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10x19 - Dominion

Posted: 03/31/13 19:37
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on April 29, 2011

Previously on Smallville...

Welcome to the Phantom Zone.

Jor-El created this place to hold criminals from the 28 known inhabited galaxies.

The Omega symbol ... it preys upon the dark side that we already have.

It feeds on our doubts and our distrust.

It just waits for everybody's weaknesses, and then we destroy ourselves.

This is considered a symbol of hope.

It's old blue.

Mom used to keep I

in her kitchen window.

It's the deed to the farm.

I've been worried that if we didn't have this place to come home to, we'd lose each other. Smallville is my home.

And if you need to move to Metropolis because that's who the world needs you to be, it's just fine.

Hey, Lois.

Where can I put this box?

Well, I don't think that requires any supersleuthing.

It does say "living room."

No, I can decipher your scrawl.

I'm just thinking it was mislabeled.

If you're talking about my Whitesnake throw pillow, loving everything about me includes the sentimental.

I made this from my eighth-grade concert t-shirt.

And I talked to Oliver, and he told me how smoothly he and Chloe fused their hero green and geek chic.

Don't worry ... my "for better or worse"

will include your love of hair metal.

But seriously, let me move us in a lot faster.

I can unpack this in like two seconds.

No! No. Hold the horsepower.

Part of us merging our lives together is...

taking the time to find the right spot for everything.

All I know is my perfect spot is here with you.

We'll take as much time as you need.

Sorry for the digital disruption, but it's important.

What is it, Tess?

I just heard from one of my m*llitary contacts.

Slade Wilson's back.

He was found unconscious on a street corner.

He's in a coma and completely unresponsive.

There's only way out of the Phantom Zone.

It has to be activated by a member of my family ... the House of El.

Well, I'd say Slade is living proof that someone stole your family key to never-never escape land.

Clark, there's got to be a better way to solve this than sending yourself into interdimensional exile.

I someone's releasing people from the Phantom Zone, I need to figure out who and why, before they release anyone else.

You mean "we," right?

I'm going with him.

You told oliver I was going in?

Hey, I come back here willing to risk life and limb with you in the Phantom Zone, I get not so much as a "welcome back"?

Clark, you'll be powerless there.

Oliver has more experience with that.


You could use me in there.

Absolutely not.

I appreciate the offer, but the Phantom Zone is not a place for humans.

I need to do this alone. Not completely alone.

Thanks to Booster's upgrade, in the future, Watchtower should be able to maintain two-way communication using the frequency vibrations in the crystal.

Tracking audio transmission.

"Should" as in "might not."

It's not exactly a vacation destination, so I haven't had the chance to test it.



Frequency locked.

Be careful.

♪ Somebody save me ♪
♪ "Save Me" ♪ performed by Remy Zero ♪ let your warm hands break right through ♪
♪ somebody save me ♪
♪ I don't care how you do it ♪
♪ just stay ♪
♪ stay ♪
♪ come on ♪
♪ I've been waiting for you ♪
♪ just stay with me ♪
♪ I've made this whole world shine for you ♪
♪ just stay ♪
♪ stay ♪
♪ come on ♪

If I'd have know about the long drop in, I would have brought some rappelling equipment.

If I'd have known you'd ignore my warning to come here, I would have told you to bring it!

I know what I'm doing you should have trusted me!

You should have more faith in your friends, Clark.

Came here to help you.

Wherever the hell this is.

You know, where I'm from, people just hang a wreath.

It's a warning from the Zoners.

Consider it a not-so-friendly "keep out" sign.

Guess we didn't corner the market on darkness.

Darkseid's been to more places in the galaxy than just Earth.

Guy really gets around.

You think he had anything to do with tossing Slade back through the portal?

I don't know.

If he's strong enough to make it here, then no place is safe.

Listen, about this zone, Clark ... you know, when you said Jor-El built a prison, I kind of pictured something a little more confined than a national park.

He built this place so Krypton's worst criminals could have some kind of life.

Sounds like a real sweetheart.

Watchtower, do you read me?

We're picking you up.

We've reached the gateway.

There must be some clue to who opened the portal Phantoms I thought this was just a clever name for "jail."

They're the most dangerous prisoners here.

We need to hurry.

How's it look?

Someone took the crystal.

But the gate's still open, right?

You don't understand.

The crystal is the gate.

Whoever sent Slade back must have taken it with him.

It's our only ticket out of here, Clark.

Get ready.

They're coming.

Okay, here we go.

They aren't back yet?


I-I told you that I had this under control.

My entire future just leapt head-first into a world that makes hell look like the Taj Majal.

I am not gonna leave here until I know he's safe.

Why did that just cut out?

I don't know.

I'm trying to reach them, and I'm getting no signal.

Maybe the problem's on our end.

No. Either the signal's been blocked, or the communicator has been destroyed.

Okay, what do we do next?

There is no next.


Clark and Oliver are on their own now.


Where are you taking Oliver?

You're worried for him you should be.

But there's nothing you can do.

I know.

It's terrible, feeling so...

Powerless, when you know you've got such strength inside of you, with no way of unleashing it even without the yellow sun, I will find a way to defeat you.

You'll have to work twice as hard.

Because when I arrived here, I made a very special acquaintance, someone you know, and someone I'm very, very...

Fond of.



The original Zod's phantom.

Finally...back in the body that you stripped me of.

Now I have the full knowledge of two lives, and you...

you are my enemy in both.

I defeated you in both.

Which is why it will give me double the satisfaction to see you kneel...

...and serve...

until you die.

You sent me to my death sentence.

You left me at the mercy of those Kandorians.

This was my punishment.

Jor-El built this place for your kind.

My kind.

Is that why you sent Slade here?

What would Jor-El think about you using his prison for your purposes?

There's no trial, no jury ... just the rule of Kal-El.

But I suppose in the end, it became your undoing, didn't it?

It was all a trap.

And you knew once that I saw Slade had been sent back, I'd come here looking for answers.

And you came.

You have the console crystal.


We're blood brothers Kal-El.

Have you forgotten how you healed me with your blood on Earth?

We're not brothers.

I saved you because it was the right thing to do.

We have nothing in common.

We're from the same world.

Do you really think that having powers is the only thing that makes you Kryptonian?

It's not.

We share the same instincts.

We're decisive...

Single-minded, headstrong.

We were meant to be leaders.


You're a tyrant who only believes in himself.

Who else should I put my faith in?

We both know that trusting others is a calculated risk, one a Kryptonian is not willing to take.

Oh, we can easily fool those closest to us, can't we?

But we can lean on no one.

Do you remember that most famous story about two brothers from your adopted planet?

You've got Cain...

and Abel.

Which brother are you, Kal-El?

Well, I'd never m*rder you.

I saved you.

You exiled me.

I'm in charge here and you're about to find out what that means...



They want you to fight.

To the death.

Look out!

The shield! Use the shield!

Look. Hey.


In the arena, we answer failure with the only thing suitable ... death.


You k*lled him for no reason!

In any arena, one fighter walks away.

Oh, when are you going to learn it's k*ll or be k*lled?

It always was.

Maybe in your world, but not in mine!

This is my world.

Oh, and consider this your one free pass.

If you fail to finish the job again, it'll be you dragged along by your heels.

Still noting?

Still nothing.

You got big dinner plans?

That's the third time you checked your watch.

I'm just checking to see how long they've been in there.

Lois, I'm as nervous about this as you are, okay?

But you have to trust me because I've been in this situation enough time to know that cool heads prevail.


Okay, but you haven't actually been to the Phantom Zone.

I've been there.

And now that the phantoms have found Clark and Oliver, we have to get them out.

I'm trying.

Well, not hard enough!

You haven't even checked the crystal laser thingy.

What if that's why we lost contact?

Oh, my God.

Tess is going to destroy the gate.

We have a better chance of surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.

Heading out in the wasteland's not going to help us.

Rather take my chances playing paddy-cakes with the phantoms.

Zod has what we need to get home.

We're running out of time.

Before you invited yourself, Tess and I put a plan in motion to protect Earth if any phantoms escaped.

What'd she do ... set it to self-destruct?

She set it to self-destruct.

It's the only option.

How's Lois feel about that?

Lois doesn't know.

But I hope to get us out of here before we have to worry about that.

Yeah, how you going to do that?

You can't bend metal in here.

You can't superspeed us back in time, Clark.

I know everything that Jor-El wrote about the Phantom Zone.

And I know how Zod thinks.

Well, I hope all your studying paid off, 'cause it's test time.

Crystal's fine.

Like I said, the problem has to be on their end.

Well, I guess you have it all worked out, then, don't you?

Destroying the crystal was a last resort, Lois.

I didn't want to worry you.

Well, I'm sorry if I'm not cheering the game plan, but you do realize that this I Clark and Oliver's lives we're talking about here.


Clark knew the risks.

And you know what could come through that gateway if it stays open.

It's like a homing signal for anything in there.

So, what you're just gonna shut it behind them, with no way home?

I cannot believe you turned on them.

You were supposed to be a member of this team.

I'm following Clark's orders.

Well, that is a terrible plan.

And there's no way he'd be okay with it.

You said it yourself, Lois.

These phantoms ... they're dangerous.

The last time they got out, people d*ed, and Clark wouldn't want that to happen again.

I know this is hard, okay?

And I-I understand that you love Clark, and you'd do anything not to lose him.

You bet I would.


I don't want to give up on Clark, either.

I don't, but we have a responsibility...

to not put the world at risk for selfish reasons, which is what you're doing by wanting to see him again.

I will not let you sacrifice him.

Being with a hero means accepting that hero's sacrifices.

That's where you're wrong.

Being a hero's wife...

means never accepting defeat.

At least here, you are on equal footing with Kal-El.

Having to walk alongside someone with the powers of a God must be so demoralizing.

My ego's firmly intact, thank you very much.

If you'll release your pet monkeys here, I'd be more than willing to give the wicked witch a personal demonstration.


Yeah. That's it.

That's the anger I was looking for.

That dark side you that you fear so badly ... and you should.

I've seen what Darkseid is capable of.

What do you know?

After the Kandorians sent me here, a very...powerful entity came looking for me.

Darkseid promise lordship over this dominion...

If I solve one problem for him.


Darkseid has certain ambitions for your planet.

The thing is, we took care of that.

We blocked him.

Took care of his three little minions, too.

Kal-El might delude himself, as usual, that he's won, but...

there are millions ... millions on Earth just waiting to surrender to the will of Darkseid, and you...

friend, are one of them.

I know exactly what you're doing.


But you know it's true, don't you?

And it goes way back.

After your parents were m*rder*d, that anger...

and desire for revenge ... ah, you can feel it now, can't you, that...

darkness bubbling under the surface.

It terrifies you.

Even if that were true, I'd b*at it.

Too late.

You're an agent of Darkseid now, just one of the many sinful souls at his back and call.

What would Clark think, knowing you were a marked man?

He would...

He'd stand by me.

But his faith in you would be compromised.

That mistrust ... it would grow.

It would manifest like a cancer.

Inevitably, you'll be cast aside, out of his good graces, like I was.

We can rule here together, as brothers.

I was looking for a brother in Kal-El.

I was.

Ultimately, I realized we have nothing in common.

Unlike you and I.

He does set the bar pretty high, doesn't he?

Kal-El would never embrace his dark side, and because of that, he will die here.

But you ... you can be saved, if you're brave enough to walk along that darker path.

You have to honor it.

You have to draw from that darkness...

Because if you don't, you will die.



At last, I have found a brother-in-arms worth joining me.

But this...

this k*ll is mine.

At last, Kal-El, you will know my vengeance.

I will have my revenge.

No more second chances.


In terms of crippling wounds, I've had worse.

From friendly fire?

Wasn't really part of the plan.

Well, come on, now. You were the man with the plan.

Get Zod to pit us against each other, knowing that he'd want to finish you off himself.

That's very smart.

Gave us a chance to grab the crystal.

But the plan isn't why we're here.

We're here because we trusted each other.

I knew that whatever Zod said to Oliver, he'd still follow through.


No, it's ... had to reel him in somehow, right?

I'm really glad you guys are back.

But I think I'm gonna have to call Dr. Emil to take a look at that.


Clark, those Omegas that we saw at the gate ... seems like the darkness is everywhere.

What if it comes back?

We'll fight it.

Yeah Clark...

What if one of us...

were to get infected with the darkness?

What would we do then?

We'd have to lock them up.

Darkness is a powerful thing.

It almost got me once.

And once it gets in...

I don't think there's a way out.

Yeah, hey, I mean, at least we took care of Zod, right?

Can't say I'll be missing that guy.

Some of the things he said...

Half the things that come out of his mouth are a lie.

He knows how to take the greatest fear you have about yourself and use it against you.

Well, I'll tell you what ... I know someone's darkest fear will be never seeing her fiancé again.

Clark, Lois has got to be worried sick.

You should go see her.

This ... this is nothing. I'll be fine.

Go. Get out of here.


I knew you'd make it.

I told you I would.

What happened to taking the time to merge our lives together?

Finding the right place for everything?

Oh, well, you know me.

Waiting isn't exactly my strong suit.

So I guess nervous energy equals power unpacking.

What'd you do? Enlist John Jones and Bart?

There's no way that you could have...

How long were we gone?

Three weeks.

We were only in there a few hours.

The crystal ... crushing it must have altered time.

So a few hours for me was almost a month for you.

You waited all that time.

Well, the League decided that it wasn't safe to send any more people in...

After you, so Tess and I took turns camping out at Watchtower...

Trying to re-establish contact with you and Oliver.

I, uh brought the pillow with me for downtime, because...Well, it reminds me of you now.

Silly, huh?

After three hours, Tess was supposed to...

Blow up the gate.


Tess and I had a little unexpected heart to heart about your secret plan.

I brought her around to seeing things my way.

I just...

I wish you could have had a little faith in me, too.

Lois, I didn't want you to have to make that kind of choice.

I was trying to...

Protect me?

I know.

But you're part of me now, Clark.

A half of a whole.

So, in the future, if there's even a chance that the mission might claim my better half, sign me up...

Because I'd rather be in some sand-blown purgatory with you than in the hell of not knowing if I'll ever see you again.

Lois, I am so sorry.

I try to make choices using my human side, but sometimes my Kryptonian side takes over.

I try to control the situation.

Instead of hiding that side, I should try to help you understand it.

Promise to put that in your wedding vows.

Wait, the wedding.

Yeah, t-minus two days...


You didn't postpone it.


I couldn't.

Believing that you would come back to me...

was the only thing that kept me going.

But if you want to postpone, that's fine.

Lois. Hmm?

There's nothing in this world that could prevent me from walking down that aisle.

I knew you were coming.

Sneaking up on me is just showing off.

Your hunch was right.

The constellation in the Veritas journal cross-translates with Carter's notes as the Bow of Orion...

And as associated with these coordinates on the Celtic coast.

Since we're still going Dutch on supersonic jet fuel, do you mind telling me why you're suddenly interested in the treasure hunt?

It's not a treasure.

It's, uh... It's Hawkman's quest.

He saw this guy Orion use it the last time he kicked Darkseid's ass halfway across the universe.

But he was never able to locate the w*apon that the hunter used to defeat him.

My family's Veritas journals were the missing piece that Hawkman never had.

Now we know where to look for the w*apon, so...

It's my job to go find it.


Fighting Darkseid isn't your own personal quest.

We're all in this together.

I just need you to trust me on this one, okay?

There's enough water under our collective bridge that if you need me not to ask questions...

I can do that.

Thank you.