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01x07 - Questions of Trust

Posted: 03/12/22 07:08
by bunniefuu



Stop! Please!


You have to help me!

My name is Eric Cresswell.

Someone's trying to k*ll me.

[OWEN] Any more on Eric Cresswell?

Yeah, nothing official.

But we did some deep background
with local agencies,

and it seems that in the s,

there were some rumors

about Professor Cresswell's
professional conduct.

Underage girls.

Well, more inappropriate relationships
with female students.

They were of age, but there
were certainly concerns.


- Any evidence?
- Not that we're aware.

And we're still not sure whether
he's alive or dead, right?

- Right.
- Anything from the asset?

Not yet.

There's also the trackers we put
in their bags at the airports.

Which helps us if they
carry them. If they don't...

And both teams monitoring
cameras across the city.

[VANESSA] He will be in touch.

We've got a hell of
a lot riding on that.

- I know.
- Not as much as the Newmans.

We can rely on him.

[TARA] Why one of the most
popular landmarks in Manhattan?

[EDDIE] I thought you
didn't know New York.

[TARA] I don't. So if I've heard
of Washington Square Park,

it's popular.

Surely a back alley in Queens
would draw less attention.

Well, that's the point,
right, according to Sean?

And this does seem to be
his specialist subject.

Back alleyways are suspicious,

so you meet in a well-known,
high-traffic spot,

and nobody notices anyone.

They're all too busy
taking in the sights

or looking at their phones.

Was he there when you woke up?


Did he tell you how he's planning
on getting us in front of Copeland?


Do you trust him?

I don't trust anyone, but it
was our idea to follow him.

[SIGHS] This time last week,

I was a university lecturer
doing the department a favor.

Now I'm...

headline news.

- Let's not panic.
- Too late.

The last place they'll expect
us to be is New York.

Maybe we should split up.

Uh, Sean said to stay together.

At least until the others
get here, we'll stay local.

[TARA SCOFFS] What happened
to "This seems to be

his specialist subject"?

What happened to being
an independent woman

who has a mind of your own?


[AADESH] Eddie.




This is him.


The g*ng are about to
rendezvous with Tilson

outside Washington Square Park.

Where are you headed?

- [EDDIE] Yeah, I have no idea.
- [OWEN] To Leo?

- [EDDIE] Sorry, who's that?
- Never mind.

As far as I'm aware,

Tilson hasn't told anyone
where we're going.

Do you know which of them is involved?

No, uh... No, I don't yet.

But Monique Thompson, that
wasn't anything to do with us.

Uh... Uh, them. It wasn't
anything to do with them.

And Tilson's keeping a
pretty hard eye on me,

but I think I'm okay.

And listen, Copeland... I know
the FBI have run a check on him,

but... [SIGHS] it needs to
be done more thoroughly,

because all four have
had dealings with him.

And I'm pretty sure...


- f*ck.
- sh*t. Aadesh. Aadesh.

[VANESSA] What's happening?

- sh*t.

- Oh, sh*t. Sorry. Sorry.
- [GASPS] Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

Aadesh, listen to me.

- Listen. Shh.
- f*ck you.

- Listen. You're gonna get us caught.
- f*ck...

- Whatever you heard back there...
- Who are you?

Would you just calm down?
You're gonna get us both caught.

Caught by who? The police?

You are the police.

- No, I'm not.
- Bullshit, man.

- Do you...
- Bullshit.

You... You've been lying
to me from the start.

No, I haven't.

I've not... I haven't been playing you.

- I trusted you.
- I know.

I'm sorry. I should have told you.

- Told me what?
- It's just... I couldn't.

Told me what?

I am working undercover,
just not for the police.

It's for Katherine Newman.


- For Katherine Newman?
- Yeah.

She hired me to find
out which one of you

was involved in Leo's kidnapping.

Why you?

Because I'd had security service
training when I was back home.

And I'm better at being other
people than being myself.

No, man.

No, man. Why should I believe you now?

Because we're friends.

How can we be friends?

- I don't even know who you are.
- Yeah, you do.

- No, man.
- Yes.

You're a liar, Eddie.

So are you.

Everybody is.

Aadesh, it... it's the others you
need to be worried about, not me.

Do the police know about you?

No. Nobody knows anything.

Copeland doesn't even know.
Dude, she doesn't trust anybody.

Aadesh, I can protect you, but
this has to stay between us.

Show me the phone.

- Dude.
- Eddie, show me the phone.


You're telling me,

if I redial the last number
you called on that device,

Katherine Newman will pick up?


I know you've got nothing
to do with this.

And I promise I'll make sure
everybody else knows that too.

But the only way this really
ends is if we get to Leo.

You just have to trust...


[OWEN] Is the asset's cell still live?

- Yes.
- [OWEN ON PHONE] Then we assume he's fine.

And as far as Copeland goes,
we're always thorough.

It was the first thing we did.
There was nothing there.

We're still monitoring
his communications.

Fine. But with all due respect,

you didn't know he has links
to all four suspects, did you?

[OWEN] All right. Let's stay in touch.




Come here.

What is this?

Get in. Yeah?

- Come here.
- Seriously, Sundance?

After everything we've
been through together?

Sit in the front.

Keep an eye on him.

Hey. Mmm. Hey.


What's this?

It's... It's not...

- I got it at the airport, just in case.
- In case of what?

[AADESH] I don't know.

In case I found myself running
around a foreign city

with four strangers accused
of a federal crime.

- Why the b*llet phone?
- The what phone?

Minimal metal components so
they don't set off alarms,

and small enough to be
packed you-know-where.

Hey, look at me.

All I know is it was the cheapest.


Excuse me. You need a
permit to park here.

[SEAN] Sure. Sorry. Okay.

Get in the car.

We need to hold our nerve and not panic.

And in London? Any word from your guy?

They're still focused on
the British suspects.

I stressed the importance
of finding Eric Cresswell.

Good. Well, if they or
my guys get to Cresswell

and sit on him long enough,

hopefully this conversation
becomes hypothetical.

But as worst-case scenarios
are our business

and the clock is ticking,

Kate asked me to look into
prime-time interviewers

so that she can answer questions direct.

It's the last thing I'd advise,

but just for the record,
they're all interested.

[ALICE] Okay. Good.

- So we're in the driver's seat.
- Neil DiMarco is particularly keen.

[ALICE] I bet he is. Have
you seen his latest ratings?

W-What about Nancy Harper?

[MARTIN] That is not a good idea, Kate.

That pit bull would maul her own mother.

We get caught out going with
someone friendly on this,

and it could backfire.

Excuse me, folks.
Sorry to, uh, interrupt.

- What is it?
- Oh, it's nothing to worry about.

But I do need to talk to
you for a few minutes.

You've worked with Mr.
Copeland for a long time?

[KATHERINE] What is this?

Any particular disagreements
in the past year or so?

[STAMMERS] We've been through all this.

Several, on most days.

That's why we're still working together.

Martin's the only person I can
trust to be honest with me.

Will you get to the point, please?

- So you do? Trust him?
- Still not the point.

Leo doesn't have time
for this, Mr. Neilssen.



We've received some information

that Mr. Copeland may have
had dealings with some,

if not all, of the UK suspects.

What kind of dealings?
Personal or professional?

[OWEN] We're looking into that.

You don't know anything about it?

[KATHERINE] No, I don't.


Where does this information come from?

Well, we're getting fresh leads
all the time, Ms. Newman.

You have to let us do our
work before we can brief you.

You understand.

- You think it's reliable?
- No reason to doubt.

You were preparing to step
away from the business,

taking on the ambassador's role.

Leo was officially charged
with running the foundation.

How involved is Mr. Copeland in
the company's future planning?

Martin is involved in everything.



Thank you, Mr. Neilssen.


What was that about?

- Alice, can you give us a second?
- Sure.

- Kate?
- The British suspects.

Is there anything you didn't tell me?

I told you everything
you needed to know.

What did Neilssen want?

You sure there's nothing else?

Kate, I'm positive. It's all handled.

There's nothing for you to worry about.


Where exactly are we going?

Is something bothering you?

When are you gonna tell
us what the plan is?

The less you know, the safer you are.

That worked out so well
for me last time, didn't it?

Well, he's got us this far.

[NATALIE] He could be
taking us anywhere.

What if it's not Copeland
we're going to?

What if it's where he's hiding Leo,

and him and Copeland are setting us up?

You can get out anytime
you like, Natalie.

I'm not sure how much we
needed him to get here.

It was way easier than I thought.

That's it.

That's what's bothering
you. It was too easy.

Why are you so quiet?

[EDDIE] Whoa, guys. Look!

[EDDIE] We're famous.

[NATALIE] Yeah, except
it's not us, is it?

[TARA] I saw a guy on
the street selling masks.

- [AADESH] Of us?
- [TARA] Of the royals.

The kidnappers.

They're heading southwest on FDR Drive.

[SCOTT] Chopra still has
his bag with the tracker.

So far so good.

[AADESH] This is all upside down, man.

They're criminals, not superheroes.

[TARA] We don't know what they are.

Did someone legalize kidnapping?

I mean, they haven't asked for money.

I mean, if they did it to expose
lies, people can get behind that.

- I can get behind that.
- Yeah, I could too.

If it hadn't ruined my life.

You're not so innocent, you know.

Whatever you were a week ago,

the fact is you're now a fugitive

traveling with a fake passport
in a stolen vehicle

with a trained k*ller.

It's not stolen.

Right. Vehicle is not
registered as stolen.

Tilson will have contacts
all over the state.

Any idea where they're heading yet?

Uh, if I was a betting man, I'd
say over the river into Brooklyn.

As for why, I know who I
hope they're taking us to.

- What is it?
- [SIGHS] We lost the asset's mobile.

Okay, so he turned it off.

No, the signal disappeared
from the network,

which means the phone or
the SIM's been destroyed.

Look. You saw him yourself
in the park. He's fine.

We gotta let them run.

What's this for?

Contact Copeland using the same system

they were using on the laptop.

- The trace?
- Yeah, whatever.

- I can't.
- But you have to.

He was already logged
in on that machine.

On this one, it would take hours.
Do it now. Okay?

[TARA] Why would Copeland come here?

[NATALIE] Yeah, is that your plan?

Seriously, why would he trust that?

[SEAN] He won't. That's why he'll come.

[AADESH] Yeah, but why here?

[SEAN] Do you see any
cameras around here?

We need him on safe ground.

And you better stop staring
at me and start working.

You remembered his email address.

So? We were all there.

Any of you remember it?


[CHUCKLES] So I've got a good memory.

- Now, what are you waiting for?
- [TARA] Sean.

Do you know Martin Copeland?

- I knew it.
- No.

- We told you everything.

[SEAN] All right, enough!

I'm not one of you.

I never said that we
were in this together.

The deal is I take you to Copeland,
and that's what I'm gonna do.

Now, you hurry the f*ck up.

[AADESH] All right.

- [VANESSA] Have we lost them?
- No, not lost.

Our tracker has them inside
the warehouse complex.


Hey, as soon as you get the floor
plan, we need to see it too.

Yeah, and details on
whoever owns the place.


He took us to the perfect
place to hide someone.

Time to call in backup.

When he starts getting nervous,

that's when I start
getting really nervous.

Okay. You lot. Get in, quickly.

Get in the van.


You stay in the van.
You don't move. Okay?


What the f*ck?

- What's he doing?
- [EDDIE] Where the f*ck is he going?

[AADESH] sh*t.


See you later.

Hi, Erin. How are you?

- I'm okay.
- Good.

I, uh... I just got off the phone
with Nancy Harper's people.

They seem to think
we're doing this today.

I had Barbara set it up.

- But I thought we agreed...
- No, you and Alice agreed.

I listened to your advice
like I always do.

And I decided to go another way.

Can I ask why?

Right now this is the
only thing I can control.

You sure about that?

It's not exactly an unfamiliar scenario.

- I should know the rules.
- Right.

But isn't rule number
one avoid Nancy Harper?

[INHALES SHARPLY] Didn't you say
you needed to go out this morning?

We need to stay together on this, Kate.

This goes wrong,

it could destroy everything we've built.

Nothing can take that away.

I'm talking about the future.

Without Leo, there is no future.

I thought you understood that.



I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna
be able to get away after all.

Right. As discussed. Exactly.

Let me know.

I knew this would happen. I'm leaving.

- Do what?

What if we're safer in here?

- In here?

Sitting ducks, more like it.

- Right, Eddie?
- He's taken the keys.

And the g*n.

I'm telling you, we need
to get out of here now.

I think we should trust him.

- Out!



[SEAN] Sounds like your
pal found them, as agreed.

[ASSASSIN ] Move it!



- Move it. Slowly.


What else is in that bag?

[ASSASSIN ] Out! Now!


[SEAN] Shh. Shh.




- Game on.
- Okay.

New York says best approach
is from the river.

What if there are more?

- Whoever sent him...
- We know who sent him.


Yes, but how did he know we were here?

- 'Cause it was a setup.
- [TARA] How do you know?


[TARA] Because you set it up.

- [NATALIE] Backstabbing bastard.
- I just saved your life.

It only needed saving because of you.

- I told you we shouldn't trust him.
- Looks like I got it wrong.

[EDDIE] Let me get this straight.
So you've let us think

that we've persuaded you to bring
us here, when all this time...

And you accused me of shithousery.

- Why?
- [SEAN] Why what?

Why didn't you let him k*ll us?

Because delivering you for execution
wasn't the deal that we made.

[EDDIE] So what was the deal?

[TARA] Sean.

What was the deal?

We meet here, and Copeland questions you

about the whereabouts of Leo Newman.

Then, depending on your answers,
either you go free or you don't.

That's none of my business.


Why would you do that to us?

- Why? After everything...
- [TARA] Why do you think?

What's the only reason he does anything?

Copeland pays me
when I bring you to him.

That was the deal.

Still can be.

- What are you saying?
- He thinks you're dead.

I'm prepared to get you to him,
but you need to decide quickly,

because I'm pretty sure the only
reason we've made it this far

is because we've been allowed to.


[VANESSA] Is backup on the way?

First team is approaching.

Thought I was supposed
to be the impatient one.

[SCOTT] They're going in blind.

All they have is the
element of surprise.

We don't want any dead bodies in there.

Zebra-two standing by.

[AGENT ] Zebra-one in position.

Eyes on. No movement.

[AGENT ] Aviation-one in a
holding pattern over location.

How can we trust a single
thing he says after this?

[SEAN] I don't need your trust.

Now, we can all go our
separate ways right now,

but I am going to Copeland
with or without you.

I'm not gonna ask again.


He's still the only person that
can answer our questions.

Yeah, but the only way
to get to him is...

Where exactly is Copeland? Do we know?

The Park Madison Hotel.

Which we can all agree would be
pure f*cking madness given the...



[SEAN] Hey, buddy.

Hey, I'm so sorry. Um...

I'm so sorry. Um...

[OFFICER ] Go, go, go, go, go.

[AGENT ] Adam-eight,
we are in position.

Boy-eight, in position.

[AGENT ] Aviation-one, holding.

They're in position.

On my signal. Stand by to advance.

[VANESSA] Look, the tracker.

- They're moving.
- Zebra-two, can you confirm?

- No. Can you confirm, aviation-one?
- We have movement.

- The van is on the move.
- Permission to engage.

[AGENT ] Does anybody have eyes on Leo?

[AGENT ] Negative, boy-eight.

[AGENT ] Vehicle moving
east along dry dock.

[AGENT ] Is the asset
inside the vehicle?

Repeat, is the asset inside the vehicle?

Is Leo with them?

[AGENT ] Suspect vehicle
approaching Manhattan Bridge.

There has to be some trace of Leo.

What the hell else were
they doing in there?

Yeah, besides k*lling people, right?

They're not K*llers.

Sure leaving a lot of
bodies behind them.

No IDs on the bodies?

What the hell are they doing?

[AGENT ] Suspects' vehicle approaching

Brooklyn Bridge, westbound.

Requesting LMSI support.

[AGENT ] Vehicle
passing City Hall Park.

Approaching Chambers Street.

LMSI to aviation-one,

we have your vehicle
heading for Foley Square.

What the hell?


They parked at Federal Plaza.

FBI headquarters.

[AGENT ] I want a two-block
perimeter cleared

around Foley Square.

Have all traffic diverted from
Broadway and Centre Street

and Chambers and Canal.

Maintain firearms control.
Clear all civilians out.

[OFFICER ] b*mb squad
operational in three minutes.

[AGENT ] TAG team two in position.

[AGENT ] Emergency
ADAM-one in position.

[AGENT ] No visual on Leo.

If they wanted to turn themselves in,

they would've gotten out
of the vehicle already.

Not if they're worried
about getting sh*t.

Well, it's a little late for that.

Don't worry. No one's
getting trigger-happy,

especially if Leo might be in there.

[AGENT ] Occupants of the
blue van, police approaching.

Do not move.

[AGENT ] Driver, lower your
window and throw the keys out.

Lower your window right now!

Keys out!

I'm looking right at you.
Throw it out now!

Good. I wanna see both hands.

I want to see that right hand now!

Move it!

He gave me $ . [PANTS]

Told me to drive around,
and at exactly : p.m.,

park outside that coffee shop.

He said, "Stay in the car,

and someone will come
take the keys off you."

Oh, God.

[SCOTT] Son of a bitch.

[VANESSA] f*ck.




Hey, Martin. Good to see you again.

You too, Nancy.


- Nancy.
- Hey.

Thank you for doing this
on such short notice.

Oh, I'm glad you thought of me.

How you holding up?

- [KATHERINE] Bill and the family okay?
- Same old. So...


[NANCY] Right. Here we go.

Okay, folks. Final checks.




[NATALIE] Aadesh better
have done his thing.

[SEAN] I can't believe
I forgot our key card.

It's , Lomax.

It's spelled, uh, I-D-I-O-T.

- I'm s... so sorry.

I, uh... Yeah, I can see
where in the room I left it.


- [DESK CLERK] There we go.
- [SEAN] Thank you.

[NANCY, ON TV] Katherine, there
can't be a mother in America

whose heart isn't breaking
for you right now.

Thank you, Nancy.

And thanks to all the people
who sent messages of support.

I really do appreciate it.

[NANCY] I cannot imagine what
you're going through at the moment,

but I do know you want your boy back

and that you will do anything
to make that happen.

- I'm a mom first.
- Of course.

So, what's taken you so long?

I only mean that, from
the outside looking in,

here's Katherine Newman,
queen of communications,

being asked to communicate in
order to free her only child.

But she doesn't seem
to be saying anything.

Why not?

I was advised by the FBI not to engage

with whoever's holding Leo.

Again, Nancy, in this situation,

I'm no different to any mother
whose child is missing.

So, now you've stopped taking advice?

I'm incredibly grateful...

- ... to the people trying to find Leo

and bring this nightmare to an end.

But I'm also aware that, ultimately,

Leo is my responsibility.

[NANCY] I get that, but
whoever these people are,

what they want is
pretty simple, isn't it?

They simply want you to tell the truth.

And that really seems to have struck
a chord with people, doesn't it?

Particularly younger people.
Are you aware of that?

[KATHERINE] I have told the truth,
to the best of my knowledge.

[NANCY] Well, there's
the ambassadorship issue

that, clearly, you were
less than honest about.

Which is why I made a statement.

That must have been particularly
humiliating for you, Katherine.

- Tell me, did the president...
- I'm not here to comment on that.

My only son has been missing
for almost a week.

Let's talk about Eric Cresswell.

What is your relationship
to him, Katherine?

There is no relationship, Nancy.

The only connection, such as it is,

is that, in , International
Oil and Petroleum Energy

commissioned Professor
Cresswell to write a report.

A report, on what exactly?

Well, it's really not
my area of expertise,

but I believe it was
a very general study.

There was an ongoing debate

about the environmental
impact of fossil fuels.

So, it was a report on climate change?

IOP Energy were Cooper
Newman's first client,

weren't they?

- Mmm.
- And they remain one of your biggest.



To give him his full title,

Mr. Cresswell was Professor of
Mathematics and Climate Modeling

at Cambrook University in
the UK with a reputation

- in the scientific community as a skeptic...
- I'm in. I did it.

- ... regarding climate change.
- I got access to the CCTV network.

What did Professor
Cresswell's report say?

What's absolutely essential
to remember, Nancy,

is that was another world entirely.

You did read the report?

I don't believe it was
ever actually published.

Right. And to this day, it remains
almost impossible to find a copy,

but somehow we did.

Would you like to see it now,
Katherine, to jog your memory?

No, thank you.

[NANCY] Maybe I'll just remind you.

In this report, written
more than years ago,

Professor Cresswell proves

that the upward temperature
trend of the earth's climate

wasn't just part of normal,
long-term fluctuations.

And he makes a series of predictions.

Do you remember any of them, Katherine?

[KATHERINE] To put this
in perspective, Nancy,

our problem, or rather
our client's problem...

- IOP.
- ... was that at that particular time,

several other reports surfaced

reaching very different conclusions,

offering alternative predictions.

So to use the word "proves"...

[NANCY] Who commissioned
those other studies, Katherine?

Again, it's not my area,

but I believe it was a variety
of reputable sources.

Paid for by IOP

or by companies affiliated to
Cooper Newman on behalf of IOP?

There were also aggressive publicity

and advertising campaigns
run around this time

- by the oil industry, weren't there?

[KATHERINE] I know you understand

that I can't speak for IOP let
alone the entire oil industry.

If you have questions for them,
you should address them directly.

And if you really wanna know

who funds scientific
research in this country,

I am definitely not the person
you need in this chair.

Sure, but having commissioned
an expert to find the truth,

if one of your clients
didn't then like that truth,

isn't it the case that they'd then
turn to you to help them bury it?

Let me provide some context.

Part of my company's responsibility,
which we take very seriously,

is to be sure, before we
go out with any story,

we've looked at all
sides of an argument.

This could have saved
lives, couldn't it?

- It's really not my area of expertise.

But I think it's vital to remember

that its conclusions are
the opinion of one man.

And there were lots of other opinions.

[SCOFFS] But this one was right.


"Temperature change in the Philippines

will force millions from their homes.

The most severe heat wave of the
last half millennia will hit Europe,

leading to thousands of
heat-related fatalities.

Water shortages, crop failures

and livestock fatalities will force
upwards of a million people

from rural areas of Syria to the cities,

potentially creating
severe civil unrest."

Um, it's uncanny, isn't it?

He even suggests a solution.

Take the five percent of the world's GDP

that goes towards fossil fuel subsidies

and, of course, the likes of IOP,

and put that into decarbonization.

- It's really not my...
- Area of expertise, right.

If we knew then what we know now...

This report would have been published?

I think I've made it clear that
was never my decision to make.

It's also important to be
clear that IOP today...

Many would say that, given this,

whatever they are doing today
is way too little, way too late.


I'm here as a mom, Nancy.

Just a mom.

I love my son, and I want him back.

That much I don't doubt, Katherine.

Thank you for your time.

All right, get ready.
Here we go. Let's go.


[FLOOR MANAGER] And we're clear.


[ALICE] Wow. Nancy,
that was quite something.


this just came in from
Gloucestershire constabulary.


[VANESSA] It's him.

How did she get that paper?

- Somebody must have sent it.
- Who?

How? Nobody had access.

How does taking Leo help
save the g*dd*mn planet?

This isn't about f*cking climate change.

It could have been anything.

This is about the truth.

Things have changed,
and we didn't notice.

They took Leo to show us
that things have changed,

and we didn't even f*cking notice.

I told you it was a risk.

So, what aren't you telling me?

We'll be lucky to be left
with a single client.

What don't I know, Martin?


What are you talking about?

What did you do?

I've done... [STAMMERS]

What did I... [STAMMERS]

This is us, Kate.

Me and you.

The UK suspects, what's your connection?

Listen, there's plenty you don't know,

but only because that's
the way you wanted it.

Whatever I did, you did too.

You need to tell me everything
you know about Leo.

I know as much as you.

You don't believe me.

[SOFTLY] You don't believe me.




You've reached Special
Agent Owen Neilssen.

Leave a message, and
I'll get right back to you.

Tell the truth! Tell the truth!

And we're here at the hotel...

[PROTESTORS] Tell the truth!

Tell the truth! Tell the truth!

Tell the truth! Tell the truth!




Tell the truth! Tell the truth!


[AADESH] I see him.



Give me your phone. Give me your phone.

Go on.



You heard them. Tell the truth.

[SCOTT] Mr. Cresswell,

we have some questions
we need to ask you, sir,

about Leo Newman.

And while it remains to be seen

whether that performance is enough
to secure the release of her son,

it's done nothing to enhance
Katherine Newman's reputation

or that of the industry she represents.

PR specialists prefer to
maintain a low profile

and operate behind the scenes,

so becoming the story will be
uncomfortable for Ms. Newman,

even without the gnawing fear

that all this could be
too little, too late.

truth! Tell the truth!

Tell the truth! Tell the truth!

Tell the truth! Tell the truth!
Tell the truth! Tell the truth!

I have nothing to say to any of you.

Transfer my money.

- Now.
- [TARA] Why us?

What are you talking about?

You were gonna k*ll us.

My job is to protect the company

by neutralizing anything that
could harm our reputation.

You could have all done real damage.

Still can.

Who took Leo Newman?


- You tell me.
- Stop lying.

[MARTIN] Why would I lie?

I have nothing left to protect.

If anybody knows where Leo is,

it's at least one of you.

Isn't it?



You don't even trust each other.

Just tell us the truth, man.

If I had all the answers, why
would I send a plane to England?

Get my f*cking money! Hey!

- Where is Leo?
- [MARTIN] Nobody had to die.

- The truth is...