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03x05 - Benwolf

Posted: 05/22/22 11:21
by bunniefuu
navajo legend says the web
of the dream catcher protects
the dreamer by holding the

Nightmares in the center, while
good dreams travel down the
feathers to bless the person


speaking of sleeping.

I know mr. Green is grandpa's
old buddy, but could this trip

Get any more--

that's my granddaughter kai.
oh, wes. Last time i saw
her, she was barely walking.

Now look at her.
she's performing a
ceremonial navajo dance.

you know, i was hoping to
see one of those before the
summer ended.

since when have you been
interested in native american
spiritual dance?

only, like, forever, dweeb.
It rocks!
you sure you're not doing a

Rain dance?
positive. Why?
that's why.

take cover in the rust

anyone want to ask that
thing for an umbrella?

¶ it started when
an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself
upon his wrist
with secrets that it hid

Now he's got super powers
he's no ordinary kid
he's ben ¶

¶ ben
¶ so if you see him
you might be in

For a big surprise
he'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes

He's funny, freaky, fast
and strong
he's every shape and size

He's ben ¶
¶ ben
¶ all new powers

He's on the case
fighting all evil
from earth or space

He'll never stop till it's ok
'cause he's the baddest kid
to ever save the day

Ben ¶
¶ ben
¶ ben

¶ , ,

flash flood!

going ripjaws!
Ok. Going by myself.

grab my hand.

thank you, but i can--
repay me?
Forget it.

I'm one of those leap first,
look second kind of guys.
that's nice.

What i meant was, can i have my
hand back now.

i never thought i'd ever see
one what?

a yenaldooshi--navajo
I thought they only existed in

Their presence is a sign of
pure evil.

I must find it.
I'll tranquilize it, then bag

i'll go with you.
count me in!
me, too, grandpa.

you know only braves can be
trackers, kai.
who made up that rule?

it's been that way for
Times change, but traditions

You and kai will remain behind.

their land, their rules,
kai seems bummed.

Maybe i could cheer her up.
since when do you care about
what girls care a...Bout?

Unless you like her!
that's it.

Like, you so, like, like her.
no way!
¶ ben's got a crush

Ben's got a crush ¶
so not!
so do!

so don't!
But if you're hanging around
kai or something, could you do

Me a favor?
sort of let it slip how cool

I am, you know, that you're
lucky to have me for a cousin.
so basically, you want me to

Totally lie?
well, when you put it that
way, sure.

you know, this reminds me of
when we went after the yeti up
in the himalayas that time.

you're a plumber?
It appears the prints lead this

so i guess my cousin saved

yeah. He seems ok.
by ok do you mean, like, on

A dork meter he'd only be a
out ?

Well, time to go pure stinkfly.

oh, man!
uh, yeah, i know.

I have some explaining to do.
tag, and you're it, fangface.

So you want to fight dirty, huh?
Going up.
Not now.

uh, that fangface nickname,
i meant it in a nice way.


so kai say anything about me?
Maybe not.

just don't seem overly

Girls can totally sniff out
desperation a mile away.

where are all those people
off the reservation.

They fear the yenaldooshi's
return, and with tonight's full
moon, its power would be

Greater than ever.
well, after i went wildvine
on it, i'm sure it's long gone.

my grandpa told me what you
yep. It's just one of my

Many talents.
I don't like talking about it.
i understand.

but i'm pretty much this
total superhero / .
so, like, what things have

You done?
you know, the usual--arrest
criminals, take down aliens,

Save mankind.
scratch yourself like a

Ooh ooh ahh ahh ahh ahh!
you ok?
i'm fine.

Just can't stop itching.
Gwen, could you scratch my back
for a sec?

my fingers on your back?
Echh! I'd rather pull out my
nails one by one.

ben, your face looks--
Yeah. I get that a lot.

actually, more like really
ben, what's going on?

i don't know!
so this isn't one of your


were you bitten by the
when i was wildvine, but it

Didn't even break the skin or,
should i say, the root.
ben, this is nothing to make

Light of.
The yenaldooshi can create
others in its exact image, and

When it does, those followers
will seek to destroy those
closest to them.

lucky we don't like each
other, right?
so how does ben unwolf?

the only way to reverse its
spell is to stop the

with a silver b*llet?
that's in the movies.
You must dip a silver pendant

In the juice of the arbol del
matrimonio cactus and place it
against its heart, and we must

Do it before tonight's full
moon, or you could remain like
that forever, ben.

the navajo also believe that
the yenaldooshi is a god.

you know, a little back
hair's not so bad.
i will get the pendant.

hey. Is anybody else hungry?

Heh heh.

the arbol del matrimonio
let's see what else i can

Wolf down.
Get it?
Get it?

you're looking more and more
like a yenaldooshi.

well, i still feel like just

guess you can teach a new

Wolf dumb tricks.
uh, sorry.
the nasa tracking station on

The north ridge was just
destroyed by some sort of

It almost ripped apart the
guards there.
what did it want?

it took some satellite
and it ripped down that

Receiver you had here.
What do you think it wants?
obviously, it's angry that

Technology has invaded what it
considers its sacred land.
We need to find the yenaldooshi

And find it fast.
you won't be able to look
for both the yenaldooshi and

The cactus.
so let kai and me look for
the cactus.

once we find it, we'll call.
be careful.
i think i'm gonna puke.

the nasa station is west of
It's surrounded by lakes to the

North, south, and east, which
means the yenaldooshi should
have come this way.

let me see if i can help.
he must be this way.
the footprints end here.
I sense its presence.

It's me!

your transformation is

We need the cactus.
No reception.
We'll have to summon them

Another way.
the canyon de chelly is a
sacred place.

It's where our spirits go.
well, maybe the spirits
could help us find that cactus

Because i'm about ready to give

the arbol del matrimonio.
I guess the spirits work in
strange ways.

and painful ones.
oh. No phone signal.

over there!
They must be sending us a

i hope they found the cactus.

who are you looking at, ugly?
ben, we need the cactus to
destroy it.

yeah, but it doesn't need
anything to take us out.

guess its bark is worse than
its bite.
back off now!

going accelawolf.
Wait. It's not on my wrist.


wait. Shouldn't something

look out!
i don't understand.
That should have worked.

grandpa, the pendant didn't
work because maybe we're not
dealing with a yenaldooshi.

but it bit me.
Isn't that why i'm like this?
kai's right.

Maybe you're not some navajo
Maybe you're some alien

Werewolf, which is why you
haven't been able to go hero
because you're already an alien.

that would explain that howl
of his.
and why the omnitrix isn't

On my wrist anymore, but how
did i go alien then?
did that thing ever grab the

Watch or anything?
right. When we were fighting.
Both times, it scratched it

With its claws, and it glowed
an alien werewolf.

Just when i thought this summer
couldn't get any stranger.
oh, man!

well, if i knew i could just
go different aliens if they

Touched the watch, i'd have let
them scratch it a long time ago.
I'd ben awesome vilgax.

well, right now, i'd just
worry about you being ben.

something tells me we may
have some other worries, as

ha ha ha!

do you smell that?

My wolf breath's not that bad.
a sulfur smell is the sign
of lava, but the volcanoes

Around here have all been
inactive for millions of years.
so then that's not real lava?

it must have reactivated the
volcano somehow.
maybe it wants us off our

Land one way or the other.
time to see how far this
big, bad wolf can jump.

Who wants a ride?
I'll need to take both of you,
and i'll need all the help i

Can get.
the omnitrix finally timed

Out, and check this out.
the watch absorbed its dna.
welcome to the club.

look! A way out!
so i wonder where all the
satellite equipment is he took.

Going hero!
Yes! Finally!

we can't let this lava go
down the mountainside and reach
the village.

i'll seal it all up.
ben, no!

just go!

Oh, yeah!
Shell power!
way to go, ben.

good news.
It seems a few people are

Thank you.
eh, it was nothing.
what do you think that alien

Wanted anyway?
since we never found any of
that satellite equipment or

Your receiver, i can't say for
who cares?

We kicked its butt, and now
maybe i can collect alien dna.
come in the museum.

I can't send you on the road
without a few souvenirs.
it's a long summer.

Maybe i'll see you again.
the thing is, ben, you seem
like a nice guy, but you're

Just not my type.
I thought you really liked me.

well, that was before you
turned back into, well, you.
what's wrong with me?

nothing, and the alien
stuff's cool, just not as cool
as when you were a yenaldooshi.

I figured i could train you,
tame you, you know?
train him?

Tame him?
He's a person, not a pet.
You can't talk to my cousin

Like that!
only i can talk to my cousin

Like that.
You just blew it big time.
oh, well.

The thing about a crush is,
sometimes you get crushed.

Don't worry.
There's lots of other girls out

you think so?
but how do i impress them as

two secret words is all you
need to know.

What are they?
Come on!
You got to tell me.

heh heh.
