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Guyver: Dark Hero (1994)

Posted: 03/27/22 17:11
by bunniefuu
The guyver unit.

It's been a year

Since the alien armor
invaded my body

And became a part of me,

A year since I first
became the guyver

And destroyed
the kronos corporation

And their shape-changing
K*llers, the zoanoids.

Now kronos is gone,

But the guyver
stays in me,

Calling me to fight...

To k*ll.


Hurry up.
Find that shit.

Bingo! Hey, d.c.


The latest

You mix cocaine
with plastic,

You can shape it
into anything you like.

Melt it back down,

It's 100% pure.


What the f*ck was that?

Benny, check it out.

You got it.

Starting to regret
that career choice now?

There's nobody up here.

All right, girls.

Come on, let's hustle.
Let's go!

Let's go. Move it!

Benny, we're rolling.


Hey, benny.
I said we're rolling!


Holy shit.

[Machinery hums]

What the f*ck
is that?

Let the man go.

Yeah, right.
f*ck you.

Get him!


Stay away from me, man.

Stay the f*ck away!

No! Oh!

No, please don't!

Please don't. Please.

Don't k*ll me.
Just arrest me.

Holy shit.
This is delta 28.

We got severely
injured men at
36th and california.

ambulance assistance
and backup.


Hey, moran.
Over here.


Yeah, it's him,
all right.

[Breathing heavily]


Inside expose
in three pines, utah,

To investigate
what may be

A werewolf attack.

Doug kerlew
and his brother judd

Were exploring some caves
above these woods,

When judd was att*cked
and fatally mauled.

Rangers here are calling it
a bear attack,

But doug has a different

I mean, it changed.


Right before
my eyes.

It--it was a man...

And then it was
a thing

With teeth
and claws...

Like one of those
cave paintings
I showed you

Come to life.

No, I wasn't drunk.

You people
calling me a liar?

My brother's dead,

That ain't no lie.

When asked to describe
his attacker,

Doug gave us
this drawing,

Which he says
is a copy

Of the painting
found on the cave wall.

This, he claims,
is what k*lled judd kerlew.

I.e. Went looking
for this cave

To verify doug's story,
and we found it.

But an
archaeological expedition

Investigating the cave

Was suspiciously

When we asked
to sh**t inside.

Next up,
more elvis sightings.

Which he says
is a copy of the painting

Found on the cave wall.

Hi, mizky.

Look, i--

I'm ready to try
to make things better.

I saw the papers
this morning.

It doesn't look like
anything's better.

I didn't come here
to talk about that.

The security guard
died, sean.

And those gangsters?

How many people
are you going to
have to k*ll

Before you realize--

I don't k*ll.

It kills.

Sean, listen
to yourself.

You've got to
stop this.

It won't let me.

That's crazy.

I know.

And I want to end it.

Will you listen?

There was a thing
on tv this morning

About a werewolf
sighting in utah.


If you saw
lisker or balcus
for the first time,

What would you

God, stop it!
I don't want to
hear it anymore.

There are no more

Kronos is gone.
Can't you let it go?

What's the point
of holding on?

You go over it
and over it

And you get crazier
and crazier.

When do you just
say that--

This isn't going to
work, is it?

Hey, thanks.


Excuse me.
Uh...there's an
archaeological dig

Going on near here.
Do you know where?

Customer's waitin'.
You going to buy

Uh, yeah.



Do you know how
to reach them?

I have to get
to that dig.

Don't know nothin'.
Ask down at the rangers'.

What do you want
at the dig?

Excuse me?

I said what do you
want at the dig?

You work
at the dig?


You have business there?

I have to see it.

You with the press?
Private site, you know.

No. No, I'm not
a reporter.
I just need to--

Need to what?


I been doing
these for months.

like the ones
I saw on tv,

The ones from
your cave.

I see it
in my dreams and put
it down on paper.

Yeah, I know
what it sounds like.

You've seen this?

You've seen this.

I, uh...
I can't help you.

Thanks, warren.

Please take me there.

I don't think so.


I need to know.

I can't.

I'm sorry.

Will you wait
a second?

Would you back away
from the truck,


I need to know!

Get in.

I'm cori edwards.

I'm a researcher
up at the dig.

And you are?






I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to
freak you out back there.

It's just...
This is important to me.

Nice to meet you.

So, um...

Why'd you come back?

Because I'm a scientist.

I know what it's like
to need to know.


So, what do you
want to see?


Come on.

Just be cool
and follow my lead.

I hope I'm not
getting you in trouble.

Not if you do
what I say.

Mary, take this
to the commissary,
will you?

And don't hog it
all to yourself.

ms. Edwards.

Morning, grau.

It's o.k.
He's with me.

Watch your head.

Do all archaeological

Have this much

We didn't till
your buddy on tv
broke in.

Cori! Cori, over here!

Take a look at this.

Um...wait here.

I'll be
right back.

You shouldn't
wander off like that.

You know,
if anybody asked about--


Come on.

If we don't hit
pay dirt soon,

They're going to
shut us down.

I'm tired of them
treating this expedition
like an oil well.

I know,
but they're

We had an agreement.

I find you
your pay dirt

And run the show
my way.

Hey, that's what
I want.

I'm going to
keep them off
as long as I can.

Just do a good job,

I can't make

Yes, you can.
That's why
you're here.

Dad, I'd like
you to meet
sean barker

From state.

He was
supposed to
come up earlier,

But he
had to finish
a project.

Sean, my father
marcus edwards.

Good to meet you,

We can use the help.

This is arlen crane,
our operations director

And gus volker,
our security chief.

Welcome aboard.

to meet you.

Soon, marcus. O.k.?


Well, you go get him
set up.

I've got to
go crack the whip.

O.k. Thanks, dad.

Come on.

I don't get it.

This is where
you want to be,

Yeah, but--

So be happy.

Hey, bob.


Come down here
a minute.

Sure. O.k., But
we're playing
with my cards.

Bob, this is sean.
Sean, bob.

Show him the ropes,
will you?

I'll be back soon.

Sure. Come on.


So...what exactly
are we digging up

Well, we think
it's some variety
of pachyocephalosaur,

Although it's small
for that family.

Once we carbon-date it,

Then we'll get
a real good idea
what era it's from.

Funny, once I was
on this dig in arizona...

Wow. Looks like you
really immersed


It was like I was
digging up parts
of myself.

You're not
some kind of

Archaeology groupie,
are you, sean?

It's just that i...
Can't figure you out.

I mean,
why is coming here
so important to you?

Where did you
see those drawings?

I told you.

Oh, yeah. Right.

Sean, I brought you here
like you asked.

Don't you think
I deserve a real

A hint, even?


I want to...

But I can't.

I--i don't
really know what
I'm looking for.

I know...i know.

no answer.

Yeah, your specialty,
I'm beginning
to discover.

Listen, maybe we
should just call
today a field trip,

And tomorrow
we'll send you
on your way.

No! I--i need to stay.

Look, i--i know...

I've got no reason
to be here.

You don't even
know me.

But I need to stay.


Because I can't be
anywhere else.

I've got nowhere
else to go.

I'm sorry.

That's just not
good enough.

I thought you said

You knew what it was
like to need to know.

I wonder.

Damn it. Wait!

It was around here
that we saw him

You think maybe
we can do this

When there's
a little more light?

You want this werewolf
or not?

Look, you got about
another half hour,
mr. Kerlew.

After that,
I'm calling it quits.

[Cocking r*fle]

Just hang on to
your checkbook.

Jesus christ.

You think
you're the only one?

My dad and I
are known among
the academic community

As outlaws of science.

We were thinking
about getting
jackets made up.

Outlaws. Why?

Oh, because of our
unconventional theories.

We take on
the wild stuff.

You know, the stuff
that people laugh at
in the tabloids--

Bigfoot, crop circles.

And the
cave paintings?

You, uh, have
a theory on them?

You know,
I want to tell you...

But I can't.



What was that?

I heard someone

It could be
another bear attack.

You get help.
I'll take care
of the bear.


He'll take care
of the bear?

Oh, shit!

Take a picture.
Take a picture!

Screw the picture,
you brain-dead hayseed!
sh**t it!

What about my money?

What about my money?

sh**t it!

sh**t it!

Hey! Help!

Professor atkins, help!

Cori, what's wrong?

I think there's
another bear attack.

I'll get my g*n.
You get the truck.

Sean's out there.



Don't you come near me,
you son of a bitch!

Son of a bitch.

It can't be.


Get away from him,

Where did you
come from?

I destroyed
all of you.

What are you doing
in the camp?



Over here.
This way.

What happened?
Where's the bear?

I don't know.

I think the sound
of your engine
drove it off.


Not soon enough.


that one's

Oh! Oh, man!
Stay away from me.

Don't touch me.
You're one of them.

Look at him.
He's scared crazy.

Take it easy.

We're here
to help you.

Are you all right?

He's in shock.
Get me a blanket.

Yeah, right.

Make that two.

I'm just sorry
I didn't get here

Thank god
you didn't.

You could have
been k*lled.

What did you think
you were going to do?

I was wondering that

All right.
Let's get him
in the truck.

You two,
wrap that one up
and put him in back.

I'll keep us covered.

O.k. Let's move out.

Who are you?

He was on the scene
before anybody else.

Barker. Sean barker.

Not at this time,
but analysis
of the sample should--


I have to go.

What did you



I didn't hear anything.

Why'd you follow me?


Let me guess.

Just curious,

I saw you leave camp
in a hurry.

I just figured
you'd seen
the bear again.

We both know
there wasn't any bear.

We do?

Spare me the dumb act.

I know you got claws
you ain't showing.


I'm not the one
with the claws.

I don't know
what you people
are up to,

But innocent people
are getting k*lled,

And I can't
allow that to happen.


You're with
the government.

And you won't
live long enough
to give me away.

[Cocks trigger]

What were you doing?

Sorry, mr. Crane.

Tell the others
we may have
an active--

What are you men
doing there?

Uh...we thought
we saw the bear
again, mr. Crane.


For god sakes,
stay in camp.

We don't want
any more corpses.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

I got to go.


Who are you?

What are you
doing here?

We don't need
this kind of attention.

If you can't keep
a tighter rein
on your lieutenants...

I'm sorry, sir.
I'll correct my error.

But it did bring
something to light.

The guyver,
he's here.

He must be
someone in the camp.


The hunted
comes to the hunter.

Find out who he is
and bring him here--


Don't worry, sir.
I can handle it.

Morning, bob.

How are you?

This wasn't here



You can tell me.

You like him?

None of your business.

I'm just
excited for you,
that's all.

It would be
nice to know

Someone's finding
a little romance.

All right.
He's cute.

But nothing
is happening.
He's a little...

Hi. Coffee?

Did I miss something?

Uh, no, sean.
Have a seat.

That'll be all.

Check on you
in a bit.

Take your time. goes
the quest?

Well, I was just

What kind of skeletons
are we digging up again?

Well, um,
we're not sure,

But we think
it's a kind of

Although it's small
for that genus.

Once we
carbon-date it,

We'll know where
to place it,
but right--


You know, that's
almost word for word
what bob said.

What are you guys

They're not dinosaurs
at all, are they?


Everybody here knows
what we're digging for.

So why
all the secrecy?

We can't just go
spouting crazy theories
to the world

Until we have
the hard evidence
to back it up.

Dad and I have been
putting this
puzzle together

For five years,

Just praying
it isn't another
explainable mystery.

If we're wrong again...

So...why not
just stick to
the safer stuff?

Why don't you go home?

I am not going to
let anybody take this
away from us.


Feels like leather.

It's soft.

Here, give me that.

[Clink clink]

That don't sound
like leather to me.

Hey, dr. Edwards.

Dr. Edwards, over here.

What have you got,
my dear?


[Clink clink clink]

This is wonderful!

Call my daughter.

Inform mr. Crane.

Get everyone in here
on the double!

I think we've found it.

Dad, what's going on?

Cori, I think
our five years
of research

Are about to
pay off.

But when will we
know for sure?

Patience, arlen.
We beat your deadline.

Just give us the time
to do this right.

But there's been
a complication.
Something's come up.

Arlen, please.

Gee, you don't suppose

This is one of those
explainable mysteries,
do you?

Just shut up
and dig.

Dr. Edwards!
Dr. Edwards!

We took some readings
at the cliff.

It goes all the way
to the top.

This thing is huge.

These cave paintings
are accurate

And I speculate
that it sinks down
another 40 meters

And curves east and west
for 20 meters

In each direction.

It's a ship.

Whoo hoo!

[Music plays]

Bob, have you
seen sean?

Not lately.

Hey. You o.k.?

I still can't
believe it.

I know
what you mean.

We came here
hoping to find...

that would suggest

An ancient alien

We would have settled
for alien beer cans.

Instead, we got...

Five years
of getting laughed at,

Our research ignored
by our colleagues.

Ooh, the paper
I'm going to publish.

But the best part

Is that now I have got
the greatest playground

A girl could
ever wish for.

Look at this!

It's organic.
It was grown.

That sample I took
was alive--

Alive, sean.

This thing might have
been powered
by photosynthesis.

O.k., That's all theory,

But with funding
we can find out.

We might even
be able to duplicate it.

Imagine being able
to grow a machine.

No more dirty factories.
No more pollution.



Now I see why
they call you
an outlaw.

You haven't even
stepped inside,

And already you're
saving the world.

What can I say?
I'm an optimist.

Wish I could see
the world like that.

We, um...

We're missing
the party.

I'm not missing

Come on. Let's go.


Do you hear that?

Hear what?


You want to see
something really scary?

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

and moaning]

Hey, cori!

Come here.

I'll be just a second.

Hey, what
are you doing?

What do you know
about the kronos

What are you
talking about?

Come on. You dated
a mizky segawa

Whose father worked
for kronos.

He was m*rder*d

Shortly before
the l.a. Branch
was destroyed.

Do you know
anything about that?

Only what I read
in the papers.

Hey, less
of that shit,
all right?

Let go of me.

I don't know anything.

You knew enough
to know the claws
weren't yours.


You said the claws
weren't yours.

So whose are they?

what I thought.

I want to know
what you know
about kronos

And what they do.


You said kronos
was destroyed.

Kronos l.a.

Kronos l.a.?


We know kronos
is worldwide.

But we don't know
what those things are.

We found breeding tubes
and blood samples,

But never any bodies.

All right. Look.

Kronos is those things--

The whole organization.

They look human,
but they're not.

They change.

You're serious,
aren't you?

You saw that
dead guy last night.

The thing
that k*lled him

Is one of the guys
in this camp.

You saw this?

Then why didn't
he k*ll you?


I'll tell you later.

No. You
tell me now.

Don't make me
arrest you.


Everything o.k.?

Yeah. It's fine.

Nice guy.

Kid, you got to get
your priorities

Well, I'm open
to suggestions.

Damn it!

We've come this far.
Now what?

We can have
a laser cutter

Up here
in two days,
three days tops.

Three days?

Don't we have anything
else in the camp?

Sure. Garden tools
and whisk brooms.

Lasers weren't
the first thing on
the equipment list.

But we don't have time.

What do you want me
to say,

Open sesame?

[Ship groans]


It's breathable.

The radiation levels
are acceptable.

We can continue.

The rest of you may
resume your work.


It's beautiful.

No one is to touch anything

Or enter any sealed room.

We're cataloguing
only today.

Take lots of pictures

And try to map
the interior as you go.

If you have any trouble
breathing, get out.

We're not sacrificing anyone
in the name of science.

Got it?



You and sean
go that way.

We'll go through here.

Let's go.

This way.
You have to see this.


It's beautiful.

It's really humid
in here.

Can you hear me?

I'm here.

Talk to me, please.



My god. How the hell
are we going
to get up there?

No stairs.
No visible access up.

I have a feeling

That walking was optional
for these people.

We'll have to jerry-rig
something, I suppose.

Get started.

I'm sure what
we're looking for
is up there.

I'm here.

you called me here.

Aren't you going
to say something?

Please. I'm trying,

But I don't understand.


Why did you
do this to me?

What the hell am i?

What am I supposed
to do with it?

You got the wrong guy.

I'm not cut out
for this.

I can't live
like this anymore.

I'm not a k*ller.

I just want to be
normal again.

I want my life back!


Look at this.

It moved.

Cori, I told you not
to touch anything.

What have you found?

Let me see that.

No! Give it back!


We're the researchers.

It's our job to examine
the new artifacts.

As the funders
of this expedition,

We have whatever
rights we choose.

If you
don't like it,

Go back to state
and teach freshman

While we're
making history.

Dad, why don't you
stop him?

This is the most important
discovery we've made,

And you're letting him
take it away.

We'll get
our chance, cori.

Arlen's just taking
it away for, uh,


He's stealing it.

are you o.k.?

he's taking it away.

This is a breach
of contract, crane.

We'll sue you
for this!

We were supposed
to have free rein--

No interference from
the corporation!

Do you hear me?

Forget it, cori.


We'll get
our chance, cori.

Just let it go.


No! What is the matter
with you all?

He took it away from us.

Mr. Crane.

It's about
the new kid.

Can I come in?

What do you want,

I have to talk to you
about crane.

I don't want to talk
about him right now.

Cori, there are things
you need to know.

I don't know
how to tell you this,


You and your father
have been lied to.

You're working
for a corporation
called kronos.

is a part of them.


They're not good people.

Where did you
get all this?

I don't know
any kronos.

Our backers are
the tempus group.

No. They're kronos.
Trust me.

The thing you discovered
is very important to them.

It's called a guyver unit.

a powerful w*apon.

Kronos has been after it
for years.

All the people...


All the people
who work for kronos

Can change into monsters
called zoanoids.

Volker is one for sure,

most of the others.

The monsters
in the cave paintings

And the skeletons
you've been digging up,

They're zoanoids.

The bears
that k*lled those people

Are zoanoids, too.

They've lived
alongside us forever.

All the stories
you've ever heard

About werewolves
or bigfoot,

Uh, they're all--

Cori, I know, but it's
the truth. Listen--

No, you listen.

I don't care
who they are.

They put up the money
for this dig.

If they pull out,
the ship is gone.

Oh, shit. We've only
just stepped inside.

Is the ship
more important
than your life?

You're dealing
with monsters here.

I trusted you, sean.

I trusted you
not to be crazy.

Damn it.


[Crane] the ship
we excavated

Is a gold mine,
mr. Gouo.

Now's the time

To terminate
all nonkronos

bring in our own.


What about
edward's daughter
and the guyver?

[Crane] don't
worry about her.

She's handled.

And the guyver's
in our hands.

He'll be on
the way to you
in an hour.

No promises, crane,
just results.

Mr. Crane.


I think we got a problem.

Hey, bob,

Have you seen cori?

You guys can't seem
to connect, can you?

Tell me about it.

Try the commissary.
It's lunchtime.

All right. Thanks.



Excuse me.

It's calling you,
isn't it?

What do you mean?

It calls me, too.

We're both its children.

Sean, I know who you are.

I know your pain.

I'm like you.

What are you
talking about?

We're the bastards...

Of an uncaring parent.

We've been violated.

Our lives have been
changed against our will.

Sean, I know what it's
been like for you...

For me.

You've lost friends
and lovers, haven't you?

So have i.

We're forced
to lead secret lives.

Trust me.



I know! Look at me!
I'm hideous!

Do you think
I want to be this way?

That's why we're here--
to take back our lives.

Somewhere in this ship

Is the key
to changing us back.

Let's find it together!

We can take the guyver
out of you!

We can make you
normal again.

Isn't that what you want?

I don't know.

You're K*llers.

And so are you!

No. It's the one
that kills, not me.

Then let us help you.

We can make it stop.

What do you say?




Keep him sedated
until we return
to the base.

Heh heh heh heh
heh heh heh heh!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I love my job.


Hey, bitch!

What did we hit?

I don't know.

step on it!


Oh, my god!

You! Girl! Get out!


Run! Grrr!



You shouldn't have
interfered, marcus.




Don't hurt him!
Leave him alone!



Sleep tight, baby.

Keep an eye on him.

Yes, ma'am.


Barker. Barker.


You o.k., Kid?


I got to get you
out of here.

The government
wants you
in one piece.

My backup
is on its way.

This place is
about to become
a b*ttlefield.

But the students--

Shh! The students
are fine.

Now, listen, about
this guyver unit,

What can it do?
Do they know?

Cori. I've
got to get her--

They've already
taken her.

There was nothing
I could do.


They took
the south road.

What about
this guyver unit?

I've got to go.

You're not
going anywhere.

But she's in danger.

I'm sorry.
I can't let you go.

Now look. This--oof!

Oh, shit.








Sean! Help!

Help us!




Take cover.







It's done, sir...


The guyver has escaped.

He'll be back.

Mr. Crane! Help us!

Mr. Crane.
What's going on?

I'm sorry. Your services
are no longer needed.

Nothing personal.

You can't do this.

Hey, what is this?

Hey, man, be cool.

You don't
have to do this.

Oh, my god!



Don't do anything...


Thanks for saving my life.

I wanted
to tell you,

But how do you
tell somebody--

What you told me
was hard enough.

It took a lot
of guts, sean.


You don't have to be
nice to me, o.k.?

You didn't know what you
were getting into.

If you don't want
anything to do with me,

I'll understand.

It's not the first time.


It's every woman's

To be rescued
by a knight
in shining armor.

Even if he wears it
on the inside.

I left your truck
at the top of the hill.

Drive back to town.

I'll meet you
when I can.

Wait. I'm coming
with you.

No. It's too dangerous.

Atkins is bringing in
a strike force

To arrest crane.

Professor atkins?

Commander. He's
with the government.

He'll get slaughtered
if I don't get back.

I don't care.
I'm going with you.

My father's back there.
I'm not leaving him.

O.k. Come on.

Move it! Move it!

Come on, people.
Double-time. Go!

Let's go!



This is an outrage.
We're a reputable company.

Reputable companies
don't conduct

Sick experiments
on people.

The judge would laugh
this case out of court.

Too bad it's
not going to court.

Don't even try it,

Unless you think
you're faster than
a speeding b*llet.

Camp's secured, sir.

Secured? Where's
the other one?

One's in the cave.
This is the other.

No, there's one more.

Where's corbin?

This is becoming
isn't it, captain?

Eagle 2, this is eagle 1.

One hostile
still at large.

Code red status.
sh**t to k*ll.

I repeat, sh**t to k*ll.

Read you
lima charlie,
eagle 1.


We'll find him
soon enough.



Or he'll find you.

Mason, lewis,
intercept the enemy.

Yes, sir!

More lambs to the slaughter?

Looks like he did it.

No. Something's wrong.

Where's his backup?

Come on. We don't
have much time.


Would you wait?

What is it?

We have to
destroy the ship.

Destroy the ship?

Atkins is out there.
under control.

I'm not so sure
about that.

Besides, it doesn't matter
who wins.

I doubt the government
is more responsible
than kronos.

No. We can't.
All that knowledge.

I'll never
get a chance--

Neither will i.

But if we don't
destroy it,

Too many people will
die fighting for it.

They want
the weapons, cori.

It's all
they'll ever want.

You know, that's only
going to piss him off.


Now that we've
wasted enough time.

[Beeper beeps]

I have to take this.

Your hour is up.
Where is the guyver?

been some delays.

The guyver--


We'll get him back.

fixated on the ship.

He won't leave.

Have him here
in another hour,

Or shall I send someone
with more experience?

No. No.
I can handle it.

I'll take care of it.

One more hour, crane.

If we lose him--

One hour, sir.
Yes, sir.


What gets me

Is I've spent my whole life
working toward this.

I was scared

That I was chasing
some pipe dream.

And the minute
I find out it's true...

I have to destroy it.

What's wrong?

Don't fight it.


Keep setting the charges.

Why do you
keep calling me?

Am I not the one
you want?

I'm not the one, am i?





The guyver
will be back soon.

Let's prepare him
a nice welcome.

What about him?

Bring him.

Lets show him
some real soldiers
in action.

Come on, sean.

Where are you?

Take her!





An archaeologist
destroying the past.

Not accepted
scientific behavior,
miss edwards.

It's better than
handing it over to you!

The guyver must
be in the ship.

Find him!


Let her go, crane!


But pointless.

Are you o.k., Cori?



Don't be a hero.

the guyver
and surrender...

Or I'll
k*ll her.

Don't listen to him,


Time's a-wastin'.




We had a deal.

Dad, help!



We had a deal.

Yes. We pay
for your research,

And you give us
the weapons.

You should have told
your daughter, marcus.

It would have saved us
a lot of trouble.

How can you bargain
with this m*rder*r?

Don't you get it,

Your dad's
a company man.

Stand aside, marcus.

one last time!

the armor...

Or I'll
tear her apart.

Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!


You will not hurt
my daughter!

Ha ha ha ha!


You're fired.

Atkins, catch.

Protect her.

Who the hell's going
to protect me?


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Give me your case.

The case.

Yeah, but--

Just give it to me!

O.k., Bitch,
come get it.


Your ass is mine!

[Wild cackling]





It didn't have to be
this way, marcus.

We were doing
great things together.

You could have been
somebody in the company.

Junior vice president
in charge of genocide?

I'd rather die.


Ha ha ha!

Then so be it!


Leave him alone.

Back off!

How's he doing?

I don't know...

It's bad.

Why are you attacking
your own kind, freak?

We could have
helped you.

I'm no freak,
and I'm not like you.

You thr*aten mankind.

I protect them.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You didn't.

So tell me,

Who's going to protect
the protector?


Oh, my god!

A guyver zoanoid.

Ha ha.

The next step!

You don't know
what you're doing.

That unit's damaged.

You have no idea
what it'll do to you.

But it'll do you
just fine.

You can't win, crane.

The ship
told me the truth.

You're an experiment
gone out of control.

No. I'm in
complete control.

The aliens
created the guyver
to fix their mistakes.

You're the mistake!

the final product.

With this alien power,

will be triumphant,

And man shall know
his true destiny...

To serve our kind.

You're cracked, crane.

You're going
to self-destruct.


The unit feeds me.

I feel the power
growing stronger.


Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha!

How does it feel
to be obsolete,

by a new model?



Sorry, crane...

This model
has been recalled!



Out of control.


Sean, we did it.

We did it.


Looks like you found
your destiny.

Cori, I lied.

The zoanoids weren't
the failed experiment.

The guyvers were.

The aliens turned humans
into guyvers

So we could fight
their wars for them.

The humans rebelled.

Out of control.

The guyver is nothing more
than a w*apon.

I have no destiny.

You made your own.

You're a hell
of a w*apon, kid.

It's a good thing
you're on our side.

I'm not a religious man,

But you may have just
prevented armageddon.

Who knows how many more
weapons are on board.

Now at least they'll be safe
with the government

Where they belong.


That's not where
it belongs.

What are you doing?


Stand back, cori.

what are you doing?

I'm sending it home.

You can't do that!

That's government

Stop it!

You're jeopardizing
our national security.

No, I'm saving it.

It's not safe.
Let's go.


This is not the time.

We have to talk.

There's nothing more
to say.

Wait. We're launching
an underground w*r
against kronos.

The government
could use your help.

See you around,

At least tell me
how I could reach you!

See you around, kid.