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02x07 - What, Meme Worry?

Posted: 05/08/22 08:05
by bunniefuu
( upbeat theme playing )

( Vinnie & Sunil laughing )

Oh! Unh! Hmm.

( whispering indistinctly )

Uh, what is going on with Blythe and Mrs. Twombly?

( whispering indistinctly )

Something secret.

Something is very definitely going on,

and it's very definitely secret.

Maybe it's a surprise party?

I already calculated everyone's birthday.

Couldn't be that.

Maybe they're redecorating, or re-redecorating.

Or maybe they're expanding the shop to include a taco bar,

disco dance floor, and free frozen yogurt dispenser.

Hi, guys! It's nail-clipping day!

( all gasp )

( groans )

I hope it's not like the last time.

( ominous theme playing )

( all gasp )

( screams )

( screams )

( whimpering )

( screams )

( Russell whimpering )

( all screaming )

( screams )

( screaming )

( screams )

Perhaps I will go last.

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( upbeat theme playing )

There you go, Pepper. Now that wasn't so bad, was it?

Oh, Blythe, I couldn't do this without you.

You're so good with animals, I can't believe it.

Well, I'm not sure those guys would agree with you right now.

It's not that bad, hon.

How can you say that?

You were as frightened as everyone else.

Ah. If all the truly famous pets put up with it, then so can I.

( groaning )

Ah! Did it hurt? Are you okay?

( humming )

Just kidding, Sunster. I don't have nails!

So no clipping for me.

( humming )

Whoo! BLYTHE: Okay, who's next?

Have I forgotten anyone?

Uh, the mongoose.

( Sunil whimpering )

Aw, look. He's so nervous.

Hey, little guy, I cut my nails all the time.

It doesn't hurt a bit.

I know how you feel, little mongoose.

Everybody worries.

Aww! I gotta get a picture of this.

That's a good picture, little guy.

( laughs )

What did you just do?

I loved the look on his face

so I made this and put it on the web.

YOUNGMEE: "Worrying Mongoose knows how you feel."

Heh! I love it. Where did you post it?

On this website where people put funny captions over pictures,

and share them with each other.

Hey, it's already got four thumbs up.

Awesome! All right, hungry time.


Hey, I'm a growing boy. Later, B! Mrs. T.

See you. Peace out, home slice.

( giggles )

Worrying Mongoose knows how you feel?

Do I really look that worried?

All the time, my friend. All the time.

( mellow theme playing )

( man laughs )

Wait'll I put this on the funny animal forum.

( laughs )

( woman laughs )

Oh, wait'll the board of directors see this.

Ha! Wait'll every delivery man in the country sees this.

( delivery man laughs )

( crowd chattering and laughing )

( phone ringing )


Oh, hey, Jasp.

Blythe! Have you seen it?

Do you have any idea what's going on?

No. What's up?

Okay. First let me read you this e-mail.

"Dear DragonFire , this is to notify you--"

Wait, who's Dragonfire ?

I'm Dragonfire . It's my web name.

Can you believe there are other Dragonfires?

Anyway... "This is to notify you that your Worrying Mongoose post

"has received , thumbs up,

placing you on our viral site of the week list."

The picture I took of Sunil, just today, it went viral!

Really? What does that mean?

It means that everyone in the world is seeing it,

and sending it to their friends!

Look, it's on How Many Thumbs.

What's that?

Another website that watches other websites.

Whoa. This is getting weird.

Ha! It's up to , hits! All thumbs up!

Just since we've been on the phone?

Yeah! Somewhere out in the world,

over , new people just saw Sunil's picture,

liked it, and gave it a thumbs up.

This just doesn't happen...

I mean, it does happen, just not to people like me.

I mean you. Uh, Sunil.

Heh. Gotta go!

Sunil won't believe this.

BLYTHE: And it was going fast,

and then overnight, it just exploded!

I don't believe it.

I knew you wouldn't, but look,

a million people all over the world

gave your picture a thumbs up!

Ah! That's not possible.

It's not likely. But it is possible.

Seriously? A million people saw this?

No. A million people clicked thumbs up,

but I bet twice as many actually saw it.

Sunil, this means that you're, like, completely famous now!

Sunil? I agree with Zoe. Sunil?!

Why is everybody looking at me?

Because you're famous.

No. I am not famous.

I've never been famous. No, no, no.

Yes! Do you realize how big a million is?

I do. A million is...

A lot! It is, right?

It's more than a lot. It's a lot times a lot!

If one-million mongooses stood on each others' shoulders,

it would reach really high!

Wouldn't the bottom guy get squooshed?

Hey! Now you're a thousand over a million!

Oh, my.

I feel like the mongoose at the bottom.

I feel like I'm getting squooshed!

( scoffs )

Worrying Mongoose thanks you for coming.

I don't know what you and your friends did, Blythe,

but the shop has never been busier.

True that, Mrs. T.

Who knew a jittery Sunil would pull in so many customers?

Hey Sunil, I heard people talking about you on the radio.

( scoffs )

My owners were sending Sunil's picture

to each other at breakfast.

I saw a guy on TV talking about it.

Really? What'd he say?

( mumbling )

( muffled dialogue )

( mumbling )

And that is a direct quote.

Ha. So Sunil, how you doing with all this fame?

Do you notice anything different?

Yes. Normally,

when Blythe takes me for a morning walk

nobody talks to me,

unless it's to say something like:

Hey look! It's an otter!

SUNIL: But today was quite different.

Hey, look! That's the worrying mongoose!

( whimpers )

ZOE: You know, Sunil, when somebody takes your picture,

you're supposed to smile. Or at least strike a pose.

But I did not ask to have my picture taken,

and I still do not understand

why someone would even want to take my picture.

See?! Aah! This whole thing is super ridic!

Sunil's picture and everybody making such a big deal about it,

And Sunil being famous? Hah!

It's ridiculously ridiculous!

I mean, you're not ridiculous, Sunil.

You being famous, heh, that's ridiculous.

You! My office now!

So you're boiling with jealously.

I don't know what you mean.

Your feelings are quietly burning you up inside.

Am I right? No.

I mean, it's...warming.

There you go. Let it out.

Well, I do feel a slight burning inside.

Follow the burn. Go into the burn.

It's just that Sunil doesn't understand being famous,

or even knows what to do about it.

How could he possibly be famous, and not me?!

( screams )

Why is it so hot in here?

That's the burn.

Blythe, the number of positive hits keeps getting bigger,

and now people are doing mash-ups!

Wait, wait. I need to write this down

in my young peoples notebook.

What's a mash-up?

It's when people take something popular

and put it together with something else that's popular

to make some kind of joke. Mash-ups are hilarious.

Oh, look. Here he is with a bunch of bananas.

"Worrying Mongoose knows how you peel."


This one has him with a deck of cards.

"Worrying Mongoose knows how you deal."

Ha-ha! And look at this.

"Worrying Mongoose for President!"

( laughs )

Those mash-ups are... Are, uh...


I have no idea what I'm saying.

WHITTANY: This is just totes lame, Brittany.

I mean, how could Jasper's pic be so popular?

I don't know, Whittany.

And I think that's, like, Blythe's weasel or whatever.

WHITTANY: It is! It's her little bear cub, or whatever.

With a million thumbs up!

I can't even look at it anymore.

Throw that computer away.

Ugh! Goodbye, laptop thingie!

Hey, butler guy. Yes, miss?

We need a new laptop thingie.

Yeah. Our last one accidentally fell in the trash can.

Ah. Yes, miss.

I will retrieve a new one from the laptop armoire.

So, like, can you believe how easy it was

for Blythe's weasel creature to get totally famous?

I thought only good-looking people

were supposed to get famous.

Yeah. Your new computer, miss.

Hey, Whit, I just had a--

What do you call those brain thingies?

I think you mean an "idea," miss.

Yeah, I just had one of those.

Heh. You?!

Yeah. We're cute, right?

Uh, yeah! We're like, crazy cute.

And there's two of us, so we're, like, twice everything.

You wanna, like, get famous and stuff?

Okay. If Blythe's little fur turtle can do it, so can we.

Butler, surf the web, and find us like,

the most famous thing people do.

Yes, miss.

And make it something where we can wear cute outfits.

( pop music playing on computer )

♪ Whoa, yeah ♪

♪ I'm not having A birthday party ♪

♪ I'm not having a shower ♪ Aah! My ears!

♪ I'm not having A slumber party ♪

( music stops )

Brittany, we should do a music video.

Well, Whittany, we're naturally good at singing.

Uh, ladies, you cannot simply write a song and get famous.

Ah! You could wear that one top of yours

that looks so cute on me!

Oh, I didn't even think of that one,

I was thinking of the other one.

We'll probably get more than, like, ten pler-villion views.

Yeah! We're going to be...

BOTH: Famous! Ha-ha-ha!

( groans )

Oh, hi, Zoe. I can't believe how many people

have liked Sunil's Worrying Mongoose photo.

Hey, Blythe, look at this.

Wow! Ooh, love me!

And hip and hip and stare and purse.

And kiss and love and love and wow!

( grunts )

Don't you think you should take a photo of me with your phone?

Uh, why would I do that?

So you can put it on the Internet, of course. Heh.

Zoe, you're being silly. This isn't a competition.

Blythe seems to think Sunil and I are not having a competition.

But you are? He's famous.

I am not. I will do whatever it takes

to be more famous than he is,

and if you don't want to call it a competition, fine.

Call it Shirley or Governor Hogg of Texas.

It's okay with me! Ha!

Zoe, are you planning on doing something rash?

If I must.

I don't care what it takes to become famous.

If that means doing something big, something amazing,

or something so hilariously random, I will.

Then, I just need to get someone to photograph me

and put it on the Internet.

Oh, it's guaranteed to work.

I could carve a ginormous statue of myself

atop a cliff over a raging river.

Then, I could bungee jump off the statue of me,

and parachute down to the river below.

PEPPER: Yeah? Where are you gonna get that much marble?

What else you got?

ZOE: Okay, I learn to drive, then I buy a car-boat

and set the land/water record for a dog driving a car-boat.

PEPPER: Zoe, you don't have your license

because you're a dog.

ZOE: I have a dog license.

PEPPER: Funny, but no.

ZOE: What if I licked every person in Downtown City?

PEPPER: Well, at least it's something you could actually do.

ZOE: Ugh. Wait, that's a bad one.

( snoring )

Look at Sunil.

He doesn't even care that he's famous.

Well, I do, and I will be famous!

( scoffs )

WHITTANY ( on PA ): Attention, fellow students.

The TV screens that have been mounted throughout the school

are donated as a gift by the Biskit Family Foundation

and The Largest-Ever Pet Shop. You're welcome.

BRITTANY: Oh, and one more thing.

Unless you want us to take them down,

you have to like our video. Again, you're welcome.

WHITTANY: Good one, Brittany. BRITTANY: Thanks, Whittany.

( upbeat pop music playing )

Ugh, stop staring at us.

Whatever. We know we're cute.

You can keep staring if you want. Uh-huh.

♪ We're cute ♪ ♪ And there's two of us ♪

♪ So cute there's not Too much to discuss ♪

♪ Two times as cute as you ♪

♪ We're twins ♪ ♪ Yeah, we're doubly cute ♪

♪ You can't deny ♪

♪ That you're jealous Of our sailor suits ♪

♪ We're cuter than this We're cuter than that ♪

♪ And we're not through ♪

♪ 'Cause we're Twice as cute as you ♪

♪ We're cuter than this We're cuter than that ♪

♪ And we're not through ♪

♪ 'Cause we're Twice as cute as you ♪

MAN: ♪ Check this out ♪

♪ The girls are cute 'Cause they told me so ♪

♪ And they pay my wage So I rap in the show ♪

♪ I drive this limo I don't go slow ♪

♪ And I don't stop driving Till I get to the chateau ♪

♪ When I'm not chauffeuring Their overpriced wheels ♪

♪ I fold their laundry And I cook their meals ♪

♪ I do what they say So I don't get the boot ♪

♪ I even rap songs About how they're too cute ♪

♪ We're cuter than this We're cuter than that ♪

♪ And we're not through ♪

♪ 'Cause we're Twice as cute as you ♪

♪ We're cuter than this We're cuter than that ♪

♪ And we're not through ♪

♪ 'Cause we're Twice as cute as you ♪

♪ Twin, twins ♪ ♪ Two, two ♪

♪ We're so twins! ♪ ♪ Two, two ♪

♪ You wanna be me ♪ ♪ And you wanna be me too ♪

♪ Twin, twins ♪ ♪ Two, two ♪

♪ We're so twins ♪ ♪ Two, two ♪

♪ You wanna be me ♪ ♪ And you wanna be me too ♪

Don't forget to give our video a thumbs up.

You know you, like, want to.

ALL: Huh?

This is Downtown City Today.

I'm Ginny Hughes and I love animals!

But I must confess,

I love them even more on the Internet!

Meet my guest Mrs. Anna Twombly, owner of Littlest Pet Shop.

Uh, what up, yo?

And of course, this is the world's most famous

worrying mongoose!

I'm going right over there and lick everybody I see.

Don't. Why not?

I'll be the Incredible Licking Dog.

The Internet will eat that up.

How about being the Amazing Dog

Who Still Has Some Self Respect?

Mmm... Nah. Licking thing. Later.

People everywhere love mongeese.

Is it "mongeese" or "mongooses"?

I have no idea.

( yells and laughs )

What are you doing?!

Licking you. Well, stop it!

I already had a bath this week.

Sunil, if you're going to be famous,

could you at least do it halfway right?

What do you mean? If it were me,

which it obviously isn't,

I would take this opportunity and really make it shine.

I don't know how to shine.

Like this!

( screams )

GINNY: Uh, make sure to edit this out for broadcast!

Zoe, that was bad.

I know it was bad. I can't help it.

Blythe, I know you don't like to play favorites,

but I need, need, need one favor.

You want me to make you famous? Yes!

Is this about Sunil's meme thing?

Because, Jasper's the one who-- Then talk to him.

Maybe I could wear a lavish outfit

made entirely of stray cats

while tightrope walking across the telephone wires

during rush hour.

Or I could eat a spoonful of peanut butter.

We all know how funny it is when a dog eats peanut butter.

( slurping )

Zoe, that all sounds too dangerous.

Except the peanut butter.

Blythe, my dream has always been to become famous

for doing very little work.

Sunil has my dream, and he doesn't even care for it.

Blythe! Can you believe it?

What now? The Biskits have gone viral.

♪ We're twins Yeah, we're doubly cute ♪

Wow! The video's been seen by over three million people.

Yeah, and they all gave it thumbs down.

That kind of makes me feel sorry for them.

( howling and barking )

Are you recording this? Yeah!

Zoe sings better than the Biskit twins.

This is awesome!

( howling and barking )

I just found my next web post.

( Zoe howling )

( laughing )

( laughing )

( both laughing )

Ooh, look! More thumbs up for Yelping Dog.

And I didn't have to do anything special but be myself.

I love it!

As do I because now Yelping Dog

is more famous than Worrying Mongoose.

Sunil, I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time about your fame.

Tell you the truth, I was too worried the whole time

to even notice.

( groans )

WHITTANY: Unacceptable!

Our video got, like, all thumbs down!

This computer is dead to us.

Ah. I will get you another.

The video of some dog howling to our song

has more positive feedback than our, like, original video.

BUTLER: All is not lost, miss.

I did notice one person gave your video a thumbs up.

Well, whoever it was, that person has amazing taste.

TWOMBLY: ♪ We're cuter than this ♪

♪ Hey, we're cuter than that ♪


Forever young, Twombly! Forever young!

( laughing )

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪