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10x19 - Meet the Grandparents

Posted: 04/27/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

After two people break up,

The "let’s stay friends" thing
is a little naive.

We’ll do our jobs,
act like adults, and move on.

This guy I sent to jail
a couple years back

Got out today off a key witness
recanting his testimony,

Which is a total crock.

And he did what?

He made some comments
during the original trial.

Plus, today he said something
that was creepy.

Did you tell the judge?

It’s nothing overt.
It’s just a feeling.

Then today, i’ve been getting
some hang‐ups at my office.

I’ll take care of it.

What are you gonna do?
Talk to him.

If anything happens to
ms. Haywood‐‐ anything‐‐

I’m gonna be back here.

This was all a big

Your sister had abdominal
bleeding from the b*ating.

She went into labor.
We discovered the‐‐

She’s dead?
We did our best.

The baby?
A girl.

Oh, my god, andy.
I can’t believe it.

[ Sighs ] so?


Not too formal?

I’m going for responsible,
yet maternal.

Then you’re on the money.

Does this necklace
say "snob"?

Connie, the hearing’s
a formality.

It’s still
in front of a judge.

They’ll take one look at you,
confirm you’re drawing breath,

And rubber‐stamp
the custodial rights.

I’m not gonna adopt my child
looking like a slouch.

I’m just saying
for purposes of the court,

You could be wearing
hot pants.

[ Sighs ] the question
of home status came up.

It went away, but still,

Maybe it’s safe to
overcompensate clothing‐wise.

"Home status" meaning
"not being married"?


Maybe that’s something
we should talk about.

Well, it’s not something
we need to talk about.

[ Clears throat ]

Theo’s late for school, and
michelle’s due at day care.

[ Siren beeps ]

What do we got?

African guy,
sh*t three times.

African guy got a name?

Yeah, about 13 of ’em‐‐

Yinka masekela omuku ag‐‐

All right, stick
with the first and last.

Yinka okafor.

Anybody talking?

You’re kidding, right?

Does it look like
i’m kidding?

Nobody’s talking.

We got an apartment
on this guy?

5‐C. Still trying to
locate the super, though.

We’ll go up,
look around.

There’s a fire escape.
I can try to get in that way.

Just don’t go
breaking anything.

There’s a footprint
in the blood.

I’ll look for the super.

Ain’t no super
in this dump‐‐

Just some management company
nobody ever sees,

Just like the police,
till a body shows up.

Who are you?

Somebody who has to
live here after y’all leave.

What’s your name?
That’s my business.

There’s the mentality.

Let me see you find
who did this.

Let me see you
step up or shut up.

What’s it gonna be?


Andy, keys.

Prove me wrong.

I don’t gotta prove nothing
to you, pal.

[ Camera whirs ]

Mmm, man!

He said he was in.

He got down the fire escape,
no problem.

He’s working on the window.

Well, I don’t hear him
in there.

[ Sighs ]

It’s close.

Be right back.

What’s going on?

Don’t ask.

I got the keys.

[ Glass breaks,
woman screams ]

What the hell was that?

[ Woman screaming ]

Police, freeze!

Freeze! Don’t move!

Drop what’s in your hand!

Drop it right now!
Do not move!

She’s bleeding pretty bad.

All right, relax.
Take it easy.

Drop it!

Don’t sh**t!

[ Screaming ]

It’s a cell phone.

Can somebody get a towel?

Ahh. It’s okay.
It’s okay.

Take it easy.
It’s all right.

[ Sobbing ]


Anything on the canvass?

Nothing. Jones and medavoy
are still out there.

The borough said this lady’s
husband was the third african

m*rder*d in the city
in the past six months.

Any proximity to this one?

sh**ting in gramercy park,
stabbing at 42nd and 5th.

So, sort of.
D. O. A. Got a sheet?

Nothing on him, but he’s got
a brother under indictment

With the feds‐‐ dele okafor‐‐
fraud charges.

They give us
a place to look?

A few.

[ Man speaking on police radio ]

The boss.

Detective clark?

Yeah, i’m clark.

Jennifer devlin.
I’m treating ifeoma okafor.

How’d you get the name?
She talk to you?

A little, but my french
is rusty.

Your french good enough to
translate a little?

Not unless you’re asking
to pass the salt.

We’re just waiting
on the plastics resident,

Then she’s all yours.

How long is it gonna take?

How much cash you got?

On me?
$50 Million.

A hour, hopefully.

Got a card?
I’ll call when she’s set up.

Boss called us in‐‐
stalking case.

Woman: dr. Sussman
to the o. R. Post‐op.

Dr. Sussman
to the o. R. Post‐op.

What happened?

[ Clears throat ]

we got court at 10:00.


[ Sighs ]

Easy with
the charles boyer act.


Never mind.
Just watch your step a little.


Good morning.

Anything on your d. O. A.?

No, nobody’s talking.

Wife’s getting patched up.
She’ll be here in an hour.

So I guess your conversation
with wells did the trick.

I kept it nice and friendly,
like I told you.

You get any more
hang‐up calls?


Well, there you go.

I appreciate what you did.

It’s no problem.

...i have to live on tips,

But I don’t think I send off
the wrong impression that way.

Let’s talk about it
in the room.

I’ll get her settled.

Stalking complaint.

Hearing’s in an hour.

The judge is frederick owen.
Do you know him?

Yeah. He’s good.

Straight sh**t.
You look great.


You’ll be fine, connie.

Thank you.
[ Clears throat ]

I’ll see you around.

Thanks again.

I made the mistake
of being nice to this guy.

He said he was a doctor.

Where’d you meet him?

I wait tables
over at san juan café.

He started coming in for lunch,
sitting in my section,

Which is fine‐‐ i’ve always
had a couple regulars.

Slow down a little.


So, he’s a customer.

When did this all start?

Like, two weeks ago.
First, he leaves me his number,

Says, "call me,"
but I just wasn’t interested.

So you never had any relations
with this doctor?

No...and then somehow he gets
ahold of my home number,

And now he keeps calling me and
leaving messages on my machine

Like he’s mad at me or

He’s been threatening you?

Not at first, so I just
let it go, figuring it’d stop.

But then I got a note under my
door at my home the other day.

I wound up calling in
sick yesterday

Because I thought he was gonna
show up on my shift.

Candace, you need to
slow down a little.


You still have
the note?

I threw it down
the incinerator.

I was so upset.

Oh! But I found
the card he gave me.

He wrote his cell number
on the back,

Said call him anytime.

What about the messages
on your machine?

I deleted most of them.

They were just so creepy,
you know?

Don’t erase any more.
We might need that.

I don’t know.

At first I thought I was crazy.
Did I lead this guy on?

I just want somebody
to tell him to leave me alone.

Well, we’ll talk to this doctor,
see what we can do.

I just want it to stop.
I have to get back to work.

Don’t worry.

Go on ahead back to work,
and we’ll take care of this.

Thanks a lot.

[ Knock on door ]



Whenever you knock first,
it’s never a good sign.

Do you have a second
or not?

Uh...i‐i got this friend
who’s weighin’ something.


Something that could
take some juice.

Lay it on me.

A waiver for two people in the
same command to live together.

A waiver
from employee relations.

Yeah, that’s it.

Would this friend be
in his 50's, mustache,

Frog pencil holder
on his desk?

[ Pen clatters ]


That kind of waiver
normally requests

The "married" parties
work separate shifts.

Yeah, but him and her were
hoping to see each other

More than
two minutes a day.

It’s a good thing
he’s looking into it now,

Instead of after
they moved in together.

Which his boss
doesn’t know about.

Oh, of course not.

Tell your friend there’s no way
that’s gonna fly straight up.

It’s gonna need a contract.

Oh, he’s got some juice from
the first deputy commissioner

Who promoted him
to first grade.

So your friend just needs
someone to spot him

As he attempts this
little bit of acrobatics?

So to speak.

I’ll look into it.

I’ll tell him.

In the matter
of michelle colahan.


[ Sighs ]
what’s going on?

Maybe another case.

Your honor, I have an
application here

From a
john and barbara colahan,

The child’s paternal

The hearing’s today.
No application was noticed.

Your honor, I represent
mr. And mrs. Colahan.

If I may be heard?

Quickly, counselor.

My clients are estranged
from their son,

Michelle colahan’s father.

They have had no contact with
him since his incarceration

And only recently learned
of this custody hearing.

Judge, they can’t just show up
here like this.

I will handle it,
ms. Mcdowell.

The duty was incumbent
upon your clients

To make reasonable inquiries,
ms. Genow.

I am aware of that,
your honor,

And they failed in that regard,
but as the court knows,

Custody determinations
are based on the best
interests of the child, and‐‐

I’m aware of the law,
ms. Genow.

Have you even served
ms. Mcdowell with papers?

with your permission?

Your honor, I don’t‐‐

I don’t understand what’s
happening here.

The child’s grandparents
are seeking full custody.

They have served you with
an order to show cause,

Which requires you to
show why they should
not be granted custody.

We will reconvene in four days
to hear this matter.

Their son k*lled my sister!

That’s why we’re raising her.

I will review everything,
ms. Mcdowell.

We love that little girl.

We took her home
from the hospital.

You should strongly consider
retaining counsel.

They can’t just walk
in here and do this.

They can. They have.

Eddie, call the next case.

Why are you doing this?

Excuse me.

You ambush us?

Anything that you wish
to communicate

Regarding this matter,

You direct to my attention
from here on out.

So, what’s
your next move?

Get a lawyer, fight it.

Connie holding up
all right?

Yeah, she’s better now.

I’m gonna need that waiver.

I’m on it.

Even if we have to work
separate shifts, we will,

’Cause we need to bolster
our case,

Seein’ as they’re accusing us
of being unfit parents.

Andy, I got your back.
Don’t worry about the waiver.

Don’t worry about having
to work separate shifts.

Just go handle your business
and leave all that to me.

Okay, thanks.

Wait a second‐‐
i’m confused.

Where were these people
three months ago?

They’re saying they didn’t know
about any of this

Until recently.

And they want full custody?


This is a joke.

are they alleging?

Unmarried working couple,
dangerous profession,

Personal history‐‐
you name it.

They hired
an investigator?

They must have, yeah.

When valerie calls back, even if
i’m in an interview, can‐‐

Of course.

Andy, greg
had a good point.

Maybe we should try to contact
the grandparents on our own,

See if they’ll sit down
and talk.

Their lawyer
won’t let them.

Then let ’em
be in the room.

I just need to talk
to these people.

It’s worth a call.
You never know.

All right.

Detective clark?

We got it. Thanks.

The translator’s
five minutes away.

gonna work out.


Uh, soda?

Want something to drink?

Wat‐‐ um, water?

No drink.

You speak english?

A little.

Why haven’t you
been speaking it?

I was afraid.

And not answering the door
and running from us?

I saw my husband
from the window.

I was afraid.

Did you see what happened
to him? Who did this?

Just him lying
on the street.

We’re very sorry
for your loss,

But we need to ask you some
questions if you’re up to it.

Anyone you know of
wanted to hurt your husband?


What did he do for a living?

Park cars in a lot
on astor place.

He do anything
for extra money?

Stock shelves
four nights a week.

I’m asking more along the lines
of being involved with dr*gs.


No, but maybe
he kept it from you.

Yinka had nothing
to do with dr*gs.

What about stealing credit‐card
numbers or identity theft?

I never heard
of these things.

Do you have much contact
with his brother dele?

Yinka did not
act like dele.

He was honest.

The way he was k*lled
doesn’t support that.

He was honest,
worked hard‐‐ too hard.

While his brother
was living it up.

[ Voice breaking ]
he was honest, honest man.

So you had no contact
with his brother?

Dele stay with us
two weeks ago.

He thought some man
was coming to get him.

Who? What man?

He did not say.
We did not ask.

You know where
we can find dele?

Take your time.

Have a seat, dr. Hale.

I had to reschedule
my morning appointments.

We felt it necessary
that we speak to you in person.

You said someone was using
my social security number?

Actually, dr. Hale,
this is in regards to a woman

Named candace hewitt,
who I think you know.

Of course I know candace.
Is she in trouble?

She says you’ve been
harassing her.


Calling her,
leaving threatening messages.

That true?

No, of course not.

Look, you need to understand

That candace hewitt
is a patient of mine.

You’re her shrink?

Until recently, yes.
You didn’t know that?

Candace has some very serious
psychological issues,

And that’s all I can say.

Well, you’re gonna need to say
more than that, dr. Hale,

Because you’re being
accused of stalking her.

Oh, my god!

You might want to drop
the doctor/patient privilege

Before we put you in cuffs.

When she stopped
coming to see me,

I called to check up on her.

She told me she was fine.

She had a job at this diner
waiting tables.

Where you’ve been going
to see her every day.


I felt it was
my professional duty.

And talking to her,
she seemed pretty agitated.

I could tell she was
off her meds.

I’m very uncomfortable
talking about this.

Meds for what?

Isn’t it obvious?

We don’t want to guess,

So why don’t you tell us
what’s going on?

She has severe bouts
of delusional paranoia.

I asked candace to schedule
an appointment to come in,

But she declined‐‐
she insisted she was fine.

Clearly that wasn’t the case,
or I wouldn’t be here right now.

Serious psychological issues,
but she’s holding down a job.

Candace works very well

In organized,
well‐constructed environments.

It’s when she’s on her own that
she starts to have trouble.

We’ll sort this out
and be in touch.

When you talk to her,
please...ask her to get help‐‐

If not from me,
then someone else.


Anything from haywood?

Her office says
she’s in court.

She get word of what happened
and we need her when she’s free?

Yeah. They said
she should be here soon.

You have dele okafor?

The feds are saying
the two prior african homicides

Are tied to a fraud ring.

They’re supplying cash to a
group of coke dealers abroad.

This dele ties right in.

Then why is his brother
the one dead?

They said to ask dele.
Big help.

That shrink your collar?

Says candace
is his loony patient.

She’s the whack job.

That legit?

He’s coming off better
than she did.

Detective clark?
Dr. Jennifer devlin.

Dr. Devlin.

Hey. Yeah.

Your patient came in, and we
talked to her and sent her home.

You too.

Yeah, good.

Thanks for everything.

[ Receiver clatters ]

We talking to dele?

Thanks, hank.

Got it.

about your brother.

Yeah, thanks.

Any idea who did it?

How would I know?

Dispense with the crap, huh?
It’s no mystery you’re a crook.


Under indictment.

But for the right

You might save
yourself jail time.

How can I help?

Your brother
in on your scams?


He make enemies
because of it?

A few people.

How about some names?

What are you doing?

I’m trying
to remember the names.

Or trying to make them up.

Maybe we should
clarify, dele.

You drop jail time
for good information,

Not bullshit that
wastes our time.

Yinka never did
anything wrong.

He was a sl*ve
in this country.

Meaning what?

He worked 18, 19 hours a day
for nothing‐‐ pennies.

And he never
crossed a soul?


And you never served him up
to somebody you crossed?

What does this mean?

Never blamed your brother
for something you did?

Make him an enemy
he didn’t know he had?

Why would I do such a thing?

You just did it
30 seconds ago.

He’s dead.
There’s no harm.

Yeah, and when you used his
apartment as a hideout,

That didn’t
maybe put him at risk?

Crossing the street,
you are at risk.

Mouthing off to a detective‐‐
that’s a risk, too.

All right, the guys
coming after you‐‐

Did they ever come
after your brother?

No. No chance.

Yinka was the kind of immigrant
you want in this country.

Not like you.

No...not like me.

I looked into their lawyer.

She’s sharp.
They have a prepared case.

It’s a bunch of lies.

I’m just saying
they’re prepared.

You know they’re pushing
for full custody, right?

Which could be a ploy

So they can compromise
on shared custody.

Full, shared‐‐ neither
one of those is gonna happen.

Connie, they’re asking
for some form of visitation

Even before the hearing,
and they’ll probably get it.

You need to prepare yourself.

[ Exhales ]
i‐i can’t believe this.

I’ll keep tabs best I can.

If there’s anything else
I can do, call me.

Thanks, valerie.

Got a homicide sh**ting a block
from this morning’s crime scene.

Don’t work yourself up.

I am not
giving up that baby.

You won’t have to.

Don’t worry.

Guy caught one in the ear.

Morris hawkins.

Casing from a 9
is in the gutter.

In the african crime scene,
the guy you got into it with.

He got into it with me.
You know him?

Local mouth,
in everyone’s business.

He have enemies?

Had to have.
Couldn’t give you names.

How does this guy
relate back to the african?

Was he doing his own

Cell phone, anything?

He’s got a business card
with his home phone.

Morris hawkins.

I’ll call it in
to medavoy and jones.

We need everyone
hawkins talked to today.

All right,
i’ll start a canvass.

Fat chance coming up
with a witness.

15 Squad at homicide
to 15 squad base.

Anyone talking?

No one.
Pretty much what we expected.

Where the hell
are medavoy and jones?

Snatching up
a josh braswell.

They talked to
morris hawkins’s roommate.

Hawkins had been looking
for this kid, josh,

Since after
yinka okafor was sh*t.

Kid? How old is he?

Why was hawkins
looking for him?

All the roommate knew was
hawkins wanted to find the kid.

Braswell got a record?

Pot possession.

Heading to your deputy
commissioner’s office.

You’ll call
with developments?

Anything I know,
you’ll know.

[ Sighs ]

So we just sit here?

It’s gonna work out, andy.

Who’s your source?




Oh, I didn’t expect you
to come in here.

He hasn’t come in today.

Yeah, well,
we spoke to dr. Hale.

You did?
Did you arrest him?

Not yet, because he brought
something to our attention

That you neglected
to tell us, candace‐‐

That you were
a patient of his.

That’s ridiculous.

That you may be having some
problems coping

Since you went off
your meds.

I am not on any medication.

Look, I don’t know
what this guy told you,

But I am not his patient, and I
don’t know anything about him

Other than the fact
that he keeps harassing me.

Have you ever been under
psychiatric care?

No! I’ve never been to a shrink.
What the hell is going on?

We’re just trying
to get to the bottom of this.

I don’t care what he told you.
The guy is stalking me.

Candace, we’re gonna check
all the phone records.

Good. I’ll bring you
my answering machine.

You can listen
to the messages.

We may just have
to do that.

Everything okay?

Ask her‐‐ the guy sits
in my section every day.

You know who
she’s talking about?

The doctor guy?

I tried to serve him yesterday,

But he only wanted candace
to wait on him.

He comes in a lot?

Every day
for the past two weeks.

I’m telling you,
the guy’s a psycho.

All right.
We’ll look into it further.

But you don’t want
to be wasting our time.

I’m not. I swear.

Where were you
this morning, josh?

Went up to my boy ray’s house
for a little wake and bake.

Pull some tubes.

Pull tubes, huh?

What’s that‐‐
spanking it?

Come on, now.

Josh is saying he got high

And using lingo
that sure makes him sound cool.

You know
a morris hawkins, josh?

Mm, nope.

We got reliable sources

Say that he was looking
for you all day,

And then he ended up dead.

Yep, sure does
look like it.

We’re thinking that morris
getting k*lled

Has something to do
with the death

Of an african guy
early this morning.

Maybe he sold somebody
a fake‐ass gucci bag,

And they got even.

Take off your shoes, josh.

Why, what for?

Because we’re gonna match
your shoes

To the footprints we got

Dancin’ all around
the body of that dead african.

Get those shoes off!

All right, wait.

Get ’em off.

You tried to rob the african,
it went bad‐‐

Is that what happened?

Yeah, okay.

"Yeah, okay"?

I didn’t ask if you want
fries with that, josh.

Did you k*ll the african guy
this morning?!

Yeah. Put it on me.

But remember, i’m a minor.

Yo, yo, yo, yo.

You won’t get away from me.
Try and move your arms.

You’re 16, josh.

That makes you adult idiot,
not a minor idiot.

You cop to this, you’ll
be doing 25 to life

In a federal pen
with guys bigger than me.

And they’ll turn you out
as a punk on your first day,

And you know
what i’m talking about.

You’re about to give
your life away

To whoever
you’re covering for.

I’m giving you
one last chance.

I didn’t pull the trigger.

I was there as a witness.

What do you mean,

My boy needed points
to be an o. G.‐‐

You know,
original gangster.


5 Points for a robbery
and 10 for a body.

95 To be an o. G.

This is a white g*ng?

It’s a g*ng!
And i’m in it.

But it’s a bunch
of white guys?

Yeah. So?

What’s this guy’s name‐‐
the o. G.?

Pat rymer.

Pat k*lled morris hawkins

When he found out that morris
was hassling you?

That’s what he said, but...
You got to ask pat yourself.

You guys let pat know...

I didn’t put it all on him.

I admitted
to my part, okay?

So i’m down with my set.

[ Sighing ] oh, man.

[ Knocking ]

Excuse me, what is going on?
I’m with a‐‐

We’re looking for
dr. Hale.

I’m dr. Hale.

Dr. Kenneth hale?

Yes, that’s me.

Can I help you?

This your card?

Yes, it’s mine.

You recognize the phone number
on the back?


Is there some kind
of a problem or is‐‐

We think someone’s been
using your name.

I’m sorry.
He gave you my card?

He said he was you. He must have
got it from your office.

We believe this guy
may be a thr*at.

He’s been harassing a young
woman, claiming to be you.

What does he look like?

Middle‐aged guy, about 6’, gray
hair, beard like a professor.

Oh, my.

You got a name
in mind, doctor?

Could be adam zaretsky.

Because he fits the description
or the behavior?

I’d say both.

Let me ask you, has this man
done anything physical

To this woman while he was
passing himself off as me?

Well, does this zaretsky
have a violent history?

I’m not at liberty
to discuss‐‐

If someone’s in danger,
you have an obligation.

Adam never indicated
any aggression when
he was in my care.

He wasn’t obligated
to continue‐‐

Does he have
a violent history or not?

10 Years ago, adam zaretsky
k*lled a woman

While he was pretending
to be a doctor.

What’s he doing
on the street?

He was found not guilty
by reason of insanity,

And after four years,
it was determined

He was no longer in need‐‐

Is this zaretsky’s
cell phone number?

You have to understand
that if it were up to me,

He would not have
been released.

However, they concluded that
he was no longer a thr*at.

Just check the number.

That’s his cell phone.

Okay, thanks.

Candace left work 10 minutes
ago, was heading home.

This is her apartment.


Police! Open up!

[ Thumping ]

Did you hear something?


All right,
i’m taking the door.

Through there.

On your knees!

You’ve got this all wrong.
I’m a doctor.

On your knees!
Hands on your head.

I’m a doctor.

Are you all right?


She’s breathing okay.

She’s a very sick woman.
She needs care.

Shut your mouth!

I’ll call for an ambulance.

I guess if there’s
black guys out there

Doing stupid white‐guy things
like playing golf,

It’s only fair there’s white
guys out there playing gangster.

I ain’t playing, chief.

He’s right‐‐ k*lling two guys
in one day ain’t playin’ at all.

I don’t know
nothing about that.

I’m just lettin’ your man here
know I ain’t no joke.

It’s gonna be decision time
when you get locked up, pat.

The black guys, they’re not
gonna protect you because‐‐

Are you sitting down?‐‐
You ain’t black.

And the aryan brotherhood,
they ain’t gonna protect you

Because it’s not about how well
you can break‐dance with ’em.

Whatever you say, dude.

We got witnesses, pat.

They saw you k*ll yinka okafor
this morning,

And then you k*lled
morris hawkins

Since he was onto you
for k*lling okafor.

You should hear yourself right
now ’cause you sound crazy.

Same g*n was used to
k*ll both guys.

I’ve been cool with y’all,
you know what i’m saying?

Then y’all haul me
out of my crib.

You and your boy josh,
that’s what people saw.

They seen the wrong two people,
you know what i’m saying?

Did you honestly think that
josh is gonna take the heat

Because he’s a minor and he’s
still got fouls to give?

He is 16, dickhead‐‐

And the prospects
of doing adult time

Tends to get a
16‐year‐old’s mouth moving.

Do you know
what i’m saying?

5 Points for a robbery,
10 for a body,

95 To be an o. G.

Seems a little silly now,
doesn’t it?

But if josh had more to do with
it than just being a witness,

We’re all ears.

I ain’t saying a damn thing.
I ain’t no punk.

Lands on you‐‐ both murders.

I ain’t sayin’ nothing.

This puts you over
on the scoreboard

With your half‐ass g*ng?
You a big o. G. Now?

What you think?


You coming from bellevue?

Yeah. Candace is being treated.
She’ll be okay.

Zaretsky sh*t her up
with ketamine,

But there was no sign
of sexual as*ault.

Rita still in with him?

She got a statement.

Now we’re gettin’ him over
for a psych evaluation.

How did he get
in her apartment?

Pushed in when
she returned from work.

There’s no doubt
he was gonna k*ll her,

But halfway through
the interview,

He started
spouting gibberish.

Setting up for
another insanity defense.

They’re never gonna
let this guy out again.

I want to make it clear that
this ain’t rattin’ out, okay?

Call it whatever you want.

’Cause I copped
on my end.

And it’s clear how
you’re ownin’ up to your end

By testifying that you saw
pat rymer k*ll yinka okafor,

And that he told you
he k*lled morris hawkins.


Two hardworking guys
with families

Who didn’t do nothing
to you.

I got it, okay?

You better, ’cause
if you’re back in here again,

You get no rhythm.

Oh, my god.
I’m trish braswell.

That’s my son.

Hi, mom.

Proud day, joshua.

He was a witness
in a homicide this morning.

He needs to testify
to what he saw

Or there’ll be charges
against him.

What did you do?

He’s been running
with a g*ng.

It’s up to you to make sure
your son appears in court.

Believe me, he will.

And in the meantime,
keep him off the street.

He is not leaving
his room for a year.

Oh, what‐‐
is he grounded?

Do you have any idea what
your kid was involved in?

I didn’t‐‐
I didn’t see this coming.

Being part of two homicides
don’t just pop out of the blue.

Wake up, lady, before your kid
is involved in another m*rder

With him on the trigger.

I am doing my best with him,
and you know what?

I’m doing it alone,
so don’t you lecture me.

Yeah, okay.

We’re going.

Remember what
we said, josh.

Ms. Genow,
is that right?

Berta genow,
council for the colahans.

Let’s talk in here.

Would anyone‐‐

Would anyone like anything‐‐
some soda?

Just so you know, I strongly
advised my clients

Against speaking to you
in person,

But because they conceded
to your request,

Let’s keep this short
and to the point.

Mr. And mrs. Colahan,

We’ll admit we were blindsided
this morning.

We had no idea you had any
interest in custody of michelle.

She is our granddaughter, and
we’re concerned for her safety.

Which is what we
wanted to discuss.

She is loved,
well‐cared for.

And you’re welcome to come by
the apartment anytime and see.

In fact, we’d be happy to have
you over for dinner,

If you’d like.

Ms. Mcdowell, the only reason
my clients are here

Is to listen
to a proposal for custody.

[ Sighs ]

I plan to adopt michelle and
raise her as my daughter.

That said, you can see her
anytime you like.

That said, my clients will
entertain only one proposal‐‐

That you relinquish
full custody to them

In exchange for
limited visitation rights.

You’re joking.

We’re not,
so accept that proposal,

Or we have nothing more
to talk about.

You want to turn this into a
battle, everyone’s gonna lose,

No one more than the kid.

Tell us‐‐ who is it who raised
your other kids?

What does that mean?

You gave up a child out of
wedlock, he’s an alcoholic,

And for some reason you expect
us to allow our grandchild

To be raised in an apartment
with loaded g*ns.

You got a lot of nerve.

Do you have a proposal
for custody or not?

We got nothing for you.

Barbara, john,
we’re done here.

What about you?
You perfect?

This conversation is over.

’Cause the two of you
better be perfect.

This is not how
you want to play this.

I’m done listening.
Get the hell out of here.

They’re coming after us
for the baby‐‐

Digging into us

And for me,
that’s a deep well.

Just get with your lawyer.

What we need is something
on these people.

We got four days.

I’ll get on with dmv,
see can get their
social‐security numbers.

And old addresses, too.

We’ll get a list of neighbors,
divvy it up, do a canvass.

Any value in talking
to their son, frank?

I can’t sit in
a room with him.

I can.
I’ll do it.

I’m not asking anyone
to do anything illegal

Or anything
they don’t want to.

Andy, we’re on it.

That was bellevue.

Valerie was att*cked in the
hallway of her building.

She’s okay. She’s in
the e. R. Being treated.


Hi, i’m detective jones.
I’m looking for valerie haywood.

She’s right here.
She’s fine.

She’s shaken up.

What happened?

It looks like she was hit
a few times.

We ran some tests‐‐
it’s all superficial.

But when you talk to her,

Try not to make a big deal
about the bruise on her face.

She’s worried about that?

I’m just saying from
a woman’s point of view.

I got it. Thanks.

Dr. Sussman
to the o. R. Post‐op.

Dr. Sussman
to the o. R. Post‐op.


Oh, baldwin.

It’s okay.

What happened?

I don’t know.
It was real quick.

He came up behind me.

Was it jerry wells?

I couldn’t tell.

He had a mask on,

And then I covered up
’cause he started hitting me.

[ Sighing ] okay.

They’re gonna run
some more tests.

I’ll be back
in a little bit.

Stay with me.
I’ll be right back.

Don’t go over there.
Don’t do anything stupid.

I won’t.

I’ll see you in a bit.


Open up!

Open up, jerry.

[ Lock rattles ]


What is this, man?

What’s going on?

I’m a detective, ma’am.
I need to talk to jerry.

The detective
who threatened me, mom.

Let’s go talk in the hallway.

So you can att*ck me
like you told me you would?

You think i’m buying this?

You’re behind what happened
to a. D. A. Haywood tonight.

I don’t know
what you’re talking about.

I’ve been with my mom
and my nieces all day.

I’m gonna get you for this.
You can count on that.

You let go of him!

See this, mom?
You see this?

I’m calling the police!

Get the video camera out.
Get this on tape.

You can bet your ass
we’re gonna settle this up.

$5,000 For a retainer.

You gotta figure
that will go quick.

I got some savings.

I can take out
a pension loan

Or an emergency loan
from the union.

I can, too.

I don’t want you
shouldering this alone.

I don’t want you to,

Most of their a*mo
is on account of my past.

Oh, they had some for me,

Yours alone
would be easier to weather.

What are you saying?

If it makes sense for us
to fight this together,

Maybe get married to bolster
the case, let’s do it.

But if you or the attorney

Think there’s a better sh*t
without my baggage‐‐

No one’s breaking up
this family.

It’s times like this I wish
i’d been a better man.

Andy, your past made you
who you are now.

And I love you.

Can I read in here
for a little while?

Yeah, sure, squirt.
Come on.

[ Clicking tongue ]

Come here.
