02x33 - Sticks and Amy's Excellent Staycation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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02x33 - Sticks and Amy's Excellent Staycation

Post by bunniefuu »


With the guys out of town,
for their Dudatude concert,

we can finally have some quality
girl time. See a movie,

-Go to the club.
-Sharpen our bayonets.

Oil our bayonets,
polish our bayonets...

Sticks, we don't have bayonets.

Oh yeah, Buy bayonets.

-Why do we need bayonets?
-Our team's weakened by three.

And Eggman's still out there!
We have to be prepared.

[car door shuts]

Have fun on your trip guys!
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

I thought you said to have fun.

[AMY grumbles]

[car revs]

So who's got
first guard duty shift?

We don't need guard duty Sticks.

We need is a plan
to keep Eggman at bay.

Lucky for us, I just happen
to own this homemade Sonic doll

which I keep for totally
legitimate, definitely,
non-creepy reasons.



[bush, squeak]


If it isn't Sonic!

What's with the smug grin?

You got beef, Hedgehog?
Then why don't you bring
it to my grill?

Yeah, thats what I thought!
You don't want none of this!
Naa, naa.

Giving me the cold shoulder,

You just started a w*r!
You blue pin-cushion!

That should keep him
occupied for a while.

So, how do you want to kick off
our girls' weekend?

[thump, metallic sound]

Mud clump hurling!

Couldn't we do something
a little less?

How to put this gently?
Repugnant, uncouth, and boorish?

At least give it a try.

[AMY sighs]

[mud squelch]

[AMY squeals]

Sorry Sticks but dirt throwing
isn't my cup of tea.

I know what is my cup of tea...

A cup of tea!

Why did you say that?

Remember before I said "I know
something that is my cup of

I was finishing the thought.

But you said that like an hour

Yeah but imagine you were
an outside observer

just watching pieces of the

You see them too?!


Let's just get back to knitting.

seeing some improvement.

But remember,
you always knit the first row,

then change
to a ribbing pattern.

Sorry, but this nursing home acy
just ain't my bag.

I think I have an idea
that'll satisfy both of us.

[relaxing flute]

[AMY sighs]

How you doing, Sticks?

Let me get this straight.

If I roll around in mud
in the jungle, I'm a savage,

but if I pay $ to soak in it
here, I'm civilized?

-Works for me!


SONIC: Amy please tell me you're
having a miserable a time as I

Actaully Sticks and I are hag
a relaxing spa weekend.

C'mon, I'm sure your trip isn't
that bad.

OLD TIMER: Now over here is the
official letter from the Book of

asking me
to stop contacting them.

I stand corrected.

Well, have fun on your vacation.
Take lots of pictures.

OLD TIMER: No pictures!

[relaxed sigh]

Sonic's is out of town??

[drum roll]

[fake bird noises]

[clears throat]
I said [bird noises]

Hey Sonic! It's me, your
good frid enwith the two tails.

What's his name?

Check out these fly dance moves!


He had two hours
to think of a distraction

and that's what he came up with?

[clickety footsteps]

Okay, Orbot. Your turn!

[bird noises]

Sonic! It is I, Tails!

Watch me hambone! [humming]

Oh for the love of--! [grunts]

[metallic sound]




I just overheard that Sonic,

Tails and Knuckles
are out of town.

The village is ours
for the taking!

As much as I'd love to unleash
a reign of terror upon the

that would be remembered
for thousand generations,

I really need to get back
to my excavation.

My mother was right about you.

You don't have the
fortitude to stand up to

We'll see if she gets
a holiday card this year.

-She will.
-Yes, dear.


Time for the final showdown.


[laughs maniacally]


This is the greatest day
of my life! Oh, wait.

I prepared something for this.


When Sonic and I first
locked eyes so many years ago,

it was hate at first sight.

And now, I stand here,
my head full of hair--

Whoa! How long ago did I write


That's not Sonic!

[gasp] It's all been
a brilliant, elaborate ruse!

"Brilliant" might be
a little generous. Don't you

That sneaky trickster is going
to pay for his labyrinthine web
of lies!

[relaxing music]

[AMY sighs]

[STICKS crunches]

EGGMAN: Sonic!

Come out,
you conniving charlatan!

C'mon, I just got my fur done.

Looks like your decoy plan
may have backfired.

Your decoy plan? Sticks
and I set up the fake Sonic
to distract you.

While the guys are out of town.

We wanted a weekend
to ourselves.

I'm sure you understand.

I understand...

I understand, how pulverized
you're gonna be!

Robots, attack!

[robot sounds]

[AMY strains, hammer smashes]

[STICKS effort]




How about we try some press-on

You'll find they really draw
attention away from your...

um, everything else.


[metallic sounds, expl*si*n]

[EGGMAN cracks, groans]

Toss me one of those fur


Is this an
all-in-one shampoo/conditioners?

That's gonna dry out my stache!


[villagers cheer]

[high five]


Back for more, Egghead?

It is I, Belinda!



I've stood on the sidelines
too long

watching that puddinghead

and my inept husband
fail time and time again!

Now Mama B wants
a piece of the action!

[screams and blasts]


And don't think
I forgot about you!

Must you always be so snarky?

I should be more like you,

a maniac in a mech suit
firing lasers at everyone.

[laser blast]

What's the big idea?!

He didn't do nothing!

it's "he didn't do anything."

I know I can't be the only one
who's sick of him.

And you!

I just don't like
the look of you.

[laser blasts]

[BELINDA laughs]

Amy! No time to explain!

Tails, Knuckles, and I are
in jail. We need you to bail us

[villagers scream]

Sonic, I'm really not in the
mood for your practical jokes
right now.

Sticks and I got our hands full.
We'll talk later.


[efforts, blasts]



[hammer smashes]

This isn't working!

We gotta try something

[mud squelch]

Mud clump hurling!


There's mud all over me
that I didn't pay $ for!

What am I, a savage?

I got a idea but I need to
borrow a few things from your

If you have a problem with that
give me a sign.

Great. Thanks!

Finish the row, then
switch to a ribbing pattern!

[wool stretches]

[efforts, hammer]


[villagers cheer]


Best girls weekend ever! YEAH!


What did I do wrong?

I was ruthless,
cunning, merciless!

I'll just glad I can go home
and take it out on my husband.


I know you're angry with me
about not fighting those heroes
for you

but I had a good reason.

I was excavating...

your anniversary gift!


If I know anything about women,

it's that every gal
loves to get a new outfit,

that gives her the ability to
fly and sh**t deadly blasts from

It's perfect!

This whole time I thought Eggman
was going to be our number one

but it turned out to be

You never know what to expect
around here.

Uh, don't mind me.

Just taking this back to my lair
for, uh, research. [laughs]


Looks like Hedgehog Village
just got it's new power couple!

Happy anniversary, honey bunny.
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