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01x22 - Episode #1.22

Posted: 03/04/22 17:18
by bunniefuu
Wake up.

Hey, wake up now.

Wake up.

Hey, do you hear me?

Hey, damn you!

How long are you going to sleep?

You better wake up now!


I heard a Demon Slayer Corps member
is accompanied by a demon.

I was looking forward
to a flamboyant and amazing person.

He ended up being an ordinary guy.

All right, next up.

We must put this young man on trial.

I see.

He has been protecting his sister
who turned into a demon.

The love between siblings is so touching.

What a strong child.

Who's this--

You have no right to speak here, idiot.

Think about who these people are.

The Pillars are standing in front of you.


What's a Pillar?

What's going on?

Who are these people?

Where am I?

This is the headquarters
of Demon Slayer Corps.

Your trial will begin now.

Tanjiro Kamado.


Before your trial begins,

I shall state the crime you committed--

I don't think a trial is needed!


The act of protecting a demon
is obviously against the corps rules.

We can handle this ourselves.

Let's behead him together with the demon.


I shall behead him flamboyantly.

Let his fresh blood splatter flamboyantly.
Nobody can do it better than me.

There's no upper limit to flamboyance.



Are we going to k*ll such a cute child?

My heart hurts.

I feel so sad.


I see. How could there be
such a poor child?

How pitiful.

His birth itself is a tragedy.


How should I describe the cloud's shape?

What was it called again?

Where's Nezuko?



The Pillars are talking to you.
Where are you looking at?

These ladies and gentlemen

are the highest-ranked swordsmen
within Demon Slayer Corps.


Let's k*ll him.

Yes, k*ll him flamboyantly.



Where are you, Nezuko?




Mr. Murata!

Let's put this aside.
What are we going to do with Tomioka?

He's not even tied up
and it's giving me a headache.

According to that Kocho girl,
Tomioka also broke the corps rules.


How should we punish him?

What kind of responsibility does he bear?

How should we make him suffer?

Say something, Tomioka.

It was my fault
for implicating Mr. Tomioka.

Mr. Iguro is still his usual self.
Entangles persistently like a snake.

His persistence is so cool!

Mr. Tomioka!

He's standing far away by himself.

How cute!


It's nothing much.

He came here willingly anyway.

Let's think about his punishment later.


Most importantly,
I have a question for the boy.

Boy, as a member of Demon Slayer Corps,

you brought a demon along
for your missions.

Regarding this matter,
I would like to hear your explanation.

But of course, the action itself
has already broken the corps rules.

You know that, don't you?

Tanjiro Kamado.

Why did you bring a demon along
as a member of Demon Slayer Corps?

We don't have to listen to him.

It's okay. Take your time.

Please tell me your reason.


My younger sister...

You better drink some water.

Since you hurt your jaw,
please drink slowly.

I added painkillers into the water.
You'll feel better.

It won't heal your injuries though,
so don't push yourself too hard.

Well, Tanjiro Kamado.

The demon is my younger sister.

When I left my house,
my family was att*cked by a demon.

When I reached home, everyone was dead.

Although my younger sister
turned into a demon,

she never consumes human flesh before.

She won't eat humans. Not now, not ever.

She'll never hurt humans!

Don't make such a reckless remark
in front of me.

Since she's your family,
of course you're on her side.

Everything you said can't be trusted.

I won't trust you.

So is he assimilated into a demon?

k*ll this pitiful child quickly
and set him free.

Please listen to me!

I became a swordsman to treat Nezuko!

Nezuko has been a demon
for more than two years.

Nezuko never ate humans
during this period!

You're talking in circles, fool.

Never eaten humans.

Won't eat humans in the future.

Don't just talk.
Show me some flamboyant proof.

What's the name of that bird?



I have a question.

I think it's impossible
that Lord Oyakata doesn't know about this.

Can we really handle this ourselves?

Before Lord Oyakata's arrival,
I think we should just wait.

My younger sister!

My younger sister will fight with me!

As a member of Demon Slayer Corps,
she'll fight to protect mankind!


Well, it seems things
are getting interesting.

The foolish member accompanied
by a demon is him, right?

What kind of motive do you have?


Mr. Shinazugawa.

The scar on his body has increased.
How wonderful!

This will get me in trouble,
Lord Shinazugawa!

Please put the box down!

Shinobu looks angry.

This is a rare sight.

How cool!

Mr. Shinazugawa.

Please don't act rashly.

Brat, what did you say this demon will do?

As a member of Demon Slayer Corps,
she'll fight to protect mankind, right?

That kind of thing

will never happen, you idiot!

The guy who injured my sister!

Whether you're a Pillar or not,
I'll never forgive you!

Really? That's great then.

Stop it!

Lord Oyakata will arrive soon!

Excuse me.

Damn you.

Although Tomioka stepped in,

that brat still knocked down Shinazugawa.

Since you're unable to distinguish
kind demons from vile demons,

I think you might as well
quit being a Pillar!

Damn you.

I will k*ll you.

-Lord Oyakata has arrived.
-Lord Oyakata has arrived.

You guys are here.

My cute swordsmen.

Good morning, everyone.

Today's weather is great.

The sky is really blue, isn't it?

All the familiar faces are here.

Welcome to the semi-annual Pillar meeting.

I'm really relieved.

Is he injured?

No. Is he sick?

Is this Lord Oyakata?

He moved so swiftly.

I couldn't react at all.


It's great to see you
in good health, Lord Oyakata.

I sincerely wish you good fortune
and may all your hopes be fulfilled.

Thank you, Sanemi.

I wanted to say my greetings
to Lord Oyakata too.

Forgive my bluntness.

Before we begin the Pillar Meeting,

regarding the demon slayer,
Tanjiro Kamado, bringing a demon with him,

can I seek clarification?

This guy clearly
lacks intellect and rationality.

But once he opens his mouth,
he speaks so clearly.

You're right.

Sorry for surprising you guys.

The matter regarding Tanjiro
and Nezuko has my approval.

Therefore, I hope that everyone
can accept them.

Even though it's a request
from Lord Oyakata,

I still have trouble understanding
and accepting it.

I also oppose it flamboyantly.

I can't accept a demon slayer
bringing a demon along.

I'll obey all the requests
of Lord Oyakata.

Actually, it doesn't matter to me.

Since I'll forget about it immediately.

They can't be trusted.

I hate demons the most.

Although I respect Lord Oyakata
from the bottom of my heart,

I can't understand what you're thinking.

I fully oppose it!

Carrying out the task of slaying demons
defines Demon Slayer Corps.

Please severely punish Tomioka
and the other two offenders.

Take the letter.


This letter was written
by a former Pillar, Mr. Sakonji Urokodaki.

I'll read out a small part of the content.

"Please allow Tanjiro Kamado
and her demonic sister to be together.

Nezuko has an unyielding mental power."

She still maintains the rationality
from her humanity.

Even when she's hungry,
she won't eat humans.

Just like that, two months have passed.

Although it's a situation
that will be hard to accept momentarily,

it's definitely the truth.

In case Nezuko att*cks humans,

Tanjiro Kamado...

"Sakonji Urokodaki, and Giyu Tomioka
will disembowel oneself

to show gratitude
and take responsibility."

So what if they're willing
to disembowel themselves?

If they want to die,
they might as well just do it now.

That's not a guarantee at all.

Shinazugawa is right!

k*lling her after she has eaten
a human is way too late.

The person she m*rder*d
won't come back to life!

You guys are right.

Then, Lord Oyakata...

Indeed, they can't guarantee
that she won't attack humans.

They can't prove it either.


you can't prove that she'll attack humans.

Nezuko has never eaten human flesh
for two years.

This is a fact.

For Nezuko, three people
gambled with their lives.

If you want
to completely deny these things,

the opposing party must also offer
to pay a bigger price.

Does everyone plan to do so?

In addition, there's something
I would like to tell my fellow swordsmen.

Tanjiro has met Kibutsuji.

How's that possible?

Even the Pillars have never met Kibutsuji.

This brat?

How does Kibutsuji look like?
How strong is he?

Where did you meet him?

Did you fight with him?

What did Kibutsuji do?

Did you find his lair?

Answer me now!

Shut up!

I asked him first.

Tell me about Kibutsuji's powers.

Kibutsuji sent his subordinates
to k*ll Tanjiro.

Maybe the reason is to silence him.

But this is the first time
Kibutsuji has given himself away,

I really don't want to let go.

I'm afraid what happened to Nezuko
was beyond Kibutsuji's expectations.

Do you guys understand?

I don't understand, Lord Oyakata.

If she's a human, she can live.
If she's a demon, no way.

Think about the mentality we have
while fighting as demon slayers.

The number of sacrifices we made.

I really can't accept it.

Is he going to do whatever he wants?

His blood is going to stain the ground.

Lord Oyakata.

I'll prove it to you how ugly a demon is.


Hey, demon.

It's time for your meal.

Come out and eat me.

Don't force yourself.

Just show your true nature.

I'll give you a quick death
with my sword here.



She can't come out under the sun.

If you don't go under the shade,
the demon won't come out.

Lord Oyakata.

Please pardon my action.

Stop it!

Come out, demon.

I have your favorite human blood here!

I can't breathe.

I can't move.




Shinazugawa was actually
headbutted by the newbie.

Indeed, that was an awesome headbutt!

Yes, the sound from the impact
was flamboyant.

It must have hurt.

Namo Amitābha.

But the child dares to confront a Pillar.
He's so brave.

You guys say everything you want.

If it wasn't for Tomioka's interference,
I would've dodged his headbutt.

It sounded like an excuse.

It seems everyone is still the same.

Well, I'll tell you a little gossip
from the Taisho era.

When we greet Lord Oyakata,
the person who says it first will win.

That's why everyone is uneasy
before Lord Oyakata's arrival.

Next, episode 23, "Hashira Meeting."