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02x05 - Smite

Posted: 10/08/09 13:13
by bunniefuu

Found a box in the storage unit.

It's, like, pictures and journals. Things I never knew about him.

This was in one of his boxes. He wrote it all down.

John is speaking to him from the g*dd*mn grave.

To my oldest, wisest friend, what we started was a good thing.

This book is for all the things we wanted, and for all the things we still can be.

Time for a change.

Something's trickling down from the top of Mt. Whitey. Not sure what.

Like you to meet Ethan Zobelle.

AJ Weston.

I know who you are: white hate.

Sam Crow has sabotaged every major development effort that's come through Charming.

That's gotta change.

That salvation, that's your tidy real estate profit.

Progress has its rewards.

From Ethan Zobelle.

It's not a bribe. A grand opening coupon.

My baby swallowed something! He's choking! Please help me!

I need you to pass on a message to your old man.

Tell him to stop selling g*ns to n*gg*r*s and w*tbacks or we find you and we do this again.

Oh, my god.

Promise me you won't tell anyone.

Not Clay, not Jax, no one.

Sorry, ma'am.

Good morning.

Baby with Nita?

At the park.


Cleaning out the garage.

You still that sore?

Now it's getting worse.

I'm just so g*dd*mn stiff.

Are you dry?

Like the Mojave vag*na.

It's the stress.

Your body isn't producing enough estrogen.

I'll write you a prescription.

Hey, ma.

Hi, honey.

Did you take a box of clothes from the garage?

I haven't done anything out there.

I'm missing a box.

I cleaned some shit out there before the baby came home.

It was a box of laundry. It had a serious stink to it.

Well, where is it?

Tossed it.

Just a bunch of old t-shirts, funky underwear.


What are you looking for?

An old Harley manual, hard to find.


Good morning, children.


I thought the Prospect was with you.

The wee man goes under the knife today.

He's gettin' his sack filled.

Excuse me?

He's completing himself.

We're supposed to meet Clay at the shop.

I'm ready.

Dump these in my truck.


Remember breakfast with daddy?

Kippers and oatcakes, delicious.

See you later.

Bye, babe.

I think it's flat.

Went out on 18.

You rode on this all the way from the highway?

It's bad, isn't it?

The rim's shot.

Alignment's probably out of whack.

Will it take long?

We don't stock hybrids. It'll take a few hours.


You're one of Luann's girls.



I know.

Can you get me the number for a cab?

You going to the studio?

I have to get him to school first.

Dog can give you a lift. If you don't mind a tow truck.

Really? That'd be great.

You mind giving her a lift to Luann's studio?

Car should be ready this afternoon.

Great. Thank you.


Just wanted to check in, see how Charming was treating you.

It's a unique little town.

I understand your devotion.

And business?

It's growing.

Glad to hear it.

Did you get my proposal on the Oswald property?

Yes, I did. It's an ambitious development.

And a lucrative one.

When this land becomes available, I will need capital investors.

If this land becomes available.

It will.

I'll be happy to make some calls on your behalf.

But I have to be honest, Jacob.

It's difficult to get support for someone who is not... affiliated.

This is our... membership coordinator.

And this problem?

On their way to being a footnote.

You want us outside?

If you don't mind.

How you doing?

I'll be in touch.

Man, that's a sweet, sweet smell.

It's panamanian.

I thought it was... time I come by, give you a proper welcome.

I don't know if you know this, but... a lot of the shopkeepers around here...

Kick up an exorbitant vig for the seed money you loaned them.

As you can see, I don't need startup.

But you're gonna need protection.

Keep this beautiful setup from turning into, say, that crank lab.

You're adding extortion and graft to your résumé.

Seems awfully nefarious for mechanics and Harley enthusiasts.

You pay or you go away.

Your choice, Adolf.

We start slow.

A grand, first of every month.

Welcome to Charming.

Stockton called.

Inside's a go.

And out here, we need to humble Mr. Morrow.

Yes, sir.

You, let's go.

Hold him!

Grab his arms!

Beating was from the league!

This is from me.

Riding through this world All alone God takes your soul You're on your own The crow flies straight A perfect line On the devil's bed Until you die Gotta look this life In the eye.

Episode 205: Smite What are you doing here?

I just had a visit from Clay Morrow trying to extort protection money.

Figured it was a good time for us to reconnect,

assess our options.

That's Sam Crow blowing up a private residence.

Arson, vigilantism.

Torching the meth lab that you financed?

A laundry list of potential convictions.

I can't just toss around photos and DVDs and expect that shit's gonna land.

I'm not taking anything to the DA that doesn't have legs.

Why don't you try both these legs on?

See how they feel.

Teamwork, David.

We all want the same thing.

So I just rub this shit on?

On your wrists. Two pumps, no more.

And if you notice a big hormonal spike, it means you've done too much.

My whole life is a hormonal spike, sweetheart.

What is it?


Oh, shit!

I'm so sorry!

Jesus Christ!


Oh, man, I'm sorry.

You son of a bitch.

What do you want?

I just got back from Stockton.

Zobelle had Otto jumped.

The league's got a reach straight to the Aryan shot callers.

What does that have to do with Charming?

We don't know what we're dealing with here.

Zobelle's not Darby.

He ain't some half-bright thug.

Where you at with him?


I gave you the meth lab, and you gave Darby a pass.

I didn't give anybody a pass!

Don't you see the pattern here?

You're so hell-bent on burning us, you keep getting in bed with the devil.

It happened with Stahl. Now it's happening with Zobelle.

It's gonna be the same shit, man.

People die, people get hurt.

Like Opie and Donna.

That was not on me.

Get out.


Would you excuse me?


Hey, daddy.

Hello, sweetheart.

How'd we do?

It's all set.

The van's in place.


I'm sorry.

I guess I'm lucky you didn't blow my head off.

You okay?

That running couldn't have felt good.

I'm fine.

Who was the girl?

Jesus Christ, Gemma, you have to talk about what happened.

I know what it's like to keep something like this inside.

I doubt that.

You know why I was carrying that g*n a few months ago?

The fed.

Got a restraing order.

He went after you?

r*ped you?

It almost went there. I was able to stop him.

Does Jax know?

I had to tell someone. I knew it would eat me up if I didn't.

What did Jax do?

There was nothing he could do. Kohn was already gone.

My point is, you need to get this thing out of your head before you k*ll someone, or get yourself k*lled.

I made an appointment for you.

Dr. Lich. She's a friend.

She's easy to talk to.

A shrink?

You're gonna talk to her, or I'm gonna tell Hale you assaulted me.

Throw your crazy ass in jail.

Tables were reversed...

You came to me with what happened.

I'd have cut you off a long time ago.

It's my way of saying, what you're doing for me, for the club...

Means a lot.

You're welcome.

You still have to see the shrink.

Main level, room 114.

Yes, ma'am.

What do you want?

Get down off your high horse.

That's pretty good there.



So, Unser's telling me about the county looking at your land?

That's my problem.

It happens in Charming, it's Sam Crow's problem.

I got a letter from the county zoning commission.

They're filing for eminent domain.

They want to run a highway through my timber. 200 acres.

It backs up to the Wahewa land.

I unload it now, or I lose it to the county for next to nothing.


No, it's real.

Jacob Hale's putting together investors for a housing development.

If it's residential, county can't run a highway.

I have no choice but to sell it to him.

Don't be signing off on nothing till I get back to you.

I want to do some digging.

Why don't you give me the letter.

That was Bobby on the phone. We're all set.

Everyone's going to be at the table 5:00 p.m.

We move on this Zobelle shit right away.

That thing with Otto should never have happened. It's my fault for not shutting these assholes down sooner.

Thing go like they have, Jax is gonna go a different way.

I ain't gonna let Jax or nobody else stop us from what we got to do.

Retaliation is what we do.

It's the three of us and Bobby.

We still need five for a majority.

Chibs might go with Jax. My old man, too.

You talk to Juice.

You tell him how important this is to us.

All right.
How's Otto?

Nearly blind.


What's the retaliation?

I don't know. That's the problem.

Not enough intel.

We strike back now, we could be playing right into their hands.

Zobelle's squeaky clean.

Not even a parking ticket.

You're going to have to do some street level recon to find something.

Exactly. We know how deep Zobelle's tied to the A.B.

What we got to figure out is what he wants with Charming.

We need to make some new alliances... protect our boys inside.

That's my point, man.

That's why we've got to look past our short-term need to hurt these guys.

So where does Clay land on this?

It ain't about me and Clay.

It's about survival.

Everybody's hurting already, brother.

And this shit between you and Clay, it doesn't happen in a vacuum.

Now, you want my support, you gotta tell me what the hell is going on.

I can't tell you.

You old enough to watch this shit, piney?

Hired him as security.

Make the girls feel safe.

Dirty old bastard.

I'm trying.

I need you at the table tonight.

Then I'll be there, won't I?

Think about what I said.

How's Tara doing?

I heard that Gemma clocked her and broke her nose or something.

Jesus Christ.

What happened?

It was nothing.

Just stupid.

My mom did that?

We were on the street. I came up behind her and must have startled her.

That's a solid shot to the face.

It was an accident.

You know this total discloser thing works both ways.

I have to get back.

Almost finished with the ROS.

If you need to speak with someone, file a report, you can take...

Why would I want to do that?

I know your guy is part of the motorcycle g*ng here.


It's a motorcycle club.


Well, I hope the club doesn't become a problem.

My personal life has nothing to do with the hospital.

I know.

But when that personal life hits you in the face hard enough, can't help but impact your work, and then it does become the hospital's problem.

It's just a heads-up from a friend.

Are you Dr. Knowles' friend?

What the hell is it with you and busting chick's noses?

This one was an accident. I promise.

What're you doing here?

Same thing you are.

Got mad love for Tara.

Come on, get me the hell out of here.

You know any of the names on that letter?

County officials turn over all the time.

I'll float it around the city clerk's office.

See if any names jump out.

Make sure you keep it clear of your deputy.

Zobelle could be pulling strings on both the Hale brothers.

Conspiracy theories?

Sounding a little paranoid, aren't you?

Better to be safe than stupid.

Speaking of stupid...

Come on.


Hang on.

Watch this.

Shit. Get off.

You gentlemen got something...

The hell you doing?

Street brawl ain't the answer.

Use your head.

Son of a bitch!

Get up!

I realized that in my downward spiral of hopelessness, I was actually falling into the huge hole created by my absence of basic human graces.

The most obvious was forgiveness.

If I was wronged by anyone, in or out of the club, I had to be compensated... money or blood.

There was no turning the other cheek.

When relationships become a ledger of profit and loss, you have no friends, no loved ones, just pluses and minuses.

You're absolutely alone.

I need to ask you something.

Need the truth.

Seems to be a suspicion, maybe you're involved with Zobelle somehow.

This coming from your MC buddies?

Don't matter where it come from.

Is it true?

You're accusing me of being in someone's pocket, you hypocrite son of a bitch?

You've been on Clay's tit since you were a g*dd*mn uni.

He barks and you jump.

Whole town knows it. Chief of police.

What a g*dd*mn joke.

Why do you think I chose you for my second?

A single-minded, self-righteous pain in the ass.

You're the good guy, okay? The clean one.

I need you to stay that way.

Otherwise, this whole department's a g*dd*mn joke.

Sit down!

I'm gonna tell you something that never leaves this room.

About a month ago, I found Gemma Teller in the utility house off 18.

Beaten and r*ped.

Was Zobelle's aryan crew.

Did it to hurt the mc.

Crush the matriarch.

Why didn't you...

Gemma refused to tell them.

To let it twist up the club.

We staged the car accident to cover up her injury.

None of them know?

Are you sure it was Zobelle?

No tangible proof.

Couldn't make an arrest if I wanted to.

Made a promise to Gemma to keep the dirty secret.

Same promise you just made.

I need you to know who Zobelle is.

So you can make your own choice about what's best for Charming.

You know anyone on the Sanwa zoning commission?

County's looking into Oswald's land.

Guess your big brother's salivating at the idea.


I'm gonna cut them loose with a warning.


We can't afford to feed them anyway.

This happens again, you'll do 30 for public disturbance. Now, get out.

Yes, sir.


Need a minute.

What's this?

You guys running surveillance on us?

Not me.

Got footage from a security camera. That's Opie torching the meth lab.

Jesus Christ.

Why you giving us this shit?

I'm not unser.

I'm not on anybody's payroll.

Something else you should know.

Few years ago, this developer, buddy of my brother, got caught running a scam.

Get a zoning official on the take, thr*aten land owners with eminent domain.

Forced them to sell their property on the cheap.

My old man was the judge on the case.

He buried it.

Guy walked away.

Jake's buddy's got a new job.

On the San Joaquin zoning commission.

There's no highway.

Doubt it.

Appreciate it.

Appreciate the commercial opportunity...

What're you doing here, Elliot? We don't have an appointment.

We do now.

What's this about?

Sorry, gentlemen.

We're in the middle of something.

Stealing my land.

I understand your frustration.

But there's no theft here. You will be compensated for every acre.

How're folks in Charming gonna react when they find out one of their founding sons sold them out?

Running the same real estate scam your old man buried some years back.

You're speculating in a tainted land deal.

Little brother has a good memory.

We should finish this later, gentlemen. Excuse me.

Doing okay?

How's the nose?

I've been sitting here watching him.

Trying to figure out how I fit into all this.

What do you mean?

The v*olence, the porn, the other girls. Your mother.

I try to rationalize, but I...

It's not normal.

What's normal?

I can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen.

To him, to us.

I just don't know how to live with that.

I'm trying to find my place here, Jax.

Wait here.

I want to show you something.

My dad wrote this.

Before he died.

It's his vision for the club and what went wrong and how to save it.

I'm going to get us out of all of those things that you're afraid of.

You stay with me, I promise, you'll find your place.

It's been a shit year.

And I know we were laying low, trying to shake off this A*F stink.

And I would never put a member of this club at risk, but...

We underestimated Zobelle. The league's reach.

Now he hurts a brother.

If we don't act now, it's going to be a sign of weakness.

They'll do it again. We got an obligation to this club, to this town, to crush this threat.

Retaliation must be harsh and immediate.

That's what we do.

It's what we've always done.

I agree with everything you're saying.

We underestimated Zobelle.

Got to protect our club, our town.

Retaliation is undisputable.

But if we do it now, we're doing it half-blind.

These guys aren't gangsters. They're moneyed, smart and connected.

Both sides of the law.

They wanted us to blow up Darby's meth lab.

That's us doing it, caught on security cameras.

Op's face, plain as day.

Otto getting jumped was bait Zobelle knew we'd take.

But out here, he's not using the muscle, he's using the law.

He expects us to retaliate.

He wants it.

And he's ready for it.

I love otto.

I want to give him his eye.

But not at the expense of my club.

We got to wait.

Due diligence. Learn.

Let's vote it.

Immediate retaliation.


Don't feel right.

So, no.

Four-two. Where you at, brother?

Smart vote.

Four-four. No majority.

We wait on retaliation.

When you want blind action, you go to Tig.

When you want the truth, you come to me.

I don't know what's going on between you and the boy.

But somebody has got to start making decisions that protect this club.

That's what I did.

Thank you.

All right, you're all set.

Next time, just pull over and call us.

Or you can call me.

Fill the hole, Marty.

What's going on?

Tough vote.

Where is he?

He's inside.

Maybe you were right about your boy.

He's more and more like his old man.

I keep trying to bring him close, you know?

I keep losing.

I just want him to love me.

He does.

I ain't so sure anymore.


My God!