02x06 - A Thousand Little Trees of Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Euphoria". Premiered June 16, 2019.*
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Series follows a group of students as they experience all the dilemmas of High School.
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02x06 - A Thousand Little Trees of Blood

Post by bunniefuu »






Here, baby.


Baby, I need, I need
you to drink this, okay?

Come on, come on.


Let's just take a sip, baby, please.



LESLIE: Do you need help with that?




LESLIE: I got you.

RUE: You know what
I like about hospitals?

- LESLIE: We're almost there. Come on.

RUE: They don't need to know
how good of a person you are

in order to take care of you.

LESLIE: Come on.

RUE: They don't need to know
what's going on in your head

before they wrap
a bandage around your arm.

- Come on.

RUE: People like that are rare.

The doctor put my mom
in touch with a rehab,

who might have an open
bed early next week.

- Okay, okay.

RUE: Told me to stay strong.

Okay, okay, okay.

RUE: My mom is one of those rare people,

but maybe that's 'cause she's my mom.

She also grew up in the church.

And say what you want about Christians.

At least they believe in forgiveness.



I don't remember
everything I said to my mom.

It's okay, Rue.

It's okay.

RUE: I wish I could say
I didn't mean any of it.

Is that actually true?
I mean, I thought it.

I felt it... I said it.




I'm sure most people would say

the world would be
a better place without me.


I don't disagree.

In fact, I've been trying to leave it

for as long as I can remember.

Ali is also one of those rare people.

The strange thing is,

I bet most people would say
the same thing about him.

"He's just a f*ckin'
crackhead wife-beater."

I bet his daughter said that.

- Even I kinda said that.

That I regret.

Really f*cking regret.



But if I'm being
honest about who I am...

I'm a liar, a thief.

I'm violent, abusive, manipulative.

It's cold.

It's cold, Mom. Mom, it's cold.

Rue, you have to break
your fever, baby, okay?

Okay? Come on.

RUE: And even if I got clean today,

no one would forget
the trauma of me not being clean.

[QUIETLY]: Shit.



But I really regret what I said to Ali.

Reducing someone's life to a moment...

an ugly moment.

And punishing them for it.



That's what cops do.

It's actually what everyone does.

It's what you would do to
me if you didn't know me.




Anyway, I should call Ali and apologize.



ALI [ON PHONE]: Hello.


It's, um, it's Rue.

ALI: What do you want, Rue?


I just wanted to, uh, call
you and tell you that, um...

I just wanted to call you and tell
you that I'm sorry for what I said.


and I really regret it.


I just... I never should've said that.

ALI: Rue.

- And I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- ALI: Rue!

Listen to me.

I forgive you.

You do?

ALI: I do.


How do you know that I mean it?

ALI: Because the hour
is certain to come.

So we must forgive graciously.


Thank you.


Thank you.



♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Taking it all for us ♪

♪ Taking it all ♪

♪ Taking it all for us ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Doing it all for love ♪

♪ Doing it all ♪

♪ Doing it all for love ♪

You look like a cat coughed your ass up.




RUE: Ali said he would only stop by

if he could cook dinner
for the whole family.

- Aw, thanks for having me.
- Mm-hm.

- Oh, hi.
- Hi.

I'm Ali. Nice to meet you.

- You're Rue's sponsor?
- Uh... I am.

A better question is, uh,
what're you doin' right now?

GIA: Nothing.

- Wanna help me cook?
- Uh, I can help.

ALI: Nah, nah, you keep your stank

withdrawal diarrhea-ass
all away from my food.

- Oh, you wanna tell him about...
- No, no!

- I think you should. [LAUGHS]
- No, no, no!

ALI: Hey, yo, yo! I'm serious.
You're a health hazard.

- In the other room.
- Okay, dang. Thank you. Sorry.

- Bye-bye.
- RUE: Oh!

- Oh.
- Bye-bye? Bye-bye to you, too.

- RUE: Uh-huh.
- I know you probably

been washin' that ass.



- Oh.
- They know I'm right.

- Exactly.

I think she's doin' better today.

For as tough as it's been on Rue,

I'm sure it's been harder on you.

Dice these tomatoes.


It's okay to be angry at her.

I'm not sure that helps anyone.

Ah, well, oh, I... tend to disagree.

I think it would
actually be good for you.


You're not wrong to be angry at her.

That shit hurts.

It's unfair.

You don't deserve it.

I'm fine.

I am.


I didn't say I didn't believe you.


RUE: Now, Nate didn't know what
happened with Cassie and Maddy

because when he exercises,
he puts his phone on silent.


The irony was Nate woke up
that morning feeling fantastic.

Because after an -year
d*ck-swinging contest with his dad...

Nate had finally won.


RUE: His mom seemed
to be handling it well.

His brother on the other hand...

f*ck is she so happy about?

RUE: Not so well.

♪ You never was this
nice, you can't fool me ♪

♪ Ooh, bop ♪

It wasn't the missed calls
from Cassie that concerned him.

It was the fact that there
were zero calls from Maddy.


Part of the reason Nate
loved Maddy as much as he did

is because she was loyal.

But it's also what scared
the living shit out of him.

If anyone crossed her, she'd bury them.

And he had now really
f*cking crossed her.

And there was no doubt
in Nate's mind what Maddy

was about to do.

MADDY: You know when
a kid sh**t up a school

and they go to interview the parents,

and the parents are
like, "We had no idea.

He seemed, like, totally normal."

And everyone watching is
like, "You're a f*cking idiot."

That's how I feel, but with Cassie.

I never trusted her.

What? Why?

KAT: Because she seems
like the kind of person

who would f*ck your boyfriend.

[SIGHS] I think I actually
wanna m*rder her.

KAT: I get it.

No, like, actually...

plan a m*rder and carry it out.

KAT: I get it.

Like a grisly m*rder. One
that shocks the nation.

KAT: I think that's
more than understandable.



What about Nate?

I have a few ideas.



- That's dark-sided.
- Are you two ready to order?

- No. [LAUGHS]
- ETHAN: Um...

she's just on the phone.
We'll just be a couple minutes.

We prefer customers not
use phones at the tables.

- KAT: No, no, no.
- I can understand.

- I will circle back.

Okay, thank you.


She's a c**t, yeah. [LAUGHS]

All right, bye. Love you. Okay.

- Oh.

Sorry... I j...
We haven't said hello yet,

so I just figured I would greet
you like I normally greet you.

Oh, sorry.

Maddy's going through this thing.

- You know?
- Sure.

- I get it. It's awkward.
- Yeah.


- So, what are we doing here?
- Goin' on a date.


'Cause on the phone you
just kind of made it sound

like, like it was an emergency.

- Did I?
- Yeah.

- No.
- Like, you asked if I could

cancel rehearsal.

I, um, I mean, well, I've...


been thinking... about us
and, and our relationship,

and, um... um...


I have a... brain disorder.


That's the rest of the sentence.

Um, I'm confused.

I think it's terminal.

Y-Y-You've been thinking
a lot about our relationship

because you have a, you have
a terminal brain disorder?

Yeah, I just, like, keep thinking, like,

all the hospital visits, and...

maybe, I'll have to get out of school,

stay home, you know,

with the little time I have left.

What is this terminal
brain disorder called?

No, no, no. 'Cause you're gonna
google it, and then read about it,

and I'm just gonna see it on your face.

I feel like you're l-lying to me.

Lying about a terminal brain disorder?


That's sick.

A-And to be honest,
the fact that you think

I would even lie about
something that awful

means there's a big problem
in this relationship,

which is, like, literally what
I was trying to say in the beginning.

No, no. In the beginning,

I feel like you started
to break up with me,

and then, you pivoted to telling me that

you got, like, a terminal brain illness,

and now, I feel like
you're using my skepticism

as, like, a reason to break up with me.

That's your experience.

No, I think... that's the experience.

It's your experience of

- of the experience.

Kat, you don't wanna be
in a relationship with me.

And I get it. If it's okay, just say it.

Just have, like, the courage
to actually be honest

'cause what you're doin' right now,

it's just, like... feels like shit.

I knew it. I... Wow.

Wow, I can't believe this.

You're literally trying
to break up with me.

No, I'm, I'm trying to help
you say what you wanna say.

Is this some sort of, like,

manipulation tactic you learned

on some f*cking incel Reddit forum?

God, this is the problem
with guys like you.

I tell you I'm sick,

- and you just dismiss my experience.
- Mm.

Yeah, you just gaslight
me, tell me how to feel

all because I don't
meet your expectations.

All right, well, you're right.
You didn't live up to my expectations

because I did expect you
to at least be honest.

- I am being honest.
- All right, I don't even

think you believe that, but, you know,

that's besides the point
'cause I think we need to break up.


Wow, wow. I didn't see that one coming.


I didn't either.



Hon, take these in the back
and hide 'em in the bushes.

You really think she's
gonna s*ab herself?

Your sister's very emotional... Yes.

- Really?
- In the bushes, now.





RUE: It was at some point while
breaking branches off a tree

in order to camouflage a bucket
of kitchen knives in a bush...

that Lexi started to have second
thoughts about putting on her play.

Well, you know what...

what you should put in the play...

that time I beat
Nate's ass at that party.

- No! Oh, God.

I don't know. Cassie
isn't doing too well.

I'm worried that...

she's gonna see the play,
and then, she's gonna...

freak out.

Yeah, I mean...

everybody gets their feelings hurt.

- You know?
- Yeah.

Some people...

some people need to get
their feelings hurt sometimes.

- Yeah... I...

It's, like, the first time in my life

I'm doing something for myself.


What exactly is...
the idea behind the play?

I don't know, it's... it's,
like, about a group of girlfriends

who sort of...

grow up and grow apart.

Damn, so it's kinda like, uh,

- "Stand By Me" vibes.
- Yes, exactly!

I love that movie. That's...

- exactly it.
- Hell yeah.

Come on now. I've watched
that film, like, times.

- Have you really?
- That's my shit, come on.

In fact, my, my grandma
has it on DVD, you know?

Should we watch it?

♪ I've got, you've got... ♪

RUE: Lexi needed a break.

♪ Skeletons in the closet, my dear ♪

Cassie... can I use the bathroom?


- NATE [ON VOICEMAIL]: Yo, this is Nate.

I'm busy. Leave a message at the beep.


this is Nate. I'm busy.

Leave a message at the beep.


Whatever you do, don't marry
anyone you meet in high school.


I mean it. I used to be fun.

And I know you don't believe me,

- but I was f*ckin' hot.
- No, I believe you.

Yeah, well, could've
had anything I wanted.

Then I just... fell
in love with your dad.

- Well, I'm very happy he's gone.
- Yeah.

Do me a favor. Just... don't
take your anger out on me.

Why would I be angry at you?

'Cause you're an angry guy.

No, I was angry at Dad.

That's very different
than, you know, being angry.

Okay... Whatever you say.

And I feel like when I was angry,

I had a pretty good reason to be angry.

Okay, look, I'm not, I'm
not saying angry people

don't have a reason to be angry.
Right? You hated your father.

- That's as good a reason as any.
- Yeah, but that's my point.

My anger was directed toward him.

It's not just towards anyone.

Yeah, I don't know about that.

No, it's not. It's f*ckin' specific.

Okay, look...

can we just have a nice time?


- Yeah.
- Okay, thank you.


Need another bottle.

CASSIE: I'm not the bad guy.

Everyone keeps looking at
me like I'm the bad guy,

but I'm not the bad guy!

- Well, you're not the good guy.
- Yeah, that's for sure.

Everyone thinks that
I was hooking up with Nate

when he and Maddy were still together,

but that's not accurate.
There was no crossover.

Cassie, please, just
a little bit of peace, please.

CASSIE: But Rue made it sound like

we were just hooking up the entire time,

but I would never do
that to someone I love.

Yeah, I don't think that's
a real airtight defense.

- It's the truth!
- Oh, Cassie, you're driving me nuts!

It's one thing to do what you did,

and it's another thing to
pretend you're all innocent,

- and it's no big deal.
- I'm just pointing out the facts.

- Well, I'm pointing out the principle.
- What principle?

The "don't f*ck your best
friend's boyfriend" principle.

That is what I am
trying to tell you, Mom!

They weren't boyfriend
and girlfriend, God!

I don't care! I just wanna watch
my "Millionaire Matchmaker"

in peace for one hour,

one g*dd*mn hour!


You, uh, you still seein'
that, that, that blonde girl?

- Why?
- Mm, 'cause I prefer her to Maddy.

Well, you're in luck.

So, so you're dating?

No, I just mean Maddy's never
gonna f*ckin' talk to me again.

- Oh, well, that's good.
- Well, we'll see.

I was, I was just terrified
you were gonna get her pregnant.

- Who? Maddy?

She's the type that would
keep it just to spite you.

Thank you.

Can't really picture her being a mom.

Ooh, man, I could.

Especially if it meant
she had the chance

to screw you over for
the rest of her life.

Yeah, well, she's not f*ckin' pregnant,

and she's never gonna talk to me again.

So... what about the blonde girl?

- Oh, it's complicated.
- Why?

Um, she's Maddy's best friend.

[LAUGHS] Shit.


Who's the c**t now?

Do you remember when she said that?

- Yes, I do remember.
- [GASPS] Oh my God.

I know it's not
the right thing to say...

but when you grabbed her
after that, and you, like,

pulled her ass off, I was
thinkin', "That's my boy."

Huh? "Stickin' up for his mama."

Oh my gosh. [LAUGHS] Shit.

Yeah, it was a pretty
insane thing to do.

I know, well, you know, you didn't
have to go so far as to choke her.

- I didn't choke her.
- Mmm.

- Mom, they dropped the charges.
- Okay.

- I didn't f*ckin' choke her.
- Look...

at that moment, I, I wanted
to choke the girl, too.

Yeah, but my point is
I didn't f*cking choke her, Mom.

Okay! Don't get so upset
that ya end up chokin' me.

'Cause I won't drop the charges.

I'll f*ckin' clean house.




What's going on?

[CRIES] I just wanna die!

Well, a corkscrew ain't gonna cut it.

[CRIES] No...

I told you.

I don't understand.
I thought you hated Nate.

When I didn't know him.

You've literally known him forever.

Not like I do now.

- Wait, is this why you ratted on Fezco?

Oh, my God. That's why you did it?

- No!
- That's why you said something?

- 'Cause you were sleeping with him?
- No, I wasn't!

Oh really? When did you
start sleeping together?


Uh... I, I don't,
I don't know the exact date.

Okay, well, was it before
or after New Year's?

- I don't know!
- Okay, but for someone

who's so obsessed with windows of time,

I find that hard to believe.

God, Lexi, you are making me feel worse!

Do you even know why
Fezco did what he did?

- No, do you?!
- Yeah, I do.

- Then tell me.
- No, I'm not gonna tell you

because you'll tell Nate.

- I don't f*ckin' trust you.
- No one does!

Yeah, 'cause you fell in love
with someone who spent years

making fun of you. It's sad.

NATE: Did you know Dad
was cheating on you?

Did you?


I don't, I don't believe
that for a second

because when he came in here

and he was ranting and raving about

bein' a man, and
markin' his territory...

I don't know, whatever
the f*ck he was talking about.

I looked at Aaron and I looked at you,

and, boy, was there a difference

in his response and your response.

It's because Aaron is a f*cking idiot.

[CHUCKLES] Okay, he is, isn't he?

That's terrible. I'm laughing.


Oh... You know what?

I think I'm gonna buy a Peloton.

- Yeah, I am gonna start dating.
- You're a drunk.

Mm, what? You don't want a stepfather?

- Mom, shut up.
- No? Ooh, ooh!

- What about one who's your age?
- Shut the f*ck up.

- That'd be fun.
- You're acting like a f*ckin' teenager.

- Jesus f*ckin' Christ.
- Wow!

Why is it, why is it that you only have

the bad qualities of your father,

- and none of the good qualities?
- Okay.

Right, so Cal, Cal's
a f*ckin' saint now.

No. That's, that's,
that's not what I said.

That's literally what you f*ckin' said.

MARSHA: No, it's not. I just...

He's deeply flawed, and somehow...

somehow, some way, we raised a child

who's even more deeply flawed.

Do you ever wonder about
that? Do you just like...

What went wrong? Do you
ever think about that?

No, of course, you don't

because your f*ckin' dumb-ass dad

didn't believe in therapy, so...

self-reflection's off
the table. It's just...

It's just a mystery to me.

'Cause you were such
a sweet little baby.

I remember you used to come
to our bedroom at night,

and you would, you would ask me

if I wanted anything to drink,

you know, before bed,
and sometimes I'd say,

"Yeah," you know,
"I want a glass of water,"

just to see if you'd, if you'd do it,

if you meant it, and you did.

Hm, you'd bring it up, right?

You'd put it on the nightstand,

and then, you'd give me a little kiss,

and you'd tell me you loved me.

Then you'd look over at your dad,

and... you'd tell him
you loved him, too,

but without the kiss.

And then... I don't know,
somewhere, like, around...

eight or nine,
you just, you-you darkened.

Do you remember those years?

- Not really, no.
- God, I used to ask your dad,

I was like, "Did a baseball
hit him in the head?"

"Did he get a concussion?
Did something happen?

I just... I don't understand."

It was such a drastic
change, and I, I swear...

What's the f*cking point?
What's the point of all this?

Look, I'm just... I'm
just tryin' to figure out

how things ended up the way
they ended up. That's all.

I feel like you're tryin' to
say something without sayin' it.

I-I'm not.

Just... forget I...



Who said Nate was a bad person? Rue?

It doesn't matter.

'Cause if we wanna talk about people,

- let's talk about Rue.
- Rue's a good girl.

CASSIE: And I'm not?

I didn't say you're not a good girl.

Rue's had a very hard life.

Not harder than my life or Lexi's life.

- SUZE: It's different.
- Right.

Her dad died and ours
just stopped calling.

I don't know which is worse.

And if you weren't such a f*cking
loser with no self-respect,

you'd drop her 'cause
she treats you like shit.

SUZE: Enough! Enough!

What, I can't say it to her,
but you two can say it to me?!

I never said you didn't
have any self-respect!

You don't have to!
I can f*ckin' feel it!

Oh, she needs a f*cking exorcism.

RUE: The truth was,
Nate didn't give a shit

about what would happen to his dad.

He did, however, care about what
happened to his dad's business

because, eventually, that
would become Nate's business.

And while he didn't know
much about real estate...

he did know there wasn't much
of a market for homes

built by a pedophile.

- _
- Or the son of a pedophile.

Even though, technically,
he wasn't a pedophile,

but it's not like you
could argue that out loud.



RUE: Meanwhile, Jules was at home.

And she hadn't talked to Elliot since...

You know what? Actually, I don't
want to talk about Jules and Elliot.

f*ck them. Let's go back to Maddy.

THEO: Then, there are two King Boo's,

and then, three King Boo's.

RUE: Maddy wasn't just
angry about Nate and Cassie.

She was also depressed and heartbroken.


All the times that Cassie consoled her,

comforted her, pretended
to be there for her...

none of it was real.

It was all an illusion.




- Hi.

- How was your night?
- It was nice.

I hadn't seen my girlfriends in a while,

so it was good to catch up

on all the meaningless, fun bullshit.

Well, Theo and I played two
and a half hours of video games,

and then, he told me
about how he loves demons,

and that when I sleep,
they're gonna steal my heart.

He's a nut.

Feel like we should get
drunk and go for a swim.


RUE: Maddy didn't wanna tell Samantha

what had happened with Nate and Cassie.

But after two glasses of wine...

she told her what had
happened with Nate and Cassie.

- God, that's horrible.
- MADDY: Right?

You want to hear
something more horrible?


When I was in college,

I kind of did the same thing
to one of my best friends.

- You mean you were me?
- No.

No, that'd be less
horrible. I, I was her.

Don't tell me that. I like you.

- Please don't tell me that.
- Yeah, I know, I know.

You f*cked one of
your girlfriend's boyfriends?

Yeah, multiple times.

You did this to multiple girlfriends?

- No! Jesus. Just one.
- Oh.

Yeah... many times. [CHUCKLES]

MADDY: Okay, but how close were you?

- No, don't do this to me.
- I know. I'm sorry.


Because he gave me just
the right amount of attention

at the wrong time.

That is so depressing.

I was a f*cking mess in high school...

in college, and in my s.

The idea that there was
ever anyone in the world

who... would want to
settle down and marry me

was a complete shock to me.

- You're lying.
- No. I'm not.

I was, literally,

the girl that everyone and
their mothers used to say,

"No one would ever
settle down and marry her,

and God-help whoever did."

Why would they say that?

Because I was messy.

Oh, and I loved to fight.

See, I'm not a mess,
but I do love a fight.

- Oh, it's the best.
- Totally underrated.

In the long run, not so much,
but in the moment?

- It's f*cking amazing.
- Oh, it's so good.

- But... I mean, that's just who I am.
- Yeah?

I used to think that's who
I was, too, until I met Sebastian.

You don't fight?

Not really, no.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I just don't think my
brain is wired that way.

If you are still dating
guys like this in your s,

we'd be having a very
different conversation,

but you're years old.
Who gives a shit?


Did you and your friend ever make up?

God no. She never spoke to me again.



LEXI: Oh, God.

[CHUCKLES] It's so sad.

Think I got somethin' in my f*ckin' eye.

♪ And the land is dark ♪

♪ And the moon ♪

♪ Is the only light we'll see ♪

♪ No, I won't be afraid ♪

♪ Oh, I won't be afraid ♪

♪ Just as long as you stand ♪

♪ Stand by me ♪

♪ So darlin', darlin', stand by me ♪

♪ Oh, stand by me ♪

♪ Oh, stand ♪

♪ Stand by me, stand by me ♪

♪ If the sky that we look upon ♪

♪ Should tumble and fall ♪

♪ Or the mountains should
crumble to the sea ♪

♪ I won't cry, I won't cry ♪

♪ No, I won't shed a tear ♪

- ♪ Just as long as you stand ♪

♪ Stand by me ♪

♪ And darlin', darlin', stand by me ♪

♪ Oh, stand by me ♪

♪ Woah, stand now ♪

♪ Stand by me ♪

♪ Stand by me ♪


CUSTER: Faye! Come here.

Hurry the f*ck up!

- What are you doing?
- I gotta talk to you.

Why are you in the alley?

♪ Darlin', darlin', stand by me ♪


And then, so the f*cking
cops knock on my door,

- askin' all kinds of questions.
- What questions?

- Questions about Mouse.
- What did you say?

Nothing. But then, the
next day I was walking,

and I'm like... I had
a couple OCs in my pocket,

and they just ran up talkin'
all kinds of crazy shit.

You know, "You're gonna go to
prison. We know you k*lled Mouse."

I was like, "I, I didn't k*ll Mouse."

Are you cooperating?

Hell no.

Babe, they already had their sights

set on f*ckin' Fez and Ash.

So, you are cooperating with the police.

I do not know if that is
the right word, all right,

but I'm helping 'em out.

Okay, they definitely had their
sights set on them beforehand,

so I didn't set anything into motion.

I love you, baby,

and I'm gonna be coming over soon,

and I'm gonna be talkin'
about some things,

and I need you to stay
the f*ck out of it.


Oh, hey, it's raining.

I'm gonna take a shower.

♪ Darlin', darlin', stand by me ♪

♪ Oh, stand by me ♪

- This shit go hard.

♪ Stand by me ♪

♪ Stand by me ♪

But for real though, if, if your
play is anything like "Stand By Me,"

you're not gonna have no problems.


[COCKS g*n]

What are you doing?

Don't worry. I'm not here to apologize.

Can you imagine if I was
sitting here with a g*n

forcing you to accept my apology?

- You're scaring me.
- Yeah...

It's kinda the point.


I love you. I love you, Nate.

Nate... I love you.

I know you better than
anyone in this world.

I humiliated you.

It's over.


Why do you think my dad
likes to film himself f*cking?

I don't know what you're talking about.


Can you believe it was Jules?

I'm gonna need that disc now.

I don't have it.






NATE: Take a deep breath.

[g*n CLICKS]




Stop it, Nate.

- [g*n CLICKS]
- [CRYING] Stop, Nate, stop.

Please, please stop.

- Please, stop it, stop it, please.
- [g*n CLICKS]

- Please, stop it.

Stop, stop, stop.

It's in, it's in my purse.

It's in my purse. It's in my purse.








Hey, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I was...

- I was jok...
- Don't touch me!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

There's no b*ll*ts in the g*n.


♪ You're all I need ♪

♪ To get by, ahh ♪

♪ You're all I need ♪

♪ To get by ♪

♪ Me for you that's how it is ♪

♪ I be your Noah, you be my Wiz ♪

♪ I'm your Mister, you my
Mrs. With hugs and kisses ♪

♪ Valentine cards and
birthday wishes, please ♪



- Hello?
- Look, I know you probably

don't wanna talk to me, but
I'm about to be outside your house,

and I really need to speak to you.

I don't care.


- _







No, thank you.

It's good to see you.

I know you hate me.

I've done a lot of shitty things,

but, um... no, this isn't one of 'em.

What do you want?

First... to apologize.

I'm not interested.

I know, but you are gonna be
interested in the second thing.

Unfortunately for you, you're
gonna have to hear my apology first.


I'm sorry...

for everything that I've done to you.

You didn't deserve it.

I was, uh... I was tryin'
to protect somebody that

didn't deserve to be protected.

If I could take it all back, I would.

But... I did what I did.

I found out about you
and my dad from, um...

from this disc.

Yeah, he, uh, he secretly
records every encounter he has,

and, you know, he's
been doin' it, well...

well, honestly, as
long as I can remember.

I stole it from him, and he had
a, he had a mental breakdown,

and he moved out of the house,

so I thought that I would, uh...

I thought I'd give it to
you, and, you know, you can

do with it as you please.

- So, there was a camera?
- Yes.

And you've seen it?


- Have a lot of people seen it?
- No, no.

Does he know you're giving this to me?

No... No. He would f*ckin' k*ll me.

Is this, like, the only copy, or...

is it other, other places?

I mean, it's the only
one that I know of, yeah.

Why are you giving this to me?

Honestly, the answer is
too stupid and simple.

I think it's better if
we just keep it a mystery.

What, did you become,
like, a good person?

Absolutely not, no.

I mean, you should've seen
what I had to do to get it.

I came out here with
a box cutter in my sleeve.

You know, in, in case there was a chance

I might have to slit your throat.

That's how little I trust you.

- Well, uh, thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Um, I'm gonna go.
- Okay.

Hey, um...

for what it's worth...

everything I ever said was true.

Same here.





NATE [ON PHONE]: Hey, pack a suitcase.

I'll be at your place in .

You can stay at my house.


NATE: Love you.

I love you, too.


♪ Well, you're still walking ♪

♪ Around the block ♪

- _

♪ You had a long time ♪

- ♪ To think who you are ♪

♪ You look so sad ♪

♪ Well, so you think ♪

♪ You say, "Come over" ♪


♪ And you're still a star ♪

♪ You're like a villain ♪

♪ In some old film ♪

♪ Walking in the dark ♪

♪ In somebody's room ♪

♪ Save me ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm still sinking ♪

♪ And you've got a harbor ♪

♪ Close to the shore ♪


I ruined my entire life for you.


♪ Save me ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm still sinking ♪

♪ And you've got a harbor ♪

♪ Close to the shore ♪


- CAL [IN VIDEO]: How old are you?

CAL: Selfishly...

I hope you stay.


Wider... There you go.

That's it.

Good girl.


- ALI: So, Rue, Rue.


So, you think you hit rock bottom?


- ALI: Hm.
- Um...

okay, uh, I know...

that I have a lot of apologizing to do.

- Uh... I get that.
- ALI: Uh-huh.

So, I just figured that I'd, you know...

go to rehab, get clean,
you know, sort my shit out, and, um...

then come back, and... apologize.

ALI: So you wanna get clean?

- Yeah.
- ALI: Okay.

How do you feel about that?

If it's real, then great.

- It is.
- GIA: You've said that before.

LESLIE: Gia, come on.

What's wrong with her not believin' her?

I think she needs all
of our support. Right?

ALI: I don't think it's
a question of support.

When you've let someone
down again and again,

I think it's fair to
lose a little faith.

I mean, what do you think?

You think she'll get clean?

I don't know.

She said it's like a five
percent chance, right?

ALI: Somethin' like that.

Where's the hope in that?

The hope... is what Rue has to find.


Yeah... piece of cake.

- Let Rue be Rue...
- Mm-hm.

And shower that little one with love.

[SOFTLY]: She's been waitin' on it.


RUE: Hey.

You mind if I sleep in your bed tonight?

Yeah, yeah, for sure. Come on.

I feel like I don't know
anything about your life anymore.

I'll tell you when you get back.


- Good night.
- Night.



Yes, this is her.

Yeah, my daughter. She's years old.

[SIGHS] I think opiates, hero-heroin.

I think mainly just opiates.

Well, I t-took her to the emergency
room about four days ago,

and... the doctor gave her somethin'
to help with the withdrawal.

But I was hopin' to bring
her in as soon as possible.

But she needs to be in
an inpatient hospital.

You don't understand my daughter, okay?

She's a drug addict, okay?
And she's gonna k*ll herself.

Please, I am beggin' you, please, okay?

She needs to be in an inpatient,
not just the detox.

She needs to be put back into rehab.

No, don't. Please listen to me.

I know my daughter.
She is going to k*ll herself.

[CRYING] Please don't do
this, please. I'm begging.

Please, don't do this to us.
Don't do this to us, please!

[CRYING]: My daughter's
gonna k*ll herself.

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