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02x04 - Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Posted: 01/24/22 10:16
by bunniefuu
Harper: Previously, on
"Secrets of Sulphur Springs"...

Oh, no!

There used to be
a crystal here.

It's gone.
Until we find it,

you're stuck here
being Harper.

Whatever you normally do,
Harper will cover for you

until you guys switch back.

Harper, are you feeling okay?

Yes. I think I'm just...

Having a rough day?

What game are you playing?

It's a spirit board.

We're trying
to contact the ghost

who pulled down
the wallpaper.

- Wyatt: It's her!
- Zoey: The ghost.

The lady we saw
through the window.

Her name is Mrs. Barker.

She's definitely not a ghost.

My friend Savannah
just sent me a picture

and I need you
to take a look at it.

It's the maintenance man
at the hotel in 1962.

His name is Sam.

"Help. Stuck in 1930."

Hang on, Harper. I'm coming.

- Who said you could touch that?
- Sam.

What if somehow
he's the key to all of this?



I'm sorry, okay?

I never should've
taken that thing.

I was gonna put it back.
I swear!

(Thunder rumbling)

Forget this!



Theme music playing...

Season 02 Episode 04

Episode Title: "Wrong Place, Wrong Time"
(To be) Aired on: January 28, 2022.

there might be a way

we could get the portal
working again.

A way that involves
your brother.

Sam is only a child,

or he was
when I last saw him.

but when he grows up,

he turns the radio
into a time machine.

I... I'm sure of it.

We just need
to find out how he did it.

Do you remember him
working on anything like that?

He showed me sketches
of all his contraptions, but...

Could you recreate them?

I don't know.

Even if I remember
the images correctly,

I could never put together
how Sam's invention works.

He's the genius,
not me.

I'm gonna be
stuck here forever, aren't I?

No. We'll get you back,

One way or another.

How can you be
so certain?

Because if we don't,

then you'll never
grow up in the '30s

like you're supposed to.

You'll never have kids.

Harper will never be born.

Just trust me, we can't
mess with time like that.

And besides, there's no
way I'm leaving Harper

stranded all alone
back there.

You really care for her,
don't you?


(leaves rustling)

It has to be here somewhere.

You are not
supposed to be here.

You built this?

Oh, my gosh,
I have so many questions!

- This radio...
- Is an old piece of junk.

Just like everything else
in this basement.

It is not a toy.

Well, trust me,
I know that, but...

No, but... No! What you've been
doing is you've been snooping.

I've seen you follow me
around the hotel.

Well, I haven't been snooping.

Okay, well, maybe I have,
but can you blame me?

I saw you coming out
of a secret room

and then collecting
all those cables in the barn.

I thought you're up to
something, and I was right.

You're building
a time machine.

That's a good one!

You know, I think you're reading
a little too much H. G. Wells.

Now, I love a good story.

It's not a story.
You don't have to lie, Sam.

Not to me.

I know what this radio
really is.

Or at least what it will be.

I've used it.


Who put you up to this?

Another counselor?
A camper?

I've heard
what they call me.

Moss Man.

You know, I guess
I'm just a perfect target

for this kind of prank.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have real work to do.

- But...
- Go on.


He didn't even go inside.

It's almost like
he doesn't want the job.

I don't think he does.

Whoa! All this just to
replace a few leaky pipes?

There's gotta be another
plumber in town we can call.

None that'll come out here.

I mean, as soon as they heard
the word "Tremont,"

it's like they couldn't get
off the phone quick enough.

You know,
once we fix it up,

people will change their
minds about the hotel.

We just need the chance.

(People laughing)

You hear that?

(woman laughing)
Hey, stop.

What's going on?

Oh, sorry.
Is this your land?

We didn't mean
to bother anyone.

Woman: We were
just hiking past

and saw the water here.

Looked too good
to pass up.

The springs.

They're back!

Woman: We'll just get
out of your way.

You don't think
all the rain from last night

could've done this, do you?


It makes no sense,

You know what this means?

This means business,
tourists, profit.

This means our luck
is changing.

(Water running)

(Knock on door)

Topher, Mother instructed me
to tell you

to get dressed for school,

but you cannot wear your
man‐spider shirt because it's...

Did you go out
in the storm last night?

Oh, I, uh...

must've been sleepwalking.

Probably all those gummy
worms I ate before bed.

Messed with my REM.

Look, don't tell Mom, okay?

Harper! Topher!

We're running late,

and if you don't get
your butts in the car

in the next two minutes,
you can walk to school.


I don't mind walking.

You don't?

I mean, uh, me neither.

Okay, what's up
with you two? Hmm?

Topher, you've got that "I'm
hiding something" look on your face.

He overslept,
but don't worry,

I'll make sure he gets
to school on time.

Fine, but get a move on.

Have I ever told you

you're the best
big sister ever?

Come on, do something!

Radio announcer: delicious, you'll
swear it came from Grandma's kitchen.

And stick around for your
favorite serial and mine,

"The Man Out of Time,"
with Dutch Kelley.

Thought you hated
this program.

It's about time travel?

It's about an adventurer

who journeys
along the timeline

to prevent the world
from ending.

Does he use a portal?

And does he ever get,
you know, stuck?

Weird question,
I know.

Sorry. It's just interesting,
all this science fiction stuff.

Time travel and visions...

The visions
aren't science fiction.

Right, right. Of course.

But, um,
are there rules for them?

Do they just
pop up randomly or...

Have you forgotten
everything Mother taught us?

Uh... No.
No, I remember, yeah.

Sorry, I must be overtired
or something.

Out late last night?

More like
up early this morning.

5:00 a. M. With the hens.

I'll never take an omelet
for granted again.


Anyway, um,
enjoy the show.

(Clears throat)

(Indistinct screaming)

Is that supposed
to be scary?

It's sad, I know.

But this is one of
the best ghost sites

on the Internet.

If we want more
information on ectoplasm

or whatever
caused this,

then we need
to find experts.

Especially now that Topher's
ghosting us for some reason.

Maybe he saw a ghost
in the basement,

and he's too freaked out
to come back here.

Wish we could see
a real ghost,

and not just some confused old
lady wandering around the yard.

Just because
we were wrong about her

doesn't mean we're wrong
about The Tremont being haunted.

But this site doesn't have
the info we need.

It'd be faster
if we start our own page.

Then we can post all the
ghostly activity we see,

and the experts
would come to us.

That's a great idea!

We'll get way more views than
the time we tried the dance video.

I thought we agreed to
never talk about that again.

What are you kids doing?

You should be halfway
to school by now.

To be continued.

There you are!

I stayed up half the night

searching the hotel
for the crystal,

but no luck.

Are you ready
for today?

Truthfully, no.

It's a lot to ask,

but until we find
that thing,

you have to go to school
to maintain cover as Harper.

I mean, you've been
pulling it off so far.

Mrs. Dunn and Topher
still believe you're her, right?

I think so.

Though Topher was acting
a little strange today.

Said he was sleepwalking
outside last night.

In a storm?

Hey, Daisy. It's okay.

I mean, it's just school.

Couldn't have changed
that much in 90 years.

Look, just... sit in class.

Don't talk back.

Maybe don't talk
at all.

I don't know
if I can do this.

Just think of it
as an adventure.

That's how
Harper will look at it.

But I'm not Harper!
That's the problem.

I know you want me
to be her,

but this is all
so much.

My brother invented
a time machine.

My mother's
potentially a ghost.

I'm stuck in the future.

Everything here
is so fast and bright,

and there's so much
beeping everywhere.

I've done everything
you've asked, Griffin,

but I'm still not her.

(School bell rings) - I don't know
how much longer I can pretend.

But you have to!

Harper's whole life
is at stake.

Look, I'll handle
everything else

if you could just
get through today.

One day.
You can do that, can't you?

(Indistinct chatter)

You're in my seat.

Oh, um, sorry.

Everyone all settled?


We're starting today
with a pop quiz...

(students groaning)

...on the material
we covered last week,

particularly the events leading
up to the start of World w*r II.

There was a Second World w*r?

(Students laughing)

(birds chirping)


Oh! Who are you?

How did you get in here?

Uh, the front door.

Isn't this a hotel?

Oh. Y... Yes,
but we're not open yet.

Ah. Um, my apologies.

Allison Carter,
"The Sulphur Springs Siren."

Nice to meet you.

You're the new owners
of The Tremont, correct?

Word is the springs
have come back to life.

Very exciting.

We think so.

Those springs have
a long history in this town.

Practically legend.

Everyone's clamoring
to know...

When are you planning
on reopening to the public?

I, uh, well, we... we have some
work left to do here still, so...

Uh, Allison, I would love
to set up a time

for a more formal interview
at some point.

Uh, we can answer
all of your questions,

even give you a tour
of the hotel when it's ready.

And how soon
would that be, exactly?

I've heard from
a few contractors in town

there might be some issues.

Uh, just a couple hiccups,
like with any renovation,

but we plan
on opening real soon.

Shouldn't be having
any more surprises.


Okay, let's try this again.


(light flashing)

(Chickens clucking)

(Goat bleats)

Judge, what brings you by?

I was hoping I could talk you
into reconsidering my offer, Elijah.

I know the amount of work
Grace put into this place.

Since she passed,
rest her soul,

you can't deny
things have been... slipping.

All farms go through a little
struggle from time to time.

No, this is more than a little
struggle, and you know it.

But I have the resources to
give this land the care it deserves.

So you're really
doing it, then?

- You're selling the farm?
- But you can't!

No need to holler.

No one's selling anything
right this second.

You gotta understand, this
farm is theirs as much as mine.

I want this place
to always be here for 'em.

For their children too.

I understand.

What if I buy half the property?
The farm and the springs.

You keep the house.

You and your family can
stay on the land, on my word.

I need time to think.

Not too much, I hope.

You know how quickly
things can go wrong on a farm.

One bad season.

Heck, one bad accident,

and all you'll leave your
children with is a mountain of debt.

Hope to hear your answer soon.

We can't sell the land, even
if we get to keep the house.

It's not right.
What would Mother say?

Wish I knew.

Sam, do you trust that man?

Sometimes, I don't know
who to trust.

(Sander whirring)

You get settled in
okay upstairs?

Uh, yes, thank you.

I'm sorry I interrupted
your meeting with that reporter.

Hopefully, she'll come back

when we're actually ready
for the publicity.

She will. It's impressive,
what you're doing here.

I didn't expect
to hear that,

considering how you felt
on your last visit.

I know.

I'm sorry for
what I said then, Bennett.

And since you told me what
really happened to Savannah,

I, um...

Well, I've been
reevaluating some things.

And I don't think
I've always been the father

that you've needed me to be.

And I'd like to
make up for my last visit.

But more than that,

I want to help you bring
this place back to life.


I... I don't know
what to say.

Say you'll accept my help.

The springs coming back,
that changes things.

And with the right
amount of attention,

this... this place
could actually be

a real investment opportunity.


Shoulda guessed.

I appreciate the offer,
Dad, but...

Sarah: It's definitely
something for us to discuss.

What's to discuss?

With just a few phone calls,

I'll have a dozen workers over.

(Sander powers up)

Are... Are you okay?

Ben: Huh! Must've been an
electrical surge or something.

Dad, you're sure
you're all right?

- That was no electrical surge.
- No way!

I think our ghost is
getting really ticked off.

You wanted to see me
after school, ma'am?

Harper, yes.
Thank you for coming.

Have a seat.

Anything you would like
to share with me?


You got every single question
on the quiz wrong,

the ones you bothered
to fill in, that is.

It's not like you
at all!

Uh, I know it's not.
Am I in trouble?

Mrs. Roth: You're not
here for punishment, Harper.

You're here
because I'm concerned.

Are you...
having trouble with school?

Or at home?

If you tell me,
I might be able to help.

You could help me?


- Mrs. Roth: Of course.
- Harper: Okay.

The truth is,
I'm not who you think I am.


Sam, there you are.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Look, I don't have time
for more nonsense.

You have
plenty of time.

You have
a whole time machine.

Oh, and I need you
to finish building it,

like, right now.

My friend's trapped
in 1930,

and she needs my help.

Okay. Okay.

You've quite the imagination.
I give you that, but...

No! You have to listen!

I've been trying to think

how I can prove to you
I've traveled through time,

but all I have is this.

"Guys, help. I'm stuck in
1930 and the hatch is gone.

"I'm trying my best
pretending to be...


Daisy's my sister's name.

Yeah, Harper,

my friend,
looks just like her.

She's related to you,

So you should care
about saving her too.

Pretending to be Daisy.

I know, um,
it... it's confusing, but...

No, no. This...

This might actually answer
some questions.

Questions I've had
for a very long, long time.

(Chickens clucking)


I could really use
another message.

I think I know
why you sent me here now.

Does it have something to do
with what I saw in my visions

or maybe that judge guy?

Are you there?

Or am I literally just
talking to myself?



What're you doing
in here?

Sam, you scared me.
I'm just...

I'm, uh...

Coming up
with another lie?

You've been acting
so strange lately,

not knowing things
you're supposed to,

saying funny words,

and now barely caring
that Papa might sell the farm.


And I saw you digging
in the clearing last night.

I don't know
what you were up to,

but I do know
one thing for sure.

You're not my sister.

So who are you
and where did you come from?

(Water running)

(Mysterious music playing)

Zoey: Next time on
"Secrets of Sulphur Springs"...

We both used your machine.
Daisy too.

I think I have an idea
to get it up and running.

It's some kind of weird rock.

Why don't you guys
do some research?

Oh, no! We broke it.

Let's work together.
Save your sweet mother's farm.

Everything you just said
is right here.

What do you mean?
You're not who I think you are?

Bennet, Sr.:
Once this hotel is done,

everyone in town will forget
all about that ghost business.

- (Bulbs bursting)
- Oh!

Topher told you
he was sleepwalking?

He's gotta be
hiding something.

