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10x17 - Off the Wall

Posted: 04/27/22 14:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

Andy: what’s the matter?



Come on.

15Th squad
to central "k"‐‐

Have an ambulance and a 4‐5
supervisor respond

To 8412 fordham road forthwith.
We have a d. O. A.

The last time I saw him,
we fought.

You did everything
you could for him.

I turned him away.

This has nothing to do
with you, john.


Mourn for him, grieve for him,
but don’t take on the guilt.

This is strange for me,
as i’m sure it is for you.

I’m sorry.
I know this is wrong,

But I just don’t have any fight
left in me anymore.

I love you.

Keep making me proud.

This is real fresh.

Uniform was right around
the corner when this jumped off.

D.o.a.’S kenneth williams.
One in the chest.


Well, they’re saying they
didn’t see anything,

But when uniform rolled up,

This guy, a local dealer,
was trying to wheel away.

And she was standing
there stunned

With a bag of garbage
in her hand.

Uniforms also spotted
a black female running this way.

We got a description,
so we’ll check it out.

Take the girl.
I got him.

I thought he
was taking the week.



I was going stir‐crazy.

Boss said it was okay
to get back to work.

What we got?

Uh, d. O. A.’S
kenneth williams.

Possible witness.

I’ll take him.

Lead the way.

Um, hi.

I just needed
to get back into it.

We haven’t spoken
in three days.

It’s a rough time.

What’s your name?

Clifton shaw.

What’d you see?

This your regular spot?

Yeah, it is, and you saw
what happened, or you wouldn’t
have been trucking away.

I was dozing.

Yeah, we toss that chair,
we gonna find a stash?

Chump rolled up with a g*n,

Looking to take out my boy todd
and some dudes he was with.

But todd got the jump
on ’em‐‐

And sh*t him?

Let me finish, please.

He got the jump on ’em,
wrestled ’em,

And the g*n went off
in the scuffle.

Where’d todd go?
No idea.

And the buddies?
No idea.

How ’bout the d. O. A.’S g*n?

I didn’t see.

This wouldn’t be you lying
to protect your boy todd?

Man, you asked what I saw,
and I told you.

If we start hearing a different
account, we’re coming back.

Ooh, don’t scare me, now.

Hey, assh*le‐‐

Todd’s last name
and where he lives.

Grady, and I don’t know.

What’s he look like?


Tall, light‐skinned dude
with chin whiskers.

Your boy needs
to chill his ass out.

Shut up, assh*le.

You didn’t notice anyone
sitting there?

I was carrying out a bag of
garbage when I heard the sh*t.

You see who fired?

I ducked down, and I didn’t
look up for, like, a minute,

And then all I saw
was the guy lying there,

And the cop showed up.

Greg and baldwin radioed.

A guy saw a black male sprint
around the corner.

Said he was todd grady.

Said that grady lives
at 1203 ridge street.

Who’s todd grady?

It could be the sh**t.

[ Knock on door ]

Hey, mr. Grady,

If you’re there,
we just want to talk to you.

[ Sighs ] let’s check
with the neighbors.

[ Dogs barking ]

Todd? Todd grady?



[ Panting ]

Oh, my god.

You’re gonna be okay,
kid. Just hold on.

15Th squad
to central "k"‐‐

Go ahead, 15.

Have an ambulance respond
forthwith at 1203 ridge.

Andy: medavoy, jones,
you all right?!

We’re okay.

What happened?
Who fired?

Both of us.

b*llet through the wall.

This one of yours?

I don’t know. Probably.

Baldwin: put a rush
on the ambulance.
We got a serious bleeder.

Copy that, 15.

Back inside, ma’am.

Kid’s in surgery.

Prognosis going
in was guarded,

Which could land on
either side of the fence.

Anything on the cameras?
No one saw it.

What about the old lady?

All she saw was us
standing over the kid.

With g*ns in our hands.

She recognize him?

Theodore lawson.
He lives in the building.

How old?

Woman on radio: 15th squad
supervisor, on the air.

Tony: 15th squad
supervisor. Go ahead.

Connie and rita
are scouring the building.

We’ll find this grady.

What the hell was this guy doing
pulling a g*n on us?

Wasn’t he the one getting
robbed this morning?

That’s debatable.

D.o.a. On oliver.

Call connie and rita.
Have ’em respond.

15Th squad hospital
to 15th squad base.

Woman: go ahead, 15th squad.

Woman over p. A.:
Wheelchair to cardiology

to cardiology checkout.

Kid d*ed.

They get a slug out of him?

It’s on its way
to ballistics.

So it’s intact enough
for comparison?

Appeared to be.
I need your g*ns.

[ Clears throat ]

Head back down to squad.

Don’t do a thing
till you hear from me.

And don’t talk to anybody.

The parents been contacted?

The father. Get going.

Dig up everything you
can on this grady.

I don’t care what it takes.
Get him in.

This is what we have so far...


Who found him?

Occupant on his way to work.
That’s his puke.

Uh, so you recognize him?

Any idea how long
he’s been here?

Uh, I was in all night
past 8:00,

And he wasn’t there then.

I‐is he really, uh...

Yeah, he is.

Uh, uh, i’m gonna
be sick again.

Why don’t you wait
across the street?

I heard about the sh**ting
this morning‐‐ 8‐year‐old kid?

More like 13.

[ Sighs ]

Any wounds?

A little cut on the back
of his head.

Past that, nothing.


Yeah, uh,
frank malvoyn, queens.

He’s a little
out of his neighborhood.

The guys in this sector
see anything?

They went around this block
10 times‐‐didn’t see a thing.

Is it true the kid got it
through the wall?

Would you mind keeping
an eye on him?


It’s gonna be a long day.

I need the chief of detectives
on the phone.

Any word from ballistics?

Nothing yet.

Where is everybody?

Detective medavoy’s
with the duty captain.

Detective jones
is writing up his notes.

The rest
are on their way in.

This is rev. Harrison walker
to see you.

Uh, first pentecostal
on rivington, lieutenant.

Have you got a minute
regarding this sh**ting?

Literally one minute.

Chief of d’s as soon
as you can.

[ Door closes ]

I’m here on behalf
of jermaine lawson,

Father of theodore lawson,
the boy who was k*lled today.

Please have a seat.

He’s got some questions,

And any information I can
pass on would be helpful.

We’re early in
the investigation,

But it looks like the boy
was an innocent bystander.

sh*t through a wall?
That’s right.

Rumor is the b*llet came
from the g*n of a white cop.

That’s not a rumor
to float lightly, reverend.

Doesn’t come from me.

But I do need it to be
confirmed or denied.

This could become something
it has no reason being.

People want to know.

So this isn’t you looking to
stir something up for publicity?

A grieving father
came to me

With other scared
and frustrated parishioners.

I need to give them
the facts.

We don’t know whose b*llet
it was yet.

Do you know how many b*ll*ts
were fired?

From my detectives?
Two apiece.

And from the perpetrator?

We’re not sure.

I have to take this,

Better if folks
get information from me

Than rumors on the street.

I’ll keep you up to speed.


What’s going on?

He’s on the phone
with the chief of d’s.

I‐‐i didn’t know
you were back so soon.

I was going stir‐crazy.

I got some info
on todd grady.

Uh, sorry I didn’t call you back
the last couple days.

I was just calling
to offer my help.

Yeah, it turned out
to be easier

Taking care of this
stuff myself.


We should talk soon.

What do we got on grady?

Uh, two possession collars,
another for sales,

And a collar for as*ault,
but no outstanding warrants.

Where do we find him?

On two of his collars,
he was bailed out

By a lashanda harris‐‐
long sheet for pross and heroin.

We showed her photo to the cop
who was first on the scene.

He saw her running off.

P.o. Said she gets her
methadone on "d" in an hour.

Anything on
kenneth williams?

Another citizen,
just did a year
for dealing.

Any connection between
him and grady?

None so far.

Where are you guys?

frank malvoyn.

Pay stub in his pocket
from lancer trucking.

A coworker said they went out
boozing last night.

Frank split off to see his
girlfriend, helen calodner‐‐

Lives in park slope.

No answer at her place,

But a neighbor says the cops
were there last night.

She lives in brooklyn.
He’s dead on the low east side.

That’s 5 miles.

The cops who responded
to the girlfriend’s place

Are on their way in.

Lieutenant, ballistics
on three.

He’s on with ballistics.

Greg, baldwin.

It was jones’ b*llet.

Clark: son of a bitch.

Better him than medavoy.

Not for jones.

I’m saying it’s better
all around it’s a black cop.

But, yeah, not for jones.

Anyone’d done the same.

Don’t let it get you down.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where you going, lashanda?

I can’t lose my place
in line.

She’ll be back.

Where were you
this morning?
Getting ready for work.

You weren’t on the street
with todd grady?

Hell, no.

We got a witness
puts you there‐‐a cop.

The line’s moving.

Let’s talk
at the station house.

Todd owes me money.
I went to get it.

He wouldn’t give it up.
I split.

Talk about the sh**t.

I didn’t see it.
I swear.

I heard it over my shoulder,
looked back,

Saw something going down,

And did not want to get
involved, so I split.

What’d you see going down?

Just todd and his little
pile of idiots

Running out of the street.

And kenneth williams
on the ground.
That’s who it was?

How do you know him?

From the past.
He’s been in jail
the last year.

Any reason he might have come by
to try and rip todd off?

Only if somebody scooped out
his brain and put a turd inside.

Explain that.
Todd’s on his stoop,
he’s dealing.

And if he’s dealing,
there’s g*ns around.
Kenny would know that.

Also, since kenny got sprung,
I heard he was clean.

So what was kenny
doing there?

Maybe same as me‐‐
looking to get his money.

So they got an old beef,
todd and kenny?

Kenny was a dealer.

Todd took a piece of his turf
without paying no tribute.

They was gonna battle over it,
but kenny got pinched.

Now, can I please
get back on line?

Who was with todd?

Cost you 20 bucks.

Get in the car.

Dante kelly’s the only one
I know, okay?

Can I take care of myself
now, please?

I don’t need
your damn money.

I’ll take it anyway.

Rita: hey, thanks
for coming in.

Was it baldwin jones
sh*t that kid this morning?


My old partner knows him
from the academy.

He gonna get jammed up?

It’s still pretty fresh.

Did you guys handle a job
at 234 16th street last night,

Helen calodner’s

Domestic dispute, but nobody
there, and nobody had seen ’em.

Them being?

Helen and her boyfriend frank.


Any details on the dispute?

Frank was drunk again,
yelling, breaking furniture.

But, again, no one was home.

You get her callback number
from the dispatcher?

They’re pretty busy.
We should have checked up again.

But this isn’t the first time
we’ve responded there.

There a problem?

Frank malvoyn turned up
d. O. A. In our precinct.

Yeah? Huh.

He was a nasty drunk.

Well, during any of your visits
to the girlfriend’s place,

You ever hear anything

About frank having business
in the lower east side?
Is that where he go it?

Oliver street‐‐
it ever come up?

Sorry, no.
Never came up.

Hey, the job can’t give him
much for a mistake, right?

Jones, I mean.

Like I said,
it’s still pretty fresh.

Well, we’re done,
so thanks for your time.

We turned from the door
to talk to grady’s neighbors

When I saw grady
turn the corner.

Where was detective medavoy?

Behind me.

I called to grady, who turned
in the direction he came in.

He went around the corner,

Then came back a second later
with a g*n.

That’s when you fired?

Two sh*ts.

And your partner?

I think he also
fired twice.

What kind of g*n
the perp have on him?

It looked like an a*t*matic.

Your partner said revolver.

All I saw was a g*n.

Did you hit the perp?

I don’t know.
There wasn’t a blood trail.

The boy around the corner‐‐
did you know he was there?

Of course not.

So that sh*t
was simply errant?

I fired twice.

I didn’t just spray the hall
with b*ll*ts.

Still, you couldn’t have
been aiming for the wall.

I’ve been thinking
about this.

When grady turned the corner,
I followed his natural path.

So you aimed to sh**t
through the wall?

I’m saying, instinctively,
I might have followed his trail.

That’d be awfully james bond,
sh**ting a guy through a wall.

Which I said
I didn’t try to do.

I’m not trying to
frustrate you, detective.

I wasn’t being fancy
or careless.

It was an accident.

How far from the perp
where you when you fired?

25 Feet.

How’s your vision?
It’s perfect. Why?

I need to know how certain
you were that the perp
had a g*n in his hand.


All right.

Is there some question?

Not from me.

But you and your partner
described different g*ns.

The perp never fired, and
the g*n hasn’t been recovered.

He brought the g*n up
and aimed at me.

Got it.

Dante kelly?

Possession collar,
sales collars,

Warrant for parole violation.

Address over on stanton.
We’re gonna go sit on it.

You both do
a left‐right sitting.

You all right?

How’d it go?

What kind of g*n you
see in grady’s hand?

I thought it
was a revolver.

I saw an a*t*matic.

Didn’t the m.e. Get
a .38 slug out of williams?

That’s what they thought at
first, but an hour ago,

Crime scene found a 9‐millimeter
casing in the gutter.
Maybe it was a 9.

Maybe we should have
got our stories straight.

I‐‐i just didn’t get
that good a look at it.

But you did see a g*n.

Of course I did.

I’ll grab some water,
and we’ll head out.

What, medavoy?

You didn’t see a g*n.

Backing him up‐‐that was
the right thing to do.

Did I jam us up with
the discrepancy on the g*n?

Just be vague from now on.

You’re jones?

Yeah. Can I help you?

Just putting a face
with the name.

Tony: get going.

What do you need,

A moment of your time.

First thing, lieutenant,

I want you to know that
I am very pro‐police.

What’s on your mind?

When people shout
"excessive force," I say,

"Spend a day in a cop’s shoes,
see what they see."

We appreciate that.

And people generally listen.

But questions are coming up,

And without answers,
i’ll lose my credibility.

Is it true todd grady
was robbed

Prior to being sh*t at
by your detectives?

The source for that was grady’s
drug‐dealing associate.

Do you have evidence
to refute it?

Not yet, but we will.
It’s also circulating

That todd grady never
fired a sh*t at your police.

No, but he did aim
a g*n at ’em.

I’ve heard that grady may never
have had a g*n on him at all.

Don’t know who you got that
from, but that’s a lie.

Tell me that you
can prove it.

So far, all I have
is the word of my detectives.

People are talking
to jermaine lawson

About calling the press,
calling in a team of lawyers.

If I have to stand in front
of that wave,

I need your word
that detective jones
didn’t do wrong.

You have it.

Again, thank you
for your time.

All the relatives go home?

There were only a few‐‐
pretty distant.

You been talking to anybody
about what happened?

Like a shrink?


Not really.

Not ortiz?

I’ve been handling
things myself.

Our guy doesn’t
have dreads, but that’s
a shady‐looking rasta.

I got my eye on him.

She’s a decent girl, ortiz.

I never said she wasn’t.

I’m just saying consider
letting her help.

With what, andy? Huh?

The unpaid bills he left

Or the questions from
the insurance company?

Or how about the house
I got to put on the market now

Because I can’t
step foot in it again?

Or should I have called her
the day we found him,

Because after the m.e.
Took the body away,

I had a hell of time trying
to find someone to come over

And clean the blood off
the walls and floor.

spineless assh*le.

Didn’t think for a second
what he was leaving behind.

And, no, I can’t
share it with anybody,

Because the second
I start talking about it,

I want to smash something.

That’s not a real rastaman.
That assh*le’s wearing a wig.


Where you going?


[ Grunting ]

Get your hands up!

Don’t sh**t me!
Don’t sh**t me!

Man, I can’t move!
I’m stuck!

What are you running
for, dante?

I thought you were
somebody else.

Cia, al quaeda,
or just the rasta cops?

Can you please get me
out of here?!

Where were you
this morning?

Look, man, I didn’t sh**t
kenny williams.

Aah! Come on, man!
It hurts!

Now that you brought it up,
how’d kenny wind up sh*t?

Talk to todd grady
about that.

Since todd’s not likely
to be honest,

Why don’t we get
your side first?

Look, I got nothing to say
until I see a lawyer.

You want to know who k*lled
kenny, talk to todd!

Now, please,
get me out of here!

[ Laughs ]

Now, can you help me, please?!

Man, this ain’t funny!

Come on, man!
It hurts!
John, push.

[ Laughing ]


All right.

[ Laughing ]

Appreciate it.

Shut up.
You all right?


A grave injustice
has been done to this man,

Jermaine lawson‐‐

Father of 13‐year‐old
theodore lawson.

Mr. Lawson believes
that his son theodore

Left the apartment in order
to buy medication...

A turn for the worse.

What’s she doing here?

And this guy?

Yeah, you don’t want to be
looking at me, assh*le.

Hey, am I gonna
be on tv?
Shut your mouth. Come on.

Mr. Shaw saw todd grady
robbed this morning

Prior to being
fired upon by police.

Eleanor hewitt was on the scene
seconds after the sh**ting

And never saw todd grady
with a g*n.

She poked her head out
after he was gone.

From these eyewitnesses,

Our only conclusion
can be that theodore lawson,

An honor student with dreams
of being a schoolteacher,

Was gunned down
in an act of negligence

And excessive force.

The reverend sold out.

We’ll get that old lady in,
she’ll recant everything.

Andy: and that dickhead
in the wheelchair‐‐

thr*aten him with perjury‐‐
he’ll fold.

The news is gonna play this over
every 10 minutes.

We just got an anonymous call‐‐
someone saying,

"Talk to the chinese girl.
She saw it."
Who’s this?

We talked to a girl
who works in a restaurant

Near the crime scene‐‐
gave us a decent story.

We need a credible account
of what happened.

Talk to the girl.
Lean on her if you have to.

Connie, our d. O. A.’S
girlfriend showed up.

And, lieutenant, there’s
people here for you.


All right,
get going, everyone.

Don’t worry.


Take a seat,
mrs. Calodner.

What’s going on out front?
It’s a madhouse.

Sorry about that.
Let’s get to why you’re here.

Your card said "urgent."
What’s urgent?

We got some questions
about frank malvoyn.

Oh, my god.
What did he do now?

Was he with you
last night?

Part of it.

Tell us what happened.

He came over drunk.

Then he hit my liquor,
and he got more drunk.

Then he wanted to screw,
and I told him to go to hell.

It got him violent.

Did you call the police?

He smashed the dinette,
gave me a pop on the chin,

So, yeah, I called the cops.

Where did he go then?

With the cops.

You were there when
the police showed up?

Yeah, they calmed frank down,
and they took him away.

Did the police
arrest frank?

I asked them not to.
I begged.

Frank’s not so bad
when he’s sober,

And he helps with my rent,
so I begged.

What did they look like‐‐
the cops?

A black fella
and a white guy.

What’s the problem?
We got two different
stories here.

Are you sure
this was last night?

I might take a drink or two,
but I got my facilities.

Am I in some
kind of trouble?

Only if you’re lying.

I swear on the bible
they came and took frank!

Did they say where
they were taking him?

To chill out.
He wasn’t under arrest.

They were just gonna
take him somewhere to chill out.

I swear to god.
Swear to god.

Is frank okay?

[ Sighing ] helen...

We’ve got some bad news.

Miss lu...
We need a minute.

I’m working.

She needs to talk to us.
You watch the register.

Come on.

I already told you
I didn’t see anything.

We got information
says you did.

I had my back turned,
and then I ducked.

do you know todd grady?


He deals dr*gs on that stoop
every day,

And you don’t recognize him?

We don’t pay much
attention to them.

’Cause if you did,
they’d firebomb you?

We found out you
got torched last year.

Just random.

Are you afraid if you talk,
they’ll do it again?

I didn’t see anything.

Do you realize
stonewalling us

Just keeps a k*ller
on the streets?

A decent cop’s career
rests on it.

I wish I could help you.

If you don’t help us,

Word on the street
will be that you did.

You’d tell them?

That you cooperated
with the police.

They’ll b*mb us again.

They can’t
if they’re in jail.

What’s it gonna be?

The one who was k*lled,
he wasn’t doing anything.

What happened?

The light‐skinned guy
with the goatee walked up,

sh*t him, and ran.

So todd grady k*lled him
for no reason?

And then he ran
and pointed the g*n at me.

We’ll do everything we can

To keep you and your family
out of it.

Helen calodner says you
came to her place last night

And left with her boyfriend,
frank malvoyn.

Don’t look at him.
Look at us.

You didn’t think
we’d talk to her?

We hoped the case would clear
without you having to.

Well, we did.

Oh, god.

What happened last night?

We got there, and she
begged us not to lock him up.

She was crying her eyes out.

He smacked her.

She was begging.

It doesn’t matter.
It’s a must arrest.

[ Sighs ] start with when
you got to the apartment.

Malvoyn had busted her table.

The woman had a bag of ice
on her face, crying.

He gave it up pretty easy,

So it seemed like
he was calming down.

And ’cause she was
begging us, we said‐‐

[ Sighs ]

We said we’d take care of it
outside the system.

Where did you take him?
Henry and pike.

Four blocks from where
we’ve been canvassing.

Did you ever
put your hands on him?

Not at all.
How did he hit his head?

He was fine
when we dropped him off.

We had nothing to do
with that.

If you did, now’s the time
to get in front of it.

When we put him
on the street,
he was fine.

Why did you lie before?

We’d already put the job back
as gone on arrival,

And since we
dropped him off healthy,

We didn’t think
it was worth the hassle.

If you’d been honest
with us up front,

We never would have thought
of giving you one.

[ Sighs ]

Henry and pike‐‐
you sure?

Southwest corner.
There’s a bar there.

You left an angry drunk
in front of a bar.

They were closed.

Are we looking
at a major problem here?

For now, worry about
staying available.

[ Sighs ]

[ Hangs up receiver ]

Got your message.

Saw your news conference.


Couldn’t find it in you
to fight the tide, huh?

Or did the camera lights
draw you like a moth?

I believe you
have questions to answer.

But you don’t have the patience
to wait for them?

We have a witness
who saw todd grady

Do a cold‐blooded m*rder
this morning.

I have one who
says he was robbed.

Ours ain’t a dope dealer
with a cop b*llet in his spine.

This is a legit witness.

Grady and kenneth williams
had an old beef.

Grady settled it and ran off
with a g*n in his hand.

Same g*n he aimed
at our colleague.

Same g*n that we recovered
out of a dumpster

Two blocks from grady’s building
with grady’s prints on it.

Eleanor hewitt, the old woman,
saw grady wasn’t armed.

Clark: the old woman
didn’t see anything.

She came out after the fact.

You backed the wrong horse,

You want to make up for it?
Take us to todd grady.

How would I know
where he is?

Andy: find out.

I know where
his mother’s staying.

I’ll see if she knows.

Then get moving.

You lied to a holy man.

[ Scoffs ] i’ll live.

You following him,
or are you sitting here talking?

Giving him a lead.

That’s enough lead. Go.

[ Indistinct chattering ]

What is this?

Let’s go, todd.

I didn’t do nothing!

Did you follow me here?

We’ll talk about it
at the station house.

Don’t let them take me.
They’ll k*ll me!

You talk to him,
i’m in the room.

You had your chance
to do the right thing.
You blew it.

It’s our turn now.
Out of the way. Come on.

I’ll be right down there.


I think I know why i’m here,
and i’m glad you called me in.

Last night outside
mcduffy’s, right?

We heard you left
around closing time.

We got a report
of an incident around then.

Right. I was assaulted.
That guy assaulted me.

Tell us what happened.

I’m coming home from work,
where i’ve been steady
the last six months.

Since you got out of jail.

Steady and paying my bills.

My friend called,
who’s having troubles at home,

Wanted to talk.

I said, "mcduffy’s,"
but I didn’t drink.

Yeah, you were being
a good guy.

Let’s move ahead
to the as*ault.

I’m heading home.
This guy runs into me.

Shoves me,
calls me "assh*le."

Did you put your
hands on him?

I shoved him out of the way,
he fell on his ass.

Did his head
hit the ground?

Maybe, but like I said,
i’m stone sober,

He’s wasted,
and he ran into me.

What happened then?

Got up, called me
an assh*le again,

And he walked away.

Was he bleeding
from his head?


Maybe a little.

I don’t know what this guy
is saying, but he assaulted me.

What’s he saying?

He’s dead, pete‐‐
brain hemorrhage.

From falling down?

From being pushed.

No. No, no, no.
He ran into me.

He wound up dead.

I’ve been keeping clean.

I’ve been working,
paying my bills.

I’m not out looking
for trouble anymore.

Well, you need to put that
in your statement.

I never even hit the guy.

I wasn’t even drinking!
I quit drinking!

Put that in, too.

I got a witness who saw it.
We left together.

Bartender said
you left alone,

And you were alone all night.

He wouldn’t say nothing
on account of we’re friends.

She’s married,
i’m married. You get it?

This person saw you
get att*cked?

Her name.

Could you just
take my word for it?

I mean, if her husband
finds out... Oh, my god.

Pete, you’re looking at
a manslaughter charge.

That’s prison time.
Her name.

[ Sighs ]
lois carmichael.

Where can we find her?

Hauling me in for nothing,

f*ring sh*ts at me.

I got the people
on my side, fellas.

Y’all gonna get bit.

Andy: people, huh?

Sit down.

Did you forget about
what happened

With kenneth williams
this morning?

I defended myself.

From kenny, who was living clean
and holding down a job,

On his way to see his sister
and baby nephew

A block away from where
you walked up and sh*t him?

He tried to rob me.

Well, our reliable,

No‐criminal‐history witness
says different.

You thought your tough‐guy rep
was gonna keep people quiet?

Let’s start tallying up
the scorecard here.

k*lling kenny williams‐‐
that’s a big check
on the negative side.

Another one’s
theodore lawson
getting k*lled.

You cops sh*t him.

You were sprinting from a crime
and pulled a g*n on police?
That means you k*lled him.

Two innocent guys dead
in your path,

And you pull a g*n on cops?

Big checks against you.

The thing to do now

Is start putting checks
in the positive column‐‐

Things that will
help you out at trial

And fool a judge
into thinking you gave a damn.

You tally them up,

You got a good sh*t
at doing minimal time.

Do you want to hear how?

Williams had a long sheet.
You had a prior beef.

There’s an argument

That you thought
he was still gunning for you.

And raising that g*n
at cops‐‐ it was
the heat of the moment.

You made a mistake.

You feel awful about that
innocent kid getting k*lled.

I got the people
on my side.

No "the people" in here.
Just us...

Who got a witness.
Get inside.

Good luck at trial.



Hey, damn it!

Just curious.

How’s it work if that kid
wasn’t so innocent?

Is that positive
or negative?

Like he was involved?

Like he was
holding my g*n.

Like that was his job
for me.

That’s the right direction.

But we need to get
the whole picture first

From the street
to the hallway.

I’m on the stoop
doing my thing.

See kenny williams
roll up.

Now, you say he’s going
to his sister’s.

I say he gunning for me.

I turn to lawson, say,
"give me the piece."

He’s a minor.
He gets busted with it,
it’s a slap on the wrist.

Y’all got him sh*t
in his communion suit

With a bible in his hand.

The kid was a thug.

Keep goin’.
So I move up on kenny‐‐

Because, like,
what they say in football,

"The best defense
is a good offense."

Sort of, yeah.

So you dropped kenny?

And hit the road,
lawson behind me.

We run around
the corner of my building,

Down the alley,
sit cool a while.

Then when the sirens
die down,

We head up to my place
to stash the piece.

I keep it with me at home
for protection.

Now you’re gonna
stash the piece.

Who’s holding it?

But I turn the corner,
there’s your boys.

I turn back,
lawson got the g*n out.

I grab it, figure,
"flash it and slow them down,"

But they fast.

They were probably
under the impression

That you might actually
use it to k*ll them.

Yeah, I could see that.

So...what I said‐‐
positive or negative?

Clark: we’ll put all that
in the positive column,

But you want to go big,
you tell us where you’re
keeping the g*n.

Freezer where y’all
grabbed me up.

Now, that’s, like,
6 in the positive column,

Two negative.
Maybe I won’t
do no time at all?

You ready to come out,
tally all this up?

I owe you both
an apology.

You can let yourself out,

Heard you collared the guy
who k*lled frank malvoyn.

Frank picked a fight
with a patron at the bar

Where you dropped him off.

We thought the bar
was closed.

It was closing.

The patron was leaving,
frank shoved him.

The patron was drunk?


So we got frank malvoyn k*lled?
Is that where we’re going?

Hard to deny
you put the ball in motion.

[ Sighing ] oh, man.

How many years
you got on the job?



You’re not that green.

If it’s a must arrest,
how could you not?

We thought we were
using our judgment.

You had a drunk, violent guy
who smacked his girlfriend,

And you drop him
in front of a bar.

That’s your judgment?

The guy who fought
with malvoyn‐‐is he locked up?

The patron had a witness
who corroborated
that frank picked the fight.

Gonna go to the grand jury,
and he’ll probably get a walk.

That’s good.

And us? Is this gonna
cost us our jobs?

It depends how clear
it is you screwed up.

I think it’s pretty clear
we blew it.

[ Sighs ]
if we kept your side
out of it

And you ran your mouths,

We could get
flopped back to uniform.

That wouldn’t happen.

b*at it.

[ Sighs ]

We owe you one.

Todd finish writing?

Yeah, they get him
to central booking.

I’m gonna head down
with them.

[ Sighs ]

Rough day.

Ended right.

Way to hang in there.

I appreciate you
backing me up this morning.

That’s what i’m here for.

I mean, about the g*n.

You never saw it, did you?

I know you, baldwin.

I didn’t have to see it
to know he had one.

Thanks, greg.

See you tomorrow, partner.

Good night, counselor.

Good night, greg.



How you doing?

I’m all right.

Do you know what time i’m due
at the grand jury tomorrow?

9:00. And you have
nothing to worry about.

I know.

You’re not acting like it.

I got an image in my head
I can’t get rid of.

Why don’t you
let me take you out?

No, i’m not in the mood.

You know,
a cop’s worst nightmare

Is k*lling
an innocent person‐‐

Or worse‐‐
k*lling a kid.

If he was an innocent kid,
he would have been in school.

He had a g*n on him.
He was a criminal.

Criminal or not,

13‐Year‐olds need luck
to get right in life.

That’s true,

But you can’t b*at yourself up
over doing your job.

I know.

You’re right.

Come home with me.

I’ll make you dinner,
we’ll drink some wine.

Let me take your mind
off the day.


Come on in.

You cleaning up?

Yeah, I let the place
slide last week.

You can guess why.

It’s a lot to deal with,
a funeral and family.

I could have helped out.

I didn’t see the point of us
both being miserable.

People who are together

Help each other
through things like this.

John, what’s going on?

A lot, rita.
You know that.

But where do I fit in?
Or do i?

I haven’t thought about it.

Sure you have.

I just can’t share this.

Because you don’t trust me?

Or because you don’t
love me anymore?

’Cause, uh...

This isn’t just
about your dad.

It’s been creeping up.

I’ve had a lot
going on recently.

And you kept it all
to yourself, bottled up,

Just like this.

Because this is how
I handle things.

Not if you want to be
with me.

And I get the feeling
you don’t.

I wish I felt the way
that you want me to,

But I just can’t.

Then be straight with me
and be honest.

I’m not a kid.
I can handle it.

Then maybe
it’s a good idea...

If we stop seeing each other
for a while.

[ Exhales sharply ]

I’m sorry.

I guess it’s a relief
to get it out.


We gonna be okay
at work?

I’ll do what you want.
If‐‐if that means transfer‐‐

No. I’m fine.

We’ll be fine.

[ Clears throat ]

I’m gonna go.

[ Lock engages ]

[ Sighs deeply ]

[ Classical music playing ]