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02x02 - Back in Black

Posted: 03/19/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
♪ I've been too long
I'm glad to be back

♪ Yes, I'm let loose

♪ From the noose

♪ That's kept me hanging about

♪ I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high

♪ Forget the hearse
'Cause I never die

♪ I got nine lives
Cat's eyes

♪ Abusin' every one of them
And running wild

♪ Yes, I'm back

♪ Well, I'm back

♪ Yes, I'm back

♪ Well, I'm back, back

♪ Well, I'm back in black

♪ Yes, I'm back in black

♪ Back in the back
Of a Cadillac

♪ Number one with a b*llet
I'm a power pack

♪ Yes, I'm in a bang
With a g*ng

♪ They've got to catch me
If they want me to hang

♪ So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play

♪ Don't try to push your luck
Just get out of my way

♪ 'Cause I'm back

♪ Yes, I'm back

♪ Well, I'm back

♪ Yes, I'm back

♪ Well, I'm back, back

♪ Back

Don't look.
Play it cool.

♪ Well, I'm back in black

♪ Yes, I'm back in black ♪

Come on. Get the stuff,
and let's get out of here.

Let's go.
We don't have all day.


Oh, my God, Rick.

Are you okay?

Robby, what is
wrong with you?

What's wrong with me?

You haven't been here in days.
I thought someone broke in.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

I'm sorry. I just came
to grab a few things,

um, 'cause, uh, Rick
is flying me to Cabo.

Cabo adjacent.


Wait. You're going to Mexico?


With this guy? For how long?

I mean, we have rent to pay,
and I don't have...

Don't worry about that
because, Rick,

you're paying
this month, right?

I got you, pal.


Oh. Just what I need.

When are you
coming back?

A few days.

Um, week and
a half, tops.


So you have the whole place to
yourself. Don't party too hard.

I'll call you tomorrow,
okay, sweetie?

I love you.

Hey, you hurt her,
next time you won't get up.


Big shoes to fill.

Hey, about time
I heard from you.

Did you miss me?

A lot.

Please don't hang up.

Aisha doesn't know
I'm using her phone.

What do you want?

I know I screwed up.
I made a mistake.

I just want things to go back
to the way they were.

Yeah, well, it's not that easy.

Look, I'll do anything. I...

I can't stop thinking
about you.

Look, Miguel, I...

I can't talk right now.
Can you just tell Aisha
to call me back?

I thought it was Aisha.

You can talk to
whoever you want.

Hey, guys.

All right.
Perfect attendance
on day one.

So what's our first lesson?

You'll see.

Follow me. Come on.

If we're gonna play
in the sand, can't we
just go to the beach?

No, not today.

It's been a long time
since this dojo's had
more than one student,

and you figure
with two people, you have
twice the defense, right?


One of the cornerstones
of Miyagi-Do Karate is,

"Always moving in a circle."

And with the wheel technique,

you'll soon see
that two people could
be as strong as 20.

Now, are you ready?

Yes, Mr. LaRusso.

Let's do this.

All right. Let's get
in the circle.

Face me. Bow.

Face each other. Bow.

Uh-huh. No, we're always
looking for new recruits.

We have a 4:00 p.m. class
and a 5:00 p.m. class,

but they're filling up fast.

No, no, we accept
boys and girls.

Gender what?

Hey, is this a prank call?

What do you think?

Shit-head One
and Shit-head Two?

I was thinking more
Mary-Kate and Ass-hat.

Well, I'm...

Did I say you can speak?

Guys, look, they're just
messing with you.

Thanks, man.

Besides, everyone knows
your names are Ass-face
and Douchebag.


Dibs on Ass-face.

Jesus Christ!

Who's that?

I don't know.

Hey, uh, can I help you, sir?


But maybe I can help you.


Uh, Sensei.

What the hell
is wrong with you?
I said tomorrow.

Oh. Tomorrow, today,
who can keep track, huh?


Now, show me the wheel.

No, no, no.

You both have to be perfectly
in-sync. Otherwise, this
technique doesn't work.

"Technique?" This feels
more like a dance.

Yeah, at what point
do we do the hokey pokey
and turn ourselves around?

Okay, guys, trust me.

You both master this,
no one's gonna mess with you.

Come on.
Let's try it again.

And down, Sam,
left arm up.

No, no, together.
At the same time.

How are we supposed
to do it at the same time
when we can't see each other?

You need to sense
what your partner is doing,
even if you can't see them.

How exactly are we
supposed to do that?

The Force?

sh**t, I gotta go
help your mom out
with something.

Just feel it, all right?

I'll be back as soon as I can.
All right, keep it up.

Class, we have a visitor.

This is Mr. Kreese.

He's just an observer.

Pretend like
he's not even here.

Mr. Diaz, warm them up.

Fighting positions!

Front kick.

Forward strike.

Side dab.

What the hell was that?

We're just messing around.

We have 11 and a half months
until the next All Valley.

Yeah, besides,
we already know
how to kick ass.

Oh, yeah, really, huh?

So you know everything.
There's nothing left
to learn, huh?

What's so funny,
Ms. Robinson?

I'm sorry, Sensei,
you just wouldn't understand.

Try me.

It's a snake-doo.

What's a "snake-doo"?


5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Corner of Fulton and Raymer.

You don't show,
and you're off the team.

Class dismissed.

Let me get this straight.

Vic took Tom Cole's offer
without even letting
us counter.

And he poached our
top two sales people.


And I'm sure
it's no coincidence

he's wiped out our sales staff
the last week of the month.

I know him.


if we're gonna meet our quota,
you and I are gonna
have to pick up any slack

and focus our attention
here this week.

I just started teaching
Samantha and Robby.

I can't quit on day one.

But I thought balance
was your thing.

All right, how many cars
do we need to sell
to hit the quota?


All right, call Sheila
to bring over a suit
from my closet.

We are hitting
that quota today.

Babe, I know you
wanna get back
to your dojo,

but you can't sell
ten cars in one day.

No, I can't.
But we can.

She's a beaut, ain't she?

If you're looking
for a deal,
you hit the jackpot.

Just looking.

Hey, no charge
for looking.

But what are you
looking for exactly?

It's got 5.1 surround sound,
high-res monitors,

and comprehensive
safety features.

Sounds great.
What's under the hood?

2.0 Turbo I4.

But you seem more like
a V8 man to me, right?

You know, I was there in '84.
That kick was awesome.


I bet people bother you
to do it all the time.

Oh, it doesn't
bother him at all.

In fact, would
you like a picture
with him doing it?


Thought so.

Say cheese!

Here's the best I can do.

Sir, we thought
you were serious.

I am serious,
as a heart attack.

Well, then, it looks
like we're not making
a deal today.

I wanna thank you for
giving us the opportunity
for your business.

Hold on.


To Danny and Mandy.

Still the best sales team
in the Valley.


That was fun.

You were great.


No, you were great.


Seriously, sometimes,
I forget what a natural
salesman you are.

I just wish I was as natural
at teaching karate.

Oh, come on.

Miyagi-Do's been
open for one day.
Don't be so hard on yourself.

It's just... Mr. Miyagi...

I mean, he was such
a great teacher.

He had all these tricks
to help me learn, and I...

I don't know.

Okay. Well, come up
with your own tricks.

You don't have to
be Mr. Miyagi.

You just have to
be Mr. LaRusso.

Okay, I'm gonna go
tell the service team
they can go home early.


Don't add too much water.

You wanna make it
nice and thick.

Sensei, why are we
mixing cement?

No questions.

All right.

Keep stirring.

Their muscles
are gonna ache, sure,

but if you wanna
make them tough,

you gotta give them
something to be afraid of.

No one is afraid
of a little cement.

They will be.

Thanks, Cutter.
I'll take it from here.

Hey, you didn't say nothing
about no kids, Johnny.

Hey, you want your bar tab
paid off or not?

If you get caught,
you take the heat.

What the...

Hey, um, was the first turn
clockwise or counterclockwise?

I don't remember.

What's the point even?
How's a stupid dance
gonna save us in a fight?


Dad, what
are you doing?

Mr. Miyagi built this
a few years before he died.

He said it was
a monument to balance.

But today, it's not gonna
balance bonsais.

It's gonna help you two
learn the wheel technique.

Hop in.

You actually want us
to get in there?


Could have told us
to bring our swimsuits.

Come on. A little water
never hurt anyone.

All right.
Nice and easy.


Oh, it's cold.

Come on.
It's not that bad.

Get on each side.

Oh, my God, Dad.
What did I just step on

It's nothing. It's nothing.
Don't worry about it.

If we can't do this
on the ground, how are
we supposed to do it on this?

On the ground,
it's hard to sense when
your partner is moving.

On that deck, trust me,
you're gonna feel it
right away.

Come on. Get up there.


There you go.
Easy, easy. Just relax.

All right. Find your balance.

Dad... Whoa.

Find your balance,
Sam. You're all right.

Okay? There you go.

Okay, Robby. Sense each other.

There you go.

Okay, take your
starting positions.

There you go.
Good. There you go.

There you go.

Whoa. Whoa!




All right. All right.
Not a bad start. Okay?

You're just finding
your footing.

I don't feel like
we're finding anything.

Dad, when was the last time
this thing was cleaned?

Come on, guys. Get back up.
That was great. Come on.

You think winning
the All Valley gives you
the right to goof off?

Well, I got news for you.

Winning one championship
don't mean squat.

A true champion
never stops training.

You gotta keep moving forward,

or else you could get stuck
exactly where you are.

It's like the cement
in this truck.

If that drum doesn't start
turning, the cement inside
will harden and get stuck.

Is that what you want
to happen to you?

No, Sensei!


Then climb up, get inside,
and make it spin.


Sensei, we're sorry
for messing around.

We learned our lesson.

Get in!

Sensei, this seems
kind of dangerous.
I mean, the fumes alone...


This man led you
to the mountain top,

and you question him?

Look at you.

Look at all of you.

I can't believe this pathetic
pack of pussies competed
in the All Valley,

and let alone won.

It's an absolute miracle.

And who's responsible
for that miracle?

Johnny Lawrence.

The best student in
the history of Cobra Kai.

My student.

You were Sensei's Sensei?

You better believe it, kid.

And I tell you I've never
trained a tougher student
in my whole life.

So if you know
what's good for you,

you better listen
to every g*dd*mn word he says.

I'll do it, Sensei.

Holy shit.

All right,
now remember...

Remember, use all your senses.

Feel where your partner is.

This is weird.

Don't just stand there.
You wanna get stuck?


All right. Come on.

You ready?





Hey, hey. Slow down.

Yeah, I felt that.


Come on. Get pushing.

Let's go, guys! Move it!

Come on!
All of you, let's go!

You ever done this before?

Don't worry. I got this.

Come on.
Don't just stand there.

Let's go. Let's go.
Come on.

All right. There we go!
There we go!

A little bit faster.

There you go!
There you go!
Keep pushing!

All together!


Okay, all right.
Come on. Get back up.
Don't be discouraged.

You're getting better
each time.

Come on. Get up, man. Keep
going. Keep pushing. Come on!

Let's go!

You got this, guys.
Let's go!

Keep going!

All right! Keep going!
Keep going! Keep going!

That it. That's it!

That's it! That's it!

Come on! Come on! Yes!

Good going.

Good going. Yes! Huh?

You should all be proud
of yourselves.

I know I'm proud.

Your parents would
be proud, too,

if you told them what we did
here today, which we won't.

You pushed forward
like champions.

Never stopping.

Never being satisfied.

Never giving up.

And if you keep pushing
and keep moving forward,

you're gonna go to places
you never even dreamed of.

Hey, took me
forever to dry off,
but today was awesome.

Yeah, I think
we finally got it.


Hey, do you need a ride?



Uh, look, I'm sorry
about earlier.

I just... Dealing with
some stuff at home.

My mom took off.
I guess she missed some bills.

But I'll see you tomorrow?

Yeah, sure.


Not too bad
for a newbie, huh?

Maybe I will earn my way
onto this wall yet.

Hey, Dad.


Do you have a second?

Sure. What's up?

Uh, how much do you know
about Robby's home life?

Hey, Robby.


Mr. LaRusso,
what are you doing here?

Well, I could lie and say
I was in the neighborhood.

Is your mom home?

Hey, listen.

It's all right. Okay?

Oh, the poor thing.

I can't believe he's been
living by himself.

I know.

You know, we have the space.

I could put an air mattress
in the guest house until
we get some real furniture.

All right, slow down.
Slow down.

Yes, obviously, he can stay
here tonight, but if we're
talking about long term,

we're gonna have to
talk to his parents.

I tried calling his mother.
She's completely unreachable.

He has a father.

I gotta tell you, Johnny,
I didn't see that coming.

I mean, the whole thing could
have gone south real quick.

Somebody could have died.

Takes guts as a Sensei to put

your students through that.

I know what I'm doing.

Didn't say you didn't.

Thanks for giving an extra
kick in the pants today.
They needed it.

Anything I can do to help.

What do you say
you and I, uh,

go grab
a couple of tall boys?

My treat.

No, I'm good.

Come on.

You can walk me through
tomorrow's lesson.

You're coming back
tomorrow, huh?

Well, if that's okay with you.

Sensei, you home?

I used your spare key
to drop off some food.

My mom doesn't want you
eating Slim Jims
for breakfast anymore.


Robby Keene?

Hey, why don't you say it
to my face next time!

It's called America, big boy,
love it or leave it.

He's a real son
of a bitch, isn't he?

Dead, my ass.

Well, what do you know?

The g*ng's all back together.

Well, almost all of us.

My condolences.

You're lucky he's not here.

How are your knuckles
doing there, Kreese?

What's this,
all part of your
new Cobra Kai, Johnny?

You don't know
what you're talking
about, man.

Yeah, right.
I've seen plenty.

Well, maybe you wanna
see a little bit more.

Because this man is gonna
make Cobra Kai bigger
and better than ever.

What are you
even doing here?

I came to ask you
a question,

and I got my answer.

You're both in
for a rude awakening.

I'm Daniel LaRusso.

What the hell?

Don't be a snake in the grass.

Son of a bitch.

Be a champion.

You guys, have you
seen the commercial?

Sam's dad started his own dojo,
and he disses Cobra Kai.

Tweet us at #TeamMiyagiDo.

This is an act of w*r.

It demands an
immediate response.

I know what it needs.

LaRusso training
your son like his own.

It doesn't look good.

I know exactly what
I'm gonna do.