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15x23 - Pay The Piper

Posted: 04/05/22 18:12
by bunniefuu
Oh! How lovely!

Another gift for Susannah, ma'am?

Yes. This one is from my sister, Ruby.

So many gifts. We'll have
to stop accepting them soon.

- William.
- My mother always says

that a gift is a way for a loved
one to be with you from afar.

Oh, how fitting. It plays Oh! Susannah.


Postcard from Dr. Emily Grace.

- She says congratulations on the baby.
- How thoughtful.

She says we should expect a surprise.

- What kind of surprise?
- She doesn't say.

Is she aware that George
is to be married soon?

I think I may have mentioned it, yes.

Ah, right.

Well, I'd best be off.

Say goodbye to Daddy.





Oh, the seamstress mentioned
that my dress is finished,

but I can see you are wholly
not interested in that.

Oh, eh, I apologize, Effie.

I'm still struggling with
who to ask to be my best man

for the wedding, Detective
Murdoch, or Henry.

Will Henry even be back in time?

Ruth was going on and on about that

Kellogg health retreat
they're attending in Michigan.

- She threatened never to leave.
- Mm.

Well, in any case, I'm looking forward
to finally meeting your parents.

Hm, yes.

I suppose that has
to happen, doesn't it?

Effie, it'll be just
fine. Parents adore me.

And I'm sure Wexford is beautiful.

That would hardly be my
first choice of descriptor.

We do have the Wexford Wonder, though.

- What's that?
- Just a local legend.

Well, you can't bring
it up and not tell me.

When I was a girl, strange occurrences

started happening in
the woods near our house.

- Occurrences?
- Blinding lights,

eerie sounds, unexplained phenomena.

Did you ever find out what it was?

We called it the Wexford Wonder,

but what it was is
still a matter of debate.

My father believes it's evidence
of creatures from another planet.


That is what they call
creatures from another planet,

- isn't it?
- Don't be smart.

What on earth would they
be doing visiting Wexford?

I mean, nothing against Wexford,

but surely there are
places more stimu...

I don't know, George.
Aliens visit where...

Say, isn't that the detective?

Morning, sir. Sir?


- What the devil was that?
- I think it was a g*nsh*t.


(WOMAN ): Is he all right?

(WOMAN ): What happened?!

Good Lord!

Sir? Are you all right?

- Good God. Is he...
- Effie, stay back.


Oh, thank God. It's not him.

- What have you, George?
- Sir, you.

Or at least a reasonable facsimile.

I nearly died when I saw
him on the ground there, sir.

I thought you were...

Same Homburg hat, coat, suit...


Do you have the victim's
identification, George?

Sir, he didn't have anything on him.

What do you suppose it means?

I have absolutely no idea.


His suit was from the tailor I employ.

Your wardrobe is the envy of many, sir.

He was shot in the chest.
Hardly feels like a compliment.

You think someone was after
you, but k*lled him by mistake?

I certainly hope not, but it's possible.

Sirs, I hate to leave
during such a puzzling case,

but I do have to catch
a train to Wexford.

Ah, yes. Meeting the
in-laws for the first time.

- Are you nervous?
- Not particularly. Should I be?

When I met my in-laws, I said,

"The casserole could
use a pinch of salt."

They never let me forget that.

Remind me every bloody
Christmas. But it did.

You'll do fine.

- You look nice.
- Thank you, sir.

Crabtree, have you seen today's news?

What news?

Coppers in Niagara have
found Edna Garrison,

your previous bride-to-be.

Good Lord.

The Crown has decided not to charge her

or her son for her husband's m*rder.

Well, that's good news.

Perhaps you can invite
her to the wedding?

- Sir...

That was a joke, Murdoch.

Go on, Crabtree. Get
off with ya. Good luck.


Dodged a b*llet there, Murdoch.

That Edna Garrison; dull as dishwater.

Well, she was the
spokesperson for white bread.

Is that a joke?


. millimetres.

- So, a r*fle.
- Indeed.

The b*llet travelled in
a downward trajectory,

penetrating the man's chest
and k*lling him instantly.

Were you able to find any
other distinguishing features?

- Scars? Birthmarks?
- Nothing.

I did take the liberty
of contacting the tailor.

It seems this gentleman came
in with a list of exactly

what he wanted and paid in cash.

Other than that, he
knew nothing about him.


Thank you. Let us know if you find
anything else of interest, Mrs. Hart.

Thank you.


- Hello, Violet.
- Maurice.

What a pleasant surprise.

I will have my final report
submitted in the next hour.

Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Hart.

What are you doing here?

Now, now.

I thought I taught you
better manners than that.

The only thing you ever taught
me was to keep my distance.

Well, that's about to change.

I'm a reformed man, my dear,

and if you'll let me, I'll prove it.

Now come give your father a hug.



So, the body was found here?


And given that he was in motion,

and the downward
trajectory of the b*llet,

I'd estimate the shot came
from at least the second floor.

That building there?

- Police.

Clear shot.

Looks like a match to the b*llet
retrieved from the victim's body.

Look at these.

The gouges look recent.

They certainly do.

Let's have a constable take
proper photographs of these.

Of course.

Ah, Mrs. Newsome, it's a
pleasure to finally meet you.

- Charmed.
- Effie, my dear,

- you are glowing.
- Ooh!


George, this is my
father, Peregrine Newsome.

George Crabtree. It's a pleasure, sir.

Call me Perry. And the
pleasure is all mine.

I look forward to meeting
your folks one day, as well.

And I hope you will.

My father is hoping to attend
the wedding. Fingers crossed.

What about Mrs. Crabtree?

Actually, my parents were never married.

There she is! The bride-to-be!

Oh! Oh, Millie!

George, this is my best friend

in the entire world, Millie Montgomery.

- A pleasure.
- It's nice to meet you,

you lucky, lucky man. He's cute!

I understand you're to
be Effie's maid of honour.

And an honour it will truly be.

But now, I'm off again.
I'm catching a train

to Uxbridge this afternoon.

I just wanted to come by and say hello.

No! What? This afternoon? Whatever for?

It's a surprise.

But don't worry, I'll be back in
plenty of time for the wedding.

Well, you must let George and I
accompany you to the train station.

That would be lovely. Meet
me at my house at three.

- Ah, may I help you with that?
- You may not.

So, I admit, I've not
spent much time in Wexford,

but I do hear it's full of wonders.

Wexford? How so?

Well, specifically, the...
the... the Wexford Wonder.

- The...
- You know of it?

Just what Effie's told me,
but I find it fascinating.

I have my own theory about aliens,
you know, specifically, Venusians.

We don't talk nonsense in this house.

Isn't that right, Peregrine?

Y... yes, dear. Quite right.

Mrs. Hart.

Inspector. What can I do for you?

The man who was visiting
you this morning.

He looked familiar.

I'm not sure where I know him from,

but I think he might be a... a criminal.

He is a criminal. Reformed, as he says.

He also happens to be my father.

Ah, I take it you're not close?

We are not.

What does he want?

Absolution, I suppose.

He's been absent for my entire life,

and now, he wants to make up for it.

How are you faring with that?

I've survived this
long without a father.

- I certainly don't need one now.
- Hm.

I see. Right, then.

Not that it's any of my business,

but you might not want to
write him off completely.

Sometimes, parents
deserve a second chance.



Your mother didn't take to me
as enthusiastically as I'd hoped.

But your father seems an affable sort.

- Millie's not answering.
- Maybe she's already left.

Why would she tell us to meet
her here if she's already left?

Well, I don't know. She's your friend.

George, look.

Oh, my goodness.

What on earth could have made those?

Effie, I don't think anything
from Earth made these.


So, I think your friend
may have had an encounter

with the Wexford Wonder!

This casing is a match for the
b*llet that k*lled the victim.

We've checked the fingermarks on it,

but they don't match
anyone we have on record.

- Witnesses?
- We've scoured the neighbourhood. Nothing.

If he was set up in that window,

the sh**t would have
known that the rider

would go down that street at that time.

It's a route I take often.

All to send you a message?

A veiled one at that.

Or it could have been
completely coincidental.

The only reason we think
this may be a message

is the victim was dressed like you?

What are the odds that the man would
be wearing Murdoch's exact outfit?

In the random chaos of
hundreds of thousands

of sartorial decisions made
each morning in this city,

it's inevitable two
men may make the same...

uninspired decision on the same day.

How many of those men would have
been shot by a bloody sn*per?

We've been down this road before, Watts:

if it seems like
someone's after Murdoch,

- someone's after Murdoch.
- All right.

What's this?

I believe they're the marks
left behind by a gunrest.

So, a professional job.

We've taken measurements hoping
to compare it to a make and model.

I'll get right on it.

Father, you won't believe
this but Millie's been...

(LAUGHING) Roderick?

- Oh, hello, Fiona.
- What are you doing here?

Roderick frequently drops by.

He's such delightful
company. (CHUCKLING)

I do think you and he should
try to patch up things.

Now, the better man won, Mrs. Newsome.

Congratulations on your
impending nuptials, Mr. Crabtree.

I should have never let
her get away from me.

- You never let me do anything.
- What is this about Millie?

- She seems to have disappeared.
- We went around to collect her,

but she was nowhere to be found.

And then, outside the house
were these strange footprints.

Strange footprints?

Unlike anything I've ever seen before.

- Four-toed? Like those of a giant frog?
- Yes!

I knew they'd be back.

What, creatures from another planet?!

Oh, good Lord, not this again.

The same thing happened
to Billy Mumphries.

I saw it before my very eyes.

Peregrine, you agreed to
leave this nonsense behind.

I saw Billy Mumphries
walk into the woods

by the Marlowe Settlement
the very night he disappeared.

- Oh, good Lord.
- Everyone in Wexford knows

Billy Mumphries left town, Mr. Newsome.

I personally saw him get on the train.

I have something to show you.

Aren't you keeping someone
else's mother waiting?

Ten years ago, I was conducting
an experiment on the portal,

which I believe is a
passageway to other dimensions

as real as our own.

Are you familiar with the
scientist Albert Einstein?

Familiar? George and Mr.
Einstein are pen pals!

- He writes me incessantly.
- He likes you.

I don't know. Sometimes, I
think he's using me for my mind.

Regardless, Einstein's theories
articulate what I have always believed,

that there are other planes
of existence beyond our own.

- Like another world?
- Indeed.

But a world not accessed through space,

but through a portal of sorts.

A gate that crosses time and place.

- Have you seen this portal?
- No.

It only opens under certain conditions.

Such as?

An alignment, an increase
in sunspot activity

and a very specific
part of the lunar cycle.

When the moon is at perigee...

- Its closest point to Earth.
- Correct.

At perigee, the moon's
tidal pull reaches its peak

and I believe it works in
conjunction with the sunspots

to alter the Earth's magnetic field,

allowing for an opening in the portal

to a realm that is beyond
the veil of human perception.


Tell George what happened the
night Billy Mumphries disappeared.

I was measuring the magnetic flux

in the woods down by
the Marlowe Settlement.

I saw Mumphries there,

but before I could say hello,

there was an intense
flash of light and a sound

like the sky was tearing apart. And
in that moment... (SNAPS FINGERS)

... Mumphries vanished.

Sucked into the portal.

Or dragged in by an alien visitor.

Well, perhaps Millie is still in there.

- Well, we can only hope.
- And pray.


How innovative.

A device that controls the
temperature in the entire home.

Thank you. And you are?

William, you're home.
This is Father Rockford.

- Ah. Father, please come in.
- Oh, thank you.

I've decided to come and call

on the local parishioners
to introduce myself.

I see. What's happened to Father Harris?

Oh, he suffered a fall, and he
needs to rest for several weeks.

Wow. Thank you for coming.

Sunday is such a special day for us.

Yes, I've heard there's
to be a christening.

Our daughter, Susannah.

Perhaps we could wait for Father Harris

- to take the time he needs...
- Nonsense.

One must never wait to welcome
a child of God into the Church.

What parish did you say
you were coming from?

William, Father Rockford
has a lot of other calls

- to make today. We shouldn't keep him.
- Indeed.

I'll let myself out.


I may make a call to the parish

to see what they know
about this Father Rockford.

William, you don't trust him?

Julia, a man was shot and k*lled today.

He wore a suit and hat just like mine

and rode a bicycle along my
route to the station house.

I can't help but think that it
was meant as a message to me.

How curious.

But a priest, William?

The only people that I can think of

that would want you
dead are dead themselves.

Eva Pearce, Ralph
Fellows, James Gillies.

Well, I can think of...

I'll be back shortly. Lock the door.

William, we never lock the door.

We do now.

This is one of the first
places I took Violet.

Oh, something sure to
sweep any girl off her feet.

Oh, please.

I thought the same.
So, I bought it for her.

- You bought it?
- That I did.

On a whim?

Nothing whimsical about
courting Miss Violet Hart,

I can assure you of that. (CHUCKLING)

You must do well, Mr. Carmichael.

I'm comfortable.

And getting even more
so with your daughter

in charge of our finances.

She is something of a miracle worker.

- Is that so?
- That's quite enough, Arthur.

No need for all that.

She hates it when I talk about money.


Pardon me, I must go
find the powder room.


So, how long are you planning
on staying in Toronto?

I, uh... I'd never want to impose,

but my itinerary has been
interrupted by a lack of funds.

Perhaps, with a little help...

Will a $ , be
enough to be rid of you?

Darling, how generous of you.

All right. Consider it done.


Good afternoon, Mr. Rhodes.


I assume you're here to
apologize before they hang me.

I'm not.

What can you tell me about this man?

Looks like a man who got
what was coming to him.

- So, you know him.
- Might. Might not.


He was shot and k*lled in the street

and dressed to look like a
copy of me. Same hat, suit.

No accounting for taste.

So, what, you think I
sent someone to k*ll you,

but they got him instead?

I believe he was k*lled as a message.

Well, don't you have a
high opinion of yourself?

Why would I do that?

To torment me.

To lure me here to see you one
last time before you k*ll me.

I'm hardly that interested in you.


I am simply biding my time
before I meet my maker.

So, you hold no ill will against me?

I've come to realize that
I deserve my punishment.

All men get what they deserve.

I deserve nothing for lying to you?

You tell me.

Do you have a guilty conscience?

Goodbye, Mr. Rhodes.



Well, despite being unable to
find Susannah's favourite doll,

I've managed to get her to sleep...

- Georges! What a surprise!
- A happy one, I hope.

Yes, yes, of course.
I see you've met Julia.

In fact, he's been charming
me for the last half an hour.

- No doubt. What brings you here?
- Police business.

I'm looking for a man
who's gone missing.

We believe he is in Toronto.

But I heard you had a daughter,

so I had to come and
offer my congratulations.

Thank you. Thank you.

But I'm afraid you've
come at a very busy time.

Susannah is due to be baptized.

- Ah, that's wonderful.

Well, actually, would
you like to attend?

We don't have a lot of family here.

I would be honoured. Detective?

Yes, of course. It would be our honour.

Thank you. I will be off.


- Is everything all right?


Julia, when I was at the Don Jail,

Frank Rhodes was whistling Oh! Susannah.

Yes, William, you told me.

I don't think there's
anything to worry about.

It's a very popular song nowadays.

I hear it everywhere.


Have you, by chance,
touched anything on my desk?


I haven't been anywhere near your desk.

I know how particular you are. Why?

My keys have been moved.

I always leave my keys horizontally
on the left side of this desk.

They are now in a pile on the right.

Well, no one else has been in the house.

Father Rockford, the nanny.

Both very trustworthy people.

In fact, I called about Father Rockford.

He is filling in for Father Harris.

You may need to consider that the
dead man wearing your suit was...

was just a coincidence.


I've been able to
ascertain that the divots

left by the sn*per on
the windowsill were made

by a German Army issue Mauser gunrest.

Canvas all the g*n stores, see
if anyone bought one lately.

A task already completed.

- And?
- Nothing.

It's possible the sh**t
brought it to Toronto with him.


Inspector, you seem distracted.

I met this chap. Mrs. Hart's father.

- Oh.
- I seem to think I've met him

somewhere before, but
I can't remember where.

Do you recall it being
a pleasant encounter?

I don't think so.


This is more complicated than one
of the detective's contraptions.

Well, my father is a
strangely brilliant man.

It's definitely on, but
it's not getting a reading.

There must not be much
activity right now.

- Are you sure about that?
- Oh, good Lord.

- My father and I would...
- Effie, sh-sh-sh-shh!

Do not shush me. That is not
a habit I will ever encourage.

- I think I see something.
- What is it?

Some sort of hideous
creature with a thick neck

- and large, glassy head.
- Good Lord!

I'm going to try to get closer.

- I'm coming with you.
- Effie, no.

- We don't know how dangerous it could be.
- Well, exactly.

That's why I'm not letting
you go over there alone.

All right, fine, but be careful.

We come in peace!

Stop! Uh, freeze!


Wait! Stop.

We mean you no harm.

Stop right there.

Toronto Constabulary!

What on earth?!

Let go of me!

Who are you?

And what were you
doing wearing that mask?

Harriet Townsend. I was
welding in my family's shed

when I saw you people lurking out here.

- We weren't lurking.
- Were too.

We thought you could be the
Wexford Wonder, for Pete's sake.

- It's back?
- It may be.

It may have kidnapped a friend of ours.

Oh, no. Not again.


What are you talking about?

Come with me.


They say Billy Mumphries
left town, but I know better.

He was taken.

I heard he was set to be
wed, but got cold feet.

That's not true. He loved my sister!

He never would have left her.

Your sister?

What are you two doing
out here disturbing us?

We're investigating the mysterious
disappearance of a young lady.

He thinks aliens might be involved.

Same as Billy's disappearance.

Don't start with that
crazy Newsome stuff again.

He left and never came back

on account he didn't
want to marry your sister!

He did, too, want to marry
me! You drove him away!

He was never good enough
for you. But he loved me!

Now you see what you've all stirred up?

You happy?

Get out.

Get out!

- Thank you for your help, sir.
- Get!


- William!

Ah-ha! I found it.

Oh, there it is. That's
her favourite doll.

It must have fallen out of the bassinet.

Perhaps she threw it!

I doubt she has the physical
capability to do that yet.

It's been broken clean off.

What, so you think that
someone broke in and did it?

Or it was someone we let in.



That will be quite the show.

You're familiar with
Miss Bloom, Inspector?

Not as well as some, but I
have made her acquaintance.

A well-travelled man.

I am indeed, Miss Bright.

You can say I have
been around the block.

No doubt.


Well now, that's something
that'll get the heart pumping.

- Mind if I sit down?
- Evening, Mr. Hart.

Oh, I may be Violet's father,
but my last name's not Hart.


Do you remember yet?

Where you know me from?

I'm afraid not.

My last name is Majors. Maurice Majors.

Do I get another clue?

I'm surprised you need one.

Let me buy you a drink.

Excuse me, if you would be so kind,
a couple of Scotches over here.

Yes, he's usually out all day.

But he's home right now.

Dr. Ogden is going out
tomorrow afternoon, I know that.

I have to go. Goodbye.

Were you just telling someone
when we'd be out of the house?

- Well, yes, but...
- Who were you speaking with?

That's private, sir.

Did you go through my desk earlier?


Do you know who broke Susannah's doll?

No, of course not!

- Is that the truth?
- Yes, it is.

You're being very
unreasonable. Good day.

What's going on? Why are you leaving?

Your husband is being rude

and prying into my private
matters and accusing me

of all sorts of misdeeds.
You can forward my pay.


The readings were high,
between eight and ten.

But then, I mistook a young
woman in a welding mask

to be the alien, and actually
ended up meeting her family,

who were a bit...

In any case, we went
back to the same area

looking for the readings again. Nothing.

Well, that's good.

It means the portal could still be open.

Although it's surprising you
were getting such high levels.

This thing could be broken.

Anyway, your best chance at
finding the portal is tonight.

- Tonight?
- My knee's been acting up.

Means a storm's coming.

And tonight, the moon reaches perigee.

If you're ever going to find
that portal, now's the time.

We still have a chance to
find Millie and save her.

- Are you up for it?
- Of course.

- Oh, blast, I'm going to miss my train.
- George.

I'll be back before nightfall.

- Where are you off to?
- Toronto.

George is to be a godfather.


How did you convince her to stay on?

How do you think? Assurances,
apologies. And money.

- A lot?
- Enough.

- Uh, Dr. Ogden, a moment?
- Of course.

Sir, I'm sorry I'm late.

It's all right. We haven't begun yet.

Is the inspector not here yet?

Um, he's slipped out for a...

Sir, you're not going to believe
what's happening in Wexford.

This is going to sound fantastical,

but I am within a hair's
breadth of making a true,

verifiable sighting of
creatures from another planet.


From what planet?

Well, I... I... I...
I don't yet know, but...

I've always thought Mars

to be a much less likely
place of origin than...

- (BOTH): Venus!
- Yes.

Why, you must be George Crabtree.

I have heard about you.

Yes, and I have you, Mister...

Constable Georges Fournier.

Uh, yes. George,
Georges, Georges, George.

If you'll excuse me a moment.

Where did you see these aliens?

Well, I haven't seen them yet, per se.

Is everything all right?

Oh, yes, why wouldn't it be?



(ALL): Amen.


(WHISPERING): He doesn't know the rites.

Perhaps he's new.

Bloody hell, this is taking
longer than the birth.



Wait, wait! What are you doing?

The baptism.

Get away from my daughter. I
don't want you touching her.

All right. Okay.

You can hold her.

May I continue?


Y... yes, I'm sorry. Please continue.


♪ And there's lots of girls besides ♪

♪ That I should be beside ♪

♪ Beside the seaside ♪

♪ Beside the sea ♪

You're still here?

Oh, happy to see you too, my dear.

I thought you would have used
some of your newfound resources

to resume your travels.

You know, I thought so too, but I...

I fit in rather nicely
here, don't you think?


Seems like it might be
time for another drink.

- What a lovely watch.
- Oh, thank you!

- What do you think you're doing?
- Oh, making myself at home.

This isn't your home, sir.

Who is this man?

My father.

Maurice Majors, Miss...

Get out from behind my bar.

I'll just finish pouring my drink.

I don't think I'm comfortable with that.

Well, I suggest you get comfortable.

Maybe you are confused.

This is my salon.

Is that so? Mm.

You know, I'd love to have a
place just like this one day.

Maybe this very place indeed.

Ha! Let's sing.




Hello? Julia?

Miss Huff?


- Yes...

Stop! What are you...

The nanny let me in. I was
putting a present in her crib.

What on earth has happened?

- I... I... I'm so sorry.

I saw a man and I
panicked. I... I'm sorry.

You seem disturbed, Detective.

Is there something you need to confess?

I had no reason to suspect him

beyond inexperience at performing rites.

And I att*cked him.

Whoever is doing this
has me second-guessing

every person I meet,
every thought I have.

Trust yourself, Murdoch.
It never fails for me.

We'll catch whoever shot the man
on the bicycle and put this to rest.

- Any word on his identity yet?
- Nothing.

Nothing on the clothes, either.

All we have to go on is the gunrest.

- And?
- Watts is following up on some names.

I'll let you know if he finds anything.

But for now, go home, get some rest.

I'm going to put the kettle on.

Well, let me tell you,
this device measures

electromagnetic activity,
which is a crucial indicator

that an alien portal is nearby.

Mon Dieu, this is remarkable.

Interesting device,
George. Does it work?

Oh, sir.

Absolutely. I very
nearly found the aliens.


- Who gave you this?
- Effie's father.

Well, that's quite the interesting
family you're marrying into.

Indeed it is, sir.

In fact, Effie's probably
waiting for me now

back in Wexford. I'd best be off.

I would love to join
you on this adventure,

but I have a man to find.

And I have a family to tend to.

Uh, Georges,

before I go, can I ask
you for a spot of advice?

- But of course.
- I need to choose a best man for my wedding.

It's between the detective
and my friend, Henry.

- Who is this Henry?
- A fellow constable.

That's his desk, in fact.
A good chap, if a bit lazy.

Right now, he's off enjoying a
series of electric shock therapies

- at the behest of his wife.
- This is his desk?

That's right.

I did not mean to intrude,
but whilst looking for a pen,

I did find, um, this.

Well, yes, that's likely Henry.

But he is a loyal friend.

You are telling me that
your choice of best man

is between the great
Detective Murdoch and this?


The decision is obvious, no?

All right. That'll be all.

- Who's next?
- Uh,

two more names on the
list. One's just down here.

But you needn't follow
me around in the cold.

- I can handle this.
- It's my pleasure.

And, perhaps, after those two
names are crossed off, we can...

get warm.

Well, I don't know about that.

How do things stand with you and...

- What was his name?
- Which one?

- Don't be unkind.

- I'm being honest.
- Yes, well, I suppose it doesn't matter who.

What matters is it's
not the two of us alone.

It is right now.

You know what I mean.

I care for you tremendously, Llewellyn.

But to be with only you
would be to change who I am.

It's not who you are,
it's just what you want.

A greed you refuse to
temper even if it means

you'll lose something beautiful.

Now who's being unkind?

I think I've had enough
of this discussion.

Wait, Milo.

I'm going to look into the
scene of the crime again.

Please, wait.

You're giving away
your stake in the salon?

I'm considering it.

Besides, you'll still run the place.

What does it matter who
your silent partner is?

It's your father, isn't it?

Violet. Don't do this.

I have no choice.

What kind of hold does
that man have on you?


Toronto Constabulary.
Is someone in there?


Open up.

I know you're the one
behind all of this.

Of course you do.

You're the great detective.

But it can't be you.

You're in here.

Unless you have an accomplice.

Perhaps I do.

Perhaps I don't.

Just leave me and my family alone.

You lied to me.

Broke a promise you made.

What is happening to you
is your doing, not mine.


Why is it so warm in here?

It's warm in hell. That's why.

You betrayed me.

And a sin against the devil
himself is a sin, nonetheless.

It was your God who sent me, William.

And it is your God who will punish you.






William? Is everything all
right? It's awfully hot in here.


We can't stay here.

Gather your things. We're leaving.

I need to renegotiate our terms.

I'm willing to give you $ , ,
but I am keeping my salon.

That is my only and final offer.


You seem to misunderstand
the predicament you're in.

I want that club.
Either you give it to me,

or I'll tell everyone about you.

Don't thr*aten me.

- I'm not a scared little girl anymore.
- Oh, is that so?

You look scared to me.

- Get your hands off me!
- You do what I say...

or everything you have will be gone

when I tell your husband that
you're already a married woman.

Let me go!

That's right, Mrs. Meadows.

You give me what I want,

or your perfect life is over.


- Milo...
- Hm?

Thank you for waiting.

- Did you find what you were looking for?
- Uh, no.

Llewellyn, we need to
finish our conversation.

- Good.
- (g*nsh*t)




The windows are secure.

We should be safe here.

William, what is going on?


Frank Rhodes intends to k*ll me.

And I plan on not letting that happen.

How did it come to this?

I made a deal with the devil.

And then I broke it.