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02x08 - Ben Again

Posted: 05/23/22 07:53
by bunniefuu
Xlr : Seriously?
Your name is "Eon"?

Like "ee-yawn"!

Eon: Your juvenile taunts
won't save you, Ben Tennyson.

Xlr : Save me from what?
You can't even lay a finger on me!

Eon: I don't have to.
Time is on my side.

Diamondhead: Unh!

No weird "time beams" or whatever?

Not your usual style, Eon.

Eon: The only thing ever predictable
about me is that I'm unpredictable.

Diamondhead: Unpredictable, but lame!
Now this is a sword.

Eon: Aha!
Just what I was waiting for!

[ energy crackling ]

Ben: Unh!

Ben: Ohh!

[ groans ]

I don't know what that was all
about, but now it's my turn!

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ When trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ When lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

Ben: What is with you,
new Omnitrix?

First you won't transform me
into the aliens I ask for.

Now you're transforming
yourself to look all retro?

Dude, you better still work.

Ditto: Ditto?

I haven't used Ditto since...

[ all shouting ]

Where'd he go?

I don't suppose we
pummeled him into oblivion?

Eh, whatever, man.
At least we got rid of him!

Score one for the little guys!

- All right! Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Gwen: Ben!
- Ditto: Gwen? Why are you ...

A little kid?

Ben: Aah!
Why am I a little kid?!

Gwen: What's with your voice?
You sound even weirder than usual.

Ben: This isn't me!

I mean, it is me, but
it's me a long time ago!

I'm a teenager now!

Max: Easy, Ben. You must've
taken a clonk to the noggin.

Ben: It was Eon!

Max: You mean Eon
clonked you on the noggin?

Ben: No!
He sent me back in time somehow!

Or sent my brain, anyway.

Gwen: [ scoffs ]

Your brain's definitely gone

Max: Ben might be right, Gwen.

You said it yourself ...
he doesn't sound like our Ben.

Gwen: Then where is "our" Ben?

Ben: Wherever he is, poor little
"me" must be totally freaking out...

Ben: Awesome!

Grandpa, check it out!
I'm a teenager!

Rook: Ben?
What is wrong with your voice?

Ben: Who are you?
How do you know my name?

Max: Easy, Ben.
You must've taken a clonk to the noggin.

Eon: Interesting.

A full temporal consciousness inversion.

Not the effect I was going for, but it
should still have the desired result.

Ben: You're still here?
I'll fix tha...


New Omnitrix?

Are all these aliens
really mine? Best day ever!

- Eon: Where is Paradox?!
- Ben: Pair-o-who?

Eon: [ groans ]

The time-travelling busybody who

shows up whenever you make
a mess of the timestream.

- Ben: Never heard of him, dude.
- Eon: Oh, of course not.

You haven't met Paradox yet.
He'll go to the other one.

Gwen: So, if you're really
from the future, what's it like?

- What am I like?
- Ben: You...

are actually pretty cool.
I miss you a lot.

Gwen: Miss me?
[ gasps ]

Am I dead?
I'm dead, aren't I?

Ben: No! No!
You just went to college.

Early, in fact.
You're doing great.

Gwen: I go to college early?

Max: No more spoilers, Ben.
Time travel is tricky business.

The less we know about
the future, the better.

Paradox: Ah, wise words, indeed!

Ben: Professor Paradox?

What's with the steam-punk

Paradox: Let's just say I've
been forced to take a more

active role in
temporal affairs of late.

It's become open warfare on the
space-time continuum, I'm afraid.

Ben: A time w*r?! Is it bad
that I think that sounds awesome?

Max: Uh, Ben, you want to
introduce us to your friend here?

Paradox: Oh, my apologies.
I can see I have you at a disadvantage.

Or I will have had
you at a disadvantage.

Time travel makes verb
tenses so confusing.

I am professor Paradox, for
ironic reasons we needn't go into.

Ben, a word.

Paradox: I'm not sure how much
time we have, so listen carefully.

Eon wants nothing less than
absolute power over

everything ... all timelines, all
alternate realities ... everything.

Ben: But you know how to stop him.

Paradox: Yes and no.

I've managed to trap Eon here in
this timeline only.

He can travel to the past
or the future freely but

he's powerless to access
any alternate realities.

Ben: That's good?

Paradox: Yes, but the key to
his escaping this timeline is my

Chrononavigator, and he'll
stop at nothing to get it.

Ben: Chrono-what-with the
who now?

Paradox: My pocket watch, of

Think of it as a GPS for the multiverse.

I've taken great pains to
camouflage it for safekeeping.

You must keep the
Chrononavigator out of Eon's

hands at all costs.
Do you understand?

Eon: The Chrononavigator ...
give it to me, timewalker!

Paradox: You know very well
that is never going to happen.

Eon: Then I'll just
have to take it from you!

Paradox: No, Ben!
This not your fight!

Do what you will, Eon.

You'll never get your hands
on the device you seek.

- Eon: Time will tell.
- Paradox: Don't worry, Ben!

I'm sure you have the important
matters well in hand!

[ ticking ]

Ben: "Well in hand..."

Ben: This place is so cool!
What does this thing do?

Blukic: I wouldn't touch that.
[ alarm blares ]

- Driba: Or that.
- Ben: How about this one?

Both: Definitely not that.

Rook: Please, Ben, if you
would just sit still so we can

figure out what is wrong with you...

Ben: There's nothing
wrong with me. I'm awesome!

Max: There's obviously
something wrong with him.

He's not himself.

- Where is he?
- Rook: Oh, not again.

[ beeping ]

- Core Jettison in , , ...
- Max: Ben!

, , , ...
[ machinery whirring ]

Ben: So, uh, got any
games on this thing?

Max: I'm gonna need you to look
after Ben until we figure out what to do.

Rook: My apologies,
Magister Tennyson.

I have barely learned to deal
with teenage Ben.

Rook: Is there anyone else
who has experience in dealing

- with this version?
- Gwen: I do.

Gwen: So, mentally, he's ?

Ben: Gwen?
Is that really you?

You look...
like you're still a dweeb!

Gwen: And you're still a doof...

Easy, Gwen.
Don't let him get to you.

You're above this childish stuff now.

Ben: Nyah-nyah,
nyah-nyah, nyah!

Rook: I still do not
understand why you are here, Gwen.

Gwen: Five years ago, Ben
told me to come and find him at

this exact date and time.

I almost didn't do it, but he
seemed so serious.

It wasn't like him at all.
Well, not like -year-old him.

[ liquid splashes ]

Ben: It wasn't me!
No, really.

That wasn't me, Gwen.
I don't know what you're talking about.

Max: You don't suppose his
-year-old mind got sent back

into his
-year-old body?

Some kind of cross-time brain swap?

Gwen: But wouldn't we
remember that?

I mean, I remembered him
asking me to find him.

Max: [ sighs ]
I don't know.

This time-travel stuff always
gives me a headache.

Rook: Do you recall anything else?

Gwen: Only that I'm supposed
to take him to Mr. Smoothy's.

Ben: Mr. Smoothy's?!

[ crash! ]

Eon: You are a timid fool, Paradox.

Just because you never
took full advantage of the

Chrononavigator's power
doesn't mean I shouldn't.

Paradox: Yes, but in anyone
else's hands but mine, it could

cause irreparable
damage to the timestream

or destroy all of time
and causality itself.

In any event, I couldn't possibly
give you the Chrononavigator,

even if I wished to do so,
because I don't have it.

Eon: Hmm.
No, you don't, do you.

You are many things, Paradox,
but a liar you are not.

Paradox: Precisely.
Now, if you'd be so kind as to

loosen these shackles,
I shall be on my way.

Eon: What's the rush?
We have all the time in the world.

Ben: "Well in hand..."
this thing must be important to

finding the Chrono-whatchamacallit.

Man, doesn't Paradox ever get
tired of being cryptic?

Gwen: Are you ever gonna tell
me what you're being cryptic

about, doofus, or are you just
gonna keep muttering to yourself?

Ben: I wish I could, Gwen.
I could really use your help right now.

You're always good at figuring
out stuff like this.

- Gwen: And stop doing that!
- Ben: Stop doing what?

Gwen: Being so... nice!
It's creeping me out.

- Ben: Sorry.
- Gwen: You're still doing it!

- Ben: Sorry.
- Gwen: You're doing it again!

Ben: Gwen, I need a favor.

Maybe the most important
thing I'll ever ask you to do.

Ben: Five years from today,
you have to find me, no matter

where I am ... even if I'm on
another planet or something.

Gwen: Five years?

Ben: Exactly five years,
to the day and time.

Come find me and take me to...
um... Mr. Smoothy's.

- Gwen: You hate Mr. Smoothy's.
- Ben: That's why it's perfect.

Make me go with you. I'll explain
everything to you then, I hope.

Can you do that?
Promise me. Please?

Gwen: Wow.
Politeness overload.

[ sighs ]


Ben: Thanks... dweeb.
Now stay here.

I need to take care of

Ben: Mr. Smoothy's?

Rook: Believe it or
not, you love this place.

Gwen: It's true.
We used to hang out

here all the time ...
you, me, and Kevin.

- Ben: Kevin who?
- Gwen: Kevin Levin.

Ben: No way!

Now I know this is some freaky
alternate messed-up universe!

Gwen: Kevin changed! He's a
good guy now ... a really good guy.

Ben: Wait. You're not...
you and Kevin ?


That's even more gross than
Mr. Smoothy's!

Rook: Well, you have brought him here.

Now what is supposed to happen?

Gwen: I don't know.
Ben didn't tell me.

Ben: Maybe you should ask Kevin .

Gwen: Maybe you should stop
being such a doofus!

- Ben: Dweeb!
- Rook: Maybe I will scan the area.

Ben: Hey, a sumo slammers
sticker! That's my favorite one.

Rook: Etched right into
the metal. What could do that?

Gwen: Ben?

Ben: Don't look at me.
I didn't put it there.

Gwen: I think you did.
Or you're going to have done.


Paradox is right ... time travel
makes verb tenses so confusing.

Ben: Paradox? You mean the
guy that Eon dude was looking for?

Gwen: You saw Eon?!

Eon: You had to have used the
Chrononavigator to get to young

Tennyson, so what did you have then
that you don't have now?

Very clever.

Paradox: Nothing
gets by you, does it?

Eon: Now that I know the
answer, I'll simply return to

the moment I severed
your hand and retrieve it.

Paradox: With two time
travellers already there?

Plus Ben's "condition"?

You are well aware that the
fabric of space-time is already

stretched dangerously thin at
that particular moment.

If you go back there now, you
could cause a rupture and be

lost outside of time altogether!

Eon: Hmph.

That is true.
But there is another way.

Rook: There appears to be something
else on this vertical structure.

Both: Where?

Ben: I got this.

Gwen: Anything?

Diamondhead: There's some
numbers up here: " . - . "

and some crazy, made-up word ...

Rook: point...
they are map coordinates...

of the old abandoned sewer
system under Bellwood.

Gwen: Let me guess ...
abandoned five years ago.

Rook: Now it is right in the
middle of undertown.

Diamondhead: What's undertown?

[ tires screeching ]

Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, you don't!

There will be no destroying of
Pakmar's place today!

Ben Tennyson is not welcome here!

Ben: Whoa.
Chill out, little guy.

Rook: Mr. Pakmar, sir, we
just need access to the basement.

Plumber business.

I assure you no harm will come
to your establishment.

[ sighs ]

Pakmar has heard that one before.

Rook: This is the place.

Ben: So that "armo-drillo"
thing's here somewhere.

Rook: Armodrillo is one of
your aliens.

[ Omnitrix beeps ]

[ glass shatters ]

- Gwen: You had to tell him?
- Ben: Hey, check it out!

There's more numbers down
here on this pipe I just hit.

One ... oh...


[ rumbling ]


Pakmar will send you
the bill. Again.

Gwen: There are more coordinates,
all right ... not far, either.

Rook: So you think our Ben
left these clues for this Ben

five years ago?
Why would he do that?

Ben: Why not do it?
It's like a treasure map or something.

I'm a genius!
But what did I hide for me?

Gwen: I guess we'll just have to
keep following clues until we find out.

You're sure these are the right

Ben: Abso-tively,

Rook: There must be a mistake.
Why make us drive all over town ...

and undertown ... following
clues, just to lead us back here?

Gwen: It's crazy.

Ben: It's brilliant!
Nobody would ever think to look

for something hidden at the
start of a treasure map!

Gwen: [ sighs ]

Well, when you put it that way,
it is kind of brilliant.

Ben: This looks like a job
for that drillorama guy again.

[ Omnitrix beeps ]


Ben: Sorry!
Sorry to scare you!

It's all good, people.
Go back to your Smoothy's.


I didn't see any more numbers in there.

But look what I found inside the wall!

Bzw! Bzw! Bzw!

Rook: So... what is it?

Eon: Merely the key to
dominion over all space and time.

And thanks to you, it is now mine!

[ laughs evilly ]

Eon: It's amazing.
Every timeline, every alternate

reality ... I can see them all,
and they're all mine!

Ben: Eon, I am so gonna clean
your clock.

[ Omnitrix beeps ]

Cool! Literally.

- Gwen: Ben?
- Arctiguana: No worries, Gwen.

I finally got an alien I know
how to use!

Done and done!

Eon: Oh, but there's more
where that came from.

[ thunder crashes ]

Gwen: The holes in time ...
they're not closing!

- Arctiguana: Gwen?
- Gwen: What?

Arctiguana: Not you. Her!

Gwen: Ben? Is that you?
And is that me?

Paradox: Careful, children!

Crossing over the time warps can
have disastrous consequences!

Eon: What is this,
timewalker?! You tricked me!

Paradox: On the contrary, I
warned you.

Stop this now or all of
existence will be destroyed!

Eon: No!
If I cannot rule the cosmos,

then I will be the one to destroy it!


[ thunder crashes ]

Ben: The hand ... where is it?

Arctiguana: Well, duh!
The evil bad guy has it!

[ Omnitrix beeps ]

Wildvine: "Well, duh!"
Then Wildvine's gonna take it back!

Arctiguana: Hey, leave him ...
me ... alone!

Gwen: Rook, you take care of
any stragglers.

I'll take... me...
and try to free Paradox.

Gwen: Me?
But I can't ...

Gwen: Yes, you can. It's an
energy-siphon counterspell ...

Combibo potentia. But we both
have to do it at the same time.

Gwen: [ gulps ]

Okay, if you ... I ... say so.

- Combibo potentia!
- Combibo potentia!

Gwen: We did it! I
mean, I did it. I mean...

Gwen: Same thing.

Eon: Aaaaah!

Ben: Professor Paradox?
We're open to suggestions here!

Paradox: You must anchor Eon
to your respective time zones!

- I would suggest clockwork!
- Ben: I don't have clockwork!

Paradox: Ah.

Well, if activated at the same moment,
your two Omnitrixes might synchronize.

Ben: "Might"?
Some professor you are!

Paradox: Well, it's
better than "won't."

- Ben: One...
- Ben: Two...

Both: Three!

Eon: Aaaaah!

[ bell tolls ]

Ben: It worked!

Wait. No.
I'm still in the wrong me.

Paradox: Without Eon to
anchor them, all the separate

eras of time are progressively
snapping back into place.

Ben: Which means in a few
seconds, none of this will have

happened, and we won't remember a thing.

Paradox: You really are
getting quite good at this,

young master Tennyson.
Pity you'll have to start over.

Ben: Good seeing you...
me... again.

Ben: Yeah, me, too.

Is it just me, or does this day
seem to be dragging on and on?

Rook: I almost wish some
universe-threatening calamity

would occur to alleviate this boredom.

Ben: Yeah, well, something's
bound to happen sooner or later.

It always does.
Just give it some time.

Ben: Ben!
Where's Paradox?!

The Chronosapiens have gone
rogue, and Maltruent's temporal

beasts are on a
cross-dimensional rampage!

This time-w*r is getting out of hand.

Ben: Time-w*r?