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10x11 - I Kid You Not

Posted: 04/27/22 12:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

You got drunk,
and you got high!

I just went for a drink.

When did the blow
come in?

I'm so sorry, tony.

We're done.
I'm not doing this again.

I'm different now!
I just made a mistake.

I'm sorry.
I want help.

I'm here to clean out
my locker.

You were the one banging
that 17‐year‐old, not us.

You said
you wouldn't notify i. A. B.

It might be making you feel
better believing it was us,

But it ain't the case.

I could've took my chances
with them,

And now it's too late.

Clean living center.
There's a spot open.

So, if this is another hand job,
don't waste my time.

I've never wanted to be sober
so bad...

Or had a reason to.

You're gonna have to prove

Laughlin resigned
at our suggestion,

But now here he is getting
jammed up with you guys

Because of information
that went through me.

Can you do something
for him?

If it's just a matter of him
getting a rip

And some probation,
I'll blow in his delegate's ear.

Appreciate it.

I should hope so.

Look at this.

Hey, what's he doing back?

I think his lawyer
cut a deal.

He's like a weeble.

Weeble's wobble,
but they don't fall down.

Good to see
he's lost that smug grin

I'd like to take off
with a belt sander.


What do we got?

So, the "welcome back" party,
that's after the tour?

Run the case, laughlin.

Denise woodson.

Says the d.o.a.
Tried to jack her car.

Then a black guy,
unknown to her,

Came running across the street
and tangled with the carjacker.

g*n goes off in the struggle,
jacker hits the pavement,

Black guy hits the road,
runs off that way.

Why don't you take
the d. O. A.?

Here come the detectives.

Miss woodson,
I'm detective clark.

This is my partner,
detective sipowicz.

I'm still a little
in shock.

You live around here?

No. I was on my way to drop off
stuff to one of our artists.

I stopped to get some water
at the bodega

When the guy tried
to take my car.

What line of work you in?

for a record company.

The black male,
you never seen him before?

No. He was a saint, though,
whoever he was.

The g*n went off during
a struggle?

We're gonna need a statement.
We're also gonna take your car.

For what?

It's a m*rder investigation.
Everything gets processed.

Okay, but can we do this

We have a release party tonight,
and I am way behind.

The car stays.

Then I need to get my things
out of the trunk.

No. We got a dead guy here,
ma'am, okay?

The car stays,
and everything in it stays.

Can we please do this tomorrow?
I could lose my job.

We'll put in a good word
with your boss.

We're sorry.

Go with the officer.

The d. O. A.'S a shane collins.
Full sheet.

Connie and rita are heading over
to his last known address

To see what they can find.

[ Knock on door ]

I can hear you
moving in there!

Open the door!


Shane collins live here?

Just a lady.
Bratovich, I think.

Open it.
Yes, ma'am.

When's the last time
you were in there?

Not since they moved in here.

It stinks.

I'll get right on that.

Step aside.


[ Flies buzzing ]


[ Groans ] unbelievable.

[ Coughing ]

[ Thud ]

[ Whimpering, sobbing ]

Oh, my god.


It's okay. It's okay.

[ Cries ]

It's all right,
it's all right.



Let's go. Keep walking.
Keep going.



Any luck finding the mom
of those abandoned kids?

Uh, joyce bratovich.
They're pretty traumatized.

They got an open case
with child services.

Medavoy and jones are on their
way to talk to the caseworker.

Caseworker for how long?

Year and a half.

Jones and medavoy know the
condition of the apartment?

They know to land hard
on the guy.

Crime scene found two ounces of
coke in denise woodson's car.

Two ounces?

At the bottom
of a bag of cd's.

No wonder
she wanted to drive off.

your carjacking victim?

Carjacking part's
looking iffy.

We'll get her in.


Yeah, this is rodriguez.

I'm, um, planning a surprise
night for john.

You up for being
a little sneaky?

Sneaky's my middle name.

Queens homicide.

I need to respond
to a crime scene.

For what?

Didn't say.
I'll be back.

Pat caneely?

You're the cops
that called?

jones and medavoy.

I must have the bratovich file
at home.

So how about after lunch?

We need places to look
for the mom right away.

Any ideas offhand?

Would be in the file.
I'm talking 12:30, latest.

Hey, when's the last time you
were at the bratovich apartment?

A month ago.

You notice
the piles of trash

And the rats
running across your feet?

Oh, no. You serious?

A garbage dump with the kids
in the middle.

Oh, man.
And no sign of joyce?

That's why we're here,

That place was clean
when I saw it last month.

It's a pigsty now,
and we need to find her.

I'll head home for the file.

try tompkins square park.

If she's back on dr*gs,
that's where she cops.

So she's a junkie,
but she still gets the kids?

Former junkie, I thought.

I can't tell you
how many times I told her

Never to leave them alone.

Well, it didn't take.

So after I get the file,
it's removal time.

Where are they?

They're at the hospital.

They're okay, yes?

The two little girls
are all right.

The boy
has some strep throat.

And the infant?

We don't know
about an infant.

She must have taken it
with her.

Taking an infant
to cop smack?!

If you didn't see it,
it's with joyce.

She takes care of the baby.

I keep her feet to the fire
on that.

Living like a hog, though.

I got 28 cases here.
I'm doing everything I can.

Call us
when you get the file.


What's going on?

Where'd you get the coke?

What coke?

Don't start off insulting us.
Sit down.

I don't‐‐ coke?
You mean, like, cocaine?

We're not busting you for
breaking curfew, denise,

So acting dumb
ain't gonna work.

I seriously don't know what
you're talking about.

The two ounces of coke
we found

Under all those cd's
in your trunk.

Oh, my god,
are you serious?

Well, it's not mine.

We found two ounces of coke
in your car.

Regardless of where it came from
or where it was going,

We found it on you,
so that means it's yours.

It's not mine.

You weren't getting carjacked
this morning.

There was
no anonymous avenger

Who k*lled a guy
trying to take your car.

You better start telling us
what went down,

Or you are looking at five years
in federal prison minimum.

I picked those bags of cd's up
from work.

I stopped to get some water, and
that guy put a g*n in my face.

Everything I told you
is true.

You didn't know the coke
was in the bag of cd's

When you left work?

I was supposed to take them over
to one of our artists.

I make runs like this
every day.

Who'd you get the bags

My boss.
Names, denise.

My boss is greg knapp.

I was taking the cd's
over to delray kelly.

I'm not saying greg
put the coke in the bag.

He may not either, denise,
in which case it's yours.

But it's not.
Please believe me!

Come on. Let's go.

We're gonna lodge you in a cell
while we talk to your boss.


Let's go.

Lieutenant rodriguez?

Ed markinson.
My partner, davey wingate.

What's this about?

You know an angela lupo?

Delivery truck driver found her
about an hour and a half ago.

We found your card in her bag.
Mind if we ask the connection?

She's my ex‐wife.

I'm sorry.

You seen her recently?


Was she having a problem
with dr*gs?

She was starting a program.

Did she seem depressed to you,


Well, we'll treat it
as an accidental overdose.

She was doing speed balls.
It got out of control.

No, she didn't do
speed balls.

She's got the makings here.

No. When I was fighting
to get her straight,

We had some candid

And she swore to me
she'd never do that.

She lost a friend
to heroin.

Lieutenant, if you look
between her toes,

You'll see the tracks.

It looks like she'd been
sh**ting it for a while.

Wouldn't be the first time
someone graduated to heroin

And didn't tell their loved ones
about it.

I want crime scene down here
to do a full work‐up.

Lieutenant, why don't you
let us handle this?

We find out it's not
an overdose,

We'll let you know

If I have to call them myself,
I will.

We'll have crime scene

I'll notify her family,

But I need to know exactly
what happened before I do.

So I want updates.

You got it, lieutenant.

Have a seat, greg.


Denise woodson
work for you?

She's in our marketing

And that entails what?

Well, she's responsible for
rolling out the record,

For setting up parties, events,
putting up posters.

Did something happen
to denise?

She said she was on her way
to a delray kelly's place.

Does that sound right?

What happened to denise?

Answer the questions, greg.

Yeah, that's right.

What's your relationship
with this delray kelly?

He's one of our top artists.

So you take care of him.

Now, what's going on?

We found the coke

In the bag denise was taking
over to delray's.

[ Chuckles ]
I don't know what to say.

I don't know anything
about that.

So this is all denise?

It's not me,
that's for damn sure.

who's got no criminal history,

Not even a parking ticket,

She's all of a sudden gonna
start moving two ounces of coke?

Two ounces? Oh, I definitely
don't know anything about that.

Who else had access to those
bags at work?

My assistant,
people in my department,

The guys in the mail room.

Delray's your biggest artist.

You're way up his ass
trying to keep him happy,

So you drop a little door prize
in the bottom of the cd bag

That you know is going over
to his place.

Forget it, guy.
No way, no how. Period.

Look, I know there's not a real
overabundance of integrity

In the music business,

But maybe you can muster some up
for denise.

This is a young woman,
and she's looking at 5 years

Because of something that came
out of your office.

10 Years ago when I was on the
road pushing songs,

Maybe I'd give a program
director a little snortski,

But now, and two ounces?

I'm not crazy.

So you can see denise
doing this?

Talk to her brother.

She's got a brother who just got
out of prison for dealing dr*gs.

Shawn. Same last name.
Shawn woodson.

Denise looks out for him.

Don't hang this girl out,

I'm not.
I got nothing to do with this.


Oh, detective clark,
the borough called.

You've got in‐service training

It's off‐site
at the hyatt in midtown.

Could you call them back, john,
see can I reschedule?

They said
you're already overdue.


Six hours
of the new f*ring stance

From a guy with one strand
of hair

Crisscrossing his head
200 times.

Could you please just try
for me?

I'll do my best.

A witness on your sh**ting.

A guy who lives in the building
across the street.

He found our card
under his door.

He wasn't gonna call,
but he had a change of heart.

What'd he see, greg?

Um, the good samaritan
and your victim denise,

They talked for a good
20 seconds after the scuffle.

What's the girl say?

He just ran off.

We heard the girl's brother
might be involved.

Makes sense they'd talk.

What's her brother's story?

Drug collars. Did time.

So it's a deal that went sour.
Mcdowell and ortiz?

They got joyce bratovich
at a methadone clinic.

I got calls to make.

Pleasant exchange.

Where's sally,
your daughter?

What are you talking about?

And since when is it illegal
to get methadone from a clinic?

Where is your baby daughter?

With my cousin maureen.

Who's where?

Queens. She got a 9‐month‐old,
so they play.

Your cousin's number.



What's the big deal?

I'll check it out.

Oh, is that a crime now?

Only when you leave
your other three kids

In that hole
you call an apartment.

You went to my apartment?

They're with child services,
out of your custody.

Oh, no. I swear, I was meaning
to clean up.

Work get in the way?
Your busy schedule?

What was you doing in my
apartment in the first place?

You can't just go barging in.

We came to ask some questions
about your boyfriend,

Shane collins.

What about him?

He got k*lled this morning.

Wait. Is this a joke?

Know anything about it,

His line of business,

You are really just laying it
out like that...

Just all cold?

He's dead?

Oh, I'm laying it out cold,

'Cause seeing how you left
those kids,

That's how I'm feeling
right now.

Well, I don't know nothing
about no carjacking.

And I don't know
who k*lled him.

He was a good father,
and he was a good man.

They're all his kids?

Just the boy.

One, okay?!
Can I see him?!


[ Door opens ]

Cousin's got the kid.

You're a collar
for child endangerment.

I swear I just left them
for a second!

Shut up!

You're staying here.

Sit down.

When'd you get out of prison,

Three months ago.

with intent to sell.

That's right.

Your sister's in trouble.
For what?

You gonna stand up for her
or not?

For her
getting her car jacked?

You were in her car this
morning, weren't you?

You gotta understand
what it was in the moment.

Dude's bleeding in the street,
g*nsh*t ringing in my ear,

Denise is screaming,

And I'm thinking nobody's gonna
believe me,

And I'm gonna get
my parole violated.

So I hoofed it.

All right, you tell us how it
went from the start.

I'm riding with her.

We stop
so I can get some smokes.

I come back out of the bodega,

And this white dude's got a g*n
in her face.

I didn't even think.
I just went for him.

A couple seconds into it,
the g*n goes off.

I swear, I don't know how.

His hands is on it,
my hands is on it.

It could've been either one
of us.

The dude drops,
and you know the rest.

You mean you bought the coke
from him,

Then you got into this
life‐or‐death struggle.

Coke? What coke?

Aw, shut up
with the "what coke?"

The dude was trying to steal
denise's car.

That's all I know!

Anyone says anything else
is lying!

It's what's sitting down
in the property room right now

That was found
in your sister's car.

I don't believe it.

Close your eyes
and click your heels together.

That'll make it all go away.

I don't know nothing about
no coke!

If we're not satisfied with
everybody's account

Of how things went down
this morning‐‐

And we're currently

Your sister goes for possession,
and you go down for m*rder.

Tell us what happened
or your sister takes the rap.

All right, fine.

The hell with it.

Put it on me.

Put the whole thing on me.

How much coke
was in the trunk?

I don't know.
A couple grams.

You're about
two ounces off.

Two ounces? You jokin' me?

We're gonna lodge you in a cell
at another precinct.

We could put you downstairs,
but that's where your sister is.

Denise would not be involved
in no two ounces of coke!

Get up.

Turn around.

If this thing ends up
falling on denise,

Just put it on me,
all right?

This ain't no bar tab, shawn.
Come on.

Detective ortiz?

Rita ortiz.
Connie mcdowell.

Maureen wade.
Come on in.

So joyce screwed up again,
I guess.

That's her daughter sally?

So, um, what did joyce do?

Left her other kids alone
while she went to score dr*gs.

And her apartment's

Are you all right keeping
the baby a little while?

The alternative's
foster care.

No, no. I'll take care
of the baby.

Is joyce in jail?

She's going to be.

Well, how are the other kids?
Are they okay?

Joyce mentioned you had a baby,
too‐‐ a 9‐month‐old.


Where is she?

With my husband.

Could you get him on the phone
real quick?


'Cause joyce's baby is supposed
to be 6 months old,

And that child is way over
6 months.

Well, that's her kid.

Maureen, you're in a real
dangerous spot right now.

You lie to us,
you will get locked up.

I don't want any trouble.

Whose child is that?

Mine. That's kimberly.

Where's joyce's baby?

I don't know.

Why did you say
she was here?

Joyce asked me,
would I say she was here.

Why would you go along
with that?

She said it had something to do
with welfare benefits.

I don't know.
She's a mess, okay?

I was just trying to help.

You were way off.

She just had that...

Chip in her brain that said
"get high."

Had you talked to her

No. We were communicating
through our attorneys.

So you were there?

I saw her?


And it was an overdose?


Maybe what?

They found her in that bmw
of yours,

The one you were all pissed off
she hadn't given back.

What's that supposed to mean?

I'm gonna find out what happened
to her, andrew,

And I hope, for your sake,

It doesn't point back
in your direction.

I know you loved her.
I did, too.

And this whole thing
is a shock,

So I'm not offended at that.

Go ahead and look into me,
if that makes you feel

Like you did everything you
could for her...

'Cause I know the feeling.

Was she doing heroin when you
were together?

I was in the dark
on all that,

And she was an expert
at keeping me there.

Anyone angela
was in trouble with‐‐

Someone she owed
and hadn't paid back?

Again, I have no idea.

Any personal items she left
behind‐‐ I'm gonna need those.

She took everything that
belonged to her.

Can you look around for me,

Look, I know this is
what you do‐‐ investigate‐‐

But I'm telling you,

This was a path she'd been
heading down for a long time.

She was starting a program.

She started
a lot of programs.

How long were you married
to her for‐‐ 30 seconds?

I had to distance myself
from her

In order to protect
my own sanity.

She's dead. Angela's dead.

And this "no skin off my ass"
attitude you got

Is starting to piss me off.

I don't know anyone
who wanted to k*ll her.

If that's why you had me
come in here,

There's your answer.

Thanks for stopping by.

Look, I did what I could
to help her, tony.

I really did.


I know you did.

We can split the cost of the
funeral if you'd like.

We'll talk about that later.


What's going on
with the case?

We're gonna ignore the gorilla
that guy just dropped off?

Not now. What's going on?

C.s.u. Couldn't pull any prints
off the g*n found at the scene,

So we still don't know
whose g*n it was.

The d. O. A. Carjacker‐‐
I talked to his p. O.,

And his game
was taking off buyers

When they'd leave their dealers
after copping.

So denise was there
to buy dr*gs.

We're not sure.

Was the brother involved?

We're gonna talk to her
one more time, the last time.

Let me know.


You heard what I heard.

Nobody close to him,
otherwise he'd be in tears.

I could read arabic before
I could read that guy.

Oh, and, detective,

I spoke with the rep
at in‐service training.

They can't reschedule.

You're sure?

Positive. They'll be expecting
you after your tour.

You lied about the baby.

She wasn't with maureen.
We just came from there.

Can I just say something?

As long as it has something
to do with where sally is.

I have a lot of problems.

I get very emotional.

Did you hurt
your daughter?

Is the baby okay?
The baby is fine.

Then tell us where she is.

Will you just listen to me?

Then you'll tell us.
Listen to me!!

I got very imbalanced
after I had my kids,

And I compensated that
with dr*gs.


I don't want to live like
a monster.

I just get so sad sometimes.

Did that happen recently?


Was the baby involved

Okay, you know when, um, like,
you get lazy,

And you say, "I don't want
to take out the garbage.

Why doesn't somebody else take
out the garbage," you know?

Sure, joyce.

Yeah, okay.
That's what happened. That.

I got lazy and sad, and there
wasn't anybody to help me.

Well, what about your caseworker
with child services?

Didn't he come to help
a month ago?

Nobody has come to see me
in, like, a year.

And I get so sad!

And it just gets all dirty!

Can you tell us
where the baby is?

The baby is fine.
She was fine where I left her.

Where did you leave her?

I just needed peace,
some peace in my mind.

Where is the baby
right now?!

She's on the top
of my building!

But she was fine
when I left her!

Top of your building,
like the roof?

Yeah. By some pipes.
I put her in a carrier.

And I just needed some peace,
and I was gonna go get her,

And then you guys came,
and you took me in.

You better not be lying,
and she better be okay!

She's fine! I swear!

Why didn't you tell us your
brother was the sh**t?

Because he's on parole,
and no one would believe him.

But he defended me.

You lied to us
about him being there.

I'm telling you the truth.

You're getting charged
for the coke,

And your brother's going up
for m*rder.

What happened this morning and
how was your brother involved?

This is your last chance,

Delray called me
this morning.

Delray the singer?

He knew I was coming over,
and he asked me

To stop by this guy robbie's

And pick something up
for him.

But you knew it was coke.

I never looked
inside the bag,

And I didn't give robbie
any money.

Why did you stuff the package
at the bottom of the bag,

And why did your brother
ride along with you today?

Just in case.

Just in case it was coke.

Your brother knew what you
were doing, didn't he?

No. I swear to god.

He just thought I was going up
to get cd's.

Shawn had no idea.

Why didn't you tell us this
at the scene?

You do pickups like this
for delray very often?

No. This was the first time.

Are you sleeping with him?

We're in love.

He's married and everything,
but we're in love.

Oh, man.

[ Sighs ]

The only way you b*at this

Is if delray admits
he had you pick up his dr*gs.

Tell him I tried to handle it
on my own,

And tell him we need
to tell the truth now.

You actually think
he will?

You're betting your life delray
is gonna cop to a drug charge.

Just tell him denise said
we need to tell the truth.

You're betting your life.

This guy robbie that you picked
the dr*gs up from‐‐

Write down his address.

Nothing here.

Is this her giving us
more runaround?

Five more minutes.

I'm telling you,
if there was a kid here,

She'd be making noise.

I guess you'd know.

I know plenty
about the noise‐‐

1:00 In the morning,
3:00 in the morning.

So what do you say?
Should I call e. S. U.?


Stay there a minute.

Don't go there, connie.

The stupid bitch.

Is, um, everything okay?

We found sally.

She'd been dead
at least a week.


We need to know
what happened.

No, she was fine.

Don't, joyce.

Just be honest,
and let's get this over with.

I love that baby.

I love all my babies.

You're imbalanced,
is that the problem?

Yeah. I love them...

But I don't know how to take
good care of them

Because I get into this place,
and I get sad.

Is that how sally d*ed‐‐

You got sad
and something happened?

I was trying to care for her.

I was in the process
of caring for her.

What does that mean?

I was loving her,
and I was caring for her,

And I was trying
to keep her clean.

Giving her a bath?


Did she drown?

You know, they shouldn't let
that water get so hot.

How was I supposed to know?

The bath water was too hot?

She b*rned.

We believe her brother didn't
know what was going on?

He didn't know
she was gonna get robbed,

And the struggle with the d. O. A.
Was legit,

But whether he knew
what his sister

Was going to get or not...

You don't want to push
for m*rder?


We can violate his parole
for being mixed up in this.

He was just along for the ride.
Let's leave him be.

Anything from the dealer
denise got the coke from?

Lawyered up.

Well, you need to get delray
to admit he set denise up.

That's her only sh*t.

If he doesn't,
which he probably won't?

She goes for the two ounces
all by herself.

Thanks, valerie.


My ex‐wife.

That was her second husband
who was in.

When'd this happen?

They found her today
in her car.


I still don't believe
she'd do heroin, but...

Were you close?

We were back in contact,

[ Sighs ]

You know, I'm also a fan of
keeping things to myself,

But, uh...

I'd gotten use to keeping her
separate from work.

When we were married,
there was some problems.

Same problems
ended up k*lling her.

Why don't you take
a couple days off?

Yeah, I'm gonna.

I'm sorry to hear this.

Anyways, go interview delray.

See if he'll flip.

Lieu, you know, you can come to
me with things.

You can talk to me.
You know that, right?


Child endangerment
on a caseworker

Would be near impossible
to sell.

The apartment is a pigsty.

No way caneely has been there
in the last month.

No way in a year.

What do his reports say?

He's been stalling us all day,
but we'll see.

He just called,
so he should be coming up.

My bet's he spent the whole day
doctoring those reports.

How about charging him with
preparing fraudulent documents?

"D" felony.

It's a real long sh*t.
I see it getting thrown out.

Well, how about
we get a little creative?

Connie, I understand
how you feel.

You didn't see this baby.

Get him fired, but past that,
it's all uphill.

Hey. Got those reports.

Hid them in plain sight.

That right?

In a haystack, two seconds;

In front of my face,
three hours.

Four, actually.

I heard you found joyce.
What was her excuse?

She didn't have one.

The infant was with her‐‐
the little boy?




No? Then where‐‐

She's dead!

You're kidding me.
My god.

None of these reports needed
a signature from a supervisor?


No oversight at all?

What happened to the baby?

Pat, when we present these
reports to your supervisor,

Will he be able to verify
their validity or lack of it?

What does that mean?

We're gonna nail you
on these phony reports.

I was at that apartment
a month ago.

Did you even see the kids?

All four of them.

They don't remember ever
seeing you, never.

You're trusting children?

You didn't even know if the
missing kid was a boy or a girl!

Excuse me, I have 28 active
cases on my‐‐


Calm down.
Come on, take it easy.

Get out.

All right?


Sit there, delray.

Denise is in a jam.


Denise woodson.

There you go. Yeah.

So she's in a jam, huh?

I'm getting the hint you don't
give a damn about her.

Nah, I like denise.

I just know a few.

She's looking at
a rough road.

You standing up,

Admitting you had her moving
a package for you,

That'd help her out.

We'd help you out, too.

Moving a package?

Like dr*gs, you mean?

We got robbie in custody.

We got phone records showing
calls between the two of you.

Robbie deals?

We got calls between denise
and you today

Before she picked up
your dr*gs

And after
she almost got carjacked.

That's probably
when you told her

To blame it all
on the record company.

She's saying
I put her up to it?

Flat‐out lie.

Shameful that she said that.

So you're cool with having her
take the full ride?

I had nothing to do with it,
so yeah.

You're a real peach, delray.

'Cause I did what?

You know damn well.

When I was 10 years old,

The neighborhood tycoon
come up

Asking me to move
some product for him.

You know what I told him?
No. I just said no.

Now, I didn't blame him
for asking me,

'Cause you don't get nothing
in this world unless you ask.

He came down, put it out there,
I sent it back.

Now, denise...

She got what you call an
eager‐to‐please mentality.

And that ain't gonna get you
nothing but trouble

In this world.

Careful, now.

I got what you call

An eager‐to‐settle‐the‐score
mentality, delray.

You remember that.

Did you talk to delray?

Yeah, we did.

What'd he say?

That he doesn't know anything
about it.

No, he wouldn't do that.

He did.

We gotta get you down
to central booking.

Can I talk to delray?
We can't do that.

What's going on?

We're gonna take you
to central booking.

I want to talk to my parents!
I want to talk to a lawyer!

We can do that from down there.
Let's do this easy.

I'm not going!

Don't make this any harder
than you have to.

Oh, my god!
I didn't do anything!

Come on, don't do this.
Don't do this.

Please don't do this
to me!

Please don't do this!

Oh, please!

[ Sighs ]


Come in, come in.

Hi, elaine.

Oh, my god,
it's so good to see you!


Joe, it's tony.

Tony's here.

Do you want something
to drink?
No, thanks.

It's so nice to see you.

We were just talking
about you.

There he is.


It's good to see you.

You too.

Have a seat.
Make yourself comfortable.

We were just saying
how glad we were

That you and angela
are seeing each other again.

I prayed you two would have
a second chance.

So what brings you by,

[ Sighs ]

I found out the other day
that, um,

was using cocaine again.

Oh, my god.

She told us she was clean.
She swore to us.

Is she in trouble?
Does she need money?

She was going to a program
a couple nights ago...

But she didn't come home.

Tony, what happened?

She was found in her car.

She had overdosed.

She‐‐ she's dead?

I'm sorry.



The dr*gs...

It just got out of control.

I'm so sorry.

I did everything I could.

[ Sobbing ]



You're kidding.

No. Come in.

[ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ]

You have no idea how much
I've been dreading coming here.


It was worth it.

This is fantastic.

I got, um, champagne,
strawberries, and candles.

I, um, hadn't got around to
lighting them yet.

Tough case today.

I'm okay, though.

Yeah? 'Cause that's not one
you just shrug off.

I'm fine.

It was awful.

Come on. Up.

Where we going?

Wash it away.



Where's theo?

Doing homework.

How's the baby?


I got some dinner.

Thank you.

You hungry?

In a bit.

You okay?


I look at her, and I think,
"how could someone..."

They're wired up wrong.

How's theo's mood?

It's, uh‐‐
it's a tough time for him.

He'll get through it.

Even with all that...

...we're so lucky.

Yeah, we are.