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01x07 - Long Time Gone

Posted: 01/24/22 10:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Secrets
of Sulphur Springs"...

Campfire is almost over.

Whatever's gonna happen,
it's gonna be soon.

Today is the anniversary
of Savannah's death.

This is our best chance
to get proof she's real.

Savannah, we summon you.

Please, show yourself.

Whoa, whoa, wait.
We did it. We made contact.

I told you to make sure

that your sister
didn't leave the house.

Is she at the Tremont?

We shouldn't have left.

We didn't have a choice.
They were about to catch us.

Savannah wasn't found missing
until the morning.
It's still night.

We have to go back.
We can still save her.

The portal didn't work.

We failed.
Savannah's gone forever.

What are you two
doing out here?

And don't even think
about lying.

I dare you!
Spend the rest of the night
in the basement...

with the ghost.

I can do that dare,
no sweat.

You don't have to prove
anything to Jess.


Are you sure
this is a good idea?

They said to stay
in our rooms.

No way.
I'm not missing this
for anything.

I don't know, maybe--

They're in the parlor.
Come on.

Jess: ...your brother
to cover for you?
What were you thinking?

Ben: I just want to know
what were you doing out there
in the middle of the night.

It's a simple question, Griff.

I'm not taking you home

until you tell us
where you've been.

We're okay. We're safe.
We're home.

Isn't that enough?
Not nearly.

According to what Topher
and the twins told us,

you were gone a long time.
Half the night.

you haven't said a word.

It's embarrassing, okay?

We wanted
some private time.

Private time?

I think we need
a little more
of an explanation.

You guys
didn't want us
to see each other,

so we came up
with a plan...
to sneak off.

And do what, exactly?

E-- Exactly? Well--

We just wanted
to be alone to--

Play cards
and talk--

And have
our first kiss.

Said it was embarrassing.

Can I go to bed now?

We'll start with grounded
for a very long time.

No bike, no woods,
no... anything.

Same for you, Harper.

And Topher,
for aiding and abetting.

Ditto the twins.

Thank you, Sarah, Ben.

In the very near future,
Harper will be
writing you an apology.

As will Griffin.

No need to see us out.
Good night, everyone.


Anything else
you want to add?

I want to hear
more about that kiss!

I don't.

You two,
back to bed.

Griffin, go with them.

We'll talk more about this
in the morning.


Do you believe
anything they said?

Not a word of it.

Another goner.

I've always said
we needed a generator.

This power outage
has wiped out
our inventory.

Go! Get it out of here.
You know where.

Okay. I'll do it.
No problem.

You just sit there
staring into space.

Long night.

So, you and Griffin...

Big romance, huh?

I wouldn't go that far.

Look, Harper...

I know you're still
keeping things from me.

And I think,
when you do that,

it's not always
the healthiest thing.

You do
the same thing, Mom.

I see the way
you look at Griffin's dad.

It's almost...

like you two have a secret.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You don't? Really?

Yes, really.

I don't understand
how you can expect me
to be honest, when you're not.

Okay, you're right.

I did go to camp
with Griffin's dad.

And I was there the night
Savannah went missing.

It was...

a terrible experience.

Which is why
I didn't talk about it.

I hope
you can understand that.

I do.
I do understand that.

You're growing up so fast,
I sometimes forget that.


We're in business!


Oh, uh,
do me a favor.

Go see what's taking
your brother so long.

Mom's looking for you.

All right, all right.

Hold up.

You've gotta be kidding.

Look, I need your help.

Oh, no. No way.

I'm already grounded,
forced into hard labor--

Ten minutes, Topher.
That's all I need.

Please. Please.


Okay, 10 minutes.

You're a good little brother.

Thank goodness, I don't have
to take a flashlight

into the bathroom anymore.


Mom, check it out.

Let there be light!

Well, I got a surge here.

Check the other outlets.
Got it.

You won't believe it.

My mother confessed!

Wait, what?

She admitted
she went to camp

and knew Savannah.

It seemed like
it was hard for her
to talk about.

I feel like my dad was still
holding something back too,

about what happened
to Savannah.

All I got last night
was "the talk."

Nice save, but
did we have to be kissing?

Sorry, it was
the first thing
that came to my mind.


it certainly wasn't
the first on mine.

They're going to miss me
in five seconds.

I didn't set anything up.

All I bought us
was 10 minutes,

and that's now
officially run out.

You ready?

Let's do this.

Is Harper here?

Of course not.

Griffin's been with us
all morning.

Last I saw,
he was checking plugs.

Listen, I think that
they've run off together.

Wait, uh,
we made it very clear.

Kids, go look around.


Uh, I would think running off
would be the last thing
they'd do.

Okay, I know that.

But Harper has said things
to Topher.

Tell them, honey.

I saw her before she left.
She said, "Ten minutes."

But it was more, like,

"Goodbye, Topher,
I'm never coming back."

Guys, she hugged me.

That's just not normal.

Not down here.
We'll check upstairs.

You too, Topher.
You can help.

I think we need
to call the police.


Out here. Now.

Why all the sneaking around?
Never mind that.

We need to find out
what happened to Savannah
after the campfire.

I don't-- I don't know.

Isn't she at her bunkhouse?

But you were with her
last night, right?

Uh, we all were.

Uh... where
is this coming from?

Uh, meeting bell. Gotta go.

No sign of them
on the property.

The old camp area?
No. Nothing.

The treehouse?
First place I looked.

Her phone's off.
Griffin's too.

Obviously, they don't want
to be found.

Of all days,
this day.

Most of my life,
I have worked hard
to forget...

what happened to Savannah.

This can't be
a coincidence, Ben.

You really think
this place is haunted
by Savannah?

Come on.

You're starting
to sound like the kids.

All I know is
they shut the doors
to this place for a reason,

and you're the one
that opened them up again.

Yeah? Well,
I'll tell you this.

No way will this day end
the way that one did.

Savannah! Savannah!

They're already looking
for Savannah.

If only it mattered.

What if they
do find her this time?

We know how
this plays out, Griffin.

Same way it did
30 years ago.

Thirty years ago,
we weren't here

hanging out
with our parents.

Now we are. That has
to change things somehow.

It hasn't yet,
and we've tried.

Your mom came clean
about going to camp.

Would that have happened
before we found the portal?

There was no reason for her
to tell me the truth.

I wasn't sneaking around
or asking questions
about her past.


I guess us being here
could be shifting things,

Maybe all we need
is a small change
to save Savannah.

When did you
become an optimist?

Guess you're
rubbing off on me.


are you out here?


They're searching
the lake?

Why? Savannah's
a good swimmer.

Maybe Moss Man
dumped her in there.

Doubt it. Everyone knows
Moss Man would never--

Enough with
the Moss Man talk.

He didn't grab Savannah.
It's just a silly story.

Savannah's probably
just playing another prank.

She'll do anything
for attention.

Why didn't you look
for Savannah last night?

I didn't know
she was gone.

You guys don't do
a head count before bed?

I wasn't there
for lights out.

But that's only
because these two kids
were causing trouble.

I had to go up to the hotel
and find their parents...


That's them.

Now we run.

Not so fast.

The police are back.

Any sign of the kids?

The woods around here
are pretty dense.

We're gonna need
to bring in more manpower
to help with the search.

How long
will that take?

I'm sure the police
are doing everything they can.

What if they're never found?

Like Savannah?

You know, it's the anniversary
of when she disappeared.

We're aware of that, miss.

We all are.

I'll keep you updated.

Hey, kids, uh...

Why don't you all
go upstairs and watch a movie?

I'm gonna go
put some coffee on.

I can't believe
this is happening.


Let's show him the tape.

We caught a glimpse
of Savannah's ghost
last night.

Creepy, right?

Those cold, dead eyes
looking right through you.

She didn't actually
have eyes.

Or a face.

How do you know
it was her?


Griffin and Harper
ran away.

It's all so crazy.

No, it's not.

Griffin hated it here.

That was
before he met Harper.

Things changed
after Griffin
fell in love.

Wait, what?

That's why
they've been
sneaking off,

to kiss.

I've been busting my butt
to cover for that?

Gross, right?

So not worth
getting grounded for.

Harper will be
grounded a lot longer

when the police
find them.

If they find them.

Where are we going?

Child Services.

I mean... that's really
not necessary.

Yeah, we have families
and homes.


I'll call your parents
to pick you up.

Just need your real names.

We already told you.

No record at the hotel,

and you're not campers.

How do you know Savannah?
We're friends.

From school?

Instead of wasting time
with us,

shouldn't you be out there,
looking for her?

Trying to find her
before it's too late?

What do you mean
by that?

Why did you say that?


If your friend is
in some kind of trouble,

if somebody might have
done something,

you need to tell me.

We don't know anything.

Jess might.

I'm just saying
if it could help...

Delta 5. Dispatch.

Rescue found something
in the lake.

We need you
to return to The Tremont.

Looks like we're taking
a little detour.

Think it's her?

Has to be.
We've looked
everywhere else.

Don't listen to them.

They don't know Savannah
like we do.

Hold there.

Yeah, we definitely
got something here.

Sleeping bag.

Come on, guys,
back up.

Let the police
do their jobs.

It's not her,
thank goodness.

Okay, that's it.

All campers back
to the bunkhouses now.

Come on, let's go.

What's wrong, Ben?

It wasn't Savannah.
That's a good thing.

I know.

It's just...

Never mind.

We'll keep looking.

Call us the moment
you hear anything.

We'll do the same.

Do you have
a direct line?

Of course.
Let me get you my card.

Thank you.

We should, uh...

We should head back, too,
in case Harper's already home.

Ready when you are.

Go wait
in the car, honey.

Don't worry.
We'll find 'em.

I'm not going to--

Let today end
the way that day did?

That's what you said.

I know.
I just meant--

Look, Savannah's disappearance
changed all of us, Ben,

but the way you were acting
that day, it's--

It's like you knew something
the rest of us didn't.

Do you know
what happened to her?

Is that why you moved back
to Sulphur Springs?

You were right, Jess.

You should
probably head home.

We'll call
if we hear anything.


I'll do the same.

Here's Officer Stevens'
direct line and cell.

Delta 5, we got an update
on the lake.

Rescue reports false alarm.

Just an old sleeping bag.

There's still time
to find her.

All we have to do
is figure out

how to break out
of a locked police car.

Any ideas?

Maybe if we had
a coat hanger...

or a brick.

Or someone we know.

Ben, over here!
Yo, Ben!

Ben, help!

Ben, help! Over here!


Come on!

He had to have heard us.

Why didn't he stop?

I don't know.

He looked pretty upset though.



You really think
she's down here?


That's ridiculous.

Why would she--


You don't think
she actually went through

with that stupid dare?

Do you?

I don't know. Maybe.

Wait, what does that mean?

Ben, look at me!

Did Savannah tell you
she was coming here last night?

Is that why you were acting
so weird by the lake?


None of this would be
happening right now

if it hadn't been for you
and your stupid dare.

If anything,
this is all your fault.

How could you?


I'm sorry.

I didn't mean it.

What's going on here,

Let's go.

Totally unacceptable.

I was with
an important client

when I heard
that a camper
had disappeared.

Dad, please--
And then I drive three hours

to find you horsing around
the hotel like a clown.

I messed--
A child is missing, Bennett!

I'm sorry,
I messed up.

Again and again
and again?

You're not listening
to me.

It's my fault.

It's all my fault.




You heard that, right?

My dad...

He just confessed.

Next time on "Secrets
of Sulphur Springs"...

My dad said
it was all his fault.

That has to mean he did
something to Savannah.

Then why come back
to Sulphur Springs?

Has Harper been going through
the boxes out in the garage?

Your brother is missing
and you're worried
about a ghost?

This is serious!