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01x31 - Love Comes to Mockingbird Heights

Posted: 04/12/22 19:08
by bunniefuu

Good day, madam. Is
your husband home?

Uh, I'm afraid he's not, sir.

Oh. [Chuckles] Good!

Oh! [Laughing] Herman!

You're so cute. You just give
me vulture-bumps all over.

I... I do have a certain built-in charm.
Lily, dear, was there any mail today?

No, but the express company
delivered a box from the Old Country.

Oh. I had them put it in here.

Oh, let's see who it's from.

Eh, it's Uncle Gilbert!

We'll-We'll have you out in a jiffy, Uncle
Gilbert. You're just in time for dinner.

No, no, Herman. It's not Uncle
Gilbert. It's from Uncle Gilbert.

Oh, eh, sorry. A
natural mistake.

I don't know what's in
it, but he sent a letter

asking us to keep it for
him until he gets here.

He's coming over on a
visit in two or three days. Oh!

Hey, Pop. I've been
waiting for you to get home.

You can open the crate with my
genuine Transylvanian Boy Scout hatchet.

Thank you, son.


Ah! Gold coins.
Hundreds of them!

[Eddie] Yippee!

But Uncle Gilbert
isn't a rich man.

Where in the world would he get
thousands of dollars out of the blue?

Well, Uncle Gilbert
used to be a politician.

Maybe Transylvania was
declared an unfriendly nation,

and our government
automatically sent them foreign aid.


And here's your
receipt, Mrs. Munster.

When we learned you
had such a big deposit,

we were happy to send
along our armored car.

I see it came to a hundred
and eighty thousand dollars.

You know, those coins
are pure gold and very

rare. They appear to
be Spanish doubloons.

Well, you've been very
helpful, Mr. Benson.

It would be a nuisance to have all that
loose change kicking about the house.

[Chuckles] Yeah. Yes.

Everything taken
care of, Aunt Lily?

Oh. This very efficient young
man has been very, very helpful.

Oh, I guess you two haven't met.
Mr. Benson, this is my niece, Marilyn.

Uh, well... [Chuckles] I'm very
glad to meet you, Miss Alan.

My first name is Benson,
but you can call me Marilyn.

Oh, I'm sorry. A hundred
and eighty thousand pardons.

What I mean to say is, I... I
sure am delighted to meet ya.

Uh, well, bye.

Oh. Good evening, Grandpa, Lily.

Uh, sorry I had to work
late, dear, and eat downtown,

but before I left the parlor, I had
to lay out some work for tomorrow.

That's all right, Herman,
but keep your voice down.

Hm? Keep my voice down? What
are you doing sitting here in the kitchen?

Don't tell me Spot ate the living
room furniture again! No, don't, no.

We're sitting here
because Marilyn is

sitting in the living
room with a young man.

That new assistant
manager the bank sent over?

He fell for her like
a ton of headstones.

Plain, old, drab
Marilyn? Yes, Herman.

It must be either
love or astigmatism.

Lily and I are trying to make
sure he doesn't get away.

Pretty soon, I'm going to
sneak out and bolt the front door.

I'm going out now and see if
they're sitting close together. [Laughs]


Grandpa. I do not believe we should
try to push Marilyn's romance along.

We should let it take its
own course. But, Herman...

Uh, Grandpa. If Marilyn's clock
of romance has begun to tick,

it does not behoove us to
overwind her mainspring.

And the minute I saw you this
morning, I wanted to know you better.

Did you want
something, Aunt Lily?

I hate to disturb you two,
but could I borrow that pillow?

This one, Mrs. Munster? Yes.

I was making some chicken
soup, and I ran out of feathers.

Hmm. These'll do nicely.

Yeah. Sure. Oh, Mr. Benson,

uh, why don't
you sit over here...

on the sofa next to Marilyn?

[Chuckles] It's much more comfy.

Yes. Uh, thank you.

She makes chicken
soup with feathers?

Doesn't everyone?

How's everything going? I
borrowed the pillow out of

his chair, so he has to sit
on the sofa next to Marilyn.

Good! Listen, you two.

I am against promoting
romance. It will lead to no good.

We don't want it to lead to any
good. We want it to lead to marriage.

Grandpa. What are
you... What are you doing?

I've got Eddie stashed
away in the dungeon. Ha-ha!

It's part of my master plan.

[Buzzing] Come in, Eddie.
This is Grandpa. Over.

Well, now, isn't this cozy?

You know, Marilyn, it's been a
long time since I've met a girl like you,

especially one whose home
is so... [Gasps] [Creaking]

Hey, hey! Alan,
what's the matter?

Oh, there's something coming up
out of the floor, and it's got fangs!

Oh, that's just my little
cousin, Eddie. What is it, Eddie?

Sorry to bother you two, but one of the
lightbulbs went out down in the dungeon.

Eh... Thanks a lot.


Yes, Eddie? Phase two
completed. Over and out.

Good boy. [Chuckling]

Now they're sitting close
together with the lights down low.

All we need is some soft music.

Leave it to me.

Shades of Tristan and Isolde,

sh**t me a love theme
straight from the shoulder.

♪♪[Organ: "Let Me
Call You Sweetheart"]

The organ, it's
playing by itself!

Yes, isn't it romantic?

You hear that? It worked.

Oh, Grandpa, you are a genius!

Oh, I must admit that you...

♪♪[Glissando, Upbeat Melody]

What was that? Something
must have gone wrong.

What? It's never
done that before!

Aunt Lily! Grandpa! Help!

Grandpa! Grandpa!
Herman! Come on!

Not me. You made your
kettle of fish, now sleep in it.

So there!

[Gasps] Oh!

Down! Down, boy!
Sit! Stay! Down, boy!

Hold it, hold it!
Down, down! Stop!

[Overlapping Shouts]

- Alan! Alan!
- [Door Creaks, Shuts]

Whoa! Herman, come
quick! We need your help!

Herman! Well, don't just
stand there! Do something!

Allow me.

♪♪ [Slows, Stops]

There. [Chuckles]

I hope it doesn't
wriggle till after sundown.

You want a little more coffee? No, no.
That's okay. I've stopped shaking now.

What happened? You told me this
girl was such a doll. Oh, Marilyn is.

But that house and the
aunt and the grandfather.

Boy, they're like something
out of Edgar Allan Poe.

Well, I guess you'll be
scratching her off your list, huh?

Gosh, no. I can't afford to,

not since I saw that solid
gold deposit they made.

Ben, that girl has
really got what it takes—a

hundred and eighty
thousand dollars' worth.

I wouldn't mind saying "I
do" to a balance like that, huh?

You know something,
Alan? You're really a rat.

Okay, okay. But you'll talk
nicer to me when I'm a rich rat.

Herman, frankfurters, please.

If you'll just wait, Grandpa,
they'll be there in a minute.

Hey, how come Marilyn's not
eating with us again tonight?

Because, Eddie, that nice young
boy from the bank called her...

and asked her out on
another date. [Laughs]

That's four dates this week, and he's
always so anxious to be alone with her.

When she comes to the door, he
won't even come into the house.

He just rushes her into
the car and takes off!

What kept you?

You know, this is the first young man
that's really seemed interested in Marilyn.

[Gasps] Wouldn't it be wonderful
if he asked her to marry him?

I'm all for it, all for it.

I haven't been to a wedding
since I married my th wife.

I hope Marilyn has as wonderful
a wedding as we had, Herman.

It was so touching when that
mad scientist gave you away...

and then presented me
with a copy of your blueprints.

I know, dear. I just hope
wherever Marilyn is tonight,

she's looking into a pair of eyes
as romantic as mine. [Laughs]

There. Does that
change your mind any?

Gosh, Alan, I don't know.

An elopement sounds
romantic and all that, but

I hate to do things
behind my family's back.

Now, wait a minute.
You say they love you and

want you to be happy.
They'll get used to it.

But I think you better talk to my uncle
about something as important as marriage.

He likes to do things the old-fashioned
way. It's just the way he's put together.

But that's just it. What if he
says no or tells us to wait?

We might even lose
each other forever. You

wouldn't want that to
happen, would you, doll?

Well, Alan, I...

Now, what were you saying? Well,

an elopement might not
be such a bad idea after all.

Arrive New York Harbor, Friday.

Will see you on weekend.

Hope money is in safe place.

Love and kisses, Uncle Gilbert.

Thank you, Operator. Ho-ho!

Oh, Grandpa, isn't
that exciting? Yes.

He'll be here for the weekend.
Oh-ho-ho! Good old Gilly!

He always was a fun fellow.

Now he'll get to
meet Marilyn's beau,

and if there's a wedding in the
family, he can stay over for it.

Yes, and if Marilyn gets
to marry that Mr. Benson,

I won't mind having
a banker in the family.

After all, a fella who works
in a vault can't be all bad.

Well, maybe we're
getting our hopes too high.

After all, Marilyn is plain,
and, well... [Phone Ringing]

I'll get it.

♪♪ [Humming]

Yeah, hello. It's the Munster
residence. The Count speaking.

You don't know me, sir, but
I'm a friend of Alan Benson's.

I thought I should warn you about
something that's going to happen tonight.

What? Elopement?

Yes, sir, and I feel
it's my duty to tell you.

He's marrying your
niece for one reason...

That money you have in our bank.

Hello? Hello?

Hello! Grandpa!

What-What's this about
an elopement? [Groans]

That fella's marrying Marilyn for her
money. And they're gonna elope tonight!

Now let me get this straight.

This fellow, Benson, is eloping
with our niece, Marilyn, tonight...

in order to get that hundred and eighty
thousand dollars we put in the bank?

- Yes, Herman, and Grandpa
and I have worked out a plan.
- I'm all ears.

Well, first of all, Marilyn is
so infatuated with this boy,

that if we told her the truth, she
wouldn't believe it, right? Right.

Now, the next step is
to get Marilyn out of the

way tonight, so she
can't elope with him, right?

Right. And then we can confront this
boy with what we know. You follow me?

Follow you? If we were
any closer, we'd be dancing.

But how do we get
Marilyn out of the way?

Grandpa has a magic spell that'll transport
her back to Transylvania for the night.

And then, right after we get rid of
this Benson bum, I bring Marilyn back.

[Chuckles] I got this spell
right out of my magic book.

Herman, it's our only chance.
That mean Mr. Benson is

going to be here at
midnight to elope with Marilyn.

Come on. Let's go upstairs
and get this over with.

Sure are a lot of mean
people in the world.

Why can't life be the
way it is in Mary Poppins?


[Groans] Meanie!

Marilyn... [Chuckles]
Come with me...

and stay right over here.

Eddie, over there,
Lily, right here...

and Herman, I'd like
to have you over here.

Grandpa, what is
this all about? Marilyn,

we'll explain later.
It's for your own good.

Eh, Marilyn dear,
be a good girl,

and humor your poor,
old, decrepit grandfather.

Thank you.

Don't let time or
space detain ya.

Here you go to Transylvania.


I-It worked!

That was really neat! [Chuckles]

Grandpa, you
really... Eh, Grandpa?

Grandpa! Lily, where
did Grandpa go?

Eh, Lily? Lily? Lily!

Eh, Eddie, where-where's
Lily? Eddie? Eddie?

Where is everybody?

Hmm. [Clicks Tongue]
Well, wouldn't you know?

That old goofball
"overspelled" himself!

They've all been transported!

[Phone Ringing]

Every time there's a crisis,
some boob has to telephone.

[Ringing Continues] Huh!


Oh, hello, Grandpa.
Where are you?

Where am I? I'm in the Happy
Valley Motel in Kansas City.

Oh, really? Say, how
is the weather there?

Oh, it is clearing up a bit...
[Groans] Herman, the spell backfired.

We're all here.

I'll be darned. When
are you coming back?

Look, Herman, all I've
got with me is the one-way

spell. You've gotta go
down to the dungeon...

and get the return-trip
spell out of my

magic book and read
it to me over the phone.

Gotcha. Uh, be right back.

- Uh, Grandpa.
- Yes, Herman?

Um, what was it I
was supposed to get?

The return-trip spell
out of my magic book.

That's right. Uh, don't go away.

- Eh, Grandpa, it's me.
- Herman, did you get the formula?

No. It was dark down there, and
the book snapped at me again.

Oh, brother! Will someone
please tell me what's going on here?

Yeah, Mom. What's up?

Oh, Grandpa, give me that phone.

Take Marilyn in the other room
and tell her what happened.

Some sorcerer's
apprentice he is.

Well, come, my dear.
I'll break it to you gently.

Now, first of all, that fella
you're in love with is a rat fink.

- Herman, are you there?
- Yes, Lily.

Now, listen, Herman.
It's almost midnight.

That Alan Benson is going to show
up in minutes to elope with Marilyn.

When he does, you're just going to have
to be there waiting for him in her place.

Well, that's a good idea, dear, but don't
you think he'll notice the difference?

Oh, Herman! Herman, I don't
want you to elope with him.

I just want you to tell him off.

I see, dear. Tell
him off. Uh, right.

Be forceful. Right.

Don't worry. I'll give
him a piece of my mind.

When I have to be, I can be
a pretty terrifying individual.

[Wind Gusting]

Hmm. He'll be here in ten
minutes. [Clicks Tongue]

I guess I'll just turn
out the light, so I don't

have to look at this
horrible furniture of Marilyn's.

Boy, when he comes through that
window and finds me sitting here,

he's really gonna think he
tangled with a tiger. [Chuckles]



[Snoring Continues]

[Whispering] Marilyn!

It's me, honey.
I've come to get ya!

How could she sleep at
a time like this? The least

she could do is knock
it off with the snoring.

Come on, sweetheart. Wake up!

It's your Prince Charming
who's come to take you away.

Sweetie, darling.
It's me, honey.

That's strange. She
must wear mittens to bed.

Darling, are you...

Ohh! Ohh!

Uh, young man, wait! Young man!

Young man?

Uh, young man!

Youngman? Youngman!

Young man! I...

Well, he certainly left in a hurry. I
didn't even have a chance to tell him off.

Well, I guess everyone looks kind
of frightening when they first wake up.

Well, Herman, I must say,
it's nice to be back home...

after a certain party forced us to take a
plane all the way back from Kansas City.

I'm sorry, Lily. But I at
least saved you a full fare...

by flying back
under my own power!

And I'm glad to be home too.

The truth about Alan was an awful
shock, but I guess I'll get used to it.

I'm sure you will, dear.

And to think that the money that that
young man was after isn't ours at all.

It belongs to Uncle Gilbert. Hmm! Hey,
Uncle Gilbert oughta be here any minute.

Huh? His plane got into
the airport minutes ago.

Oh! Dear, I hope he doesn't
have a hard time getting a taxi.

You know,
sometimes... [Pounding]

I'll bet that's Uncle Gilbert!

I'll get it!

That's who it is! Herman!

Uncle Gilbert! Come
right in! How are you?

Well, now, it
certainly is good...

to drop in on my
favorite relatives!

Oh, yes!

Hello, Uncle Gilbert!
Hi, Uncle Gilbert!

[Overlapping Chatter] Come
right in and sit down, Uncle Gilbert!

We haven't seen you in such a
long time. Come right in and sit down.

How are things
going? Swimmingly.

Oh, but say, let me get out of these
dry things and into something wet.

Well, sit down,
Uncle Gilbert! Yes!

Well, Uncle Gilbert,
before I forget it, all

that money you sent
us is safe in the bank.

Fine, fine.

But, Uncle Gilbert?
Uh, just one thing.

Uh, we were a little curious.
Where did you get all that gold?

Yeah, Uncle Gilbert.
Where'd you get all those

neat Spanish doubloons
and rare gold pieces?

Oh, those! Oh,
why, Eddie, my boy,

that's loose
change I picked up...

in ships and treasure chests
lying around in my neighborhood.

- No foolin'!
- Sure!

That's one reason I wouldn't
live anyplace else in the world.

Oh, there's a lot of
advantages, my boy,

to being the Creature
from the Black Lagoon.

[Eddie] Yeah! [All Laughing]