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02x22 - Happiness Reflected on the Water's Surface

Posted: 02/22/22 09:47
by bunniefuu
Wonderful. You are wonderful.

Hearin' that from anyone but Ram don't make me happy!

Just the best.

I told ya, I don't wanna hear it!

Yo, Big Sis! Yer still standin' there like a damn statue?

No, I...

Y'know, the boss is countin' on you to do your part, too.

So do it!

I believe in you!

Damn straight!

Looks like Big Sis took off.

I am the Bowel Hunter...

Elsa Granhiert.

The strongest damn shield in the Sanctuary...

Garfiel Tinzel!

It's my first battle, Boss, and I'm makin' a helluva show of it!

So you'd damn well better do your part, too!

Why are you here?

I'm getting you out of here, Beatrice.

This time, you're gonna let me drag you out into the sunlight,

and then we're gonna play until your dress is black with mud!

You're taking me out of here?

Mind your own business, I suppose.

No one asked you to do such a thing.

We don't have time to argue about this.

Do you have any idea what's happening outside?

I'm aware of the intruder in the mansion, I suppose.

But this is a great spirit's forbidden library.

No matter what threat exists outside—

No, Door Crossing only works on closed doors.

She knows that.

And how does the enemy know that weakness, I suppose?

Roswaal told her.

That's how it is.

It means my death was written in Roswaal's Tome of Wisdom, I suppose.

Why... Are you... Why is that look on your face?

My fate is already set in stone.

Does that book of yours say you have to let that psycho k*ll you?!

It doesn't say anything, I suppose.

My fate is blank, as it has always been.

Then what reason is there for you to end up the way Roswaal wants?!

Just decide what to do for yourself, like you've always done!

Decide for myself?

What have I ever decided for myself before now?

I have continued to obey Mother's orders here in this mansion,

all alone.

What part of this did I get to choose?

What has this Beatrice done?

Who is she?


My life is pure white, I suppose.

It's completely blank, well and truly.

This one book was really all I needed.

I do have a soul, after all.

As time passes, I think about many things.

I worry and cease to believe, I suppose.

There were so many nights when I couldn't remember Mother's smile,

so I scraped all my memories together and tried to cling to them.

There were even times when

I was afraid to be alone and wanted to be with someone!

But everyone leaves me behind!

Mother and Roswaal... and Ryuzu, too!

The spirit Beatrice is fated to be alone,

to be left behind by everyone else forever.


I feel a tiny bit relieved now, I suppose.

If I was mentioned in the Tome of Wisdom,

that means Mother didn't forget about me after all.

Give me a break!

You're an idiot! You're just a big idiot!

You're so pathetic to watch, it's k*lling me!

You've had whole years!

Why is something that extreme the only answer you could come up with?!

Isn't it possible your mother gave you the wrong book by mistake?!

You dare insult Mother, I suppose?!

She would never make such a stupid mistake!

Can you say that for sure?!

So you really believe that your mother gave you a blank book?!

That's... Must you put it that way?

What is it you want me to say, I suppose?

Okay, I'll come right out and say it,

so your dumb mother can hear!

Don't let a blank book and a -year-old verbal promise rule you forever!

Choose what you want to do for yourself, Beatrice!

It's been years!

That's more than enough time for you to have one rebellious phase!

No matter what you say, I'm under a contract.

The contract is absolute... which means...

That's rich, coming from the one who tried to find

a back door in that contract, then wanted to die when it was unbreakable!

If keeping a promise means you die,

I'd rather break that promise and keep you alive!

Is it so weird that I would make that choice?!

Th-That's a very defiant, selfish way to think, I suppose.

I know it's defiant, and I know it's selfish!


I refuse to compromise on something that's important to me!

If... you are... "that person"...

Would you be...

"that person" for me?

Are you dumb?

There's no way I could be whoever "that person" is to you.


That idiot!

Damn that loli and her jumping to conclusions!


Why are you... You guys should've run away ages ago!

Mabeasts! They're already everywhere!

Maylie... But we already accounted for that!

But there's a mabeast that this didn't work on at all!

Are you serious? But why...


Stay exactly as you are!

Wh-What was...

I do apologize, even if it was an emergency.

You aren't hurt, are you?



You saved my life only to treat me like that?!

I-I sincerely apologize, Otto-sama.

The order of priority suddenly became very clear to me.

Women and children, the elderly, men, and then Otto?

You didn't even put me in the "men" category!

Subaru-sama, I have brought her here as requested.

So you did.

Thank you for getting her out safe.

Thank you... so much.

I only did what needed to be done.

Our more pressing issue now is...

Wow, I'm amazed!

I couldn't believe it when none of you died in the midst of all that.


Oh? You don't seem very surprised.

How disappointing.

Still, I'll be taking those maids now.

I'll be especially gentle with Petra-chan.

She's my friend, after all.

Y-Yay! I'm so glad!

If we're really my friend, you could even let me go, you know!

We are friends... so you'll play with me until the very end, right?


Sorry, Subaru! I don't think it worked!

Allow me to handle this girl... no, this assassin.

The rest of you can run while I do.

Y-You can't, Frederica-neesama!

I mean, before...

And I finally got to see you again...

No, it will be different this time.

After all, I was prepared to die last time.

But this time, I am not.

I reunited with Garf, my little brother, after ten years apart,

and I have such an adorable subordinate now.

There is no greater happiness.

So I will not lose.



We'll head to Roswaal's room!

Yes, as you wish.

Hey, wait! Don't just decide that yourself!



Honored guest...

Please enjoy the finest hospitality the Mathers house has to offer.

I won't let you get away with this!

Get them, Rock Piggie!

Please, do come to me.

I am feeling quite harsh at the moment.

Prepare yourself!

What are we gonna do?!

There's an escape route in Roswaal's office!

We'll use that to...

It's here!

Natsuki-san, that's it! The guiltylowe!

The mabeast ward doesn't work on that one!

It's our natural enemy!

It was my teacher and I who started it.

That is the one thing you got wrong,


I've seen the past.

So, up next should be...

Behold an unthinkable present.

Now, Lia, don't shake your head around like that.

Just hold still.

Honestly, what am I going to do with you?

Mother Fortuna?

What's wrong? Were you falling asleep?

You're all dressed up today.

You look so pretty!

I wondered what you were about to say.

Don't tease grown-ups like that.

There. You're beautiful now.

Thank you, Mother.

And the mirror...


A visitor!

Good morning, Emilia-sama.

I'm so happy to be greeted by you.


Good morning.

Right on time.

Well, shall we go?


Well... I do hope this doesn't offend you...

How long have we known each other?

Nothing you say to me is going to offend me.

Then, Fortuna-sama...

Your outfit today looks lovely on you.

I found myself a bit captivated by it.

Did I say something rude?

No, not at all.

She's just embarrassed.

Mother is so cute!

Don't just blurt out whatever you want!

How mean-spirited can you be?

Ah, Fortuna-sama.

And Emilia and Geuse-san are with you.

You're such a close-knit family.

We're not—

You are loved by so many.

I... I suppose so.

Isn't it nice?

Oh, come, now. Is your height the only part of you that's grown up?

You two are just as close as ever, I see.

Watching you warms my heart.

Why don't you join us?

You could come live with us.


Are you all right?

Your offer makes me very happy, Emilia-sama.

I wish from the bottom of my heart that I could do so.

If you could? Why don't you just do it?

Or would I be in the way?

Not at all.

You most certainly would not.

See? You two get along so well!

Fortuna-sama is tasked with a very important duty.

If one such as myself were to stay with her and it led to rumors,

it would be problematic for her.

I think it's too late for that, though.

Remember what Aunt Tanse and the others said earlier?

That we're a close-knit family!

I-I thought she was talking about the two of you!

You understood, didn't you, Mother?

I think it's a great idea! I really do!

The people of the forest won't think it's weird.

I'll never let anyone say it's a bad thing!

I've said what I wanted to say.

I'll leave the rest to you two young folks!

Emilia... Honestly, where do you learn these things?

I swear, you are just too cute!

So I see. Emilia-sama has grown up healthy and happy.

This truly brings me joy.

Of course she has! She's a daughter I can be proud of!

Of course. How could I not see it?

Oh... I think there's something in my eye.

I'm going to go wash it out.

Are you all right?

Be careful you don't lose that eye in the process.

You got those lovely purple eyes from my brother, after all.

And they're the same pretty color as yours.

Stay that close and wait for me, all right?

P-Please stay super-duper close forever and ever.

Yes, of course. You're such a worrywart.

We will wait as long as it takes, Emilia-sama.

I love you both.


It's dangerous for you to be up here alone.


The bishop is in the forest today, isn't he?

You're not with... oh.

He's over there, I see.

Were you leaving the two of them alone?

Yes, I was.

What do you think of the two of them, Archi?

I think they're a nice fit.

Fortuna-sama is very harsh on herself.

I wish she would give more thought to her own happiness.

It may be difficult right now, but with time, they could...


That world doesn't exist anywhere, does it?


Having beheld an unthinkable present,

did you not wish to live here?

I'm sure you wanted the two of them to be happy.

This is your ideal present,

the future you wished for.

Yes, it is.

Fortuna-sama has already passed,

it's unknown whether the bishop lives,

and the people of the forest have turned into ice statues.


Your homeland is frozen,

you are persecuted by people from the outside,

and you had to say goodbye to the spirit who was like family to you.


Here, you could live in happiness.

Seeing you wish for such a world pains me.

I'm sorry, Archi.

Why do you wish for that future?

I want to be an admirable person.


Like Mother Fortuna, my role model.

Like Geuse, who's so kind and strong.

Like Archi, who kept smiling until the very end so I wouldn't be scared.

Like Puck, who always protected me and never left me alone.

Like Ram, who wished to do

the one thing that would be most helpful to the one most precious to her.

Like Otto-kun, who does his very best for his friends.

Like Garfiel, who never once uttered a word of complaint.

Like Subaru, who says he loves me

and does reckless things even when he's all wounded and hurting.

I want to look admirable to all of them.

From now on, I want to be the one reaching out to help someone.

So I'll be fine.

I'm not afraid of the outside world, or of the future.

Thank you for worrying about me.

I'm just fine, Archi-oniichan.

You're such a stubborn girl.

You have no idea how crazy that made things for Fortuna-sama and me.

S-So sorry about that...

It's all right. After all...

A big brother should always spoil his little sister.

Thanks, Onii-chan!

Thank you for showing this world to me, Echidna.

I never thought I'd get to see the two of them,

Mother and Geuse... Father... laughing together like that.


Thank you.



You disgust me.

I just... hate you so much.

Don't come near us, witch! Go away!

Filthy woman!

Just how much have I been protected by others all this time?

Well, look at that.

I look less like Mother Fortuna that I thought.

Too bad.


There she is!

I'm so glad you're safe!

You aren't hurt, are you?

The margrave was on the verge of death...

Thank you for worrying about me.

I'm perfectly all right.

I'm not hurt at all.

But... I'm sorry.

All the trials still aren't over yet.

But Subaru and the others probably told you the news, right?

There's no reason to keep all of you in this Sanctuary anymore.

I'm going to get rid of the barrier,

but you can go back to where your families...

Subaru-sama and the others?

Wait, did they tell us anything?

Uh, I can't really remember...


So you see, Emilia-sama,

we will be waiting here, as promised.

And we are not the only ones who have high hopes for your success.


Ryuzu-san and the people from the Sanctuary...

It appears safe to assume you've overcome the second trial.

I must first offer my gratitude for that.

And after hearing from Young Gar and the villagers,

the voices of both the inside and the outside,

we were finally able to get up and move on our own.

To be honest, we're struggling to make up our minds

about whether or not we can trust you.

But we all heard Garfiel, that young boy, shouting in anger.

When I realized how he must have felt, the hard worker that he is...

It makes me feel so pathetic.

He's still a child of fourteen, yet he was so...

That boy deserves our praise.

And Emilia-sama, the same goes for you.

So... please let us bear witness.

Very well.

I'll come through this trial in one piece,

and then we can talk things over.

Yes. That's a promise.

Whatever may—

Too long, too serious.

And your tone bounced between polite and crude.

You should be ashamed.

I-I'm sorry, Elder.

Regardless, you have now heard our opinions.

This is... hm? What is it?

Um... When I heard him call you "Elder"...

It just surprised me.

I still don't quite feel satisfied with this, but...

Right. Thank you.

I feel like I can do my very best.

If we've been of help, we could ask for nothing better.

I understand the next trial will be the last.

Yeah. I'm going to start very soon.

But... Ryuzu-san, do you know where Ram is?

Ram had to do a job that could not be put aside.

A job?

"Emilia-sama has her job, and I have mine.

We will both see it through," she said.

Well, I'm going in now.

Take care!

Good luck!

Face the disaster that is yet to come.