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01x10 - The Long and Winding Road Not Taken

Posted: 03/21/13 20:18
by bunniefuu
[ Carrie ] Before there was sex, before there was the city, there was just me... Carrie. Carrie Bradshaw. And lots of things were changing... For all of us.

I'm here for you, Carrie.

I know. Just, all I can think in my head is, "for how long""

I know I don't say it as much as you do, but I'm kinda terrified, too.

I'm number two behind that idiot jock west.

Wave good-bye to Princeton and Harvard, because those are mine.

Looks like you were still having fun even without Walt here.

That's someone who works for my dad.

And is part of his job description screwing his boss' daughter?

We don't exist anymore. Now you're my boyfriend.

I won't say anything, Walt, I promise, but are you gay?

I don't know what I am.

I've had a change of heart about Manhattan and "Interview" magazine.

I want you to pursue your dreams.

[ Icicle works' "whisper to a scream [ Birds fly ]" Playing ]

[ Carrie ] I had tried to run. I had tried to hide,

but finally I had to accept all roads led to Sebastian...

Or, to be more precise, to Sebastian's lips.

Aw. You guys are the cutest.

Aren't they the cutest?

No, no, no. Don't stop on my account.

Okay, we won't. Don't you dare.

Oh, now you've done it.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

♪ We are, we are but your children ♪
♪ Finding our way around indecision ♪

Kissing Sebastian was so good, I thought I'd never get enough.

But it turned out I had gotten too much.


[ Utensil clatters ]


Beard burn.

That's what you get from marathon make-out sessions.

Should I put something on it?

Hair of the dog. With Walt, I just got used to it.

Of course, now I have to get used to Walt never talking to me again.

You can't keep avoiding Walt. Yes, I can.

Maybe it won't be so bad now that he and Donna broke up.

Thank God I don't have to see that anymore.

Ugh. There are some things I can never un-see.

I know we're never getting back together.

I just wish things could be the way they used to be, - the four of us, that we could be friends.

You know what?

I want that, too, for my birthday.

That's on Friday. I can't fix things with Walt by Friday.

Just try. Talk to him. It won't be the same if I can't spend my birthday with all of you.

You're forgetting that you have a mega-hot boyfriend.

That is who you should be spending your birthday with.

Well, yes, he's invited, too.

And why not?

You and Sebastian are so gonna have sex.

Bye-bye, virginity.

It's my birthday. I don't give gifts. I get them.

And I just wanna keep it small this year, you know, and spend it with the people I love.

I really need you guys...

And cupcakes. Got to have cupcakes.

You're smart not to have sex.

My relationship with Seth ruined everything for me.

Ah, here we go again.

"The b+ that destroyed my life""

starring mouse.

It did. I'm no longer number one in the class.

I may not achieve my lifelong dream of going to Harvard.

I'm pretty sure that's your parents' dream.

Well, they drummed it into my head for 16 years, so now I can't tell the difference.

Harvard isn't the only school. Yes, it is.

I've been riding this train since the first day of kindergarten.

I can't get off now.

Sure, you can. Tuck and roll.

I'm meeting this woman from Castlebury who went to Harvard.

Where I stand now, I'm going to need connections.

I'm sure you'll charm the pants off her.

Well, that would only really work if she was a lesbian.

Is she a lesbian?

She's from Harvard.

She can be anything she wants to be.

Well, you'll be great, mouse.

And then she'll write me a glowing recommendation.



I can get Walt to forgive me for cheating on him, right?

Yes. It's my birthday, and I say everyone will get their wish.

What's yours?

Hmm. You know, I'm good.

I've got you guys...



So you have everything you want?

Am I allowed to hate you just a little?

Yeah, a little bit.

Let me try this again.

[ Laughs ]

♪ our way around indecision ahem.

Listen, I don't know if you girls have noticed.

[ Sighs deeply ] I've been going through a tough time lately.

Yeah, because it's hard to see Sebastian with that bitch Carrie Bradshaw.

What? No.

Because things didn't work out with Walt.

No. I can always get another guy.

What I can't get is this purse.

The coach leather duffle bag in red.

It's beautiful. It's so you.

It is, and it's already sold out.

But I know I can count on you two to find me one.

[ Both ] How?

That's your problem. I can't do everything.

[ Scoffs ] Because, hello, this...

Is a full-time job.

Now get to it.

[ Both sigh ]

You like Pascal's triangle?

I love Pascal's triangle.

Especially the rows with the catalan numbers.

Oh, my God.

[ Laughs ]

I got a shiver just now when you said that.

[ Laughs ]

Stacy, it's so great to meet you.

Mouse, I wish I had a friend like you when I was at Castlebury...

Or even one friend when I was at Castlebury.

Mouse was having the greatest date of her life

with a future version of herself...

One that had a degree from Harvard.

Can I show you one last thing?

You really don't have to.

I definitely feel like I know you.

My debate trophy.

East coast speech and debate invitational.

First place.

You kind of have to bend down to see it.

Of course, they give all the best spots to the jocks.

Who's Thomas west?

His name is on, like, every trophy.

Ah, just your run-of-the-mill jock.

Oh, now that's cold.

I'm Thomas west. Most people just call me "west""

Stacy ling.

Mouse realized she had taken a wrong turn

when she steered her Harvard connection

over to the trophy case,

but by then, it was too late to back up.

What brings you to Castlebury?

Oh, mouse invited me to visit because I used to go here, before I went to college... In Cambridge.

You mean Harvard?

Sounds so braggy.

You got game. You might as well brag about it.

I guess. [ Giggles ]

And that's where you wanna go, isn't it?


Mouse is an excellent candidate...

Number two in the class.

Number two?

I assumed you were number one.

I'm number one, unless something's changed.

Has anything changed?


You're an athlete and a scholar?

We should talk. We should.

I'm also very interested in... Cambridge.

[ Giggles ] Are you free this Friday night? It's spirit night.

[ Scoffs ] And watch a bunch of jocks get hammered and make asses of themselves?

No, thank you.

Sounds like fun. I'd love to go.

Me, too. Never miss it.



Oh, you probably don't wanna talk to me.

No. Actually, I do.

I've been wanting to talk.

Well, if it's to say how much you hate me, go ahead.

I deserve it. Maggie, I don't hate you.

Walt, don't be a w.A.S.P. About this.

Come on. Let it out.

[ Sighs ]

I was angry and hurt...

But mostly confused.

You were always saying how much you loved me.

I do. I-I did.

I don't know why I did it.

I do.

I've thought about it a lot, and I think it's because you weren't feeling loved by me, not the way you wanna be loved.

I mean, that's not an excuse.

Maggie, it wasn't all your fault.

I wasn't a very good boyfriend.

So it's not just about me forgiving you.

This conversation is not at all going the way I expected.

Suddenly, for Maggie,

there was a light at the end of the tunnel...

While Dorrit was enjoying the solitude in her cave.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Pounding on door ]

[ Amoeba's "adolescents"

playing over headphones ]

[ Loudly ] You could knock!

[ loudly ] I could set myself on fire, and I'm not sure you'd notice.

[ button clicks, music stops ]

What do you want?

Just to remind you that it's Carrie's birthday on Friday.


I'm sorry. I stopped listening at "Carrie""

well, birthdays were mainly your mom's department, and Carrie did most of the heavy lifting when you turned 15.

She got me a sheet cake.

And a bunch of records that you wanted, and those headphones.

[ Sighs ] What do I have to do?

Well, she's making plans with her friends, but I wanna do something.

You know, at least we should get her a present.

We could both get her something.

Like what?

I'm giving her a credit card.

You're giving her a credit card?

I never know what to get you girls.

And this way, she can go and get herself something...

She's dating the guy you told her not to.

She lies to you about where she's going and who she's with.

If you think about it, I'm actually the more reliable daughter. [ Chuckles ]

Where's my credit card?

When you turn 17, I will get you a credit card, okay?

I'd like that in writing.

Let's talk about what you're getting her.

Can't really afford much.

Maybe if I had a credit card...

[ Sighs ] Okay, I get it. Here.

Just... get her an album or something, you know?

The kind of music that she likes, not, uh, not this stuff.

And don't tell her about the credit card.

I want it to be a surprise.

Even if I did tell her, she wouldn't believe me.

At least now I know it's a good present.

[ Door closes ]

God, I love this bag.


[ Stomps foot ]

You know the rules.

No one goes through the loot until I've had a chance to look at it.

Oh! The coach stuff. Oh, Gorgina!

If you ever feel like being generous...

Well, maybe I will, but not with someone who clearly doesn't think I'm generous.

[ Bag thuds ]

How's the guest list for Friday?

Perfection. The book party for "less than zero"

will be amazing.

I added two drag queens and a train wreck.




Liz Smith calls it the literary event of the year.

And we are in the book.


We're the magazine of choice for soulless college dropouts.


Carrie, you're working the doors.

You get here early on Friday. Oh, I can't come to the party.

Oh, don't be silly. Of course you can.

You work for me.

No, I mean I have other plans.

You said so yourself. It's the literary event of the year.

Actually, Liz Smith said that.

It's a big deal, Carrie. What do you have that's bigger?

I wanted to tell her the truth... my birthday.

Nothing. [ Sighs ]

Yeah, sure, I'd love to go to the party.

The guy who wrote the book... That Easton Ellis kid...

I went to boarding school with a bunch of the people he wrote about.

We were all getting thrown out about the same time. [ Chuckles ]

But what really matters is I get to be with you on your birthday.

Well, Larissa doesn't even know it's my birthday, so...

Don't worry. I'll sing "happy birthday" to you very quietly.

I'm not sure anyone will hear it anyway over by the door.

I'm just relieved she said "ye""

to the coat check girl bringing a plus one.

A lot of very interesting things happen by the coat check.

That's all I'm saying. Besides, I get to be with you on your big night. It's all I care about.

What a coincidence. That's all I care about, too.

You tried everything?

Obviously, you didn't try everything, 'cause if you tried everything, I would have the bag.

For instance, did you try this?

Hey, Carrie!

I hope I'm not interrupting.

Not that I really care.

Always honest.

Yeah, one of my many great qualities.

You work at "Interview," right?


The magazine must get sent a lot of cool stuff, like purses and things?


Have you seen the new coach duffle bag in red?

Yes, we just got it. It's amazing.

I know! And I love it.

So why don't you just go out to the mall and buy it?

They're all sold out. Everyone wants one.

Donna, don't even ask. What? She owes me.

For what?

You. I-I gave her you.

No. No, you didn't.

Well, that's how I see it.

I would pay you for it. Name your price.

Give it a rest, Donna. Not gonna happen.

Thank you.

Getting me away from Donna...

Best early birthday present ever.

[ Mouse ] Carrie, about your birthday...

Oh, please don't be mad. It turns out I have to work Friday night, so we can't have my little birthday party. Oh, thank God.

What? I think you're supposed to say, "oh, I'm sorry to hear that""

I have to go to spirit night on Friday with that woman I met who went to Harvard... and west.

Mm, well, that could be... Potentially horrible.

So you're not doing anything to celebrate?


Of all people, that narcissist Larissa should understand a birthday.

It's your day.

I didn't actually tell her.


Well, because she's my boss, and I couldn just say, "I'm 17, and I care about my birthday cupcake""

[ laughs ] Ah, it might be better.

I get to go to cool party.

Where you'll be checking coats.

While hanging with my adorable boyfriend.

You know, kinda have it all.

Minus you two, of course.

And Walt.

You two made up?

Better than that. I think he wants to get back together.

Wow. Well, for the first time in my life, I am going to use "flabbergasted" in a sentence.

I am flabbergasted.

You should have heard him. He practically apologized to me.

Clearly, he misses me.

I officially join your flabbergastation.

Yeah. I-I'm sure he does miss you, sweetie, and you're awesome.

But maybe just don't rush anything.

Who, me? Rush?

[ Door opens ]

Oh. There he is.

How do I look?

You look great.

Am I still welcome at this table?

Shut up. Of course you are.

Ahh. It's good to be back.

Yeah. Now we have a chance to... ketchup.

[ Chuckles ]

Still making terrible puns.

You butter believe it.

[ Chuckles ] Is it horrible that I'm relieved that I don't have to pretend those puns are funny anymore?

What do you mean, pretend?

Well, when we were dating, I felt like we had to...

You know, laugh.

But now that we're just friends...

While Maggie was wondering what road

she and Walt were on...

[ The tweeds'

"I need that record" playing ]

[ Carrie ] Dorrit felt like she was on the highway to hell...

Thank you.

Of top 40 music...

until she found something her own speed.

♪ I want it now, now, now, now ♪

need any help?

Nope. All good.

Just getting this.

Phil Collins.

Quite a stud, huh?

It's not for me. I hate this crap.


Well, I think we might have some stuff you'll like in the back of the store.

Like a bootleg?


Come on. I'll show you.

What is it?

♪ I want it now, now, now, now ♪ [ Scoffs ]

[ Slams door ]

[ Pounding on door ]

Hey! What's going on?!

That's what we do with shoplifters.

What are you gonna do?

You can't just lock me in here!

I'm not. I'm gonna call the police, have you arrested.


[ Door rattles ]

No, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again!

Please don't call the police!

Dorrit was realizing her path in life

could leave her with a record, and not the kind she could buy at the store.

Are the police here?

Didn't call them.

What? Are you serious?

[ Door closes ]

So why'd you lock me up?

Just to t*rture me?

To teach you a lesson.

You're sick!

At least I'm not a thief.

You should be thanking me for just scaring you.

[ Scoffs ] Not gonna happen.

If you had stolen anything but the dead Kennedys, I would have called the police.

But I like your taste in music.

Well, good for you. Bye.

You still want your album?

You paid for it!

[ Door slams ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

I got it, dad. It's for me.



What's up?

Why'd you wanna see me?

I always need to see you.

You're so charming.

My mom called.


Yeah, I haven't talked to her in a while.

Are you okay?

Yeah, she wants to get together.

Well, that's a good thing, right?

She wants to see me on Friday, on your birthday.

Oh. Look, I told her "no."

No! No, you... You should see your mom.



You won't be disappointed?

No, of course not.

Yeah. Um, do you want a soda or something?

Yeah. That'd be great. And we'll still celebrate your birthday.

Yeah, totally. I mean, we can do that anytime.


[ Under breath ]

Anytime except my birthday.

Whoa. This is where you work?

I know. Sometimes I'm even jealous of myself.

Sebastian's loss is my gain. I am totally excited.

[ Chuckles ] Okay.

Guest list. Good.

Can I see?


Is this who's coming tonight?

He's that photographer.

She directed that movie.

He's dating Madonna.

And you... You're on the list.

Can I take this home and frame it?

[ Chuckles ] The real celebrities here tonight are the writers...

Jay McInerney.

You read "bright lights, big city," right?

Who didn't?

And Tama Janowitz. Bret Easton Ellis is only 21.

All the best writers do it when they're young, so they have something fresh to say. Fresh is yummy.

Old is, well... old.

I can't believe all his stories are about people like us.

Well, with way nicer cars and a lot more dr*gs. [ Chuckles ]

Mm, you should get to work on that.

The writing or the dr*gs?

Ideally... both.

This book all started with a journal that Bret was keeping in High School - about him and his friends.

That's what I write in mine.

Am I in it?

Oh, Larissa, you remember my friend Walt.

We met at your Halloween party.

I had a Halloween party?

[ Chuckles ]

Anyway, about your journal...

You could have a best-seller on your hands.

And here is the man that you need to meet...

Tripp Ramsey. He's Bret's publisher.

He's always on the lookout for a fresh, new voice.

Well, I'll be very friendly when I take his name at the door and hope he remembers me five years from now.

Why would you be working the door?

Because you told me I had to?

I did no such thing.

So I'll be checking coats?

[ Laughs ] Why would you do that?

Because you told me I had to.

Well, you make me sound like a sl*ve driver.

If you wanna work, work the room.

The guest of honor tonight is only 5 years older than you, so you have very little time to make it.

Actually, as of today, 4.

Then you better get crackin', poppin.

Time's a-wasting. Chop, chop.

You are in the mix.

I mean, I knew you were in it, but not like this.

Donna kept saying you probably just made coffee for cool people, but she is wrong.

Of course she would think so little of me.

Do you know she had the nerve to ask me to get her a coach bag?

She's Donna.

Exactly, which is why I have to ask...

Why do you still hang out with her?

It kinda freaks me out a little.

Kind of freaks me out, too.

I know this is hard to believe, but Donna...

I can talk to her.

About what, her outfit for tomorrow?

[ Laughs ] You don't know her.

She's actually a really good listener.

You should at least pretend to be having a good time.

Not until I absolutely have to.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Now I absolutely have to.


I'll find you later.

Where's west?

Have you seen west?

I haven't seen west, but you and I can hang.

We can do the extra credit problems on the calculus chalkboard.

You go ahead. I think I should find west in case he has any questions about Harvard.

Oh, now that you mention it, I have a question about Harvard.

What do you think... Your chances are?

I wish I could say they were good, mouse.

I really do, but the hard truth is, you're just another smart Asian girl.

You don't have a hook.

I thought smart Asian girl was my hook.

Once upon a time, it was enough.

Now we're a dime a dozen. I got in just under the wire.

But this is fixable.

All I need is a Harvard-worthy hook.

Let's brainstorm ideas.

[ Indistinct conversations continue ]

There's west. West!


Oh, hey, what's up?

Good. Let me introduce my friends.


So Carrie's out tonight.

I guess we'll have to give her our presents in the morning.

You did get her one, right?


Need help wrapping it?


Those were your mom's records.

I know. You're not thinking you could pass one of those off as Carrie's gift?

I bought Carrie a record.

I just left it at the store.

Dorrit... come on. Your lies... Do you think I'm stupid?

I'm not lying.

Just get your sister a record. I will take you.

No. I'll do it.

Dorrit didn't like the road she was on.

To escape one man who thought she was a liar,

she had to go to one who knew she was a thief.

[ New order's "age of consent"

playing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ camera shutter clicks ]

♪ won't you

Bennet's here.

Of course he's here. He works at "Interview""

you remember him, right?

I remember.

You wanna go talk to him?

Uh, maybe not right now. I need to use the bathroom.

Okay, but the bathroom's not that way.

[ Laughs ] Got a book deal yet?

No. I've walked by Tripp Ramsey at least eight times looking for an opening.

But it seems everyone here wants to talk to him.

Then we will just have to bring him to you.

Darling, I swear, I won't breathe a word of it to anyone.

[ Chuckles ] A word of what?

Oh, Carrie was just telling me about the book she's writing.

Oh, look, now she's upset with me.

These literary wunderkinds... So touchy.

Have we met?

Tripp Ramsey.

Um... Carrie Bradshaw.

Uh, Tripp's a book publisher.

Who specializes in wunderkinds.

♪ I'm not the kind who likes to tell you ♪

♪ just what you want me to

♪ you're not the kind that needs to tell me ♪


Hi. Uh, you may not remember me.

Walt. I remember.

Can I just say how sorry I am?

It's okay.

It's not okay. What I did on Halloween...

I wasn't myself.

Look, I had no idea you were a High School kid from Connecticut.

I would have never put the moves on you.

Totally inappropriate.

Um... I called you a f*g.

I think I win for most inappropriate.

Yeah, not the nicest word for what I am, but I am gay.

And I don't have an issue with that.

Not that I didn't struggle with it.

I mean, I spent all of High School and most of college hoping and praying and trying so hard not to be gay.

And then what happened?

I kissed someone I really liked.

And it wasn't a girl. It was Marc.

And he helped me realize I'm not a freak.

And now I look back on High School and think, well, that explains the Steve McQueen posters.

[ Carrie ] Walt found himself

taking the first step down a new, unmarked trail.

And he wasn't the only one.

I guess you would call it a coming-of-age story.

My main character is a virgin, but her friends are teaching her all about sex.

It's so smart to make it about sex. Sex sells.

What do they teach her?

They tell her that sex is like putting a hot dog in a keyhole.

A hot dog?


[ Laughter ]

Cooked or uncooked?

Can I steal that for my book?

Only if I'm the one to publish it.

[ Laughs ] Okay.

How old are you?

Uh, 17.

You'll be the youngest author on my roster.

Why don't we grab a drink over here so we can talk?

Just the two of us. Yeah.

Uh... definitely.


Hi there.

You're... you're here. I'm so surprised.

Good. I wanted to surprise you.

Um, Sebastian, this is Tripp.

Nice to meet you.

Well, you seem busy.

Maybe some other time.

Okay. Who was that?

Am I interrupting something?

No. No.

I couldn't tell him the truth...

That he was.

[ Zero boys'

"livin' in the 80's" playing ]

♪ I have no heroes

♪ I'm just havin' a good time ♪ don't remember the Beatles ♪ don't like the stones

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Are you still working?

No, not working...

Or even working it, apparently.

All right, good.

What do you say we get outta here?

But... you just got here.

Can we stay for a little bit?

It's a really fun party.

I'm not in the mood to be around all these people.

I wanna go somewhere that's just the two of us.

Yeah. Uh... okay. Yeah, sure.

Um... I'm just, uh... I need to get my coat.

So wait here, and, um, I'll be back in two minutes.

♪ But we're livin'

in the 80's ♪

♪ linvin' in the 80's ♪ said we're livin'

in the 80's ♪

have you seen Tripp?

Mm. I thought he was with you.

Lesson learned... when you find your future at a party...

Don't let it walk off without you.

[ Needle Dik '80s'

"finders keepers" playing ]

[ Door slams ]

If you were cool and interesting, and really listened to the music you claim to like, you would have let me steal those tapes.

I am a true nihilist.

You're just a terrible shoplifter.

Your eyes... They're too expressive.

[ Scoffs ] No, they're not. They show everything.

You need to learn to control them better.

Can I have my record back... The one I actually bought?

And I don't need you to teach me how to shoplift.

control them how?

Don't do this.

Also, you need to learn to be ambidextrous.

Shop with one hand...

Steal with the other.

And always be looking at the hand you're shopping with.

Go ahead. Try it.

Is this a trap? You gonna lock me in that room again?

Ha. Nah.

Even though your eyes gave you away, they're also really pretty.

Take 'em.

They're yours.

Are you serious?

There. You're doing it again.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

I thought having immigrant parents made me a shoo-in.

But west has a single mother. He even tops me there.

An athlete, perfect grades... He has every hook there is.

He is Captain Hook.

Does it really help you to watch this?


You're right. Let's get out of here.

Mouse, I need you. You do?

West was just saying someone should round up his teammates for a yearbook photo. Could you do that?
[ Sighs ] Can I speak to you for a second?

[ Carrie ] They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Mouse was starting to feel the same could be said of the road to Harvard.

She was finally ready to stop paving.

Listen, this is kind of sad, watching you suck up to these popular kids.

You don't need them. You went to Harvard.

And you're a smart Asian chick.

We may be a dime a dozen, but that doesn't mean we're not awesome.

I really could have used a friend like you.

You're a cool chick.

Although you could be a tad less bitchy to someone who can actually help you.

Got it.

[ Indistinct conversations continue ]

Basketball team, yearbook photo, end of the hall! Now!

Not that end. This end, where they're taking the yearbook pictures!

Oy, vey. My goodness.

Hi, boys.

[ Boys ] Hey, Donna.

Trolling for your next victim?


Well, you can't seem to go 20 minutes without a guy.

Oh, I can. They just won't let me.

Funny. Walt didn't seem to find you irresistible.

How long did that last?

What was it, two weeks?

Hmm, not quite. Not surprised.

You're not his type. You're right. I'm not.

Coincidentally, or... maybe not, Walt's decided he's not mad at me anymore.

I don't think it's a coincidence.

I sincerely hope you don't expect to get back together with him.

I'm sure that's what you hope.

Oh, honey, I know you won't believe me, but I'm saying this for your own good.

Move on while you can.

I've seen your mother.

You won't have that metabolism forever.

I get your little game. It's not gonna work.

Maggie may not have been ready to move on,

but Sebastian was...

To his next drink.

[ The kind's "total insanity"

playing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Sighs ] There you are.

Hey. There you are.

Okay, I've only been gone a few minutes.

How many of those have you had?


Four. [ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, don't worry. I'm fine.

You don't seem fine.

Is... is something going on?

A party, in case you hadn't noticed.

And something else was going on with Walt and Bennet.

As I watched them, I began to wonder.

Hey, there's Walt.

Who's the guy?

Uh... Someone I work with.

Maybe you're right. Maybe we should go.

No, let's go talk to 'em.

We don't have to.

Hey, man.


Hope we're not interrupting.

Oh, not at all. I thought you couldn't come tonight.

Oh, I couldn't miss her birthday.

It's your birthday?

Uh... Whoa. Second base.

[ Laughs ] [ Chuckles ]

Yeah, he's a little drunk. Happy Birthday to me.

Oh, I saw you talking to Tripp Ramsey earlier.

Is he interested in you? I know he likes to get them young.


Wait. Is some guy hitting on you?

Was it that guy you introduced me to? Where is he?

No, he's...

He's a publisher with young authors.

Then why would he be talking to you?

Well, it's kind of a crazy story, but Larissa made it seem like I have a book, which is really more like journal musings.

So go seal the deal. He's right over there.

You wanna go? Let's go. I'm with you all the way.

We'll go together. I can be...

I can be very charming.

[ Liquor spills ]

Oh. Um, you know what?

Maybe some other time, okay?

Okay. I should get you home.

All right.

It looked like my big break would have to wait.


This isn't going to work unless some of you guys kneel down.

[ Sighs ]

I wish you could have heard Donna.

She basically said that Walt isn't over me, and that's why they broke up.

Really? Is that what she said, or is that what you heard?

No one's kneeling.

[ Boys speaking indistinctly and laughing ]

Okay, you wanna be in this photo, you gotta kneel down. You...

Kneel. You, kneel. Kneel.

Why are you still doing this?

That poison Ivy Leaguer's long gone.

I like organizing things.

Come on, guys. We don't have all day. Let's go.


They're ready.

Say, "bulldogs""

[ boys ] Bulldogs.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

No one has ever been able to get all of us together at one time.

I had no idea it would be this easy to order a bunch of jocks around.

You know what? She should be our team manager.

Ah, I don't know.

Why not? She's smart, she's organized, and we need one.

We didn't even have a team photo in the yearbook last year.

What would I have to do?

Bookkeeping, scheduling, recording statistics.

Oh, that sounds boring. That's what I do for fun.

We'd have to ask the coach. I doubt he'd agree to have a girl as team manager.

Keep trying to talk me out of it.

That just makes me more determined to do it.

In life, I'll travel many roads...

[ Brakes squeal, engine revs ]

But hopefully, none will be as terrifying

as the merritt parkway in stick shift.

[ Brakes squeal ] [ Sighs ]

You okay?


[ Engine shuts off ]

You're a terrible driver.

[ Scoffs and laughs ]

But you're an amazing girlfriend.


[ Seat belt release clicks ]

You care about me.

I feel like you're the only one who does.

Is this about your mother?

This is about my mother.

I'm sorry I ruined the party for you.

No, you didn't.

I should've left right away.

I knew you were upset. I could see it.

What happened?

What always happens.

Something came up.

Something always comes up.

I don't understand why your mother hurts you like this.

Yeah, I don't either, Carrie.

Maybe I deserve it or something.

No. No.

You deserve so much more.

I believe it when you say it.

That night, Sebastian told me a lot about his journey,

and I helped carry some of his baggage.

I could go to college...

Pretty much any college I wanted, but... for what?

I only wanna go to college to get away from my family.

There are no accidents.

Whatever happens, it's... it's what's meant to be.

The real reason you took those tapes?

So this could happen.

You and me.

Have anyone ever kissed you, Dorrit?


Can I be the first?


Dorrit wasn't the only one that night

who crossed paths with a meaningful new person.

So... would you wanna hang out again?

I know I'm just a High School kid from Connecticut.

Anytime, Walt.

[ man ] ♪ fly like the wind, fly like the wind ♪

my dad's out of town.

Do you have to get home, or can you stay?

I can stay.

I'll tell my dad I'm sleeping at Maggie's.

And frankly, I'm too terrified to drive your car back to my house anyway.

Thank you... For being here.

I feel bad.

What a crappy birthday for you.

Oh. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Bast! I'm here.

Honey, I'm here.

[ Mouths words ] [ Mouths words ]

[ Sighs ]

I know I'm late, but I feel like I've been through an emotional meat grinder.

That bastard Lucas... He thinks I can't tell he's been cheating on me, after what I've been through with your father?

You're just gonna stand there?

Mom, my friend's here. I'm sorry about this.

I'm sorry, too. What was your name?



Uh, just give me a minute. I can get her to leave.

No, be with her. She needs you.

I was really excited.

Yeah, me, too.

I should at least drive you home.

No, you've been drinking, and it's only a mile.

[ Whispers ] I can handle it.

You sure? I'm worried.

No, I'm good, now that I know the clutch is the pedal on the left.

It was nice meeting you.

Robert frost once wrote,

"two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

and sorry I could not travel both..."

We are told we can only follow one path.

There are forks in the road, and we must choose one.

Tonight I had chosen to take care of Sebastian

and to help him down his path, but I wanted to have both,

to take care of those I loved and also my own needs.

I wanted to have it all, or at least try.

And since it was my birthday, I could wish for what I wanted.



Um, you want some juice?

Um... yeah. Sure.

So how was your birthday?


Sort of a non-event.

Well, maybe this...

Will make it a little more special.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to give it to you yesterday.

Happy Birthday.

[ Chuckles ]

Is this what I think it is?

If you think it's a credit card.

[ Squeals ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] That's impossible.

I have my own credit card.

All right, look, I am entrusting you not to go crazy with this thing, all right?

There's a limit on that... A very small limit.

Yes, I will be very responsible with it, I promise.

So... can I go take my friends out for breakfast at the diner?



I have my own credit card!

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]


Guess what I got for my birthday.

A credit card. A credit card.

And this.

You made me a mixtape?

Oh, sweetie.

I can't believe you made me a mixtape.

Don't have a cow.

It's a big deal.

No one's ever made me one before.

[ Button clicks ]

The day after my birthday is turning out way better than my birthday.

[ Button clicks ]

[ Squeeze's "tempted" playing ]

This is mom's favorite song.

They're all mom's favorite songs.

P.S. She had much better taste in music than you.

[ Laughs ]

I'm taking everyone to breakfast at the diner.

Come with me.

And I'm driving us in Sebastian's Porsche.

Cool! Do you know how to drive it?


[ Scoffs ]

♪ passed the church and the steeple ♪

♪ the laundry on the hill

[ lowered voice ] Oh, no.

That skank Donna's sitting at the counter.

[ Lowered voice ] I know. I asked her to meet me here.

She's not having breakfast with us, is she?

No, I wanna have an appetite. This'll just take me a second.

♪ I know I will

Donna. Why am I here?

♪ Tempted by the fruit of another ♪

I get it. You're cool and in the mix.

You have the bag, and you wanna rub my face in it.

Well... Consider my face rubbed.

Actually, I'm giving you the bag.

♪ Now that you have gone

what is this sick, twisted game you're playing?

Donna, I'm giving you the bag.

Wh-why? H-h-how...

My boss was feeling generous, and now so am I.

Why is she benefiting from this generosity and not me?

Because I think you've been a really good friend.


I think I would remember.

Not to me. To Walt.

For some reason, seems like he could talk to you.


Well, I like Walt, and I want him to be happy.

Yeah, me, too.

If that's the reason, you really don't have to give me this.

No, I-I want to.

Yoo-hoo. I also like Walt.

Why am I not getting the bag?

Is this your sister?

I think my sister melody is in your class.

Yeah, everybody knows melody...

Amd her flotation devices.

You're a charmer. But what do I care?

I have a bag nobody else has.

[ Giggles ]

♪ I wish

[ door bells jingle ]


Happy Birthday!

[ Laughs ]

[ Mouse ] You'll have to tell me everything. How was it?

See you tomorrow.

♪ Another



How was the party last night?

Did you have fun?

Yeah. A lot of fun, actually.


Um... Before we go over there, there's something I wanna tell you. Can...


♪ Tempted but the truth is discovered ♪

Um... Walt, I just want you to know that I'm ready to get back together - whenever you are.

Oh, Mags...

That's not gonna happen.

I know.

It's too soon. Um, y-you can take as much time as you need.

I love you.

I will always love you, but from now on, just as a friend...

A really good friend, but not a boyfriend.


Um, o-okay.

Now come on. Let's go celebrate Carrie.

[ Altered images'

"Happy Birthday" playing ]

Birthday time. Aah!

[ Laughter ]



[ cheering ]

♪ happy, Happy Birthday in a hot bath ♪
♪ To those nice, nice nights what did you wish for?

Well, it's a secret. I can't tell you.

Otherwise, it won't come true.

Oh, come on. Yeah, you can tell us.

[ Door bells jingle ]



Hey! You're here.

♪ Would you like a present, too? ♪

[ Walt ] All right, one cupcake.

♪ Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday ♪

Wish granted.

♪ Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday ♪