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02x04 - The Galactic Champion

Posted: 04/30/22 20:09
by bunniefuu
[Kid] Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

[Carl] Wow, new rings of power!

What do they do?

Here. Mira.

[Spanish music playing]



Too hot.


[slurps] Mmm. Too cold.

[Carlos slurps] Mmm.

Too hot.


Too cold.

[Ramona laughs]


[both] Ah, just right.


Apologies. Hairball. Meant no offense.

Amo tu amore.

I love your love.

[Kid] Hey, Flo,

can… we… put…

the… game… on?

And what game is that?

Oh, only the game that puts
all of your Earth games to shame.

[Flo] Oh, I love this.

No, not that.
This is a super serious battle show.

So is Space Bakes.

[announcer] Streaming to you live

from the Danger Belt comes the galaxy's
number-one battle arena show…

[announcer echoes]

[announcer] Hello and welcome
to Monday Night Fight Hole.

[announcer ]

The single elimination slugfest
where contestants jump into a hole…

…and fight!

And whoever's left standing by the end…


We are your programmed
announcers for the evening.

I'm R.B-O.T. and my enthusiastic
counterpart here is…

…R. -C.R!

Now let's go over the rules…

There are none!

Anyone can enter, but if you exit, you're…


As we all know, weapons and special
powers are welcome and allowed,

but laser blasters are absolutely
forbidden and will result in…

[R. -C.R] …p-p-permanent elimination!

[booing and jeering]

[siren wailing]

[R.B-O.T] That can only mean one thing:

The arrival of our reigning champion,
the one who always wins,

the one who's never been defeated,
the one who's never been out of the pit--

She lives in there!

[R.B-O.T] The one, the only…

[R. -C.R] The unconquerable


[crowd cheering]

Jump in, losers!

"What, scared?"



And now let's meet our contestants.


future losers!

Oh, I actually thought
this was Space Bakes,

but I've clearly made a terrible mistake.

I mean,
that lady has a freaky glowing eye.



Well, you're dead.


Um. Hi.

My name's Jo.

No kidding! What are you doing there?

Uh, so, like, I'm supposed
to battle Erodious, the Planet k*ller…

[crowd booing]

…and save the galaxy?


Right, hilarious!

"Teenage Earth Girl saves galaxy!"

[crowd laughing]

[Jo] That's what I thought, ha!

But then I thought,
"That's a terrible way to think!"

"If I'm strong enough
to conquer Fight Hole…"

[crowd] Fight Hole!

"…then I'm strong enough
to conquer this stupid fear

that I am not worthy of
being a true leader!"

So yeah, I guess my real battle
is against myself.

Wow, that is a lot of information
we did not need.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

She's putting herself in danger
for absolutely no reason!

Xhan, did you know about this?

Know about it?

I encouraged it.


I simply informed her
that if she could win this battle,

she would prove
she has the strength to defeat Erodious.

A true leader must have the courage
to plow through their opponents,

whoever they may be.

And to do so,
they must control their emotions…

especially fear.

Well, let me inform you
of something, Xhan.

I'm working really hard
at controlling my emotions right now.

-[doorbell chimes]
-Hey, Earl-bot!

You heading out?

Yeah, you need a ride?


-I'm bringing my girl home.
-[Kid] No!

Jo already thinks you think she'll choke.

If you show up, she'll be, like, so mad!

Besides, you don't have a power ring.
I'll go.

No I'll go 'cause, well, you know,

the Kid is… the Kid.

Fight Hole!

¡Espéranos, hija!

I'm always revvin' to get my motor
runnin', so what the heck.

TV. I want to be on TV.

I'm in. Let's get that gal.

Go, Local Heroes.

Bring back my girl

from this pointless charade.


That was touching.

-Thank you, sir.

We're the Local Heroes! And we're all
here to bring Jo back home with us!

Ugh! Did my mom put you up to this?

She's real worried about ya!


[Jo] I knew it!

Well, Mom,

if you're listening,
all I have to say is--

Fight Hole will be right back
after these important messages.

[speaking gibberish]

I'm sorry if it hurts you
to hear that, Mom,

but… [sniffs] …it's true.

Though I didn't hear it, it still hurts.

[air horns blast]

And that sound means the soap opera
is over and it's time to,

say it with us now:

[all] "Jump in, loser! What, scared?"

[crowd] Jump in, loser! What, scared?

Jump in, loser! What, scared?

Number three:

"Don't let anyone,

anyone, stand in your way."

You want to take me home,
you gotta take me down me first.

Ahh! No!

Good for her.

Fight Hole! Whoo!

Oh, sorry.

Okay, team, you heard what she said.

Let's jump in there and take her out,
then take her home!





Let's go, Jo!



Hey! Leave our daughter alone,

or we'll make you slightly cold.

Or slightly warm.

I shall not strike down
a defenseless babe.

I'm not a baby!

I'm four!

And a half!









[Kid] Guys, we gotta find Jo!


Outta the hole!

Outta the game!

Outta the hole!

Outta the game!

Outta the hole!

Outta the game!

[air horns blast]

Hey! I found…



over… here!


-How you doing?
-Little sore.

Yeah, I hear that.



[Hamburg] Gotcha! Gotcha! Gotcha!


Hamburg! Stop!


Let me go!

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Wow! Not only does Jo have
the ability to overshare,

she's also got the power
to portal people to pieces!

Uh, th…that's disgusting!

Bravo, Jo. Bravo, that was cool.

I am clapping now.

See ya!

Now I am waving too.

[Spanish music playing]

[Carla] Sorry darling,

but we gotta go, go, go, girl!


She's up, up…

…and away!

Whoo, what a rush!

Milkshake me!

Why is she fighting them?

Because she's learning to lead.

That doesn't make any sense!

We gotta get Jo's ring away
from her, or she'll zap us back

before we can zap her back.

Lemme think…


It's risky,

but I got an idea.





[Tuna] Rosa!

Danos una mano, por favor.


[Tuna] Gracias.




Tuna! No!

Bad kitty!

Ahh! Kid!

No! Gross!



Now let's go, Jo.

Wait. Hold on.

Gah. Wait.

Okay. Portal.


[Jo grunts]

Rosa! Stop!

Put me down!

[sighs] Sorry.

Ahh! Too cold!



It's over, Jo.

It's time to go…


Haha! Yes!

And I'll take that. Thanks for the help.

Wait! Jo, don't!


[suspenseful music playing]

Nope, not gonna roll those dice.

You win, Jo.

Thank you.

Ahh! Ahh!


Thanks, Tuna.

Well, that's gross.

Better commence to groomin'.

[R.B-O.T] Against all odds,

Jo is the last one standing
among her friends who all turned on her.

Ha! Thought you could stop me, huh?

Well, take that, Mom!

[R. -C.R] Ooh!

Mama drama!

[R.B-O.T] Now, let's see if Jo can make it
through to our champion…

[R. -C.R] …Krosh!


[R.B-O.T] Outta the hole! Outta the hole!
Outta the hole! Outta the hole!

Outta the hole!


[action music playing]


I wasn't asking!

-[air horn blowing]
-[crowd cheering]

Jo and Krosh are now
the only ones left standing!

And you know what that means…

Ch-ch-ch-Champ Challenge!

-[air horn blowing]
-[crowd cheering]

[R.B-O.T] That's right, folks,
the Champ Challenge.

Will a new champion reign supreme?


Or will the unconquerable Krosh remain…


[crowd] Krosh! Krosh!
Krosh! Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Folks, if only Jo's mother could
see her now! What would she say?

Despite the fact that her daughter
defied her wishes to come home,

does she believe in her now?

I always have!

I don't believe
she needs to prove herself.

Not like this!

Not to anybody!

[crowd] Fight Hole! Fight Hole!
Fight Hole! Fight Hole! Fight Hole!

Come on, loser!


Yes, very.

But I'll get over it.

Remember: "Don't let anybody,
anybody stand in your way."

You're going dow…








Ahh! [moans]

[R.B-O.T] Even though things
look really bad for Jo…

I mean, it can't get any worse, right?

…things are about to get even worse!

It's time for…

[R. -C.R] Spikes! Spikes! Spikes!


[crowd] Spikes! Spikes! Spikes!
Spikes! Spikes! Spikes! Spikes!

[R.B-O.T] Tonight's spikes are brought
to you by Sharpie's Pointy Emporium.

"If it don't poke, it ain't Sharpie's."

[R. -C.R] Sharpie's!

Are you kidding me?

[R.B-O.T] Tonight's Lava brought
to you by Bernie's Lava Liquidators.

"If it's not hot, it ain't Bernie's."

[R. -C.R] Bernie's!

Ahh! Ahh!

What do you think is going on
in the mind of Jo right now?


Is she questioning her choices?

Never gonna win!

Wondering if her mom was right?

Wah, wah!

I want my mama!

[R.B-O.T] Thinking she doesn't have
what it takes?

[R. -C.R] Better give up!


She is not gonna give up.

She's gonna stay in the game
and figure this out!

She's gonna win! She's gonna come home!

And she is gonna be in so much trouble!

Jo! Jo! Jo! Jo!

[crowd] Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

[R.B-O.T] That is why the crowd loves her!

[R. -C.R] No pain!

[crowd] No pain!
No pain! No pain! No pain!

I'll show you no pain.


[crowd] Krosh! Krosh! Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

[Jo] What do I do? What do I do?

Grop, I suck.


Crushing self-doubt just when
I'm about to be kroshed by Ms. No Pain.

What I wouldn't give to not feel any pai--

Wait, hold on.

[crowd] No pain! No pain!

No pain.


a Stone of Power!



I believe in you, Jo.


This won't hurt at all.


-Thank you.

[R.B-O.T] Whoa!
Jo just ripped out Krosh's eye!

[R. -C.R] Brutal!

[Jo] Sorry!

Are you okay?

Better than you're gonna be! [grunts]




Give… it… back! [groans]

No, it's okay!

She's okay. Look, look!


A Pain Absorption Stone?

So cool!

Jo's taking in all the blows,
all the hits, all the att*cks,

and storing the pain like a battery
until the moment is just right and she…

Hey, Krosh?

[Krosh screaming]




[dramatic music playing]

I won?

I did it?

Ha! I did it!

Yeah! I can't beli…

No! I can believe it.

I totally can, and I totally did and…

I totally will! Wow!

Thank you, uh, thank you. Thank…

[man coughs]

[R.B-O.T sniffs]

Outta… the… hole.

Outta… the… game.

With… the unconquerable… Krosh… conquered.

It's my pleasure…

to welcome the latest Fight Hole…

Fight Hole.

Champ… [cries]

Jo, the teenage girl from planet Earth.

[air horn blowing]

[Jo] Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

[crowd] Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Come on, loser. What, scared?

[crowd] Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Krosh! Krosh! Krosh!

Let's hear it for the greatest champion
in Fight Hole history!

[crowd cheering]

[dramatic music playing]


[crowd] Jo! Jo! Jo! Jo!

Jo! Jo! Jo! Jo!

Jo! Jo! Jo!



[Kid] She won!

Told you.

Let's hear from our new champion,
but, and I cannot stress this enough,

please keep it short.

I'm actually not interested
in being champion.

Dude, what?

This battle wasn't about defeating others.

It was about defeating my doubts,

and there's one person I'd really like
to thank for believing in me.

Thank you for helping me conquer my fear.

You're the best,

Queen Xhan!


[Bug Guy] Hello?

[hesitates] Hello?

Can someone help me out?

No can do, Champ.

You're in there till the next episode of…

[R. -C.R echoes]

She home yet?


Not even a courtesy portal
to say she's okay.

[sighs] Sorry, Flo.

You know, at first,
I was just happy she was alive.

I was even proud of her. But…

then I remembered the way
she fought you guys.

She was…


Well, Kid does get under
some folks' skin at times.

It wasn't that.

I'm losing her, Papa G.

I'm losing my sweet,
caring, kind little girl.


I don't know who she is becoming.

Yeah, that happens with kiddos,
but take it from an old papa like me:

they do come back to ya.

They figure it out

in time.


I sure hope so.

[closing theme music playing]