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03x10 - The New Deal

Posted: 01/07/12 02:32
by bunniefuu
[Abandonned witch House]

(Bonnie is outside. She enters the house. There's some whispers. She keeps going and finally goes downstairs. The 4 coffins are here. She sees one in particular. He's more higher than the others. She goes towards it and finally opens it. Klaus is in here, asleep. He seems peaceful. He has he's mother's necklace in his hands. She's about to touch it but she hears a noise and turns herself)

[Bonnie's bedroom]

(Bonnie suddenly wakes up. It was just a dream)

[Mystic Falls]

(Elena is jogging. She stops to see what time she made. She turns herself and sees a man with a hoodie running toward her. She starts running again. She looks behind her and the man is still there. She runs faster and arrives in front of a house. She stops when she sees the man isn't behind her anymore. When she turns herself she's face to face with him)

Man: Excuse me. I should have been watching where I was going

Elena: Don't worry about it

Man: You have a nice day

(He leaves, running. She watches him)

[Mystic Grill]

(Elena is at a table with Bonnie]

Elena: I think I'm going crazy. I'm totally paranoid all the time

Bonnie: You have a right to be. Klaus is sill out there, and he knows you tried to k*ll him

Elena: Why hasn't he made a move? There's been no sign of him, nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity

Bonnie: Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare on repeat

Elena: The same dream?

Bonnie: Yeah. 4 coffins. Klaus is in one of them. It's weird

Elena: What if it's not just... Some dream? What if it's, like, you know, a witch dream?

Bonnie: It's just stress. I'll figure it out. What about Stefan?

Elena: He betrayed us, Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone

Bonnie: How is Damon handling that?

Elena: Damon is... Damon

(Damon is at the bar with Alaric. He has a lot of bottles with him. Alaric is grading papers)

Damon: Uh, you have your choice... Bloody Mary, screwdriver. Brunch in a bottle

(He drinks alcohol and then a sip of orange juice from the jar)

Damon: Come on, Ric. I can't drink all this by myself. I mean, I can, but then somebody's getting naked

(He looks at the bartender)

Damon: Oh, man. I can't believe you're making me drink alone

Alaric: I'm busy

Damon: It's the eve of Klausageddon. You're doing homework?

Alaric: This may come as a shock, but I am not here to hang out with you. I'm here to see Jeremy, who is an hour late for his shift

Damon: Kids today. Where are their values?

(Alaric shows him Jeremy's paper. He has a F)

Alaric: That's his midterm paper. Copied it straight off the internet. Didn't even try to hide it

Damon: Ooh. Somebody's getting grounded

(The bartender stops by them)

Bartender: Did you say you were waiting for Jeremy... As in Jeremy Gilbert?

Alaric: Yeah

Bartender: Yeah. He was fired last week

Damon: Oops

(Alaric turns himself and looks at Elena)

[The Woods]

(Jeremy is with Tyler. Jeremy has a crossbow in hands and sh**t on a can)

Tyler: Nice sh*t

Jeremy: So what's the point of this, again?

Tyler: The point is I'm pissed at Caroline, and Bonnie dumped your ass. The point... Is to get drunk and sh**t stuff

Jeremy: Profound. If Alaric finds out I took this, he's going to use it on me

Tyler: So, what's the deal with that? He's, like, your guardian now?

Jeremy: Sort of, yeah. I think he feels responsible for us

Tyler: You like him?

Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah. I like him

(He raises the crossbaw to sh**t on another can but Tyler is on the middle of the way)

Jeremy: Hey, you want to move out of the way?

Tyler: I'm a hybrid, Gilbert. You can't k*ll me unless you cut off my head or rip out my heart. And you're not going to do it with that lame-ass crossbow. Go ahead. Take a sh*t. Unless you don't think you can hit me

(Jeremy aims the head and sh*t. Tyler catches the arrow with his hand and smile)

[Mystic Grill]

(Damon is playing darts. Elena's with him and on the phone. She leaves a message to Jeremy)

Elena: Jeremy, the minute that you get this, call me

(She hangs up)

Damon: You're feisty when you're mad

Elena: It's not that I'm mad. I'm just... I'm worried

Damon: Why? I think he'll survive, Elena

Elena: He's spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he's moody. He's not really talking to anyone

Damon: Just a typical teenager

Elena: Who's seeing ghosts and who's lost everyone that he cares about

Damon: Not everyone. He still has you

Elena: Are you ok?

Damon: What makes you think I'm not ok?

Elena: Well, you're a day drunk. It's not exactly your most attractive look

(He gets closer to her)

Damon: Oh. What is my most attractive look?

Elena: Uh-uh. I'm not saying you have any attractive look. I'm just... Saying this is my least favorite one

Damon: Noted. See if I can make any improvements

Klaus: Don't mind me

(They turn themselves. Klaus is here with a man)

Elena: Klaus

(He smiles)

Damon: You going to do this in the grill, in front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?

Klaus: I don't know what you're talking about. I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate. Get a round, then, would you, Tony?

(Elena recognizes Tony. He's the man who was running behind her earlier. Tony leaves. Klaus looks at Elena and smiles)

Damon: I'm surprised you stuck around town. Long enough for happy hour

Klaus: My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out

Damon: Cute, blonde bombshell, psycho. Shouldn't be too hard to find

Klaus: Truth is, I've grown to rather like your little town. Thinking I might fancy a home here. I imagine you're wondering how does this affect you. And the answer is, not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want, and everyone behaves themselves, you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word

Elena: What more could you possibly want?

Klaus: Well, for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan

Damon: Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass

Klaus: Well, you see, that is a shame. Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine

Elena: That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem

(He gets closer to her but Damon puts himself in front of her. Klaus looks at him and smiles)

Klaus: Well, this is me broadening the scope, sweetheart

[Abandonned witch House]

(Bonnie arrives in front of the house and enters. She reproduces her dream and goes downstairs but unlike in her dream, the coffins aren't here)

Stefan: Hello, Bonnie

(She turns herself and sees him)

Bonnie: Stefan. You followed me here?

Stefan: Yeah. It wasn't too hard. You should probably be more careful

Bonnie: What do you want with me?

Stefan: Relax. I just need your help

Bonnie: Why would I help you? Elena said you saved Klaus's life

Stefan: Let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus. He kept his family with him at all times, Daggered, stored in coffins. And now, I have them. And I need you to help keep them hidden

Bonnie: You're out of your mind. You're just going to make him angrier

Stefan: His family is his one weakness. As long as I have that, I can ruin him

Bonnie: I don't have enough power to hide 4 originals

Stefan: You're a witch. You hate Klaus. I know you can figure something out

[Gilbert's House]

(Alaric and Elena are in the kitchen. He's cooking and she's setting the table)

Alaric: You ready?

Elena: Vampires, hybrids, and originals. No problem. My rebellious brother... I'm worried

Alaric: Proof you're still human

(Jeremy arrives)

Elena: Just in time. We're cooking

Jeremy: Sorry. Just passing through

Alaric: Aww. Well, I thought we'd all stay in, Have a meal together like a typical atypical family

Jeremy: Why?

Elena: Maybe because you got fired. And you didn't tell anyone

Jeremy: Look, can we do this later? I made plans with Tyler. He's right outside

Alaric : Wait. When did you start hanging out with Tyler Lockwood?

Jeremy: I don't know. Does it matter?

Elena: Yeah, Jeremy, it matters. He was sired by Klaus. He's dangerous

Jeremy: He can still hear you. He's right outside. Besides, you of all people are going to lecture me on who I can and can't hang out with

Elena: What is with the attitude?

Jeremy: Whatever. This is lame. Tyler's waiting

Elena: No. Oh, no, no. You're not going anywhere, especially not with Tyler

(Jeremy looks at Alaric)

Alaric: I'm with her on this, Jer. Sorry

Jeremy: All right. Fine. You want me to stay in? Let's all stay in, then. Yo, Tyler, come on in

Elena: Jeremy...

(Tyler enters. Jeremy looks at Elena, smiling)

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch. He senses something and turns himself. Klaus is here)

Klaus: I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?

Damon: I'd say we're overdue

Klaus: Well, you've been so busy, what with all your plotting and scheming

Damon: You know me... Never miss a chance to plan an epic failure

Klaus: Don't be so hard on yourself. Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you?

Damon: Well, I did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you

Klaus: Yeah, well, she's fickle, that one. And you say you have no idea of her whereabouts?

Damon: That's the thing with younger siblings. You just... never know what they're going to do

(He smiles and drinks)

Damon: Drink?

[Gilbert's House]

(Jeremy gives a glass to Tyler. Alaric and Elena are watching)

Tyler: Thanks

Elena: This is weird. Klaus has hybrids stalking me, and now, you're just sitting in our kitchen

Tyler: Look, maybe I should go

Jeremy: No, stay. You're not doing anything

Elena: Unless you have to, you know, check in with your hybrid master

Tyler: It's not like that, Elena

(Alaric sits at the table, next to Tyler)

Alaric: Tell me, Tyler... What is the difference. Between being sired and being compelled?

Tyler: Compulsion... That's just mind control, like hypnosis. And being sired is... It's like faith. You do something because you believe it's the right thing

Elena: So, you believe that serving Klaus is the right thing

Tyler: I don't serve him. Klaus released me from a curse that was ruining my life. I owe him for that

Alaric: What if he asked you to... Jump off a bridge?

Tyler: He wouldn't. And even if he did, I'd be fine. I'm a hybrid

Elena: Ok. So what if he asked you to rip your own heart out?

Tyler: Again, he wouldn't

Elena: What if he did?

Tyler: I don't know. Then I'd rip out my heart

(Jeremy is sruprised)

Tyler: You guys sound like Caroline, getting all freaked out over something you don't understand

Elena: You're right, Tyler. I don't understand. Klaus has terrorized every single one of us, and you're just blindly loyal to him

Tyler: You're overthinking it. I can still make my own decisions

(Alaric looks at Elena)

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon gives a glass to Klaus)

Klaus: Cheers, mate

Damon: Down the hatch

Klaus: You know, we've actually got a lot in common, you and I

Damon: Really? Well, yeah. Maybe we can... Bond over our mutual loathing of my brother. Why are you so mad at him? He stole something?

Klaus: My family. The originals. I had them daggered, boxed up, awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them. And he went in and pinched the bloody lot

Damon: Of course he did. Ah, such a buzz k*ll, my baby bro. Well, I'd love to find him. Just the trouble is I sure as hell don't work for you

Klaus: You know, your drink stinks of vervain, so I can't compel you. There'd be no point in k*lling you, because you're actually the one with the most hope of getting me what I need. And yet, it would seem a demonstration is in order. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough when I told you to find Stefan. Oh, well. It seems you people respond best to displays of v*olence. Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?

(He takes his phone and calls someone)

Klaus: There he is. So, that thing I told you to do. Why don't you go ahead and get on with it?

[Gilbert's House]

(Jeremy hangs up his phone)

Elena: What was that about?

Jeremy: It was nothing

Tyler: I got to go. Um, thanks for the food offer but...

Alaric: Next time

(Tyler leaves. Alaric and Elena goes to the countertop)

Alaric: Well, that was illuminating

Elena: So, Tyler Lockwood is A lunatic who has access to our house

Alaric: I mean, this whole sire bond thing is wild. I don't even think Tyler's fully aware of what ittle reason lies behind what he's saying. It's... it's his weird cult logic

Elena: Well, great. That's a wonderful influence for you, Jer

(They turn themselves but Jeremy has disapeared)

Elena: Jeremy?

(She sees his ring on the plate)

Alaric: That's his ring.

Elena Where'd he go?

(They go outside. Jeremy is standing on the middle of the road)

Elena: Jeremy? What is he doing?

(A car arrives at full speed and races toward him)

Elena: Oh my god!

(Alaric runs toward him)

Alaric: Jeremy!

Elena: Jeremy! Jeremy, move!

(Jeremy doesn't move but Alaric rushes over him and pushes him so the car bumps into Alaric in full speed. He crashes on the car and falls on the road, bleeding. Elena rushes toward him and checks on

Tony: There I go again, bumping into people

(Elena sees that Alaric is wearing his magical ring. Tony leaves. Jeremy gets up and rushes toward Elena and Alaric)

Elena: He's going to be all right. Are you ok?

Jeremy: I don't understand

Elena: Who was that on the phone earlier?

Jeremy: It was Klaus

Elena: You were compelled, Jeremy. We've got to get him inside. Help me

[A property]

(Klaus is inside with Mindy, one of his hybrids. There are renovations in the house and men working everywhere)

Klaus: Compel the men to open up this wall. We need sun. I want a fortress, not a dungeon

(Tyler arrives)

Klaus: There he is. Man of the hour

Tyler: So everything went ok?

Klaus: Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy, but apples, oranges. Message learns the same

Tyler: You said you were sending them a warning

Klaus: And I did... an effective one. Elena's family suffers, she's motivated to get me what I want

Tyler: I didn't think that we'd actually have to k*ll anyone

Klaus: Tyler, mate. What you're feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience. I need you to get over it, ok? End of the day, human life here is just a means to an end... Our means to our end. You'd do well to remember that

(He leaves)

[Gilbert's House]

(Alaric is on the couch, still dead. Elena is next to him and Alaric is sitting on the floor. Damon enters)

Damon: How is he?

Elena: He's dead, but he had his ring.Klaus' hybrid hit him. Now we just wait

(Damon looks at at Jeremy)

Damon: Jeremy, why aren't you wearing vervain? Where's your bracelet?

(Jeremy looks at his wrist)

Jeremy: I don't know

Elena: It was Tyler. It had to have been. That's why he was hanging out with you, to get you off the vervain

Damon: Klaus is trying to send us a message. He wants us to find Stefan, who stole his coffins of all his dead family members

Elena: Coffins?

Damon: Yep. So all we have to do is find 4 coffins, and voila, no one else on your family's chritmas list has to die

(Jeremy gets up)

Jeremy: Wait, that's your big plan, to steal back 4 dead originals. so this evil hybrid doesn't k*ll me. And everyone else we know?

Damon: You got a better idea?

Jeremy: Yeah. Let's get the hell out of here. Pack our bags and go

Elena: Hey, Jeremy, calm down

Jeremy: No. No, I'm not going to calm down, Elena. This happens every time no matter what we do... You get on my case about school and work. Who cares. None of us are going to make it out of this town alive

(He goes upstairs)

Elena: He said he wants his family back

Damon: No. No, I know what you're thinking. The answer's no

Elena: If we give him Rebekah...

Damon: Yeah, then Klaus un-daggers her. First thing she does is k*ll you. Frying pan, fire. Not an option

Elena: Klaus's coffins. How many did you say there were?

[Bonnie's Bedroom]

(Bonnie's phone rings. She answers. It's Elena)

Bonnie: Elena? Hey

Elena: Klaus is looking for 4 coffins, just like in your dream. I think it's not just stress

Bonnie: Elena, don't get involved. Whatever Klaus wants, stay as far away from it as you can

Elena: Klaus won't let me. Bonnie... He tried to k*ll Jeremy

Bonnie: What do you want me to do?

Elena: We need to find Stefan. Look, I know that you don't think that your locater spell still works, but we have to at least try

Bonnie: We don't need a locater spell

[Abandonned Witch House]

(Elena and Damon arrive at the house)

Damon: Bonnie said this place lost all its mojo

Elena: The dead witches were angry at her for bringing Jeremy back to life. I guess now they have something they want her to know

Damon: That's why I hate witches. So fickle, passive-aggressive

(They enter the house)

Elena: Stefan?

Damon: Come on, Stef. Olly olly oxen free

(He walks through sunlight but his skin burns. He goes in the shadow)

Damon: Really? Still?

Elena: What?

Damon: The witchy spirits aren't a big fan, and they used their juju to screw with my daylight ring

Elena: Then wait outside

Damon: Elena...

Elena: I'm not leaving until I know if he's here

(Elena goes forward in the house. Damon rushes outside with his speed. Elena goes dowstairs)

Elena: Stefan?

(Stefan appears)

Stefan: Go away. You shouldn't be here, Elena

(Damon listens to them outside)

Elena: Stefan, I need your help. Bonnie said that you would be here

Stefan: Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets

Elena: Listen, you need to give Klaus his family back

Stefan: Oh really? Is that what i need to do?

Elena: Klaus compelled Jeremy to stand in front of a speeding car. Don't you get it? Stefan, he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants...

Stefan: Elena, stop talking. I'm not giving Klaus anything

Elena: Are you listening to me? He's going to k*ll Jeremy

Stefan: Not really my problem

(She slaps him)

Elena: Then you can go to hell

(She leaves)

(Elena goes out of the house. Damon is waiting)

Damon: That didn't go over well

Elena: Don't even start, Damon

Damon: Let me talk to him

Elena: You can't get in. The witches won't let you

(He gives her keys)

Damon: Here. Take my car keys. You go deal with your brother. I'll deal with mine

(He enter the house but suffers and keeps bumping into walls 'cause his skin burns but he finally arrives downstairs)

Stefan: Wow. That was impressive. But the coffins aren't here, so you can go away now

Damon: I don't care about the coffins. We need to talk

(He gets up but his skin burns. He screams)

Stefan: Ok. Let's talk

Damon: Nothing's ever easy with you, is it?

(He catches him and rushes through the house with him)

(They arrive outside. Damon throws Stefan on the floor. Damon kicks him, takes a branch and stabs him with it. Stefan screams)

Damon: That is for screwing up my plan. You stopped me from k*lling Klaus, and you steal his family. Why? It doesn't make sense. Answer me!

Stefan: Piece by piece, Klaus took everything from me. I'm doing the same to him

Damon: But I had him, Stefan! Why'd you screw it up?

Stefan: I did it to save you!

(He pushes Damon)

Damon: What? No. No way. You didn't do this for me

Stefan: He was one step ahead of us. If Klaus d*ed, his hybrids would have k*lled you

Damon: When are you going to get it through your head?

(He stabs Stefan with the branch again)

Damon: Stop saving me
[The Woods]

(Tyler is drinking alcohol. Jeremy arrives behind him with a crossbow)

Tyler: Don't do it, Jeremy

Jeremy: Why not? You s*ab my back, I s*ab yours

Tyler: I didn't s*ab you in the back

Jeremy: Is that why you wanted to hang out, to get me off the vervain?

Tyler: Klaus asked me to. I never thought he would try to k*ll you

Jeremy: It's Klaus, Tyler. What did you think was going to happen?

Tyler: He doesn't care about you. All he wants is to get his family back

(Tyler sh*ts him but Tyler catches the arrow with his hand)

Tyler: What the hell?!

Jeremy: Whenever Klaus wants something, someone ends up dead. You think about that next time before you blindly do whatever he says

Tyler: Jer, you should get home. Stay inside. Klaus isn't going to stop until he gets all those coffins back. He's not done with you

(Jeremy leaves)

[Gilbert's House]

(Alaric wakes up and gets up. Elena arrives)

Elena: Ric. Hey. When did you return to the living?

Alaric: Oh, just a few minutes ago. How's Jeremy?

Elena: Hating me. Hating life. Hating the fact that we can't even have a family dinner Without somebody dying before dessert. Are you okay?

(He caughs blood)

Elena: Oh my god

Alaric: Something's wrong. The ring

(He falls on the floor)

(Elena opens the door to paramedics)

Paramedic: What happened?

Elena: He got hit by a car, and he's coughing up blood

(They enter and check on him)

Paramedic: Get his vitals. Pulse thready and weak. Looks like internal bleeding. We got to get him out of here. Let's move

(Tony the hybrid arrives and stops at the door 'cause he can't enter)

Tony: Let's not and say we did. Why don't you two meet us at the hospital?

(The paramedics gets up and start leaving)

Elena: What? No. No, no, no. Wait. No, wait. You have to help him

(She looks at Tony)

Elena: What are you doing?

Tony: You can still save his life, Elena. Here. Take my blood. But... I can't get in. You're going to have to invite me

Elena: No. Why are you doing this?

Tony: Klaus asked for his family. You didn't deliver

(Alaric caughs. She rushes over him)

Elena: Ric! Oh, my god, Ric. I'm right here. Hey. Hey, look

Tony: I would invite me in, Elena

(Jeremy arrives and sh*ts him with the crossbow. She gets up)

Elena: Jeremy

Jeremy: He's not dead yet

(He enters the house)

Elena: Where are you going?

(He goes in the kitchen and comes back with a Kn*fe)

Elena: What are you doing?

(He cuts Tony's head. She screams and hides her eyes. Blood has splettered on Jeremy's face. She's shocked)

Jeremy: Now he's dead. We've got to get Alaric to the hospital, now

(He drops the Kn*fe on the porch and enters the house. Elena is still shocked and about to cry)

[Abandonned Witch House]

(It's nighttime. Damon and Stefan are outside the house)

Damon: You know what I can't figure out? Why save me? Was it brotherly love, guilty conscience, Is the switch on, is the switch off?

Stefan: Do you have somewhere you need to be, Damon?

Damon: Ah, deflection. That's not going to work on me. I invented that

Stefan: We're done. Can't you just go away?

Damon: Not until you tell me why you saved me. You owe me that

Stefan: I don't owe you anything

Damon: Fine. Next question, why did you steal the coffins?

Stefan: Because Klaus's family is one weakness I can use against him

Damon: Use against him to do what? You're not going to k*ll him. You know how I know this? 'Cause there was only one way to k*ll him, and you blew that to save me

Stefan: You're wrong, Damon. Klaus doesn't get to just live forever. There's another way. There has to be

Damon: Fair enough. Whatever you're doing, I want in

Stefan: I don't need your help

Damon: Really? Last time I checked, you were hiding out in a haunted house

Stefan: I'm in this alone, Damon

Damon: You go after Klaus, you're going to have to be cutthroat and devious. I'm so much better at that than you. Come on, brother. What do you say? If you're going to keep saving my life, at least make it for a good reason

Stefan: You want in, huh? Ok. But it's just me and you. Elena stays out of it

Damon: Deal

Stefan: Follow me

Damon: Wait. I'm not so... Welcome in there

Stefan: Don't you worry, Damon. We all want the same thing

(Damon and Stefan are downstairs. The room is empty)

Stefan: Have a look

Damon: What? Klaus is allergic to dust?

Stefan: Mmm. Look again

(Damon does and the coffins appear)

Stefan: Witch spirits hate Klaus as much as we do. They're using their powers to hide the coffins

Damon: So if he comes in the house...

Stefan: He won't be able to find them

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Alaric is dressed up and looking at his ring. The doctor enters)

Dr Fell: Mr. Saltzman. What are you doing up? You should be resting

Alaric: Uh, I'm more of a walk-it-off kind of guy. Ahem. Do I need to sign something?

Dr Fell: Internal hemorrhaging, 3 broken ribs, and a severe concussion. I have no idea how you're on your feet right now, but I need to run some more tests

Alaric: Actually, I have someplace I need to be. But thank you, Doctor...

Dr Fell: Fell. But the patients who follow my advice get to call me Meredith

Alaric: Well, I appreciate your help, Dr. Fell

Dr Fell: Mr. Saltzman... What is your secret? Guardian angel, or did you sell your soul to the devil?

Alaric: Little of both

(He leaves)

[Salvatore's House]

(Someone knocks on the door. Elena opens, it's Klaus)

Elena: Thank you for coming

Klaus: I trust you have news of Stefan

Elena: I couldn't find him. But I have something else

(He follows her in the basement and enters the cell with her. Rebekah's here, dead, the dagger in her heart. Klaus looks at her)

Klaus: My poor sister. I can't turn my back on her for a moment

Elena: You have Rebekah. A deal is a deal

Klaus: The life of my sister in exchange for your brother? Yeah, I'd say that's a bargain. Consider him spared

Elena: You should know, I was the one that daggered her. When she wakes, she'll come after me

Klaus: I can control Rebekah. Besides, I still need your help finding Stefan

Elena: I told you, I don't know where he is

(He removes the dagger from Rebekah)

Klaus: You're lying. Fortunately, you have no shortage of loved ones. If I don't find my family, the question you should be asking yourself is, who's going to die next? Bonnie? Caroline? Damon? It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what I want

Elena: He doesn't care about me any more. You made sure of that. You turned him into a monster. Now he's your problem. And just so you know, I'm not the only one Rebekah wants dead. She knows what you did to your mother. She knows that you k*lled her. You can let yourself out

(She looks at him and leaves. He seems devastated)

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Alaric and Jeremy are outside)

Jeremy: So the ring brought you back to life, but it didn't heal you. Does that mean it's broken?

Alaric: I don't know. It's never happened like that before. I guess I have Damon's blood to thank. For the fact that I'm still walking

Jeremy: He said to say you owe him a drink

Alaric: That's funny. I'd rather have head trauma. Hey, Jeremy... You ok?

Jeremy: Why wouldn't I be? I sh*t a hybrid in the back and chopped his head off with a meat cleaver. Typical sunday, uh?

Alaric: You can talk to me about this stuff. You know that, right?

Jeremy: What could you tell me that I don't already know? This is the way things are. It sucks, but I just got to get used to it

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is clining a towell in the sink. The sink and her hands are full of blood. Damon arrives)

Elena: Did you get rid of him?

Damon: Yeah. Tony the headless hybrid's. now at the bottom of Steven's quarry

Elena: What about Alaric?

Damon: Took care of him, too. He'll be fine. How are you?

Elena: I think I got most of the blood off the porch

Damon: Elena. Look at me

(She turns herself)

Damon: It's going to be ok

Elena: I have to tell you something. I made a deal with Klaus. I gave him Rebekah

Damon: What? No, no. No. You did not do that. She's going to come here and try and k*ll you

Elena: No, she won't. Klaus won't let her because he needs me

Damon: And suddenly, you trust him?

Elena: No, I don't trust him. But what other choice do I have? I don't trust Stefan. Do you think he's just going to give up the coffins?

Damon: My brother's... Sort of running his own show right now

Elena: Yeah. My brother just chopped off someone's head. It's not right. It's not fair. He's 16 years old. He shouldn't have to live like this

Damon: Elena...

Elena: There has to be another way. I have to fix it

Damon: We will. Hey. Hey. Hey

(He takes her face in his hands)

Damon: We will. Ok?

[A property]

(Rebekah's laying on a table. She hasn't woken up yet)

Klaus: Here we are, Rebekah. Home, sweet home. Only took 1,000 years. And to think, I was counting on you being here with me. But that's all ruined now, isn't it?

(Her fingers move. She's waking up)

Klaus: I'm so sorry. Sister. We'll meet again one day

(He touches her face and puts the dagger in her heart again)

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena and Alaric enter Jeremy's bedroom)

Elena: Hey. Can we talk?

Jeremy: What did I do now?

Elena: I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about how we should pack up and go

Jeremy: Elena, I didn't mean any of that

Elena: But you were right. You shouldn't have to give up a normal life. Just because of me

(Damon enters)

Jeremy: What's going on?

Damon: Your sister thinks we should have another one of our talks

(He sits next to Jeremy. Jeremy doesn't look at him firt but then he does and Damon compels him)

Damon: Here's the thing, Jeremy. You're going to go out of town for a little while. A long while. You're going to stay with some nice family friends in Denver. You're going to be in a new school and meet new girls... Living girls. You're going to drink a few beers, take an art class. You can do whatever you want

Alaric: Tell him he's going to leave mystic falls behind and never think twice about it

(Damon looks at Elena. She nods. He looks back at Jeremy)

Damon: You're going to leave mystic falls behind and never think twice about it. You're going to have a better life, Jeremy

(Elena is crying)

[Abandonned Witch House]

(Stefan and Bonnie are downstairs, looking at the coffins. Bonnie sees the one Klaus was in in her dream and gets closer to it)

Bonnie: This is the one I dreamed of

(She tries to open it)

Stefan: Don't bother. It won't open

Bonnie: What do you mean, is it locked?

Stefan: Nope. It just won't open. I've tried everything... Blow torch, a*, crowbar. I can't even scratch the finish

Bonnie: That means it's closed with a spell

Stefan: You mean whatever's in there should probably stay in there

Bonnie: You said you wanted to make him suffer. The witches led me here for a reason. I think whatever's inside this coffin is our answer

[Gilbert's House]

(Damon and Elena go outside and stay on the porch)

Elena: I feel like a horrible person

Damon: You just saved his life, Elena. Take it from me... Estranged is bad. Dead is worse

Elena: Just can't stop thinking about what happened. The last time I asked you to compel him

Damon: He found out, and he got over it. Again, not dead, Elena. He's so lucky to have you for a sister

Elena: Thank you

Damon: No problem

Elena: Not just for this, Damon. For everything. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here

Damon: You should know this, Elena. Stefan didn't screw us over. He screwed us over, but he had a good reason

Elena: What?

Damon: He saved Klaus to save me. Then he stole the coffins to get even

Elena: Damon, if he did it to protect you, then... Why would he even do that? I mean... Oh, what does it even mean?

Damon: What does it mean? It means I'm an idiot. 'Cause I thought for one second that I wouldn't have to feel guilty any more

Elena: What are you talking about, guilty for what?

Damon: For wanting what I want

Elena: Damon...

Damon: No, I know. Believe me, I get it. My brother's girl and all

(He leaves but then stops)

Damon: No. No. You know what? If I'm going to feel guilty about something, I'm going to feel guilty about this

(He gets closer to her and kisses her. They kiss. She puts her hand in one of his. He smiles)

Damon: Good night

(He leaves. She seems confused)