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04x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/17/22 10:23
by bunniefuu
MATURE JENNY: 'The people who
were reclaiming their city

'from the bombs of an old w*r,
there was now a drive to cleanse,

'a desire to build anew

'and a need to forge a world

'that was worthy of its citizens.'

A gentleman's convenience ain't
what you'd call handsome,

but it's places like these

that will become our temporary centre
of command in a nuclear attack.

They will withstand the heat,
blast and fallout of the H b*mb.

They are slap bang in the middle
of where people need us

and it's from here
that we will organise

the distribution of provisions such
as tinned food, drinks and the like.

They putting supplies in for
babies? Milk powder and that?

Don't worry, Tony. Hope for
the best, plan for the worst.


You've got more to worry
about than rats, old son.

Give me that stick, Fred.

~ Filthy little things.

Spreading disease.

Fred has put down rat
poison for a reason.

Poplar is in the middle
of an infestation.

As a herbivore, you cannot
condone this cull.

The rat is a vehicle for disease.

Poison the rat and through clouds
of time and space, you poison man.

We are all essentially the rat.

Speak for yourself.

I've had enough of hearing
about the wretched things.

It's quite ghastly.

The rats concur.

So he says to me, "Arthur, I dunno
what's up with me windscreen,

"it don't matter how much I
cleans it, it's like a fog."

So I says, "Don't worry
about your windscreen.

"It's your specs want cleaning."

What a chump.

He'll be back every week
now to get his specs washed.

~ The last of the beef.
~ Where's mine then?

You get spoiled enough, Dad.
Don't pretend different.

How do you stay so clean in here?

He don't do nothing, that's how.

We don't all need to make a song
and dance of an oil change.

I am a model professional.

I like him clean and tidy, Dad,
so don't go upsetting me now.

Not in my condition.

Thought I might find
you here, Mrs Amos.

If you don't mind, gentlemen,
charming as your garage is,

it's not quite the environment we
recommend for our mothers-to-be.

Can't stay away, can I?

How are you getting on, Mrs Amos?

~ Morning, Nurse Crane.
~ Baby at the surgery?

Thank you for coming.

I was called out to see
George Sitwell last night.

He was in an appalling state,
delirious, high fever,

dehydrated from diarrhoea, which
was bloody and full of pus.


That's nine cases in two days.

Campaign Fever's what
my father called it.

Said it wiped out whole battalions.

You've quarantined him, Dr Turner?

Of course you have. Spreads
like margarine.

Which is why he's quarantined.

Sooner we spot it,
sooner we contain it.

I'll notify the Ministry
of Health of each case.

Perhaps you'd furnish me
with their telephone number?

Nurse Crane, I simply wish you

and all at Nonnatus
to be extra vigilant.

Home visits, clinic -
we can't risk ignoring

what might seem a simple
case of diarrhoea.

We don't have the resources
to cope with an epidemic.

Weekly visits now. We're
getting rather close.

And I come bearing
gifts. Delivery pack.

Needs to be kept somewhere spotlessly
clean and close at hand.

The parlour then, Tony's
pride and joy.

Tony bought it last week.

He says it made him feel sad,

the way she looks down like she
don't really want to be there.

But the painter, well, he's
sort of making her be there,

on account of how she's so beautiful.

Imagine seeing all that in a picture.

Pop it here, Nurse.

I don't know what he's
on about half the time.

But he loves this room to be just
so. Most chaps wouldn't care.

Who plays?

Tony'll take lessons, when
the garage's making enough.

"A piano's the mark of a
gentleman," that's what he says.

Well, do I need bed rest and waiting
on hand, foot and finger?

Achingly normal, I'm afraid.

Gently now, lads.

More Paddies. Getting like lice.

Ladies, if I might
have your attention.

We have an outbreak of
dysentery in Poplar.


Don't be alarmed. We can stop its
spread with very simple hygiene.

Washing our hands.

Are you saying we don't wash? Cheek.

Mrs Turner is suggesting
you don't know your enemy.

Poor hygiene and cramped conditions,
both of which aid its spread.

Taking carbolic soap and hot water,
we soap up beyond the wrists.

Nails are ideally short and neat.

No nail brushes. Bacteria do
so enjoy a damp, dense home.

I don't wish to hold you up.

It's all right. I've
a good few minutes yet.

Then perhaps you'd
distribute the soap?

We have several bars of soap
here from our own supply.

Not enough for everyone, I'm afraid,
only for those most in need.

It's them meths drinkers.

Hot weather brings 'em
out, the horrible lot.

Thank you, but we're not in need.

I know, I know, neither a nurse
or an expectant mother.

Or an infant.

I've just had a telephone
call from the rector.

His wife had a fall last week.
She's broken her ankle.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

With rest it should heal,
usually about eight weeks.

Mrs Hibbert was in charge
of the Rose Queen.

Now she's out of action, the
rector wants me to take charge.

Quite apart from the fact I don't have
a clue about this sort of thing,

it's in two weeks.

He even suggested I involve
you, as my fiance.

I... I told him how busy you are...

Organising the Rose Queen?

Exactly. I'll tell him
it's out of the question.

You'll do no such thing. It's been
part of Poplar for generations.

I'm going to be your wife,
Tom, I want to support you.

And, quite frankly, it'll make a
glorious change from giving enemas.

Shoes off and up onto the bed.

I won't be stopping, Nurse. Sure
I'm only here about the hospital.

I'd like to have him
there, please God.

We can discuss it all
at your home visit.

You're in Menston Street, aren't you?

If you'd raise your
dress up, Mrs McEvoy.

The examination.

You appear to have become the
prey of fleas, Mrs McEvoy.

The lads took on a kitten.

Try not to scratch.

If I had one wish, it'd be she was
around to see her grandchild born.

When I look at you and Marie, I
see Maureen and me 30 years ago.

Keep it simple, son, life
don't get any better.

You'll do all right,
you know. Fatherhood.

Don't think I don't know
what's going on up there.

It don't come natural to any man.

Maureen said I held Marie like
she was the crown jewels.

But sometimes I dunno
what comes natural.

It's like I have to pinch
myself, you know,

say "This is my house.
This is my... life."

It's like I'm one of
them Little Green Men.

And nothing outside the flying
saucer makes any sense.

There. See? Thinking too much.

Keep it simple.

There does seem to be
rather a lot left to do.

It appears that Mrs Hibbert
was rather more focused

on note making for the Rose Queen.

"The dresses and capes have
been under attack from moths,

"but from a distance in a
poor light are passable."

Not to me, Mrs Hibbert.

In Pagan times the Rose
Queen was put to death.

Anti-Pagan sentiment, of course.

Nurse Franklin, your shoe receptacle
has gone to a most worthy cause.

Board and lodgings, for those rats
surviving this extermination.

Now, this year's Rose Queen is...

Joan Musson, and she'll be crowned
by last year's queen who was,

Marie Amos.

Oh, there's going to be a little
more Rose Queen than I'd imagined.

~ Oh, lads.
~ Dad, Dad!

Good to see you.

Did you miss your dad as
much as I've missed you?

Don't be getting them dirty now.

~ You not having any?
~ Sure I'm grand. I had some earlier.

There'll be more at
the end of the week.

I can't hold on, Dan. I can't.

Don't be saying that now.

It's too much. I want
us under the same roof.

I feel so alone in that place.
They treat us like animals

and I'm starting to believe
I'm no better than one.

I promise you, soon.

When? When?

I'm doing everything I can.

Put your trust in the Sacred Heart.

I put my trust in you.



No. For Christ's sake, look, look...

I'm married. I've got
a baby on the way.

~ I'm arresting you for...
~ It was a mistake, all right?

I've got a... I've got a wife!

~ Please, don't do this. Please!
~ I'm arresting you for Gross Indecency.

Oh, God.

The dress is going to have
to be rather forgiving,

~ but I think we'll manage.

I'll get it. I should
be going anyway.

Thanks, Nurse.


'Trixie. I wasn't
expecting to see you.

'I'm here to see Mrs Amos.
Her husband's been arrested.'

Mrs Amos, please sit down. Sergeant
Noakes needs to speak to you.


Try not to worry, Mrs Amos.

I'm here about your husband.

Oh, God, he ain't hurt?
Tell me he ain't hurt.

He's been... He's been arrested.

We found your husband in a...

In a compromising situation.

What are you talking about?

We caught him committing
an indecent act.

What's he saying?
What's it even mean?

Mrs Amos, I'm afraid your husband
was caught with another man.

He's at the police station. He'll
go before the Magistrate tomorrow.

If a surety can be given, Mr Amos
will be able to return home.

Is there someone who
could pledge the money?

He don't get paid till Friday,
I've already shopped...

He wouldn't do that.

He's not that way.

Mrs Amos, could I fetch someone?

Someone who could help?

My dad. I want my dad.

Well, I still think your
timing was quite awful.

We've had complaints about
that gentlemen's convenience.

That's why we put in
the Pretty Police.

Their job's to smoke out his type.

A honey trap? And now
he'll go to prison.

It is a crime, Nurse Mount.

Mrs Amos is about to have her baby.

Your heart breaks
for her, doesn't it?

I wonder if she'll forgive him.

~ Could you?
~ Not a chance.

Because of what he is?

Because he's cheated.

I couldn't care less who with and
I certainly don't mind "Frauleins".

In fact, I provided diversionary
cover for one during my training.

A young doctor - melting to look
at, but the other way inclined.

Perfect gentleman. Sadly.

Without me on his arm, he would
have lost his position.

It's the same for nurses. They
told us the day we enrolled.

Quite. "No dark secrets, girls".

Not if you value your life.


Couldn't sleep all
night for worrying.

I hope you told 'em
we won't stand for it.

~ Going around arresting decent men.
~ Marie, please.

Cos it ain't true, is it?
What the copper said?

I don't want him near my garage.

What you tell people about the
trial, that's your business.

They won't hear it from me.


I go before the Quarter
Sessions next week.

The Quarter Sessions?

You're going to end up in prison.

~ No!

No, look, they said I can
have someone, all right?

Someone to speak up for me in Court,

a witness to say I'm
of good character.

I don't want you telling anyone.

And who'll speak up for you,
when they know what you've done?


Treasure hunt?

I thought if we could plot the
geography of the dysentery,

we'd be better placed to stop it.

Surely with Nurse Crane
on the warpath,

dysentery doesn't stand a chance.

All the cases must
be linked in some way.

It's not waterborne like cholera,
human contact spreads it.

There's a cluster around
the Moffat Road School.

Mr Sitwell, the lock
keeper, has no children.

No. And as you can see, I'm
beginning my investigation.

I thought I might assist you
in the manner of a Dr Watson.

~ Watson always had the last word.
~ Did he?

I'm looking for Mrs McEvoy at 4.

I'm 4. I ain't no McEvoy.

No Irish here. It's a decent street.

KNOCKING Midwife calling.

Morning, morning!

Shall we see what baby's up to?

Perhaps the sofa would
be more comfortable?

Mrs Amos?

Fiddliest job of the week.
Dust gets everywhere.

If only we could learn to love dust.
Think how much time it would save.

Mrs Amos, my work... It's about
caring, for baby and for you.

So anything that affects you is
a concern of mine, do you see?

Then I can't be upset, can I, Nurse?

Cos that's bad for me and the baby.

Achingly normal?

See? Everything's all right, Nurse.

Everything's all right.

But if it weren't...

you know you could
talk to me, don't you?

Tony ain't what the
Sergeant says he is.

He ain't one of them.

I couldn't've fallen...

Couldn't've loved someone like
that, someone so unnatural.

~ You see that, don't you?
~ Of course, Mrs Amos.

Would you check the records for
Mrs McEvoy when you get a moment?

I had her pegged at 4 Menston Street.

That's the one.

Not according to its occupant.

I certainly thought I'd taken
down the address correctly.

I'm always very careful,
especially with an accent.

I did double check.

Your proficiency is not in
any way in doubt, Mrs Turner.

No, I believe we've been
given a false address.

~ Why ever?
~ Exactly my concern.

Just a little longer, lads.

It'll be seven before ye know it

and we can all go inside and tuck up.

Please, God.


Would my undying gratitude
and a slice of cake

keep you at the Singer
a little longer?

What's one more? Of course.
And no need for cake.

Nonsense. There's always
a need for cake.

(I'm in love with you.)

I should think so, too. Barbara's
banners need threading on those and

then you can come and
find me in the kitchen.

Are we expecting a visitor
of excessive proportions?

I'm measuring up.

I need to know how many sandbags
it'll take to block up this

doorway and keep us safe, in
the event they press the button.

All this energy on sheltering
would be put to better

use in talks of peace!

With the Commies? Can't
trust a word they say.

~ What are you doing?
~ Sweeping the poison.
I don't hold with culls.

~ Who knows which undesirable
will be purged next?!
~ Hear, hear!

You'd think we were k*lling kittens!

Well, I'm sorry you
can't help me, too!

Good afternoon!

~ No luck, Nurse Crane?
~ No, Sister.

I'm starting to wonder if
I imagined Dolores McEvoy.

I can't find her anywhere.

Then, you must wait for her to
come to you, which given her

condition is surely inevitable.

I could just about take it.

Prison. I mean,

Marie - it'd be too much.

I'll call in. I could
prescribe a sedative.

Might just take the edge off.

I can't go inside.

Look, my brief, he says I can have
someone speak up for me in court.

You know, say I've got my
qualities. Please, Doctor.

Will you help me?

Marie, she won't take the shame.

Me dying'd be better.

Don't talk that way.

You are not a bad man.

Remember that.

~ I'm never going to have what I want.
~ You're part of a family.

About to be a father.

Hold on to the good in that.

Sometimes I can't even
wait to go to sleep.

Just so I can dream.

I can have what I want in my dreams.

Let's look to the court case.

I will vouch as to your character.

Though I can't promise
it will make a difference.

They seemed such a perfect couple.
Mr Amos is so very handsome.

Don't make that your
criteria for men.

My mother always said,
"Find a plain man.

"He'll be eternally grateful
and never stray."

I always thought the essence of crime
is that some harm is done to someone.

You might try putting yourself
in Mrs Amos' shoes.

Fornication too was once a crime.

Punishable by stoning.

Perhaps we could stone Mr Amos.

Sister Monica Joan, sodomy is a sin.

God himself tells us it's a sin.

Well, quite frankly, I thought
we'd fought a w*r over fascism.

And that's what this is.

~ Telling people who they can and can't love.
~ Love?!

A judge will try Mr Amos, not us.

Nurse Mount, will you
pass the piccalilli?

There'll soon be more
patches than trousers!

Still, at least Tim's adventurous.


.. you'll think me naive, but
how can Mr Amos be that way?

He's married. His wife's pregnant.

I suppose it's how we've made things.

A man gets married, he has a family.

There isn't much room
for a different way.

~ Do you know many others?
~ I have done.

From the w*r, really.

Throw enough men together
and you'll find every type.

Kinsey's report says a good deal
of men have had h*m* thoughts.

A good deal of men.

What do you believe?

That we should live and let live.

Dr Turner. He's going to
speak for me at court.

He's going to help us.

Well, they'll listen
to him, won't they?

He's upstanding.

He'll make them see you
just made a mistake.

Every man's allowed one mistake.

And it was just once, wasn't it?


Nonnatus House. Midwife speaking.

I'm sorry?

Bulthorpe women's hostel?

I don't believe we have
anyone registered.

In labour, you say?


~ A woman in labour at Bulthorpe?
~ You're familiar with it?

~ I thought it had closed down.
~ Apparently not.

~ If you point me in the direction...
~ I'm coming with you.

I think you'll need me.

Thank you... for speaking for him.

They'll see he's sick, won't they?

They'll see a good man,
Mrs Amos. That's my hope.

And he's first up. Means
there won't be a crowd in.

Ooh, that's a good sign, isn't it?

Let's go through.

'Anthony Luke Amos,

'you're charged under Section 32 of

'the Sexual Offences Act of 1956'

that on the 24th of May you
did persistently importune

a man in a public place
for an immoral purpose.

That is to say,

for the purpose of committing
acts of a h*m* nature.

How do you plead?

Guilty, sir.

Sit down, Mr Amos.

Witness for the prosecution.

Sergeant Noakes.

H Division.


It was the night of
the 24th of May, 8pm,

in the gentleman's convenience
on Laneside Road.

It's what we call a cottage, sir.

A place where the h*m*
frequent in order to

engage in immoral acts.

We'd had several complaints
from members of the public

about activity there.

The defendant made sexual advances
to my colleague, Constable Jamieson,

and on my arrival, I witnessed the
defendant in a state of undress.


Miss Ginson, you gave us very little
information in your telephone

call, including the name
of the woman in question.

I'm just on shift. All
I know is she's an Irish.

Oh, and she's bad
sick with something.

Hope you ain't the queasy types.

Whatever is this place?

A cheap lodging house that should
have been condemned with the slums.

We're a boarding house, women only,
giving shelter to them without.

Hardly giving. You're
charging three and six!


Mrs McEvoy.

Well, you've given us the merry
run-around, haven't you?

I've telephoned half of
Poplar looking for you.

This is not our home.

It's just till my husband
gets us on our feet.

You've nothing to explain.

Please, nurse. I haven't
had a chance to wash.

We need to see what stage you're at.

CRIES IN PAIN Dysentery.

Well, what have we got here?

Know anyone who likes barley sugars?

Be good lads and wait downstairs.

We'll look after mother now.


And do you consider Mr Amos to
be a man of integrity, Dr Turner?

~ Without doubt, sir.
~ Surely, not quite without doubt.

He serves our community tirelessly
through his work with

the Civil Defence Corps.

His character in private, Dr Turner,
that is of greater interest.

Mr Amos has a young wife
about to give birth.

Throughout her confinement,
he's shown great support.

Surely, by his own admission,
that support is not consistent.

Mr Amos badly wants
to become a father

and to put this incident behind him.

~ I urge you to consider the...
~ You "urge" me, Dr Turner?

You are here to provide a
reference as to the character

of the defendant, who himself
admits to this lewd act.

Forgive me, sir.

I simply meant to say that Mr Amos
is a man who wants to change.

And the treatment available
could help that change.

The brutality of prison
would be a terrible...

Dr Turner, must I remind
you again of your role here?

Stand down.

Dolores, you're suffering
from dysentery.

It's why you're feeling so ghastly.

The cramps have masked your
contractions. Your labour's advanced.

~ We need hot water.
~ Hot's been off all week.

~ Perhaps you'd boil a kettle.
~ Run around after the likes of her?

~ Who do you think I am?
~ Someone who seems to care very little.

~ See to that water, would you?

We need to move her to the
London after she's delivered.

You carry on here, I'll
telephone the surgery.

The defendant will rise.

Anthony Luke Amos, you admit
to an act of sexual perversion

and moral corruption.

This is an offence which carries

a maximum sentence of
two years' imprisonment.

Your doctor sees in you
something I do not -

a man who wishes to be cured.

In my view, the imposition
of the maximum

sentence in your case would
be entirely justified.

On your feet! I haven't
finished, Mr Amos.

On this occasion, however, I am
willing to make a probation order,

on the condition that you consent
to treatment until you are cured.

You will pay the costs of this court
and a fine in the sum of £15.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

Thank your doctor, Mr Amos.

I need you to make an appointment
at my surgery for this evening.

~ About the baby?
~ To discuss the treatment.

There are implications, side-effects
you'll need to know about.

Then we'll see you later.

~ I can't.
~ Come on.

~ I can't do no more.
~ Oh, yes, you can.
~ Forgive me, I can't.

You have to! You have to push now!


My own, boil washed. Clean as you
can get, for when the baby comes.

Dolores, come on now.
You need to push.

Where is your husband?
Where is he living?

A seamen's hostel.

Shad Thames.

Do you know it? Can you
find it, bring him here?

Men ain't allowed here.
Rules is rules.

Superintendent Ginson, you've given us cause
to believe you have a heart after all.

Don't disappoint us in our
diagnosis. Find him! Please!

~ Dolores, you want your husband
to see baby, don't you?
~ Yes!

Whatever strength you have, I
need it now! I need you to push!

~ Urgh!
~ Good!

Now, gently. That's it, that's it.


That's it. BABY CRIES

Well done!

A daughter, Dolores.

~ You have a daughter.
~ A daughter!


Oh, she's beautiful!

Isn't she?

Time to meet your mother.

Viewing only, I'm afraid, just until
we've treated your dysentery.

Don't look. Don't
look at any of this.

This is not your home. I promise you.

Yes, I promise you.

You will be prescribed
Stilbestrol by the hospital.

You will be allowed to take this,
largely in the privacy of your

own home, but you will be monitored
to make sure you're taking it.

There are other treatments.
ECT, aversion therapy,

but I'd say this is less
brutal and more private.

That's all right. You're not
funny about tablets, are you?

They contain a form of
oestrogen, the female hormone.

It will stop your body from
producing testosterone,

which in turn will
suppress your urges.

But he'll be all right, otherwise?

Impotence occurs, as the
testosterone reduces.

We'll already have
our child. Is that it?

There may also be gynecomastia.

Development of breast tissue.

There is often a loss
of muscle and body hair.

Dear God...

Well, it's not prison. And
that's all that matters.



Perhaps father can hold baby,
just until you can, Dolores.


All this... Forgive me.

You must think us fools. Coming
over here with nothing.

I was promised a good job. I didn't
mean us to end up like we have.

There's just so landlords
who will let to Irish.

They have us down with
blacks and dogs.

But I will work ever hour I
can to make us decent again.

She's a beauty, isn't she?

Her whole life ahead of her.

~ Plenty of time to get it all right.
~ Yes.

You don't have no choice. You've
got to take them tablets.

They're giving me women's hormones.

Don't you understand?

I won't be the same.

I don't want you to be
the same. Enough, Tony!

We've got to forget all this now.

It's a new start.


I'll follow on to The London

and make sure all's
well with Mrs McEvoy.

Really, Dr Turner, eating in
a place as filthy as this!

It's been a long day, Nurse Crane.

The hospital has agreed to admit the
boys, technically for observation,

until the mother's recovered.

And you're happy for them to
return to this infernal place?

~ I can't do any more.
~ This hostel belongs in the past!

Resources are limited and we
must manage as best we can.

And the people who cannot manage?
You've pie on your collar.

Seeing as we're quarantined together,

how about you test me on my Spanish?

I'm rather enjoying my magazine.

We've two days of this. It'll
still be there later.

I am Mrs Gonzales. I live in Madrid.

Yo soy la Senora Gonzalez.

Yo vivo en Madrid.

Very good! I didn't expect
such Latin flair!

It's a great desire of mine
to go to Spain one day.

Another one?

Helps me through a difficult day.

Do you need that much help?

Perhaps there's a phrase for
it - it's none of your concern.

You're quite right.

How many Camparis you have
is entirely your business.

Family history caught
up with me. An aunt.

Always claimed she
was a social drinker.

Whereas I've never claimed
to be anything.

Didn't imagine you'd be here.

Why ever not? Everything's
just as it was, Nurse Mount.

I'm relieved for you.

For both of you.

~ Eileen, do me up, would you?
~ 'Course.

Let the papier mache commence.

I thought I'd get the children
on to making leaves and flowers.

Is this your style? Coming in at
the end and doing the fun bits?

Sounds wonderful.

Children. Who would like to help
Reverend Hereward make papier mache?

~ Which is French for chewed paper.
~ Can we eat it then, Miss?
~ No.

Volunteers with a degree of
responsibility more than welcome.

I'll bribe you with the East
London Advertiser, out today.

Very good.

That's it, boys.

Keep the pole still,
we're not waving flags.

What a Rose Queen you've been.

Marie, would you take Joan's
arm through the parade?

It will provide some stability
in the absence of her spectacles.

Girls, if you'd fall
in behind, two by two,

flower girls will be on each side.

Cubs behind, with banners.

Thank you. You've saved the day.

He's a flamin' q*eer!

Seen this, Your Majesty?
Your secret's out now!

~ What secret?
~ It says it here!

Her fella! He's a h*m*!

And you acting like
butter wouldn't melt!

She ain't bringing that
filth to the Rose Queen!

In front of decent people, children!


That's it! You go and you stay gone!

And you keep him away too!

~ Marie has every right to be here!
~ Married to a man like that?!

That type's got no place
at a church festival!

Small-mindedness has no place here!

Marie, this will all blow over.

You heard what she said,
what she called him.

I've got to live round them people.

I can't go somewhere, I can't hide.

How could he?

How could he, Nurse?


A word, old son.

You know you can't be part
of this any more, don't you?


Sergeant Noakes told me.

And prison or no prison, you know
the CDC can't have criminals!

I need to be here, Fred.

I ain't got the garage, all right?
I've got to have something.

If it was down to me, but it ain't.

'We are living in an era
where we must make careful

'decisions on who can
and cannot be trusted.'

Marie! What are you doing?

They wouldn't let me in the
Rose Queen because of you!

They put it in the paper!

Oh, God. I'm sorry!

You know what my mum said when
I first brought you home?

A man can be too clean, that was it!

Every other fella smelt of his
own sweat and dirt, but not you!

You smelt nice.

Like lemons.

And I loved it.

I thought I'd found my prince!

I wanted to be!

You're like this bloody
parlour! One big lie!

You can't even kiss me
without closing your eyes!

You think I don't see that?

You've ruined us!

For that man I wouldn't
have looked twice at! Why?

~ Why him?
~ Because I wanted him! SHE CRIES

And I hate myself for it.


And I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


.. I will go somewhere. All right?
It'll be better for you without me.

Better for me?!

We're married!

We've got a baby to bring up.

So, you be a man now, Tony!

You take your punishment and you get
cured cos you ain't going anywhere.


~ Am I the only one who doesn't despise them?
~ Who?

The queers.

Of course not. I just don't think
it's our battle to fight.

Who will, then?

Patsy the Rose Queen.
It's important to Tom.

He's been entrusted
with it by the Rector.

I want it to go well for him. That
means without a dreadful commotion.

~ I thought it was mother and baby first.
~ And it is.

~ And Marie will have every care we can give.
~ Just... not in public.

Why do you care so much?

Perhaps I'm like Sister Monica Joan.

Perhaps I don't hold
with culls either.

You going, then?

To the hospital?

For the cure.

I know from Mrs Turner
how busy you are,

so I doubt this is a social call.

The dreadful living conditions
at Bulthorpe Hospital have come

to my attention.

~ I'm going to petition Andrew
Lancing about it today.
~ The medical officer?

Something needs to be done.

I could do with some support.

Lancing's decent enough
but has skin like a rhino.

I wish I could help, but
I'm in Chichester overnight,

visiting Sister Evangelina.

But I know Nurse Crane would
be delighted to assist.


Have you seen the squalor
these women live in?

I'm not familiar with every boarding
house in the East End.

Perhaps you should be.

The conditions are Dickensian.

I have to be strategic in
terms of time and resources.

I can't help you.

Ah, Mr Lancing, I feel
great sympathy for you.

Well, I don't wish to elicit
pity, but, yes, it is difficult.

It's so easy for Dr Turner,
not constrained by politics.

His only agenda is care
for those most in need.

Whereas you must ignore
and turn away from women

and children in conditions
we would find hard to imagine.

You poor devil.

How do you manage your conscience?

I'll arrange an inspection.

Quarantine all those with dysentery,
have the place fogged,

but Bulthorpe will exist
as long as poverty does.

Knew what she was getting into.

(She's coming.)

~ Ah! Oh!

You see what they wrote on my door?

None of that matters now.

Too late to get you
upstairs, I'm afraid.

I feel scared.

Don't be. You're doing
wonderfully, Marie.

Light breaths now, with me.

I want Tony, he's at the hospital.

I want him to be here.


Gently now, gently.

Almost there, that's it.

That's it.

Almost there.


How does a daughter sound?

Oh, like that!

She's beautiful.

Well done.



You got a daughter. Come on!


I ain't pretending to
understand what you done.

But you've made a mistake.
You can come back from it.

She deserves better.

She don't want better.

I can't see how to carry on.

I've got this sickness...

Listen! She can't live without you...

and I can't live without her.

Do you understand me?

We're like a little
set of skittles...

.. we got to stay upright.

Lindane. Kills everything.
Rats, cockroaches.

Nothing hazardous will be left in
there after we've finished fogging.

Mind you, what can you get
for three and six these days?

Dignity, Mr Lancing.

Dr Turner mentioned you've a newborn.

Yes, Keith.

Happy little chap.

Would you be happy bringing
Keith back to this...

even without the dysentery
and the cockroaches?

I'm not responsible for housing.

It's hard enough getting
this finished

so the women can come
back this evening.

We're not naive, Mr Lancing,
we know we can't save them all.

But you can support an application
to the Housing Department that,

fogged or not, this place is not
suitable for a new mother and baby.

You're asking me to use my position

to influence another
department's decision?

Best advice I ever received?

"When in the path of
an unstoppable force,

"it's always best to surrender."

They share the same mobile kitchen.

I'm sorry, I don't follow.

The source of the dysentery outbreak.

Bulthorpe and Moffat Road.

They don't prepare food any
more, they have it delivered

each day by mobile kitchen.

The same kitchen. G&A Domestic.

Their senior cook is off work

with what they're referring
to as "gastroenteritis".

But until then, he's been
incubating the disease.

"She" and yes, exactly.

Well, the mobile kitchen can link
the school cases and Bulthorpe,

but what about George Sitwell?

He gave a talk to the schoolchildren
about being a lock keeper.

He stayed to lunch.


My dear Watson.


don't cry, little one.

What you got to cry about, eh?

This is your daddy.

He's always going to look after you.

He's always going to be here.

That's right, isn't it?

I don't know how to be.

A father. My husband.

You have to.



Nurse Crane!

Nurse Crane.

Dolores McEvoy and her family...

Mr Lancing had a change of
heart, they're being rehoused.

Woohoo! That conscience weighed
too heavy on him, after all.

I hoped it would.

Barley sugars, I hear
they're your favourites.

My birthday's some months off,
I'm not given to celebrating it.

Well, celebrate today, Nurse Crane.

Makes you proud to be
from Poplar, don't it?

Dirty bleeders.


Showing his face.

I just wanted to check the time...

for when Marie needs to be ready.

We thought, with your wife so
recently having given birth...

Well, we assumed she
wouldn't be taking part.

I'll be stopping at home, of
course, looking after the baby.

But Marie deserves to be here.

After what you've done?

You're all sinners now.

Marie's the outgoing Queen,
she should be here.

And if anybody doesn't like it,

they can go home and stew in
their own mean-spiritedness.

Didn't Jesus teach
us to love everyone...

even the sinners?


Especially the sinners.

'A world is not just made of
bricks and mortar, but of minds.

'We can rebuild cities,
paint beautiful facades,

'invent new ways of living.

'We can protect all that we have.'

Hello! Hello, I've missed you!



Get it!

It's there, it's there!

What are you doing?

What would your parents say?

They hate rats, too!

~ We want to k*ll it.
~ Yeah!

Do forget about these blasted rats.

We are all God's creatures.

It's just some are easier
to love than others.

It's the others that need us most.

'But that place which we call home

'must be the place in which we
are ourselves with no facade,

'no foundations weak below us.'

'Only then can we face outwards
with our heads held high,

'playing the roles assigned to
us with open, honest hearts.'


Ladies and gentlemen,

may I present Poplar's
new Rose Queen for 1960,

Miss Joan Musson.

And our outgoing Rose
Queen, Mrs Marie Amos.

Sergeant Noakes, how many
prostitutes are there in Poplar?

Er... 600 or 700.

You want to start tonight?

Yes! And not too late.

Sergeant Noakes thinks we ought
to try to miss their rush hour.

When it comes out, Nurse, just
you make sure it's a boy.

We've been wanting a baby
for such a long time.

This, Angela, is them
doing their mushy stuff.

Call Dr Turner and tell him that
your wife has a retained placenta.

I carried my purpose
wherever it was needed.

And now I am a relic, a curiosity...

and a nuisance.