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04x22 - Bake It 'til You Make It

Posted: 05/11/22 05:58
by bunniefuu

O.M.G, Youngmee!

I just finished 'Famished Fest: Insulting Falcon.'


Clear your day 'cause we have to talk about it now and--


It's my newest recipe: Extra Sticky Taffy.

Little syrup, lotta guar gum.

% gummier than regular taffy! Whaddaya think?

Itch shticky.


Back to work!

What's up with Aunt Christie?



Yeah. New sweet shops are opening up all over

and she's kinda freaked.

She feels like she has to step up her game.

Ha! Puh-leeze. Your aunt is the best baker in town.

It would take some amazing, never-before-seen dessert

concept to even dent her business.

[horn honks]


Something like that?


♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Dash of vanilla, drop of cinnamon, dollop of cream.

Uh. Hm. No, wait. Dollop of cinnamon, dash of cream.

I'm a little worried about my aunt.


Scratch that. I'm a lot worried.

I think we need to scout the competition and report back.

Yeah! Let's tell Aunt Christie our plan.

Aunt Christie: YUCK!

Or, we could tell her later.

Hello, mother. Hello, father.

I only have a moment, but I wanted to say 'hello.'

Which you just did.

We know you are busy, son.


Oh yeah. Oh yeah, baby, that's it.

Wait. Could you show me sassy?

Sweetie, the question is how could I not show you sassy?

Whoa! How awesome is this "pet cam" my owner put on me?

He wants to see what I do all day.

[nervous laugh] Excuse me one moment.

Pepper, Zoe, I am trying to chat with my parents.

Must you do whatever it is you're doing here?

The light is better in here.

Well, it is very distracting.

Fine. C'mon, Pepper.

There's plenty of other great places to film moi.

I am so terribly, terribly sorry, mother, father.

That is all right, Sunil.

We should let you get to the hospital.


Sunil's parents?

Why does my best friend have to go to the hospital?

Does he need an operation?


Oh Vinnie, you are so funny. He doesn't need an operation.

No, no, no, no, no. He performs operations.

You know Sunil works at the hospital.

What? Sunil doesn't work at the hospital.

Well, as they say, if...uh, if you love your job,

it doesn't feel like work.

That is so true, son. We could not be prouder.

No, I mean, Sunil does not work anywh-- GLMPH!

Gotta go! Lots of patients! Bye bye!

Is there something wrong?

Dude! What was that all about?

Oh nothing.

It's just that maybe I might've kinda, sorta

told my parents that I'm...a doctor.

No wait, that is exactly what I told them.


You told your mother and father that you're a doctor?


Because I knew how important it was to them.

And they aren't suspicious?

Not until now. Somehow I have to make sure

they continue to believe that it's true.

And how are you going to do that?

Oh Zoe, any chance you can cough on cue?

First thing they teach in acting school.

[clears throat]

[dry hacks]

Uh, is she gonna be OK?

Oh, yes. And so am I.

It's... ...a sweet-topia!

Pre-packaged treats from around the world.

This is amazing! I think Aunt Christie might be in trouble.

Nah, it's all sizzle and no steak.

I mean, 'Japanese Fire Rainbow Fudge'? Who cares?



[happy shouts]

Well, I don't see any steak,

but they sure have some amazing candy.

We'd better report back.

Strictly for research.

This is Sunil's Video Letter Home. And... action!

Hello, Mom and Dad.

I thought that since you are so proud of the fact

that I am a doctor...which I am...

you would like to see me at work here at my hospital.

Hello. I am sick. Can you help me? Oh. [cough]

Ah-ha! This is a most serious condition. You have the flu.

Get much rest. Drink something liquid.

And have a pet treat.

Ah! I feel better already. Thank you.

Well, Mom and Dad,

another day saving the lives of my patients.

I hope you enjoyed this video letter. Bye!

Pepper. That's enough.

Oh right. Cut! That's a wrap!

You sure you don't want a second take?

Why? Once I add the graphics, it will be perfect.

Uh, you pets ever see that show 'Dr. Abode, M.D.'?

The medical show?

Yeah. They have a different crisis every week.

It's super-exciting.

And I don't think Sunil's letter

captured the energy of a hospital.

You mean a fake TV hospital.

Exactly. Our friend needs our help. What do you think?

Well. I'd love to really put this baby through its paces.

Wouldn't hurt to have a drama on my acting reel.

Just the three of us?

I have something bigger in mind.

Oh, there you are, girls. Where have you been? Wait.

You two went to that candy bus, didn't you?

No! We were just--


[gasp] You did! How could you help my competition?

It was strictly for research!

[sigh] If I've lost my own niece and her best friend

to the fancy candy side, I'm sunk.

Well, there's still plenty of people

who love Sweet Delights, Aunt Christie.

Yeah? Who? The only ones here are us, the mailman,


and a Creepy-Guy-Who-Has-a-Crush




Don't worry, Aunt Christie, business will pick up.

And the worst part?

This whole thing has totally robbed me of my baking mojo.

Then we've gotta help you get your mojo back!

How? You know some kind of sweet shop miracle worker?

In fact, I do! I'll be right back!

Add a few graphics. "Get much rest. Drink something liquid.

And have a pet treat." terrible.


Hey buddy, how's it going?

Is the video gonna convince your folks you're a doctor?

The only thing this video will convince them of

is that I'm terrible at making videos.

Then maybe you could use some help. Come on!

What the hospital?

If you're going to sell it,

then you need a whole lotta better.

Better sets...

Better patients...

Doctor! Help! My baby!

And better coworkers! Dr. Ling at your service.

And check out this toy bone saw!

Looks just like the real thing.

And you are not Sunil.

You're Dr. Nevla, M.D., just like a TV doctor.

Well, what do you think?

I don't know...why I didn't think of this myself!

You're a genius!

Of course, instead of going through

this ridiculous charade,

you could just tell your parents the truth.

He's just mad because the only part left was

'delivery room nurse'.

Edible spackle made of caramel frosting.

Just the thing for home improvement buffs.

And they don't have this at 'Take It To The Sweets'.

I think that's 'cause it tastes more like spackle

than frosting.

I know. Oh, what's the use?

I should just hang up my apron.

No one's hanging up anything!

I have the solution to all your problems.

Cousin Bobby?


♪ [rock guitar]

Is everybody ready to bake it down?

Your cousin is--

Bobby Destructo?

Yo! Yo! I'm celebrity chef Bobby Destructo!


Each week I take a sad, rundown,

ain't-gonna-get-it-done sweet shop and make it all-new.

How? Like I say, 'You gotta BAKE IT DOWN!'

This is 'Bakery Bad Boy'!

Blythe, I didn't know Bobby Destructo is your cousin.

Distantly, by marriage. Her dad Roger

is my second cousin's husband's sister's stepson.

But hey, family does for family.

Aw, thanks, Cousin Bobby.

Blythe tells me that your sweet shop needs my help.

Let's see what we got here.

Hmm... charming... lovely... quaint...

'Never The Same Twice' cookies. My specialty.

I add a little of this and a little of that.

You've got everything an old-fashioned purveyor

of confections and treats could hope for.

Well, thank you, Mr. Destructo.

NO! Today's bakeries have to be new! Now! Hot!

Newnowhot! So you know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna bake--

We're gonna BAKE IT DOWN! I'll get my tools.

Awww. I wanted to say it.

♪ [driving rock]




Just what we need.

It's kind of, um... messy.

Of course it is. That's what I mean by 'bake it down.'

We level the place to the studs, then rebuild.

Don't you watch my show?

Uh, I may have missed a couple episodes.

'Suh-Weet Delightz?' With a 'Z'?

Once you're done with my simple -step plan,

this'll be the coolest candy club on the block.

Sorry. Did you say, 'once we're done'?

This is a ton of work!

But you're going to help us, right?

No can do! While you two rebuild the shop,

Christie and I have got to construct a new recipe.

We're gonna bake something

that'll blow people's tongues off!

'Dr. Nevla, M.D.', a Vinnie-Pepper joint.

Take one. Action!

Hello, mother and father.

Here I am at the hospital, where I definitely work.

I am sure I will have an exciting medical emergency

any moment now.

Dr. Nevla, there's a mother with a sick baby!

How do I always know? Send her in.

Zoe, that's your cue. Where's Zoe?

Zoe, what's the problem?

This role. No one is going to believe that this pooch

is that monkey's mother.

'Cause you're not the same species?

No because I am way too young to play anyone's mother.


And Penny Ling, can I get a smidge more feeling

in your line read?

[gasp] You didn't like my performance? [sob]

No! Don't...


How unprofessional.

Let's just use someone else to set the scene.

Male nurse! I need you on set!

Why does it have to be male nurse?

Can't he just say 'nurse'?

Can we just please do this?

'Dr. Nevla, M.D.'. Take two. Action!

Hello, Mom and Dad. I--

Sorry. Battery's dead. Gotta find the spare.


Pick up the pace, Christie.

My Moo Pie recipe requires you to stir

at exactly . revolutions per second.

And you've got to add the flour

at a rate of . grams every turn.

Do I have to be that precise?

I'm really more of a 'mix-by-feel' kind of baker.

You know, a pinch of this, dash of that.

Not anymore. Out with the old and in with the Moo!

Ha! Get it?

C'mon, moooove it. Cow humor.

Now, I'm gonna check on how the girls are doing.

Oi! No resting on the job.

Oh, we're finished. Suh-weet Delightz is open for business.


♪ [techno-pop]






[music off]

I don't get it.

We followed your plan exactly and still no customers.

There's one more step: Promotion!

We need to spread the word.


That thing is ridiculous!

There is no way it'll fit you.

No, it won't fit me...

[laughter fades]

Can't we just do coupons?

[crowd buzz]

♪ [music starts]

Uh yo! Check it out!

Come on down to Suh-weet Delightz!

The treats are tasty and the prices are riiiiiightzzzzzzz.

The 'z' says it's new.

[mocking laughter]

Yo, cupcake out!

New recipes, new look, empty store.

I guess I really am done.

You? This is my first failure ever.

Wait'll my competition finds out.

The Kitchen Commodore is gonna laugh. I hate that guy.

Sorry, everyone.

I tried, but I couldn't drum up a single customer.

Then who are all those people?

[excited crowd buzz]

I-I-I think they came to laugh at me some more.

Who cares why they came?

You got 'em in the store. Let's do this!

Welcome to Suh-weet Delightz, everybody!

Moo Pies for everyone!



Moo Pie? Anyone wanna try a Moo Pie?

Anyone? No? Too busy watching the silly dancing?



[panicked shouts]



What happened? Why'd everything fall apart?

I don't know. I thought it was all glued together.

I guess frosting-spackle doesn't quite work

as spackle either.

And no one even got to try the Moo Pies! Now what?

You still have the 'Never The Same Twice' cookies.

No, Blythe! I told you, they're old-fashioned.

Played-out. Totally--GLMPH!

Totally the best tastin' cookie I ever ate!

Hey everybody, you wanna try these?

Best cookies ya ever ate!

Trust me. I'm on TV.

[excited squeals]

That's right! Forget the fancy displays.

Who cares about the music?

What's hot now is good old fantastic flavor!

Well, Aunt Christie, I guess you're back!

C'mon, Youngmee! We have a lot of customers to serve!

I don't believe it. A quaint, old-fashioned bake shop

just became the newest thing.

I wonder what happens to the old newest thing?

Rough day in the O.R. Saving lives is tough work.

But it's all worth it.

I sure am glad I went to medical school

and became a doctor.

Russell: Dr. Nevla, we need you... STAT!

'STAT' is hospital talk for 'make it snappy'!

I know this because I am a doctor.

What is it Male Nurse Fer--

Um, I mean, just Nurse Ferguson?

Pulse-ox , BP over . Temp . . Pulse .

Those are indeed... numbers.

Are you ready to operate, Dr. Sunil?

I believe I am. I am always ready.

I can't watch! I get sick at the sight of fake blood.

But Vinnie, didn't you direct this scene?

Yeah, but my eyes were closed the whole time.

That's why I did all the filming.

And you did a great job. All of you.

This movie completely sells it. Totally convincing.

Um, Sunil.

My parents will never know I've been fooling them.


Blythe, is something wrong with your neck?

Because I'm not really a doctor.

I know. And now they do, too.

I told your mother we should surprise you with a visit.

Surprise you!

Mother! Father! Surprising.

Oh, Sunil!

Just a second.

Sunil may not be a doctor, but you still have lots

to be proud of. He is incredibly kind-hearted.

Yeah! He always helps me out of trouble.

And I get in a lot of trouble.

He has a good word for everyone.

That's why he has so many friends.

Just look at the lengths we went through

to help him convince you he's a doctor.

How could you not be proud of Sunil?

Of course we're proud of him.

We couldn't care less if he's a doctor.

Although I did have this hip pain

I was hoping he could look at.

We are just disappointed he wasn't honest with us.

Mother, Father, you're right.

I shouldn't have told you such stories. I'm sorry.

It's OK, son.

Hey, maybe you could show us the rest of the movie.

It looked pretty good.

My son, the future filmmaker.