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03x01 - Aftermath

Posted: 03/19/22 10:04
by bunniefuu
This is it, folks.
The moment we've all been waiting for.

Returning to defend his title,

from Cobra Kai Karate,

Miguel Diaz!

Get ready…

It's karate time!

Face each other, bow.

Face me, bow.

Ready? Fight!


It was two weeks ago today
at West Valley High,

where what can only be described
as an all-out karate riot

caught students and faculty off-guard,
sending shock waves through the Valley.

We got enough to worry about.

Now we got karate gangs in schools?

There was a karate attack at the mall
a couple months back.

I thought karate died out in the '80s.

Earlier today, students organized
a peaceful gathering of prayer and song.

♪ ...right to love ♪

♪ We don't have to punch ♪

♪ Hey, let's go get some brunch
And be friends ♪

Tonight, West Valley High
is holding a community meeting

to answer questions
and help settle fears.

He's still here. It's been four hours.
He's starting to creep out the customers.

- All right. Tell him it's time to go.
- I gave him the bill two drinks ago.

Now he's refusing to pay.

Said he didn't order Coors Light,
he ordered Coors… Banquet.

All right. I'll handle this.


It's time to settle your tab and move on.

Light beer is for pussies.

- Do I need to call the cops?
- I don't know, do you?

Police are still looking
for Robby Keene, who ran away

after kicking fellow student Miguel Diaz
off a second floor balcony,

landing right here on this staircase.

Keene has since been expelled.

Diaz, meanwhile, remains in a coma
at West Valley General.

His prognosis...

Hey! I was watching that.

I'm sorry.
I didn't realize it was your TV, homie.

Change it back!

It's the bottom of the ninth.
You want the news, check your phone.

I don't have a phone!

I threw it away.

Look at this guy.

Oh! When'd you last shower, cabrón?

You smell like dog shit took a dump.

- Change it back.
- Bro.

You're at a bar.

People wanna watch the game,

not weather reports or some coma kid.

- Uh-huh!
- And it's gone!

- That's what I'm talking about!
- Yeah, man!

Let's go, buddy.

Here you go, homie.
Oops! That's my bad.

What a loser.

Let's go.

Are you nuts?
Think I'd leave my car here?

This is my princess.

OK, what do you wanna do?

You wanna go home or hit up Jelly's?

- Let’s go see what the talent’s like.
- What does it matter?

You’ll still end up whacking it
alone in the shower.

- What are you doing, man?
- Kicking your ass.

Oh, shit!

What the hell?

Call the police.

You're dead, amigo.

We're getting an explanation.

I can't believe they had the gall
to suspend Sam for two weeks!

I'll tell the board it's incompetent.
Heads will roll.

They expelled the girl who started it.

That bitch should be in Shawshank.

- Calm down.
- "Calm down"? Everyone is against us!

- The dealership is a ghost town.
- It's not that bad.

Yes, it is.

Daniel, our name is poison.

Turns out "Kicking the competition"
isn't a cute tagline

when your student literally kicks
the competition over a railing.


I'm sorry. It's just…
I'm a little on edge right now, OK?


I'm sorry.

I got us into this.

And I promise, I'm gonna find a way
to get us out. OK? Come on.

please take your seats.

Thank you all for coming.

The school board cares
about student safety.

- Where were the teachers?
- Yeah!

You're frustrated.
But the NEA guidelines are quite clear.

No teacher can get
between two students fighting.

That neckbeard teacher
att*cked the kids!

Mr. Stingray never worked here.

Last we heard…

Last we heard he's on probation and not
allowed within 500 feet of any child.

How do we know this won't happen again?

We have a new initiative called
"Hugs Not Hits."

- Like DARE except it actually works.
- Your solution is to hug kids?

Actually, they would hug each other.

What Counselor Blatt is trying to say
is no more karate.

Zero tolerance from now on.

Wait. You don't need to turn this
into some kind of karate Footloose!

Karate is not the problem!

When I went to school here,
I was bullied, and karate saved me.

I heard you were the bully!

Parents, please…
Can we please…

We want to move on and handle this
with an appropriate response.

Tell me how it's appropriate
that our daughter got suspended

while a dimestore Freddy Krueger
nearly tore her face off.

She was tramping around
with a girl's boyfriend!

OK, no.

- Excuse me?
- Who said that?

Our daughter wasn't responsible.

Don't get all high and mighty, LaRusso.
You taught them that Miyagi crap.

It was your student who hurt Diaz.

You reap what you sow.

OK, no. Come on.
We gotta stay composed. Everyone, please.

Take a seat, please.

All right.

Settle down, please, everybody.

Hey, blondie.

That look infected?

- Morning, Lou.
- Here.

What do we got here?

Drug addict, drug addict…

Holy shit!

Applebee's guy?

What is it with you
and shitty chain restaurants?

You know,
happy hour's supposed to be happy.

Wait a minute.
Your son kicked that kid off the balcony.

Garbage doesn't fall far from the truck.

Robby's nothing like me.

- He's a good kid.
- He's a fugitive.


Then why you here talkin'?
Shouldn't you be out looking for him?

He made a mistake.
Shouldn't mean his life's over.

Tell that to the kid he k*lled.

k*lled? What do you mean k*lled?

Something happen to Miguel?

I ain't a doctor.

But after two weeks in a coma,

the coma usually wins.

- Hey, guys.
- There's the man.

- How's it going?
- This is the year.

Day one, round two. Let's get it, boys.

Ooh! Freshman babes, eleven o'clock.

Hey, ladies.
I know freshman year can be scary.

Any trouble, just come to me.
I'm the guy...

Who wets the bed
and got kicked into that trophy case?

Yeah, we know.

Oh shit!

Hey, Demetri.

Someone knows who I am.

A human female!

You famous now, 'Met.

Got something to say?

Yeah. Check out my new Lit book.

Hard-hitting shit in here.

This security isn't enough
to protect your scrawny ass.

I don't need security.

Everything all right here?

Oh, we're all buddies here.

- Isn't that right, fellas?
- Yeah.

Don't you all have somewhere to be?

Yes, Counselor Blatt.

'Sup, front wedgie?

What happened to this place?

I go to Paris for summer
and the losers are running the school?

I'd be a little nicer.
Half the kids know karate now.

Does that make Aisha queen bitch?

You didn't hear? After the fight,
her parents moved her to a private school.

They put their house up for sale.

At least there's some good news.

Maybe for you. I feel bad for Sam.
Her and Aisha were old friends.


There she is!

Robby, what did you do?


Easy there, Captain Marvel.
Same team, remember?

I have to go.

Please, I really need to find him.
His name is Robby Keene.

That's K-E-E-N-E.

Or possibly a John Doe.

All right. Thank you.

- Well, that was useless.
- Nothing at the hospitals?

No. And the homeless shelters
were a dead end too, so...

Hey, boss, Mrs. Boss. I got something
on my computer you gotta see.

And don't worry, it's not porno this time.

All right, Louie.
We'll be there in a second.

Can't believe we rehired him.

I'm not his biggest fan,

but he was first at our door
when Sam got hurt.

However bad he screwed up,
he does care about this family.

Oh, by the way,

I bought bagels.

Haul ass or you'll get
the shitty cranberry ones.

I didn't even ask for them.
I mean, who eats those?

At first I thought it was just a blip
on the screen, but no.

It's as clear as day.

- What am I looking at?
- It's the trade-in lot.

I made a spreadsheet.
Those numbers, they don't match up.

- Are you sure this is right?
- I know inventory.

I worked at Fat Sal's,
inventory's everything there.

Not like cars here, but you know,

chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks,
onion rings, Russian dressing…

- Those little jalapenos...
- OK, I get the gist. We're missing a car?

We're actually missing a…

'93 Dodge Caravan.

It's been gone a couple weeks.

Would Robby steal a car?

He did have the gate codes.

But why would he steal that shitbox?

Because we wouldn't notice.

- Oh my God. We gotta call the police.
- No, no, not yet.

What do you mean?

We have GPS in all the cars
They can track him.

If the cops find him running,
they'll throw the book at him.

He's a dropout with a juvenile record.

We find him first,
get him to turn himself in,

we can make a better case.

We could still help him.


All right,
find the VIN number, text me the GPS.

You know, not for nothin'.
I'd have taken a Ferrari.

Would you?

Miss your court date, I'll hunt you
like a dog in the street, bruh.

We'll see about that, bruh!


It's mama.

I love you so much, my baby.

Please come back to us.

We're right here.

I hope you can hear me, mijo.

He can.

Just remind him you're here.

Talk about things he loves.

Hey, Miguel.

I think the Dodgers
are gonna make the playoffs.

Even though I guess
they'll screw it up as usual.

I love you.

We love you, Miggy.

That's a point.

On one…

Can I help you?

- Yeah, I'm here to see Miguel Diaz.
- He's in the ICU.

Are you family?

No, but, uh...

Only family,
doctors and patients in the ICU.

Can't you make an exception?

Those are the rules.

Can't you, you know…

break the rules?

Come on, be a bad girl.

Only family,
doctors and patients in the ICU.

You're no fun.

Come on, Robby.

Where are you?

Check those tires for me.

- Hey. Did you find him?
- No.

I found the GPS, but no van.

He must've remembered
we track trade-ins.

Now I'm back to square one.

Anywhere nearby that he could've gone?

There is one place.


I'm Dr. L…


I just need to get past that door.

Oh. Hey, doc.

I got this…

You're not a doctor.


I think I need to see a doctor.


Dad? What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?
Is Robby with you?

No. Have you heard from him?

No. I was just out looking for him. I…
Wait, why aren't you in school?

I thought I was ready.

But then…

everybody was staring at me.

I just had to get out of there.

So… I came here.

Well, In-N-Out, and then here.

I get it.

I've been in enough fights to know.

It's different when you're a girl.

I mean, even if you win,
you're not cool or tough.

They think you're crazy.

Then I think about
what Miguel and Robby are going through,

and I just…

I feel so guilty.

It's not your fault.

All this started
before you were even born.

If not for me and Johnny,
there wouldn't have been a fight at all.

This is my fault.

I thought we were the good guys.

We are.

At least we try to be.

That's what's most important.

But there's one thing I do know for sure,
and that's…

that you can't run away
from your problems.

And I can't run away from mine.

Come here.

We might need
to keep him overnight.

Lab found blood in his urine.

Oh, that? No biggie.

I got in a fight last night.
Just a little, uh, jam in the lemonade.

Usually goes away in two, three days.

But this sucker's been bothering me a bit.

Bengay should take care of that, right?

Uh, wait here.

Hey, buddy.

Sorry I haven't been here.

Your mom hasn't wanted me around.

Can't blame her.

I thought I was helping you.

You were learning so fast,
getting so strong.

But I failed you.

I'm so sorry.

I don't know
if you can hear me, kid.

But you got it in you to pull through.

You just gotta keep fighting.

Never give up.

You can do this.

- I know you can.
- Excuse me?

Only family is allowed in here.

Yeah, I was just leaving.


What the hell?

We're closed.

The dojo's going through some renovations.

What do you think?

Where's Johnny?

He's not here right now.

But he'll be back.

It's a shame
what happened at the school.

Such a tragedy.

But I don't really blame Robby.

'Cause you know what they say…

there's no such thing as a bad student.

It must really hurt to see the Miyagi name
dragged through the mud.

Wish I could see the look
on the little bastard's face.

That little bastard kicked your ass.

More than once.

You're lucky he taught me true karate.

That's why I'm not gonna fight you.

Oh, but you will.

It's inevitable.

But this time,

Johnny and I will finish it.

Once and for all.

You're not gonna do anything.

Not while I'm around.

You know where to find me.

Good to go. Thank you.

Did you see her?

You wanna say something,
say it to my face!

That's what I thought.

John. Don't you answer your...

Oh God, what happened to you?

I bumped my head.

What do you want?

I went to your dojo,

and saw your old sensei.

What happened?
You said he was gone.

I don't wanna get into it now.
I got a headache.

I need some sleep.

I got a lead on Robby.

I've been trying to find him.

But I thought…

maybe you'd like to help.

I don't wanna be here any more than you.
But I know we both want Robby to be safe.

He's out there somewhere.
He doesn't have anyone to help him.

The reason these kids got
into trouble was because of us.

No mercy!

We can't let them suffer
because of our issues.

Code blue. Respiration's spiking.

The only way to end this
is by working together.


What do you say?

Point. Winner!