08x08 - Hunteri Heroici

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supernatural". Aired: September 2005 to November 2020.*
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Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth.
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08x08 - Hunteri Heroici

Post by bunniefuu »

8.08 Hunteri Heroici

Air Date: 28 November 2012



Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

A Man wearing a suit and a wedding ring sits at a park picnic table and sends a text message on his cell phone. Message sent, he sets the phone down and fingers his wedding ring.

Young Woman: Gary?

A Young Woman walks up behind him. Gary stands up and faces her.

Gary: Olivia. After last time I – I didn't think that you would come.

Olivia: I wasn't going to, but...

Gary: I'm glad you did.

Olivia: So am I.

Olivia takes Gary's hands and they smile at each other. We hear a muted thumping noise.

Olivia: Do you hear that?

Gary: What?

Olivia: The thumping noise. Is – is that you?

Gary: You can hear that?

Gary groans and bends over slightly, in pain.

Olivia: Gary!

Gary puts a hand to his chest.

Gary: Aah!

Olivia: Gary!

Gary falls back towards the picnic table, gasping in pain.

Olivia: Gary, what is it?

Gary sits on the bench and pulls his shirt open.

Olivia: Gary! Gary!

Gary's heart is thumping dramatically in his chest, pulling his skin upwards in a cookie-cutter heart shape. Gary groans and Olivia screams. Olivia is splattered with blood.




Sam is talking on the phone while filling the Impala. Castiel is leaning against the front of the car.

Sam (on phone): Right, yeah. No, just, uh – just call us whenever you find something. [Dean walks out of the store.]Yeah. Yeah, course. [Dean removes the tops from two bottles of beer.]Right. No, I – I, uh... [Dean hands Sam a beer.]Yeah, hey, you know what? Uh, Dean's here. He really wants to talk to you.

Sam hands the phone to Dean.

Dean (on phone): Ms. Tran, yeah, hi, uh... [He hangs up and tosses the phone back to Sam.]

Dean: Tunnel. What's going on in Tran-land?

Sam: Well, uh, Garth finally got them to his houseboat, but Kevin's having a lot of trouble reading their half of the tablet. So far, bits and pieces. Nothing about boarding up Hell.

Dean: Garth has a safe-houseboat?

Sam: Dude, I don't even ask questions anymore.

Sam takes the gas pump out of the Impala. Dean walks to the front of the car, where Castiel is reading a newspaper.

Dean: What's the word, Cas?

Castiel: It's a shortened version of my name.

Dean: Yes, it is. I meant what's the word on the Word? Any, uh, tablet chatter on angel radio?

Castiel: Oh, I couldn't say. I turned that off.

Sam: You can do that?

Castiel: Yeah, it's a simple matter of blocking out certain subsonic frequencies. I could draw you a diagram if you want.

Dean: No, that's – we're good. Why'd you flip the switch?

Castiel: Because it's a direct link to Heaven. And I don't want anything to do with that place – not anymore.

Dean: So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B?

Castiel: No. I still want – I still need to help people. So... [smiles]I'm gonna become a hunter.

Sam: Really?

Castiel: Yeah. I could be your third wheel.

Dean: You know that's not a good thing, right?

Castiel: Of course it is. A third wheel adds extra grip, greater stability. I even found a case. Oklahoma City – a man's heart jumped 10 feet out of his chest. It sounds like our kind of thing, right?

Sam: He's got a point.

Castiel: Excellent. [He raps the car and turns away.]I'll see you there.

Dean: Wait, Cas, Cas! If you want to play cowboys and bloodsuckers, that's fine. But you're gonna stick with us, okay? None of this zapping around crap. Capiche?

Castiel: Yeah, I capiche.

Dean: All right, then. [He walks to the driver's door.]

Castiel: Can I, uh, at least ride in the front seat?

Dean and Sam simultaneously

[Sam while shouldering Castiel out of the way]No.

Dean and Sam get into the front seats. Castiel opens the door behind Sam.


A body covered with a sheet lies on a table.

Detective: Coroner said his heart was ejected from his body. Got some air, too. Found it in a sandbox.

Sam and Dean are wearing their FBI suits, Castiel his trenchcoat.

Sam: Any idea what happened, Detective?

Detective: A lot of people are thinking dr*gs, Agent Nash – an assload of dr*gs.

Castiel: [to Dean]There are no narcotics in that man's system. His molecules are all wrong.

Sam: But you don't think that, huh?

Detective: Never seen an eightball do that.

The Detective pulls back the sheet to reveal the cookie-cutter heart-shaped hole in Gary's chest.

Sam: Wow. And who called this in?

Detective: Friend of his named Olivia Kopple. She saw the whole thing. [She pulls the sheet back up. Her phone rings.]Oh. [She looks at the caller ID.]Ah, crap. I have – I have to take this. Here's everything we got. [She hands Sam a file.]Knock yourself out.

Sam: Thanks.

Dean: Listen, you see anything weird, anything out of the box, you give us a call. [He hands the Detective a card.]

Detective: Whatever you say, Scully.

Detective (on phone): Detective Glass. On my way.

Sam reads the file.

Castiel: I can't sense any EMF or sulfur. Mr. Freling's arterial health is, uh, excellent. [He leans over the corpse and sniffs.]Mm. He did recently suffer from a... [sniffs]...mild, uh... [sniffs]What is that? ...bladder infection.

Dean: Cas, stop smelling the dead guy.

Castiel: Why? Now I know everything about this man. So we can –

Sam: Do you know he was having an affair?

Castiel: What?

Dean: Strike one, Sherlock.

Sam: According to Olivia, they would meet at the park every Thursday at 12:45, walk to the Moonlight diner, where she always ordered a Caesar salad, dressing on the side. They would chat about everything, and she'd be back on the road by 1:30.

Castiel: You don't think she's telling the truth.

Dean: Too much detail. Sounds rehearsed.

Sam: Plus, we drove past the Moonlight diner on the way into town. It's attached to the Moonlight motel.

Dean: Okay, well, let's say that, uh, Gary here's on the prowl, but he's playing it safe because... [he lifts Gary's left hand out from under the sheet and sees his wedding ring]...dude's married. Doesn't want anyone to see his ride parked out in front of a by-the-hour fleabag.

Sam: So he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there.

Dean: His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart.

Sam: So she breaks his. Sounds witchy.

Dean: Yes, it does. Guy was living a lie, and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection.

Dean walks away, and Castiel follows him. The camera zooms in on Sam's face.



Sam is sitting on the couch next to RIOT, unpacking a box of books. He takes out an album titled "Amelia and Don Forever" and is about to open it when Amelia comes into the room.

Amelia: He said he'd be here by 5:00.

Sam: [stands up and walks over to Amelia]Uh, just, deep breath. It's gonna be okay. [He smiles at her.]

Amelia: I know. It's just this house, you – he's gonna think we're moving too fast. Are we moving too fast?

Sam: [pause]We're making up for lost time.

Sam kisses Amelia. There is a knock at the door. Amelia exhales sharply.

Amelia: Don't talk politics. Don't say anything bad about the Cowboys. And whatever you do, don't – do not use the words "moist" or "irregardless."

Sam: There goes my opener.

Amelia opens the door.

Amelia: Hi, Dad!

Amelia's Father: [laughs and hugs her]Ohh, munchkin!

Amelia: Okay, embarrassing.

Amelia's Father: That is my job, kiddo. [He looks at Sam, then away.]So, who's this handsome fella? [Sam smiles, but Amelia's Father walks over to RIOT.]Yeah, he's a good boy! How you doing there? You're beautiful.

Amelia: That good boy belongs to this good boy. Stan Thompson, this is Sam Winchester.

Stan: Hi. [They shake hands.]I heard a lot about you.

Sam: Not all bad, I hope.

Stan: [laughs]So, this is a nice place. Lawn could use a mow.

Amelia: Sam found it. I've been so busy lately. He's had to move us in by himself, pretty much.

Stan: Huh. Job almost well done.

Amelia: Do you want a drink, Dad? We have beer, iced tea –

Stan: Anything cold will be fantastic. Thank you, sweetheart.

Amelia: Okay.

Sam: Mr. Thompson, um, I just – I know this must be weird. Uh, you haven't seen Amelia in months, and now she's living with a guy you've never met.

Stan: Ame said you went to Stanford.

Sam: I did.

Stan: It's a good school.

Sam: It is.

Stan: So what do you do now?

Sam: I work at a motel in town.

Stan: Ah. Balancing the books?

Sam: Uh, no. Maintenance, mostly.

Stan: Ah. Well, that makes sense. 'Cause I got to say, Sam, you look like a real fixer-upper to me.

Sam looks taken aback and uncomfortable. The flashback ends.


The Impala is parked outside a suburban house.

Woman (V.O): I – I don't understand.

INT. Freling HOUSE – DAY

Mrs Freling, wearing black, is sitting at the table in front of a box of Kleenex.

Mrs Freling: Gary had a heart att*ck. Why would the FBI –

Dean: The parks are government property. We just got a few questions for you.

Castiel: [to Dean and Sam]I'll, uh... I'll handle this. I've done research. I can cr*ck her. [leaning over next to Mrs Freling]Now, Ms. Freling, I don't want to bother you. I – I really don't. But I – I do have just one question for you. [slams table]Why did you k*ll your husband?!

Dean: Agent Stills. A word, please.

Mrs Freling sobs. Castiel walks over to Dean.

Castiel: What? I was being bad cop.

Dean: No, you were being bad everything.

Sam: Please, forgive my partner. [He sits down at the table opposite Mrs Freling.]He's, uh – he's going through some stuff.

Dean: [to Castiel]Listen to Sam.

Sam: What he was trying to ask – is – is there any way Gary might have had secrets – something he was hiding?

Mrs Freling: Hiding? Like what?

There is a knock at the door and someone lets themself in.

Olivia: Deb?

Olivia enters, carrying a casserole. Mrs Freling walks towards her.

Mrs Freling: Olivia.

Olivia: Hey.

Mrs Freling and Olivia hug, both crying.

Olivia: Are you okay?

Dean: As in mistress Olivia?

Castiel: This is awkward.

Mrs Freling: [with an arm around Olivia]I'm sorry. W-what did you think Gary was hiding?

Castiel: That he was sleeping with her.

Mrs Freling

I know.

Sam: You know?

Mrs Freling

Gary and I – we... had an arrangement. He was seeing Olivia, and I was spending some time with our neighbor P.J.


I'll, uh – I'll put this in the kitchen.

Mrs Freling

I'll help.



Mrs Freling


Mrs Freling and Olivia leave the room.

Dean: Frigging suburbs, man.

Castiel: So she's not a witch.

Dean: Just the best wife ever.

Castiel: Then what k*lled her husband?

Dean: Who gives a...


A car horn blares. The camera looks down from the top of a building. A Man is standing on the edge of the building, looking down at the street below. He starts to cry and taps his feet. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and steps off the building. Instead of falling, he is suspended in mid-air as if he were standing on an invisible platform. The Man opens his eyes and looks around in shock.

Man: It's a miracle! God wants me to live!

The Man laughs joyfully, looking up at the sky. He then looks down and falls. We hear a screech of brakes and a siren.



Sam looks over the edge of the building to the street below, then walks over to Detective Glass and Dean. Castiel is standing some distance away.

Sam: Looks like su1c1de.

Detective Glass: It was. Guy left a note. He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when they crashed and b*rned last year.

Dean: So why call us?

Detective Glass: Because I have two witnesses who swear that Madoff here floated in mid-air for a good 10 seconds, then he looked down, and splat. Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking, it sounds like something straight out of a –

Dean: Cartoon.

Man: Hey, Detective.

Detective Glass: You said you wanted weird.

Dean: Thanks.

Detective Glass walks away and Castiel joins Dean and Sam.

Detective Glass: Yeah, what do you got?

Dean: She's right, you know. I mean, the whole heart jumping out of the guy's chest, the – the – the delayed fall – that's straight-up Bugs Bunny.

Castiel: So we're looking for some sort of insect-rabbit hybrid? How do we k*ll it?

Sam: No, we don't, Cas. That's a character, like, uh – like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck.

Dean: They're little animated movies. You know, uh, the coyote chases a roadrunner, and then the – [laughs]the anvil gets dropped on his head. [Sam smiles.]

Castiel: Is it supposed to be funny?

Dean: [unsmiling]No. It's hilarious.


Castiel is sitting on the edge of a bed watching a cartoon on television.

Voice ON TV

Stay tuned, kids! We'll be right back!

Castiel laughs and turns off the television. Sam and Dean are sitting at the table, Sam using the laptop and Dean reading.

Castiel: I understand. The bird represents God. And coyote is man, endlessly chasing the divine, yet never able to catch him. It's... It's hilarious.

Dean: I got no idea what we're hunting. Maybe it's a Tulpa. Maybe it's some – some crazy god who watched too much "Robot Chicken." I – I – I mean, is there a link between "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Free Fallin'"?

Sam: Not that I can find.

Dean: All right, well, I'm gonna call it. [He closes the journal he was reading.]Cas, you gonna book a room or what?

Castiel: No, I'll stay here.

Dean: Oh, okay. Yeah. We'll have a slumber party, braid Sam's hair. Where are you gonna sleep?

Castiel: I don't sleep.

Dean: Okay, well, I need my four hours, so...

Castiel: I'll watch over you.

Dean: That's not gonna happen.

Castiel stands up and puts a hand to his temple.

Castiel: Something's coming across the police band.

Sam: Wait, you can hear that?

Castiel: It's all waves. A bank has been robbed. It sounds loony.

Dean: Define "loony."


A 1-ton anvil stands in the middle of the bank. Underneath it is a bloody mass.

Sam: That's loony, all right.

Castiel is inspecting a card machine at the personal teller desk. Detective Glass walks over to Sam and Dean.

Detective Glass: Agents. I was just about to give you a ring. Got to ask – do you boys chase the crazy, or does the crazy chase you?

Sam: Depends on the day.

Dean: Who's the pancake?

Detective Glass: Security guard. He called in reporting a robbery, but by the time we got here –

Sam: A robbery?

Detective Glass: Looks like the "Black Hole" was trying to jimmy open a safe-deposit box when Mr. Rent-A-Cop found him. And, well... [a crime scene investigator takes a picture of a large black circle on a wall]...you know how thatstory ends.

Castiel: Black hole?

Detective Glass: It's our name for a burglar that's been running us ragged. He's a pro – no fingerprints, never any sign of forced entry – just a pair of those every time... [the camera pans to one of the large black circles]...like he's signing his work. Perp's never done anything like this before, though... obviously.

Sam: You mind if I take a look at your files on those other break-ins?

Detective Glass: No skin off my nose. I'm headed to the station now if you want a ride.

Sam: Perfect.

Sam follows Detective Glass out of the bank.

Dean: Hey. Can you lift this?

Castiel moves the anvil. An "X" is marked on the floor underneath it.

Dean: "X" marks the spot. Well, whoever's doing this is playing by cartoon rules.

Castiel: Animation doesn't have rules.

Dean: Sure it does. In Toontown, a – a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest, anvils fall from the sky, and if you draw a door or a black hole on the wall, you can stroll right through it.

They walk over to one of the black circles on the wall.

Castiel: So this is how the thief got in.

Dean: And out. And cracked the vault.

Castiel touches the black circle. The wall behind it is solid.

Castiel: Then why isn't it working now?

Dean: I got no clue.


Dean is using the laptop at the table. Castiel is sitting on one of the beds, looking at John's journal.

Castiel: Your father... Beautiful handwriting.

Dean: How you feeling, Cas?

Castiel: I'm fine.

Dean: Well, I just – I – I know that when... I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to... find my sea legs.

Castiel: I'm fine.

Dean: Don't get me wrong. I'm – I'm happy you're back. I'm – I'm freaking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing – it always has one mother of a downside.

Castiel: [closes the journal]So, what do you want me to do?

Dean: Maybe take a trip upstairs.

Castiel: To Heaven?

Dean: Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out.

Castiel: No.

Dean: Look, man, I – I hate those flying-ass monkeys just as much as you do, but –

Castiel: [forcefully]Dean! I said no!

After a pause, Dean closes the laptop, walks over and sits on the edge of the other bed, facing Castiel.

Dean: Talk to me.

Castiel: Dean, I... When I was... bad... and I had all those things – the... the leviathans... writhing inside me... I caused a lot of suffering on earth, but I devastatedHeaven. I vaporized thousands of my own kind, and I – I – I can't go back.

Dean: 'Cause if you do, the angels will k*ll you.

Castiel: Because if I see what Heaven's become – what I – [sighs]what I made of it... I'm afraid I might k*ll myself.

Sam enters the room.

Sam: Hey. Got something.

Castiel: Good. [He stands up. Dean stays sitting on the bed a few moments longer.]Excellent. What?

Sam: So this black-hole guy – before he tried the bank, he robbed a house across from the park where Gary blew a gasket.

Dean: So, uh, what – you think the house heist and Gary's corpse are connected?

Sam: According to the file, they happened at pretty much the exact Same time. Here. Check this out. Okay. [He spreads out a map on which "X"'s are marked in three clusters.]Here's the house, and Gary d*ed across the street here. And that building from this morning – right there. The black hole hit that, too.

Dean: Let me guess – where, uh, what's his name took a swan dive. [Sam nods.]All right. I'll bite. What about the others?

Sam: Well, those are the places that stuff got stolen. But nobody got dead. Take away the graffiti, and these all look like just normal smash-and-grabs. But I made a few phone calls... [He holds out a police file, which Castiel takes]...talked to some people who are nearby – neighbors and whatnot – and they reported a whole lot of crazy.

Dean: Like?

Sam: Like a jogger bumping his head and sprouting a four-inch lump. Or a kid walking into a wall and hearing birdies. Basically, for 50 yards around each robbery, people were living in a cartoon. But it didn't last long – I mean 5, 10 minutes at each place.

Castiel: About the length of time it would take a thief to get in and out.

Sam: Exactly. But whatever power he's using, it's – it's – it's not targeted. I mean, it's – it's kind of like an area of effect. I mean, picture him in a – in a bubble of weird, and anything that touches it gets daffy.

Dean: So this Animaniac can step through walls, can toss an anvil?

Sam: Yeah, but he's warping reality to do it. So if someone happens to be nearby meeting the girl of his dreams...

Dean: His heart makes a break for it. [Sam raises a hand in agreement.]Okay, so smashing the, uh – the rent-a-cop – that – that was on purpose, but the rest of them – what, is that just collateral weird?

Sam: Maybe.

Castiel: So we're looking for a thief.

Sam: And the deposit box he was after. Now, the house, the office – every place he's hit belonged to someone living at the Sunset Fields retirement home.

Dean: So you think our guy's there.

Sam: Worth a sh*t.

Dean: All right. Well, let's gear up. It's wabbit season.

Sam smiles.

Castiel: I don't think you pronounced that correctly.


Dean, Sam and Castiel walk into a large room in which residents are sitting at tables. They pass an old man using a walker and wearing a breathing mask, who nods to them. Dean makes a face after the old man has gone by.

Sam: Come on. It's not that bad.

Dean: You can't tell me this joint doesn't give you the heebs and/or jeebs.

Sam smiles. A Man in a suit walks up to them.

Man: Hello.

Dean: Hi.

Man: Can I help you?

Dean: Yeah. [Sam and Dean hold up their FBI badges.]Agent Crosby. FBI.

Man: Sorry, I'm Dr. Dwight Mahoney. I run Sunset Fields.

Castiel: We need to question your residents.

Dr. Mahoney: Well... why? About what?

Sam: Grand larceny, mostly.

Dean looks around Dr. Mahoney at placid-looking residents playing chess.

Dr. Mahoney: Of course. Um, by all means, ask away. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

Sam: Appreciate it.

Dean: Great.

Dean: All right, let's do this. No flirting, you two.

CUT TO: Old Woman: You are so pretty, Charles.

Dean and Castiel are at a table talking to an Old Woman. Dean notices an attractive female CARER walk by.

Castiel: That's not my name.

Old Woman: Oh! You look so much like my third husband.

Dean: We're here to talk about the robbery, ma'am.

Old Woman: Robbery?

Dean: Mm-hmm. The one the police talked to you about a few days ago. Someone broke into your old house and, uh, stole a stack of bearer bonds and, uh, some jewelry that you stashed under your floorboards.

Old Woman: Oh, my diamonds, yes. I hid them there. [to Castiel]I'm sorry, Charles. I didn't trust you. You were quite the bounder.

Dean smiles at Castiel, amused.

Dean: Did you tell anyone where your valuables were, Mrs. Tate?

Mrs Tate: I don't think so. But then I get a little fuzzy sometimes.

Dean: Have you noticed anything strange lately – uh, cold spots, smells?

Mrs Tate: Well, there's the cat. [She points.]

Dean: The cat?

A ginger CAT is on a nearby couch, being stroked by another resident.

Mrs Tate: He talks sometimes. Really hates that mouse.

Castiel: I'll interrogate the cat.

Castiel leaves the table. Mrs Tate smiles at Dean.

CUT TO: An Old Man is sitting at a table in front of a tray of food, staring vacantly.

Orderly: You all done here? [The Old Man doesn't respond.]All right.

The Orderly takes the tray and walks over to Sam, who is standing nearby.

Orderly: It's creepy, right? A lot of these people – they just tune out and live in their own heads. It's like maybe the real world is too much for them, and they just run and hide, you know?

Sam: Hmm.

We see a close-up of Sam's face, which fades into a flashback.


INT. Sam AND Amelia's HOUSE – DAY (late afternoon / early evening)

Sam and Stan are sitting at the table, which is set for dinner. Amelia walks to the table carrying a large bowl.

Amelia: Soup's on... and semi-edible.

Amelia sets the bowl down. It contains spaghetti and sliced hotdogs.

Stan: [laughs]You remembered.

Amelia: Dad was in the army, so we moved around a lot when I was a kid. Having spaghetti and hot dogs our first night in a new house was sort of a tradition.

Sam: All right. Got it. Uh, my father was in the Marines.

Stan: Jarhead, huh?

Sam: That's right. Uh, 2nd battalion, First Marines, Echo company.

Stan: I always thought they were a little puffed up, myself. But, hey. What do I know? I'm just an old grunt.

Amelia: You're my old grunt.

Amelia puts a hand on Stan's shoulder and then walks back to the kitchen.

Stan: So, Ame tells me you never served.

Sam: No.

Stan: See, I find that hard to believe, 'cause I got to say, Sam, you got the look.

Sam: The look?

Stan: The one a lot of guys get after they've been through the meat grinder – the one that lets you know they've seen a lot of crap they can't forget. The second their feet hit solid ground, they start running, and they don't stop – not till they find something to hold on to.

Sam: You think that's what I'm doing here? Just holding on?

Stan: I think the two of you are holding on to each other, yeah. 'Cause I know she's scared. After what happened to Don, I don't blame her for taking off. Needing to run away and hide – I know why she did it. The question is – what are yourunning from, Sam?

The flashback ends.


Dean walks up to Sam.

Dean: Hey, what do you got?

Sam: Hey, um, nothing. Uh, no hex bags, no EMF. You?

Dean: Nada. Half the folks I talked to don't even remember being robbed.

Sam looks at photographs of Sunset Fields residents on the wall. The camera focuses on a picture of Fred JONES.

Sam: Dean, um... You remember a guy named Fred Jones? I think he was a contact of Dad's, lived outside of Salt Lake.

Dean: Yeah, that guy gave me my first beer. I don't even think I was double digits.

Sam: Right, yeah. Me, too. Um, he was psychic, right?

Dean: Psychokinetic. Why?

Sam: 'Cause he's in room 114. [He points to Fred's picture.]

Dean: Cas. Let's go.

Castiel is crouched down in front of the CAT, which is now lying on a coffee table.

Castiel: I've almost cracked him.

Dean: Now. [He and Sam walk away.]

Castiel: Hey. [He holds up a finger to the cat.]I'm not through with you.

Castiel follows Dean and Sam.



CUT TO: A cartoon plays on television. The character draws an "X" on the floor. Fred is watching. There is a knock at the door, which Fred doesn't respond to. The camera pans out and we see that Fred is sitting in a wheelchair in his room, watching a television mounted high on the wall. Sam and Dean enter.

Sam: Mr. Jones? Hey, it's, uh, Sam Winchester. [He crouches down next to Fred's wheelchair.]

Dean: Fred?


My nerves! Get me a Doctor!

Dean switches off the television.

Dean: Fred! Hey! [He claps his hands twice.]

Fred continues staring up at the television.

Castiel: So, you really think this one man is causing all of these... shenanigans?

Dean: Well, if he is, he'd be surrounded by a circle of crazy, right? Hang on.

Dean picks up a large book and hits himself in the head with it. There is a loud clanging sound, then the sound of birds chirping. Dean then shakes his head rapidly from side to side.

Dean: [cartoon voice]Brrrr. [normal voice]Bingo.

Castiel: But how?

Sam: Fred's got juice. I mean, an average psychokinetic can move things with his mind, but a guy like Fred – you get him worked up, he can reshape reality.

Dean: All right, so where's his "off" switch?

Sam: I don't know. I'm not even certain if he knows we're here.

Fred is still staring up at the turned-off television.

Castiel: Do we... k*ll him?

Dr. Mahoney: Excuse me, Agents. [Dr. Mahoney is now standing in the room, with the Orderly.]Did he just thr*aten to m*rder one of my patients?

CUT TO: Sam, Dean and Castiel walk down the hallway.

Dean: Real freaking smooth.

Castiel: Well, we don't have to leave him. I could teleport him.

Sam: Fred's radioactive, Cas. You zap him – no telling what will happen.

Dean: Me and Sam will circle back tonight, get Fred nice and clean. You go "Invisible Girl" and keep an eye on him. You hear me?

Castiel disappears. Sam and Dean turn to look behind them.

Dean: Good.


Someone wearing a diamond bracelet lights a sparkler candle with a cigarette lighter. Mrs Tate smiles excitedly. The camera pans out and we see that the person lighting the candle is the CARER and that residents of the retirement home are gathered around a birthday cake. Fred sits nearby in his wheelchair, staring vacantly and tapping one finger on his thigh. Each time he taps, the program playing on the television in front of him changes. We see brief clips of a cooking program, scuba divers and elephants.

Woman's Voice: The birthday girl!

Carer: Happy Birthday, Sheila.

The residents gathered around the birthday cake are wearing party hats and chatting happily.

Man's Voice: The birthday girl!

Fred taps his finger again and the television program changes to a cartoon in which Woody Woodpecker lights a large candle-shaped fuse.

Female Resident: Ha. Good.

On the television, Woody Woodpecker hands the fuse to an ape wearing a bonnet, who licks it.

Carer: Get ready. Big breath. Ready?

Mrs Tate stands up and takes a deep breath. She blows out the candle. People scream as the cake explodes. Frosting covers the television and the wall.


Castiel stands near the exploded cake. The CARER wipes Mrs Tate's face with a towel.

Carer: I'm just gonna wipe this off your face, okay? [She picks up a breathing mask.]I'm just gonna put this on.

Dean arrives.

Castiel: Oh. You got my message. Good.

Dean: What the hell happened?

Castiel: There was a pastry mishap.

Dean: Okay, and?

Castiel: And the frosting reached near-supersonic speeds. I thought –

Sam joins Castiel and Dean.

Sam: Hey.

Dean: Hey.

Sam: Fred's gone.

Castiel: What?

Dean: Oh, fan-freaking-tastic. [to Castiel]Way to take your eye off the ball.

The CARER pushes Mrs Tate in her wheelchair towards Dean, Sam and Castiel.

Carer: You're not supposed to be here.

Dean: Well, trust me, sweetheart, you got bigger fish.

Mrs Tate: [removing her breathing mask, to Castiel]Charles, she's wearing my diamonds.

The CARER tries to push Mrs Tate past Dean, Sam and Castiel, but Castiel stops her.

Castiel: Wait.

Carer: What? What's wrong?

Castiel: [holding the CARER's wrist]This is Mrs. Tate's bracelet. [Mrs Tate smiles.]Where did you get it?

Dean: Answer the question.

Carer: My boyfriend gave it to me.


Dean and Sam enter and look around with flashlights. Castiel is behind them.

Dean: Hey. [He picks up a piece of paper.]Bearer bonds. Maybe these belonged to Sheila Tate.

Castiel: So this man is our thief.

Sam: Yeah. [He sees someone lying on the floor behind an upturned table, and points his g*n.]Dean.

The person on the floor is the Orderly. He has blood on his face and is holding his hands over a stomach wound. Dean turns on the light and the Orderly lifts his head. Dean moves the table. The Orderly coughs.

Dean: Cas.

Castiel crouches down next to the Orderly.

Castiel: Stay still. Move your hands.

Castiel holds a hand out over the Orderly's stomach. White light emanates from his hand. He presses on Orderly's stomach and the Orderly gasps and moves as if in pain. Castiel stands up. The Orderly lifts his shirt. Blood remains on his hands and stomach, but his wound is healed.

Orderly: How did you...

Dean: Guy eats his Wheaties. Sam, come on.

Orderly: What did you...

Dean: Get up. [He and Sam lift the Orderly and push him into a chair.]Come on. Sit down.

Orderly: Wait a second! What did you just do to me?!

Dean: Hey, hey, hey! Listen to me. Where is Fred Jones?

Orderly: I – he – he took him.

Dean: Who?


A cartoon featuring a Doctor plays on a tablet computer. The cartoon Doctor hangs a sign that reads "Doctor Is In" on a door.

Orderly (V.O): Dr. Mahoney. That guy's evil, man, okay?

The camera pans out and we see that Fred is holding the computer tablet in a vehicle driven by Dr. Mahoney.

Orderly (V.O): He's using Mr. Jones.

Sam (V.O): How?


Orderly: Look, all Fred does is watch cartoons, but he is magic, okay? A few weeks ago, I – I slammed my foot in his door. I smashed it flat – and I mean flat. And then when I shook the thing, it popped back up, like something out of a cartoon or whatever.

Dean: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know.

Orderly: So I told Dr. Mahoney, and then he started doing experiments. Just – we just wanted to see what he could do.

Sam: What about the robberies?

Orderly: Oh, Mahoney's been skimming off Sunset Fields for years. A lot of those folks – they got stuff stashed away, like, off the books, like. So Mahoney would track down the loot, and then we would take Fred for a drive.

Dean: Right, and use his bubble of weird to rip people off. How did you end up gut-sh*t?

Orderly: Mahoney – after – after he anviled that guard, he started freaking out, and then – then you showed up, and then the cake blew in the day room, and then he lost it.

Sam: What does that mean, "he lost it"?

Orderly: I mean he's on his way back to the bank right now for one last score. Doc's blowing town. I mean, he said that Fred was a loose end. He was gonna k*ll him. And then, I – I like Fred, so I said that if he hurt the guy, I'd go to the cops. And I didn't know that he had a g*n.

Dean: Okay.


Dean, Castiel and Sam walk to the Impala.

Castiel: Do you think Mr. Jones knows what's happening?

Dean: I don't know. Seems to me like the dude's living in a dream world.

They get into the Impala. We see a close-up of Sam's face.



Sam is washing dishes in the kitchen. Stan and Amelia are talking quietly in the adjoining main room as Amelia clears dishes from the table.

Stan: Look, I am trying to help. Boy, I'll tell you, if Don could see you...

Amelia: [looks over her shoulder at Sam]Don't. Just don't.

Stan: [looks over his shoulder at Sam]You can't – you need to come home.

Sam watches them from the kitchen.

Amelia: Is that why you're here – to drag me back? This is my life.

Stan: This – it won't last. You are living in a dream world.

Sam turns back to the sink.

Amelia: I like it here. I like this house. I like Sam.

Stan: Sam is a mess.

Amelia: I'm a mess. But when I'm with Sam, I'm happy, Dad. And I haven't been happy in a really long time. So please, just... let us be messes together. Give us a chance.

Amelia brings dishes into the kitchen and smiles at Sam before going back out to the dining table. Stan carries wine glasses into the kitchen and goes to the sink to stand next to Sam.

Stan: I'll dry. Is that your car outside – the Impala?

Sam: Yeah, it was my dad's.

Stan: Guy had good taste... for a jarhead.


Dean, Sam and Castiel get out of the Impala and walk down the alleyway.

Dean: All right. Jones has got to be close. I'll hit the bank. You see if you can find him.

Dean stops in front of a large black circle on the wall of a building. He lifts a hand and tentatively reaches out towards the circle. His fingers penetrate the wall and he quickly pulls them back. He looks at his hand and reaches into the circle again, inserting his arm up to his elbow. He laughs and pulls him arm out of the circle.

Dean: Awesome.


Sam and Castiel hurry along the street. Sam pauses to look behind a parked car, then continues on.

Castiel: Can you feel that, Sam? The power.

They look inside a parked van. Fred is inside, watching a cartoon on the tablet computer.

Cartoon Voice: Calamity Jane for you!

Sam gets in the back of the van with Fred.

Sam: Fred, hey. Fred, hey, buddy. Hey. [He grabs Fred's hand.]Hey, Fred? Listen to me. Can you hear me? Fred! [to Castiel]If we could just talk to him. Hey, buddy. Hey, wake up. Wake up.

Castiel puts his hands on Fred's hand and arm.

Sam: Cas?

White light emanates from Castiel's hands.

Sam: Wait. Wait!

The white light becomes blinding. Sam grimaces and closes his eyes before the entire screen turns white.



We see a close-up of Sam's head and upper body against a light blue sky. He looks around, confused, as accordion music plays.

Cartoon Voice: Aha!

The camera pans out and we see that Sam and Castiel are standing in a cartoon desert landscape. A cartoon creature runs along a dirt track between Sam and Castiel and continues off into the distance. Just after the creature disappears, there is an expl*si*n over the horizon.

Sam: Cas, uh, where are we?

Castiel: Inside Mr. Jones' mind. You said you wanted to talk to him.

Fred is standing with his arms crossed near Castiel and Sam.

Fred: Who the hell are you?

The sky shatters into pieces and falls. The desert landscape now appears in overexposed, moving gray and white and there is a loud static noise.

Sam: Fred. Fred. Um, hey, it's – it's – it's me. I'm, uh – I'm Sam – Sam Winchester.

Fred: John's boy?

Sam: That's right.

Fred: The scrawny one? It's only been... [bright color starts to return to the landscape]...three, four years since I've seen you. [The colors return to mostly gray and white.]

Sam: More like, uh, 20. Uh, listen, Fred, I'm gonna need you to focus.

Fred: How did you... Why are you here, Sam?


Dr. Mahoney removes a safe deposit box via a small black hole. Many other black circles dot the safe deposit box wall and many other deposit boxes are on a table in the vault. Dr. Mahoney sets the deposit box down on the table next to an open bag containing jewelry and cash. He opens the box and adds more cash to the bag. Dean appears and points a g*n at him.

Dean: What's up, Doc?

Fred (V.O): No, no, no, no, no...


Fred, Sam and Castiel are standing in the gray and white desert landscape.

Fred: ...no. You're lying!

They now appear to be inside a large, bare room. The light is gray and white as before.

Castiel: This is happening, Mr. Jones. They're using you.

Fred: As what – some kind of a damn psychic CopperTop? You plug me in, and the whole world goes wacky? It doesn't work that way.

Sam: How would you know? No offense, but it seems to me like you've been spending more time in here than you have... out there.

Fred: You want to know what's the worst thing that can happen to a guy that's got a mind like I got? Losing it.


Dr. Mahoney: You let me walk, and half of this is yours.

Dean looks at the bag on the table.

Dean: I think I'm gonna pass. I'm not really into stealing from sweet old ladies.

Dr. Mahoney: I'm not stealing from them. I'm stealing from their children. Little bastards think they can drop their folks off at a home and visit twice a year, maybe. I took care of all these old geezers. I think I deserve –

Dean: I don't care!

Dr. Mahoney: Fine. Have it your way.

Dean lowers his g*n a few inches. Dr. Mahoney flings papers at Dean and pushes him back against the wall. Dean falls to the ground and Dr. Mahoney grabs the bag and runs. Dean fires. A red and yellow flag with "BANG" written on it pops out of his g*n. Dr. Mahoney pauses and turns.

Dr. Mahoney: Welcome to the fun house.

Dean stares at the flag for a moment. Dr. Mahoney runs off and Dean follows him.


The background is still the large, bare room with gray and white flickering light.

Fred: Cartoons – yeah, yeah, I always loved them when I was a kid. [The background changes to black and white circles and patterns on the walls.]They made me feel... happy – safe. They were...

The black and white patterns become the gray and white flickering light of before.

Sam: Something to hold on to.

Fred: Yeah.


Dean chases Dr. Mahoney through the bank. Dean tackles Dr. Mahoney and the frame freezes with Dean in mid-air, his hands on Dr. Mahoney's shoulders. Captions appear on the screen: Dean Winchester




Dean and Dr. Mahoney crash to the ground. They get up and Dr. Mahoney produces a large frying pan from his jacket. He hits Dean across the face with it three times, then presses it into Dean's face. Dean yells as the image of his face appears in the frying pan. Dr. Mahoney lowers the frying pan. Dean looks dazed. We hear a cuckoo noise, a falling noise and chirping birds as Dean falls to the ground.

Dr. Mahoney: Give up! I've been dealing with this crazy for months! And you – idiot – bring a g*n to a gag fight.

Dean: Yeah, well, I did bring this. [He holds up a can of spray paint.]And "X" marks the spot.

Dr. Mahoney looks down and sees that he is standing over an "X" marked on the floor. He looks up and we hear the loud noise of something falling. Dr. Mahoney gets out of the way before a large anvil hits the "X".

Sam (V.O): I need you to stop this...

INT. Fred's MIND

The background is the large, bare room with gray and white flickering light.

Sam: ...take control.

Fred: It's too hard!

Sam: Look, it can be nice living in a dream world. It can be great. I know that. And you can hide, and you can pretend... [the background is now brightly colored rectangles]...all the crap out there doesn't exist, but you can't do it forever because... eventually, whatever it is you're running from – it'll find you. [Castiel appears to be taking Sam's words to heart.]It'll come along, and it'll punch you in the gut. And then... then you got to wake up, because if you don't, then trying to keep that dream alive will desTroy you! It'll desTroy everything!

The background changes to bright white light. We see a close-up of Castiel, who disappears into the light.


Dean gets up off the floor. Dr. Mahoney grabs the bag and runs for a large black circle on the wall. He yells as he runs into the wall and falls to the ground.

Dean: Looks like somebody turned off the boob tube.

Dr. Mahoney: Good. [He pulls out a g*n and cocks it.]Means I can use this.

Fred: No! [Fred, Sam and Castiel are now standing in the bank. Fred is pointing at Dr. Mahoney.]You are never going to hurt anyone again!

Dr. Mahoney gasps and the arm with which he is holding the g*n with his other hand. Against his will, he points the g*n at his own head and fires. Sam and Dean flinch.

Dean: Now that's all, folks.



Fred: My God.

Sam: Fred. You good?

Fred: Now I'm good. In a month, year... [sighs] Nobody gets sharper with age. I'm gonna lose control again, and somebody's gonna get hurt... again. [sighs]You got to make it stop.

Castiel: There might be a way. The procedure will be painful, and... when it's over, I'm not sure how much of you will be left.

Fred: [takes a deep breath and then speaks decisively]Well, what are you waiting for?


Fred is sitting in his wheelchair in the day room. Sam, Dean and Castiel stand nearby.

Sam: Is he, uh – is he okay?

Castiel: He's listening to "Ode to Joy." [Fred closes his eyes and smiles slightly before opening his eyes again.]He's happy.

Dean: [small smile]All right, well, let's blow this termite terrace. Cas, you get to ride shotgun. You done good.

Castiel: Thanks, but I, uh... I can't come. I, uh...

We hear a siren in the distance and the scene abruptly changes.


Naomi: Hello, Castiel. And, no.

Castiel: No?

Naomi: I can see what you're thinking, and I won't allow it.

Castiel: You don't understand. I have been trying to pretend that I can escape what I did in Heaven, but I can't. All that pain that I caused – I – I have to come back, to make things right.

Naomi: And you are... by doing what you're told. Bottom line – unless I ring my bell, you stay out of Heaven, Castiel.

Castiel: Well, then, what should I do?

Naomi: What do you want to do?


Sam: You – you what, Cas? W-why can't you come with us?

Castiel: I, um... I want to stay with Mr. Jones. Someone should watch over him for a few days just to be safe.

Dean: Okay, and then what?

Castiel: Then I'm not sure. But I know I can't run anymore.

We see a close-up of Sam's face that fades into a flashback.



Sam, Amelia and Stan are sitting at the table drinking beer.

Stan: So, Ame is playing the Sugarplum fairy, right? [Amelia groans and Sam puts a hand on her arm.]Right? Now, this is her big moment, you understand, and she waddles up onto the stage –

Amelia: Waddles?

Stan: What? You were a chubby kid. It was adorable. Anyway, she waddles up onto the stage, and she is dragging two feet of toilet paper behind her.

Sam: No.

Everybody laughs and Amelia covers her face.

Stan: You remember that?

Amelia: Yeah.

The phone rings.

Stan: Officially the end of her career. [Amelia gets up to answer the phone. Stan indicates an unopened beer on the table.]You want one of these?

Sam: Please, yeah. [Stan opens the beer and hands it to Sam.]Thanks. [Stan opens another beer for himself.]My, uh – my brother used to do that.

Stan: Yeah?

Sam: Yeah.

Stan: He a good guy?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah, uh, he – he was... the best. Uh, I, uh... I lost him, and, uh, I ran.

Stan: I'm sorry to hear about that.

Amelia (on phone): What? A-are you sure? Oh, God.

Sam and Stan look at Amelia, who is standing in the kitchen with her back to them. Amelia comes slowly back into the main room holding the phone.

Stan: Amelia? Baby? You okay?

Amelia: It's Don. He's alive.

The flashback ends on a close-up of Sam's face.


Dean: [turning to leave and clapping Sam on the arm]Sam, you with me?

Sam follows Dean. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" plays as Fred smiles. Castiel pulls up a chair and sits down next to Fred. The scene goes to black in a diminishing circle, cartoon-style.

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