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Sparks (2013)

Posted: 03/27/22 19:21
by bunniefuu
I say unto you, that one
of you will betray me.

The one who has dipped his hands in
the bowl, will have betrayed me.

Take this, and eat
it; This is my body.

What are you doing out here?

He's at it again.

Now that I, your Lord and
Teacher, have washed your feet

you also should wash
one another's feet.

I want you to go
hide in the cellar.

And wait for me. I'm gonna
come get you, okay?

Yes, Mom.

Go, go.

Breaking news: A meteorite has struck
just outside Rochester, New York,

k*lling over people,

exposing residents to an
unknown form of radioactivity.

At around : pm, residents
of Rochester, New York,

were awestruck when the calm sky was
cracked open by a massive fire ball.

The meteorite's impact
sent debris flying over

, meters away from
the crater epicenter.

The U.S. army has
quarantined residents

within a ten mile radius
of the meteorite.

A year has passed, however
meteorologists are still baffled

by the extreme increase in weather within
a ten mile radius of the crash site.

Eighteen months later, and only
out of the residents

who were exposed to the massive
radiation, have survived.

They have been nicknamed
"The Rochester ."

Scientists studying the
"Rochester Thirteen"

have confirmed that each
member has developed

their own form of
radioactive mutation.

The Bureau of Investigation is speculating
that the charred body is the remains

of serial k*ller
"Ringmaster Jesus"

whose real name is
Kevin Sherwood.

Kevin Sherwood, an
evangelical preacher,

who authorities believe k*lled over
people in a four year period.

The Bureau has released the
startling information tonight

that the serial k*ller Kevin Sherwood,
was in fact one of "The Roschester ."

A su1c1de note was found,

which experts have
confirmed is authentic.

In the letter Sherwood referenced the
meteorite as a sign to do God's work.

A search continues
tonight for Ian Sparks

who authorities have identified
as the "Matanza copy-cat k*ller."

I want to report...

my m*rder.

I've found him.

He's here.

Every cop and "Super" in the
City is looking for you, Sparks.

Who should I call first?

Wanna hear me out first, pal?

Then you can call
whoever you want.





Ya got a lot of tape in there?

Because I got a lot of story.

I was six years old when
my calling discovered me.

"Hurry space cadets to bring justice
and peace to the whole galaxy."

I believed it was my
fate to protect others.

Proof right there that I was
a moron at an early age.

I figured if the police couldn't
stop the scum I'd do it myself.

When I turned fifteen, I celebrated
my birthday by cleansing my hometown.


Is this what you wanted?

- Yeah.
- Good.

I made short work of all the
thugs, gangs and bindlestiffs.

The only thing that came easy for
me as a "Super" was my name.

At the time, "Supers" were just starting
to populate cities across the country.

It was the only job
I ever wanted.

Ian, do you know how
hard I worked on this?

You're playing too
rough out there.

Sorry Ma'am.

- I'll make some extras.
- Thank you ma'am.

By the time I was
My plan was simple.

Move to the big leagues and
join the other "Supers."

I'm gonna miss you so much.

My sweet boy.

You know, life hasn't always
dealt you the best hand.

But I think things
are gonna change.

Now, go be the Spark
that the city needs.

I found out right away,

that city thugs weren't like
the old neighborhood bad boys.

I got my teeth kicked
in more times than not.

Just when I thought
I had an edge,

I learned the other
guy was packing too.

I've always been
a quick healer

but it became clear to me, that, if I
wanted to have any longevity as a "Super,".

I'd need some backup.

As fate would have
it, that night,

the cops raided a
shipment at the docks.

Come on, calm down,
stop where you are.


There she was.

Amongst all this v*olence,

I found a little
piece of Heaven.



And one hell of a back kick.

She was the type of
woman whose first name

you instantly wanted
to add to your last.

Excuse me?


Thanks for...

for saving my life...
back there.


All in a day's work.

Hey. Where's that brick
wall you call your partner?


Just Sledge? Not...

"My steady Sledge" or
"My fiance Sledge"?

Just Sledge.

That's good.

I didn't get your name.




Suppose I told you I was
looking for a partner.

Suppose I believe you.

Suppose I was hoping it was you.

Well, keep hoping,

You never know.

And from then on,
we were a team.

She had the moxie to
take on the big boys,

and I handled the leftovers.

But more importantly,

I finally got what Nat King
Cole was singing about.

It was a magical time.

But reality would
soon screw it up.

Matanza! Matanza!




MATANZA ('slaughter')

Matanza announced his arrival to the city
by k*lling eleven people that night.

And capturing it all on film.

Not since the serial
k*ller "Ringmaster Jesus"

has one man held
the city hostage.

For the next year, Heavenly and I
tracked Matanza's bloody trail.

All officers, report
to fourth and Broadway

suspect is held up at the
Refinery brewing company.

Relax, sledge, it
ain't gonna happen.

We've got this Sledge, thanks.

Oh, you got it handled?

Hey hey, don't worry, I'm
gonna personally back 'em.

I could swear I
just heard a siren.

We believe we have the
perp hiding on the roof.

Thank you officer.

Good luck Sparks.

Happy one year
anniversary Sweetheart.

Will you be my wife?


Was that a yes?





Oh... hello!

And goodbye.

And when I woke up...

I knew I was in the
middle of a nightmare.


Help me!



What happened?

Well, after I k*lled Matanza,

I found you huddled
up in the corner,

I thought you were dead with
all that blood all over you.

I checked to see if
you were wounded,

but there wasn't a
scratch on you.

I guess all that blood must've
belonged to that female officer.

Did you black out?

I got here as quick as
I could, I'm sorry.

But Matanza... He had already...

And that...

was the moment I
knew I lost her.

She never looked at me
the same way again.

That's the way she left me.

I knew that I failed her.

She's better off without me.

Uh huh. This is all really
fascinating, Sparks,

but let's just skip to the part
where you admit to the murders.

Or did you black
that part out too?

He's alive!


From the looks of it he's
bleeding all over the place.

I wanted to give you first crack
at him before I call it in.

Half an hour.

Come on Sparks, confess!

Take your place at the cross
next to your sacred idols,

Matanza, and Ringmaster Jesus.

Nobody wants to read
about your life.

All they want, is a
picture of you...


What do you say, Sparks?

It's dead.

Follow me

if you want to live.


People will want to
hear this chief.

Well, I'm staying here.

- You're a reporter too?
- Not exactly.

Yes, sometimes.

Sometimes I write
copy for obituaries.

Local folks,

deceased, mostly.

I hope so.

What are we doing?

Stick a post behind this vent!

By the age of twenty-three
I was washed up.

My identity was shot.

And I became a public joke.

That can happen, ya know. I
pulled a "Sparks" last night.

Blacked out. Right in the
middle of making whoopee.

You know, my wife said
it was an improvement.

But that wasn't the worst of it.

All the scum I put down,
surfaced to pay me back.

Just a minute...


Nothing was sacred.

I moved into my
grandmother's apartment,

knowing they'd
come back for me.

I didn't have to wait long.


Some nights I'd even let
them get in some sh*ts.

Just to allow myself
to feel something.

Eventually there was
nobody left to fight.



You up?

Where are you?

Rent's due.


I better see some rent
out of you today.

Aw, Jesus!

Another one.

Now you ain't gonna need this.

Probably not gonna
need this either.

That's a keeper.

Goodbye Sparks.

I'm gonna make a
fortune off this.

I got pictures of
this whole thing.


Get this man to the O.R. now!

- Leave now!
- You're not allowed...



Cogswell Road and Ramona.

Put this on.

Leave now.

Mommy has something she
wants to tell you.

Scenery hasn't changed
much, has it?

Been a lot of plans
for this land.

We were gonna build a tract of
homes all the way up to here.

Didn't work out though.

Nothing ever does.

Want to know why?

The soil is tainted.

It regenerates too fast.

It's almost as if the land wants us to
remember what happened, right here.

What do you know about it?

I was the one who pulled
you from that car, Ian.

That's twice I've
saved your life.

After your first
run-in with Matanza,

your grandmother asked
me to watch out for you.

How come I've never
seen you before?

It wasn't important
for you to see me.

I was watching you.

By the time you were you were
handling yourself pretty well.

So for the last few years, I've been
traveling back and forth from India.

And whenever I was back in town I'd
check in with your grandmother.

My condolences, by the way.

She loved you very much.

What did you sh**t me up
with at the hospital?

Rare herb I brought
back from India.

It's effects work

How come I didn't die?

Beginner's luck.

Tell me the truth.

Do I have powers?


Very few people have
any real ability.

You've heard of
the Rochester ?


Most of them died soon
after their exposure.

The ones that survived kept
their abilities secret.

Those that had children passed
on their powers, genetically.

So the only power I
have is to black out.

Well we can work on that.

So we did work on
it, night and day.

What are we doing here?

Paying our respects.

What do you think?

Thank you.

Now Ian,

I want you to meet
some friends of mine.

Oh, it's you.

I was gettin' worried.

Sparks was up here with a cockamamie
story about being m*rder*d.


How did you get up here?

YOU cut the power!

Hang in there, Mac.

I might get m*rder*d a few times
before I get to finish my story.

I met all types who had the moxie
to call themselves "Supers."

Hell. Everyone
wanted to be a hero.

You get yourself a cape and a
mask and a little bit of skill,

you could pass
yourself off as one.

But this was the first time I
met people with real powers.

You remember the Rochester ?

This rather large beast is Cain.

This lovely creature is Dawn.

They both have real powers.

What kind of powers do you have?

What kind of powers do YOU have?

Wow, you must keep a lot of
tombstone makers in business.

So how come I've never seen
people with real powers before?

The few of us with powers
don't want to be "Supers."

because "Supers" usually
means "freaks."

And if we keep our powers secret,
we can go where the real action is.

What does that mean?

They're here to
team up with you.

To lead is more like it.

Enough Cain.

Look, whatever your plan is, I
don't have real powers, so...

Why are you asking me
to be a part of this?

It wasn't my idea, "Sparky."


I want to show you
something, Ian.

This is the man responsible
for your parents' deaths.

Apparently, this
skull, Jason Driver,

was selling some exotic predator
when the meteor struck.


Stay the hell away from him!

Go home, boy.

The radiation from the meteor caused
his DNA to mix with the animal's.

Whatever Driver became,
it wasn't pretty.

It was his goon that slammed my
parents' car into that train.

Took down Archer's partner.

Whatever the payback was.

I was in.


Thank you.



Why are you after this guy?

He's always been a
nasty piece of work.

The night my brother drowned

Jason... was the only
person with him.

I couldn't prove he was responsible
but I knew in my heart he was.

And now he's gonna pay.


You're very sweet.

Well, I'm gonna call it a night.

You know I've met her

I might...


I could...

stay this way...

if you like.

It doesn't bother me.

How long can you stay that way?

As long as it takes.

I fooled the eyes in
order To heal the heart.

Whatever it takes.

Last one.

Are you sure we got enough?

Strap it down.

Let's get out of here.

Breaking news: The discovery
of two mutilated bodies

has authorities speculating that a
new serial k*ller is on the loose.

And the gruesome manner in which
these two female victims were left

has police calling the m*rder*r
"the Matanza copy-cat k*ller."

Good morning.

Yes it is.

Sledge has assured citizens that he
is working closely with authorities

to quickly track
down the so-called.

"Matanza copy cat k*ller."

Can I ask you a question?


How did you get your powers?

My mom married the wrong guy.

And I inherited
my gift from him.

Was he one of the Rochester ?

Yeah, he was the lay preacher.

Better known as
"Ringmaster Jesus."

The serial k*ller?

Good old Dad.

You didn't inherit that
habit from him, did you?

I just got the one gift.

I for one

appreciate your gift.

You can appreciate me
again if you want.

We go in five.

We're not going through the front
door, Ian, so lose the costume.

Put these on instead.


Save some of your
talent for the job.

Once we get there we'll have
minutes before the real crew arrives.

No, no!

Gas leak in here.

Driver's home was better
protected than the White House.


twice a year,

he would emerge from his armed castle to
take meetings at a hotel in the city.

The plan was simple.

Dawn would get Driver
out of his room

I'd handle the guard.

And Archer would sh**t em dead.

Kapoor Fishing?

Here you go.


Yes, what is it?

I just found his wallet
in the bathroom.

It's late.

Archer did his homework.

He knew that Driver was
a creature of habit.

And he ordered the exact same room
and meal every time he stayed there.

- You are very late.
- They had the whole place on lock down.

- What is the room number?
- Sixteen.

- Guards?
- Four.


Come on.

You guys are late!

Put this on.

We're going in.


Room Service.

You're ten minutes early.

Am I?

Thank you.

The twins are driving me crazy.



They are...


You've met them before.

They've uh... grown a lot
since your last visit.

You're wearing perfume.


It's cologne.

You can try telling your wife that,
but I doubt she'd believe you.

And speaking of which.

Where is you're wedding ring?



Ian! Now, now, now!

Run, Ian, run!

We gotta get Driver!

Ian, can you hear me?


He's not responding!

He'll live.

Hang in there, Ian.

Put this on.

Take care of yourself, Ian.

Son of a bitch, you made it.

Alright, here's your cut.

Buy yourself some
clothes that fit.

Why don't you buy a new face?

Over people are confirmed
dead including two children

and at least one person
is still missing,

in what investigators
are calling

the deadliest expl*si*n
in the city's history.

The 'cause of the blast is being conducted
and police are hoping to have answers.


What the hell happened?

You are set for life that's
what the hell happened.

Stealing his money?

That was the plan?

Part of it.

He never would have gone for it
otherwise, but the best part

is we got that bastard who k*lled
your parents, and my partner.

Yeah. Yeah, we got him and everyone
else in a half mile radius!

Plans change, you of all
people should know that -

There were children!

There always are!

Look. Take the money or not, I don't
care, but my obligation to you ends now.

We're even.

Even for what?

The past?


It was the middle of nowhere.

It was the devil's own luck
your family was there.

How much is in there?

Assuming that's the bank truck
that got pinched last week

I would say there's
enough to buy your wife

and your children,
and your future wife

and your future children,
each a big house.

I certainly don't want to
disappoint my future wife now do I?

What you gonna do with your
share of the money, boss?

Put my money in a better bank.

That's all of it. Why don't
we go get some whores?


Rick I think we got a survivor!


No witnesses!

Stop playing hero
and come help me.

I swear to God they're
gonna be here any minute!

The whole town must have seen that train
blast from at least five miles away!

They say people only get
good luck or bad luck.

But I got us both.

And that's what really
happened that day, Ian.

You're a dead man!

We're the same, you and I, Ian.

You just haven't
figured it out yet.

I'll see you in hell!

Twenty-five people died
in that expl*si*n.

Nobody bumps off that many people
and breezes off unscathed.

Karma and Revenge.

Both will be paid in full.

Between finding out that a dirty cop
was responsible for my parents' deaths

and what happened
at that hotel

I had no fight left in me.

It drove me out of
the hero business

and into a three piece
suit with a new identity

I was in the
advertising business

where no one cared
about saving anybody.

I was writing copy -
or attempting to.

I lasted a full two whole weeks.


Mr. Blasini would
like to see you.

Come in, Steve.


I'm a straight sh**t.

You can't write for crap
so I'm going to fire you.

But -

There is one story that
I'd like you to tell.

And I'm going to give you
a day's pay to get it.

What story is that?

I want you to tell me...

What she's really like,


The lady was a great partner.

Don't be a chump.

I know her, remember?

We do her ads.

Now I know that you two
were more than just...

battling buddies...

So I'd like you to tell
me what she's like...


Damn shame! She's engaged!

To Sledge.

I'd pay good money to
lay down with her.

Good money.

She was his lady now.

She moved on.

Me, I never got over the attack.

I held on tight to it.

I ran over the scenario
every which way.

No matter how many times I
saved her in my dreams,

I always woke up
on the losing end.

I'm not proud of
what I did next.

But any memory of her
was better than none.

It took me a couple of months
to track down the pro skirt

that was gonna help me
get back on my feet.

That's a new look, Dawn.

Even for you.

- I'm sorry, you got the wrong room.
- I don't think so, sweetheart.

I've been watching
you for an hour.

You got more traffic coming in and
out of here than a bus terminal.

What do you want, Sparks?

But you didn't take the money.

Children were k*lled, Ian.

And I don't take blood money.

Hmmm. Interesting set of
morals you got there.

So, uh...

All that jawing about Driver k*lling
your brother, that was all bull?

He called me! Now what do you
want, Ian, I have company coming.

I'll start with a drink, but I'm
gonna have to pass on supper.

You just wasted twenty seconds.

Is there any reason why this
Wom painting wouldn't do?


That's personal.

What level of intimacy does one have to
reach in order to get personal with you?

Well I wouldn't know, you've only
been intimate with me since the Lady.


Which brings me to the
reason why I'm here.


I'm all torn up. We never
properly said goodbye.

But that, Sparks, was
almost a year ago.

And if you think I 'm going to
service you for old times sake -

No, not me, someone else.

Someone very, very rich.

Rich enough to get you out of
this dump and into a museum

that you can fill with
the exact same painting.

So I gotta ask,

Why so many copies of
the same painting?

My mother had these four
copies up in her house.

She put them up the night my
brother and father left us.

So this is...
"Ringmaster Jesus."

Yeah, that's him.

The kid next to him
is my brother.

What was he like?

I wouldn't know, they both
took off the night I was born.

Supposedly to do God's work.

Apparently God's work
included m*rder.

How much you make
in a night, Dawn?


How's sound?

Hmmm. From "super" to "pimp," Interesting
set of morals you got there.

Do we have a deal?

What a Woman!

A body like hers she
could raise the dead.

Well congratulations,

Mr Associate Creative Manager.

I think you mean
"Creative Director."

Yeah, next time.

If we can meet some place where the only
thing sucking on my toes is the lady.

How about a toast?

Here's to...

a new future.

But a new past.

Not exactly.

You're short.


since we 're old friends...

For three months, our arrangement
was hitting on all eights.

'Til Lady Luck finally ran out.

I love it.

Heroine pose? Alright...
let's see some strength.

There we are...

Now let's bring the can of
D'Vita slowly toward your mouth,

like you're gonna
give a big, wet kiss.

Lady, perhaps a
little less teeth,

We don't want to
frighten the cocoa.



Excellent work, Orsen,
that is why I overpay you.

My "Lady."

Personally I think...



What a surprise!

Come in.

Have a drink with me.

What's wrong?

Did he get rough with you?

Because if he got rough
with you then I...

What the hell was that for?

That's for hiring that whore.

Who's spreading her legs
pretending to be ME!




Look at me, Ian!

Look at me!

Try not to black out before
hearing this part, Ian.

If I have to come back

you won't ever walk again.

You're just lucky Sledge
didn't come calling.


What the hell
happened to you, Ian?

But she was wrong.

He did come calling.

Later that evening, in fact.

Ian Sparks?

Who wants to know?

My name is Mr. Prather.

May I come in?

I'm not in the mood for company.

I have something...

which might put you in the mood.

You look familiar.

Have I met you before?

I have that kind of face.

I'm here on behalf
of Mr. Sledge.

Oh. Yes. His fiancee stopped
by earlier and redecorated.

Yes. Apparently.

Mr. Sledge has a problem which you
may be able to help him with.

Before you tell me your problem how about
you tell me how much is in that briefcase?

How much would you
like it to be?

Five hundred cash.

No, I'm so sorry
to disappoint you.

It's much,

Much more.

Well, you're out
of my interests.

I'd offer you a drink but...

I seem to be out of glasses.

May I sit?

Help yourself.

Mr. Sparks,

we have a very
delicate situation.

And what I reveal here must
be kept in total confidence.

I'm all ears.

I'm sure you recall...

that painful evening when
Matanza brutalized Lady.

You do remember, don't you?

Yeah, I remember.

What does that have to do
with Sledge's little problem?

Well it seems that
since that time...

This is very delicate.

The Lady has been unable to
consummate their relationship.


Yes, it's very sad.

There are other women.

I asked him if another woman
would be of interest.

And he replied that the Lady
was the only one he wants.

God, I've got The Lady.

Inside you will find,

the address of the hotel,

and the room key.

Your Lady will arrive at
: pm tomorrow night.

And if all goes accordingly,

we'll keep the real
Lady in check.

Do we have an understanding?


I'll tell you what I'll do, Ian,

I'll scream your name out loud,
at the most inappropriate time.

How does that sound?

It won't be difficult.

I never had to act with you.

Who knows?

Maybe when this is all over -
well, we can go on a trip.

You deserve better.

I can't do this any more.

When you get back, the car
and all the money is yours.

What the hell ...?

Dawn, no!


Mommy has something she
wants to tell you.


Can you feel him kicking?

Well maybe it's too soon.

Are you excited to
have a little brother?

What do you think
we should name him?

Ian, get down!

Oh God...


Oh God... I'm sorry.

We have confirmation.
Two sh*ts were fired.

Registration belongs
to Ian Sparks.

Alright, Carlton, Johanson,
you check the hotel.

Mitchell sweep this lot.

Nothing about the
place had changed,

the only thing different was
the way I walked into it.

It started to make sense.

The sewer was now the only way
to get to Matanza's lair.

Above the ground they placed a
concrete wall around the building

so nobody could gain access.

Sledge even made a
photo op of it.

In a lair full of secrets.

I'd discovered the ultimate one.

Oh, Hello and goodbye.

It all suddenly became clear.

I did have a power.

And it was a hell
of a power at that.



Help me!

Oh, Hello and goodbye.

Stop! You can't!

I won't let you.

Not her! Not this way!

No, you can't! Please!

Hey Doll!

Meet me at the Interplay Factory at pm.
PS: The ring was always meant for you.

Even with the cops after me

all I could think
about was her.

I didn't know if she would
watch the film or not.


to see her again,

It was all worth the risk.


I'm so sorry!


And... goodbye.




I think we've got enough to write
the story on tape, don't you?

Take that recorder and
stay out of sight.

When I'm done with you, Sledge,

There won't be a scratch on me.

This is for Dawn!

Your sister.

Or didn't your dad tell
you she was your sister?

This is for the Lady
you didn't protect!

And this...

this is just for me.


He's still alive.

Get up.

I gotta get Heavenly.

Well, that's going to
be difficult, son.

What are you talking about?

We should have k*lled
her a long time ago.

Better late than never.



What does it take to
k*ll you, Mr. Sparks?

Knives, or...




apparently not.

Not a damn thing.

Over here!

Despite being shot by Matanza,

according to the medical report,
the Titanium from Ian Sparks' ring

prevented the b*llet from
fully lodging in her chest.

She's still alive,
get an ambulance.

Get an ambulance!

Inside his lair, the true identity
of Matanza was discovered.

His real name was
Kevin Sherwood.

An evangelical preacher better
known as "Ringmaster Jesus."

Sherwood was one of
thirteen people exposed

to the radiation from the meteor that fell
in Rochester, New York on July , .

Sherwood abandoned his
then-pregnant wife

and along with his twelve year old
son began his reign of terror.

With what we now learned, was his
ability to change his identity,

by morphing into the
serial k*ller Matanza.

And more recently, the
"Matanza copycat k*ller."

When "Supers" Ian Sparks and
Lady Heavenly were captured,

Matanza seized the opportunity
to fake his own death,

allowing him to continue
his m*rder spree

with the aid of
his son Sledge.

The two men later framed former
disgraced vigilante "super" Ian Sparks

for the Matanza copycat murders.

But in the end, Matanza and Sledge
under-estimated Ian Sparks,

A man who inherited through
a childhood tragedy

an extraordinary power he himself
only recently discovered.

Ironically, Ian Sparks started his
morning as public enemy No.

and ended it with a
return to grace.


No! No!

I knew you'd eventually
find your way here.

I'm not here for you.

You and I are square.

I want you to know I had no idea there
were children in that building.

The same as your parents.

It was supposed to
be a simple robbery,

it all went wrong
because of him.

Where is he?

He's locked up in the back room.

By the way,

every time I k*ll him,

It keeps taking longer
for him to come back.




Oh, God, Ian!

Where's Driver?

Did you k*ll him?


You gotta help me, we
need to get out of here.

We need to get out of here,
I have all your money.

You can have mine too.
Every bit of it.

No, no, you've got
the wrong idea.

I'm just here to visit.

You have to help me get out of
here I saved your life twice!

Ian please You're
better than this.

You're better than me, come on!

- Am I?
- Yes!

- Really?
- Yes, damn it, help me!

You know, that's interesting.

On my way over here, I got a chance
to catch up on some reading.

I was particularly interested in
the story of the Last Supper.

- You got time for a story. Right?
- What? What are you talking about?

Now, Da Vinci he didn't
want to paint Jesus

just like every other
artist before,

He wanted to capture a normal
man with the same qualities,

So Da Vinci went out
looking for his Jesus

and eventually he found him.

The man he settled on was loved
by everyone in the village.

Worked with the sick,
tended to the poor.

Da Vinci was ecstatic.

And when he completed his work,

It was time to find his Judas.

For several months,

Da Vinci went from
prison to prison,

looking for a convict
who was evil incarnate.

And the man he settled on
was a serial child k*ller.

For three days,

Da Vinci painted this
man, who remained silent.

And when he finished his painting
the man spoke for the first time.

He said:

"Do you remember me?"

Da Vinci said "No."

The man laughed,

and he said, "But
you have met me."

Damn it, Ian.

- "I was your Christ."
- Damn it Ian!

- Do you like my little story?
- No!

Help me!

Do you recognize the main
character? No, damn it!

I never properly thanked you
for saving my life, so...

I brought you a little present.

It took me a while
to track it down.

Skillfully made.

Oh, God, no...

Scientists in India
tested this on soldiers,

and found that it helped
them heal more quickly.

They theorized that if you were
exposed to a massive dose of "Red G".

It could 'cause
rapid regeneration.

In fact our own military purchased three
tons of this special herb for tests.

Don't do this.

It seems that when they loaded it onto
a train to send to West Virginia,

the train got derailed.

Apparently a police car,

was in pursuit of a bank robber

and crashed their vehicle
into a family car.

Sent it right into the train.

Oh God, no!


No, no, no, no, no...



We have a possible break-in,
at the Brewing company,

at the corner of
th and Broadway.

Evening, "Lady."

- Good evening,
- Welcome back.

This should be an
easy one for you.

One small perp.

He's up on the roof.

