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12x04 - Divorce, Detective Style

Posted: 04/28/22 12:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

I'm steve mcclintock.

Where were you last night?

I was with my girlfriend.

Who is she?
Where do we find her?

Carly landis,
where was steve last night?

With me, why?

That's when tina most
was m*rder*d.

Do you have any physical
evidence tying me to her death?

You're running a con,
and you react bad

When the girls get
hinky about it.

Why are you lying
for the guy who did it?

He said that if I said
anything, he would k*ll me.

Is there any way you
could give me a ride home?

I left my things
in the back.

That's one you drop off
and speed away from.

This is another case of your
past getting dropped on me.

I banged plenty of whores,

But never someone
involved in a case.

I wouldn't do that.
No one does.

I'm just giving her
a ride home.

I'm sorry. I'm scared
to be alone right now.

Maybe I'll stick around
for a little while.

You know you are never
supposed to talk to strangers.

But he knew stuff

About matt having a cold
last week and mom's birthday.

I know it's been bad
between us the last few days,

But you got a problem,
and I want to help.

Tell me what I can do.

Your head's someplace else.

This is my family.
I can't risk it.

Seems to me like
I'm getting the job done.

Most days you're half‐asleep
and hung over.

You gotta get your head
back on straight, john.

Until then,
I can't trust you.

Were you just gonna leave
without saying anything?

Didn't want to wake you.

I hate when guys
just leave like that.

It's not like it's
the last time I'll see you.


You seen my other shoe?

Please don't tell me
you're gonna call me.

There it is.

I'd rather you
didn't say anything.

I don't know about you, but I
had a great time last night.

But that was then,
and this is now, I know.

No, you don't know.

I'd love to sleep in,

I'd love to hang around
with you all day,

But because this is now,
I have to get home and shower.

You could shower here.

...change my clothes
and get to work on time.

I have to leave.
Do you see what I'm saying?


I'll call you.


Tracy gilchrist, 20,

Blunt force trauma
to the back of the head.

Who's that out there?

Neighbor from down the hall,
tonya kellerman.

She was on her way
to the disposal,

Sees the door cracked,
goes into the apartment,

Sees the legs sticking
out of the closet.

She know anything?

She's pretty broken up.
We were giving her a minute.

All right, we got it.

Yeah, we'll
start a canvass.


D.o.a. Is in the closet.

A cop brought me
up to speed.

That new a. D. A., Lori munson,

Came by looking for you
this morning.

She got me on my cell.
Mcclintock's pre‐trial
hearing is today.

She wanted to run
through my testimony.

You all set with that?

Piece of cake.

'Cause I can
still cover it.

I got it.

There's blood
on the closet wall

Like somebody banged
her head against it.

Receipt from a bodega
at 4:00 this morning.

Late‐night girl.

Yeah. Listen,
I got the neighbor.

Why don't you check
with the first officer,

See did murphy
and ortiz get everything?

Maybe I'll help
with the neighbor first.

[ Sighs ]

Detectives sipowicz
and clark.

All the way from spokane
to be an artist,

And she winds up
like this.

How well did you know her?

She moved in last year,
like a lost puppy.

She had no idea
how to live in new york.

I tried to help her out.

Any fam‐‐

Any family
you know of?

I think both her parents
had passed way.

She have any problems
with anybody?

Not that I know of.

Oh, I doubt it.

What about a ‐‐
she have a boyfriend?

She was seeing someone
'cause I remember her saying

She didn't want to go
to him for money.

She needed money?

She couldn't make
august's rent

Until I loaned it to her,

And that was around the time
that she got this awful job

Talking to men
on the phone.

Like phone sex?

I guess that's
what you call it.

I know she hated it.

I know it embarrassed her.

I told her that I would cover
her rent for another month

Just so she could find
something else.

[ Crying ] she wouldn't even
have to pay me back.

All right.

[ Sobbing ]

Should I talk
to the first officer now

Or check inspection stickers
on cars out front?

You don't want
to do this, john.

Whatever issues we got,

Icing me out of an interview
ain't gonna solve 'em.

We're partners.
Let me up so I can do my job.

You want to work the case?
Nobody's stopping you.

And he needs
a signature, too.

What is it?

All I know is it's
registered and insured,

So I gotta get it signed.

Maybe something
connie ordered?

This is you, right ‐‐
andy sipowicz?

Yeah, I don't recognize
this return address.

I just need you to sign
the top line there.

Special agent silos
of the fbi.

Why don't we go
in the other room?

What the hell is this?

Who's this now?

Special agent wychoff.

Open the box,

You think
I ordered these?
They were addressed
to you.

Your credit card was
used over the internet
to purchase them.

I told 'em there'd been
incidents of harassment
directed at you.

Did you tell them
that since I don't know how

To use the internet, I purchase
all my child pornography

Over the counter?

What kind of incidents
have there been?

Tires slashed, getting
sent a rat in the mail,

Moving up to my kid

Getting talked
into a car by a stranger.

Any idea
who's doing it?
Not yet.

Any idea how someone
could have gotten
your credit card?

Credit card numbers
get lifted all the time.

Placing an order requires
knowing a certain amount
of personal history.

Listen to me, I got three kids,
32 years on this job,

And no record of any deviancy
of any kind.

Now, if this isn't obvious
to you what this is,

Then get a search warrant
and conduct an investigation.

Is that necessary?

Under the circumstances,
probably not.

Then am I done here?

Thank you for your time,

[ Door opens, closes ]

the d. O. A.'S employment

At the dial‐a‐yank service.

The owner's coming in.

Crime scene
moved some clothes,

Found the name sam park
scratched into the closet wall.

D.o.a.'S handiwork?

Wood shavings and a bent
wire hanger on the floor,

So it could be.

We'll run the name
through b.c.i.

I got court.

Excuse me, is there
someone here we can talk to?

What's the problem?

I'm an attorney.

This is my client,
scott garvin.

Mr. Garvin
has reason to believe

His son may have
been kidnapped.

You're not sure?

I got a call in the middle
of the night.

They called again this morning
to arrange a ransom.

Let's go talk in here.

Greg, baldwin.

I'm detective sipowicz.

These are detectives
medavoy and jones.

Why don't you tell us
what they said?

The first call,
a man's voice

Said that they were
holding my son, todd.

The second call said to leave
a half‐million dollars

In a garbage can
at the northwest corner

Of second avenue
and 11th street at noon,

Or I would never
see him again.

How come you didn't
get in touch with us
after the first call?

Man: it's not always easy to
know the best approach to take.

Why don't we let him
answer the question?

My son is angry at me.

I was afraid it was
something he was doing himself.

Why is he angry?
I cut him off.


Staging a kidnapping
is a pretty extreme reaction.

Right, I probably never
should have thought

It was something he would do.

Todd gave him cause
to think that.

What prompted you
to cut him off?

I thought it was
the best thing for him.

He wanted to go
to architecture school.

I got him in,
paid his tuition.

He drops out in the middle
of the semester.

He wants to be an art dealer,
I rent a storefront,

Give him
the start‐up money.

After a month, he walks away

And leaves me
with a year's lease.

When he hit me up
this last time, I said no.

I told him it was time
to get a job.

You don't have
to feel guilty about that.

In any case...

This is the money.

You got a half
a million dollars in there?

We have an hour.

Tracy gilchrist
worked for you?

Till she stole from me.

How'd she manage that?

Tracy was something
of a lost cause at first ‐‐

Wooden, unimaginative.

She could follow
a script to the letter

But had no ability
to improvise.

I was ready
to let her go

When she landed the kind of
compulsive fantasist

The business is built on.

How compulsive
we talking about?

Anything over 100 minutes a week
puts you in the v. I. P. Club.

250 Minutes a week's
players' club.

This guy was north
of 300 minutes a week

For six weeks running.

That's one you
don't want to lose,

Which is exactly
what happened.

You think tracy
cut her own deal?

I've contacted the phone
company, who verified it.

What'd they verify?

That tracy's
special someone

Had started calling her
on her home line.

You confronted her?

Of course I did.

She told me he
had become a friend,

And she wasn't charging
him anymore.

Was she lying?

It doesn't matter.

Anytime you have someone who
racks up this kind of time,

You don't become friends.

We'll want his name.


I can't violate
a client's confidence.

Tracy's dead.

You're kidding.

We're not kidding,
and we don't care about
client's confidence.

We want his name.

Then get a court order.

That way my reputation
is protected,

And you get
your information.

We're not gonna do that.

Then I'm not
giving out any names.

In which case the fbi

Will be arresting you and your
contact in the phone company

For violating federal laws
regarding phone records.

Which might also affect
your reputation.

His name is barry henning.

Detective clark, in the course
of your investigation,

Did you have occasion
to interview a carly landis?


What prompted
that interview?

The defendant had indicated
that ms. Landis was with him

When tina most was k*lled.

Did ms. Landis
corroborate that alibi?


We later determined
that the alibi was false.

How did you make
that determination?

As a result
of our investigation,

We learned the defendant's
credit card

Was used late night
at a market downtown.

Did you confront ms. Landis
with this fact?

We did, and she recanted
her initial statement.

Was any reason given
as to why she lied?

She said the defendant had
intimidated her into doing so.

Was she specific as to the
nature of that intimidation?

She said the defendant
had threatened her life.

I have nothing further.

Detective, have you had occasion
to spend time with miss landis

Outside the context
of your investigation?

Might have had
a cup of coffee together.

Ever have dinner?

it's irrelevant.

Ms. Landis has invoked
her fifth amendment rights

And will not be testifying.

Since detective clark
is the source of her statements,

Statements which incriminate
mr. Mcclintock,

I'm entitled
to probe his credibility.

I'll allow it.
Witness will answer.

I think we might have
had dinner once.

Ever been to her apartment?

When I drove her home
from the squad,

I took her
to her apartment.

Did you leave her
at the front door,

Or did you take her upstairs?

She was feeling
a little apprehensive.

I might have walked her

How long did you stay?
No idea.

Did you have sexual intercourse
while you were there?



Counselor, you're implying
something that's not true.

Ask that the court
instruct the witness

To answer the question,
not characterize it.

Yes or no, detective?

It was one time.

Yes or no?

Thank you.

Did you meet with
ms. Munson in preparation
for your testimony?


Did you tell her about your
relations with the woman

Who's out‐of‐court statements
you're testifying to?

I didn't think
it was relevant.

If mr. Mcclintock
is incarcerated,

The chief impediment
to your trysts with ms. Landis

Would be removed,
would it not?

that is speculative.

Just trying to demonstrate
relevance, your honor,

But I'll withdraw
the question.

Nothing further.

What's the thinking
behind the mic?

So we can hear.

If they give instruction?
Hear them out.

But don't necessarily
do what they tell me?

Jones: chances are, they'll
take the money and split.

They're not looking to stick
around there.

We'll be
in constant communication.

Nothing happens to my son.

Surveillance van's
in islip.

We can't get it
back in time.

What does
that mean?

We'll have to improvise.

We'll use
department cars.

'Cause I didn't come in
right away.

It's not the first time we've
done this kind of thing.

But you usually
have a van?

We'll be fine. Why don't
you take mr. Garvin
out to the car?

I'd like to go
along on this.

Sorry, that's
not possible.

Mr. Coffman, you can wait
upstairs in the squad room.

Whoever shows up, we're
gonna take him down, right?

On kidnappings,
I go by federal guidelines.

Which are what?

Try to maintain
a visual contact

Until there's
a tactical advantage,

At which point
we make an arrest.

You run the risk
of losing him,

At which point you got no
money, no victim, and no perp.

a federal offense.

I go by federal guidelines.

Baldwin: still negative.

Nothing suspicious.

This your regular car?


You know you're over 500 miles
past due for an oil change?

I didn't know that.

Make sure it gets
into the shop.

Yes, sir, lieutenant.


He's dropping the money now.

Be advised we got a guy on
a motorcycle end of the block.

We got him.

Why is he stopping there?

Keep walking, mr. Garvin.

Let him go and return
to the car, sir.

Where is he?!
Come on, tell me where he is.

Stay right here.

He's getting away.

That's 'cause he's made
that there's cops.

I don't want
to compromise the situation.

So we just sit here?

That's right.


We'll regroup
at the station house.

[ Sighs ]

Where were you last night,
mr. Henning?

I attended a performance
of "awake and sing!"

At my daughter's school.

What time
would that have been?

The play started at 7:30.
It was over about 9:30.

Can I ask what this
is all about?

We're trying to understand
the reason for the phone calls.

What phone calls?

See, now, that's a silly
question, with all due respect.

The phone calls
to tracy gilchrist,

The phone‐sex phone calls.

What about 'em?

Judging by the volume of calls,
you got in a little deep.

Is she claiming harassment?

She's dead.

What was going on
between you two, barry?

What was going on was
I found someone I cared about.

with the phone sex?

There's no way I'm going
to erase the stigma of that,

So I won't even try.

Yes, it started
with the phone sex.

Clearly, she
made an impression.

I'd been through
the usual ritualized blather

With other girls ‐‐

"I'm in my bra and thong.
I'm touching myself."

I hated all that.

Tracy ‐‐ tiffany, as
she was calling herself ‐‐

Used to say the same things,

But I always sensed it was
her pretending to say them,

That she was imagining herself
in a bra and thong.

I don't expect you
to understand that.

When'd you find out
she had a boyfriend?

The first time
she agreed to meet me.

And still, she's letting you
rack up big charges

For the phone calls,

You must have gone
for some pricey gifts,

Given the depth
of your feeling.

I see where you're going
with this, but it's not true.

I spent money on her.

I bought
her painting materials.

I paid her tuition
at the art students league,

But I got exactly what I wanted
out of the relationship.

Where'd you go
after the play?

Went to dinner at shun lee,

Then I went back
to my apartment.

I got up at 7:30 this morning
to go to work.

I'll be happy to provide names
and contact information

To verify that.

That'd be good.

She drew me
a little picture, tracy.

It was a sketch she did

While we were on a bench
in central park.

I was afraid my wife
would find it,

So I threw it away.

[ Voice breaking ]
why'd I do that?

How'd it go?

Good. What happened
with the drop?


We get a dump
on the father's phone yet?

Ran some calls, come back
to a pay phone in brooklyn.

You gonna get that car
in for servicing?

I'll make the call right now.

Where are we
on the d. O. A.?

We talked to her phone‐sex
customer, barry henning.

We're looking into
his alibi.

What about those names
scratched on the wall?

Nothing yet.

How'd your testimony go?


I just got a message
from marty pappus at major case.

He'll provide
tactical support.

Pappus, who used to be
in missing persons?


What's he gonna do for us?

Help us.


He's gonna do
what he's gonna do, laura.

Get used to it.

A little early to be
calling in the cavalry.

There's a protocol.
You follow protocol.

I gotta say something
because if I don't say it,

I'm not doing my job.

Whatever protocols
you might be trying to follow,

Letting that guy get away
set us back

And did nothing for the kid
being held.

Let's say we do it your way.

We try to take the guy down.

We wind up in a g*n battle,
lose the guy,

And have the victim k*lled.

That would be
a worst‐case scenario.

I have to worry
about worst‐case scenarios.

To the point of being rendered
completely ineffective?

This was a command decision,
and it's been made.

Sitting on our hands

While the perp beats
feet with the money.

That's some command decision.

That remark constitutes
insubordination, detective.

Now, if rips don't work,
I'll take it to the next level,

But I will not tolerate

You want me outta here,
make the call.

You got a case to work.


I ‐‐ I can come back.

What is it?

Um, just to keep you current,
we've run the names

That were scratched into the
wall of the d. O. A.'S apartment

With b. C. I., The dmv,

Through the nickname file,
the safis system.


This is with whatever
permutations of those names

We could think of ‐‐

Sam parks, samuel parks,
parker samuels ‐‐

I get it, medavoy.

What do we have?

So far, nothing.

Stay with it.

We're a long way
from being done.



Phone dump on our kidnap victim
just came back.

There's calls
into your d. O. A.

Our d. O. A.,
Tracy gilchrist?

Going back and forth
for months.

That can't be
a coincidence.

This kid, todd garvin,

Just flagged down a radio car
on delancey street.

Todd garvin?
Name hasn't come up.

Doesn't matter.
They gotta be related.

I'm detective ortiz,
mr. Garvin.

Did your son ever mention
the name "tracy gilchrist"?

No, why?

Her name came up.

There hasn't been
a lot of communication

Between myself
and my son recently.

Got some good news
for you, sir.

Your son's in a police car.
He's on his way over.

Do we know what kind
of shape he's in?

He's got a few bruises.
Other than that, he's fine.

Someone want to fill in
the high command in all this?

I got it.


We need to talk.

You might want
to hear this, too.

You left court early, so I
figured you'd want to know.

Judge excluded
carly landis' statement.

I thought you said
the motion was a long shot.

It was, till it came out
in open court

That your partner slept
with the defendant's girlfriend,

Or was that something
the two of you

Didn't think
I needed to know?

I didn't think
it was relevant.

You compromised
a m*rder case.

I did not compromise
a m*rder case.

The defense lawyer
got lucky.

I don't like it, but you
can't take it personally.

I am taking it professionally.

Consorting with a witness
was inappropriate enough.

Keeping it from me
so I couldn't take
the stink off you ‐‐

That is unforgivable.

It happen
the way she said?

She'd already
recanted the alibi.

The judge said your partner
wasn't credible.

Our best evidence is gone.

Take it up on appeal.

Thanks for the tip.

I'm sorry, all right?

I don't know how
my predecessor did things,

But here's my deal.

You need something ‐‐ search
warrant, wire tap ‐‐ I'm on it.

I expect the same cooperation
from you,

And I expect you
to give a damn.

I got it.

Now I have to answer
to my boss,

Which I will do
by putting it on myself...

This time.

Next time, it's your ass.

Talk about tightly wrapped.

Did we not have
a conversation

About you steering clear
of that girl?

She was bad off that night.
I erred in judgment.

She wasn't bad off.
She set you up.

She saw you coming,
and she played you.

I don't think you're right.

It doesn't matter
because the case'll make,

With or
without my testimony.

You feel qualified
to make that statement?

Yes, I do.

Okay, john.

It's not a big deal, andy.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Sipowicz: you gotta check
the statement when it comes,

See if there's anything
besides child pornography

That they might have charged.

They said they could issue new
cards by the end of the week.

For now, we'll just have
to make do without 'em.

All right, connie.

Yeah, I'll see you
when I get home.


Pot was almost done.

I figured I'd snag
the last two cups.

I'm good.
Save it for later.


Oh, thank you.


Hey, dad.


Mr. Garvin, we're gonna
need to talk to him.

I understand.
You all right?

under the circumstances.

All your fingers,
all your toes, right?

We'll finish up with him,
then you can have him.


All right.

You had lunch,
mr. Garvin?

There's a coffee shop
around the corner.

I'll just wait here.

Where are we?

The phone‐sex buddy looks
like he'll alibi out.

We got phone logs with
whoever else she talked to.

We're running the names
through b.c.i.

Let's see if we can establish
a link with the kidnappings.

Any way you want
to proceed is fine with me.

Just let me
know what you need.

[ Door closes ]

Any way
we want to proceed?

Let him know what we need?

Andy must have
softened him up.

If you need
to get looked at,

We can run you over
to emergency room.

I'm okay.

Just as soon
talk to you guys,

Tell you whatever
I can about this mess.


My girlfriend and I were
at gorky's on avenue b.

We started talking
to this other couple.

He does sculpture.

She wants to open up
a club.

We had a few drinks.

He asked me if I wanted
to go see some of his work,

I say, "yeah."

They say their names?

His name was derek.

He said his name was derek.

Her name was yvonne.

I didn't get a last name
on either one of them.

So the four of you
left together?

The three of us.

Tracy was tired.
She went home.

They have a car?

Yeah, like a van.

Make, model?

I'm not a car person.
I didn't take notice.

Where'd the three
of you go?

Some place in brooklyn.

We went over the manhattan
bridge, came down flatbush.

At some point,
I think we were on myrtle.

I don't know. I don't know
brooklyn that well.

What was the place
they took you to?

Some place that he worked,
like a converted garage.

There were all these
welding tanks, metal rods.

I will tell you,
we smoked some hash.

She had these temple balls
and a chillum.

What can I say?

Is that the only drug
you did?

Yeah, but I
was pretty zoned out,

And then all of a sudden,

I get hit by a pipe
or something.

The next thing I know,

I'm on the floor, my hands
are tied, my ankles are tied,

The two of them
are standing over me.

So, what, you gave them
your father's number?

He fired up
a welding torch,

Said he'd burn a hole
through my hand if I didn't.

Any idea how they knew
your father had money?

I told 'em.

Part of being an assh*le is
that you want to impress people.

I kind of let it slip

That my family has a house
in the hamptons,

A town house
on east 83rd street.

I didn't leave much to chance.

They'd pick up
on my father having money.

What's the relationship
with you and your father?


We know you had
conflicts about money.

He said that?

Words to that effect.

I don't blame the guy.

He's been working
his whole life.

He sees me
go through all this money.

Do you know he doesn't
even fly first class?

Todd, just so you know,

If you did arrange this,
that's a family matter.

You can tell us.
It's between you and your dad.

I did not arrange this,
no way.

Last time you spoke
to your girlfriend was when?


Sorry to have
to tell you this,

But unfortunately she's been
the victim of a homicide.

That's impossible.

She was found
in her apartment this morning.

I was just with her.

We're gonna need you to look
through some mug sh*ts.

[ Knock on door ]


Can I see you guys
a minute?

Why don't you take some time?

Do you want something,
coffee or soda?

No, thank you.

B.c.i. Says a parks benton
took a forgery collar

A few years back
with a samantha luitis.

Calls herself sam.
Get it?

Sam, parks.

Like the name
in your d. O. A.'S closet.

There's no address
on benton,

But luitis
lives at 5th and c.

Josh, get this kid set up
with some mug books.


This is bad
between andy and john.

Andy's not the easiest guy
in the world to get along with.

John's been pushing
a little bit.

From what I hear, he isn't doing
anything andy hasn't done,

And then some.

Andy came through
all that, though.

You can't expect him
not to have a reaction.

We gonna keep going
with this?


Let's not talk
about it anymore.

Whatever you say.

[ Shuffling ]

That looks like them.

It's them.

Get out my face!

[ Tires squealing ]

Get out of the car.

Get out.
Come on, come on.

What's this?



I won it playing poker.

Think of a better story before
we get to the station house.

In my office a second,

When they
were servicing the car,

They found
a listening device.

It'd been installed
behind the dash.

From what they tell me,

It probably hadn't been
in there that long.

Who installed it?

I checked with internal
affairs. It wasn't them.

Given my relationship
with them,

I trust
I got a straight answer.

I checked with the d. A.'S
office and the u. S. Attorney.

It wasn't them, either.

Whoever talked my son into that
car knew things to say to him.

This is how they knew.

I spoke to lieutenant greco
at taru.

They're gonna
go through the car,

See what they
can come up with.

I'd like to hold onto this.

I don't want you running
with this yourself.

Let me call the manufacturer,
see where they sell them.

I've gotten the ball
rolling with an investigation

Because I take this matter
as seriously as you do.

I appreciate that.

And because I don't want you

To feel as though it requires
your personal intervention.

The only thing is
I really can't sit back

On something
that involves my family.

I can't be
all that confident

That other people
are taking care of it.

Other people
are taking care of it.

Maybe I could just
hold onto this

So when I'm working the phones,
I got it in front of me.


How do you know I didn't find
the money in a dumpster?

We do this
for a living, parks.

Plus, we got you going
to a drugstore

With tracy gilchrist
at 3:00 in the morning.

She needed saline solution
for her contacts.

I took her to get it.

That and the money
tie you to the kidnapping.

There wasn't any kidnapping.
It was a setup.

If that's true, then all we have
to deal with is the girl.

What about the girl?

The girl's dead.

Oh, no, you don't.

We're open to hearing
an explanation for it.

You just gotta be
straight with us.

I'm not taking a rap
for a m*rder.

Your girlfriend's upstairs
looking to help herself.

You might want to think
about how to help yourself.

This was supposed to be easy.

This guy, todd,
maps out a situation

Where we can make some money,
wasn't even criminal.

Next thing, the chick trips
a circuit, and sam went off.

How'd she do that?

We smoked this hash,

Started talking about
these different weird jobs

That we all had.

It got around
to this phone‐sex thing that ‐‐

What's her name?

Tracy did.

Todd says, "give us a sample."

She says some stupid lines

That they have her say
to these losers that call.

Next thing I know, sam
on account of she's nuts

Thinks I'm getting off
on it.

What happened then?

She tells me to take todd
to this place in brooklyn,

So if they follow us from
picking up the money,

We're not coming back
to his girlfriend's apartment.

Made sense to me,
so I did it.

She must have k*lled her
after we left.

And the kidnapping
was todd's idea?

Right from the jump.

Correct me if I'm wrong,

But the kidnapping
wasn't a kidnapping,

And the m*rder
wasn't done by me

With me not on the premises
at the time it was done,

I'm good to go, no?

I wouldn't want to make
any ironclad assurances,

But certainly
there's nothing wrong

With taking that position
at the outset.

[ Sighs ]

Hey, how'd it go?

Puts the homicide
on the girl,

Said the kidnapping
was a hoax.

Todd's idea.


Like you said all along.

You two gonna work
things out?

Eventually, probably.

Be a shame if you didn't.

No, we will.

What'd you find out?

It's manufactured
in western massachusetts.

It is the top of the line
microphone transmitter

This company makes.

Where is it sold, john?

There's a number of places,

How many?

In new york?

Let's start
with new york.

There are 14.
Would you like me to list them?

Sure, thanks.

We have a feeling
the idea for the kidnapping

Didn't start
with you.

You got that right.

So it was parks?

Parks gets a headache

He thinks of anything
that complicated.

That yuppie assh*le, todd,
thought it up,

Walked us through it,
and we went for it.

How does the girl figure
into all of this?

She's todd's girlfriend.

How'd she wind up
being k*lled?

I don't know
anything about that.

So it was outside
the scope of the plan?

Until right now, I didn't
even realize it happened.

Who would be responsible,
you think?

Maybe her boyfriend did it,
I don't know.

in a bad spot right now.

Your boyfriend
said he left you alone

With tracy
in her apartment,

And I suspect todd's
gonna back him up.

Which means you get stuck taking
the rap for both of 'em.

If it was a struggle
between you and tracy,

And it got out of hand,
that's a lot less of a rap.

But you gotta tell us
that's what happened.

I would have liked
to do it on the phone.

Sit in your kitchen,
say some dirty words

To somebody who ain't even
there and get paid for it?

I had to go into motel rooms
with 'em.

I had to go in cars
with 'em.

I had to go wherever
that stupid bastard

Set it up for me to go.

Now some artsy‐fartsy
college girl's

Gonna humiliate me
by getting him turned on?

Him and
his new yuppie friend?

I don't think so.

That's why you sent your
boyfriend and todd away?

That's right.

As far as I'm concerned,

It's on them what I did
whether they were there or not.

Why'd you lie
about tracy, todd?

Because I felt guilty that
I exposed her to these people.

Even though she was gone
before I got hit with the pipe,

I just didn't want her

To be involved with any trials
or inquiries or whatever.

It must be even worse when
you found out she was dead.

You can't imagine what I'm
going through right now.

The problem is
what we're getting

Is that the kidnapping
was your idea.

That's what they're
telling you

Because it gets them
off the hook, obviously.

Hard as this
may be to believe,

But even a couple of dumb cops
like us might suspect that.

But when we get two people

Telling the same story

And one of them
confesses to a homicide,

We're inclined
to believe them.

All right, look.

My father and I have a very
complicated relationship.

He sets himself up

As this caring "I can't
do enough for my kids"
kind of father,

But he lets you know
when you disappoint him.

He lets you know
when you're not living up

To his ideal
of the perfect son.

You must have been
pretty hurt

To go to the lengths
you went to.

I was just sick and tired

Of him looking at me
like I was worthless.

So you came up
with this plan

And brought
your girlfriend along?

And that is something for which
I will never forgive myself.

[ Sighs ]


Kid's a collar.

He went for it?

He went for setting up
the kidnapping.

Then he goes
for the homicide.

Since he wasn't there
when the girl was k*lled,

There's a half shot
he'll beat it.

Which'd be a shame.

One of you will
fill in the father?

I'll take care of it.

[ Sighs ]

Mr. Garvin?

Where's todd?

The kidnapping was
your son's idea, mr. Garvin.

He's under arrest.

We said we didn't want
to prosecute.

His girlfriend was m*rder*d by
one of the people he enlisted.

That makes him responsible,
as well.

His girlfriend
was m*rder*d?

Did todd participate
in her m*rder?

I'm not gonna go into any
specifics with you, counselor.

If he didn't participate,
and it wasn't foreseeable,

Chances are nobody's gonna hang
a m*rder charge on him.

Can I see him?

He's being processed now.

When we take him to court,
I'll let you know.

You can see him then.

it's not your fault.

Whatever you did,
whatever you didn't do,

Your son brought it
upon himself.

Call for you, detective.


All right, thanks.

That was munson about
your hearing this morning.

m*rder charges against
mcclintock have been dropped.

El foldo.

What happens
when your star witness

Gets knocked out of the box.

Some system, huh?

Did you just walk away
from me?

Yeah, john,
I walked away from you.

I went for some trim
I shouldn't have gone for.

How long I gotta hang
on the cross for that?

I don't know.

I feel bad it happened.

You know I feel bad
it happened.

How bad are you gonna feel
when this assh*le, mcclintock,

Beats some other poor girl
to death?

And that's on me, right?

Listen, john...

I don't want
to work with you no more.

How about I see you
in the morning?

You can tell me
all about it.

I'm not kidding
around with you, john.

You gonna dump me
as a partner over this?

Shame on you.

It's not something
I wanna do.

It's exactly
what you wanna do.

That way you can hold
yourself out,

Holier than thou,
st. Andy of assisi.

You might want to look
at your own part in it.

You're cutting me loose
for nothing

Because you want to, because
it makes you feel better.

You're a phony, andy,
and I'm onto you.

I'm having a tough time,

And you don't want
to deal with it,

So here's your easy out.

Well, good.

You don't want me
as a partner?

I don't want you
as a partner.

Simple, we get a divorce.

Let's let it go
at that.

Drop dead!

[ Door opens, closes ]

Hiya, connie.

Listen, I haven't left
work yet,

And I was wondering
what are you doing now?

Can you maybe call next door
to teresa to watch the kids?

No, everything's all right.

I just don't want to drive
myself right now.

I haven't been drinking.

What I'm afraid of, if I drive
myself home, I'll stop,

And I will drink,
and that's why I'm calling you.

I'll wait right here.
