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07x01 - Celestial Advice

Posted: 02/24/22 17:16
by bunniefuu

[knock knock]

Hey Spike. What's up?

Just, uh, wanted to
make sure you're ready

for your big ceremony today.

Yup. Wow, I still can't
believe my friends and

I are getting medals of honor.

Are you kidding?
You totally deserve it!

After all, you saved Equestria
from Queen Chrysalis

with the help of Trixie
and Thorax and Discord.

Uh, yeah. I know what
happened. I was kinda there?

Oh, right. Uh, so
what are you wearing?

Not sure. Why? Am I
supposed to dress up?

No. I mean, you could. It's
like Rarity always says:

"There's no such thing
as overdressed darling.

You're just the best-looking
pony in the room!"

[awkward laugh]

What are you looking at?

No, don't look!

Cuz there was a spider there
but it's gone now so...

Thanks, Starlight!

[door closes]

Heh heh. She had no idea.
We're a good team, Sparkle.

Sparkle? [laughs] Yeah we are.
So, do you think she'll like it?

I want this present to
say "I'm so proud of you,

both as a mentor and a friend.

Equestria is safer
thanks to you."

Oh. I thought you were getting
her a mirror, like yours.

I am.

Maybe you should get her a card,

cause I don't think the
mirror will say all that.

But I think she'll like it.

It's just what her room needs.

The first thing she'll see
when she wakes up is herself

surrounded by all her friends!

I plan on giving it to
her after the ceremony.

Yeah, about that.

Don't you need to get the castle
ready for the celebration?

Nah. Pinkie Pie's
got that covered.


♪ My little pony, my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪
♪ Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Starlight, Trixie,
Thorax and Discord

were brave in the
face of danger,

resourceful when
things got challenging

and proved that the
bonds of friendship,

no matter how unlikely, are
stronger than any adversity.

By stopping Queen Chrysalis,

not only did they
save Equestria,

they set the changelings
free from her reign.

Go Discord! Yahoo!


And that's why we're proud
and honored to give them

the Equestrian Pink
Hearts of Courage.





- Yeah! No.
- Oh! Not quite!

All right! There it is.


We are so proud of you all.


♪♪ [dance music]

It was the Great and
Powerful Trixie's pleasure

to save you from
your imminent doom.

Yes. Because you did
it all by yourself.

I can't believe you managed
to do it without magic.

It was amazing!

No one's ever stood up
to Chrysalis like that.

Oh, I just did what
anypony would've done.

It's a wonderful
feeling, isn't it?

Watching your student shine

the way you always
knew they could.

My cheeks are sore.

I don't think I've ever
smiled this much in my life.

I can only imagine
what that feels like.

Yes, Starlight is student
of the year, isn't she?

She has so much potential.

So, what are we going
to do with her?

And by "we" I
definitely mean you.

Being her mentor and all that,

her destiny falls
squarely on your haunches.

[zap zap]

Oh, don't you worry.

I've planned enough
friendship lessons

to cover the next three years.


What's so funny?

No, no.

Clearly Starlight is beyond
basic friendship lessons.

She just won a medal,
for Equestria's sake!

I thought you were joking.
You are joking, right?

[nervous laugh]
Of course I was.

Obviously you should have a
grand master plan for her,

the same way Celestia
set you on a path

that eventually
made you a princess.


Oh, good. I'm sure she can't

wait to hear all about it!

So how's the whole
ruling-a-kingdom thing going?

It's a bit... overwhelming.
But we're adjusting.

So you can't have friendship
without makeovers?

Uh, Not-Not exactly.

Oh, Starlight!

Princess Twilight has something
very important to tell us.

Well, just you really, but
I'm nosey and I want to hear.

OK. Would you
excuse me?


Never mind.

Well, Twilight was
just about to reveal

her grand master plan for you.

Really? I was kind
of wondering

what we were going to do next.

Yes, I'd say we were
both fairly interested.

Of course you are. And I
do have a plan, obviously,

but now's clearly not
the time to do it.

You should enjoy your party.

Sorry, Come on.

The Ponyville Chronicle
wants to take our picture!

Ugh. You too,

[sigh] [poof]

PSST. I see what you're doing.

You do?

You already planned
the perfect moment

during the party to make
the grand announcement

to everypony about your plan!

Brava, Twilight.

I can't wait to tell
Fluttershy and the others!

Discord, no.

Twilight? Are you reading
during a party again?

No, no, no. She's
already good at that.

She mastered this. She
taught me about this one!

Wild guess: something's wrong.

Spike, I'm a terrible mentor.

Why didn't I come up with
a path for Starlight?

Princess Celestia had it
all figured out for me.

[gasp] That's it!

I had years' worth
of friendship lessons

ready to go,

but when we were
captured by Chrysalis,

Starlight took charge
and really stepped up.

I don't think friendship lessons

are enough for her anymore.

So you have an overachieving
student? Sounds familiar.

That's why I had to talk to you.

You of all ponies
would know what to do.

I mean, you were me
and I was Starlight.

But for now, I need you to
pretend you're you and I'm me.


Go on.

When I was your student
and you were in this place,

you... oh no.
You sent me to Ponyville.

Which means, it's time for me

to send Starlight Glimmer away!

I can't believe it.

It really is time for
Starlight to go, isn't it?

Only you can make that decision.

It's a difficult one, but your
heart knows what's right.

Even as it hurts.

Where are you going to send her?

Too soon?

No. This is something
I have to do.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy?

Whatever Twilight's
planning for Starlight

is going to be so exciting!

Hm. Wonder why she didn't
tell any of us about it?

Probably because you're not as
close as you think you are.

Just kidding. She wanted
it to be a big surprise.

Just between us,
she's getting ready

to make a big announcement!

Eeeee. That's so
exciting! And surprising.

Usually you tell
your party planner

about all your plans
for your party.

Rainbow Dash: Well, she
definitely has one.

I mean when has
Twilight not had a plan?

[mumbling] Hm,
gosh, I don't know.

[gasp] I GOT IT! Since
defeating Chrysalis,

Starlight's given
the changelings

an opportunity to
revolutionize their society.

Maybe I can send her there.


Cool spell.

If Starlight goes to
the changeling hive,

she can help them adjust
to their new way of life.

OK, friendship one-oh-one:

Thorax and I are going to
show you how to compromise.

I want to have honeysuckle
nectar for lunch.

I would like a sandwich.
Oh, no. What should we do?

Attack! The winner
gets to choose!

[excited chatter]

OR, Thorax and I can
talk about it and come up

with a solution that
works for everypony.

Starlight. How do
you feel about

honeysuckle and peanut
butter sandwiches?

Why, that sounds delicious.



Um, this doesn't
seem like something

Starlight and Thorax would do.

Uh, this is Twilight's
fantasy, Spike.

There is no wrong
way to fantasize.

Thank you.

Starlight Glimmer is a most
apt and perspicacious pony!

Yep, definitely a
Twilight fantasy.

This seems like a lovely
path for Starlight.

The Changelings have
so much to learn

about how to enjoy love
through friendships.

Starlight would be busy
for a very long time,

but her work there
would be very rewarding.

Or dangerous. It would
only take one Changeling

to deviate from the pack.

[evil laugh]

Hi, I'm Starlight Glimmer.
What's your name?

Uh, Cornicle?

PFFFT! HA! What kind
of name is that?

Your wings are so
um, see-through.

I'm so glad I'm a pony.
Are you like bugs or what?

[smack smack smack]

Ah. There she is! Get her!

[angry shouts]

Um, that probably won't happen.

But it could.
I can't just send her off to

Celestia-knows-where without
thinking it through!

Huh. I was not aware
that I was an expression.

An appropriate one, of course,

for even I don't
know the answer.

This is a momentous decision.

You must consider all
the possibilities.

Rethink, rethink, rethink...
What about the dragons?

I can send Starlight
to the Dragon Lands.

She and Ember would
totally hit it off!


♪♪ [scary music]



You ready to do some
death-defying dragon stuff?


OK, that doesn't sound anything

like Ember or Starlight.

Who knows what their
dynamic would be, Spike?




[hollow knocks]


Starlight will love it
in the dragon lands.

In her letters, Ember
said dragons do a lot

of fun things: The Feast
of Fires, the Dragon Bowl,


Starlight could be there
for a really long time.

But then again, not
all dragons like ponies

as much as Ember does.

Hey, Twinkle Star!

It's uh, Starlight Glimmer.

Star-kle Light-star?

Starlight Glimmer.

Yeah Whatever. You
wanna hang with us?

What are we diving into?



Twilight, this is crazy!


Starlight's really
good with magic.

She could just stop
herself from falling

into a pit of lava.

What if she didn't
realize it was happening?

You just never know, Spike!

I just need to think of
someplace safe to send her.

Some place safe, some place
safe. Some place safe.

I could send her to
the Crystal Empire

to continue her magical
studies with Sunburst!


It'll be perfect!

Sunburst's knowledge of
magic is only matched

by Starlight's abilities.

I've got it! Try placing your
horn directly on the potion

and picture the clock
you wish to make.


[cuckoo cuckoo]

They could challenge
each other into becoming

the most talented unicorns
Equestria's ever seen!

We did it! Quick,
what's next?

Of course, the study of
magic is a lifelong pursuit

and Starlight could
be there for a while,

especially once they
start attempting

the really complicated stuff!

Three... two... one...

What if they become
too ambitious?

I never would have thought
to combine Starswirl's

apparition spell with
spatium flexibus!

But what would
happen if we added

Sonambula's tempus objectus?

If we do it just right,
it should allow us

to materialize an object
that was lost in the past!

No, don't do it.


[all: scream]

Starlight! NOOOO!

Twilight! Snap out of it!

Easy, Twilight.
It didn't happen.

But it could.

I just don't think I
can send her anywhere.

What am I going to do?

[hysterical laughter]

Are you laughing at me?

[hysterical laughter]

I can't believe
you're laughing at me.

Oh, Twilight, I'm not.
I'm laughing because

I had the exact same
fears you're having.


Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time there was
a very bright young filly.

She was truly one
of my best students.

Are you talking about Twilight?

I can't see what
you're thinking about.

Yes, Spike.



I was constantly
surprised and impressed

with her discoveries.


But I noticed that her
pursuit of academia

was preventing her from
reaching her full potential.

You mean it was keeping
her isolated and alone?

Uh. Yes, Spike.

I had a decision to
make. But it wasn't easy.

Maybe I could close the library

or throw a party in the castle?

She'd have to talk to
the other fillies then.


I must send her away!

I knew there was a special
group of fillies in Ponyville,

but I kept inventing
all kinds of reasons

why I shouldn't send you.

What if she runs into a
manticore? Or what if

she gets pulled into
Tartarus? Or worst of all,

what if she doesn't
get along with anypony?

Are we supposed
to say something?

I don't think so.

I kept you in Canterlot
longer than I should have.

Eventually, I realized
all the anxiety I felt

was because I didn't
want you to go.


I loved having you as a student.

You challenged me and
taught me just as much

as I taught you.

I am embarrassed to admit
it, but I was afraid

if you made friends, you
wouldn't need me anymore.

Princess Celestia,
that is so not true.

I will always need you.

I think Starlight Glimmer
might feel the same way

about you, if that is
what you're afraid of.

Maybe it is.
Just a little.

Oh, it definitely
is. Like a lot.

Here we are after all
these years, Twilight.

We are living proof
that letting someone

spread their wings doesn't
mean you no longer have

a place in their lives.

Thank you.

And if you're still worried,

you can always make
her write you letters!



I may have let it slip
that you'd be unveiling

your big plan for Starlight
tonight. Silly me.

But we're all very excited to
hear what you've cooked up.

You weren't coming up with
a plan just now, were you?

Oh, dear. This could be
pretty embarrassing for you.

Gee, thanks Discord.

Anytime. I really do
love being helpful.


[clink clink clink]

If I could have
everypony's attention.

As you all know, Starlight
Glimmer has been my pupil

for a while now and I'd
hoped she'd be my pupil

for a long time yet to
come, but it turns out

that's just not meant to be.


Starlight, you have proved
yourself to be a kind,

loyal, strong, honest
and truly magical friend.

Just looking around this room at

all the new friendships
you've made,

I know there's nothing
more I need to teach you.

So we have a second
reason to celebrate today.

Three cheers for
Starlight Glimmer

on her "Graduation" day!



Your future is in
your own hooves now.

Wow. I was not expecting this.

Darn it. I was hoping you'd
send her to my realm.

We could have been roomies!

Way to not pick up what
I was putting down.

How do you wanna celebrate?
Girls trip to Las Pegasus?

We can throw you a
changeling Gorbfest!

Uh, it's more fun
than it sounds.

Or we could go cause
a little mischief.

I know a trick that'll turn
Celestia's castle into cheese.

Do you think it's
a gouda idea? Ha!

Uh, That's just the first
of many cheese jokes

if we go down this path.

That all sounds
wonderful but um...

Give me a minute, would ya?



So, how do you feel?

Happy, surprised, overwhelmed...

I mean, not that I'm not
grateful but are you sure?


Believe me, I've thought
long and hard about this.

Of course you did.

Starlight, trust
me. You're ready.


No, I'm not.

What are you talking about?

I'm not ready to leave!

Oh, good! Cuz I'm not
ready for that either!

Here. I got you this present.

You're going to get 'Congrats on
getting a medal of honor present',

but then I was afraid
it would have to be

a going away present... but now

'I couldn't be happier
you're staying' present!'

It fits perfectly over
your dresser.

I know. I measured!

Thank you.

I may not know what
comes next for you,

but whatever it is,

I promise
I'll always be there for you.

- Oh!
- Ohhh!

[Happy chatter]

♪ My little pony ♪


♪ My little pony ♪



♪ My little pony, friend ♪