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08x06 - Redrum

Posted: 02/13/22 11:05
by bunniefuu
It is Friday December 8, and you're tuned in to WXOP, Baltimore's news radio, serving Maryland and the greater Chesapeake region, 24-7.

We've got your Friday morning trouble spots: a two-car pile-up with a fatality on the 97...

It's time.


The press got word you're taking him out. It looks like Woodstock.

Postpone the transfer. Get him out once the crowd disperses.

Transfer me where? No, they'll camp out for days.

We're going ahead with it. John, John, what is goin' on?

Mr Wells. Mr Wells. Why did you do it?

All right, back up. Give him some room. Come on, clear out. Back up.


Down! w*apon!

Somebody call a medic.

John... Do you recognize this?

Have you seen it before?

Um... yes.

Who are you? Don't even, Martin.

What am I doing here? I'm in this cell. I don't know where I am or how I even got here...

I swear to God, do not play this with me.

I will not be party to some half-assed, eleventh-hour insanity defense.

What? John... It's time to start telling me the truth!

This key card. Mr Wells...

You do recognize it. Is that correct?

Yes, it's the swipe card that they use at the apartment building.

For all I know, it's mine. It is yours.

It was found in the Dumpster behind the Strand Hotel.

You tossed it there, didn't you?

You had time to drive to Baltimore and commit the m*rder.

Wait. m*rder? What m*rder?

Then drive back to DC, toss the key card. That way you could claim it was stolen.

Make it look like you spent your whole night watching TV in your hotel room. Right?


What m*rder? What is he talking about?

Well, maybe this will jog your memory, buddy.


My wife.

This isn't happening.

This is not happening.

Court van is waiting.

All right. Dignity. That is your strong suit. Play it.

Don't lower your eyes. It makes you look guilty.

We drew Judge Kinberg. What's your relationship with him?

Benjamin? First-name basis. Excellent.

All rise.

I remind the members of the gallery to turn off all cellular phones and paging devices.

AI? What?

He sh*t me.

Who? Your father-in-law? What are you talking about?

Circuit Court. Department 6B is in session, the Honourable Benjamin Kinberg presiding. Thursday, the seventh day of December.

Thursday? It's not Thursday. Shh!

It's Saturday. Yesterday was Friday and... Today is Thursday.

There's no court on Saturday. You know that.

Martin, do you feel all right?

Case number 8ABX03. District versus Martin Wells.

Charge of first-degree m*rder.

The defense requested a hearing on bail? Yes. Your Honour, we have.

Mr Wells' status as a prosecutor makes him a target.

We endanger him by keeping him in custody.

I'm assured by the Department of Corrections that Mr Wells' safety is not a concern.

Furthermore, as Your Honour will certainly agree, Mr Wells is an upstanding citizen and a respected member of the Maryland Bar.

Your Honour, with cold calculation.

Martin Wells brutally stabbed his wife in their own home.

He poses a thr*at to the public and should be denied bail.

He doesn't pose a thr*at to anyone, and he has two children who need him at home.

Why? Because their mom's not around.

Ms Carter.

I can't tell you how sorry I am to see you on that side of the aisle.

I hope you'll forgive me when I do what you, as a prosecutor, would demand.

Bail is denied.

I will order Mr Wells transferred to a more secure facility in the interest of his safety.

Transferred? No, Ben.

You can't do that. I can't be transferred. He'll k*ll me.

Tomorrow morning...

If today is really Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, and that's when he'll do it.

He's gonna sh**t me as I'm transferred.

Bailiff. You don't understand.

It'll happen. It'll happen.

Just listen to me. Ben, it'll happen. He's gonna k*ll me! Ben!

Mr Wells, we understand that you had an interesting morning in court.

What is it that you'd like to speak with us about?

You're John's partner? For God sakes.

Agent Scully. You know that. You met her yesterday.

Yesterday? Yeah. Yesterday. Wednesday.

Wednesday? Are you saying that you don't remember?

What is the last thing you do remember? Being sh*t by my father-in-law.

You're wastin' our time. Listen.

I don't know what I experienced.

But what if it was a premonition?

A glimpse of the future.

I mean... you do hear about these kind of things.


You do.

Mr Wells, this sh**ting aside, is there anything else that you remember before that?

Um... l was in DC... uh... for a sentencing hearing.

I was staying at the Strand Hotel, like you said.

That was three days ago, Mr Wells.

Are you telling us that you don't remember anything else?

Not the m*rder of your wife?

No. Out of the blue, charged with m*rder.

You wake up one morning and you can't remember a damn thing.

You haven't offered us one scrap of evidence to support your story.

As your friend, I'm gonna listen to anything you have to say, but I will not be lied to.

I'm not lying. You're talking to me about key cards.

I'm sitting in a jail cell. I don't understand any of this.

But I did not... k*ll Vickie.

If you truly don't remember... then how can you be certain that you didn't?

Courtney! Haley!

Hey, guys. Oh!

It's so good to see you.

Come on, give Daddy a big hug. Hug your father, niñas.

How are they holding up? Good. Good, Mr Wells.

They wanna know when you're coming home.

Oh. See, um...

Daddy has some things that he has to do - very, very important things.

That's why I have to be here right now. But then, guess what.

I'll be coming home.

Grandpa says they won't let you come home.

Trina, I need you to get me something out of the apartment, from the girls' room.

Thank you.

Why didn't you say before the hearing?

I hadn't even met you before the bail hearing.

Nanny cam.

I wish you'd talked to me about this before. I don't know if this is a great idea.

This may have the m*rder*r on it.

Whatever is on that tape, I am an officer of the court. I have to share it with the prosecution.

You think I'm guilty. Let's clear this up right now.


My apartment. That's the girls' room, and this must be the police investigation.

What time did the m*rder occur?

The official report has the police arriving at your apartment at 6.20 a.m. Monday morning.

Your key card was used at 4.17.

Which means the k*ller is somewhere in-between.

Wait. There's your wife.


We must have missed something.

Right there. Martin, that's you.

I'm not goin'. How's that?

I told you, this is the day. If I go, I'll get sh*t. You cannot transfer me.

I don't plan to. Your lawyers wanna see you.

Here's my favourite client. Martin, you holding up all right?

Brent. I've been better.

We're gonna b*at this thing. Guaranteed.

I have here one of the finest criminal-defense specialists. Meet...

We met. I've been thinking about the tape, and I don't see you having to turn it over to the prosecution.


I showed you that tape in an effort to clear my name, not as an admission of guilt.


Mr Wells. I'm Janet Wilson. I don't think we've met.

Martin, what is all this about a video tape?

The... nanny cam tape.

That's why you're here. I'm here to introduce you to your attorney.

We met yesterday at the bail hearing. Don't you remember?

Martin, the bail hearing is set for tomorrow.

What day is this? What day of the week... is this?

Wednesday. Wednesday 6.

Yesterday you told me it was Thursday. The day before that it was Friday.

It's backwards.

Everything's going backwards.

I think we should have you speak to someone. You're under a lot of stress.

Being locked up in this cesspool doesn't help.

We can have you out by tomorrow afternoon.

Plus, they don't have the key card that was used to access your apartment building.

The key card.

Without it, they've got nothing.

Oh, yeah.

Somebody likes you, my brother.

Come on, man. I'm just messin' with you.

What? You ain't got no sense of humour, Counselor?

Do I know you? No, you don't know me.

Damn sure put me in here, though.

Possession with intent. And concealed w*apon.

Mm-hm. That concealed w*apon was a pipe wrench.

I was on my way to my baby's mama's house to unstick her garbage disposer, but I told you all that.

"Concealed w*apon" added six months to my sentence. You remember my name?

No. All I needed to know about you was that you broke the law.

I broke the law.

Well, then, I guess that makes you "Wife k*ller, Esquire".


Pick 'em up, you stumbling bitch.

Go on.


Aw, jeez, Martin. Your face.

It's all right. Appreciate you coming. Agent Scully, I especially wanted to talk to you.

It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry it's not under better circumstances.

This is the day we meet.

Something is happening to me.

Something I need to try to explain to you, to you both.

I'm moving backward in time.

Every morning I wake up, it's the day before. For me, yesterday was Thursday.

The day before was Friday. Only it's all new to me every single morning I wake up.

I can only remember what's happened the following day.

Agent Scully, would you mind taking a closer look at his injuries? Maybe check his scalp.

I know this all sounds crazy. But I'm telling you the truth.

This cut, for instance.

It was on my cheek when I woke up yesterday.

I woke up this morning, it wasn't there.

But then this afternoon, I got cut.

I k*lled a spider in my cell yesterday.

First thing this morning, I woke up, it's back again.

Because it happened the day before. I haven't k*lled it yet.

Mr Wells, are you saying you don't remember the day that your wife was m*rder*d?

I'm talking about two days ago - Monday.


I don't... remember it, because for me, it hasn't happened yet.

You do realize that you're not gonna be able to prove this. Right?

I mean, it, uh... if tomorrow is really the day before today, then... we won't have had this conversation.

Oh, for cryin' out loud. You're gonna have to tell us all over again.

Yeah, well, uh... make sure I skip that freakin' meeting.

Mr Wells, let's say that all this is true.

Why do you think it's happening?

I don't know.

There has to be a reason.

What reason?


I'm meant to understand?

Although I don't know what it could be.

Maybe you already have the answer within you.

I'd really prefer to stay while you do this, Martin.

I can take you through the chain of evidence.

I think I've done this before, thank you, Ms Wilson.


Lookin' for some loopholes, huh?

Yeah, man, get yourself outta here.

They praying that you find one little technicality so they can let you go.

I'm not looking for technicalities. What are you looking for?

The truth. The truth?

You better stick to the technicalities.

The truth is gonna keep you in here and make you somebody's bitch.

That's what the truth gonna do.

So put on that engineerin' hat, Casey Jones, cos you got a whole lot of trains to be pullin'.

I know who did it. he arrived home from a business trip to discover the body of his wife.

Wells is now in seclusion at the home of a friend.

Baltimore Police are giving no indication whether he is a suspect, or if there are indeed any suspects at this time.

However, Channel 9 News has learned police are focusing on an electronic key card, much like this one. The card in question belongs to Martin Wells. it was used by the k*ller to enter the apartment building through the garage.

Wells claims no knowledge of its whereabouts...

Not something you wanna wake up to.

How you feelin'?

Disconnected from reality, but I guess I'd better get used to it.

Oh, urn...

Thank you. I assume you let me spend the night here. Right?

Thank you. Like I said, no problem.

So that makes today... Tuesday, the day after the m*rder.


I know who did it now.

You know who k*lled Vickie? Latino.

Maybe 40, five ten, 185 pounds.

He's got a tattoo of a spider web on his left hand.

Last night you said you had no idea who did this.

Yeah, now I do.

Trust me. I don't know his name but you can find him in the Baltimore City lockup.

Call 'em. They can ID him based on what I just told you.

I just wanna say my daughter was an exceptional person.

One who was loved by everyone who knew her.

Sir, have the police identified any suspects in your daughter's death?

They’re not telling us much.

What about rumours that your son-in-law is the prime suspect?

Reporting from the Calvert House Apartments, this is Brian Blakley, Back to the studio.

No prisoner of that description was processed in the past 36 hours.

He's in there. He's gotta be there.

Sorry, Martin, he’s not.

It must be too soon. He must not get arrested until later today - Tuesday.

That's how he could have been with me in lockup on Wednesday.

Martin, you have seriously lost me.

If you're trying to admit something to me or to yourself, come out with it.

There's a reason all this is happening.

Maybe I already have the answer. Well, how's that?

There's something in my apartment that you need to see, John.

Where is it? The girls' bedroom, right there.

Martin? Is this it?

My daughters were at their grandparents', thank God.

The bedroom door was open, with a clear view of the front hallway.

The nanny cam is motion-activated, so it should have caught anyone coming in or out of the house.

There I am. Nobody else on the tape between my wife and the police.

I don't understand it.

I'd say this makes you look more innocent than guilty.

Look there in the mirror.

The sun.

Your wife comes home before the m*rder*r enters the building at 4.17 a.m.

Her time of death is fixed shortly after that, well before sunrise.

You came home later, when the sun was already up.

The k*ller turned off the tape.

The only question is how?

There's a remote control for the nanny cam. It's in a drawer by the front door.

But nobody else knew about it except for Vickie... and me.

Are you sure about that?

FBI. I saw your curtains move. I know you're in there.

Mr Wells, I...

You knew about the nanny cam, didn't you? You told the k*ller about it.

You must have given him my key card, too. Mr Wells, I wasn't even there that night.

First thing you're supposed to say is "What nanny cam?"

Is this your guy? I'm so sorry, Mr Wells.

He said he'd hurt my family.

He made me give him your key card.

His name is Cesar Okcampo. He's got a full sheet - as*ault and narcotics.

He knows the drill. He's a clam. We'll have Trina's testimony against him.

Maybe we won't. He's got her so scared, we can't count on her.

John, let me go in and talk to him.


He says he only wants to talk to you.

Why? You don't know?

You have my record, and you can't figure it out?

Cesar Okcampo. I don't know you. I never prosecuted you.

Hector Okcampo, my brother.

What was the charge? Possession with intent.

$50 worth of rock.

It was his third strike, remember? Yeah, I remember. I did my job.

You sent him up for life. I did my job.

I do it ten times a week, every week of the year.

And for this, my wife is m*rder*d?

You take away my dignity, my reputation, my life because your brothers where he belongs?

Brady versus Maryland.

You know what I'm talkin' about. Brady versus Maryland.

Prosecution's gotta turn over exonerating evidence. You had the word of three people.

That wasn't Hectors rock.

It was in a jacket that wasn't even his, left beside him in the club.

You knew that. You knew that and you suppressed the evidence.

Are you telling me your brother is not a dealer?

My brother was a bus boy when you sent him up. He had two strikes on him.

He wasn't dealin' no more.

You sent him up for who he used to be.

And cos it was easy. You broke the law.

I tell you what we'll do.

You'll be convicted of my wife's m*rder, one way or another.

Plead now and I'll look into your brother's case.

Maybe I'll find a way to recommend a reduced sentence. Time served.

You want justice? So do I.

My brother's dead.

Hung himself in his jail cell a couple of weeks ago.

Martin, a word.

I'm sorry, Martin. I tried to talk 'em out of it, but they think they have a case.

Sir, turn around, please.

Martin Wells, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Vickie Wells.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Come on, pickup.

Pick up!

Hey, there. This is the Wells' residence.

We can't come to the phone right now, so leave a message.

Honey, this is Martin. Pick up the phone. Vickie, pick up the phone.

Pick up the phone!

It's not four o'clock yet.

When you get this, go to your parents' house and wait for me to call.

I'm on my way back to the city.

John, I need your help.


Vickie will be m*rder*d inside of two hours. Vickie? Your wife?

I called the police. They might think I was a crank. You call them.

I can describe the suspect, his name. How do you know all this?

I haven't got time to explain. You wouldn't believe it.

That's a bad sign because it's two in the morning. I haven't seen you in three years.

Give me something more to go on. This is all happening for a reason.

I... I'm being given a second chance.

A second chance to do what?

I prosecuted a man named Hector Okcampo. I suppressed evidence.

He was innocent of the crime he was charged with.

Anything you say... You have to report.

I put him away, he d*ed in prison, his brother wants revenge. Simple as that.

You could be disbarred for what you're saying. You could go to prison. Understand?

I understand that I can save Vickie.

Hold on a minute.

You got here in time. Are you Martin Wells?

Yeah. Vickie? Vickie?

There's nobody here. We checked.

What exactly are we looking for? My wife's gonna be att*cked here tonight.

The k*ller's gonna use my key card to enter at 4.17.

It's 4.20 now.

I don't understand. I... Where is she?

Tell you what. We'll take a sweep through the neighbourhood, keep our eyes peeled.

We're a phone call away if you need us.

Come on. Come on!

Hello? Al, it's Martin.

Martin? What time is it? AI... ls Vickie there? No. The kids are here.

Vickie left hours ago. Isn't she home yet?


Martin, you scared the hell outta me!

Honey, why aren't you in DC? What the... Where have you been?

I got a flat on the way back from my...

You're scaring me. What's wrong? We're in trouble. We have to get out of here.

Vickie, get in the bedroom.

Lock the door.

Call the cops and don't come out until I say it's OK.

Oh, my God, Martin!






You said somethin' about a second chance. Was this it?

The passage of time imprisons us not in a cell of brick, but in one of hopes dashed and tragedies unaverted.

How precious, then, the chance to go back.

Only to discover that in facing the past you must face up to yourself That exiting the prison of time doesn't free you from the prison of your own character, one from which there is no escape.

I made this!