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04x08 - Dex

Posted: 05/17/22 07:01
by bunniefuu
( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(knock on door)

Mrs. Colby.

What is it?

Mr. Carrington is here.


Send him in. I haven't
finished with him yet.

Finished what, Mother?

Oh, Steven.

I thought it was your father.

I just saw him out there.

Judging by the way he was
attacking the elevator button

and the way you look right
now, I'd say the two of you...

Yes, we were having
one of our little rows.

Or not so little.

Darling, I've been batted
about by that man before.

And I've survived.

Nothing that he nor
anyone else can do

can bring me down.

Would you like a brandy?

No, thank you.

What happened?

Nothing to worry about, darling.

He just bombarded
me with empty threats.

He threatened you?

Yes, in so many words.

Well, if he did, I
wanna know about it.

Oh, darling.

Darling, I can handle
Blake Carrington.

And with you by my
side, I feel very safe.

Thank God at least one of
my children is still with me.

Now, Steven, you have
been working very hard,

and I want you to go home
tonight and have an early night.

Now, that's orders from
your mother and boss.

How about a tradeoff?

I'll go home if the boss
lets me drop her off first.

You've been putting in some
pretty heavy hours yourself.

Oh, that's very
considerate of you, darling,

but, um, I'm leaving from here.

I have a heavy date.

Anyone I know, Mrs. Colby?

Yes, you do, Mr. Carrington.

But don't pry.

All right.

Well, have a good
time with, uh, whomever.

I intend to.

Give Danny a big kiss from
me and say hello to Claudia.

I will.

Bye, darling.

(door opens, closes)


MAN: Yes, Mrs. Colby?

(button clicks) Come in, please.

Brian, I want you
to call my son Adam.

Tell him that I'm working
late at the office tonight,

but that I want to see him
at my apartment at : ,

and no excuses.

Is that clear?

Very clear, Mrs. Colby.

(door closes)


( majestic theme playing)

I think this
presentation is just fine.


Two things:

First, I want you to be at
that board meeting with me

when Alexis throws in the towel.

Oh, I'll be there.

And, second, and
much more important,

dinner tonight, you and me.

What do you say?

All right.

I think you'll like
the restaurant.

You were that sure I'd say yes?

Well, let's say that, uh,

I was hoping that
you would say yes.



TRACY: Do you understand?

All press releases
go through me.

I can assure you,

I, Tracy Kendall, do speak
for Denver-Carrington.

Oh, Miss Grant, I thought
you'd left for the day.

Uh, it's just that...

That the phone rang just
as I was leaving and I...

And I rushed back in
here and... Well, my feet

were k*lling me. I-I'm
so sorry I used your desk.

Tracy, relax. It's
been a tough day.

Oh, there is no
excuse, Miss Grant.

It's Krystle.

And no excuse is needed.

Now, sit back down... No. I...

I-I just couldn't.

Oh, yes, you can.

Tracy, as long as
we work together,

you can sit anywhere you'd like.

I mean, who knows,
maybe tomorrow

I'll wanna sit at your
desk. Heh-heh-heh!



Tracy, let's have
lunch together.

Oh, I'd like that.

You pick the place and we'll
get to know each other better.

I'd like to know more
about what you've done.

Oh, you mean, my few
years on Madison Avenue

before coming to Denver?

Why, I didn't know you worked
in New York. How exciting.

It was exciting.

And kind of a hassle too.

And the competition,
whoo, forget it. Heh.

I mean, you talk about a jungle.

That's why I like it here.

I mean, Denver is no small town,

but the people here,
I mean there's just...

Sort of a humanity about them.

They're so down-to-earth.

Just nice. Heh.

Well, I have to
go. I have a date.

Let me guess who.

A certain Mr. Blake Carrington?

How'd you know?

Oh, I don't know.

There's just...

There's sort of a glow about you

that comes out
whenever he's around.

And I see it now.

Well, don't work
too late, understand?

Yes, I do.

( mellow theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

Good night, boss.

( majestic theme playing)

(door opens)

Mr. Colby insists on seeing you.


Hello, Jeff.

All right, Brian, you can go.

Good night.

(glass clinks)

What's wrong?

Oh, Jeff, whatever
you're thinking...

What does an
intended victim think

when he's face to face with
the woman who tried to k*ll him?

Oh, you can't believe that.

You know I'd never hurt you.

Jeff, you don't know the facts.

Oh, yes, I do.

Try Switzerland.

You had collapsed.

You were half out of your
mind. I was trying to save you.

By dragging me
out of the hospital

and off to your private
clinic in Gstaad?

Finish the job you started?


To protect you. To
help you get well.

Well, the living don't
need your kind of help.

If I'd have known then
what you're capable of,

even though the doctors said

my Uncle Cecil
died of a heart attack,

I would have ordered an autopsy.

Oh, my God, you
can't believe that.

You know that I
loved your uncle, Jeff.

As a black widow.

A merger with you is
a signed death warrant.

In marriage or business.

Look, Jeff.

I can understand how you
feel, but it's not what you think.

Now, look, I've got a meeting

that I can just
cannot get out of.

Now, just give me until tomorrow

and I-I promise you that
you'll have all the facts,

and then you'll agree with
me that the merger with Blake

should go through.

Trust me, Jeff. You're
not going anywhere.

Oh, you're hurting me.

Consider yourself lucky.
You almost k*lled me.

Neither of us are
leaving this office

until you pay me back in full.

All of my interest in Colbyco
that you stole by poisoning me.

That's impossible.
Everybody's gone for the night.

There are papers
to be drawn up...

Get Gerald Wilson on the phone,
and get him over here right now.

Those papers are gonna
be drawn up tonight.

I told you that
I've got a meeting.

Well, if you wanna
get to that meeting,

get Gerald Wilson over here now.

I'm not leaving this office

until I have that paper
signed and in my hand.

( dramatic theme playing)

Did you hear me?

(hat thuds)

(purse thuds)

(gloves thud)

All right.

(phone numbers clicking)

( line dialing)

( dramatic theme continues)

(violin and piano
playing romantic melody)

(speaking French)

(speaking French)

(speaking French)

(speaking French)

Did you understand that?

Well, I understood
the appétit part.


Same thing he said to us
the first time we were here.

On our first
evening out together.

He said, "Good appetite to you
and to the very beautiful lady."

I think he's flirting with you.

The same as he
did the first time.

I think this is the same
wine as that first time.

It is.

It's a wine that I
personally discovered...

BOTH: In France during the w*r.


Same table.

Same wine.

Same waiter.

Shall I guess the entrée?

Veal with lemon,
capers and sorrel.

What a good memory
the beautiful lady has.

You know what else I remember?


How nervous I was.

That first night out
with my handsome boss.

How my hand began to
shake as I lifted my wine glass.

Well, now I'd like to
make a confession.

My hand was shaking
that night as well.


Well, you might have told me.

Oh, I was too busy being
Blake Carrington for you.

I fell in love with Blake
Carrington that night.

( tender theme playing)


That night you moved out of
the house and went to La Mirage,

I thought you'd
fallen out of love.

I felt a coldness surround me.

An infinite coldness.

And I knew then that no
matter what my life was,

without you,

I would never feel
that warmth again.

I'd lost you.

Given the chance, I'd
never let that happen again.

You didn't lose me, Blake.

I just had to find myself first.

( tender theme swells)

( majestic theme playing)

JEFF: And that's the truth.

Blake told Fallon and
me not to talk to anyone

about what we
discovered up in Billings.

There was no proof of anything.

So how can we talk about
suspicion to people who...?

People who what?
Aren't personally involved?

I am.

I'm your wife. What
affects you, affects me.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

From now on, we
will share everything.


Yes, of course.

Even your love?

I can feel it, Jeff.

Every time you look at me,

I know I'm not the
only one you're seeing.

I see the woman I love.


Wife number two
or wife number one?

Oh, come on, I can't just
block Fallon out of my life.

Then you both
have that in common.


( tender theme playing)

Sweetheart, I can't have
just loved one person in my life

any more than you have.

Now, Fallon's a part of my
life and she always will be.

But she's not my wife.

You are.

And I love you.

Then I want you
to prove it to me.

(hands sliding)

Love me now.


I know you couldn't make
love with me last night,

and I understand that, really.

But I want you now.

I can't. Not now.

Why not?

Because too much is happening.

I can't get what Alexis
did out of my mind.

All right, but when?

Could you tell me when?

I don't know. I'm sorry, Kirby.

Love means more to
me than just performance.

(door slams)

( tense theme playing)

(thunder crashing in distance)

I wouldn't drink that
if I were you, Adam.

You're going to need
all your wits about you.

Good evening, Mother.

I've been waiting quite a while

for you and the firing
squad. Where is it?

I don't need one.

No, you do just
fine on your own.

To us.


After what you've done to
me, there's no more "us."

From now on, Adam,
you're on your own.

And I'll be damned if
I'll protect you anymore.

( dramatic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

ALEXIS: You framed me, Adam.

You tricked me into
signing those papers.

And if you think that I'm
gonna let you get away with it,

you vastly underestimate me.


I may be guilty of some things.
Underestimating you, never.

Sometimes I think I
don't even know you.

Who are you?

My mother's son.


I might fight for my power,

but I would never,
ever k*ll for it.

Put to the test?

I wonder.

After I signed my
name to those papers,

what dingy little corner
did you sneak away to

to write "mercuric oxide
compound" on them

and change them
into purchasing orders?

Do you have any proof of that?

Do I have any proof?

You know perfectly
well that I had no idea

what you were doing to Jeff

until the night
before he collapsed.



If you've already
told Father about this,

and if he believed you,

I doubt very much
whether we'd be having

this little chat, you and I.

I haven't said a word to Blake.

The reason is that you're
going to tell him the truth.

That I'm innocent.

I've already told him my story,

and I have no
intention of changing it.

But I did learn one
lesson from you, Mother.

People do finally get
what they deserve.

Adam, you can't do this to me.

Considering who my
mother is, it's no effort at all.

( mellow theme playing)

(both chuckling)

Oh, thank you, Blake.

It was a wonderful evening.


I mean, aren't you
going to ask me in

for a brandy or something?

It'd be a shame to end a
wonderful evening like this.

It was a wonderful
evening, Blake, but...


I know. I understand.

There will be other nights.

And you are a working
girl. You do need your sleep.


Good night.

( romantic theme playing)

Good night.

(keys clatter)

(lock unlatches)

(breathes deeply)

Well, thanks to you,

my holdings in Colbyco
are back where they belong,

right in my pocket.

That was quick.

All in a night's work.

And signed by a woman
who shall remain nameless.

By the way, do you
know how many bars

and restaurants
there are in Denver?


Well, neither do I.

But I showed up here tonight

hoping to talk with someone
who speaks my language.

What about Kirby?


we've each made choices.

Right or wrong, we
have to live with them.

Is it that easy for you?

And I keep telling
myself it's over.

But no matter how hard I
try, I keep seeing us together.

And that moment in Montana
where we both wanted each other

and made love.

What about the other moments?

Like separate bedrooms

and sitting down
to a meal together

and we don't even
look at each other.

Yeah, well, look at
us now and tell me.

No matter how hard we fight it,

tell me that we
don't belong together.

We don't, Jeff.

I can't belong.

I need to be free.

You are free, Fallon.

You've been free
your whole life.

Everything you've ever wanted.
Anything you've ever wanted.

But there's more to life.

There's commitment.

There's living and
growing together.

For you, and that's fine.

But I can't be reined in. I...

I need somebody
who doesn't need me.

Who's in control
of their own life.

Where everything is possible.

A young Blake Carrington.

He doesn't have a name, Jeff.

Maybe he doesn't even exist.

I just don't think
that going backwards

is the answer for
either one of us.

( melancholy theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

ALEXIS: Who's there?


Adam, is that you?

Is anybody there?

( dramatic theme playing)

missed you last night.

STEVEN: I almost called
you at in the morning.

Oh, I wished you had.

I couldn't sleep.

We don't need telephones now.

(phone rings)

Don't move.

I'll be right back.


Steven? Oh, thank
God you're there.

Mother, what is it?

I heard something.

I think there's someone
in my apartment.

Have you checked around?

No, I'm too terrified to move.

He could have... He could
have got in from anywhere.

He... He could have
come from the balcony,

or... Or up the back stairs.

Mother, you live in a
very secure building.

I'm sure no one could
get in without being seen.

Steven, they did before.

Look, maybe I'm being
irrational but I'm frightened.

I am really scared.

All right, lock
your bedroom door

and call the security guard.

I'm on my way.

Is she all right?


I don't know.


I'm sorry, Claudia.

Oh, don't worry about me.

You better hurry.

( tense theme playing)

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

GERARD: Good evening, sir.

Good evening, Gerard.

GERARD: Mr. Carrington.


A Farnsworth Dexter
phoned a little while ago.

Farnsworth Dexter?

He said he was Sam Dexter's
son calling from Wyoming.

Oh, yes, of course.

Did he mention anything
about his father's condition?

Only that it was the same.

He wanted you to know
that he would be here

in Denver in a few days,

and would like to
drop by to see you

before the big
meeting, as he said.


Fine, thank you. Good night.

Good night, sir.

( mellow theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

There's nothing out there.

Did you check that
service elevator?

Everything's been locked up.

The security guard is right.
No one's here or has been.

Oh, thank God.

Darling, what would
I do without you?

Now, what are sons for?

Or a filial phrase
to that effect.

Perhaps you should
ask Adam that.



Of both my sons, you
are the only one I can trust.

You don't think Adam would...?

Come on, Mother. I don't know
what went on between you two

that sent him to work for Dad.

But he's not your enemy.

Are you sure?

I really think that
somebody was here,

and Adam does have a key.

No one entered the
lobby or took the elevators.

No one was here.


And as for Adam, he may
be tough to get along with

if you happen to be his brother,

but you're the lady
who gave birth to him.

He's your son.

Try to get some sleep.

You'll feel better
in the morning.

Good night, darling.

( tense theme playing)

(door closes)

Where did you get this?

From the old woman who
said she was my grandmother.

The initials.


What else...?

What else did she say?

She told me that my real name

was Adam Alexander Carrington.

( dramatic theme playing)


I want Information in
Billings, Montana, please.

( operator
speaking indistinctly


Oh, hello, Information?

Yes, I'd like a listing for
a Dr. Edwards, please.

No, no, I don't
know his first name.

It's just Dr. Edwards.


Operator, please, hurry up.

It's urgent that I find him.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Oh, good morning, Miss
Grant. Good morning.

Could you see please
that these get mailed?

Sure thing.


What is it, Mark?

I have to talk with you.

If it's about what
happened the other night...

It is about what
happened the other night.

I was drunk and I, uh...
I came on like an idiot.

I'm sorry.


Mark, I'm not angry with you.

You did a stupid thing,

but you also did something
that I'll never forget.

You saved my life.

Now, what happened
the other night,

I-I don't ever want
to have happen again.


Now, there can be nothing

between us but friendship.

Is that clear?

Yeah, it's clear,
Krystle. Even to me.

You don't have
to paint a picture.

( melancholy theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

ALEXIS: That's right. I
want you to file a flight plan

for Billings, Montana.

I'll be leaving for the airport
as soon as my chauffeur

brings the car around, so
have the plane ready to leave.



I told you that I didn't like

visitors of any kind.

Especially your kind.

I'm gonna have the
doorman throw you out.

I told him I was
working for you.


As your bodyguard.

(phone hangs up)



That doesn't come
as any surprise.

I knew that sooner or later,

you'd find the offer
too tempting to resist.

The offer? Or you?

Ho, ho. The job is yours, Mark.

But I am way beyond your reach.

As, obviously, is Krystle.

That is why
you're here, isn't it?

What are you talking about?

Ho, ho. You know perfectly
well what I'm talking about.

All right.

Your, uh, quarters
are downstairs.

And you'll be on
call hours a day,

whenever and
wherever I need you.

When can you start?

About a week.

But it's gonna cost you, Alexis.

Oh, Mark, I never discuss
money matters with my employees.

Call Mr. Wade at Colbyco

and I'm sure that he can come
up with an acceptable figure.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I
have a few phone calls to make.

( mellow theme playing)

Goodbye, Mark.

( majestic theme playing)

Can I get you
anything else, sir?

No, thank you, Ellen. Just
some more coffee, please.

Mr. Carrington. Yes?

Mr. Dexter's here
to see you, sir.

Oh, good. Show him
in, please, Gerard.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Dexter, sir.

BLAKE: Morning.

Good morning. I'm Dex Dexter.

Sit down, won't you?

Care for some breakfast?

Well, I've already eaten.

But thank you. I'll
just have some coffee.

Ah, you've, uh, got
a really great house.

It's beautiful.

Thank you very much.

As I said in my message, I
flew in from Wyoming early

because I wanted
to meet with you

before the board
meeting tomorrow.

I'm glad you did.

As you undoubtedly know,

your father and I have
been friends for a lot of years.

He's a good man,
and a decent one too.

I'm so sorry to hear about
that heart attack he had.

Well, it's gonna be a long
and slow recovery, I'm afraid.

So I brought you this.

It's my father's
power of attorney.

I'll be representing him in
all of his business interests.

Including tomorrow's
Denver-Carrington board meeting.

Speaking of which,

there's a rumor going around

that the merger with
Colbyco might be called off.

It's no rumor, I'm
pleased to say.

Well, I wonder if the
pleasure is not all yours.

( somber theme playing)

What does that mean?

Well, meaning your difficulties
with Alexis Colby, your ex-wife.

I trust they have no influence
on your business sense.

That merger's being called off

because it's the right
move for Denver-Carrington.

It has nothing to do
with my personal life.

Which, quite frankly,
has nothing to do with you.

Oh, but it does.

As a member of your
board of directors,

I feel the merger to be of
benefit for both companies,

regardless of your
personal difficulties.

Now, I know my
company, young man...

My name is Dex.

Just as yours is Blake.

There may be age between us,
but not experience or knowledge.

I've checked you out.

Rhodes scholar.

Graduated summa cum
laude from the School of Mines.

However, it might
interest you to know

that this is not a school.

That diplomas are
kept in file drawers.

Out of the way.

Where you tried
to place my father.

What the devil are
you talking about?

Sam Dexter was a
valued associate of mine.

And the way I saw it, you
could bend him as you wished.

Well, don't confuse
the father with the son.

I rarely bend.

And I never break.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'll see you at the
meeting, Blake.

And thank you for the coffee.

(door closes)

( dramatic theme continues)

It's late, Mrs. Colby.

I've had a very busy
day with patients.

And I have been waiting
for you all day, doctor.

I've been through
all this before.

Not with me, you haven't.

No, but with the boy's father.

After Adam went to Denver,

Mr. Carrington had
the same doubts.

You could have asked him

instead of flying all
the way to Billings.

Dr. Edwards, what I do or do
not discuss with my ex-husband

is no concern of yours.

I have my doubts
about Adam's claim.

I was there when Kate Torrance

brought the baby
back from Denver,

on the same day Adam
Carrington was kidnapped.

But that doesn't prove a thing.

That child didn't then or ever
bear the slightest resemblance

to either of his
supposed parents.

I am talking about blood
ties, not resemblance.

No genuine son
of mine could ever

betray me so viciously.

Betray you?

Yes, and I intend to disown him

and expose him for the
fraud that he really is.

I know him to be capable

of violent flashes of temper,

but surely a mother
could forgive that.

Attempted m*rder
cannot be forgiven.

Whatever he's done,
however it looks,

have you ever
thought there may be

an explanation for his actions?

It was the dr*gs he took.

Those damned dr*gs.


Adam was a loner here.

He never fit in.

And never knew why.

Only that there was
something that separated him

from those around him.

When there was
no one to turn to,

he took to so-called
mind-expanding dr*gs.

They twist, destroy,

and sometimes k*ll.

Oh, my God.

You know, I've seen
Adam sit in that chair

weeping hysterically one minute

and laughing out
of control another.

Terrified of a private world
where no one could reach him.

Yes, but he... He got out of it.

Other people can.

Oh, yeah, he survived.

But who knows what
the residual effects are?

What residual effects?

Distorted judgment. Paranoia.

Episodes in which
he might do things

that in his responsible mind,
he'd never dream of doing.

Responsible mind.

If he were physically disabled,
would you turn your back on him?


In a tragic way,
he is, you know.

Don't destroy him, Mrs. Colby.

Help him.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Good morning, Blake.

Good morning.

Thought I'd get here early.

So I see.

Maybe it's because I never
like being late for poker games.

Oh, is that what
you think this is?

Well, your ex-wife...

I mean, I've never met the lady,

but I hear she deals
in very high cards.

Then you should find this
meeting very instructive.

(elevator bell chimes)

morning, Mrs. Colby.

Mr. Carrington's in
the boardroom waiting.

Down the hall and to your left.

I know where it is, Marcia.


The typing pool
is on the first floor.

Are you lost?


I always know where
I belong, Alexis.

But that's the ladies' room.

Are you lost?


I heard you'd been re-hired.

But secretaries
are neither wanted

nor needed at this meeting.

You heard right.

Except I'm not a
secretary anymore.

Any notes that I take
will be for a press release.

I'll be sure and
send you a copy.

Oh, that's very
considerate of you.

I can't wait to read your
first attempt at literacy.

( subdued theme playing)

That now brings us to new
business on the agenda.

In my opinion, there are...

Good morning, gentlemen.


We waited for you as
long as we could, Alexis.

And we opened the meeting.

Now, it's my understanding that
you have a statement to make

regarding the proposed merger

between Colbyco
and Denver-Carrington.

Now, if there's no objection
from any of you gentlemen,

I'd like to get on
with that statement.

You're absolutely right.

As much as I'd
like to put this off,

I'm afraid that we
must all face the truth.

As I have.

This is the sad
evidence, gentlemen,

that even I could
make a mistake.

Although I originally
urged this board

to vote for a merger,

these documents have proven
to me that, as head of Colbyco,

I cannot, in all conscience,
recommend such an action.

MAN : Is this some kind
of...? MAN : The nerve.

MAN : How dare
she...? Gentlemen, please.

This is painful, I know,
but I must continue.

At one time, I envisioned
both companies as oil giants,

which, bonded together,
would make history.


subsequent research has proven

that only Colbyco is a giant.

Denver-Carrington, by
comparison, a... A mere dwarf.

A dwarf whose management

has shown no potential
for creative growth.

(men clear throats)

(man coughs)

My late husband, Cecil
Colby, built an empire,

the stability and growth of
which he entrusted to me.

I cannot betray his trust

by allowing Colbyco

to carry the burden
of Denver-Carrington.

I am therefore
canceling all plans

for this merger as of today.

(men murmuring)

(murmuring continues)

( subdued theme playing)

I will entertain a
motion to adjourn.

So moved. I second.

All in favor?

All opposed?

We're adjourned.

( subdued theme continues)

( majestic theme playing)

It may not be bitter wine,

but I'll be damned if it
has a sweet taste to it.

Well, you won, Blake.

I take little joy in that.

Knowing that Alexis
is walking around free

after what she did to you.

Oh, don't worry. She's
not finished paying.

Not yet.

(locks fasten)


That was one of the best
performances I've ever seen.

Not now, Krystle.

I'm not in the mood
for your gloating.


I only commented on what I saw.

On what you thought you saw.

(door opens)

Tough morning?

You cost me a great
deal today, Adam.

Normally, I'd make
you pay dearly for that.


You're my son.

And whatever you do, I'll
always feel that bond between us.


You said,

that day that you
walked out on me,

that I didn't love you.

You're wrong.

Maybe when you've
suffered enough,

and paid enough,

you'll understand that
love has many forms.

Many pains.

And sacrifice is one of them.

(elevator bell chimes)

(elevator door opens)

( melancholy theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


Oh, God.

Ah. Don't bother to announce me.

We're old friends and
we both love surprises.

(door closes)

This is Colbyco, Mr. Dexter.

That's what it says
on the building.

My business with
Denver-Carrington is terminated.

So, what are you doing here?

Unfinished business.

( dramatic theme playing)


(breathing heavily)

Well, is...?

Is that the start or the
finish of your business?

That depends on you.

I admired your
style at the meeting.

I liked it even better just now.


Well, why should
that matter to me?

Well, now that we know we
have something in common,

we can do business together.

I don't like the word
"common," Mr. Dexter.

Oh, Dex.

I was saddled with my
grandfather's first name,


I chose not to use it.

And I choose with
whom I do business.

You spoke of an empire.

That's right.

Well, I'm forming one.

Are you? How impressive.

And not with Blake Carrington.

You interested?


Tar sands. Canada.

(bottle thunks)

In only four sites near
the Athabasca River,

there's believed to be more
oil locked in those sands

than there is under
all of Saudi Arabia.

Believed by whom?

By me.

Ah. And you're never wrong?

Hardly ever.

You know, extracting that oil
can be a very expensive process.

Well, Alexis Colby has
never turned anything down

because it was expensive.

Now add to that Colbyco's clout,

my muscle.

Together we'll reap a profit
beyond your imagination.



I might be interested.

Let's say, uh, - .

I was willing to
give you percent.

You underestimate
your value, ma'am.

And you overestimate
your appeal.

I think we're pretty
evenly matched.

Let's say, - .


If I were interested.

But you're not?

No, I'm not.

That's your loss.

I guess you're not
the very smart woman

I thought you were.

( subdued theme playing)

But you're a fantastic
woman to kiss.


(door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme swells)

( majestic theme playing)