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03x09 - The Broken Circle

Posted: 04/02/22 16:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Marvel's Runaways...

Young woman with your gifts

should be on the right side
when things shift.

I want you next to me
with all you bring.

If anyone has the WizPhone Corvus model,

you have to get rid of it
immediately, okay?

Something is very wrong.

Just wear this.

The only thing stopping us
from rescuing Alex

was that we couldn't get back.
We're back.

What about Molly?

We don't even know if she's
safe back at the Church.

WizGlass? You're a genius.
You recorded everything.

Geoffrey, there's no server here.
I think he knows that, Victor.

No, wait, Geoffrey!

Morgan is tearing down the fabric
between this dimension and yours.

They particularly want you.

If we make it out of here alive,
I fully intend on going to college.

If Smith is what you want,
we'll figure it out.


Man can't have two families,
so it's time to choose yours.

Your mother or your friends.

Tandy, a dagger!

Let go of her!

- What do we do now?
- We find Molly.

And then we save the world.



Is that you?

No, please don't have one of those
creepy Corvus phones under there.

Hey, girl.

Good to see you.

No. No, don't worry.
I will never leave you like that again.

Do you know where Molly is?

Guys, it doesn't seem like
Molly's been here.

Maybe she's still at the Church?

Yeah, which is totally crawling
with Morgan's followers.

Well, Molly wasn't captured with the
rest of you, maybe she got away. Molly!

Well, I mean, she kicked my ass.
I'm sure she'll be fine.

That's not exactly the barometer
of toughness, okay?

We need a plan. Alex, we could
really use your brain right now.

Uh, well, wait,
let's just give Alex a minute, yeah?

I mean, he wasn't exactly
on vacation over there.

She's right.

Alex, if there's anything
that you need...

- Holy sh*t, Molly?
- What?

I've been looking
all over for you guys.

We got Alex. You okay?

Oh, my God, you did? Hi, Alex.

Molly, where are you?

Just calm down
and try to find some chill.

They tried to grab me but I got away.

Okay. Well, we're gonna come find you.
No, it's too dangerous.

Those crazy phone people are everywhere
and they're looking for us.

All the more reason you got to come home.

I'm totally fine, I promise.
I'll come back when it's light out.

Thank you.

Pretty convincing.

The girl could be an actress
if she wasn't going to...

It's all taken care of.

She's ready.


Your sacrifice for our cause will be
remembered for generations to come.

What the hell happened to me?

Be certain the rooftop
of the Olympic Grand is clear by midnight.

Given what's gonna happen to that girl,
we don't want any witnesses.

Of course.

Morgan's power's growing.
We have to stop her before it's too late.

You say that like it's gonna be easy,
but look what she did to your father.

This k*lled Quinton, so I think
we can use this to k*ll her.

You don't even know what that is,

let alone if it will
actually work on Morgan.

I think it neutralizes
dark energy somehow.

Maybe by countering it
with light energy.

Or by severing the connection
to the dark place.

I'm not sure.

Okay, the plan isn't bulletproof,
but what choice do we have?

I don't know.
Regroup, figure this out as a team?

I don't know why you wanna
jump into another fight.

Because this is w*r.

Alex, somebody's gonna get hurt.

We've already been hurt.
It's time for us to hurt back.

That's your takeaway,
from us risking our lives to save you?

Maybe Tandy was right,
about both of you.


I'm so sorry we left you over there.

No doubt you had a lot
of time on your hands

to wonder if
we were ever coming, but...

please know that I would have done
anything to bring you back.

And you did.

So, we're here now, together.
That's what matters.



Uh, that was some crazy stuff,
you know?

The other dimension.

Yeah. Yeah, crazy.


You know what they say
about near‐death experiences.

Kind of make you...

realize stuff.

I‐I guess just, uh...

what I realized was that, um...

I just, I haven't really been fair to you.

I thought that I...

had grown up a lot.

But then you left

and you really hurt me

in exactly the way that I
always feared that you would.

And... it turned me back into that...

that high‐school girl, who, who just...

picked on you 'cause I was so afraid
that I wasn't enough.

And Ty made me realize that
I cannot operate out of fear anymore.

And I'm sorry.

And I guess what I really...

what I really need to say is...

Are you watching p*rn?

What? Please tell me
you are not looking at p*rn.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no.

Sorry, I've, uh...
been searching for something.

A way to stop Morgan?

You said you wanted to go to Smith,
and it turns out that

you haven't missed
the late registration deadline.

You want me to go to Smith?

Yeah. I mean, they've got
an amazing cultural studies program.

It's everything you've always wanted.

What do you want?

I'm still figuring that out.

Maybe somewhere close
that's got a good engineering program.

I can't play lacrosse forever.

Sorry, I was totally in my head.

Uh... you were saying something?

Thank you.

Just thank you.

Look, I know all this sounds crazy...
witches, enchantments...

Hey, I was midwife to a hybrid baby

that apparently saved the world
from alien domination, so...

I'll match your crazy.

Thank you.

For coming to get me
and bringing me here.

We really should be
on our way to the hospital.

No, I... I'll go later.

First I got to help Molly.

You're dealing with an evil witch
in designer clothes

who has a legion of stans.

It doesn't matter.

I've let Alex and his friends down
more than I care to remember.

It's time I start making things right.

Then let me help.

You need to be home with Xerxes.
I got this.

You can't b*at evil Beyoncé alone.

I won't be alone.

Told ya. I got this.

So, PRIDE back together again.
What's left of us.

How do we know we can trust you?

Morgan put that necklace on me

and made me her damn puppet.

You of all people
should know how it feels

for something
to take over your body

and make you do crazy sh*t.


Where is Morgan now?

They're planning something
on the rooftop of the Olympic Grand.

That's one of
the highest points in the city.

It will give Morgan maximum exposure
to all the natural elements.

Exposure for what?

A spell. Something big.

Like how big?

Well, what does she want with Molly?

Some spells require
organic materials to initiate them.

The more ambitious the spell,
the stronger the offering required.

Like the fuse on an expl*sive.

Molly would make
one hell of a firecracker.

But by offering, you mean sacrifice?

My baby girl.
We have got to get her out of there.

How? We don't have superpowers.

Maybe we should contact the kids.

And risk putting them
in danger again? No.

A hundred percent no.

Agreed. All the bad things we've done
in the name of protecting our kids.

Let's do one good thing.

A spell requires an incantation.

Once they begin, they have to finish it.

If you break the circle,
the spell will fail.

If we try to disrupt Morgan,
she will k*ll us and Molly, but...

But an incantation might provide
a window of opportunity.

We might have five, maybe ten minutes
where they can't engage.

Well, this all goes down at midnight,
so that doesn't leave us a lot of time.

The Olympic Grand
is filled with civilians.

If PRIDE's gonna do one last job,
no one else gets hurt.

Can't we put the place on‐‐
on lockdown or something?

Yes. Yes, we can.
I think we can arrange that.

Excuse me. Where are you going?

Why isn't this building
already on lockdown? Why?

Lockdown? I...

The outbreak
of gastroesophageal pyrosis.

This building needs to be taken
care of immediately and shut down.

I haven't heard anything
about an outbreak.

Please, back to your rooms.

Back to your room.

Everyone, please,
return to your rooms.

This is an emergency.
Lockdown is implemented. Sir, ma'am.

Sir, please.

I'll call my supervisor.
No time. We are looking at rapid onset.

Everybody in this building
needs to lock their doors

and stay there
until otherwise notified.

Let's lock it down!
And all guests must shelter in place.

Shelter. That's right.

I don't think I can help you guys
with that right now.

Oh, no. Oh, dear.

- Uh‐oh. Yeah.
- Look at his eyes.

You see all the jaundice?
I think you're gonna need to sit down.

Sit down, sir.
Now, I have a question for you.

Have you taken a look
at your stool of late?

This is not a drill.

Any combination of brownish,
yellowish, grayish, blackish?

Leslie, how you doing? You in place?

I'm at the service entrance,
ready when you are.

- Think you better hurry.
- Okay.

Getting close.

You two proceed
to the north end, I'll take the south.

I should be able to pinpoint Molly's exact
location and let you know when it's safe.

I'll give you the signal.

I'll take control of the elevators.

They'll be out of commission
until we're done.

Tina, I'm sorry about
what happened to Robert.

Wish I... I could have done something.

Me too.

But I'll make that bitch pay.

First, let's save Molly.

It's time.

You're supposed to close your eyes.

You only know my eyes are open
because your eyes are open.


They've started.

Molly's about 10 yards from the door.

We should go now.

No. We have to wait until
they're deep under the incantation.

Damn it!
What the hell is going on?

She's being hit... by lightning.

Enough of this sh*t.


You said they can't break the spell.


They've got Molly.

They're on the move.
Copy. All clear down here.

Get her out of here!

- We're almost in position.
- Copy.


Molly! Stop!

Where am I?

We'll explain later.
We need to get you to safety.

Molly? Baby!

You made it. Come on.
We got to go.

Geoffrey's hurt.
I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's go.

Did we really have to let them
take the girl?

Yeah. The jolt we got off her
felt amazing.

The child served her purpose.

Our armies will be assembling
on both sides of the veil now.

This world will soon be ours.

This is a crazy storm for I. A.

The whole reason people move to L.A.
is to avoid weather like this.

Ehh. Taco trucks come a close second.

It's Morgan.

Hey, hey, hey!
Oh, my God, Molly, you're back!


Oh, with our, um... Hi.

On‐again/off‐again evil parents.

Yeah, I hope that's okay.

Hey, Dad. Welcome back
to our not‐so‐secret hideout.

Good to see you, son.
Okay, let me just...

Was everybody invited to
the housewarming party but old Dale?

I wouldn't classify it as a party.

Uh‐huh. Okay.

I will say, as far as secret lairs go,
it's pretty sweet.

Um, what the hell
are you all doing here?

Geoffrey broke free of Morgan's spell
and told us that she had Molly.

So we went and got her out.

But, Molly, you called us.
You said that you were fine.

I had some kind of spell on me.
It was really weird.

It was like I was watching
myself lie, but I...

I couldn't control my words and I...

I'm, I'm sorry. I...

I'm afraid that's the least of it.

I saw the sigils Morgan used
in the ceremony.

I heard enough of her spell.

She's not just doing dark magic.

She's bringing the dark realm
crashing into this one.

The poppies and the storm...

It's already started.

Believe me when I tell you
we cannot let that happen.

My God, Alex.
We're gonna need a plan.

Those of us who've been to the other side
know how bad it'll be if Morgan succeeds.

So we got to take
the fight to her. Tonight.

How? We've seen what the Whispers
from the phones can do.

And what's to stop Morgan from turning
all of us into mindless k*ller drones?

Then, not to pile on the bad news,
but even if we do manage

to stay unenchanted ourselves,
Morgan still has an entire army.

And an army that's growing.

Those phones have been distributed
up the entire coast.

So we're talking hundreds
of thousands of users.

More like millions.

What's this army for, anyway?

In Morgan's case, I don't think
preserving national security

and defending the Constitution.

Maybe it's like a new Church.

A leader isn't a leader
without any followers.

Every good dictator‐‐
and by good I mean bad‐‐

needs a loyal army to maintain power.

And to draw power from.

Maybe Morgan is using those followers
like she used Molly,

to amplify her magic
and tear down the veil.

Can't we just take down
the phone somehow?

I mean, calls drop all the time in I. A.

These phones are powered
by Morgan's magic.

The cell towers still use
good old‐fashioned tech.

- Meaning they can be hacked.
- It would take some work,

but if you and Chase and I
put our heads together,

we could see what we come up with.

- I've got some ideas.
- Okay, great,

but that doesn't
solve our biggest problem.

Morgan. She can't be defeated
by technology.

That's why we need this.

A w*apon forged in Morgan's world

through a combination
of light and dark energy.

But the only way to defeat her with that
is by sticking it in her.

And that sounds like a direct
physical confrontation.

If that's what it takes.

We can't be reckless.
Morgan's magic is too strong.

But... there may be a way to contain it.

With a circle of salt.

Like a Wiccan magic circle.

It's used to create a sacred space,
a barrier to limit spells.

Seriously? Like table salt?

It's really that simple?

It's not simple at all.

It needs to be imbued with magic,
forged with blood.

Okay, I... that sounds terrifying.

Whatever it takes, let's get it done.

Okay, we figure out a way to draw Morgan
out close enough to spike her.

While disabling her army
of human batteries.

All in a day's work.

Hey, Stacey.
Can you hold on a second?

I think I need your help.

Ah, Geoffrey, you're bleeding.

Molly threw me into that AC unit
like a damn ragdoll.

Forgot how strong your little girl is.

There is something still left in there.
You need a hospital.

No. It's too dangerous.

I just need a couple of cold towels,
mouthwash, and Mr. Clean.

Nana B always loves a good home remedy.

Everything's in the bathroom.

I'll be right back.

Missed you at your mother's funeral.

Sorry. I was possessed
by a psychotic Gibb,

then thrown into another dimension.

Alex, listen to me.

I hate everything that's happened to you.

You don't know what happened to me.

Then tell me, son.

No one can help me.

So you're a...
you're a hard man now, right?

Willing to win, whatever it takes?
That's what you said, right?

Everyone's afraid.

They're always second guessing,
debating sh*t endlessly.

This is about survival.

So, yes, I'm not gonna apologize
for wanting to live.

Is he okay?

I hope so.

It's good to have you back, Molls.

Sorry that we left.
Didn't mean to.

It's okay.

Also I'm sorry
that I lied to you on the phone call.

I think that really hurt Mr. Wilder.

That's not your fault.

He's tough.

Never in all those years did I think
this would be our lives.

Holed up in an underground mansion,
pulling an all‐nighter

to save the world with our parents.

Yeah, but... that's life, right?

I kind of wish that wasn't the case.

I wish that you'd go back to Atlas

and finish school,

maybe meet me in college.

Yeah. You might want
that old life back, but I don't.

I'm not the same as I used to be.

You know what? This proves it.

I got this when the lightning hit me.

Lightning? Damn, Molly.

No, it's okay, I'm fine, really.

That's my point.

Morgan didn't choose me
because I'm the weakest.

It's because I'm strong.

We're superheroes, Gert.

And I think that means
we have to do something with it.

What if you get hurt? Or worse?

Then I'll just get back up...

as many times as I can.

Hey, Mom.

You were worried about Nico
and her connection with Morgan.

It's not just Morgan, it's...

it's the magic.

Everything that comes with it.

The more powers grow, the...

the more I feel like maybe
we're on different paths.

I know what it's like
to love someone so much

you lose yourself completely.

And believe me, it's never a good thing.

Oh... apologies.

I didn't mean to interrupt
a tender moment

between la madre y la hijita.

But now that you have...
Yes. Question.

Could be important, might not be quick.

Now, I've never heard the Whispers myself,
but I was wondering,

what's the neuro process
that takes someone from a state

of passive listening to active
somnambulation and suggestibility?

There are dr*gs that do that
"Manchurian Candidate"‐ style

but to do it purely with sound...

Uh... I don't... I don't know.

I wish I could help you,
but I couldn't even hear the voices.

What do you mean, couldn't?

Well, when Molly got infected,
Gert and Chase could hear the voices,

but I didn't hear anything.

It's asparagus anosmia.

Excuse me?

You know how eating asparagus
makes your urine kind of...

- Stink? Yeah, everybody knows that.
- Not everyone.

Some people have a genetic anomaly

that makes it impossible
for them to smell it.

So, what you're saying is
that because of my genetics,

I can't hear the Whispers?

Yes. Maybe.

Your alien genetics.

See, when we were trying to best Jonah,
I made serum based on his DNA.

So Karolina's might counteract
the Whispers.

Maybe. Magic is just science
we don't understand.

The antibodies in your blood

might just protecteveryone
from the freaky mind control,

Sterilizing agents, syringes.

We have a full disaster
and first‐aid kit in the Church van.

Boom. That might get us halfway there.

You know, if I could pull this off,

Enchantamente no más.

Come on, up top.

K‐dawg, I hope you're not
afraid of needles. Whoo!

I've got boosters
tapped into the observatory.

Wilder's setup was fine,
but we're gonna need a lot more juice.

You jacked their power grid.
That's pretty damn smart, Chase.

Well, I am your son.

Not just my son.

There's someone I wanna show you.

Hello, Chase.

Hey, um...

I knew I'd see you again.

How are you?

Well, besides not being able
to hug you both right now, I'm...

I'm the best I've been in my whole life.

But whaddya say we get to work?

Okay, Jaybrid. Show me what you got.

Okay, this is every cell phone tower
being used in the state.

The way people value
their cell phone bars these days,

this security system is‐‐
it's like a fortress with no door.

Okay, so now we see
if we can tunnel in.

Okay, you gave me such sh*t
about being wicked...

and here you are doing
blood magic again.

Mom? Are you okay?

I put more than my blood into this salt.

It will cost me a number
of years of my life.

Mom. Nico‐‐.

When a parent says they would give
their life to protect their children,

they mean it.

You really think it'll work?
I don't know.

Never done this before.

Once the flame is out, it'll be ready.

You crossed over to get Alex. How?

Your father failed to get the Darkhold.

No, he didn't.

WizGlasses. He recorded it?

Robert. You brilliant man.

We got there another way.

I couldn't make the spell work.

But if we can figure it out together,

we might be able to send Morgan back
where she belongs.

The mirror. That's how Morgan
communicated to me

from the Dark Dimension.

That's Morgan's Dark Army.
They're gonna cross over.

That's good.

Thank you.

How is this happening?

I thought Morgan needed the Staff
to merge the worlds.

No. But once the worlds become one,
she will need it

to rule and maintain power.

Years ago, when I was training
in the ways of magic,

Morgan... befriended me.

Wait, you two were friends?

I wasn't aware of it at the time,
but she was manipulating me.

From the Dark Dimension.

The same way she came for me.

The Staff of One had
made its way to the vaults

of our academy for safekeeping.

She considered it her birthright.

Morgan convinced me to steal it.

Once I realized what she was doing...

You kept it for yourself.

I knew I needed to keep it
out of Morgan's hands.

Yes, I wanted it.

I'm so sorry, Nico.

But Morgan will never stop
coming for the Staff.

I'll be ready when she does.

How do we hold off the Dark Army?

I can try a spell, but once I begin,
I will need to maintain it.

You'll be on your own.

Do it.

Hey. It's happening faster
than we thought.

The Dark Dimension is gonna
break through soon.

Then we have to get to Morgan now.

No. Morgan's gonna come to us.
Before the breach, she'll want the Staff.

Morgan's coming here? Yes.

I can feel it.

Then we'll have home court advantage.

We just got to be ready
and hope the plan works.

Okay. But this time, we stick together.
No matter what.

Ah, sh*t! Oww!

How's your dad?
He's hurt, but he'll live.

You are gonna die, Geoffrey.

I've had worse.

You have a fragment of metal
in your body.

If we leave this in any longer,
it's going to poison your blood.

Surgery's your only option.

You're the only doctor?

Yeah. The only one you've got right now.

Okay. Dale raided the first‐aid kit
for his experiment,

but I think we should have what we need.

How about whiskey?
Got any of that in there?

It's another one of Nana B's
home remedies.

Okay, okay, okay.

I can't believe you made a centrifuge
out of Chase's protein shake blender.

Well, sometimes you girls forget
your dad is a bioengineering genius.

Now, Gert, please, you don't have to say‐‐
don't say anything, okay?

I know that I make it easy,
most of the time,

for you to forget the genius part.

Actually, I was gonna say, this is...

this is really bad‐ass.

Okay, sweetheart, you ready?

Here goes.

Please, please, please.

Now... it may sting just a little bit,

and you're going to feel
a slight sense of euphoria,

Dizziness, upset stomach,

swelling of the extremities,
also known as "sausage fingers."

Wait, sausage fingers?

Why didn't you tell me that
before you injected me?

- Okay, Gert, you are up.
- Wait.

Is this gonna affect
my connection with Old Lace?

Well, we are altering your DNA,

so yes, your psychic link
could be disrupted.

Okay, disrupted but not destroyed?

So it could come back
when the serum wears off.

I'm not...
Sweetie, I'm not sure of anything.

Wait. Old Lace.


You know I don't wanna do this, right?

You know it's just...

It's just, I can't have some crazy witch
getting in my head

and then making you do something terrible.

So please don't be mad.

It's just that...
if we lose our connection...

you're probably gonna be
a really grumpy dinosaur.

You're probably gonna wanna eat someone.


we have to lock you away.

Hey, it's okay. But I promise
I will come back for you

as soon as I can, okay?

Come on, please?


Thirty seconds, maximum.

Why can't we keep
the individual cell towers down longer?

The network has
significant safety protocols.

We can't seem to override them.

Victor, it's a shame we don't have
that Disruptor we put together

that weekend at the lake.

I'm afraid the FBI took possession
of that a long time ago.

You two invented something
that was confiscated by the FBI?

Your mother and I had
a rebellious streak in our youth.

All great inventors do.
Victor, maybe that's it.

The Disruptor used the network's
safety protocol against itself.

So instead of sneaking in the back door,

we actually have to convince
the network it's under att*ck.


Seems likeyou guys
have got this under control.

I'm gonna go check on the others.

Oh, sh*t.

Chase, Chase, Chase.

Dale said that you were the only person
he hasn't gotten to yet.

Chase, oh, my God! No! No!

What happened?
Where the hell did you get a phone?

I don't know.

Things just don't
appear out of thin air.

Good evening, everyone.

How nice to see you all.


Cute. But no.

Now, tell me, where is Nico?


Hmm. That didn't really work out

quite as planned, now, did it?

I don't understand.

You‐You were supposed
to die and explode.

Things work much differently
this side of the veil.

Often, what may be lethal there
just makes you stronger.

It was a valiant effort. Really.

Don't be too disappointed.

You never really did stand a chance.

Before you strike, know this.

I am now too strong to k*ll,
even with the Staff of One.

So, lest you take away
any good will I may have,

you really should listen
to what I have to say.

There will not be another chance.

The two worlds will merge soon.

It's far too late to stop that, but...

there's still time to save yourselves

and the ones you love.

Submit to me.

No. Thanks for the offer,
but we'll pass.

Oh... Nico.

I was your age once.

Optimistic I could change the world.

Well, if you want to change the world,
follow me.

This is how change happens.

The new regime rising up
to overthrow the old.

But you can't be naive enough
to think your world is perfect.

Poverty, disease, hunger.


These are the very reasons people
turn to spirituality and religion.

And yet the world still suffers.

Some things will need
to be razed to the ground.

But only so we can rebuild,
and the new world we build

will be greater than you could
ever imagine.

Or you can live a life of endless t*rture.

Your choice.

Alex, no.

I'm sorry, Nico,
but I can't go through that again.

We had our chance.

We failed.

Maybe she's right.

Maybe this is the world's last chance
at a clean slate.

We won't know if we're dead.

I don't see what other option we have.

- Please say you're with me.
- I am, but...

I love you too much
to let you die like this.

It's Morgan, she's here,
and I think she's already won.

I gave you every chance, Nico.

I would have trained you, guided you.

Bullshit. You only
ever wanted the Staff.

Since it was reborn from your body,
the Staff is yours.


The trouble is, you still fear
the power it possesses,

and fear is weakness.

It was that fear that had me betrayed
and banished to the Dark Dimension.

But now, once the two worlds merge,

powerful women like us
can no longer be sent away.

I will rule.

They will swear loyalty
as they kneel before me.

An unbreakable circle of power.

No. You can't force people
to follow you, that has to be earned.

I beg to differ.

There are millions of people following
my every command right now,

glued to their phones

for the rest of their miserable
little lives.

Okay, everyone, it's done.

I'm initiating disruption.

What's happening?
That's the thing about I. A.

Cell service sucks.

The transmission towers
are going offline.

That network of WizPhone
Corvus followers you have,

your circle of power?

You're being cut off.

Oh, but my circle, hell,
we're just powering up.

We figured you'd try
to turn us against each other.

Yeah, but that would never happen.

Pretending to submit to you
bought us just enough time.

That whole submission thing,
that was an act.

I mean, I was acting.

Just wanna make sure everyone else was...

I don't need my followers
to destroy you all!


Run, get to cover!

I know you need the Staff to rule
and you'll never have it!

Can you blast her?
I can't penetrate the wall.

I don't need the Staff
as long as I control you!


sh*t, Morgan's got reinforcements.

Stay here, I'll handle it.

Well, look what we have here.

So many loved ones all in one place.

Thank you for making it easy.

I promise this will be painful.


We have to do something.

I'll be right back.

The salt. You said a circle of it
could contain Morgan's magic.

I'm gonna have to make you pay for that.

Nico is mine now.

I can't have anyone
getting in the way of that.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

I do wish you'd listened to me.

Would have made it
so much easier for all of us,

but then I probably
should have expected as much.

After all, you're just a bunch

of stupid, pathetic children.

Time to put an end to all of that
right now.

Actually, I think you're pathetic.

Aren't you supposed to be
some great, powerful witch?

Blah, blah, blah.

You've got the look, I'll give you that.
Cape's a bit much for my taste.

But I'm not gonna judge a woman

Don't try to tell me that
you're some kind of symbol

of female empowerment.

The truth is that you're a bully

and all you want is power for yourself.

Wow. You see right through me.

Yeah. Yeah, I think it's kind of sad.

And ultimately really just limiting.

'Cause when you do things
for other people,

you get strength from that.

From them.

And no matter how many times you go down,
you get right back up.

Over and over, as many times
as you have to.

Are you quite finished?

Yeah, actually.

I am.


You can't keep me in here forever!

No, we can't. That's why we're
sending you back to the other side

and sealing the gateway closed forever.

The doorway to darkness,

behold the transom,

open it now with a spirit to ransom.

The sky's clear.

I think it's over.

So we won?

I knew we would.

We kick ass.



No, no, no, no. Gert.

Gert. I've got you.

Okay? Everything's gonna be okay.

It's okay.


You're always so...


Gert! Gert, please.

