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04x27 - The Walls of Night

Posted: 04/24/22 18:23
by bunniefuu
Next, The Fugitive in color.

We'll need some food.

We can stall them for a while
but it won't take Long

before they realize
I'm not taking you in.

We can get off the highway
and use the back roads.

I won't be Long.

Calling KM- .

Calling KM- .

KM- . Go ahead.

One moment, KM- .
l will relay.

Barbara, where is Dyson?

He'll be right back.

- She's alone.
- Look, Let me have it.

Listen, you crazy little fool.

That guy you're with,
Stan Dyson, he's an escaped k*ller.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim of blind justice,

falsely convicted
for the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate
when a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave
the scene of the crime.

Freed him to run
before the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story: Janice Rule,

Steve Ihnat,

and special guest star,
Sheeree North.

Take it to her.

Yes. Yes.

Yes, sir, your shipment's on the way.

Absolutely, I just spoke with the driver.
You'll have it by .

Oh, no bother at all, sir.

Always a pleasure to be of service.

Don't tell me.

That could only be our
Nervous Nellie, Mr. Watson.

That's the sixth time
he's called today.

No, I take it back. The eighth.

Don't Look to me for sympathy.

It's that irresistible telephone
personality of yours that's to blame.

If you'd feed him vinegar
instead of honey,

maybe he'll take his business

And a , annual account with it.

That would guarantee me
a Christmas bonus for sure.

Six grand.

That guy costs me
more than that in tranquilizers.

BR- . BR- .

Stan, where are you?

I just passed Springfield
heading for home.

Just passed Springfield
heading for home.

That's miles
at miles an hour-- Make it .

That will bring you in
at approximately Lunch time.

Am I correct, sir? Over.

No, I'm afraid not.

There's some construction
up ahead.

It held me up for almost an hour

Hold on.


Okay, okay. So you'll take your Lunch
an hour Later. I'll mind the store.

Stan, we're working for a boss
with a heart of gold.

And don't get any tickets on the way in
for slow driving.


For Richard Kimble

a squawking radiophone
has become a warm voice,

a sympathetic human contact.

A release, if only for a while,
from the terrible ache of loneliness.

He sort of reminded me of you.

Reminds you of me?

Well, he is a little big, uh...

- You're rotten clear through.
- I know that.

So you get a kiss.

Actually, it Looks Like Nervous Nellie.

Who's that?

You mean
you've never heard of Mr. Watson?

What are these?

The game starts at .
I thought we could have dinner first.

Excuse me, sir.

Well, what's the news?

I told you it would take time.

Why did you come here,
to spy on me at Lunch?

No, because it's Friday, Barbara.

I come every Friday.

I'm just doing my job is all.

He's new here, isn't he?

What's his name?

I asked you a question. Who is he?

His name is Stan Dyson.

What do you know about him?

Come on, Barbara.

Anybody you associate with,
I want a complete rundown.

I don't know anything about him,

He hasn't been here that Long.

He's nice, he's polite, he's reliable.

So is an alarm clock.

What do you want me to tell you,
that he cheats at solitaire,

but he's nice to dogs and kids?

Why don't you write out a List
of questions, I'll go interview him?

What's he know about you?

Did you tell him?

A little advice, Barbara.


Okay, call it whatever you Like.

You've got to watch yourself.

You seem to be doing well enough
for both of us.


he asked me out tonight
to dinner and to the game.

Tell him to settle for Lunch.

- Stan--
- I know, you're busy.

It's not that.

And it has nothing to do with him.

It's all right.
You don't have to explain.

Forgive me, I'll see you Later.

Hurry and make the pick up
and get right on in.

- Bye, Buck.
- So Long, Art. See you next Friday.

Why did you Let him see
Stan's personnel file?

What could I say?

Anybody you're interested in,
Art Meredith's interested in too.

You know that.

Stan Dyson is none of his business.

But you are.

And more than just business too,
it's my guess.

Though he'd be the Last one
to admit it.

You could show him a hoop
and he'd jump through it.

All right, so he doesn't turn you on.

That's no reason to put him
through a meat grinder.

You owe him something, Barbara.

He's got his neck stuck out a mile
for you.

I know that.

Hey, what's this?

Mr. Watson.

You know, it does kind of
Look Like him at that.

Did Stan give this to you?

I am not crying.

In case you get around to it.

Do you mind if I give you
a bit of advice, Barbara?

Ha, ha. Why not?
Everybody else has today.

Why don't you have a little talk
with Mr. Stan Dyson?

Tell him all about yourself.

I can't do that.

You're going to have to, baby.

You can't keep stalling him forever.
Not if you Like him that much.

Sooner or Later he's gonna find out
about you anyway.

Now, isn't it better if he hears it
from you?

Do you really think...?

- I mean, if you were Stan--?
- If I were Stan, honey...

If I didn't have a wife and three kids,

and if it weren't for the fact

that I'm the best Looking man
in the Pacific Northwest,

I might just give you a chance
at me.

I wouldn’t make a major project
out of those repairs if I were you.

If you're going to talk to Mr. Dyson,
you'd better get right on it.

He's going out on .


Does he know that?

He will when you give him this.

Tell him he has to stay over
in Seattle.

We got a return load from
Vancouver for him for Monday.

Well, are you gonna give him this
or not?

- How's my nose?
- I've seen better.

And don't make it all day.

I got better things to do
than babysit that squawk box for you.

Well, I couldn’t have taken you
to dinner anyway.

Ever been to Seattle?

Big City. Lots of action.

If I were Looking for action.


there's a place, uh,
they call it Lake Shohalis.

A driver told me about it.
It's off-season up there. It's quiet.

Oh, Stan.

Well, we could just get away
for the weekend.

You know,
just get away from all this.

I'd Love to, but I can't.

You're busy.

It's got nothing to do with him.
It's not what you think.

If you knew you'd understand.

But I don't, do I?



- This tablecloth needs changing.
- Got it.

And, um, that window needs washing.

Are the new menus
back from the printer?

Yes, they're on the table in the hall.

Well, I'll go and change.

That'll be a help.


I said, uh, this is going to help.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Is anybody around?
- Yeah, me,

for whatever that's worth.

Can I get a room?

Oh, yeah, the manager
will be right down.

What a tizzy
you're going to throw them into

blowing in here without a reservation.

Yeah, I guess I did take a chance,
didn't I?

What time's dinner around here?

I just looked in the kitchen.

Cook's got something out there

that he swears up and down
is chicken.

You ask me, he went out
an bagged a chipmunk.

Or would you believe possum?

You just overnight?

Uh, no. No, I thought I'd stay
the weekend.

- That your rig outside?
- Uh-huh.

- You from Seattle?
- No, I just made a delivery there.

You mean you chose to come here
to this morgue

instead of staying in the city?

Yeah, well, I thought
it would be quiet.

Oh. Yeah, you're right there.

So quiet that the crickets
row across the river

whenever they feel Like chirping.

You said you had
the board in your hip pocket.

I never said that. Never really know.

it's not Like being turned down.

It's just they didn't review your case.

We aren't going to stop fighting them,

We're going to keep after them.

The board meets again
in six months.

Six months!

I know it seems Like forever.

You at Least got your
work release privilege.

- That's something.
- Oh, yes. That's something.

They Let me out on a string in
the daytime and pull me back at night.

Oh, don't talk that way.

You just hang in there.

You'll get your parole.

Don't bother. I'll manage.

Hey, we're closing.
Do you mind if I sit down?


Well, what'd you think of the mad whirl
at Lake Shohalis Inn now? Ha, ha.

Let you in on a secret. It's not
much better when it's in season.

Every time a new joint opens up
on the lake,

this spot dies a little bit more.

My name is Willy.

Stan Dyson.

Well, you'd think after a whole day
on my feet,

I'd be ready to flop down,
wouldn’t you?

But not me. No chance.

Comes night time and I make a run
at the Jug.

The Jug, huh?

Spot about a mile down the road.

Of course a girl hates to go there
alone. You know how it is.

Well, I...

I'll pay for the beer.

Uh, Willy, I...

Oh. There's always
tomorrow night, right?


But in case you do change your mind,
I'm in cabin number three.

Okay, I'll remember.


Art. Heh.

This is Saturday.
Don't you ever--?

No, because Friday night
I dropped Barbara off at the prison

and she still hasn't reported in.

No, I didn't actually watch her
go inside.

Why would I?

As many times as I've dropped her off,
how was I to know?

Of course not.

Sure she was upset

but it's not the first time
the board didn't review her case.

I figured--

Buck, you don't know where she is?

You're about the only person
she'd turn to.

If she didn't come to you, then...

I don't think she'd actually take off
on her own.

She's got too much sense.

Did you check the hospitals?

Yeah, yeah, of course you would.

Well, if she calls here
or if I get any bright ideas, I'll buzz you.

I'm sorry to bother you at home

but I've got to get in touch
with Dyson right away.

He mentioned laying over
at some Lake resort.

I forget the name.

I figured maybe he might've mentioned
something about it to you.


What was that name again?

Enjoying your breakfast?

Good morning.

- Good morning, folks.
- Good morning.

Oh, Willy, this is Barbara.
Barbara, Willy.

- Hello, Willy.
- I can recommend the chipmunk.

- For breakfast?
- Well, maybe not for breakfast,

but the chipped beef is moving real big
and I can vouch for its pedigree.

You sure got good taste.
I can see why you passed up the Jug.

The Jug?

Oh, yes, it's a place.

It's a beer joint down the road.

Oh, she wanted you
to take her there.

Yes. Mm-hm.

Why didn't you?

Well, I've been asking myself
that same question.

- Oh.
- Oh.

It can't be on a party line, operator,
it's a resort hotel!

All right, all right, sorry.
Will you please keep trying?

I always thought you were
sort of a Cinderella type

who turned into a pumpkin
at : midnight.

In the first place, it was the coach
that turned into a pumpkin.

- Ah.
- And in the second place,

can you imagine these clod-hoppers
fitting into a pair of glass slippers.

- You going to Vancouver on this trip?
- Uh-huh.

Take me along.

It'll be all right. I've got Monday off.

Well, sure.
Why didn't you tell me?

Because we've had so many things
to discuss.

Such as:


And especially:

I Like that ''especially.''

- Darling, Let’s go tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?

We'll get up bright and early

and we can go to Victoria
and see the sights. Please?

- Okay, I'll call Buck.
- No.

Why not?

Because you're busy.

Willy, get that.
Can't you see I'm busy?

Lucky, I'm not.

Hello, Lake Shohalis Inn,

entertainment capital
of the Pacific Northwest.

Look, maybe you can help me.
I'm trying to reach--

Yeah. Uh-huh.

Well, gee, I'm sorry, mister, but there's
nobody here that fits that description.

Am I positive?

Mister, I've never been more positive
of anything in my Life.


What if I'm not what you think I am?

Ah, you couldn’t be.
But I'll settle for even half of that.

Barbara, none of us are
what we hope others think we are.

Give me a little more time,

I'm confident
she didn't skip on her own.

How do you get that?

I know I brought her back at
but she wasn't AWOL until .

She could be kidnapped,
amnesiac, anything.

We're not talking about
a dangerous criminal.

Okay, superintendent. Thank you.

Sure thing. I'll keep in touch.

Come in.

Oh, are you checking out?


Thanks, Willy.

Look, I hope
I didn't do something wrong.

I know it's none of my business,

but you two were having such
a good time and it is the weekend,

and when this guy phones
asking if you're here yesterday,

well, I figure from the tone of his voice
it's either your boss or her daddy,

or a jealous ex-boyfriend,
so I said you weren't here.

- Was his name Leonard?
- I didn't ask.

Did I do the wrong thing?

BR- .

BR- , this is KM- .

lf she can get back
before she's picked up,

maybe Meredith
can still square it for her.

But she's dead if she runs.
You understand?

I understand.

Forget the Vancouver pickup.
Just get her back here.

I thought you were on my side.

Who says I'm not?
I’m only trying to help you.

That's all any of us are trying to do.

By sending me back to prison?
I won't go.

She'll be there, Buck.
That's a promise. Out.

Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know.

I stood there Looking at those walls
and thinking about you on the outside.

I knew I never could spend
another night in that place.

Stan, please help me.

You've got to go back, Barbara.

That's easy for you to say,

but you don't know what it's Like
to Live Like a caged animal.

''Nothing to worry about,''
isn't that what you said?

''Stan Dyson's a good man.
He'll see she gets back.''

Well, I just got a bad report
on your good man.

''Adamson Furniture reports no record
of Dyson employ--

Portal Hardware no such firm in--''

Same thing all the way down the Line.
All his references, faked.

Buck, don't you bother to check up
on a man you trust

with thousands of dollars
worth of wheels and merchandise?

Now, Let’s go see if the address
he gave you is a phony too.

You can see his clothes are all here.

- I told you.
- Travels light, doesn't he?

What do you expect to find?

I'm telling you, Art,
you're barking up the wrong tree.

Now, if I can shake a man's hand
and Look him the eye,

I don't need references.

And I've hired a Lot of people,
including three others on work-release,

and I haven't been stuck yet.

If Dyson wanted to,
he's had chances

to make off with a truckload
before this.

Hair dye.

So the man uses hair dye.

Hey, Look here, mister,
that's not yours, that's Mr. Dyson's.

Don't worry. Mr. Dyson will get it back
when the police are through with it.

Thank you.

I'll drive you to the bus station.

I see.

Leonard was so sure.

About what?

''Tell Stan all about yourself.''

That's what he said.

''Stan's a good guy he can take it.''

You think I can't?

I don't know,

but you might as well hear
the whole story.

And I'm not excusing myself,

it was as much my fault
as it was his.

His name was Larry
and we worked in the same office.

He said he loved me but we didn't have
enough money to get married.

I was taking money to the bank
every day, lots of it,

for a boss who didn't care
how he made it.

At the time it seemed Like
poetic justice.

Larry said it would be easy. It was.

Only after he got the money,
he disappeared.

The guy at Lunch the other day,
was that Larry?

No, I've never heard from him since.

That guy was from
the Prison Work Release program.

Stan, take me with you, please.

I can't, Barbara.


Nothing will happen to you.

Even if they catch us you wouldn’t
get in any trouble, would you?

- Would you, Stan?
- Yes.

It's all right for you to run,
but not for me.

We're running for different reasons.

My only hope is to keep running,
your hope is to stop.

My hope is with you.

I could go back if I knew
I was going to see you.

I could paste the weeks together
and hang on somehow.

Just tell me you'll be there
and I'll go back.

I can't.

Then take me to Canada.

I can't do that either.

If you Leave me,
I'm not going back anyway.

I'm heading north
with or without you.

But I don't suppose I have to tell you
which way I prefer it.

We'll need some food.

We can stall them for a while
but it won't take Long

before they realize
I'm not taking you in.

We can get off the highway
and use the back roads.

I won't be Long.

Calling KM- .

Calling KM- .

KM- , go ahead.

One moment, KM- .
l will relay.

- Barbara, where's Dyson?
BARBARA: He'll be right back.

- She's alone.
- Look, Let me have it.

Listen, you crazy little fool.

That guy you're with, Stan Dyson,
he's an escaped k*ller.

Barbara, I’m not trying to trick you.

I've got Lieutenant Gould here.

I'm gonna put him on
and I want you to listen to him.

His name's Richard Kimble.

Watch your step.

He k*lled one woman
and he wouldn’t hesitate to k*ll another.

Now, can you make a break for it

and I mean with a reasonable
chance of succeeding? Over.

I'm not sure.

If you're not sure, don't try it.
Whatever you do, don't panic.

And above all else, don't,

repeat, don't Let on to him
that you know who he is.

lf you get a chance, if you can
dream up some legitimate excuse

take off like a scared rabbit.

Leave it to the professionals.

- Is that clear? Over.
- Yes.

Art, take this down.

Now, give us your present location.

Listen, I can't talk anymore.
He's coming back.

Hold it, hold it.

All right.

We know he's in this area,
probably within miles of Seattle.

If your guess is right, Mr. Leonard,

he'll have to proceed along one
of these secondary's to Highway

and then turn south.

There's no reason he shouldn’t.

He doesn't know
you've got a make on him.

Not unless the girl told him.

And why should she?

She broke jail to go to him,
didn't she?

She's also bright enough to realize
that if she cooperates

it could help her
with the parole board.

It might even get her sentence
commuted altogether.

I hope you're right.

We're just dragging our feet.

I could have had that truck bagged
and surrounded in minutes flat.

And maybe got her k*lled.

Do you know for certain
she's still in that truck?

Yes, because if she'd gotten away,
she would have phoned us.

If she's still alive.

See if Seattle knows anything.
Maybe they got a fix on them.

They can't get a fix on that truck
if they can't get a signal,

and they can't get a signal as Long
as Kimble's radio switch is on receive.

You want me to raise him again?

Ah, wouldn’t hurt.

I'll alert Seattle.

Operator, get me KM-
on Seattle relay. Zone six, please.

Keep on your toes.
I don't know how Long our man

can keep Kimble talking
without making him suspicious.

KM- . Come in, KM- .

I have to take it.

Why do they keep calling?
That's the third time in the past hour.

They wanna make sure
I'm bringing you in,

that you haven't talked me
out of it.

This is KM- .

Stan? Buck here. How you doing?

I'm doing fine.

No traffic hang-up?

Buck, stop it. I'm coming in.

If it's not fast enough for you,
send me an airline ticket.

She's coming apart at the seams.

What'd you expect?
She's with a k*ller.

At Least we know she's alive.

She'd better get a grip on herself
or she won't be Long.

Kimble's no fool.

Seattle. Gould here.

Did you get your fix? Good.

Ten miles east of .

That's what I figured.

All right, you deploy
along the highway in force.

You tail him with unmarked cars.


Hold it, hold it, hold it.
Small conference.

Look, as far as I'm concerned
that girl’s safety comes first.

Don't you think I know that?

You just said Kimble's no fool.
And he's dangerous.

If he even suspects
that she's tricked him...

Would you care
to finish that sentence?

Okay, he says he's bringing her back.
Well, so far it Looks as if he is.

In that case you can wait
and take him here after she's safe.

We won't know that till he hits .

My money says he turns north
toward Canada.

Well, can't we at Least wait and see?

Carter, deploy
north of the main junction only.

That's right, north only.

I know it's wild,
but we got a wild man here.

That's right, no tail south.

- What do we do now?
- We wait.

Still nothing on KM- ?

Okay, thanks.

Well, Art,
if he were headed for Canada,

why haven't one of your roadblocks
got him?

Okay, so he's heading south.
That doesn't prove anything yet.

Buck, want to try again?

Aren't we overdoing it?

Chance we have to take.

We have to make him
send occasionally

so the technical boys
can maintain their fix.

If I can't talk you into it,
I guess I can't.

The switch is open.

He's sending. Stay with it.

l don't know why you
want to go back to jail

when you could be on your way
to Canada.

- How'd we do?
- Wait a minute.

Right. He's heading into town.

All right, that means
she didn't tell Kimble.

You remember that
for the parole board.

Now, Look,
they'll be coming over the bridge.

Have four cars waiting
but don't close in until I give the word.

Right. Let's go.



Oh, I had such wonderful dreams
all about Canada.

- You ever been there? Western part?
- Nope.

My father used to take me there.

A Long time ago
but I've never forgotten it.

If you're hungry,
there's a sandwich Left.

It'll be sandwiches now,
but when we get to Vancouver

oh, the dinner I'm going to fix you.


- You're running into a trap. Turn back.
- I know.

You know?

All the calls from Buck.

Radio fix.

They've been tracking us.

But why did you answer them?

If I hadn't they'd have closed in
by now.

They're not after you, Barbara.

They wouldn’t go to this much trouble.
They're after me.

How did you know it was a trap?


They contacted me
while you were in the store.

What did they tell you?

That you'd k*lled a woman.

You're not afraid?

It was my wife, but I didn't k*ll her.

That's why I have to run.

That's why
I can't take you to Canada.

Why I can't take you anywhere
with me.

You take it from here.

I would’ve Liked Canada but I wouldn’t
have Liked myself very much.

I want you to take credit
for turning me in.

You really think
I want that kind of credit?

You take anything that will get you
out of there one day sooner.


Get out of here.

There they are.

We all understand what happened.

When Kimble Left you with the truck
you were panic-stricken.

You were fleeing from
a terrifying nightmare.

You certainly didn't mean
to obstruct us

and it's not your fault
that Kimble got away.

Are you asking me, Art,
or are you telling me?

I'm trying to penetrate the fog

you've been walking around in.

Barbara, you're going before
Judge Foster.

What you say and how you say it

could spell the difference
between commutation

and another year
tacked onto your sentence.

Do you understand that?

A Lot of people
have gone to bat for you.

Some of them not too happy about it.

You can't blame Lieutenant Gould
for not turning cartwheels.

He may not be the best I've got,

but he pledged his word to me
and he'll be there.

All right, I'll say
whatever you want me to say.

You are not doing me any favors,

I'm sorry.

I appreciate what you're trying to do.
I really do.

We'd better go.

Barbara's sentence
will come finally to an end.

But for Richard Kimble,

there is no calendar
on which to mark the days.

Loneliness once again
stretches ahead

as apparently endless
as the city streets.