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02x24 - Just Add Betrayal

Posted: 04/13/22 15:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Bitter Truth Truffles.

I bet they make people
tell the truth.


That truffle's not nearly
as tasty as it looks.

Not your best work.

Hannah: The first truffle
puts you under a spell,

and the second one
breaks it.

I'm going to
run for mayor.

Wow, Mom, that's huge.

May the best person win.

That mall of yours
is about to get
a new restaurant.

Fine, but you gotta
do something for me.

I'm going to get
the mayor's endorsement,
don't worry.

Find dirt on Terri.

Check out the old
main library records.

I think you'll find
what you're looking for.

Hannah, your teacher is
the third protector.

What I don't get is why
he's cursing people.

Kelly: Not people,

- Mr. Morris:
You're dangerous.
- Huh?

You are the ones
cursing everyone in town
to forget magic.


We're not cursing people
to forget magic, you are.

Why would you even
think that?

Uh, because you have
a creepy folder

full of names of
former protectors,

and the ones who've
forgotten magic
have been crossed out.

I was just keeping track of
the people that you cursed.

After everything I've done
to un-curse my grandma,

why would I
curse her again?

Fine. Maybe you aren't
behind it,

but you are still
irresponsible with
the magic.

Hey, we do not use
the magic irresponsibly.

Oh, really?
Where shall I begin?

How about
magically locking me in
this house all night.

And you,
Miss Parker-Kent,

you came to school
under some kind of
attention spell,

and then for your most
egregious use of magic,

you froze the entire town.

How do you know that?

Are you denying it?

I can see why Mr. Morris
intimidates you.

That was to save
my grandma.

Maybe you spelled
Noelle and RJ

so that you were
the only protector
who remembers magic.

Oh, that is
a lovely theory, Hannah,

but for the fact that
I'm not a protector.

You're not?

But we saw a picture of you
with RJ and Noelle

together in high school.

Yeah, I knew them,
but I wasn't a protector.

Wait, if you weren't
a protector,
how were you involved?

[school bell rings]

Mr. Morris: I was the one
keeping them out of trouble.

They were always
in detention.

RJ was the prankster
of the group.

Then there was Noelle,

who loved taking shortcuts.

And then there was

She was the ringleader,
rebellious and reckless.

She was all trouble.

Why were you in detention,
Mr. Morris?

For writing
Caroline's essay.

I'm not proud of it,

but back then
we were friends.

Or at least
I thought we were.

Mr. Morris, if you're not
erasing people's memories
of magic,

and we're not,

then it has to be Caroline.

That does make sense.

Except for one thing.

What's that?

After we graduated
high school,

completely disappeared.

No one has seen or heard
from her in...

nearly 20 years.


What's wrong?

Mayor Davies
announced her support
for Adam Lever.

Your former boss?
But she loves you.

Not anymore.

Man, there is nothing
I didn't do for that woman.

I mean,
I wrote her speeches,

I organized her
pancake breakfasts.

I even fed her fish
when she went out of town.

Lever's gotta be
behind this.

I agree.
Maybe it's time to
fight fire with fire.

We've been over this.

I'm just gonna
prepare really hard for
the debate tomorrow,

and let the voters decide.

Excuse me,
Mr. Morris.

Do you have a second?

Is this about
your last paper?

It's about Caroline.

Should I be concerned
about my paper?


You did fine.

You're very smart,

And perhaps I've been
extra hard on you.

Because I'm a...
[whispers] protector?

I was testing
your character.

Well, I hope I passed.

Because I take my job as
a protector very seriously.

I'm beginning to believe you.

You're certainly
more qualified
to be a protector

- than Caroline ever was.
- All three of us are.

That's why we're
working so hard to
solve this mystery

before anyone else
can get hurt.

Can you tell me how
you got so involved?

[sighs] Well, um,

at the risk of
sounding immodest,

I was the smartest kid
in school.

One day, they came
running up to me for help.

They had a big problem
on their hands.

Arthur. So, okay,
the three of us
have this cookbook

with crazy recipes and spices
no one's every heard of,

and RJ wouldn't stop
talking about it,

so Noelle and I cooked
a Shut Him Up Shortcake

and now RJ can't talk
and I can't stop,

and it's really crazy
'cause I feel like--

You've gotta help us
undo this.

I don't mind
RJ not talking,

but Caroline is
driving me crazy.

I noticed the riddle.
The others completely
ignored it.

"Be warned,
whenever adding
cedronian spice,

"whatever results
will come with a price."

"...will come with
a price."

Been there, done that.

So, how'd you break
the spell?

Did you add the
cedronian vanilla
to the cake?

Yeah, so what?
What's the big deal--

You need to help that kid
pick his stuff up.

No way.
He needs to learn not to
shove so much stuff in his--

Come on.
Help the kid out.

He's new.
Remember your first day?

Hey, you're new, right?
I'm Caroline.

Let me give you a hand.

Where'd you move from?
Welcome to Lavender Heights.

You should
hang out with us.

Come on, dude,
get my voice ba--

- [sighs]
- What?

You can talk again.

You're a genius.

You put together that
Caroline needed to help
that boy

in order to break
the cedronian downside.

Both: "With a noble act
from a heart that's true."

Very impressive.

Yeah, I figured that
they would learn from
that mistake,

and be more careful
in the future.

I couldn't have been
more wrong.

But how is any of this
gonna help you find Caroline?

I'm not sure.


Jake came up with
a special menu

for your mom's
after-debate party.

Take a look.

"Terri-Yaki Skewers"
and "Win-Ter Vegetables."

She's gonna love it.

This kid.
He's very creative.

Ah, I learned from
the best.

It's nice to see you
and Mama P so close again.

Mama P's the coolest.

Not always.

No, Jill, this is just
not my style.

Be smart, Terri.
The goal is to win here.

What's going on?

These are some
not so nice things

Lever did over the summer.

But your mom
isn't interested.

Well, I am.

"Lever closed the public pool
for his son's birthday party

"during the heat wave."

"Lever cut down
a 100 year old oak tree
to expand his driveway."

- That's terrible.
- No, I told you guys.

I'm just sticking to
the issues.

Can I be honest?

I'm worried my mom's
gonna lose the debate.

I'm worried your mom's
gonna lose the election.

I don't get it.
They were clearly
bad protectors.

Why did the book
even choose them?

Maybe it's because
Grandma threw the book
over the falls

before it was ready
to move on.

And she did use
her morbium seed.

That could have really
messed things up.

Darbie: We need to know
more about Caroline.

How else are we
gonna find her?

Maybe we could talk to
Mr. Morris at the debate.

Don't remind me
about the debate.

Pretty sure my mom's
gonna get roasted.

What if we cook
the Bitter Truth Truffles

and give them to Lever?

It'll force him to
tell the truth.

that sounds like something
the old '90s trio would do.

You know,
the ones that we just said
were bad protectors?

But my mom deserves to win.

Yes, but not with magic.

How about we make
the truth truffles,

and give them to
Lever and Mrs. Q?

That does technically
make things fair.

My mom's already
being honest, so sure.

Let's do it.


Kelly: Perfect.
Two truffles each.

One to start the spell,
and the second to break it.

We made both of you
good luck truffles.

- Maybe later.
- Are you kiddin' me?

I love truffles.

I'll take two.


Not great.

Um, I'll save this one
for later.

Or never.

Here, Mom.

Oh, I don't think so,
honey. Thanks.

Um, please.

It's a little

Your opponent ate one
and not my own mother?

Mm. Still not
your best work.

Well, it's almost time.
Hope you lose, Terri.


- How are you feeling?
- Great.

Except I can't feel my feet.

You're all hunched over.

Here's a tip
my teacher gave me once
before a performance.


Pull your shoulders back.

Chin up.

Imagine your spine
is made of steel.


I feel better.

Except I still can't
feel my feet.

Who needs 'em?
Come on.

I want to go over
a few last minute items.

[sighs] Okay.

- Good luck, Mom.
- Thanks.

Oh, there's
Mr. Morris.

You ready for
the debate?

It should be

Mr. Morris,
we were wondering

if there's anything more
you can tell us about Caroline.

The more information
we have on her,

the greater chance we have
of finding her.

I like the way you three
work together.

Plus, your tenacity
is admirable.

I must admit,

you are very responsible

We try. So, um,
about Caroline?

Well, Caroline was...


She was always getting
the others into trouble.

The three of them
hated taking tests,

so Caroline
discovered a recipe for
Fill In The Bubble Gum.

I remember one time

RJ helped Caroline
get revenge on a teacher

by making him
itch like crazy.

Detention is over.

Everyone go home.

Wait. They invented
Itchy Ice Cream?

Oh, no, am I the RJ
of the group?

At first,
they mostly cooked
harmless pranks.

But then Caroline got
more and more ambitious.

Like the time she
wanted to look older

so that she could get into
a dance club.

She cooked a
Chameleon Cauliflower spell

to completely change
her appearance.

That is the coolest
spell ever.

Oh, no, am I the Caroline
of the group?

That's even worse.

That was just
the tip of the iceberg.

What else did she do?


Oh, the debate's
starting soon.

I'll tell you more later.

Woman: Mr. Lever,
if elected,

what would you do
to stop crime?

Well, that's
a great question, Paula.

Uh, I honestly have
no idea what to do.

[audience murmuring]

Uh, best thing I can
come up with is, uh,

for every family
and every household

to get themselves
an alarm system.


Interesting answer.

Well, one thing
that would help

is to strengthen our
Neighborhood Watch program.

We need to be looking out
for each other.


And I am very proud of
the speed bumps

that I instituted.

I think year-round school
is a great idea.

I mean, summer camps
cost a fortune.


Well, I look forward to our
family vacation every summer.

It's important
to have down time.

Mom's killin' it.

Uh, the best part about
being mayor.

I'm gonna say the perks.

I mean,
I'll never have to pay for
another parking ticket again.

[audience exclaiming]

Terri: For me,
the best part is

being able to make
a difference

in a community
I really care about.

You gave him
Bitter Truth Truffles,
didn't you?

We gave them both
truth truffles.

I was wrong.
You are just as

as the other protectors.

You need to fix this.

We will.
Don't worry.

Terri: And most of all,
I want the Saffron Falls

that we know and love

to be there for our
children's future.

This has been, by far,
the most bizarre debate
I've ever moderated.

- [laughter]
- We're almost out of time,

- but before--
- Before we end,

there's something
I need to ask my opponent.

Terri, you're the
preservation candidate.
Am I right?

Yes. I'm proud of that.

I love our little town
exactly as it is.

So why did you start
a successful petition

to tear down
the old main library,

and build an outdoor
music stage?


Uh-- [clears throat]

Well, Adam, I--

I was very young
at the time,

and seeing my favorite bands
was important to me then.

But I regret that choice now,

which is why I am the
preservation candidate.

So, then why didn't you make
that information public?

Well, obviously,
I was hoping no one
would find out.

In fact,
I went out of my way
to cover it up.


And that ends this debate.

Thank you all for coming.

[tepid applause]

Hi, honey.
That was--

Please tell me
it's not as bad as
I think it was.

It's worse.

I'll go get the car.

That did not go
as planned.

When does the magic ever
go as planned, Kelly?

We need to get your mom
and Lever un-spelled ASAP.

Only one problem:
Your mom is not going to be

in the mood for a truffle
after that debate.

I lost my appetite
just watching it.

Boy, Mr. Morris
is not happy.

I have an idea.

Okay, put the truffle
in the hot water.


We brought you
a nice cup of hot cocoa

to make you feel better.

Nothing can do that
right now.

Just take a sip.


Thanks, girls.

What I want to know
is how Lever got that
information on you.

That was some
heavy digging.

Give him the truffle.

Not yet.
Mr. Lever.

How did you discover
all that stuff about my mom

and the old main library?

Uh, from Mama P.

She's been spying for me

ever since you made her cafe
your headquarters.

Mama P?
How could she do that?

Uh, would you like
a truffle?

Honestly, they're
a little bitter.

The first one
brought you luck,

so this one will, too.

It did make me
a winner.


Uh, listen, Terri,

sorry for, uh,
ambushing you there.

[bell jingles]

- Hey, how'd it go?
- How could you?

Spying on my mom
for Adam Lever?

Wait, what?

How could you do that
to Mrs. Quinn?

To Kelly?
To us?

You're all overreacting.

It wasn't such a big deal.

"Terri is Terrific!"

How can you be
so two-faced?

It was nothing personal
against your mom.

I love Terri.

It's just that
Adam and I--

This doesn't
sound like you,
Mama P.

Oh, yes, it does.
Trust me.

Is this really true?

You were spying on
Mrs. Quinn for Lever?

Well, technically, yes.
But you need to understand--

I don't want to hear
your excuses.

You betrayed
your friends.

How can I work for
someone like that?

- Jake.
- I quit.

We're out of here.

[bell jingles]

Hi, Mom.

Want to see what the
Saffron Falls Herald
thought of the debate?

Not really.

"Quinn Didn't Win."

I'm sorry, Mom.

No, I'm sorry.

I let everybody down.

I never expected
that old mistake
to come out.

You once told me to
never let a good mistake
go to waste.

You said own up to it,
learn from it and move on.

Hm. So now
you listen to me?

What you did
was in the past.

You're running against someone
who's doing bad things now.

You're the best and
only choice for mayor.

You just have to keep fighting
to convince people of that.

Wow. Maybe you should be
running for mayor.

Maybe I should
graduate high school first.


Thanks, honey.

Mr. Morris.

I have nothing
to say to you.

Just hear us out.

You spelled
two innocent people.

You had no right to
interfere in that debate.

You're right.

We shouldn't have given them
the truth truffles.

Blame me,
it was my idea.

Kelly is kind of
obsessed with magic.

But in a good way.

Mr. Morris,
you know we care
about the magic.

Caroline is out there,

and it's only a matter of time
before she spells us all.

Please, we need to
work together.

I've already told you
everything I know.

We're not so sure
that's true.

Yes, something
doesn't make sense.

It's been 20 years since
Caroline, RJ and Noelle
had the book,

and you're still
tracking it?

And instead of
getting on with your life,

you've kept tabs on
all the protectors.

You even moved to
Saffron Falls

when you heard
Noelle was opening
her restaurant here.

You got a permanent job
teaching at Fox Canyon

just to be
close to the magic.

We can't stop Caroline
if we don't know
the whole story.

Now's your chance
before we're all cursed
and it's too late.


Yes, you're right.

There is more to the story.

This is a bad idea,

So don't help me.

But I'm doing it
either way.

You can't figure it out
on your own,

it's-- it's too

We'll see.

Changing the
Pick A Date recipe

to go forward in time
instead of backward is

There's too many unknowns.

You're a brainiac.
You can figure it out.

I don't understand
why you're doing this.

Because I have the
biggest audition of my life
on Thursday.

I'm sure you'll be fine.

I need to do better
than just fine.

You only get one shot
to audition for

the National Conservatory
of Ballet.

- I need to nail it.
- So practice.

I have been,

But I'm not leaving
anything to chance.

I'm gonna go forward to Friday
to see if I got in,

and if I did,

then I won't be so nervous
for my audition.

And what happens if
you didn't get accepted?

The teachers always write
critiques for each dancer.

I'll be able to fix
whatever they didn't like.

Hold on, let me make sure
I didn't miss anything.

I increased the teaspoon
of torian basil
to two teaspoons,

and added half a tablespoon
of merwaldian--

Stop worrying.
I trust you.

Let me check
one more time.

Take me to this Friday.

No, Caroline!

Mr. Morris:
When Caroline
got to the future,

she discovered
she didn't get in.

She was devastated.

But she knew she could
go back in time,

and work harder
for her audition.

But when she
tried to go back,

she couldn't.

The date didn't work.

I don't understand.
What went wrong?

I went wrong.

My adjustments to the recipe
were incorrect.

Caroline got stuck
in the future,

and she lost a week.

So that's why she
didn't get accepted.

And she never recovered.

She couldn't
reschedule it?

The conservatory
holds auditions once a year,

but by then,
the damage had been done.

Her master teacher
was so disappointed,

he lost faith in her.

She was never invited back
to audition.

But there are other

That's true,
but this was her dream.

After her teacher
dropped her,

she was never the same.

She got angry and bitter.

She stopped going to
her ballet class,

and eventually--

Well, she quit altogether.

And you've blamed yourself
ever since.

I knew better.

I could have just
taken away her spices.


Well, you tried to help.

I failed.

And I ruined
Caroline's life.

So this is why you've been
keeping track of the magic.


I don't want anybody else
getting hurt by it.

So Caroline's the one
making everyone forget magic.

Maybe she wants it all
to herself.

She thinks it'll
fix her life.

Right. And if nobody
remembers magic,

no one can come after her
once she steals the book.

We need to find her.

But how?
We don't even know
where she is.

Well, we know she's
in Saffron Falls.

That's where all the att*cks
have been happening.

If she's here,
why hasn't Mr. Morris
seen her,

or Noelle or RJ?

You'd think they'd
recognize her.

Unless they can't.

Mr. Morris told us

Caroline could change
the way she looked.

Yeah, the Chameleon
Cauliflower spell.

What if she's
using that right now?

He said she used it
to get into dance clubs.

That means her age
and appearance

could be
completely different.

She could even be a man.

Caroline could be...


