezing.

All right, see you guys.

Abe with the breakaway!

It's one-on-one, he sh**t...

he scores!

The crowd goes insane!





(wind whistling)

(theme music playing)

(Buttercup whining)

OWEN: Stay with me, man.
You just keep breathing.

(cell phone beeps)

- Damn it.
- (knock on door)

I made hot toddies.

But I see
you already have company.

Found him in the snow,
he's hypothermic.

Owen, are you bleeding?

No, that's not my blood.

Is he gonna be okay?

The pressure's not working.

Oh. Oh, boy. All right.

It's not a b*llet wound,
but looks like he was stabbed,

hit a brachial artery.

Okay, I need you
to go over to the dresser

and get me a clean pair of socks

and a bottle of vodka.

Yeah, sure.

I'm gonna have to
cauterize this wound.

Come back and try to get him
to open up his mouth,

see if he'll bite down
on the sock.

SADIE: Should I try
and give him a drink first?

No, the vodka's for us.

Sir? Sir? Sir?

I need you to wake up.
I need you to open your mouth.

- Que pasando?
- SADIE: Somos amigos.

Abre la boca. Abre la boca.

- (muffled gasping)
- Vamos a ayudarte.


(muffled): No, no, no, no!

Sorry, amigo.


(screaming continues)


(groaning stops)

(Sadie exhales deeply)

(sighs) Well...

that was awful.

OWEN: He's stabilized.

He's lost a lot of blood.
He's gonna need a hospital.

Do you have a landline
at your place?

No, no landline.

But I do have
the next best thing.

REPORTER: Blizzard-like
conditions continue to ravage Texas,

making roads impassable,

knocking out cell service
and power across the state.

And nowhere is the situation
more dire than here

at Providence Pasture Church,

where I'm told that in addition

to a young volunteer
stuck inside,

a firefighter was trapped
during a rescue operation.

Cap, we gotta get in there
before USAR boys

put a red tag
on the whole building.

If they do,
there's a good reason for it.

There has to be 20,000 pounds
of ice on that structure.

Maybe we can get you
some ladders and chainsaws,

start removing
the bigger pieces.

Yeah. Well, with
all due respect, sir,

that would take
a couple of days.

That's better than
the roof of Damocles

crashing down
on your heads right now.

MAN (over radio):
Dispatch to Captain Tatum.

Go for Captain Tatum.

Judd, you saw what happened

the last time we went in.

We don't even know
Paul or that girl's status.

Much less where
they are in the pile.

Okay, well, hey,
Cap, Cap, Cap, Cap.

Hey, look, if we lose
their little girl,

I wanna be able
to look 'em in the eye

and say to 'em we did
everything we could to save her.

And right now,
we cannot do that.

However, if we go in there and
we're quick and we tread lightly,

we can take a look around

before USAR shuts
this whole scene down.

Okay, but if they make the call
I want your word,

you get your butts
out of there right away.

- Deal.
- All right.

129 just got another call.

Downed lines arcing
on a sprinter van.

Okay if we
leave the scene, Captain?

Good luck.

All right, 129,
pack up your crap!

Chavez. You got a wax build-up?

Your house is on the move.

129 may be my house,
but Paul's my family.

I have to help rescue him, sir.

You're a good kid, Chavez.

Not a bright kid,
but a good one.

All right if he joins
your command, Captain?

We'd be glad to have him.

The 126 boys really are
something, aren't they?

It's not just the boys.

All right, 122,
let's get in there.

Okay, try to stay calm for
me, ma'am. What's your name?

- It's Carol.
- GRACE: Okay, Carol.

My name is Grace.

Now I see you're at a residence

at 226 West Briar.

- Is that correct?
- CAROL (over phone): No!

I mean, yes, I'm here,

but only because
I needed a landline.

I tried to call
from my cell, but...

Yeah, the towers are out
across the city.

Can you tell me
where the boy is?

CAROL: A block away,
in the pond off Mill Road.

GRACE: Okay, I do see the pond.

You said the boy's
under the ice?

Do you know how long
he's been under there?

CAROL: No, my husband
saw him open his eyes,

but that was at least
five minutes ago.

We tried to break the ice,
but it's too thick.

You have to send somebody.

(sighs) Okay.

Um, unfortunately,
because of the weather,

there are no available
fire trucks

within ten miles of that pond.

Well, then he's gonna die!


But I do see one other unit
in the area.

(siren wailing)

Here they come! Over here!

Well, there's the ambulance,

but where are the fire trucks?

(siren wailing)

That must be them.

TOMMY: Okay, TK,
park the rig right here.

NANCY: Uh, we're
sliding. We're sliding!

Or not.

All right, TK, get
the ECMO machine ready to go,

and start the warming fluids.

Nancy, help me with the gurney.

And careful where you step.

No one needs a broken tailbone.

- TK: Copy.
- NANCY: Copy.

(wind whistling)

He's out there. I put my hat
on the ice over where he is

so the firefighters can find him

when they get here.
Are they close?

They're all spoken for
because of the Snowmageddon.

Good news is, I was
a firefighter in New York,

so this is not
my first ice rescue.

Okay, but-but don't you need
special gear for that?

We'll just have to improvise.

(wind whistling)

(door opens)

Here, let me grab that.

Alright, what you got in here?

- Oh, my God, look at that relic.
- (Sadie chuckles)

When was
the last time you used it?

Me? Never. No.

That belongs to my ex.

Some guys
collect baseball cards,

others rebuild hot rods,

Clyde was into ham radio.

Sorry, I don't have
the instructions.

Oh, I'm sure
we can figure it out.

Assuming that it works.

No, it-it does. Or it did.

Clyde's finest hour
was raising some kook

in Galveston on that thing.

Here, emergency frequencies.

(static over radio)

Break emergency.
Break emergency.

This is call sign 5-K-M-C-G.

Repeat, call sign 5-K-M-C-G.

Requesting emergency assistance.

(static over radio)

This is 5-K-M-C-G.

Requesting medical assistance.

MAN (over radio):
Copy 5-K-M-C-G.

Contacting 9-1-1 via autopatch.

Please remain on frequency.

DISPATCH (over radio): 5-K-M-C-G,
you've reached Kerrville 9-1-1 dispatch.

State the nature
of your emergency.

This is
Captain Owen Strand, AFD,

I am at 16 Polk Road
on Mt. Tivy.

I have an adult male
suffering from hypothermia

and a severe
brachial puncture injury.

DISPATCH: Serious or critical?

I cauterized the wound.
He's stable for now,

but he needs medical assistance.

Emergency response is jammed
with the storm, Captain.

We'll get someone up there
as soon as we can.

That's code for
don't hold your breath.

Roger that,
I'll keep the channel open.

So he's a firefighter.

Was. I'm sorry, it's not
as exciting as ax m*rder.


And yet still pretty exciting.


(wind whistling)

All right, we're gonna slide
in, everybody be smooth.

Everybody be very safe and
do not compromise this structure.

Let's go.

MATEO: Paul!

Paul, you hear me?



MAN: I see an opening.


Paul! Paul!

Paul, you hear me?

- JUDD: You see him?
- MATEO: Nah, man.

- It's just ice.
- Damn it.

I would have thought that we
would have got a thermal signature

of either him or the kid by now.

MATEO: Unless we're going
the wrong way.

- What is it?
- I mean, how do we even know

we're going
in the right direction?

We don't.
Actually, you know what?

I know somebody's who's gonna
give us a helping hand.

Good, 'cause this is a mess.

(wind whistling)

(Paul grunts)



Strickland to IC.
I'm in a void space.

Anybody copy?

- Hello?
- (static over radio)


(thudding in distance)

Lindsey? Oh, my God.


Lindsey? Hey. Hey.

Lindsey. Hey.

Hey. Hey, hey.

- What happened?
- The roof collapsed.

Again. How you feelin'?

Does anything hurt?

I-I don't think so.

Okay, good. I'm Paul.
I'm a firefighter.

Try to follow
my finger with your eyes.

Good, good.

Do you know where you are?

Providence. Tuesday.

Joe Biden.

(chuckles) You played
this game before, huh?

Hey, uh, how did you
know my name?

You called me Lindsey.

Yeah, lady of the hour.

The reason
me and my team came in.

Really? I can't believe it.

Heh, come on.

A 16-year-old
volunteering in a shelter?

The world can't afford
to lose kids like you.

No, I... I mean, I can't believe

anyone noticed I was missing.

Oh, yeah, we noticed.

Now we just need
my team to come get us out.

122. Strickland here.

I got Lindsey.

Anybody copy?

I think my radio
got busted in the collapse.

Cover your ears.

(yelling): Mateo? Judd?

Can anybody hear me?

Can I see it... your radio?


Pretty sure it's a brick though.


I can fix this.

TK, are you sure about this?

Don't worry, Cap.
I did a bunch of these

back in the day in Central Park.

This is no different.

You're using a bedsheet
as a life ring

and a laryngoscope
as an ice pick.

- It's different!
- Valid point.

(ice cracking)

I see the kid!

There's no hole, I'm gonna
have to break through the ice!


Come on.

How's it goin'?

Well, it turns out
it's easier with a pickax.


I'm through.


I've got him.

(soft laugh)

(ice cracking)


Hey! Don't let go! Pull him up!


TK: Don't! Stay there!

Pull us towards you!


No pulse, no respiration, Cap.

CAROL: Does that mean he's dead?

No, ma'am. You're not dead
until you're warm and dead.

We're gonna do
some rapid rewarming,

and hopefully
we'll be able to get him back.

Let's load him into the...

Where's the rig?

It slid down the embankment.

Well, that is unfortunate.

All right, change in plan.

TK, radio dispatch,

ask for a back-up rig
and a tow truck.

- Copy, Cap.
- Nancy, I need you to climb in there

and get the portable
ECMO machine.

- NANCY: Copy that!
- You got it.

- And you, ma'am.
- Yes.

Please tell me
your heater works.

(indistinct radio chatter)

- MATEO: Paul!
- JUDD: Paul!

Grace, we're trying to get to where
we last saw Paul at the south wall,

but we're slammed up
against a bunch of debris

about 30 yards
from the Alpha entrance.

Okay, I'm looking at
the building schematics now.

I'm guessing you're somewhere
on the basketball court?

Yeah, I see a hoop.

MATEO: Damn. Your lady's good.

Why do you think I called her?

All right, Gracie,
how do you reckon we proceed

to find Paul?

Uh, let's see.

Looks like your best bet is to

double back through
the Alpha Bravo wall.

There's a lot of
load-bearing beams.

There's a good chance
of air pockets

for your team
to make it through.

Good. Good, good.
Thank you, dispatch.

PAUL (over radio):
Strickland to IC, anybody copy?

- Hey, Paul, Paul, Paul!
- Paul, brother, is that you?

PAUL (over radio): Yeah,
yeah, can you guys hear me?

MATEO (over radio):
Yeah, we read you!

JUDD (over radio):
Babe, you hear that?

I do hear that.

Well, brother, where you at?

Some sort of locker room.

GRACE: Judd, the locker room,
looks like it's 25 yards to your northeast.

So at the junction
of the Bravo Charlie wall.

Thank you, dispatch.
Appreciate the assist.

Anytime, Firefighter Ryder.

MATEO: Hang in there,
bro, we're coming for ya.

PAUL (over radio): Hey, you
do you. We'll be right here.

Lindsey, you saved the day!

- What are you talking about?
- You fixed the radio, that was clutch.

I just fixed
a loose ribbon cable.

Nothing clutch about it.

No, no, because of you, we...

Because of me,
we're trapped here.

I should have gotten out
with everyone else.

But when the roof
started coming down...

I froze.

It's all my fault.

I think you're being
a little hard on yourself.


I always choke up
under pressure.

That's why I had to quit
dressage and cello.

I froze because it's what I do.

And now because of me, we
could literally freeze to death.

Lindsey... they're on their way.

Okay? Hey, hey.

- We're gonna be fine.
- (thud overhead)

- What was that?
- PAUL: Stay close.




122, the water pipes burst!

We're getting soaked here!

Cap, somebody needs
to shut the water off now!

- What the hell happened?
- An ice storm hit Texas

and this place ain't
never been weatherproofed.

Olsen! Ricardo!

Heck, somebody
find that water main

and get it clamped!

Hang in there, Lindsey!
Hang in there!


(Paul screaming and groaning)

(Lindsey screaming)

I think, I think it stopped.

- I think it stopped.
- I'm so cold.

- I'm so cold.
- It's okay.

Hey, we're gonna be okay.

Hey, hey, it stopped.

Hey, all right, Paul. Hey, hey.

Y'all think warm thoughts
and we're gonna be there soon.

Judd, if they're
hypothermic and wet,

survival window
went from hours to minutes.

Yeah, I know.

(wind gusting)

OWEN: How's he doing?

Well, still not bleeding.

You branded him pretty good.

And you were doubting
my cowboy cred.

(Sadie chuckles)

SADIE: Hey, I wonder
who put that hole in him.

Yeah, I've been wondering
the same thing.

Did he say anything to you
when you found him?

No, he was speaking Spanish,
and he seemed pretty agitated.

Guessing he's
probably here illegally.

Coyotes use these backcountry
roads for smuggling routes.

Smuggling routes? We're
a long way from the border.

Well, it seems to be quite the thing
around here in the past few years.

Folks pay the cartels
to get them

as far away from
the Rio Grande as possible.

Then when they have them,
they jack up the price,

and if they can't pay...

You end up bleeding in the snow.

SADIE: Mm-hmm.

(Buttercup barking)

(door opens)

You gotta be kidding me.

(wind gusting)


Can you hear me?

How'd he even manage to get up?

I don't know. Fear?
Adrenaline, maybe?

If I'm not back by 6:00,
will you feed my dog?

Where are you going?

- I'm gonna go find him.
- Owen.

He couldn't have gone far.
We can't leave him out there.

If the coyotes don't k*ll him,
the cold will.

SADIE: Well, it'll k*ll you too.

You can't track somebody
in a damn white-out.

I've gotta try.

(wind gusting)

TOMMY: Come on, kid. Come on.

- TK, I need you to prep the femoral.
- Okay.

- NANCY: Are those turtles?
- CAROL: They're in shock from the cold.

We were taking them
to the aquatic warming center.

Poor things
are practically frozen solid.

Yeah, I can relate.



(tense music)


TOMMY: Okay.


You ready to cannulate?

TOMMY: Hit me.

Cannulating femoral artery.


All right.

- Fire it up.
- Here we go.


(TK panting)

TOMMY: Stop compressions.

JOE: What is that thing, anyway?

It's called an ECMO machine.

It's doing the work
of his heart and lungs for him.

As it oxygenates the blood,

it also warms him up
from the inside out.

TK, anything?

Nothing yet, Cap. (panting)

Come on, kid.

Come on!

He's so young.

(voice breaking):
He's too young.

(steady beeping)

Oh, come on.


- Hey, I got a pulse!
- (monitor beeps)

- And another one!
- NANCY: That's it, let's go!

TK: Come on, buddy.

- You got this.
- NANCY: Come on.

Come on, buddy.

Come on. Keep it comin'.

TK: Come on.



It's all right, you're okay.

- You're gonna be okay.
- JOE: Oh, my God.


Where can I get me one of those
ECMOs for my turtles?

They're online.
They retail for about 100K.

- Oh. (laughs)
- Yeah.

- (monitor beeping)
- (Carol sighs)


- Right behind you guys.
- TOMMY: Thanks for coming.

He's severely hypothermic.

He was cyanotic,

but he's returning
to normal sinus.

We didn't get a TBI
on him, though.

We'll take care of it.

Wow, you guys
have your own ECMO.

I've never seen
one in the field.

Score one
for the private sector.

- (chuckles)
- Got him?


I-I need to call my mom.

TOMMY: You're okay. You
just keep taking deep breaths

and we'll call her
from the hospital.

PARAMEDIC: For sure.

You want us to radio
a tow truck for you?

TOMMY: Already on its way.

Where's TK?

(tense music)


Hey! All right.

Oh, hey! Oh!

What is it? What'd you find?

A potential life saver.

That's a trash can.

To the untrained eye, maybe.

(cans clattering)

Okay. This is gonna sound
all kinds of awkward,

but you need to strip down.

You want me to get naked?

Are you crazy? I'm freezing.

And wet clothes drop your
body temperature even faster.

Okay? Sorry.

Look, any... anything
that's not dry comes off.

Hey. And don't worry, you're
not gonna be naked, okay?

Just think of it as a...
as a wardrobe change.

You want me to put
a nasty trash bag on my head?

It'll keep your body heat
in your body.


It'll keep you alive.

Okay? Okay, good girl.

Go on. Okay, go on.

Just, uh...

think of it as the...
world's stinkiest wet suit.

LINDSEY: Not helping.


Looks good on you.

What about you?

I'm from Chicago.

We like it frosty.

(siren wailing)

could try to redirect the RIC team

to the Delta wall,
buttonhook there

back around to the locker room.

That'll never work.

'Cause that whole Delta wall's

like a hedge maze from hell.

What are you two guys
doin' out here?

Well, we couldn't get
to it from the inside.

- So what are you suggesting?
- We'll come from the outside.

JUDD: We grab a couple of few
pneumatic jackhammers off of that truck,

we could punch a hole right
through that cinderblock wall

and we'll be in the locker room.

Maybe so,
but the vibrations alone

- could pancake the building.
- It's a risk.

But either way, Paul and Lindsey
won't make it out if we don't.

Why do I get the feeling
that even if I say no,

you two are gonna
grab those jackhammers anyway?

Because you're an excellent
observer of your fellow man, sir,

that's how come.

- IC to USAR.
- MAN (on radio): Go.

I need you to bring
all of your sledges,

jumbo bars, and
jackhammers to the Delta wall.

-All right. We're on it, Caption.
Let's go make some noise.




Why the hell would
he run off like that?

TOMMY: Nancy!

NANCY: Are those his drawers?

What is happening?

TOMMY: We better hurry.


TOMMY: There he is.

- (muttering)
- TK.

Hey, Cap. Hey, Nance.

- We got some blankets for you, babe.
- I'm good, thanks.

NANCY: Said the guy
getting frostbite on his ass.

I said get away!
I said get away!

- Hey. It's okay.
- Stop, stop, stop.

I was burning up
and this feels better.

Combativeness, it's a symptom
of severe hypothermia.

Was just putting that together.

(reciting prayers in Hebrew)

- Now he's speaking in tongues?
- TOMMY: Pretty sure it's Hebrew.

TK, all your blood
has left your extremities.

It's around your core now,

that's why you feel so hot.

It's called
paradoxical undressing.

It means you're near-fatal.

And we're not about to let you

freeze to death on our watch.

So you can get up now
and walk out

or get dragged out.

-Okay. Okay.
-TOMMY: Okay! Okay, come on.

Good choice, buddy.


When were you gonna
tell us you speak Hebrew?

I don't.

Not since I was 10
in Hebrew school.

TOMMY: Well, looks
like some of it stuck.

- BOTH: Oh!
- NANCY: TK! Hey!

- NANCY: Checking for pulse.

He has no pulse, Cap.

Oh, God, no heartbeat either.

(grunts) Come on, TK.

NANCY: Okay. Come on, come on.

V-tach. We gotta shock.


(electricity whirring)

Aah. Clear.


(wind gusting)

Hey. Nah-uh. No, no, no, no, no.

No, no sleeping. You fall
asleep, you die, remember?

- My eyes are so heavy.
- So are mine, all right?

We gotta fight, right?

- Okay.
- Come on.

Hey? Hey?

You know, I once dated
this doctor, a resident,

and, uh, when she
worked 30-hour shifts,

she used to put pebbles
in her shoes.

Pebbles? Why?

'Cause it pissed her off.

Kind of hard to be sleeping
when you're pissed off, right?

So tell me, Lindsey. Lindsey?

What pisses you off?

I-I don't know.

Oh, yeah, sure you do.
Sure you do.

You know, uh, the sound
a air blower makes,

or, uh, when somebody puts
aioli in your sandwich

without asking you first.

No, I'm just...
not an angry person.

So, what, you think
that makes you sound nice?

Well, it makes you
sound pathetic.

So why don't you get real?

Get real, Lindsey! Get real!


- You know what pisses me off?
- No. What pisses you off?

When people
make me feel invisible.

Kids at school.

Volunteers at church,
my dad when he has a deadline.

I hate it!

There she is. (chuckles)

There's my fireball.

- Hey...
- Fireball?

That's not a ginger joke, is it?


(indistinct chatter)

(sirens wailing)

Strickland, you copy?

Yeah. Yeah, we're here.

Hey, we're about to put some
jackhammers on the Delta wall,

so it might get a little bumpy
in there.

Sounds good, J.
We could use the excitement.

Let's do it.

("Enter One"
by Sol Seppy playing)

♪ After a storm

♪ I wanna be brave


♪ And keep you warm



♪ And not fade away...

LINDSEY (over radio):
Hello, is anybody out there?

Hey, Lindsey, we hear you,
what's going on?

(voice breaking):
It... it's-it's Paul.

I think he's fading.

You guys have to hurry up.

Listen, Lindsey,
you gotta keep him alive

because we're
in the homestretch.

I'm-I'm trying.
I don't know how to.

JUDD (over radio): He's
depending on you, you hear me?

And so are we.

You keep him alive
and we'll be there soon.

♪ Glowing with grace


Hey, stay awake.

Come on.

It's your turn.

Tell me what pisses you off.

(Paul groans weakly)

- Paul!
- Aah!

What the hell?

I told you I hate
when people ignore me,

so look at me and tell me
what pisses you off.

Well, besides
somebody yelling in my ear?

Yes. Besides that, what else?

What pisses me off?

Well... what pisses me off?

You wanna know
what pisses me off?

Them closing my firehouse,
the 126, over some BS!

What BS?

Budget cuts, all right?

We good?

No, we are not good.


Why do you love it so much,

the 126?

Come on.

Why do you love it?

The people.

The people.

Do the people have names? Paul!

Tell me about the people.


Marjan... she's my ride or die.


Judd, he's a,
he's a big ol' redneck.

But he's all heart.

♪ Amazing grace
is pouring down... ♪

PAUL: Mateo, he...

You know Mateo.

You know Mateo...

What about your captain? Paul!

Who's your captain?

Captain Strand.

He's the reason
I came down here.

Miss that dude.


(crying) Please...

Please wake up, Paul.


Please wake up.

Wake up, Paul! Paul?


Please wake up.

Please. Please... wake up.

♪ Welcome

♪ Inshallah, Inshallah...

- MATEO: Paul, Lindsey, you in here?
- Over here! We're over here.

MATEO: You're safe now.

We're gonna get you some help.

♪ Amazing grace
is pouring down... ♪

What took y'all so long?

Everybody's a damn critic.

♪ We are on this light divine

♪ So come

♪ We move as one

♪ Amazing grace

♪ Is pouring down...

You're a little underdressed
for the weather, ain't you?

Even if you are from Chicago.

I'm really starting
to hate the cold, brother.

Hey, me too.

Move him!

(siren wailing)

(wind whistling)

GRACE: Mm-hmm. Good.

Now give it another
touch of starter fluid.

Mm-hmm. And then
pull like hell, ma'am.

(generator revving over phone)

Tell me that lovely sound I hear
is the generator running.

Candace, good work.

Gold star.

Giving out gold stars now?

Well, an 86-year-old woman

just jump-started
a frozen generator,

so if that doesn't
earn a gold star,

I don't know what does.

Uh, maybe that?

GRACE: What are...

Judd, what are you doing here?

Well, me and the boys was gonna
go by the hospital and see Paul,

and I told 'em to
swing the truck by, stop,

so I could thank you in person
for helping us save him.

You swung by in a fire truck?

Yeah, but after we swung by
the only open grocery store,

so I could get you
some provisions

for the rest of your shift.

I don't...

Okay, you are making a puddle.

Somebody's gonna slip.

- Let me get...
- JUDD: No, no, no.

No, no, no, no.
Hang on. Hang on.

Oh, my God.

Gold star.

Hey. I see you're saving lives

without even picking up
the phone.

Judd, please be careful.

Oh, goodness. Well, what did you
bring me, at least, besides snow?

You gotta come find out.

You gonna make me get up?

- JUDD: Yeah.
- Okay.

Come on, come on.

Listen, you didn't leave
the whole crew

sitting out there,
really, did you?

I mean, not the whole crew.

Plus, they got the heat on.

I just, I couldn't
bear the thought of you

sitting here drinking
no sad chamomile tea.


Judd, you drove
the fire truck across town

to bring me
English breakfast tea?

Yeah, and I got you
them ginger chews you like

when your little tummy
gets upset.

- Okay.
- And I got you some cough drops.

Just in case. Just in case.

Sweetheart, I told you
on the phone that I was okay.

I know, I just wanted to come by
and check on my girls.

- That's all.
- Okay.

Well, your girls are fine,
and they appreciate you.

But if you leave your crew
outside any longer,

they are the ones that are gonna
need the medicinals.

Go get them out of the cold.

Hey, holler at me on the radio
if you need anything.

- Okay. I will. I promise.
- Anything.

Oh. Hey, you heard from Marjan?

Did she make it up to Owen okay?

No, not a peep, but...

I mean, knowing her, she's probably
dragging him back down the hill,

talking about
blizzard be damned!

(Judd claps)

It's gonna be
a tough one, everybody.

- Let's get it! Take care of her.
- Oh, my God.

That is your father.

Your father.






Cap is so paying my deductible.

(tense music)

OWEN: Hello!

Can you hear me?



(wind gusting)



NANCY: Hey, bud.

I appreciate you coming by,

especially while
you're still on shift.

- CARLOS: Mm-hmm.
- I know he will, too.

Yeah? (scoffs) Typical TK.

First time that he wants
to talk to me in months

and, of course,
it's because he's in the ICU.

About that...


TK didn't ask me
to radio you today.

What? You said
that he wanted me here.

I did kinda say that, didn't I?


Yeah. Well... that was a lie.

A lie. Why...
Why would you lie about...

Excuse me,
I'm sorry to interrupt.

Are you one of the paramedics
that rescued the boy in the ice?

- Yes.
- You're a hero.

No... the hero is my friend TK,

who went into the drink
to save your son.

How is he doing, by the way?

The doctors say Abe is gonna
make a full recovery.

I just want you to know
how grateful we are

and that we are all
praying for your friend.

Thank you.

How serious is it, Nancy?


It's not good.

Cap's finding out
the latest now.

Cap... what did they say?

We need to find his father.


OWEN: Marjan?

How's your head?

It hurts.

- Where are we?
- A barn.

More than that, I cannot say.

We found you in the storm.

- Brought you in here.
- Who's we?

What happened?

(speaking Spanish)

He thinks I'm police? I'm not.

(speaking Spanish)

I don't care where you're from.

I'm just glad you came.

Thank you for saving me,
name's Owen.



you helped me, let me help you.

You can't stay in this barn.
It's too cold.

Trust me when I tell you
that that's a fire hazard.

Some of your people look hurt.

Tell me what happened.

We were being transported
from McAllen

when the coyotes tried
to take everything from us.

You fought back.

ELENA: There was a crash.

Then we took back what was ours.

The ones that could, ran.

Not everyone got away.

Yeah, I think I met one of them.
He was injured.

In fact, I was looking for him
when the storm hit.

That's him, that's the guy.

(yelling in Spanish)

The guy you've been
running from.

(tense music)
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