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01x03 - A Walk on the Mild Side

Posted: 04/01/22 19:50
by bunniefuu

- [Grunts]
- Oh, there you are, Herman.

- Why haven't you come to bed?
- I'm just going over these bills.

Oh, you've been reading
in the dark again.

It'll ruin your eyes. And then we'll
have to get you another pair.

Lily, just look at this.

$ for electricity!
[Circuits Humming]


Well, you know. Grandpa
needs a lot of electricity...

To carry on his experiments
in the dungeon.

Why can't he have
his dungeon in the attic,
where there's plenty of light?

And that's not all. There's taxes,
food, braces for Eddie's fangs...

I tell ya. I just can't sleep!

You poor dear.
You do look dead on your feet.

Why don't you take a nice,
long walk in the night air?

It may help
to clear your mind.

Okay, Lily.
I'll give it a try.

I think I'll talk a walk over
to Midcity Park.

It's quiet over there.

Chief Harris, we're still
getting complaints about that
mysterious purse-snatcher...

who's been seen
around Midcity Park.

All right, Sergeant. Have them put
a couple more squad cars in the area.

Yes, sir.
And tell them to pick up anybody
who even looks suspicious.

Okay, Chief.


Good evening.



Police! Police! I want
to report a monster!

Here's your breakfast, Eddie.
Thanks, Mom.

Good morning, dear.
Good morning, dear.

[Kissing Noises]
Good morning, Marilyn.

Morning, Eddie!
Morning, Pop.!

Good morning, everybody!
Good morning, Grandpa.

[Lily, Marilyn]
Good morning, Grandpa.
[Eddie Knocking Back]

[Lily] How do you
want your eggs, Grandpa?
Gloomy-side up, please!

Well, I'm off.

Good-bye, everybody.
Good-bye, dear.

Oh, the Angels won again!

There's a frightening headline.

"Creature Terrorizes
Midcity Park."

"Last night, the police department
received several reports...

"of what was described
by eyewitnesses...

"as a fiendish monster
roaming in Midcity Park...

at approximately : a.m."

Isn't that ridiculous?

It just so happens that
I was in the park last night,
at that time!

And I didn't see any fiends
or monsters.

Well, I'd just as soon you
wouldn't go walking in the park
at night for a while.

Ketchup, please.

Gee, Dad. Can I go with you to see
the fiendish monster next time?

Oh, for goodness' sakes, Eddie.

What's all this talk about
fiends and monsters?
There's no such thing.

Sit down and eat
your breakfast.

Just to be on the safe side,
I think we all...

ought to stay close to the house
for the time being.

Lily, none of this talk is gonna
stop me from taking my nightly walk.

I slept like a baby last night.

Walking seems to be the only thing
that cures my insomnia.

Don't make such a big deal out of it.

Lots of people have insomnia, and you
don't find them losing any sleep over it.

What's troubling you, anyway?

Well, Grandpa, we've been having
some financial worries lately.

[Chuckles] Well it just so happens
that right now I am working
on a fabulous invention...

that will make this family
some big money.

- What kind of invention?
- I'm not talking.

Why, that's the way Edison got
the electric light away from me.


Now, everybody, calm down!

Just calm down.

- Now. What did he look like?
- Well, he was about nine feet tall.

And he was all green!

I know that guy.!
He's theJolly Green Giant.!

It was only a matter of time
till he ran amok.

And his hands were ice cold.
Yeah, I told ya.

It's that frozen food
he handles.

He had no hair,
and his eyes were bright red.

[Drunk] Oh, that's not true.!
Only the white parts were red.

All right, now.
Everybody please calm down!

Calm down here!
Now, it'll all be
taken care of.

I can assure you, the department
will do all it can...

to apprehend
this so-called "monster."

- I'll drink to that!
- The reporters would like
to ask a few questions, Chief.

No. I'm sorry. Now now, gentlemen.
When we have a statement ready,
we'll let you know.

Thank you very much.
Thank you. That'll be fine, folks.

Thank you all very much.

[Sighs] Why do things like this
have to happen just when there's
a shake-up in the department?

When the commissioner arrives,
I'll be in my office.
Okay, Chief.

Chief Harris here.
Give me the radio room.

Mulligan? Chief Harris.

I want an around-the-clock
stakeout in Midcity Park.

Tell them to be on the lookout
for a greenish man,

about nine or feet tall,

with bright red eyes
and cold hands.

Mulligan, it's remarks like that...

that have kept you from making sergeant!

[Eddie] What is it, Grandpa?
What's it supposed to do?

[Grandpa, Laughing]
It's an enlarging machine.

It can make anything bigger.

Why, with this machine, I can make
an ordinary banana big enough...

to feed a family of monkeys
for a whole year!

Anything small, I can make big.

Ooh, why with this machine,
I could make Rhode Island...

the size ofTexas!

We'll make millions!
Then I'll make them bigger.

I could even make
the world's biggest Mickey Rooney.!

Here. Let me show you.

[Electrical Humming]

?? [Distorted Electronic Music]

Herman, honey? Lower.

?? [Continues]


What was that?
Oh, that's just Grandpa, working on
his invention down in the lab.

[Electrical Humming]

[Loud expl*si*n]

I don't understand it!
Hmm, why you...

Ooh, allow me.

I think I know what's wrong.
I'm not using enough electricity!

There we are, Edgar. Got a nice,
fresh box of goodies for you.

There you go.
Put him in the ca...



So help me, Commissioner Ludlow,
that's what he said:

Nine feet tall and green!

Oh, ridiculous, Sergeant.
You must have misunderstood him.

Oh, hello there, Commissioner.
Just giving Edgar his din-din.


Do you mind taking that bird
off of your head long enough...

to tell me what all this talk is
about monsters?


Herman? Aren't you ever
coming to bed?

What's the use?

I just don't seem to be able
to get any sleep anymore.

Have you tried counting wolves?
I've tried everything!

The only thing that seems to help
is taking a walk in the park.

Herman, I don't want you
to go to the park.

Not with that fiend, or monster,
running around loose.

Lily. Honestly,
you're worse than Eddie.

In this day and age,
no enlightened person believes
in fiends and monsters.

Nevertheless, I don't want you
to go walking around in the park.

Not until they catch whatever it is.

Lily. I'm a full-grown man.

I refuse to be caught up
in this... hysteria.

If a man can't feel safe
in the streets of his own town,
what's this country coming to?

[Humming, Exploding]

What's that?
That's just Grandpa again,
working on his invention.

That settles it. I'll never
get any sleep around here.

Lily, I'm going out.

Good night, dear.


Terrific, terrific, Eddie.
We'll make millions!

Now. Now. Just keep your eye
on this pencil.

Watch this.


Grandpa, that's great!

You turned that into
the biggest pencil I ever saw!


Can you make me bigger too?
I want to be as big as Daddy.

Of course!

Now, just stand right here.

Don't move! Hold still!


Look what you did! What happened?

L-I must have put it in reverse.
It's all right. I'll fix it.

Hold still!

w*r surplus parts!


Here he comes! Get him.

Now, where the heck
is that fuse box?

Ah, here it is. Oh.


[Electrical Sparking]

Maybe I'm not using
enough current!

[Sparking Continues]



What's the matter?
Don't be frightened.

I'll protect you.
What are you talking about?

Th-The thing.
The horrible thing.

You were right, Lily.
It grabbed me in the park.

It was awful.
It had two heads
and four long blue arms.

I warned you not to
go out there, Herman.

You won't have to warn me again.
Don't worry. I'm not stepping foot
out of this house...

until they catch that thing!
Oh, shush.
Hush, dear. Hush, dear.

There's no sense alarming
the rest of the family.

We just won't mention
this to them.

Now, let's go on upstairs
and try to get some sleep.

Sleep? I'll never sleep again.

Oh, at least try.

Okay. I'll try.

But Lily, is it all right
if we leave the lights on?

I tell ya, Chief, like they said,

nine feet tall
and all green!

We're lucky to have escaped
with our lives!

The taxpayers aren't
paying you to escape.
You're supposed to capture him.

Like they do in the movies, you know?

Now, both of you, get back
to your posts in that park.

But, Chief, it's still dark out!

You wouldn't want to
walk us over there, would you?

Get outta here!

Just what in the name of
Pat O'Brien do you think you're doin'?

I'm holding up the ceiling, Commissioner.
May I suggest...

that your time would be
more profitably spent...

by trying to catch that monster
who has been terrorizing our parks?

Now, this is the last time
I intend to be awakened...

in the middle of the night
by citizens' committees, demanding
to know what's being done.

Yeah, but, Commissioner...
Unless you take immediate action
to apprehend this fiend,

you will be back pounding a b*at
in the most desolate, deserted,

law-forsaken section of town
that I can find!

You got that, Harris?

Yes, sir. I'll get him tonight,

That's my promise, or you
can have my badge, sir.

[Razor Buzzing]


[Hair Dryer Blowing]

[Igor Squeaking]
Oh, this is
a great moment for me.

All right, all right.
It's a great moment for us.

All of a sudden,
I've got a partner. Now.

[Electrical Buzzing]
[Laughing Wildly]


How did this happen?
More current!

More current!

Men, it must have occurred
to you by now...

that we've had absolutely
no success whatsoever in
apprehending the monster...

that has been terrorizing
Midcity Park.

It's obvious that, in this case,

ingenuity, imagination,
intelligence... do not work.

Therefore, I have decided
to handle this matter myself.

That's all, men. Dismissed.

Is that the box, Sergeant?
Yes, sir. That's it.

What's in it?

That box contains
a secret formula that will manacle
the midnight marauder of Midcity Park!

?? [Organ: "Chopsticks'"]

[Electrical Sparking]
?? [Concludes]

Lily, when is Grandpa gonna be
finished working in his laboratory?

The sound of that machinery
is making me nervous.

Now, you're just on edge because you
haven't been getting much sleep lately.

He should be turning it off soon.
It's getting pretty late.
By the way, what time is it?

At the tone, it'll be later
than you think. Nevermore.

I had no idea it was that late.
Where's Marilyn?

I'm glad to be able to say
she finally got a date tonight.

[Buzzing Continues]

Oh! Well, isn't that nice?
Where did she go?

Oh, they went to a movie, and then
they're going for a walk in the park.

In the park?
In the park?

Eddie. How could you let
Marilyn go to the park with
that monster running around?

But you said there was
no such thing as monsters.

Oh, Herman.
What are we going to do?

Well, I guess someone will have
to go to the park and protect her.

I'll get my coat!

Lily, I'll go alone.
Oh, y-you can't go
out there alone!

Why don't you
take Spot with you?

- Ha! Spot's afraid of his own shadow.
- [Snarling]

Come to think of it,
I don't blame him.

Chief Harris will be
right out, Commissioner.

Oh, what's takin' him
so long in there?

He didn't confide in me, sir.
He said he was workin'
on a secret w*apon.

I guess he's ready.
You can go in now, sir.

Oh, hello, Commissioner.
Come in.

It's me.

Why couldn't I have been a fireman,
like my mother wanted me to?

- [Screams]
- That's Marilyn.

I'd know her voice anywhere.

[Grunting, Groaning]


I'll have some more
of these pancakes.

You've had quite enough,

The rest are for Herman.
After what he went through
last night,

he deserves them.
Sure, sure. Herman always
gets everything. Lucky stiff.

Good morning, everybody.
Good morning, Herman.

Morning, dear.
[Sniffs Deeply]

Oh! Good morning!

[Eddie Knocks Back]


Oh. Thank you.

Good morning, everybody.
Good morning, dear.

Uncle Herman?
Yes, dear?

I want to apologize again for
causing you all so much worry.

Oh! That's all right, dear.
As I told you last night,
I wasn't hurt at all.

[Marilyn] Fact is,
we came right home after the movie.
We never went near the park at all.

I'm glad you didn't.
It was terrible!

I've never had a more
hair-raising experience.

And if you think my hair
was raised, you should have seen
the hair on the baldheaded lady.

Herman, I've told you
a hundred million times, don't exaggerate.!

I'm not exaggerating.
It really happened.

Maybe there's something
about it in the paper.


You were right, Aunt Lily.
Here it is.

It says, "Last night, the police
apprehended the so-called monster...

"that has been terrorizing
Midcity Park.

"The monster was a known
purse-snatcher who disguised
his features...

by wearing a woman's stocking
over his head."

I told you there was
no such thing as monsters.

"Credit for his capture goes to
Police Chief Harris,

"who used himself as bait by
disguising himself as a woman.

Well, I guess that explains
your baldheaded lady.

"He was heroically assisted
by an unknown citizen...

who has modestly refused
to come forward and reveal his identity."

Gee, Dad.
Weren't you scared?

Well, a little bit.

But remember this, Eddie.

It's the duty of every citizen
to protect the police.

According to the newspaper, Chief Harris
is getting a medal from the police
commissioner at this very moment!

Harris, I must admit
that in the past,

I've been a little leery about
your, uh... well, to say the least,
eccentric behavior.

But, I must say, you do
seem to get things done.

Well, thank you, sir.
Tell me, Harris.

Do you have any idea
who the citizen was
who came to your assistance?

Well, I don't know his name, sir,
but I think I could describe him.

Oh? What'd he look like?

Well, he was about nine
or feet tall, with green skin,
uh, red eyes and long arms.

Fine. Right. Very good.

[Hangs Up Receiver]

I don't know.
L-I apologize.

I'm sorry. I thought my machine
would make a fortune for this family.

But somehow, I just can't seem
to generate enough electricity.

That's all right, Grandpa.
Don't worry about it.

We all love you anyway,

Ah, but one good thing though.

It did help cure Herman
of his insomnia.

How did you do it?

With one of these giant sleeping pills
I made with my machine!

How could he swallow that?
Oh, he didn't swallow that.

I accidentally dropped it
on his head.