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02x26 - Robots from the Sky Pt. 1

Posted: 02/21/22 10:03
by bunniefuu

What a great turnout
for our charity car wash.

That new day-care centre's
gonna be funded in no time.

What's wrong with the old
day-care centre?

- It could stand to be updated.
- Hey!

You jerks robbed me blind!

I musta had a couple of bucks
in my change holder,

and now there's just
a few stray coins!

Figured you'd leave two behind
and ol' Eggman won't notice!

- Well, I noticed, bucko!
- Slow your roll, cueball.

We didn't take anything.

I could've bought something off
Meh Burger's "Just a Buck" menu,

like a half-handful of fries
or a thimble of chili!

- Whoa! What was that?
- Don't change the subject,

you change thief!
Robots, attack!

You OK there, Bolts?
Status report!

Well, I made it in one piece...

(expl*si*n and shouting)

- Yeah!
- All right!

You mangy marmots
are a miserable menace! Gah!

You've got me so angry
and agitated, I'm alliterating!

Those carbon-based lunatics are
destroying our robot brethren.

Let's not be hasty.
We don't have all the facts.

Nothing's more fun than turning
your robots into scrapheaps!


Stepping up your game,
huh, Egghead?

Yeah. Sure!

This here's Whatshisface,
and that's, uh, Whositbot!


Time to wrap this up.

Oh, no!

Ug h!


And Sonic goes down!
That's a W for Dr E!

Boom shakalaka!
We'd better get out of here.

He has a tendency to turn
these things around on me.

I don't think Eggman made those.

We've never seen robot
technology like that before.

There's a very simple

The robo-apocalypse is nigh?

No, not nigh. Now!

The robo-apocalypse is now!

Why don't I gather some data

and see if we can't come up
with an alternate theory?

Fine. But until
you can prove otherwise,

let's all agree that
the robot apocalypse is upon us

and life on this planet
as we know it is doomed.

- Sound good?
- (Unenthused) All right.

So you're telling me
that rogue band of miscreants

get their jollies
destroying robots?

Yep. And now they think they can
just steal from my change cup!

Oh, right! I grabbed some change
for the laundry.

Anyway, they're a menace!

They love nothing more than
eradicating my robuts... robots!

- "Your" robots?
- (Nervous laugh)

I think of them
like they're my children!

Hey, that reminds me,
we should change the subject!

Where are you from, anyway?

Mighton and I hail from
a technological wonderland

in the clouds, populated
completely by sentient robots.

Where robots treat each other
with dignity and respect,

and nobody posts about politics
on social media.

And if you break down,

maintenance checks
are provided free of charge!

- Engage cough mode.
- (Mechanical cough)

It's a well-oiled machine
of a society.

Wow! What do you call
this miraculous place?

- Morristown!
- Really?

You didn't name it
something like Robo-Topia?

- Or Sky Sanctuary?
- Those are way better names!

Wish we had you guys up there
when we were brainstorming.

So what you're saying is
there are hundreds of robots

just sitting up there in the sky
with no overlord or anything?

That's fantastic!
Uh... for them, I mean.

That crash we heard
came from over here.

Maybe the debris
will help us understand

who they are
and where they came from.

Once we understand them, we can
find a peaceful resolution.

And once we make peace,
they won't see it comin'

when we bash 'em with bricks!
(Sneaky laugh)

Holy moly! This technology
is out of this world,

and by that I mean it's groovy.

I bet you thought I meant
it's not from this world.

Which is also true!

So, where exactly did this
"groovy ship" come from?

According to the GPS history,

they came from
somewhere in the sky!

So they're not just robots,
they're aliens, too?

This day just keeps getting
better and better.

I'd like to propose a toast.
To our new friendship!

Orbot, Cubot,
make with the refreshments!

Apple juice?
I told you to get apple cider!

You digital dunces!

It's so hard
to get decent help these days.

Now run to the store
and get the good stuff!

That won't be necessary.

It's clear you're more foe
than friend to robot kind.

Come on, Bolts.
Let's blow this clambake.

No, no, no, wait!
That's just our dynamic.

We roast each other
all the time.

Hey! Here, Cubot, you do me!

- OK. You're ugly!
- What?

I'll have you disassembled
for that!

There's room in our spaceship
for two more.

You'll never get away with this,
you ovoid oaf!

Who's gonna stop me?

So, do you guys think these are
the nice kind of alien robots,

or the destroy every
living creature on the planet

- kind of alien robots?
- I vote for the second kind.

(Knock on door)

Sonic, Cubot and Orbot are here.
Probably wanna rat out Eggman.

- Are we that predictable?
- Less talking, more ratting.

Eggman is holding those charming
space bots c*ptive in his lair.

Maybe you could break them free?

Why should we trust you?

Can we skip the song and dance
and get go save them?

I want to meet the people
who built that spaceship!

Spill it, dipsticks.
How do I get to Morristown?

And no toll roads!

I've picked daisies
more intimidating than you.

We'll never tell.

Maybe , volts
will change your tune.


Not so fast, omelette breath!

Jeez, how many times
will you smash that wall?

- I should get you your own key.
- Ooh, that'd be great.

But right now,
your 'stache is smashed, Eggman!

You leave my facial hair
out of this.

Minions! You know the deal!

I always forget
FireBot's an outdoor robot.

Well, we're back from our
afternoon constitutional and...

(Gasps) What's this?

Sonic and his friends
infiltrated the lair?

How did they know
about Dr Eggman's scheme?

We told them, remember?
When we ratted out...

Oh, come on! Those magnets
were password protected!

You should've picked something
more secure than PASSWORD .

(Nervous laugh)


Now I think about it,
I don't need to know

where Morristown is.
I hate travelling.

I never bring enough underwear.



Come on, Mighton. Let's go home.

Orbot, Cubot, you coming?

Thanks for the offer, but
I think we are needed here.

This navigation system
is loaded with more malware

than an email forward
from that Old Monkey guy.

I owe you all an apology.

We had no idea
that you primitive rodents

- were on the side of good.
- Thanks... I think.

One might even say that you and
Tails are the Mighton and Bolts

of the terrestrial world.

How about you're the Sonic
and Tails of the sky?

- Agree to disagree.
- All finished!

This spaceship
should be good as new!

Ah-ha! Capital!

Bolts, set the coordinates
to our robot utopia in the sky,

- Morristown.
- You didn't name your city

something cool
like Automatopolis?

Or maybe something cloud-based,
like Nimbusville?

The people here are way better
at naming things than us.

- What's your city called?
- Up until recently

it was Unnamed Village,
but now it's Hedgehog Village.

Forget I said anything.

it's a pleasure having met you.

I'm glad we could make peace.




Oh, man, a cliffhanger?
I hate those.