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03x05 - Gabrielle's Hope

Posted: 02/16/22 07:38
by bunniefuu
I had that-- that dream again.

Yeah, I know.

Part of the same thing, Gabrielle.

Your body and your dreams are
just reacting to your first k*ll.

I'll never forgive myself.

- It was instinct.
- No, you're wrong.

I made the decision to k*ll her.

I went against everything
that I stand for.

I know it's hard.

I remember my first k*ll.

But, you are going to
get through this thing.

You're gonna wake up one day
and have hope again.

You'll see, there's so much
good to be done.


I just feel like I should be
punished for what I've done.

You are being punished
by your conscience.

For someonelike you there
couldn't be a worse t*rture.

You finish those herbs I gave you?

Yeah, but it's not doing any good.

And the pressure
points didn't work either.

You got it bad.

On the bright side seasickness'll
be a romp after this.

That's right--
we're getting on a ship.

Unfortunately, it is the only
way to get back to Greece.

Well, I guess I'll be glad
to get off this island.

Brittania didn't turn out
to be my favorite place.

What was that?

I don't know. It was too
high-pitched to be a wolf.

Let's get out of these woods.

Good idea.

Gabrielle, we honor you.

Xena! I don't know why,
but they won't att*ck me.

Good-- all the more for me.

Will you just stay behind me?

I'm gonna kick these ladies' butts.

Xena, will you please?!
I don't feel good at all.

All right.
Well, this is your lucky day.

My friend's not feeling well.
Come on.

Gabrielle, we mean you no harm.

We're your friends. We love you.
We worship you.

Let us Banshees care for you.

You are the chosen one, Gabrielle.

They're ranting; come on.

In a time of ancient gods...


...and kings...

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero...

She was Xena...

a mighty princess,
forged in the heat of battle...

...The power...

...The passion...

...The danger...

Her courage will
change the world...

[font color="#d "]Gabrielle's Hope[/font]

Banshees-- what are they?
Are they-- are they human?

I've only heard stories,
but it seems

they take on mortal features
just before they strike

Then they go back into shade
form once they hit you.

I was just getting their timing.

Xena, what do you think
they wanted with me?

Who knows?

It's just another reason
to get out of Brittania

and back to Greece.

They were very strange.

Yeah, you're telling me.

And I thought the Greek
immortals were freaks.

Yeah, but they're our freaks.

You all right?

Yeah-- my stomach's better.

It's just--

my soul.

Xena, I thought
that Crafstar was

leading me to the salvation
of the world--

through peace and light.

And instead I discovered
the heart of darkness.

I became a part of that.

I think that, that's what
the Banshees were talking about--

that maybe that
there's an evil in me--

and that they want to worship that?

Now, you stop that. Gabrielle,

what you're talking
now is nonsense.

What happened in that temple

cannot destroy the core
of your goodness.

It only gave it
a greater challenge.

You're gonna rise above it.
I know you will.

Come on, let's go eat.

We're looking for
passage back to Greece.

The only boat I know going that
far south is old Hasdrud-al

He's a Phoenecian trader.

Where can I find him?

In his warehouse,
over by the wharf--

checking out his cargo.

Thanks. Look, why don't
you wait here,

and I'll go talk to
this Hasdrud-al.

It sounds like a plan.

Maybe I'll get something to eat.

Yeah, that'd be great if
you can manage it.

Ha-- have you got
any chicken broth?


There you go. That should
go down pretty easy.

I'll be back, soon.

She's in there. Get the torches.


Hey-- can I have some
cherries too, please?

Yeah, yeah.

And some beef jerky.

- Pork liver.
- Right.

I mean, if you've got it.

Oh, and don't overcook it, 'cause

- I like it really bloody.
- Yeah.

You know--

if you melt some
cheese over the top,

that would be perfect.


How much for two
passages to Greece?

Greece is a long way.

Cut the talk. How much?

Maybe-- eighty Mycenean dinars.

Are you crazy?

Where am I gonna come up
with that kind of money?

I'm afraid that's your
concern-- not mine.

All right, then--
let's just make it fory--

Eighty-- nothing less.

You know-- can I have some
more goat's cream, please?

Hey-- if you have
any chicken gizzards--

you just fry'em in some sheep lard.

Send 'em my way.

This is so good.

Burn the witch! Burn! Burn!

Why don't you just
get out of here?!

I don't deserve this.

I didn't do anything!

What are you talking about?


Yeah! Burn the witch!

All right, Hasdrud-al.

Fifteen Mycenean dinars,

paid when we've arrived in Athens.

Agreed-- your hand on it.

Payment due before
we set sail tomorrow.

You drive a hard bargain.
Uh-- I'll see you tomorrow.

You guys-- you're really
asking for it, aren't you?

You witch!


Get her!


She's heading toward the bridge!

Why are you chasing my friend?

The warriors.

The ones with the pierced hearts?

Yes. They said that she will--

bring in the beginning of the end.

The end of what?!


And where do these warriors live?

In the forest of the Banshees.


All right, Banshees--

time for a rematch.

Don't be afraid, Gabrielle.

Why are you doing this?
What do you want with me?

We wanna serve you--

worship you--

nourish you.

Nourish me?
Worship me?

You are the gate--
the way-- the spring.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

What is happening
to my stomach?

Don't you know?

Know what?

You carry within you
the child that will bring

a new order to the world--
the child of darkness.

I'm carrying a child?
I don't think so.

Xena-- they're crazy!

Now, look-- we're--

we're going walk out of here
like we did last time, OK?

No! We can't let you leave the

forest again until
the baby is born.

Xena, let's just run for it.

I-- I'm feeling much better.

Oh, we don't have to run for it.

I'm gonna slap these b*tches silly.

We're leaving this forest.

You got a problem with that?

Gabrielle-- now we run.

Go! Come on!

There it is.

Inside, quick-- legend says they
can't follow without being asked.

I am still a hair off from my timing,
but next time, they're in trouble.

Where are we?
Why did we come to this place?

We should be safe, here.

How do you know?

This is the castle of the
warriors of the pierced heart.

They're working against
the Banshees, I think.

Why don't you take this off?

No-- Xena, what's going on?

I think you're pregnant.

I'd say you're in your
fourth month, I mean--

That's ridiculous.

Xena, I'm--I'm having a hysterical

reaction to k*lling Meridian.

Tell me who these warriors are.

They're the ones that sent
the lynch-mob on you.

And they're supposed to be
an improvement over the Banshees?

Xena-- at least they seem
interested in protecting me.

Not you-- it.

Stop talking like that!
I am not pregnant.

There has to be
a logical explanation--

Gabrielle, what's wrong?

- It moved.
- What?

What is it?

I don't know--
but it's growing very fast.

Come on, we gotta find
a place for you to lie down--

this way.

I'm being punished.


I'm being punished
for k*lling Meridian.

Gabrielle, you are not the first
person ever to shed blood.

Xena, you don't understand.

I-- I was gonna break the cycle.

I mean, all--

all that pain and that v*olence
was gonna stop with me.

Yeah, yeah.

Now, I want you to get
some rest, all right?

I was gonna revere life--

bring peace--

it's the one thing that
I never doubted--never

my role as peacemaker.

And then I did--

I k*lled and now,

is making me pay.

Ah, it's growing.

Rest now. Go to sleep, Gabrielle.

Rest now.


Lie down.

Everything's all right.

... die, if that's what it takes!

I say it's wrong!

You have violated--

the most sacred trust
of the round table.

We didn't att*ck the girl.

You're hiding behind
a technicality.

You incited the entire
village to try and k*ll her--

that's just as bad.

Our oath forbids us ever to
bring harm to the innocent--

and that young girl
beamed with goodness.

Difficult times call
for unique measures.

She is innocent--

that's true.

But, what's inside her must die!

k*ll me, and watch him die!
It won't take long.

What is growing inside my friend?


You don't know that.
It could be child--

One version at a time!

Evil incarnate!
Undo whatever you did to me!

I'll tell you everything!

Have you ever heard-- of Dahok?

I've been told he's a power

that can't be let into the world.

Dahok-- is the blind force
behind every evil will.

If he were to become the
dominant power in our world--

goodness itself would
be the casualty.

When your friend was on the
altar in the temple of Dahok,

he planted his seed within her.

You can't be sure
that's what it is.

But, why else would the Banshees
protect her like that?!

What are you saying?

The being, that Gabrielle
carries within her,

is the window through

which ultimate evil wishes
to enter the world.

She's here in the castle!


What's happening?

OK-- you're gonna have
to listen to me.

Now, breathe deeply, all right?

Come on! Kick the door in!

Come on, Gabrielle.
It's gonna be all right.

It hurts so much!

This should help.

I'm afraid! I'm afraid!

Gabrielle-- don't think
about that right now.

We just have to get through this.

Now, push!

The baby's coming!

Quickly! Break it down!

Keep breathing. Come on.

What if it's a--?


It's coming!

It's a girl.

I've got it!

Don't let them k*ll my baby.

Get that baby!

Get out of the way.

No one's touching that baby.

Taswan-- that child is innocent--
a clean slate.

We can't punish it for
the sins of its father.

You're wrong.
It's very existence is a sin.

We don't know if this is a child of
the darkness or the light.

Our beliefs say that both
will come in a similar way.

You're both sentimental fools.

It dies-- now!

Come on, Gabrielle.

Let's get you to someplace safe.

OK-- here. OK.

That baby will not leave
this castle alive!

Isn't she beautiful?

You were right.

About what?

You said that one day
I would have hope again.

Here it is.

That's what I'm gonna
call her-- Hope.

Are you all right?

I feel great.

Well, you weren't great
a few minutes ago.

I guess being a mother
must agree with me.

I feel like some power has just--

poured new life into me.

Thank you for your help.

As soon as Gabrielle's
strong enough to travel,

we'll fight our way out of here.

It's amazing how
fast she's growing.

She's perfect.

I'm sure she's
the child of the light.

Well-- regardless of
who her father is--

she's born aninnocent,
just like anyone else.

Why is that sword
stuck in the stone.

Our last king,
before the Romans came--

he struck that sword
into the stone.

No one's been able
to move it since.

Our tradition states, that one day,

a great warrior will be
born to our people.

He will become our king--

and lead us in our fight
against the barbarians.

And we'll know who he his because,

only he will be able to
pull out the sword.

Nice blade.

She-- Did-- did you--?

Xena, isn't she just the
most beautiful little gem?

How could anybody ever
think she's evil?

Who do you think she is?

Well, she's my daughter.

Doesn't it bother you that
she's obviously not mortal?

She's half-mortal.
She's like Hercules.

Actually, that's not
a bad model for her.

Gabrielle, she is
the daughter of Dahok.

I have thought about that.

Xena, maybe she is.

Look, if that's true,

then I will help her fight
against her dark side--

just like I helped you
fight against yours.

But, what if it's not possible?

Xena-- if you were truly my friend,

you will stop thinking of her

as some symbol of an evil god.

See her for what she truly is.

She's a beautiful, innocent baby.

Well, all right.

But, I'll be watching her
development very carefully.

What does that mean?

Just that I'm not so convinced
of her innocence.

Well, you get this clear, Xena.

No matter what she is,

she is my daughter.

Don't come between us.

Get some rest.

We'll try and leave
here around midnight.



- Goen.
- What?

Iochid's gone.

Well, how is that possible?

There must be another
way out of here.

Well, the castle's full of
secret passageways--

and Iochid has lived longer
here than anyone else

I wouldn't worry, though.

Iochid would do nothing
to hurt that child.

If you don't mind,
I'll worry all right.

He moved back here.

And then I heard some
kind of scraping sound.

I'm gonna go see where
our little friend went.

You stay here, and look after
Gabrielle and the baby.

Come here, sweetheart
Oh! What's the matter?

Can't sleep?

come here.

Look, look.

Look up; look up; look.
Come here. Come on.

She's here.

I know, and the sinner
will protect her.

But that child will one day

bring to the Earth
Dahok's dark power.

When she does, all who helped
her will be rewarded;

and all who opposed her,

in the name of what
fools call goodness--

will meet a horrible death.

When the new order comes,
I get Brittania-- right?

As promised.

I, as a warrior of
the pierced heart,

give you permission to enter.

Goen. Goen, we've got trouble.
Iochid's a traitor, and--

What are you doing?

Get away, Gabrielle.

What are you saying?

That thing k*lled Goen.

It strangled him with
his own medallion chain.

Have you lost your mind?

Look at her.

She's a-- she's a baby.

It is not a baby.

It is a thing in
the form of a baby--

a dark, wicked thing that
must be destroyed.

Listen to you.
You are talking about my daughter.

No-- I am talking
about evil itself.

I can't let it fall into the
hands of the Banshees.

I will not let you do this.

Xena, anybody could have come in
here and k*lled Goen-- anybody.

No, you're wrong, Gabrielle.
That thing k*lled him.

Stop her!

Take her.
Take me, the warrior woman.

You're a glutton for
punishment, aren't you?!

I've got your number, Sweetie.

You're not used to that
kind of treatment, are you?

Hey! What are you
doing with that horse?!

I traded for it fair and square!

I gave up a perfectly
good rowboat for it!

A rowboat?

Yep! The young lady that took

it headed down
the river a while ago!

Cutest little toddler
she had with her!

You're getting pretty good at this,
aren't you, Gabrielle?

How much do you
want for that horse!

Please, don't cry.

I'm not gonna let her hurt you.

I promise I won't.

I'll die, first.

Are you tired?

Me, too. We can't rest.
Xena won't. I know her.

Who are you?

Who are you?

You see what I mean?
She's relentless.



That thing you're
holding is a monster!

It has to be destroyed!


I understand how you feel!

You're looking at it as if
this were a real baby!


You have to consider what we know!

You were in the temple of Dahok,
the evil one!

You were on his altar!

He planted that thing inside you!

It grew so fast and it k*lled
within hours of being born!


You talked about wanting to end

the cycle of pain and v*olence!

By protecting that thing,

you're only ensuring
the victory of that cycle!

- Xena!
- Gabrielle!

I'm coming.

Gabrielle, where is it?

- She turned on me.
- What?

She tried to choke me.

It's beautiful expression
of sweetness

just turned into this,

this hateful snarl and--

and it was like looking
into evil itself.

I threw her-- down there.

Gabrielle, I know this
is terrible but--

you did the right thing.


What is it?!

You don't believe me?!

Do you think I'm lying?

I threw her off the cliff!

Xena, when I knew what she was,

I wanted her dead!

Just as much as you!

Xena, this is madness.

Get away from that rock, Gabrielle.

I can't believe you're doing this.


- No.
- Now!

Are you satisfied?

Gabrielle, I'm sorry.

I just had to be sure.

I know; I know.

I know you're out there--


My-- my love; my Hope.


be good.