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04x17 - A Doggie Biskit

Posted: 05/11/22 05:55
by bunniefuu
-[sighing]: The sun is shining,

the birds are singing...

It's a beautiful day.

-It's the worst day ever.

-Aw, come on Zoe, this walk is supposed to help you

forget about being barred from that lousy dog show.

-Lousy? Dear,

the Upper Crust Purebred Dog Show

is the premiere competition.

Which, apparently,

thinks my breed is too "wild"

for serious competition!

Me, too wild?


[barking and gasping]

[embarrassed laugh]

-Uh, Zoe? Everyone's staring!


[barking and gasping]

[barking down to whimpering]

-Oh... I'm sorry you're so bummed, Zoe.

-[sighing]: All I ever wanted

was to compete in the Upper Crust Purebred Dog Show.

-Oh, that's all you ever wanted?

How about a BELLY RUB?!


-[sighing]: Maybe those judges

are right. At times, I can get a little...



-Blythe, are you making fun of me?

-No... Look! Isn't that..?

...Mrs. Biskit?!

-[both]: Guuuh!

-Good morning, sweeties!

Guess whose regular pet camp is overbooked

and is joining us for a return visit?

-Scout Kerry? -Captain Cuddles?

-Mr. Von Fuzzlebutt? -It's so cute

when it seems like they answer me.

Wiggles McSunbask,

come on down!

-Welcome back Wiggles!

[excited expressions]


[gasps and shrieks]

-♪♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you We can be ♪

♪ Who we wanna be

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me We can be ♪

♪ Who we wanna be

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me ♪


-Ah! I don't get it. Wasn't Wiggles nice

at the end of his last visit?

-I guess it didn't take.

-OK, everybody, back away

slooowly. -Or we could just run!


-Please don't eat me!

-[kind of choking]: Huh?

Oh, heh! I'm not going to eat you.

Sometimes when I stay in my carrier too long,

I get a leg cramp. [straining]

Oh yeah, that feels better.

I know, I know...

The last time I was here, I was kind of a bully,

but I'm totally changed

He he he! Actually,

not just changed; I'm empowered.

Thanks to this!

- "The Power of You?"

-This book showed me that

my insecurity was the problem.

The Power is a proven method

to improve and actualize a new self in just simple steps.

-Mm-hm. Sounds interesting,

but we all want to get back to our Saturday of doing nothing.

-Nothing, but improving YOU!

Who wants to learn more? -US!


-...and although it may have seemed

like I was never around, in fact,

I was dedicating all my time

to raising my darling daughters,

Whittany and Brittany.

-Darling daughters?

-The mom's always the last to know.

-But as they got older,

they needed me less, so...

bibby-bobby, my friends said:

♪ "Eliza, find a hobby."

I've tried them all,

but finally, I found my true calling.

That's my Poppy Pawsley.

She has all the makings of a PDSC champion.

-The PDSC? What's that? [Zoe growling]

-The Purebred Dog Show Circuit.

-The ones who think I'm too wild to participate?

[barking] -Oh dear...

she's a feisty one.

-Belly rub! -Aah...

-[gasping]: Blythe!

You're amazing with dogs!

I need help with Poppy. Could you

come to the mansion and work your magic on her?

-Um... Well... I'd like to help,

but ah-- [barking]

-Oh! Ring-a-ling!

Hello? [incomprehensible chatter]

Oh hello,

my darling girls!

♪ Getting a call from your girls ♪

♪ There's nothing like it in-- -[MOTHER!!]

-All right, all right, I'll stop.

-Blythe, what're you doing? Tell her you'll help!

-I don't know anything about training purebreds.

-But I do! -You want to help

Whittany and Brittany's mother?

-She's a nice lady

Her singing's a little "guuuh", but, still...

-Come on, what's your real reason?

-OK, fine. If I can't compete

in that contest myself, then I'll win it as a trainer.

That'll show those snobs who's "too wild".

-But, being at the Biskit mansion?

What about Whittany and Brittany?

-Oh, I simply knew

you'd love shopping camp! Have a fun stay!

-Problem solved! They're not home.

-I don't know... -You won't have to do anything.

I'll do it all! Say yes,

please? [whimpering]

-Ugh! Okay, I'll help.

-...and The Power showed me the outer bounds

of my inner limits. So I went from this...

to this.

Let's all say it together: Power!

-POWER! -I'm awake!!

[yawning]: Thank you, Wiggles.

That was certainly...

a presentation.

-Glad you liked it. Here!

-Oh, no... I couldn't! Really.

-Ah, but you can.

I insist.

-[sighing]: If anyone needs me

I'll be in the exercise tube...


-...and back here

is the dog house. It used to be the girls' playhouse,

but they outgrew it. -How do you outgrow



It's shangri-dog.

-OK, my sweetie-weetie, Blythy-whythie

is going to see if she can get you

ready for today's competition.

-So what seems to be the problem?

-In the early rounds, nothing.

Poppy is a portrait

of purebred perfection.

But then comes the final round.


[barking and growling]

-Disaster, every single time.

-It might be time to give up.

-Give up? Ha! Never!

I am a doer!

♪♪ A doer is a quitter who quit quitting ♪

♪ Like a stander is a sitter who quit sitting ♪

-Does she always do that?

-♪ And if you do like I do

♪ Then you too, will see it through 'cause you-er ♪

♪ Will always be a do-er a one-er and-a two-er ♪

-Blythe, say something, maybe she'll stop singing.

-OK, I'll get started! -♪ A singer is a talker

♪ Who--Really? -Yes!

I know just what to do.

-Wonderful! Competition starts in hours.

Ha-Ha! Tah-tah!

-I have no idea what to do.

-I told you, I...


OK, we'd better get to it.

-I'd actually prefer that you stop talking.

-Whoa, what's with the 'tude?

-That's not 'tude, Blythe, that's refinement.

She's a Landingham Pekingese, a breed known for pride,

elegance and grace. Now Poppy,

Mrs. Biskit says some of the competitions give you trouble.

But the problem isn't you.

The problem is Mrs. Biskit.

A newbie doesn't know how to train you properly

for every round. Luckily, I'm no newbie.

Blythe, be a dear and bring me that hoop.

-If you think I am going to prance through a bunch

of training exercises, you are sorely mistaken.

-Of course not! Landingham Pekingese

don't learn by doing, they learn by observing.

Blythe..? -Right. OK Zoe,

jump. -Oh, no, dear,

I'm the trainer. -Uh, then,

who's going to jump through the hoop? Me?

-Hey, that's

my castle piece!

-No it is not! It is mine!

-Let go! [groaning and grunting]

-Boys, boys... Why the conflict?

-Uh, 'cause we're playing 'Masters of Conflict'.

-The game of never trusting your enemy.

-The real problem is, how can you

trust another when you don't trust... yourself?

-What are you talking about? -Step :

"Trust you, trust me." Hold out your arms.

[groans] -See?

That's the Power!

-[both]: Whoa...

-Should we try it? -Mm-hm!

-Ouch! Ow!


-Step : "That which we want,

we must manifest." So...

manifest the banana!

-You mean, climb up and get it? No prob!

-No-no-no-no-no. The Power

teaches that if we think hard enough,

the thing we want will come to us.




[whistle blowing] -Ok! Now it's time

to put it all together! Elegant Bathing!

[loose-lipped shaking blubber]

-Ugh, I feel ridiculous. -Ah-ah! Complain like a dog...

-Woof! Woof! -Bone burying!


Notice how Blythe gets her nose

under the bone to bury it?

Good girl.

-Ugh, can this get any more embarrassing?

-Now... fetch!


Ugh... -Blythe?

-Whittany, Brittany?!

You're supposed to be at shopping camp!

-We were, but we bought everything so they, like --

Rhh! --kicked us out.

-What are you doing? -And, why are you, like,

doing it here? -Your mom asked me to do this.

-[snickering]: What? Act like a dog?

-[laughing]: Hilar!

We totes need a pic.

[shutters clicking away] [spit]

-No, I'm training Poppy.

So if I could get back to it--

-Mother asked YOU to train Poppy?

-[sighing]: It's like that dog

is all she cares about.

-♪ A tisket, a tasket who doesn't love a basket... ♪

...of homemade biscuits?!

-Why would mother spend all of her time on some purebred

instead of us?! -Gee, I wonder.

-OK, back to work!

Poppy, show us what you learned.

-Mm... I prefer not to.

-What the bark? What do you mean:

"I prefer not to"? The contest

is in a few hours and I wanna win.

Wanna see you win.

-I have no interest in practicing.

-WHAT?! Uh-oh,

I feel a case of the "wilds" coming on...

[growling] -Zoe,

try to calm down.

You said Landingham Pekingese are proud, right?

So... appeal to her pride.

-Ah... yes, her pride!

Poppy... Is it that you don't want to compete...

or that you can't? -Huh?!

-[gasping]: She's a natural!

You are a shoo-in to win!

-True, but my intention is to lose.

-I just ran around on my hands and knees

for an hour, not to mention humiliated myself

in front of the Biskits, and it was all for nothing?


[Splash!] -Don't help

my mother's dog!

-Seriously, Blythe, stop asking

things like that OUT LOUD!!

-I don't understand, Poppy...

You're gonna throw the contest?

-What purebred doesn't want to be a champion?

-If not for you, what about Mrs. Biskit?

She wants it so badly.

-Don't you like her? -Oh, I adore her.

We're women of leisure. I am quite happy here.

[car horn] -Oh there you are, Blythe!

[gasping]: And there's my widdle

pwize winner.

Today will be the day that you win it all.

I just know it!


Who would ever fall for pages of THIS nonsense?

-TRUUUST! -Umph!!

-Minka, what on earth are they doing?

-[panting]: Banana...

Must... manifest... banana...

-Forget them!

What on earth are you doing? -Manifesting her want!

-Ah... Step .

And Vinnie and Sunil are doing the Step

trust exercise. What's next?

The Rule of Going Second?

-No, after you!

-What have you done to the pets?

-I have helped them find themselves.

-They're most definitely not themselves!



[monkey shrieks] -This isn't a self-help book,

It's a self-"WEIRD" book.

-[gasping]: Did you just call me weird?

-I actually prefer the old, mean Wiggles to this.

-You want that mean guy back?


[loud roar] -AH!

Why do I do that Blythe thing of saying stuff out loud?!

[loud roar]

-[MC]: Welcome to the Upper Crust Purebred Dog Show.

Next up: Lady Ladyfinger.


-Ha! Poppy would crush this girl.

-Ugh, I don't get it.

Why is she gonna throw the competition?

-Ooh, I'm so nervous.

Blythe, do you have any last minute advice?

-Uh, Me? -Yes, you.

Unless you're saying Zoe trained her... Oh ho ho!

Anyhoo, let's talk.

-Guh! If anyone needs us, we'll be at the souvenir stand.

-Mrs. Biskit is so sweet.

Pardon the pun, but why won't you throw her a bone?

You have as much style and grace as these other dogs...

And with what I've taught you... -I do not care to discuss it.

-But you're as pure as any of those purebreds.


-[gasping]: You have spotted paws.

-Ah! So..?

-So, Landingham Pekingese have grey paw pads.

Poppy...You're not a purebred.

-That's ridiculous! I am--

a hundred percent purebred.

"Fuh-get" about it!

-That's why you always bail on the final round.

The inspection! You're worried

if Mrs. Biskit finds out you're not a purebred,

she'll get rid of you. -Get outta here with that.

- Final contestant: Poppy Pawsley.

-Ooh! It's time, snookums.

Oh! Oh, dear!


[laughing nervously]: It appears she won't move...

- Poppy to the floor in one minute

or you will forfeit. -[gasping]: Forfeit?

But, I'm a doer!

♪ A doer is a quitter who quit quitting... ♪

-Mother, we need money.

-Hold on, Brittany, something's wrong.

-Don't mind me.

Just wallowing in the fact that your mother isn't

a very good mother to dogs.

-It's OK, mommy, you still have Cashmere and Velvet.

-Yeah... they're like

your grand- chinchilla...dren.

-♪ Fiddle-diddle, dydle-do

♪ You love me and I love you

-Blythe, it turns out Poppy isn't a pure 'Landing Peeky',

and she's worried she'll get the boot if Mrs. Biskit finds out.

-Oh..! Well...

[inaudible whispering]

-You think so?

-I KNOWS so!

-What is it, girl? -I think Poppy is ready

to compete now, Mrs. Biskit. [gasping]

-Well, color me thrilled!

[laughing]: Let's go!

-I got her wallet.


-Hold it! What about Rule :

"When we're in pain, we inflict pain"?

Ugh! Now I'M quoting that book.



-I'm a fraud!

That book didn't give me no self-confidence.

It didn't give me nothing except a bunch

of empty catchphrases. [sobbing]

-It's OK, Wiggles. Everyone lacks confidence

every once in a while. -Yeah I know,

but... but there's this girl alligator

at my regular camp,

and I've been trying to work up the nerve

to talk to her, and...

this was my last hope!

I might as well run off to the sewers!

-You don't need The Power of You,

You just need the power of... YOU!

-Isn't that the same thing? -I think what Pepper means

is: you just need to be yourself.

-You really think so? -Sure,

any girl would like the guy you are right now:

Vulnerable, modest... kind!

-Although brushing those teeth wouldn't hurt...

-Mm-hm! -Gee,

thanks for the encouragement, everyone.

I'll give it a try. Oh here,

Russell... a souvenir.



-Poppy ran that course just like you showed her, Zoe.

-Like WE showed her.

By the way, Blythe, what did you whisper to her back there?

-I told her that she just needs to be herself.

Purebred or not, it's obvious

that Mrs. Biskit will always love her.

Uh-oh. The moment of truth...

-[gasping]: Spotted?!

This magnificent creature

is not a purebred!

[gasping all around]

-Guh! Oh, who cares?!

You're my sweetie

and I love you.

♪ When it doesn't go your way

♪ Don't let it ruin your day

-"Purest Mix Breed!"

Ha! I can't believe they created

a whole new division for Poppy.

And they did it so fast, I didn't even get

to finish my song. -Congratulations, Mrs. Biskit.

-Thank you, Blythe,

but this victory is also yours.

-And yours,


-...and then his owner showed up and he went home.

I hope it all goes OK with the girl gator.

-Wow, what a day!

I'm glad everything is back to normal.

-Come on, manifest it!

MUST manifest it!

-Well, almost everything.

[theme music]

-♪ We can be who we wanna be

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me