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02x21 - Just Add Beginnings

Posted: 04/13/22 15:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

It's been here
since 2004.

Someone named Laura H.
brought it in.

Well, this isn't
what I was expecting.

It's just
a bunch of junk.

I've been building stuff

a lot longer than
I've been acting,

and I'm really good at it.

I got Miss Silvers
an interview

for the music teacher
position at Fox Canyon.

- You got it?
- I did.

What is that?

I don't think she can
retain memories of magic.

Magic. Okay.

I'm not sure
what kind of game
you kids are playing,

but I'm busy.

Someone hit Noelle with
a forget magic spell.

I thought she was the one
who att*cked RJ and Mama P.

If Noelle didn't do it,
then we're out of suspects.

So former protectors
are being cursed to
forget magic,

and you want me to
do what exactly?

If we get cursed,
you'll have to help us

Can't you cook
a spell for that?

- That's kind of our plan.
- And you're our plan B.

I think.

This is where we
hide the book now.

Don't you think this is
a little much?

I mean, do you really think
someone wants to curse you?



Guys, you won't believe
the email I just got.

Remember Orin
from the play?

The rude head of crew?

he's also rude at home.

His mom grounded him and
made him quit the play.

Miss Balfour wants me
to replace him.

That's amazing.

Yeah, but people
don't usually put

being in charge and Darbie
in the same sentence.

That's old Darbie talking.

If anyone can
run that crew
it's you.

We've seen you take charge
and you're great.

And you know that play
like the back of your hand.

You're right.
I can do this.


You're looking at
m*rder Masquerade's
new head of crew.

Let's celebrate.
Smoothies on me.

Oh, I can't.
I have to study.

I'm really not prepared.

You say that before
every big test.

And small quiz.

You over study until
all the information
in your brain

gets mixed up because
you worry so much.

You're right.

I've been studying all week.
I'm prepared.

Good. Because I just
found something.

Darbie: Preserve A Memory
Fruit Preserves.

"Make room in your mind
to remember for all time."

This could protect us
from forgetting magic.

All right.
We need to make
simple syrup,

mash the blueberries,
and strip the livonian thyme.

Do you want to
take the lead, Darbie?

Are you trying
to get me prepared
to run the crew?


Thank you.

In that case, Kelly,
you make the syrup,

handle the thyme,

and I'll mash
the berries.

Let's do this.

You know, Kelly,
there was a time that

you didn't trust us
to do anything.

Now you're
letting other people
take the lead.

Come on,
I wasn't that bad.

Oh, really.

Remember when
you wouldn't even
let us make pasta

until we told you
the meaning of al dente?

Ooh, bad example.
I still don't know
the meaning.



This really needs
peanut butter.

Think of
"Earls of Wembley."

It's sophisticated
to eat jam on toast.

Before we eat,
we need to name the thing
we want to remember.

Right, the lyrics to
every Broadway musical.

I'm kidding.
Kind of.

- [chuckles]
- All: Magic.


Ida has no memory of magic

She was so nice to me.

I didn't like it.

She doesn't remember
how many people she hurt.

Well, this box can't be
a coincidence.

It must have something to do
with the in-betweeners.

I need to speak to Laura,
the woman who sold this.

I found her address.

She might be
the third protector.

We should tell
the girls.

Not yet.

I don't want to alarm Kelly
'til we know more.

Since the summer of Chuck,

it's been so nice
seeing her back to normal.

Teacher: And now that
we're all experts

on the French and
American revolutions,

I want you to pair up
and create a presentation

examining their differences
and similarities.

[school bell rings]

Hey, Charlotte,
do you want to be

Um, no.

Hang on. Why aren't you
partnering with Darbie?

Darbie O'Brien?

Why would I
partner with her?

Because she's
your best friend.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Darbie's not my friend.

I don't believe it.

You guys
had a fight.

Why would we have
a fight?

I barely even
know her.

Oh, I see
what you're doing.

You want to partner with me
to make Darbie jealous.

I like it.

We should
get started soon.

Want to meet
at the library
after school?

No, let's meat at
Mama P's at 4:00.

Let me guess.
Darbie will be there,

and you want her to
see us working together?

Wh-- What is with you
and Darbie?

It's nice to see
a friendly face.

Miss Silvers.

You startled me.

It's okay. I have
that affect on people.

What's wrong,

I'm worried about
my biology test.

I've been studying but
I still don't feel prepared.

I'm sure
that's not true.

Try not to
think about it.

Tell me about your weekend.
You girls do anything fun?

- What girls?
- Kelly and Darbie.

From Rockbury?

Why would I have
seen them?

Because you three
are inseparable.


I barely know them.

Hannah and Kelly?

I don't really
know them.

Um, you're
best friends.

You do everything

I'm pretty sure I know
who my friends are.

let me ask you this.

What about the magic?

you're the only one
I told about that.

What about when you three
traveled back in time to

And when you found Chuck's
invisible trailer?

What are you talking about?
I did all that by myself.

But what about the time
you three used a spell
to help fix my business?

With the
Chicken-n-Fix Its?

I did that on my own.

- But--
- It's like you
don't remember

how anything happened.

Are you under
some kind of spell?

No, but I think
you are.

What was the last thing
you cooked?

Preserve A Memory
Fruit Preserves.

So I'd remember magic.

And you cooked it alone?

Darbie: Of course,
I cooked it alone.

I didn't think
jam would be good
without peanut butter,

but then I remembered
they do it on
"Earls of Wembley."

Right. The show you watch
with Kelly and Hannah.

No, the show
I watch alone.

And sometimes
with my dad,

but he always
falls asleep.


I'm looking for Laura.

I'm Laura.
Can I help you?

I work at
the antique store
on Main Street,

and I came across
an old box you sold us
a while back.

I've sold a lot of things
over the years.

I don't remember it.

It's a wooden box
with an ornate carving
of a tree.

Oh, yes.

It's been a long time.

I was a housekeeper,
and when the family
I worked for moved,

they asked me to get rid of
some of their old stuff.

Could you tell me more
about this family?

Sure. Come on in.

Hey, Sawyer,
when you're done,

those flats over there
need to be painted.

- Uh-huh, I'm on it.
- Cool.

Slate gray,
paint's in the back.

Gray? What do you
think about red?

Uh, red?

Gray is boring.
We need some color.

- Um, you think?
- Definitely.

Okay, you're
probably right.

I thought
you guys were gonna
hang the curtains?

But no big,
just get to it
when you're done.

Look what I found,

I could put a light
in its mouth,

and it'll look like
it's breathing fire.

It's not exactly
the right period.

Oh. I thought the stage was
the place for creativity.

You're right.
Go for it.

[bell jingles]

- Hey.
- Hey.

I don't see Darbie

I guess your plan
to make her jealous

I decided to
get started.

This is the entire

I had some free time,
so I took a s*ab at it.

But it's
a group project.

It doesn't matter
who does what

as long as it's good.

Yeah, actually,
it does.

Especially since
I'm the smart one.

No wonder Darbie
doesn't want to be

friends with you

Okay. What is your
obsession with Darbie?

I didn't know
where else to go

now that Mama P
doesn't remember magic.

I can't believe I'm
actually in your house.

When I was a kid,
I used to walk on

the other side of
the street because

I was so scared of the way
that crow stared at me.

Stop talking.

It's just that
the girls don't remember
they're friends,

and people are
getting cursed to
forget magic and--

Stop talking.

It's okay to be worried.
I'm worried, too.

I'm sorry, how much longer
is this gonna take?

The book is infinite.

Is there an index?

There aren't even
page numbers.

Ah, here it is.
The last recipe
they said they cooked,

Preserve A Memory
Fruit Preserves.

"Make room in your mind
to remember for all time."

I'm not really
a riddle person.

To ensure they
remember magic,

they had to
forget something.

So they chose
their friendship?

Not on purpose.

This book can be...

Ah, there's another part
of the riddle.

You can barely see it.

That is tricky.

"To remember what you can
no longer recall,

"go back to the beginning,
the start of it all.

"Build it up,
brick by brick,

"don't miss a piece,
that's the trick."

I think we need to

the exact moment
the girls became friends

so they can become
friends again.

Because that
won't be hard at all.

The girls had a fight?

It's bad. They're not
talking to each other.

Oh, poor Kelly.

I was thinking.

It would be nice
to remind them

of when they
became friends.

Like the actual moment.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You were there,
weren't you?

Yes, but shouldn't we
just encourage them to
talk it out?

No. I know them.
They're sentimental.

Reminding them of
how they met and
became friends

would make them
forget their fight.


Kelly had just won
the spelling bee.

- Honey, I'm just
so proud of you.
- Thanks.

She spelled obsequious.

I mean, I barely know
what that means.

I like to spell.

Oh, I think that's
our food.

I'll go get it.

People were so impressed.

- Congratulations, Kelly.
- Thank you.

And that's when
I noticed Darbie
walking backwards.

She was moon walking
or something.

She bumped
right into Kelly.


- Oh.
- Oh, no.

You got waffle fries?

And then Hannah
came out of nowhere.

I have a clean shirt
for you.

Thank you.


And before I knew it,
the three of them were
just laughing,

and going on like they'd
been friends forever.

That's it?
How did Hannah get there?

I think I was
distracted by

that girl who was
laughing at them.

What girl?

Some blond girl who
went to their school.

She was mean.

What a nice surprise.

Hi, Miss Silvers.
I heard you're
teaching here now.

I'm glad
I ran into you.

I'm worried
about your sister.

She had a fight with
Kelly and Darbie.


Bummer indeed.

I thought
it might be nice
to remind them

of how they
became friends.

That's strange.

I'm strange.

Okay. Well, um--

I remember
the day the met

because Hannah was being
extra needy.

more than usual.

The last thing
I wanted to do was
hang out with Hannah.

I was helping Hannah
with her math homework,

which was
super frustrating.

How hard are fractions?

I don't get it.

How is 2/4
the same as 1/2?

You're dehydrating me
with your anxiety.

Get me a glass of water.

Then Hannah runs back,
grabs her book bag,

and fishes out
the extra T-shirt
she always carries.

You're gonna
change your clothes
right now?

It's not for me.

an extra shirt.

But how did
Darbie fall?

I wasn't
paying attention.

But maybe you should
talk to that other kid.

What other kid?

The one from
basketball team.

What did she
look like?

Blond, I think.

She was cool.

Way cooler than
Kelly and Darbie.

[bell jingles]

That's different than
what Ms. Quinn told me.

She said it was
Kelly's tray that fell.

But Haley said
it was Darbie.

We need to find
someone else who was there

to make sense of this.

I think
I have an idea.


Of course I remember.

It was one of those days.

It started out
well enough,

except for my ankle,
which I had sprained
the day before.

Gina: Ida.
The girls.

Ida: They were there.

I was delivering
Kelly and Terri's order.

That's when Hannah
ruined everything.

Both: Hannah?


Oh, my gosh,
I am so sorry.

This other girl,
was she blond
by any chance?

I think she was.

She was also rude.
Didn't even help clean up.

- Gina: Thanks, Ida.
- Ida: Of course.

I always enjoy
talking with you, Gina.

You should come in
more often.

Didn't the riddle say
"don't miss a piece"?

How can we reconstruct
the exact moment they met

if every version
is different?

Believe it or not,
I don't know everything.

[bell jingles]

Fine, we can get
some food to go,
then it's back to work.

You had us paint the set
the wrong color.

If we're gonna do it again,
we need a break.

But-- But you wanted
to paint it red.

I didn't know
the other walls
were gray.

Why didn't you
say something?


Let me guess.
You got an A minus,

and you think
your life is over?

B minus, actually.

I was so nervous that
all the information

got jumbled up in my head,
and I forgot the difference

between a genotype
and a phenotype.

I'm gonna need
a raspberry smoothie

to alleviate
the pain of failure.

Look, half the grade
is presenting it.

Why don't you do
that part?

I am not reading this.

I wouldn't say that.
Or that. Or that.

You're really
getting an A?

You know, one thing
all three stories
have in common

is the blond girl.

The one who's
kind of mean.

And plays on
the basketball team.

But Haley said
she was cool.

You want to trust
Haley's definition
of cool?


Fine, then
I'll just read it.

Good. And you can take
my name off of it, too.

I'll tell Mr. Reidel
what you did.

Feel free to tell him
what you want.

I took
the initiative.

No, you did the
entire assignment.

You don't get the
idea of team work,
do you?

It was the same thing
when you played basketball.

You were a ball hog.

Uh, hey, Kell,
I know it's not
your shift,

but the espresso machine
is busted again,

and you're the only one
who can fix it.

I'll be right back.

Don't change anything.

Can I help you?

Have you noticed that
Kelly, Darbie and Hannah
aren't talking?

Yeah, and it's
no surprise.

I totally called it.

- About that--
- Do you remember
when they met?

Why do you want to know?

We're making them
a friendship book.

That's lame.

Yep, she's the one.

Can you tell us
about that day?

Sure. Whatever.

I mean,
who walks backwards?

And who gets excited
about cleaning spills?

And who carries
an extra T-shirt?

I said that friendship
wouldn't last.

I was so right.

All fixed.

The steam nozzle
was clogged again.

Thanks, Kell.
You're the best.

Charlotte was
actually helpful.

Yeah. I think I know
what we need to do.

your food's ready.

I haven't
ordered anything yet.

No, but you just won
a free meal.

It's all your
favorite stuff.

Thanks, Jake.

It's about time
something good
happened today.

But there's
one condition.

You have to take this tray
over to your table

while walking backwards.

- Huh?
- That's the rule.

Come on,
you used to do this
all the time as a kid.

Um, how did you know that?

Look, if you don't
want the food--

Okay, okay,
I'm walking.

the espresso machine
is clogged again.

Kelly, hurry.


Kelly: Oh, no.
Are you okay?

I'm fine.
I'm an expert
at tripping.

Guess I have to
go home and change.

Anyone have
an extra shirt?

Believe it or not,
I do.

Here. I always carry
an extra shirt

in case of

You spill a lot, too?

Me? Never.

Oh. Well, I do.

I may have to
hit you up again
one day.

That milkshake
looked really good, too.

It was half banana smoothie
and half chocolate milkshake.

You should
try it sometime.

But it makes a mess.
Here, let me help.

- Darbie: Wow.
- Hey, you're really fast
at cleaning that.

My kid brother's
always spilling stuff.

Especially when I cook.

You cook?
I love to bake.

I love to lick
the batter.

We should all
cook together sometime.

That would be
really fun.

Who did this?

Sorry, Mama P.
It was me.

I'm such a klutz.

actually, it was me.
I bumped into her.

It was all my fault.
I distracted her.

Just be more careful
next time.

what happened?

I don't know,
but can we never
do that ever again?

Like, ever.

Yeah, that was

Welcome back.

The spell you cast
to remember magic

made you forget
your friendship.

I remember.

I mean,
I remember forgetting,
if that makes sense.

What's the point of
remembering magic

if we forget
our friendship?

There's nothing
more important than that.

Not even the magic.

Thank you both so much
for fixing this.

That's what
friends are for.

Jake and I make
a good team.


So, what should we
do now?

Don't you have
some work to do?

Go on.
Show 'em who's boss.

Okay, guys,
break's over.

We need to
get back to work now.

Five more minutes.

I said now.

And if you need to
text anyone, do it now,

'cause I'm starting
a no cell phone policy.

Aw, man.

And after everything
the family went through,

they wanted
a clean slate.

Such a shame.

Do you keep in touch
with them?

No. When they moved away,
I retired.

Does that answer
your questions?

It does.

Thank you for your time.
And for the tea.

Laura, who is this?

Kelly, it's me.
Call me right away.

I have some information
that's very important.

There's a box,

and the book is
the key to the magic.

So, is Charlotte
still mad at you?

No, we redid
the assignment together,

and she actually had
some good ideas.

Good ideas, like
putting a gargoyle head

in a 1920's mystery play?

Please tell me
you told him no.

Oh, I did.

I also made Sawyer
repaint the set gray.

I kind of like
being in charge.


It's gonna be fine.

It's just one
small quiz.

It's just that
I knew the answers.

Shows what nerves can do.

Well, next time,
call me before your test,

and I'll tell you
a joke.


Well, that spell
went really wrong.

So much for protecting us
from forgetting magic.

Maybe Jake was right.

Maybe they're not gonna
come after us.

I mean, we haven't been
spelled yet.

- [knocking]
- Girls.

- Hi.
- All: Hi.

Your mom said
you were out here.

Oh. What a beautiful
club house.

I guess Chuck was
good for something.

Who's Chuck?

Huh. I wish I could
forget him, too.

No, seriously.
Who's Chuck?

the kid from the 1860s
who ruined our summer?

Oh, you girls.

I wish I had
your imagination.

Oh, no.
